Updates About Neonicotinoids
There Is No Bee Crisis ―
Neonicotinoids are a category of insecticides used to control insects on a variety of agricultural crops, including as a seed treatment, & on turf & ornamental plants, as well as other uses. The use of neonicotinoids DOES NOT create bee colony collapse disorder. The introduction of neonicotinoids has helped boost crop yields while protecting bee health, human health & the environment. Historically, bee crises are nothing new since heavy losses have been reported for a long time, & NOT because of insecticides. There is NO bee crisis caused by neonicotinoids.
On January 5th, 2016, Health Canada & US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) released their risk assessments of a neonicotinoid insecticide, IMIDACLOPRID, which showed that Approved Pesticide Product Label directions & rules for foliar & seed-treatments of IMIDACLOPRID should either prevent or limit the UNACCEPTABLE RISKS to the health of bees.
THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS ― a SPECIAL REVIEW shows that there are MINIMAL & ACCEPTABLE RISKS to bee health from neonicotinoid insecticides. Why are a few bee-keepers losing their bees ?!?! The most likely cause of losses are the bee-keepers themselves. Incompetent bee-keepers are harming their own hives.
Canada’s Neonicotinoid Decision ―
Health Canada will continue to ALLOW neonicotinoids for use in the agriculture industry.
On March 31st, 2021, Health Canada decided that, when used according to new mitigation measures, CLOTHIANIDIN & THIAMETHOXAM WILL NOT POSE MINIMAL & ACCEPTABLE RISKS TO AQUATIC INSECTS. To further protect aquatic insects, Health Canada intends to UPDATE the use of some uses of CLOTHIANIDIN & THIAMETHOXAM, by introducing additional MITIGATION MEASURES & RESTRICTIONS on some of the uses that remain registered. The new information collected during the SPECIAL REVIEW allowed the Health Canada to determine that SOME USES DO NOT POSE A RISK TO AQUATIC INSECTS, while other uses DO pose risks of concern. The new measures for the uses that remain registered include ― • revised label instructions such as reduced application rates • reduced number of applications, & • spray buffer zones.
On May 19th, 2021, Health Canada released the FINAL RE-EVALUATION DECISION concerning IMIDACLOPRID. Health Canada’s assessment indicated that, with additional risk mitigation measures, many uses of IMIDACLOPRID products meet current standards for protection of human health & the environment. See later report.
Everyone must thank Health Canada for its RE-EVALUATION DECISIONS. This is because neonicotinoids can be used effectively & safely with MINIMAL & ACCEPTABLE RISKS to bee health.
Ontario’s Regressive & Harmful Prohibition
Against Neonicotinoid Insecticides ―
Ontario continues to defy Health Canada with its PROVINCIAL PROHIBITION against neonicotinoids used by the agriculture industry. On July 1st, 2015 ― another date which will live in the period of ANTI-PESTICIDE & ENVIRONMENTAL INFAMY ― REGRESSIVE & HARMFUL PROVINCIAL PROHIBITION against the sale & use of neonicotinoid-treated seeds in Ontario was imposed . Ontario’s neonicotinoid-hating left-wing government officials have cherry-picked science data & have defied the findings of Health Canada. According to the preliminary pollinator assessment by Health Canada, neonicotinoids, like imidacloprid, are MINIMAL & ACCEPTABLE RISKS to bee health. Prohibition proved-to be unnecessary as a means of protecting bees
As of 2020, Ontario re-affirmed that it would continue to maintain its PROHIBITION against neonicotinoids. And, Ontario will continue to be HIGHLY UNFAIR, EXTREMELY BIASED, & HIGHLY PREJUDICIAL ― playing fields & golf courses will continue to enjoy thousands & thousands of pesticide ban EXCEPTION STATUSES for neonicotinoids, but NOT professional lawn care.
Honey Bee Colonies & Production Are Thriving ―
Overall, bees are actually GROWING & THRIVING. There is NO bee colony collapse disorder because of neonicotinoid use. There are NO plummeting of bee numbers. Bees are NOT being lost because of neonicotinoids.
In the agriculture industry, Best Management Practices will protect their crops while also minimizing neonicotinoid exposures to beneficial insects like bees. Direct exposure to bees is minimized with coated-seeds that are buried in the soil. This renders neonicotinoids inaccessible to bees. Moreover, these insecticides systemically penetrate into the plant tissues where they remain further inaccessible to bees. Bees DO NOT consume plant tissues, &, therefore, are NOT harmed by neonicotinoids. There is NO bee crisis caused by these insecticides. Bees are actually GROWING & THRIVING.
Officially, the MAIN CAUSES of colony losses during the winter are reported to be … • poor queens • varroa mites • weak colonies • weather conditions. Bee-keepers know full well that these are the PRIMARY PROBLEMS associated with bee colony collapse disorder, & NOT insecticides.
However, some bee-keepers are losing their bees over & over again simply because they are INCOMPETENT. Some bee-keepers appear to be unable or unwilling to mitigate their losses, leading observers to conclude that bee-keepers who are losing their bees over & over again may NOT BE COMPETENT to handle their businesses, & may be WHOLY UNSUITED to be raising bees. There is NO bee crisis caused by neonicotinoids.
Why are a few bee-keepers losing their bees ?!?! The most likely cause of losses are the bee-keepers themselves. Some bee-keepers are harming their own hives. Observers have concluded that many bee-keepers have NO IDEA what they are doing, & are simply NOT skilled to raise bees. They are INCOMPETENT since they are harming their own bees over & over again. There IS a bee crisis because of INCOMPETENT bee-keepers; there is NO bee crisis caused by neonicotinoids.
Explore The Following Selected Links …
√ — THRIVING — Bees Are Growing & Thriving — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Honey Bee Colonies & Production Are Thriving — Mr Pierre Petelle — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Honey Bee Colonies & Production Are Thriving In Canada & America — LINK
√ — NOTHING NEW — Bee Crises In Ancient Historical Times — LINK
√ — ALTERNATIVES — More Harmful To Bees — Juris Dr Paul K Driessen — LINK
March 31st, 2021
Health Canada
Media Release
Selected & Adapted Excerpts
Edited For Length & Clarity
Reference –
Health Canada — Decisions On Neonicotinoids For Impact On Aquatic Insects
UPDATE – Neonicotinoid Prohibition Stopped
Quick Facts
√ FACT ― Neonicotinoids are a class of insecticides used to control insects on a variety of agricultural crops, including as a seed treatment, & on turf & ornamental plants, as well as other uses.
√ FACT ― The new measures for the uses that remain registered include ― • revised label instructions such as reduced application rates • a reduction in number of applications, & • spray buffer zones.
√ FACT ― To be approved for sale in Canada, all pesticides must undergo a rigorous science-based review ― Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency is responsible for pesticide regulation in Canada.
UPDATE – Neonicotinoid Prohibition Stopped
Health Canada Decision
New Mitigation Measures Will Help Protect The
Health Of Aquatic Insect & Their Environments
Clothianidin & Thiamethoxam Will Not
Pose Additional Risks To Aquatic Insects
On March 31st, 2021, following a SPECIAL REVIEW that included broad public consultation and science-based assessments, Health Canada released its FINAL RE-EVALUATION DECISIONS on the [ MINIMAL & ACCEPTABLE ] RISKS to aquatic insects from two neonicotinoid pesticides ― CLOTHIANIDIN and THIAMETHOXAM.
To protect aquatic insects, Health Canada will be updating the use of some uses of CLOTHIANIDIN and THIAMETHOXAM, and introducing additional MITIGATION MEASURES AND RESTRICTIONS on some of the uses that remain registered.
The new information collected during the SPECIAL REVIEW allowed the Health Canada to determine that SOME USES DO NOT POSE [ MINIMAL & ACCEPTABLE RISKS ] TO AQUATIC INSECTS, while other uses DO pose risks of concern.
The revised conditions of use must be reflected on all product labels no later than 24 months from today.
A small number of uses for which there are no suitable alternatives will continue for an additional 24 months.
Adjustments to the use of pesticides will be in accordance with the Health Canada’s Policy On Cancellations & Amendments Following Re-Evaluation & Special Review.
For this SPECIAL REVIEW, Health Canada undertook significant engagement and consultation with industry, stake-holders, and Canadians, receiving more than 47,000 comments from the public through this process.
The SPECIAL REVIEW also considered a significant amount of new water monitoring data and scientific studies and papers.
As part of its commitment to openness and transparency, Health Canada is publishing information related to these SPECIAL REVIEW and FINAL RE-EVALUATION DECISIONS, including the outcome of the science evaluation as well as next steps.
More Updates About
Thank You Health Canada ―
Health Canada will continue to ALLOW neonicotinoid insecticides for many uses in the agriculture industry. This is because neonicotinoids can be used effectively & safely with MINIMAL & ACCEPTABLE RISKS to the health of bees. At Health Canada, neonicotinoids must undergo a rigorous scientific assessment process which provides reasonable certainty that NO HARM WILL OCCUR when used appropriately. Everyone must thank Health Canada for continuing to allow neonicotinoids on agricultural crop seeds & greenhouse vegetables.
Politicized Prohibition Against Turf Use ―
Unfortunately, Health Canada has NATIONALLY PROHIBITED the use of CLOTHIANIDIN neonicotinoid ( i.e. Arena 50WG Insecticide ) for TURF USES on municipal, industrial, & residential sites. Where was the rigorous assessment for prohibiting these TURF USES ?!?! Why does Health Canada ALLOW these insecticides for use on crop seeds & greenhouse vegetables, & yet, NATIONALLY PROHIBITS against all TURF USES ?!?! Is this POLITICIZED prohibition ?!?! Health Canada has clearly succumbed to INTERFERENCE, INTIMIDATION, COERCION, & TERRЖR from anti-neonicotinoid & environmental-fanatжcs organizations that demand NATIONAL PROHIBITIONS against all TURF USES ― • David Suzuki Foundation • Friends of the Earth • Liberal Party of Canada • Prevent Cancer Now ( a.k.a. Canadian Cancer Society ) • World Wildlife Fund • & others.
Prohibitions Imposed By The
Trudeau Liberal Government ―
As the current government-in-power, the Trudeau Liberals have been INTERFERING with decisions of Health Canada. After winning the Canadian General Election on October 19th, 2015, the Trudeau Liberals immediately imposed ARBITRARY NATIONAL PROHIBITIONS against pest control products like iprodione, chlorothalonil, & carbaryl.
And for neonicotinoid insecticides, NATIONAL PROHIBITION has been proposed under the FALSE-PRETEXT of somehow protecting the health of bees ! Really ?!?! Will this really protect the health of bees ?!?! Is this just simply POLITICIZED PROHIBITION ?!?! Is this a failure of science-based evidence used to assess pest control products ?!?!
Official Pesticide-Hating Policies
Of The Trudeau Liberal Party ―
Why does Health Canada allow neonicotinoid insecticides for use in the agriculture industry, & yet, NATIONALLY PROHIBITS ALL TURF USES ?!?!
Because the government of the Trudeau Liberal Party is COMMITTED to IMPOSE arbitrary & fanatжcal NATIONAL PROHIBITIONS that will inevitably lead to the ANNIHILATION of businesses operating in agriculture, golf, & lawn care industries ― these businesses rely on the use of safe, effective, & conventional pest control products.
The Trudeau Liberal Party operates as the political shield for World Wildlife Fund & other anti-neonicotinoid & environmental-fanatжcs organizations. Since 2000, the official policies of the Liberal Party have urged the federal government to immediately impose ARBITRARY NATIONAL PROHIBITIONS against ALL pest control products. And, in 2014, the Liberal Party demanded that Health Canada IMMEDIATELY IMPOSE NATIONAL PROHIBITIONS against ALL neonicotinoid insecticides. According to pesticide-hating Liberal Party, these prohibitions must be imposed until these insecticides have been scientifically proven to be safe. [ ?!?! ]
The official pesticide-hating policies of the Trudeau Liberal Party defy the fact that conventional pest control products are already proven to be scientifically-safe, & they WILL NOT cause harm to bee health, human health, or the environment.
The Nation Is Protected By Health
Canada’s Science-Based Expertise ―
Prohibitions DO NOT have to be imposed since ALL pest control products have already been proven to be scientifically-safe. Science-based evidence is used to assess ALL pest control products. Only those pest control products that pose MINIMAL & ACCEPTABLE RISKS to bee health, human health & the environment become government-approved & federally-legal.
ALL assessments used for the approval of pest control products must be completed by laboratories sanctioned by Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ), & NOT using the official pesticide-hating policies of the Trudeau Liberal Party. GLP applies to ALL testing of pest control products to obtain data on their properties and/or safety with respect to bee health, human health & the environment, for the purpose of supporting an application for registration or a research permit. Ultimately, the cost to manufacturers to get a pest control product scientifically-assessed for safety & brought to market is about 250 million dollars ― which is 250 million dollars more than any assessment performed by the Trudeau Liberal Party of Canada.
The instruction & safety precautions that appear on the Approved Pesticide Product Label are scientifically-designed to PROTECT bee health, human health & the environment. Health Canada helps PROTECT the public by researching, assessing, & collaborating in the management of the health risks & safety hazards associated with the many consumer products that are used every day. It employs over 350 doctorate-level experts & leading scientific experts on pest control products. Health Canada, & NOT the Trudeau Liberal Party, has the ESSENTIAL EXPERTISE & ULTIMATE CREDIBILITY on pest control products.
Explore The Following Selected Links …
√ — TRUDEAU LIBERAL GOVERNMENT — The Neonicotinoid-Hating Bee Conspiracy In Canada — Crop Seeds & Greenhouse Vegetables — National Prohibition Against Turf Uses — LINK
√ — TRUDEAU LIBERAL GOVERNMENT — The Politicization Of Health Canada — LINK
√ — TRUDEAU LIBERAL GOVERNMENT — Left-Wing Enviro-Lunatжc & Chemophobic Comic Book — LINK
√ — TRUDEAU LIBERAL GOVERNMENT — National Prohibition — End Of The Golf Industry’s Pesticide Ban Exception Status — LINK
√ — TRUDEAU LIBERAL GOVERNMENT — Imbeciles Planning To Vote For Liberals — LINK
March 31st, 2021
The Western Producer
Selected & Adapted Excerpts
Edited For Length & Clarity
Reference –
Health Canada — Changes Course On Neonics
UPDATE – Neonicotinoid Prohibition Stopped
Health Canada Decision
Health Canada Has Placed Restrictions On
Certain Uses But Has Ruled Neonicotinoids
Are Generally Not A Threat To Aquatic Insects
The FINAL RE-EVALUATION DECISION has been delayed several times, but, on March 31st, 2021, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency [ PMRA ] announced that neonicotinoid insecticides are NO THREAT to aquatic insects when used as a seed-treatment on canola and in many other instances.
According to Mr Pierre Petelle, President of CropLife Canada ―
While we are still reviewing the full details of the SPECIAL REVIEW decisions, we are pleased that [ HEALTH CANADA ] has affirmed that, in many cases, these important tools can be used WITHOUT POSING UNACCEPTABLE RISKS to aquatic invertebrates.
Unfortunately, in some cases ― specifically in the horticulture sector ― many important uses of these products will be restricted, and, in some cases, removed entirely.
In 2018, Health Canada proposed to PHASE OUT [ I.E. PROHIBIT ] all agricultural uses of THIAMETHOXAM, a Syngenta product, and CLOTHIANIDIN , a Bayer product.
Neonicotinoids are widely-used in Canadian agriculture.
They are applied as a seed-treatment to most of the corn and canola seeds in Canada, and a portion of the soybean seeds.
They are also applied to fruit, vegetable, and berry crops.
Health Canada continues to perform a SPECIAL REVIEW the safety of IMIDACLOPRID, another Bayer product.
UPDATE – Neonicotinoid Prohibition Stopped
Health Canada Backs Away From Ban
In the summer of 2018, Health Canada scientists said [ I.E. FALSELY-ALLEGED ] that neonicotinoid insecticides were accumulating in ponds, creeks, and other water bodies near agricultural land. [ ?!?! ]
The concentrations of neonicotinoids were harmful to midges and mayflies and therefore posed a threat to the birds and other animals that rely on the insects for food.
According to Health Canada in 2019 ―
Current research shows that these pesticides are detected frequently in water bodies at levels that could be harmful [ ?!?! ] to certain aquatic organisms.
The department expects to report on its findings at the end of 2019.
That RE-EVALUATION DECISION was delayed a couple of times in 2020, and then, pushed back to 2021, partly because of a huge volume of submissions [ MOSTLY BY PESTICIDE-HATING FANATЖCS ] to Health Canada regarding the safety of neonicotinoids.
According to Health Canada ―
For this SPECIAL REVIEW, Health Canada undertook significant engagement and consultation with industry, stake-holders, and Canadians, receiving more than 47,000 comments from the public through this process.
The Canadian Canola Growers Association and Alberta Agriculture collected and analyzed water samples near canola fields in Western Canada to test the ponds, creeks, and water bodies for the presence of neonicotinoids.
Both groups found TINY CONCENTRATIONS of neonicotinoids at levels BELOW THE THRESHOLD OF NO UNACCEPTABLE RISK to aquatic insects.
Health Canada incorporated the results into its RE-EVALUATION DECISION.
According to Health Canada ―
Based on these data it was determined that the RISKS to aquatic invertebrates resulting from chronic exposure following application of CLOTHIANIDIN under certain currently registered conditions are ACCEPTABLE.
Health Canada scientists came to the same conclusion about THIAMETHOXAM.
Health Canada’s willingness to look at additional information and BACK AWAY from a neonicotinoid BAN [ I.E. NATIONAL PROHIBITION ] is encouraging, CropLife Canada said.
Background Information
CROPLIFE CANADA ― This is the trade association representing manufacturers, developers, & distributors of pest control products, including those designed specifically for urban use.
There are no changes for use in canola but lower application rates in corn and soybeans.
• The maximum seed-treatment rate for field corn is REDUCED to 200 g active ingredient per 100 kg
• The maximum seed-treatment rate for soybean is REDUCED to 30 g ai per 100 kg seed.
• The maximum seed-treatment rate for field corn is REDUCED to 150 g ai per 100 kg seed.
As well, Health Canada has CUT THE RATES of seed-treatment allowed for vegetable crops and REDUCED the allowable foliar rates on potatoes and other crops.
The Health Canada FINAL RE-EVALUATION DECISION for mitigation measures and label change takes full effect in 24 months.
UPDATE – Neonicotinoid Prohibition Stopped
Environmental Fanatжcs
While CropLife Canada is pleased that Health Canada changed its position on the two neonicotinoids, environmental [-FANATЖCS-ORGANIZATIONS ] are not.
Six groups, [ LED BY ] David Suzuki Foundation, slammed the FINAL RE-EVALUATION DECISION. [ ?!?! ]
Background Information
SUZUKI & CO-CONSPIRATORS ― Several anti-pesticide & environmental-fanatжcs organizations, such as David Suzuki Foundation, have operated to subversively participate, with Liberal & New Democrat governments, in the conspiracy to prohibit against conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape & used by the agriculture industry.
According to Charlotte Dawe, pesticide-hating fanatжc at Wilderness Committee ―
We are not convinced that tinkering with label restrictions will be effective in reducing concentrations of neonicotinoids in the environment. [ ?!?! ]
Certainly it will be less effective than the originally proposed ban. [ ?!?! ]
Background Information
WILDERNESS COMMITTEE ― Charlotte Dawe & Wilderness Committee are wrong about neonicotinoid insecticides. Wilderness Committee is a mere fund-raising, lobbying, & profit-seeking organization, & NOT a science, NOT a research, NOT a health, & NOT an agronomist’s organization. It is certainly NOT science-based ! Wilderness Committee is nothing more than an anti-pesticide & environmental-fanatжcs organization that anyone can join by simply paying for a membership. Otherwise, those who operate Wilderness Committee, like Dawe, have absolutely NO recognized training, NO background, & NO education in matters concerning pest control products, & they are certainly NOT competent to make any assessments regarding environmental issues. Wilderness-committee-fanatжcs like Dawe have huge vested interests in subversively interfering on issues that they know nothing about. With its subversive campaigns, Dawe is using Wilderness Committee to interfere with partisan politics, &, consequently, Wilderness Committee is in violation of taxation laws. If Dawe wants Wilderness Committee to interfere in partisan politics, then Wilderness Committee’s charity tax-exempt status must be revoked. The public has NO choice but to complain about Dawe & Wilderness Committee by contacting business, fund-raising, government, & taxation agencies ! Dawe & Wilderness Committee must suffer the spotlight of scrutiny, & the terrжr of taxation agencies.
Background Information
The Entire Media Library Of
Explore The Following Selected Links …
√ — UPDATES & WARNINGS — The Media Library — LINK
√ — UPDATE — NEONICOTINOIDS — Kangaroo-Trial-Lawyer Jailed For Extortion — LINK
√ — UPDATE — NEONICOTINOIDS — Canadian Cancellations & New Restrictions — LINK
√ — UPDATE — GLYPHOSATE — EPA Reaffirms No Risk To Public Health — LINK
√ — UPDATE — HEALTH CANADA — Re-Evaluation Summary Table — Acceptable For Continued Registration — LINK
√ — UPDATE — HEALTH CANADA — Re-Evaluation Summary Table — Products Removed — LINK
√ — UPDATE — HEALTH CANADA — Re-Entry Intervals — Label Directions For Applications On Turfgrasses — LINK
√ — UPDATE — THE ROAD SO FAR — David Suzuki — Attacks Against Golf In 2008 — Part 6 Of 7 — LINK
√ — UPDATE — THE ROAD SO FAR — Golf Industry — Trade Association Response To Chlorothalonil — LINK
√ — UPDATE — THE ROAD SO FAR — Greenpeace — Tax-Free Profit & Charity Status Revocation — LINK
√ — UPDATE — THE ROAD SO FAR — Ontario Bee-Keepers’ Association — #@!!% Bee-Keeper-Lunatжcs — LINK
√ — UPDATE — THE ROAD SO FAR — Nursery Industry — Headed For Its #@!!% Doom —LINK
√ — STRIKING BACK — The Library Of Striking Back & Taking Action Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism — LINK
√ — STRIKING BACK — Glyphosate — Bayer Cools Prospect Of Imminent Roundup Settlement — LINK
√ — THE AVENGERS — The Neck Of The Anti-Pesticide & Enviro-Lunatжc Terrжrist-Vermin Must Be Snapped ( Proverbially ) — LINKS
√ — TERRЖR NEVER ENDS — Pesticide-Hating Doctrine & Science-Hating Fanatжcism — LINK
√ — BRITISH COLUMBIA — The Library Of Prohibition By-Laws British Columbia — LINK
√ — BRITISH COLUMBIA — The Media Library Of Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia — LINK
Background Information
More Reports & Web-Pages
Explore The Following Selected Links …
Health Canada’s Neonicotinoid
Cancellations & New Restrictions
Health Canada Proposes Few Neonic Restrictions
Proposal To End Turf Use
The Politicization Of Health Canada
Decisions By Health Canada To Impose
National Prohibitions Against Turf Products
There Is No Proof That Neonicotinoids Harm
Honeybee Colonies When Used Properly
Bee-Keepers Are Harming Bees,
& NOT Neonicotinoid Insecticides
Bees Are Growing & Thriving
Honeybee Colonies & Production Are Thriving
Bee Conspiracy 1995 To 2014
Bee Conspiracy 2015 To Present
Bee Conspiracy Reports & Blogs
Victories Against Anti-Pesticide Terrжrism
We Speak The Whole Truth
From An Independent Perspective
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space & other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit & independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged subversive-fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe & effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, & background in matters concerning pest control products, & who promote environmental realism & pesticide truths. https://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV
NORAHG produces UPDATES & WARNINGS, a series of reports & blogs providing UP-TO-DATE KNOWLEDGE on issues such as ― • 2,4-D Herbicide • A Look At … Slide Shows • Canadian Cancer Society • Energy Sector – Wind Turbines • Fiesta Herbicide • Glyphosate Herbicide ( Roundup ) • Golf Industry Heroes • Health Canada • Health Issues • Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ) • Iprodione Fungicide ( Rovral ) • Landscape Plants • Letters To The Editor • Manufacturers • Neonicotinoid Insecticides • Ontario Bee-Keepers’ Association • Ontario College Of Family Physicians • Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance • Organizations • Prohibitions • Quintozene Fungicide ( PCNB ) • Re-Entry Intervals • Seeds Of Turfgrasses • The Road So Far • The Wisdom Of Hepworth • Victories • Water Quality. http://wp.me/P1jq40-2e0
UPDATES & WARNINGS is a series destined for the green space industry, nation-wide across Canada, the United States, & overseas, & can be found on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/
UPDATES & WARNINGS is a series committed to SOUND SCIENCE, as well as ground breaking original KNOWLEDGE that informs, entertains, & creates real change.
All KNOWLEDGE, excerpts, & pictures contained in UPDATES & WARNINGS were retrieved from the Internet, & may be considered in the public domain.
The KNOWLEDGE presented in UPDATES & WARNINGS is for preliminary planning.
Before making a final decision, the turf manager is expected to obtain trusted expert KNOWLEDGE from extension specialists, local distributors and/or agronomists.
All decisions must take into account the prevailing growing conditions, the time of year, & the established management practices.
All products mentioned in UPDATES & WARNINGS should be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions, & according to provincial, state, or federal law.
For the official advantages, benefits, features, precautions, & restrictions concerning any product, the turf manager must rely only on the information furnished by the manufacturer.
The mention of trade names does not constitute a guarantee or a warranty.
NORAHG also produces FORCE OF NATURE, which dares to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/
UPDATES & WARNINGS, FORCE OF NATURE, & their various incarnations, was the brain-child of William H Gathercole ( now retired ) & his colleagues.
Here is a brief summary of Mr Gathercole’s career ―
FIELDS OF UNIVERSITY STUDY ― • Crop, Horticulture, & Turfgrass Sciences • Mathematics & Physics
ALMA MATERS ― • McGill University • University of Guelph • the first person ever to obtain bachelors of science degrees & contribute directly to both the professional lawn care & golf maintenance industries.
EXPERTISE ― • turf & ornamental maintenance & troubleshooting • history of the green space industry • sales & distribution of seeds, chemicals, fertilizers, & equipment • fertilizer manufacturing & distribution • environmental issues & pesticide-hating fanatжcism.
NOTABLE ACTIVITIES ― • worked in virtually all aspects of the green space industry, including golf maintenance, professional lawn care, tree & shrub care, distribution, environmental compliance, government negotiations, public affairs, & workplace safety • the supervisor, consultant, &, programmer for the successful execution of hundreds-of-thousands of management operations in the golf course & urban landscape, as well as millions of pest control applications • the advisor, instructor, & trainer for thousands of turf & ornamental managers & technicians • the pesticide certification instructor for thousands of industry workers • a founder of the modern professional lawn care industry • the prolific writer for industry publications, reports, & blogs • the first to confirm the invasion of European Chafer insects in both the Montreal region & the Vancouver / Fraser Valley region • with Dr Peter Dernoeden, the first to confirm the presence of Take All Patch as a disease of turf in Eastern Canada • with Dr David Shetlar, the first to confirm the presence of Kentucky Bluegrass Scale as an insect pest in south-western Ontario, & later, in the Montreal & Vancouver regions.
SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS ― • the creator of the Pesticide Ban Exception Status that allowed the golf industry to avoid being subjected to anti-pesticide prohibition for a generation • the creator of the signs that are now used for posting after application • the co-founder of annual winter convention for Quebec golf course superintendents • the founder of the first ever Turf Summit with guest Dr Jack L Eggens https://wp.me/p1jq40-7dT • the major influence in the decision by Canadian Cancer Society to stop selling-for-profit fresh pesticide-treated daffodils https://wp.me/P1jq40-1OW • the only true reliable witness of the events of anti-pesticide prohibition in the town of Hudson, Quebec https://wp.me/p1jq40-asu • the founder ( now retired ) of UPDATES & WARNINGS & FORCE OF NATURE series of reports & blogs.
NOTABLE AWARD ― • the first man-of-the-year for contributions leading to the successful founding of the Quebec professional lawn care trade association, which served as a beach-head against anti-pesticide activists in the 1980s & 1990s.
LEGACIES ― Mr Gathercole & his colleagues … • designed & implemented strategies that reined anti-pesticide activists & provided peace & prosperity for the entire modern green space industry for a generation • orchestrated legal action against anti-pesticide activists in the town of Hudson, Quebec • launched the largest founding professional lawn care business in the nation • quadrupled the business revenues of one of the largest suppliers in the nation.
Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as the founder of UPDATES & WARNINGS & FORCE OF NATURE series of reports & blogs.
We dare to defy by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG
If you wish to receive free reports & blogs on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G
Background Information
The Whole Truth Can Be Found On
The Pesticide Truths Web-Site
Explore The Following Selected Links …
√ — BEE CONSPIRACIES — Bee-Keepers Are Killing Bees, & Not Insecticides — LINK
√ — CATASTROPHIC CARNAGE — Carnage Created By Catastrophic Anti-Pesticide Prohibition — Main Web-Page — LINK
√ — COMPLAINT CHANNELS — Complain About The Anti-Pesticide Lunatжcs — LINK
√ — ENEMIES LISTS — In The 9|11 Era Of Anti-Pesticide Terrжrism — LINK
√ — FINANCIAL CARNAGE — The Exorbitant Cost Of Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ — GOLF INDUSTRY — Attacks Against Golf Facilities — LINK
√ — MYTHS ABOUT BANNING PESTICIDES — Leading Scientific Health & Policy Experts — White Paper — LINK
√ — PESTICIDE BANS ARE A FARCE — Killex For Sale To Everyone — LINK
√ — REAL TRENDS AGAINST PESTICIDE BANS — Victories Against Prohibitions — LINK
√ — STRIKING BACK — The Library Of Striking Back & Taking Action Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism — LINK
√ — UPDATES & WARNINGS — The Media Library — LINK
√ — USA — The Complete Media History Of US Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism — Victories & Failures — State Pre-Emptions — LINK
√ — VICTORIES — Real Trends Against Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ — VICTORIES — Real Trends Against Anti-Glyphosate Terrжrism — LINK
√ — 2,4-D HERBICIDE — Evaluations & Assessments — LINK