Alternatives Are Inferior
& Dangerous To Bees
Neonicotinoids Are Safe & Effective
There is NO bee crisis involving neonicotinoid insecticides harming bees.
These products have been tested by experts at national regulatory agencies like EPA & have been shown to be reliable for pest control & safe for pollinators & people.
The use of neonicotinoids DO NOT affect bee health.
Advances with neonicotinoids has helped boost crop yields while protecting bees & the environment.
Historically, bee crises are nothing new since heavy losses have been reported for a long time, & NOT because of neonicotinoids.
Their prohibition is NOT necessary ― they DO NOT harm bees ― they are safe & effective.
Reckless Attacks Against Neonicotinoids
There IS a bee crisis only because bees & farmers are harmed by neonicotinoid prohibitions.
Prohibition against safe & effective neonicotinoids has forced farmers to use inferior alternatives that are often more dangerous to bees, wildlife, & even humans.
Prohibition will put many farming economies at risk, leading to economic carnage.
There is NO bee crisis that has necessitated prohibition against neonicotinoids.
Bees Are Harmed By Alternatives
Because of neonicotinoid prohibition, bees are more at risk from inferior & dangerous alternative insecticides that people have been falsely led to believe are safe.
In fact, they are highly toxic & dangerous to bees.
There IS a bee crisis only because of alternatives that harm bees & pose other serious risks to wildlife & humans.
There are NO viable alternatives to neonicotinoid insecticides ― there are only inferior alternatives that DO NOT work.
Ironically, safe & effective neonicotinoids were introduced in the 1990s to replace less targeted, more toxic, inferior alternative insecticides.
Bees Are Growing & Thriving
There is NO bee crisis because bee numbers have been rising world-wide since the 1990s, when safe & effective neonicotinoids first came on the market.
Even with the use of neonicotinoids, bees are growing & thriving in America, in Canada, & around the world.
There is NO bee crisis because, according to the US Department of Agriculture ( USDA ), bee hive numbers have increased in seven out of the last ten years, &, in 2020, there are over 150,000 more bee hives than in 1995.
Even wild bees are thriving.
They are NOT harmed by neonicotinoid insecticides.
There is NO bee crisis because 98 per cent of wild bees DO NOT even pollinate agricultural crops, & for the few species that do, & thus would come into greatest contact with safe & effective neonicotinoids, they are actually thriving.
There is NO bee crisis because of neonicotinoids.
Ontario Neonicotinoid Prohibition
All anti-pesticide prohibitions in Ontario are dismal failures.
Ontario is the province of environmental infamy, with prohibitions that have destroyed hundreds & hundreds of businesses, unemployed thousands & thousands of educated technicians, created garbage dump green spaces, & inflicted stunningly exorbitant costs of alternatives.
There IS a bee crisis only because of the Ontario neonicotinoid prohibition, which has forced farmers to pay four times more for an alternative & dangerous product that is less effective & that is harmful to bees.
Ontario main-stream media is gullible & politicized against neonicotinoids, & refuses to report the economic & environmental carnage of provincial prohibitions.
Incredibly, the Ontario government has been dispensing millions & millions of dollars in unjustifiable compensation to the bee industry.
Ontario bee-keepers DO NOT deserve compensation ― their incompetence & their insane management practices may actually be more responsible for killing their bees than all other factors combined.
European Neonicotinoid Prohibition
Neonicotinoid prohibition in the European Union is a dismal failure.
There IS a bee crisis only because of prohibition that has forced European farmers to spray four times more often than before, to use older, inferior, & dangerous alternative pesticides that often harm bees & even birds ― the result has been hundreds & hundreds of millions of dollars in crop revenue losses.
Because of prohibition, insect pests have increased dramatically, & across Europe, the canola industry suffered revenue losses of over 430-million-dollars in just a few years.
Overall, the European Union may have suffered losses as high as 19-billion-dollars.
Fortunately, European Union field studies have shown that neonicotinoids are low risk to bees.
Damaging Pests & Disorders
Bee conspiracy fanatжcs conveniently ignore mites & starvation as the primary factors affecting bee deaths, & instead, they have arbitrarily decided to blame pesticides, especially neonicotinoids.
Most bees are actually being lost because of Varroa mites, & starvation is the biggest cause for winter losses.
Bees are NOT being lost because of safe & effective neonicotinoid insecticides.
The real culprits who are harming bees are actually the bee-keepers themselves, who are damaging their own bees with insane management practices.
Otherwise, bees are actually growing & thriving.
For more information, please read the following segments …
June 22nd, 2020
Juris Dr Paul K Driessen
The Washington Times
Re : The Bee Conspiracy Against Neonicotinoids
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Alternative Pesticides — Including ‘Organic’ Pesticides — Are Far More Harmful To Bees
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Reckless Attacks Against Neonicotinoids
Neonicotinoids Will Boost Crop Yields
While Protecting The Environment
As summer begins and we plant, spray and fertilize, we should know that Montgomery County, Maryland, PROHIBITS « WEED-AND-FEED » lawn fertilizer and most « SYNTHETIC PESTICIDES », but allows farmers, orchardists, and home-owners to use [ INFERIOR & ALTERNATIVE ] « ORGANIC » products that can be DANGEROUS TO BEES, other wildlife, and humans.
New York is considering a five-year state-wide PROHIBITION against [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES.
PROHIBITION would likely result in the use of [ INFERIOR ALTERNATIVE ] chemicals that may actually be MUCH MORE TOXIC to the bees and birds it seeks to protect.
Other jurisdictions are pondering comparable actions that could pose similar problems.
[ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES were introduced in the 1990s to replace less targeted, MORE TOXIC pest control products.
Primarily used to coat seeds, NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES, a.k.a. « NEONICS », significantly reduce the need for aerial and ground-level spraying that can harm bees and other pollinators.
This advance has helped boost crop yields while PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT.
Losing neonicotinoids would put many states’ farming economies AT RISK.
Background Information
Montgomery County & New York are WRONG ! Bee losses are caused by the incompetence of bee-keepers, & NOT by SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoid insecticides that have actually been proven to CAUSE NO HARM to bees.
There is NO PROOF that neonicotinoids harm honey bee colonies, when they are used properly. Scientists, under the direction of the FAMED-EXPERT DR KEITH ROSS SOLOMON, at the University of Guelph, have reported that there are NO STUDIES that show that neonicotinoids have harmed honey bee colonies. Scientists found that while these insecticides can harm individual honey bees, there is NO EVIDENCE linking them to the losses of a few bee-keepers in recent years. In other words, when correctly-used, neonicotinoids DO NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT honey bee colonies. The use of these insecticides, with good agricultural practices, DOES NOT PRESENT A RISK TO HONEY BEES at the level of the colony. Consequently, neonicotinoids ARE NOT A MAJOR CONCERN for honey bees.
Another FAMED-EXPERT, DR ALLAN S FELSOT has reaffirmed that hazardous exposures of bees to neonicotinoids are NOT likely to occur in a real-world setting. A study by researchers at Washington State University ( WSU ) shows that neonicotinoids are SAFE & EFFECTIVE & POSE LITTLE RISK to bees in real-world settings. Based on residues found by researchers in apiaries around Washington State, their results suggest NO RISK OF HARMFUL EFFECTS in rural & urban landscapes, & arguably VERY LOW RISKS from exposure in agricultural landscapes. After calculating the risk based on a DIETARY NO OBSERVABLE ADVERSE EFFECT CONCENTRATION — the highest experimental point before there is an adverse effect on a species — of five parts per billion, the study results suggest LOW POTENTIAL for neonicotinoids to harm bee behavior or colony health.
Why are only a few bee-keepers losing their bees ?!?! The most likely cause of losses are the bee-keepers themselves. INCOMPETENT bee-keepers are killing their own hives. Observers have concluded that many bee-keepers have NO IDEA what they are doing, & are simply NOT SKILLED to raise bees. Bee-keepers are KILLING THEIR OWN BEES over & over again. Overall, bees are actually GROWING & THRIVING. There is NO bee-pocalypse because of the use of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids. There are NO plummeting of bee numbers. However, SOME bee-keepers are losing their bees over & over again simply because they are INCOMPETENT ! Bees are NOT BEING LOST because of the agricultural use of neonicotinoids. THEY ARE NOT A MAJOR CONCERN !
Explore the following selected links …
√ — SOLOMON — There Is No Proof That Neonicotinoid Harm Honey Bee Colonies When Used Properly — LINK
√ — FELSOT — Neonics Pose No Risk To Very Low Risk For Bees — LINK
√ — INCOMPETENCE — Bee-Keepers Are Harming Bees, & Not Neonicotinoid Insecticides — Bee Colony Collapse Disorder Is The Fault Of Bee-Keepers & Their Mis-Management Practices — LINKS
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Ontario Neonicotinoid Prohibition
Ontario Is The Province Of Environmental
Infamy With Destroyed Businesses, Massive
Unemployment, Garbage Dump Green Spaces,
& Stunningly Exorbitant Costs Of Alternatives
In Canada, the same MIS-INFORMATION that’s motivating US bills persuaded Ontario law-makers to pass a [ RECKLESS & ARBITRARY ] NEONICOTINOID PROHIBITION in 2015.
Ontario farmers have since reported PAYING FOUR TIMES MORE for an [ INFERIOR ] ALTERNATIVE PESTICIDE that is LESS EFFECTIVE and cannot even be used on some crops.
Background Information
On April 22nd, 2009 ― a date which will live in the period of ENVIRONMENTAL INFAMY ― the full force of the Ontario Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act came into effect, & DESTROYED the professional lawn care industry.
Because of the PROHIBITION in Ontario, the professional lawn care businesses collectively LOST over 500,000,000-DOLLARS, with over 12,500 UNEMPLOYED.
Moreover, because of its reckless & arbitrary PROHIBITION, Ontario’s public & private greens spaces have become weed-infested & insect-destroyed GARBAGE DUMPS that are DANGEROUS for children to play on.
Ontario’s parks, sports fields, & home lawns, have become wholly INFESTED with dandelions & a variety of other weeds, & there is NO PRACTICAL WAY TO REMOVE THEM, other than by back-breaking MANUAL WEED-PICKING or by replacing the entire lawn with sod.
On November 25th, 2014 ― another date which will live in the period of ENVIRONMENTAL INFAMY ― Ontario’s Liberal government officials proposed a reckless province-wide PROHIBITION against NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES that are otherwise SAFE & EFFECTIVE.
According to Juris Dr Paul K Driessen, farmers have since reported PAYING FOUR TIMES MORE for an ALTERNATIVE PESTICIDE that is LESS EFFECTIVE, CAN HARM BEES, & cannot be used on some crops.
Ontario’s Liberals are falsely alleging that these insecticides, desperately needed by the agriculture industry, are the cause of so-called bee colony collapse disorder ― in fact, bee losses occur because some bee-keepers may be wholly UNSUITED to be raising bees. Bees are NOT BEING LOST because of the agricultural use of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids. Bees are actually GROWING & THRIVING.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — ONTARIO — Because Of Ontario’s Prohibition, The Province Is Living In Environmental Infamy — LINK
√ — ONTARIO — Because Of Ontario’s Prohibition, The Province Is Bad For Business — LINK
√ — ONTARIO — Because Of Ontario’s Prohibition, The Province Is Ugly — LINK
√ — ONTARIO — Because Of Ontario’s Prohibition, Ottawa & Toronto Have Garbage Dump Green Spaces ( Photo Gallery That Includes Ottawa & Toronto ) — LINK
√ — ONTARIO — A Recent Poll Regarding Ontario’s Prohibition Proves That The Public & The Professional Lawn Care Industry Do Not Want Pesticide Bans — LINKS
√ — ONTARIO — Provincial Prohibition Must Be Amended — LINK
√ — ONTARIO — The Creator Of Ontario’s Prohibition, Dalton McGuinty, Is Finally Gone — LINK
√ — ONTARIO — Because Of Ontario’s Prohibition, Natural Grass Is On A Path To Extinction — LINKS
√ — ONTARIO — The Neonicotinoid-Hating Liberal Government Of Ontario Cherry-Picks Science & Ignores Health Canada Findings — LINK
√ — ONTARIO — The Agriculture Industry Is Under Attack By The Anti-Pesticide Lunatжc-Terrжrist Government Of Ontario — LINK
√ — ONTARIO — Grain Farmers Are Under Attack By The Government Of Ontario — Premier Kathleen Wynne Is Sun-Setting Ontario Agriculture Next — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Bees Are Growing & Thriving — LINK
√ — MANUAL WEED PICKING — Manual Weed Picking Means Becoming A Cotton-Picker — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
European Neonicotinoid Prohibition
European Farmers Are Spraying Four Times More
Often Than Before, Using Older Inferior & Alternative
Pesticides That Often Harm Bees ― The Result Has
Been Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars In Revenue Losses
Activists [ I.E. BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS ] had previously gotten a EUROPEAN NEONICOTINOID PROHIBITION implemented in 2013.
British farmers were SPRAYING FOUR TIMES MORE OFTEN than before, using OLDER [ INFERIOR & ALTERNATIVE ] pesticides like PYRETHROIDS and ORGANO-PHOSPHATES that …
• must be SPRAYED SEVERAL TIMES during the growing season, and
• often HARM BEES, other non-target insects, and even birds.
Insect pests INCREASED DRAMATICALLY, and the European canola ( oilseed rape ) industry SUFFERED REVENUE LOSSES of more than 430,000,000-DOLLARS in just a few years.
Background Information
The Joint Research Centre ( JRC ) has found that the European Union’s ( EU ) 2013 PROHIBITION against SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoid insecticides has had NO BENEFIT at all for the protection of bees. In fact, PROHIBITION has been absolutely CATASTROPHIC for the agriculture industry. The EU’s #@!!% blinkered approach to insecticides shows how real science & pesticide truths are losing out to truth-challenged neonicotinoid-hating lobbyists & bureaucrats. Because of the reckless EU PROHIBITION, agricultural insecticide use in Britain has QUADRUPLED, & insect damage to crops has INCREASED DRAMATICALLY. Ten months after the imposition of PROHIBITION, rape-seed producers in the United Kingdom experienced CROP LOSSES of 20 to 50 per cent due to an infestation of flea beetles. EU PROHIBITION against neonicotinoids was UNNECESSARY since these insecticides can be USED SAFELY & EFFECTIVELY. In the agriculture industry, SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids are used ways that minimize any potential direct exposure to bees, such as coated seed treatment, allowing wild bees grazing on neonicotinoid-treated agricultural areas to become common & dominant. WILD BEES are NOT AFFECTED by neonicotinoids. The decline wild bees has been caused primarily by land use changes, & NOT by neonicotinoids. The EU’s PROHIBITION is a DISMAL FAILURE ! It is a neonicotinoid FIASCO !
Explore the following selected link …
√ — Pesticide Ban Failure In The European Union — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Honey Bee Colonies Are Rising
Bee Colony Collapse Disorder Caused By Neonicotinoids
Is A Myth, & Bees Are Actually Growing & Thriving
Proposed [ PROHIBITION ] legislation is often the result of environmentalist claims that bees are threatened by [ OTHERWISE SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES. [ WRONG ! ]
However, actual data show THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE.
Despite claims [ BY BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS ] of a « BEE-POCALYPSE », except during a period of « BEE COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER », DUE MOSTLY TO VARROA MITES, honey bee colonies have been RISING world-wide since the 1990s, when [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES first came on the market.
Agriculture Department surveys show that US honey bee hive numbers have INCREASED seven out of the last ten years, and there are now over 150,000 MORE bee hives than in 1995.
Background Information
Historically, bee crises are nothing new since heavy losses have been reported for a long time. Wasn’t so-called bee colony collapsed disorder first identified in, what, 2006 ?!?! YES ! But the first evidence for such disappearances goes back centuries. And, isn’t the modern bee-keeping industry actually THRIVING ?!?! YES ! Have there been ancient & historical bee crises ?!?! YES ! So, is there a modern bee crisis ?!?! NO ! Bees are NOT being lost because of the agricultural use of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids. Bees are actually GROWING & THRIVING.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — NOTHING NEW — Bee Crises In Ancient Historical Times — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Bees Are Growing & Thriving — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Honey Bee Colonies Are Thriving
Despite Neonicotinoids, Bees Are Growing & Thriving
In America, In Canada, & Around The World
A closer look at New York’s crop yields also confirms that honey bee colonies are HEALTHY.
Apple yields are ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME as they were 10 years ago, indicating that pollinators are THRIVING and busy doing their job.
Similar lessons apply elsewhere.
Background Information
Populations of honey bees are dying at levels that are unprecedented ?!?! Really ?!?! According to Mr Pierre Petelle, President & CEO of CropLife Canada, concern about bee health & neonicotinoid insecticides is NOT warranted. In fact, bees are NOT dying off in the wake of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoid use, they are actually GROWING & THRIVING in Canada, in America, & around the world.
Why are a few bee-keepers losing their bees ?!?! The most likely cause of losses are the bee-keepers themselves. INCOMPETENT bee-keepers are killing their own hives. Observers have concluded that many bee-keepers have NO IDEA what they are doing, & are simply not skilled to raise bees. Bee-keepers are killing their own bees over & over again. Overall, bees are actually GROWING & THRIVING. There is NO bee-pocalypse because of neonicotinoid use. There are NO plummeting of bee numbers. However, SOME bee-keepers are losing their bees over & over again simply because they are INCOMPETENT ! Bees are NOT being lost because of the agricultural use of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids. Bees are actually GROWING & THRIVING.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — THRIVING — Bees Are Growing & Thriving — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Honey Bee Colonies & Production Are Thriving — Mr Pierre Petelle — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Honey Bee Colonies & Production Are Thriving In Canada & America — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Varroa Mites Are The Main Culprits
Bees Are Not Being Lost Because Of Safe &
Effective Neonicotinoid Insecticides ― Most Bees
Are Actually Being Lost Because Of Varroa Mites
There is no doubt that honey bees have problems.
Over-winter losses are still high some years and, while bees reproduce rapidly and bee-keepers can quickly replenish their hives, these losses can significantly strain this small but important industry.
Almost all experts agree, however, that the world-wide spread of the DEADLY VARROA DESTRUCTOR MITES ARE THE MAIN CULPRITS.
VARROA MITES arrived in the US in the late 1980s and spread widely over the next decade.
These parasites attach to bees, suppressing their immune systems, carrying deadly diseases, and creating pathways for other diseases to enter bee bodies.
Background Information
International researchers widely agree that bee health is impacted by a COMBINATION OF FACTORS, THE PRIMARY ONE BEING VARROA MITES.
According to the US Agriculture Department & the US Environmental Protection Agency, THE SINGLE MOST DETRIMENTAL PESTS OF HONEY BEES ARE VARROA MITES.
Bees are NOT being lost because of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoid insecticides. Most bees are actually being lost because of VARROA MITES.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — VARROA MITES — The Primary Problem — LINKS
√ — VARROA MITES — Bee Colony Collapse Disorder — US EPA — No Data — LINK
√ — VARROA MITES — Bee Colony Collapse Disorder Is Perplexing &, After Years Of Study, Has Not Been Attributable To Any Single Cause — US EPA — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Canola Production In Western Canada
Activists [ I.E. BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS ] like to blame [ CONVENTIONAL ] pesticides, but the vast canola fields in western Canada show how BENIGN [ I.E. SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES actually are.
The canola is 100 per cent grown with [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOID-COATED SEEDS, and large, successful bee-keepers cart their hives into the middle of the canola fields because they produce delicious honey.
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Wild Bees Are Thriving
98 Per Cent Of Wild Bees Do Not Even Pollinate
Agricultural Crops, & For The Few Species That Do, &
Thus Would Come Into Greatest Contact With Safe &
Effective Neonicotinoids, They Are Actually Thriving
As domesticated bees recovered, anti-pesticide activists [ I.E. BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS ] began talking [ I.E. DEMANDING ] about WILD BEES, which can also be important for pollination.
They get their facts wrong here, too.
There are thousands of WILD BEE species.
According to a 2015 study published in Nature ― probably the most extensive survey of WILD BEES ever done ― 98 per cent of WILD BEES DO NOT even pollinate agricultural crops.
Moreover, the few species that do, and thus would come into greatest contact with [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES, are THRIVING.
Background Information
In the agriculture industry, SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids are used ways that minimize any potential direct exposure to bees, such as coated seed treatment, allowing wild bees grazing on neonicotinoid-treated agricultural areas to become common & dominant. Wild bees are NOT AFFECTED by neonicotinoids. The decline of wild bees has been caused primarily by land use changes, & NOT by neonicotinoids.
The legitimate & credible bumble bee queen study, led by Dara Stanley, found that neonicotinoids CAUSED NO SERIOUS ISSUES, but was IGNORED by the left-wing fake-news media. Furthermore, this study DID NOT benefit from advance press advisories ― & predictably, unlike the parallel study, it was NOT heavily promoted by the TREACHEROUS University of Guelph & received NO press attention. Its conclusion was REMARKABLE, but in a different way ― this legitimate study identified NO NEGATIVE EFFECTS ! Tellingly, neither the journal Nature, nor any of the fake-news media coverage, even bothered to mention this parallel study. According to the legitimate bumble bee queen study’s REMARKABLE CONCLUSION ― « We found NO IMPACT OF INSECTICIDE EXPOSURE on colony weight gain or the number & mass of sexual produced, although colonies exposed to 2.4 ppb produced larger males. » Neonicotinoids harming bees is a MYTH ! Bees are NOT BEING LOST because of the agricultural use of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids. Bees are actually GROWING & THRIVING.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — WILD BEES — Bumble Bees Are Not Harmed By Neonicotinoid Insecticides — LINK
√ — WILD BEES — Pesticide Ban Failure In The European Union — LINK
√ — UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH — Why Would Anyone Be Witless Enough To Give Money To This Institution ?!?! — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Bees Are Growing & Thriving — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Bees Are Harmed By Alternatives
Some Inferior, Alternative, & Organic
Products Will Be Highly Toxic To Bees
Ironically, BEES MAY BE MORE AT RISK from [ « ORGANIC » & INFERIOR ALTERNATIVE ] insecticides than people are even aware of.
ORGANIC farmers DO NOT use [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES or other modern chemicals, but DO employ a number of crop protecting [ ALTERNATIVE ] pesticides.
These « ORGANIC » products MAY be « NATURAL ».
According to chemical risk analyst Dr David Zaruk some [ INFERIOR ALTERNATIVE ] « ORGANIC » products are HIGHLY TOXIC TO BEES ―
• acetic acid
• azadirachtin
• citronella oil
• garlic extract
• hydrogen peroxide
• spinosad
• and more
Background Information
For the maintenance of turfgrasses, there are NO alternatives that work. There are NO viable, NO efficacious, NO economical, & NO low-risk alternatives to replace conventional pest control products. Green alternative pesticides are BOGUS, INFERIOR, & DISMAL FAILURES.
Green alternatives are incorporated into pest control programs ― not because they work ― but because of legislation that imposes reckless & arbitrary PROHIBITION. Professionals, & even home-owners, have been prevented from using conventional products that are truly effective as well as scientifically safe. By contrast, alternatives DO NOT WORK !
By definition, alternatives are INFERIOR, which is why they DID NOT win the market-place originally. Overall, green alternative pesticides are INEFFECTIVE, INADEQUATE, INFERIOR, HIGH-RISK, MORE TOXIC, & STUNNINGLY EXPENSIVE. In many cases, these alternatives are questionably HIGHER IN TOXICITY, & pose HIGHER ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS.
PROHIBITIONS have created CATASTROPHIC ECOLOGICAL PEST CARNAGE because city-owned green spaces & residential properties have been DESTROYED & RAVAGED, & have been turned into PEST-INFESTED & DANGEROUS GARBAGE DUMPS. These PROHIBITIONS have cost STUNNINGLY EXORBITANT AMOUNTS OF MONEY ― tens & tens of millions of dollars. European chafer insects, Japanese knotweed, & Japanese beetle insects, & others, have become UNCONTROLLED, INVASIVE, & DESTRUCTIVE PESTS. It is IMPOSSIBLE for professionals, & even home-owners, to protect their properties by using INFERIOR ALTERNATIVES.
A MAJOR STUDY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA’S MUNICIPAL PROHIBITIONS has proven they are DISMAL FAILURES. This is because officials are known to circumvent their own by-laws by allowing thousands & thousands of INCONSISTENT & UNFAIR EXCEPTION STATUSES that they have been conveniently inserted in their by-laws TO AVOID THE USE OF INFERIOR ALTERNATIVES. Officials have known they DO NOT WORK !
Explore the following selected links …
√ — GREEN ALTERNATIVES — Bogus & Dismal Failures — LINK
√ — GREEN ALTERNATIVES — Failures — Salmon Arm, BC — LINK
√ — MAJOR STUDY — The Media Library Of Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Organics Harm Bees
Inferior & Alternative Products Will
Harm Bees & Pose Other Serious Risks
[ BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS WHO IMPOSE ] Montgomery County’s guidelines specify that products bearing EPA registration numbers are PROHIBITED [ ?!?! ] and direct buyers to a 113-page, tiny-type list of chemicals certified by the [ FANATЖCAL ] Organic Materials Review Institute ( OMRI ).
However, the OMRI DOES NOT MENTION that some of its « APPROVED » [ INFERIOR & ALTERNATIVE ] products HARM BEES or pose other SERIOUS RISKS.
According to Dr Zaruk and other experts …
BORON FERTILIZER ― • prolonged exposure to can affect people’s brains, livers, and hearts.
COPPER SULFATE ― • can damage human brains, livers, kidneys and stomach linings.
PYRETHRINS ― • powerful neuro-toxins that can cause leukemia and other health problems.
ROTENONE ― • kills bees • highly toxic, especially when combined with PYRETHRINS • can enhance the onset of Parkinson’s disease.
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Organics Are Not Necessarily Safe
Conventional Products Have Been Tested By
Experts At National Regulatory Agencies Like
EPA & Have Been Shown To Be Reliable For
Pest Control & Safe For Pollinators & People
America has a rich tradition of agricultural and environmental conservation.
America has a rich tradition of agricultural and environmental conservation.
Farmers and home-owners should be able to choose products that have been TESTED [ BY EXPERTS AT NATIONAL REGULATORY AGENCIES LIKE EPA ] and shown to be RELIABLE for pest control, and SAFE for pollinators and people.
They should NOT be led to believe that the word « ORGANIC » means pesticide-free or that a chemical is safe.
The real world is more complicated than that.
July 11th, 2020
Juris Dr Paul K Driessen
Re : The Bee Conspiracy Against Neonicotinoids
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Alternative Pesticides — Ban Neonics – Hurt Farmers & Bees
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Prohibitions Against Neonicotinoids
Safe & Effective Neonicotinoids Were Introduced
In The 1990s To Replace Less Targeted, More
Toxic, Inferior, & Alternative Insecticides
The honey bees, bumble bees, and other little pollinators swarming over my flowers remind me what important roles they play ― and how some mis-guided folks could inadvertently HARM them.
[ BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS WHO GOVERN ] Montgomery County, Maryland, now PROHIBIT « WEED-AND-FEED » lawn fertilizer and most « SYNTHETIC PESTICIDES ».
But [ PROHIBITION HAS FORCED ] home-owners, farmers, and orchardists to use « ORGANIC ALTERNATIVE » products that are often MORE DANGEROUS to bees, other wildlife, and even humans.
New York is considering a five-year state-wide PROHIBITION against [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES ― this action too would likely result in the use of chemicals that may actually be MUCH MORE TOXIC to the birds and bees it seeks to protect.
US Representative [ & BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖC ] Nydia Velázquez ( D-NY ) is still promoting a bill to re-instate an Obama era PROHIBITION against using NEONICOTINOIDS in the nation’s wildlife refuges.
Velázquez MISTAKENLY BELIEVES these [ INFERIOR & ALTERNATIVE ] insecticides threaten bio-diversity [ ?!?! ] , as well as bees and other wildlife in these important habitats ― whereas ALTERNATIVES would be safe and harmless. [ ?!?! ]
[ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOIDS were introduced in the 1990s to replace less targeted, MORE TOXIC [ INFERIOR & ALTERNATIVE ] insecticides.
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Neonicotinoids Are Essential
Prohibiting Safe & Effective Neonicotinoids
Would Put Many Farming Economies At Risk
Primarily used to coat seeds, « NEONICS » significantly reduce the need for aerial and ground-level spraying with other [ INFERIOR ALTERNATIVE ] chemicals that actually DO HARM TO BEES and other pollinators.
Losing [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOIDS would put many states’ farming ECONOMIES AT RISK.
Support for NEONICOTINOID use comes from all over the world.
Background Information
SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoid insecticides, like imidacloprid, used on the VAST MAJORITY of agricultural crops, WILL NOT HARM pollinators. On January 6th, 2015, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) & the US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) released their preliminary risk assessments, both of which showed A LIMITED NUMBER of situations where some neonicotinoids pose risk to pollinators. According to these assessments, foliar & seed treatments of imidacloprid should either PREVENT OR LIMIT THE RISKS to honey bees & other pollinators.
The EPA data also showed that citrus & cotton may have residues of the insecticide in pollen & nectar above the threshold level of 25 parts per billion, above which effects on bee hives were likely to be seen. In North America, citrus fruits for consumption as fresh fruit are mainly grown in California, Arizona, & Texas. Cotton is grown in the southern United States. Citrus & cotton are NOT grown as crops in most of North America.
Overall, neonicotinoids are used in a way that MINIMIZES any direct exposure to bees, such as seed treatment. These seed treatment insecticides have been used for a decade with almost NO INCIDENCES OF NEGATIVE IMPACT on bees.
Nonetheless, a small number of bee-keepers are losing their bees over & over again. Why is this madness happening ?!?! Observers have concluded that many bee-keepers have NO IDEA what they are doing, & are simply NOT SKILLED to raise bees. Bee-keepers are killing their own bees over & over again. The alleged losses of bees are, in fact, the fault of these bee-keepers & their INSANE mis-management practices. SOME bee-keepers appear to be unable or unwilling, or not skilled enough, to mitigate the real issues that harm bees, such as STARVATION & MITES. They prefer to remain UNPROFICIENT at bee-keeping, & expect the government to shower them with vast sums of UNJUSTIFIABLE COMPENSATION.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Regulatory Reviews Show Slim Risk To Bees — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Health Canada — Pest Management Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) Update — Imidacloprid & Preliminary Pollinator Assessment, With Overall Conclusions — Laura Feeny, Regional Pesticide Officer — Slide Presentation — LINK
√ — UNJUSTIFIABLE COMPENSATION — Ontario Providing Free & Undeserved Money To Incompetent Bee-Keepers — LINK
√ — STARVATION — Ontario Bee-Keepers Say Starvation Is The Biggest Single Cause Of Winter Losses & Not Neonicotinoid Insecticides — LINK
√ — VARROA MITES — The Primary Problem — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Ontario Neonicotinoid Prohibition
Because Of The Ontario Neonicotinoid
Prohibition, Farmers Are Paying Four Times More
For An Alternative & Dangerous Product That
Is Less Effective & That Can Harm Bees
Up in Canada, the same MIS-INFORMATION that is motivating US legislative and regulatory actions persuaded ONTARIO law-makers to pass its NEONICOTINOID PROHIBITION in 2015.
Farmers have since reported PAYING FOUR TIMES MORE for an ALTERNATIVE PESTICIDE that is LESS EFFECTIVE, CAN HARM BEES, and cannot be used on some crops.
Background Information
Observers believe bee-keepers LIE about the ALLEGED LOSSES of bees, just as they LIE about their own COMPETENCY on raising bees. INCOMPETENT bee-keepers FALSELY BLAME their bee losses on neonicotinoid insecticide, & believe that they are ENTITLED TO UNJUSTIFIABLE GOVERNMENT COMPENSATION, despite some of their INSANE mis-management practices.
These neonicotinoid-hating bee-keepers act as reckless fanatжcs who will SAY ANYTHING & DO ANYTHING in order to obtain FREE GOVERNMENT MONEY. They will also SAY ANYTHING & DO ANYTHING in order to coerce & intimidate government officials into PROHIBITING against SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids.
Bee-keepers have falsely alleged that these insecticides, desperately needed by the agriculture industry, are the cause of so-called bee colony collapse disorder. In fact, bee losses occur because SOME bee-keepers may be wholly unsuited to be raising bees. Their INSANE mis-management practices have led to bee losses caused by STARVATION & MITES. Bee-keepers seemingly prefer to remain INCOMPETENT at bee-keeping, & expect the government to shower them with vast sums of UNJUSTIFIABLE COMPENSATION.
The IMPOSITION of PROHIBITION by Ontario’s Liberal government will perpetuate the bee-keepers’ ENTITLEMENT TO UNJUSTIFIABLE GOVERNMENT COMPENSATION. Unfortunately, ANY prohibition or ANY restriction WILL NOT save bees. The alleged losses of bees are, in fact, the FAULT of these bee-keepers & their INSANE mis-management practices. The bee-keepers themselves are clearly responsible for their bee losses since they appear to be unable or unwilling. or not competent enough, to mitigate the REAL issues that harm bees.
Why are only a very limited number of bee-keepers losing bees ?!?! Because they represent the INCOMPETENT bee-keepers with their INSANE mis-management practices.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — UNJUSTIFIABLE COMPENSATION — Ontario Providing Free & Unjustifiable Compensation To Incompetent Bee-Keepers To Address Bee Losses — LINK
√ — UNJUSTIFIABLE COMPENSATION — Ontario Provides Funding To Address Bee Loss — Report & Audio Recording — LINK
√ — UNJUSTIFIABLE COMPENSATION — Bee-Keepers Want To Destroy Everyone Else’s Lives Because They Cannot Control The Loss Of Their Bees, & Therefore, A Decline In Their Profits — LINK
√ — UNJUSTIFIABLE COMPENSATION — Crying & Whining To The Media By Dave Schuit Of Saugeen Country Honey — Audio Recording — LINK
√ — STARVATION — Ontario Bee-Keepers Say Starvation Is The Biggest Single Cause Of Winter Losses & Not Neonicotinoid Insecticides — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
European Neonicotinoid Prohibition
Because Of The European Neonicotinoid Prohibition,
Farmers Are Forced To Spray Four Times More Often,
Using Older, Inferior, & Dangerous Alternative
Pesticides That Will Often Harm Bees & Even Birds
But subsequent studies found the PROHIBITION to be DISASTROUSLY COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE.
For instance, after the PROHIBITION, British farmers had to SPRAY FOUR TIMES MORE OFTEN than before, using older [ INFERIOR ALTERNATIVE ] pesticides like PYRETHROIDS and ORGANO-PHOSPHATES that are LESS EFFECTIVE, must be SPRAYED SEVERAL TIMES during the growing season, and often HARM BEES, other non-target insects, and even birds.
Insect pests INCREASED DRAMATICALLY, and across Europe the canola ( oil-seed rape ) industry SUFFERED REVENUE LOSSES of over 430,000,000-DOLLARS in just a few years.
As was the case in Europe, proposed PROHIBITIONS are often the result of environmentalist pressure campaigns and FALSE CLAIMS that bees are threatened by NEONICOTINOIDS. [ ?!?! ]
Actual data show the opposite is true.
Background Information
According to the results of the Syngenta field studies conducted in various different regions in France between 2005 & 2010 ―
• Exposure, & hence risk, to honey bees from SAFE & EFFECTIVE NEONICOTINOIDS is LOW under real in-use field conditions.
• Field studies add considerable value to the understanding of risk to bees under real in-use field conditions.
• Field studies showed NEONICOTINOIDS DO NOT POSE A THREAT to bee health at doses typically used in the field.
• Field studies showed NO EVIDENCE of detrimental effects on colonies that were repeatedly exposed to NEONICOTINOIDS.
• Field studies showed there is a LOW RISK to honey bees from systemic residues in nectar & pollen following the use of NEONICOTINOIDS.
• Many European Union ( EU ) member nations have stated that Syngenta provided the BEST field studies they had ever seen.
• Prior risk assessment based on laboratory data alone, however, WILL NOT provide critical information on realistic exposure or behaviour of bees following actual use of NEONICOTINOIDS under normal agronomical conditions.
• The European Union Commission has forced through a suspension [ A.K.A. PROHIBITION ] despite the fact that the member nations failed to reach a definitive decision [ & MOST DID NOT WANT PROHIBITION ].
• The European Union Commission imposed PROHIBITION against NEONICOTINOIDS on the basis of a FLAWED PROCESS, an INACCURATE & INCOMPLETE ASSESSMENT by the European Union Food Safety Authority, & without the full support of EU member nations.
• The manufacturers of NEONICOTINOIDS launched a legal challenge against the decision by the European Union Commission to impose PROHIBITION against their products.
• The process to review the Syngenta field studies was EXTREMELY RIGOROUS & took almost a year to complete.
Explore the following selected link …
√ — FIELD STUDIES — Neonicotinoid Insecticides Are Low Risk To Bees — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Neonicotinoid Bee-Pocalypse ?
Bee Numbers Have Been Rising World-Wide
Since The 1990s, When Safe & Effective
Neonicotinoids First Came On The Market
Despite warnings of a « BEE-POCALYPSE », except during the latest « BEE COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER » ( BCCD ), honey bee colonies have been RISING world-wide since the 1990s, when [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] neonicotinoid insecticides first came on the market.
US Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) surveys show that honey bee hive numbers have increased seven out of the last ten years, and there are now over 150,000 MORE BEE HIVES than in 1995.
A closer look at New York’s crop yields also confirms that honey bee colonies are HEALTHY.
Apple yields are almost EXACTLY THE SAME as they were ten years ago, indicating that pollinators are THRIVING and busy doing their job.
Similar lessons apply elsewhere.
Background Information
Seemingly, SOME bee-keepers are losing their bees over & over again. Why is this madness happening ?!?! Observers have concluded that many bee-keepers have NO IDEA what they are doing, & are simply NOT SKILLED to raise bees. Bee-keepers are KILLING THEIR OWN BEES over & over again. The alleged losses of bees are, in fact, THE FAULT of these bee-keepers & their INSANE mis-management practices. The bee-keepers themselves are clearly responsible since they appear to be unable or unwilling, or not skilled enough, to mitigate the REAL issues that harm bees, such as STARVATION & MITES. STARVATION is the biggest single cause of bee losses ! It is the factor cited by most Ontario producers for winter loss, followed by WEAK COLONIES IN THE FALL, & POOR QUEENS. Furthermore, THE SINGLE MOST DETRIMENTAL PESTS OF HONEY BEES ARE VARROA MITES.
Bees are NOT being lost because of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoid insecticides. Most bees are actually being lost mostly because of STARVATION & VARROA MITES. Bee-keepers prefer to remain UNPROFICIENT at bee-keeping, & expect the government to shower them with vast sums of UNJUSTIFIABLE COMPENSATION.
Unfortunately, bee-keepers have been KILLING even more of their bees by TRUCK ACCIDENTS through INEPT TRANSPORTATION. How many honey bees die in TRUCK ACCIDENTS ?!?! Not a few hundred. Not 50,000, which is a whole hive. Up to 20 MILLION honey bees have died in a single accident ! 20 MILLION bee deaths is the largest bee kill on record by incompetent bee-keeper drivers ! So why are BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS ignoring TRUCK ACCIDENTS that are causing the deaths of tens of millions of bees ?!?!
Whenever even a few hundred bees are found dead in the urban landscape, weak-minded BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS mock-react to bee losses as if they were witnessing the Armenian genocide. They even create mock-funerals & mock-memorials for the bees. Are these fanatжcs only crying crocodile tears ?!?! Should there not be more focus on transportation safety ?!?! Should there not be more questions about the INCOMPETENCE of bee-keepers as truck drivers ?!?!
Bee-keepers are killing their own bees, & NOT SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids used by the agriculture industry.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — BEE LOSSES — Three Non-Pesticide Reasons Bee-Keepers Lost 44 Per Cent Of Bees In 2015 – 2016 — LINK
√ — TRUCK ACCIDENTS — There IS A Bee Crisis Because Of The Carnage Of Truck Accidents — LINK
√ — UNJUSTIFIABLE COMPENSATION — Ontario Providing Free & Undeserved Money To Incompetent Bee-Keepers — LINK
√ — STARVATION — Ontario Bee-Keepers Say Starvation Is The Biggest Single Cause Of Winter Losses & Not Neonicotinoid Insecticides — LINK
√ — VARROA MITES — The Primary Problem — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Recurrent Problems Over The Centuries
Historically, Bee Crises Are Nothing New Since
Heavy Losses Have Been Reported For A Long
Time, & Not Because Of Neonicotinoids
There is no doubt that honey bees have recurring problems.
Over-winter losses are still high some years and, while bees reproduce rapidly and bee-keepers can quickly replenish their hives, these losses can significantly strain this small but important industry.
Most experts agree, however, that the world-wide spread of the deadly VARROA DESTRUCTOR mite as a PRIMARY FACTOR in the recent mass die-offs, and a RECURRENT PROBLEM OVER THE CENTURIES.
VARROA MITES arrived in the United States in the late 1980s and spread widely over the next decade.
These parasites attach to bees, suppressing their immune systems, carrying deadly diseases, and creating pathways for other diseases to enter bee bodies.
The triple whammy can have disastrous impacts on bee colonies.
Background Information
There were bee crises even in ancient & historical times. Historically, bee crises are NOTHING NEW since heavy losses have been reported for a long time, and NOT because of neonicotinoid insecticides.
Here are some examples ―
AUSTRALIA, MEXICO, & UNITED STATES ― 1975 ― There were mysterious bee disappearances.
CALIFORNIA, LOUISIANA, & TEXAS, USA ― 1960s ― There were more mysterious bee disappearances.
IRELAND ― There was a great mortality of bees in 950, & again in 992 & 1443.
PENNSYLVANIA, USA ― 1995 ― Bee-keepers lost 53 per cent of their colonies.
UNITED KINGDOM ― BETWEEN 1905 & 1919 ― The Isle of Wight saw three epidemics where 90 per cent of the honey bee colonies died.
UNITED STATES ― 1853 ― Colonies were found to be utterly deserted, the comb was empty, & the only symptom of life was the queen itself.
UNITED STATES ― 1868 ― Hives were reported abandoned with lots of honey still in them.
UNITED STATES ― 1891 & 1896 ― Many bees vanished or dwindled to tiny clusters with queens in the month of May, hence the name ― May Disease.
UNITED STATES ― 1918 & 1919 ― There were bee loss occurrences.
UTAH, USA ― 1903 ― An outbreak occurred in Cache Valley.
There is NO modern bee crisis with neonicotinoid insecticides. In fact, bees are THRIVING.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — NOTHING NEW — Bee Crises In Ancient Historical Times — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Bees Are Growing & Thriving — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
USDA Research
Thankfully, the United States Department of Agriculture [ USDA ] has made progress in efforts to breed more VARROA-resistant or VARROA-tolerant honey bees, which somehow have better hygienic habits ― they remove mites from one other.
That’s important, because many available VARROA treatments no longer work as well, due to the mite’s uncanny ability to develop resistance to treatments.
Other USDA research has identified a promising new approach of using RNA interference to disrupt the reproduction of NOSEMA CERANAE ― another bee parasite that is the honey bee’s SECOND-WORST SCOURGE.
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Canola Production
Unfortunately, [ BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS SUCH AS ] crusading activists, journalists, legislators, and regulators spent years IGNORING these microscopic predators and parasites.
Instead, they blamed pesticides, especially NEONICOTINOIDS.
How WRONG-HEADED and COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE that was ⁄ is further illustrated by the vast canola fields in western Canada.
The canola is 100 per cent grown with NEONICOTINOID-COATED SEEDS, and successful professional bee-keepers actually cart their hives into the middle of the canola fields because they produce such delicious honey.
Background Information
According to Dr Scott-Dupree, doses of neonicotinoid insecticides that bees receive in LAB STUDIES « ARE FAR ABOVE WHAT A REALISTIC FIELD DOSE EXPOSURE WOULD BE ». The difference is akin to an 81 mg aspirin tablet versus a full bottle of 200 mg tablets, or light rainfall on a bee versus throwing it into a bucket of water. Dr Scott-Dupree helped coordinate a Canadian field study that compared hives exposed to neonicotinoids to those that weren’t exposed. Dr Scott-Dupree FOUND NO DIFFERENCE IN COLONY HEALTH between the two groups.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — SCOTT-DUPREE — Neonicotinoids Make No Difference In Colony Health — Report — LINK
√ — SCOTT-DUPREE — Neonicotinoids Make No Difference In Colony Health — Reference — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Wild Bees Do Not Pollinate Crops
Not surprisingly, as domesticated bees recovered, anti-pesticide activists [ I.E. BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS ] began talking about WILD BEES, which can also be important for pollination.
There are thousands of WILD BEE species.
According to a 2015 study published in Nature ― probably the most extensive survey of WILD BEES ever done ― 98 per cent of WILD BEES DO NOT EVEN POLLINATE AGRICULTURAL CROPS.
Moreover, the few species that do, and thus would come into GREATEST CONTACT WITH NEONICOTINOIDS, are THRIVING.
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Dangerous Organic Alternatives
So-Called Organic & Natural Alternative
Products May Be Highly Toxic To Bees & Pose
Other Serious Risks To Wildlife & Humans
Ironically, bees may be more AT RISK from [ INFERIOR & ALTERNATIVE ] insecticides that people have been FALSELY LED TO BELIEVE ARE SAFE.
« ORGANIC » farmers DO NOT USE [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOIDS or other modern chemicals, but they DO employ a number of crop protecting pesticides [ I.E. ALTERNATIVES ].
According to chemical risk analyst Dr David Zaruk ―
These « ORGANIC » products may be « NATURAL », but some are HIGHLY TOXIC TO BEES ― • acetic acid • azadirachtin • citronella oil • COPPER SULFATE • garlic extract • hydrogen peroxide • ROTENONE • spinosad • and more.
Montgomery County’s guidelines specify that products bearing EPA registration numbers are PROHIBITED and say gardeners should rely on a 113-page, tiny-type list of chemicals certified by the Organic Materials Review Institute [ OMRI ], a [ BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCAL ] organic industry support and advocacy group.
However, OMRI DOES NOT mention that some of its « APPROVED » products HARM BEES or pose other SERIOUS RISKS ― to wildlife and humans.
Example of DANGEROUS ALTERNATIVES … all are « APPROVED » and « ORGANIC » chemicals …
BORON FERTILIZER ― • Prolonged exposure to BORON FERTILIZER can affect people’s brains, livers and hearts.
COPPER SULFATE ― • COPPER SULFATE can DAMAGE human brains, livers, kidneys and stomach linings. It is HIGHLY TOXIC TO BEES.
LIME SULFUR ― • This mildew and insect killer causes IRREVERSIBLE EYE DAMAGE, and can be FATAL if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the skin.
NICOTINE SULFATE ― • NICOTINE SULFATE is a NEURO-TOXIN that interferes with nerve-muscle transmissions, causes ABNORMALITIES in lab animal off-spring, and can lead to IRREGULAR HEART-RATES and even DEATH.
PYRETHRINS ― • PYRETHRINS themselves are POWERFUL NEURO-TOXINS that can cause leukemia and other health problems.
ROTENONE ― • OMRI ( and thus Montgomery County, among others ) approves ROTENONE, but neglects to mention that this nasty chemical KILLS BEES, is HIGHLY TOXIC, especially when combined with PYRETHRINS, and can enhance the onset of Parkinson’s disease, Dr Zaruk and other experts note.
Journalists, legislators, regulators, home-owners, and gardeners need to do their homework more carefully.
They should read reputable scientific studies, rely less on anti-pesticide press releases and apocalyptic news stories, read product labels carefully, wash up afterward, and view with extreme skepticism any claims that the word « ORGANIC » means pesticide-free or a chemical is safe ( or NOT even a chemical ).
Above all, everyone should use all chemicals carefully and appropriately, under the assumption that any chemical ( synthetic or « ORGANIC » ) we are handling or applying may be toxic and dangerous ― to bees, other insects and wildlife, or even ourselves.
July 30th, 2020
Juris Dr Paul K Driessen
Tulsa Beacon
Re : The Bee Conspiracy Against Neonicotinoids
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Alternative Pesticides — We Are Inadvertently Damaging Honey Bees In The US
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Dangerous Alternatives To Neonicotinoids
Bee Conspiracy Fanatжcs Mistakenly-Believe
That Neonicotinoids Threaten Bees,
Biodiversity, & Other Wildlife ― Whereas
Alternatives Would Be Safe & Harmless [ ?!?! ]
The honey bees, bumble bees and other little pollinators swarming over my flowers remind me what important roles they play ― and how some MIS-GUIDED folks could inadvertently hurt them.
[ A NEST OF ANTI-PESTICIDE GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ], Montgomery County, Maryland, now PROHIBITS « WEED-AND-FEED » lawn fertilizer and most « SYNTHETIC PESTICIDES ».
But it allows home-owners, farmers, and orchardists to use « ORGANIC » products [ I.E. ALTERNATIVES ] that are often MORE DANGEROUS TO BEES, other wildlife, and even humans.
New York is considering a five-year state-wide PROHIBITION on [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES; this action too would likely result in the use of chemicals [ I.E. ALTERNATIVES ] that may actually be much MORE TOXIC TO BEES AND BIRDS it seeks to protect.
US Representative [ & BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖC ] Nydia Velázquez ( D-NY ) is still promoting a bill to re-instate an Obama era PROHIBITION on using [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES in the nation’s wildlife refuges.
Velázquez MISTAKENLY-BELIEVES these pesticides THREATEN BEES, biodiversity, and other wildlife in these important habitats [ ?!?! ] ― whereas ALTERNATIVES would be safe and harmless [ ?!?! ].
Other jurisdictions are pondering comparable actions that could pose similar problems.
Background Information
For example, the factor cited by most Ontario producers for winter loss has been STARVATION, followed by WEAK COLONIES IN THE FALL, & POOR QUEENS. Neonicotinoid insecticides are NOT even at the top of the list.
Another example, surveys by US Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) have indicated that INSUFFICIENT OR INCOMPLETE NUTRITION [ I.E. STARVATION ] has come to be recognized as an essential factor that weakens the honey bees’ immune systems & is likely to make bees more susceptible to all of the other problems troubling them today.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — STARVATION — Ontario Bee-Keepers Say Starvation Is The Biggest Single Cause Of Winter Losses — LINK
√ — STARVATION — USDA Report On Honey Bee Health & Bee Colony Collapse Disorder — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Neonicotinoid Bans Lead To Economic Carnage
Advances With Neonicotinoids Has Helped Boost
Crop Yields While Protecting The Environment
[ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] neonicotinoid insecticides were introduced in the 1990s to replace less targeted, more toxic pest control chemicals.
Primarily used to coat seeds, « NEONICS » significantly reduce the need for aerial and ground-level spraying with other [ INFERIOR & ALTERNATIVE ] chemicals that actually DO HARM BEES and other pollinators.
Neonicotinoids become part of the plant tissue and target only pests that actually feed on the crops, particularly during early growth stages.
This advance has helped boost crop yields while protecting the environment.
LOSING [ I.E. PROHIBITING ] [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] neonicotinoids would put many states’ FARMING ECONOMIES AT RISK.
Support for neonicotinoid use comes from all over the world.
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Ontario Neonicotinoid Prohibition
Up in Canada, [ BEE CONSPIRACY ] MIS-INFORMATION that is motivating US legislative and regulatory actions persuaded Ontario lawmakers to pass a NEONICOTINOID PROHIBITION in 2015.
Farmers have since reported PAYING FOUR TIMES MORE for an ALTERNATIVE pesticide that is LESS EFFECTIVE, cannot be used on some crops, and can HARM BEES.
Background Information
Media outlets in Ontario have assessed the provincial neonicotinoid PROHIBITION has served the political agenda of the pesticide-hating Liberal government & its attacks against the hated agriculture industry. Media outlets, like TV Ontario, appear to GULLIBLY LISTEN only to fanatжcal activist-scientists instead of REAL EXPERTS.
On November 25th, 2014 ― a date which will live in the period of environmental infamy ― Ontario’s Liberal government proposed a reckless province-wide PROHIBITION against neonicotinoid insecticides. Ontario’s Liberals had FALSELY-ALLEGING that these insecticides, desperately needed by the agriculture industry, are the cause of losses by so-called bee colony collapse disorder. [ ?!!? ] In fact, bee losses have occurred simply because some bee-keepers are wholly UNSUITED to be raising bees. Bee-keepers HARM THEIR OWN BEES !
On January 5th, 2016, Health Canada & the US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) released their risk assessments of a neonicotinoid named imidacloprid, which showed that foliar & seed treatments of this insecticide should either PREVENT OR LIMIT THE RISKS to honey bees & other pollinators. In fact, bees are NOT BEING LOST because of the agricultural use of imidacloprid.
There is NO bee crisis because of neonicotinoids. Why are a few bee-keepers losing their bees ?!?! The most likely cause of losses are the bee-keepers themselves. INCOMPETENT bee-keepers are killing their own bees over & over again. Observers have concluded that many bee-keepers have NO IDEA what they are doing, & are simply NOT SKILLED to raise bees.
REAL scientists concur that bees are NOT being lost because of the agricultural use of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids. The MYTH of disappearing bees is a political disease that can only be eradicated with the truth. Neonicotinoids harming bees is a MYTH ! There is NO modern bee crisis with neonicotinoids. In fact, bees are THRIVING.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — ONTARIO — TV Ontario’s Assessment Of Neonicotinoid Prohibition Is Gullible & Politicized — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Regulatory Reviews Show That There Is A Slim Risk To Bees From Neonicotinoid Insecticides — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Health Canada — Pest Management Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) Update — Imidacloprid & Preliminary Pollinator Assessment, With Overall Conclusions — Slide Presentation — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Bees Are Growing & Thriving — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
British Neonicotinoid Prohibition
Because Of The European Neonicotinoid
Prohibition, Insect Pests Have Increased
Dramatically, & Across Europe, The Canola
Industry Suffered Revenue Losses Of Over
430-Million-Dollars In Just A Few Years
Activists [ I.E. BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS ] persuaded Europe to PROHIBIT [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] neonicotinoid insecticides in 2013.
But subsequent studies found the ban DISASTROUSLY COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE.
For instance, after the PROHIBITION, British farmers HAD TO SPAY FOUR TIMES MORE OFTEN than before, using older [ ALTERNATIVE ] pesticides like pyrethroids and organophosphates that are LESS EFFECTIVE, must be sprayed SEVERAL TIMES during the growing season, and often HARM BEES, other non-target insects, and even birds.
[ BECAUSE OF EU’s FANATЖCAL PROHIBITION ], insect pests INCREASED DRAMATICALLY, and across Europe the canola ( oil-seed rape ) industry SUFFERED REVENUE LOSSES of over 430-MILLION-DOLLARS in just a few years.
Background Information
It is estimated that if the European Union’s fanatжcal PROHIBITION is left in place over a five-year period, it could cost up to 19 BILLION DOLLARS. Not surprisingly, the MAJORITY of European Union nations, like the United Kingdom, DO NOT WANT PROHIBITION.
The EU’s fanatжcal PROHIBITION against SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoid insecticides is NOT holding ! For example, in the United Kingdom, growers were ALLOWED in 2015 to use two types of neonicotinoids on their crops for 120 days. The fanatжcal EU PROHIBITION was SUSPENDED by the United Kingdom. None of the EU nations in the European Union can afford this #@!!% ban nonsense ! The United Kingdom must be congratulated for joining the TRENDS AGAINST PESTICIDE BANS. Thank You, United Kingdom.
EXPERT scientists are telling the United Kingdom that neonicotinoids are SAFER than they thought. Neonicotinoids are NO LONGER LINKED to so-called bee colony collapse disorder. World-wide bee populations have been steadily INCREASING over the past decade ― considerably higher than when neonicotinoids first came on the market in the mid-1990s. Both Europe & the US are at or near ALL-TIME HIGHS ! BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS want to rid the planet of neonicotinoids to attack the one thing that helps sustain & enhance human populations ― our food supply. PROHIBITION against neonicotinoids will lead to the DEMISE OF THE HUMAN RACE ! Bees are NOT being lost because of the agricultural use of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids. Bees are actually GROWING & THRIVING.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — EUROPEAN UNION — 19 Billion Dollar Losses — LINK
√ — UNITED KINGDOM — Suspends Fanatжcal EU Prohibition Against Neonics — LINK
√ — VICTORIES — Real Trends Against Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Bees Are Growing & Thriving — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
USDA Surveys & More
According To The US Department Of Agriculture
( USDA ), Bee Hive Numbers Have Increased In
Seven Out Of The Last Ten Years, &, In 2020, There
Are Over 150,000 More Bee Hives Than In 1995
As was the case in Europe, proposed PROHIBITIONS are often the result of environmentalist pressure campaigns and false claims [ I.E. BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS ] that bees are threatened [ ?!!? ] by neonicotinoids.
Actual data show the opposite is true.
Despite warnings of a « BEE-POCALYPSE », except during the latest « BEE COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER » ( BCCD ), honey bee colonies have been RISING world-wide since the 1990s, when neonicotinoids first came on the market.
US Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) surveys show that honey bee hive numbers have INCREASED seven out of the last ten years, and there are now over 150,000 MORE BEE HIVES than in 1995.
A closer look at New York’s crop yields also confirms that honey bee colonies are HEALTHY.
Apple yields are almost EXACTLY THE SAME as they were ten years ago, indicating that pollinators are THRIVING and busy doing their job.
Similar lessons apply elsewhere.
Background Information
According to United States Department Of Agriculture ( USDA ) ―
Researchers have concluded that NO one factor is the cause of Bee Colony Collapse Disorder ( BCCD ). NO scientific cause for BCCD has been proven. BCCD is WANING, but high losses have continued, averaging about 30 per cent. Nonetheless, there has been a recent INCREASE in the overall total number of managed honey bee colonies. Studies show that bee numbers are NOT IN DECLINE, they were instead at a 20-YEAR HIGH in 2015. It is NOT known if this is because Bee-Keepers are better at ascribing losses to particular causes, if causes have shifted, or if other factors have changed.
Most likely, bee colony collapse disorder is CAUSED BY MULTIPLE FACTORS. Honey bee health problems include ― major factors threatening honeybee health can be divided into four general areas ― • parasites & pests • pathogens • poor nutrition • SUB-LETHAL exposure to pest control products.
VARROA MITES ( VARROA DESTRUCTOR ) are essentially a modern honey bee PLAGUE. Bee-Keepers have identified VARROA MITES as their SINGLE MOST SERIOUS PROBLEM causing colony losses today [ & NOT NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES ].
INSUFFICIENT OR INCOMPLETE NUTRITION [ I.E. STARVATION ] has come to be recognized as an essential factor that weakens the honey bees’ immune systems & is likely to make bees more susceptible to all of the other problems troubling them today.
Explore the following selected link …
√ — USDA — Report On Honeybee Health & Bee Colony Collapse Disorder — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Damaging Pests
Mites & Nosema Are Scourges Of Bees
There’s no doubt that honey bees have recurring problems.
Over-winter losses are still high some years and, while bees reproduce rapidly and bee-keepers can quickly replenish their hives, these losses can significantly strain this small but important industry.
Most experts agree, however, that the world-wide spread of the deadly VARROA DESTRUCTOR mite was a primary factor in the recent mass die-offs, and a recurrent problem over the centuries.
They arrived in the United States in the late 1980s and spread widely over the next decade.
The VARROA MITES attach to bees, suppressing their immune systems, carrying deadly diseases, and creating pathways for other diseases to enter bee bodies.
This triple whammy can have disastrous impacts on bee colonies.
Thankfully, the USDA has made progress in efforts to breed more VARROA-resistant or VARROA-tolerant honey bees, which somehow have better hygienic habits ― they remove mites from one other.
That’s important, because many available VARROA treatments no longer work as well, due to the mite’s uncanny ability to develop resistance to treatments.
Other USDA research has identified a promising new approach of using RNA interference to disrupt the reproduction of NOSEMA CERANAE ― another bee parasite that is the honey bee’s SECOND-WORST SCOURGE.
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Wrong-Headed & Counter-Productive Thinking
Bee Conspiracy Fanatжcs Conveniently Ignore
Mites & Starvation As The Causes Of Bee Losses,
& Instead, They Have Arbitrarily Decided To
Blame Pesticides, Especially Neonicotinoids
Unfortunately, [ BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS SUCH AS ] crusading activists, journalists, legislators, and regulators spent years ignoring these microscopic predators and parasites.
Instead, they blamed pesticides, especially neonicotinoids.
How WRONG-HEADED and COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE that was is further illustrated by the vast canola fields in western Canada.
The canola is 100 per cent grown with [ SAFE & EFFECTIVE ] NEONIC-COATED SEEDS, and successful professional bee-keepers actually cart their hives into the middle of the canola fields because they produce such delicious honey.
Not surprisingly, as domesticated bees recovered, anti-pesticide activists [ I.E. BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS ] began talking about WILD BEES [ ?!?? ], which can also be important for pollination.
Background Information
BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS demand that jurisdictions like the United States & European Union to PROHIBIT against neonicotinoid insecticides, by FALSELY-BLAING them for so-called bee colony collapse disorder.
Their assertions are PURE CONJECTURE, but that has not stopped anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organizations ― & the fake-news media outlets ― from PROMOTING SCARY STORIES & IMAGINARY DANGERS implicating neonicotinoids.
Are bee conspiracy fanatжcs only crying crocodile tears ?!?! Whenever even a few hundred bees are found dead in the urban landscape, weak-minded bee conspiracy fanatжcs MOCK-REACT to bee losses as if they were the Armenian genocide. These fanatжcs even create mock-funerals & mock-memorials for the bees.
Bees are NOT BEING LOST because of the agricultural use of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids. Bees are actually GROWING & THRIVING.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — ACTIVISTS — Simple-Minded Bee Conspiracy Fanatжcs Are Only Crying Crocodile Tears — LINK
√ — ACTIVISTS — Collapse Of Bee Colonies Is Latest Target For Anti-Pesticide Groups — LINK
√ — ACTIVISTS — Why Is It That Environmental Groups Make Women Look Stupid ? — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Bees Are Growing & Thriving — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Wild Bees Are Thriving
Because Of Neonicotinoid Prohibition, Wild
Bees May Be More At Risk From Inferior &
Alternative Insecticides That People Have
Been Falsely Led To Believe Are Safe
There are thousands of WILD BEE species.
According to a 2015 study published in Nature ― probably the most extensive survey of WILD BEES ever done ― 98 per cent of WILD BEES DO NOT EVEN POLLINATE AGRICULTURAL CROPS.
Moreover, the few WILD BEE species that do, and thus would come into greatest contact with neonicotinoids, are THRIVING.
Ironically, WILD BEES may be MORE AT RISK from [ INFERIOR & ALTERNATIVE ] insecticides that people have been FALSELY LED TO BELIEVE ARE SAFE.
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Organic Farmer’s Alternatives
Organic Farmers Do Not Use Modern
Neonicotinoids, But They Do Employ A Number
Of Inferior, Alternative, & Dangerous Pesticides
That Are Highly Toxic & Dangerous To Bees
ORGANIC FARMERS DO NOT USE NEONICOTINOIDS or other modern chemicals, but they DO employ a number of [ INFERIOR, ALTERNATIVE, & DANGEROUS ] pesticides.
According to chemical risk analyst Dr David Zaruk, these « ORGANIC » products may be « NATURAL », but some are HIGHLY TOXIC [ & DANGEROUS ] to bees ―
• acetic acid
• azidirachtin
• citronella oil
• copper sulfate
• garlic extract
• hydrogen peroxide
• rotenone
• spinosad
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Bee Conspiracy
Alternatives Harm Bees
Alternative Products Harm Bees & Pose
Other Serious Risks To Wildlife & Humans
Montgomery County’s guidelines specify that products bearing EPA registration numbers are PROHIBITED and say gardeners should rely on a 113-page, tiny-type list of chemicals certified by the Organic Materials Review Institute, an organic industry support and advocacy group.
However, OMRI DOES NOT mention that some of its « APPROVED » [ ALTERNATIVE ] products HARM BEES or pose other SERIOUS RISKS ― to wildlife and humans.
For example, OMRI ( and thus Montgomery County, among others ) approves the following ALTERNATIVES ―
BORON FERTILIZER ― • Prolonged exposure can affect people’s brains, livers, and hearts.
COPPER SULFATE ― • Can DAMAGE human brains, livers, kidneys and stomach linings. It is HIGHLY TOXIC TO BEES.
LIME SULFUR ― • Causes IRREVERSIBLE EYE DAMAGE, and can be FATAL if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin.
NICOTINE SULFATE ― • A NEURO-TOXIN that INTERFERES with nerve-muscle transmissions, causes ABNORMALITIES in lab animal off-spring, and can lead to IRREGULAR HEART-RATES and even DEATH.
PYRETHRINS ― • POWERFUL NEURO-TOXINS that can cause leukemia and other health problems.
ROTENONE ― • This nasty chemical KILLS BEES, is HIGHLY TOXIC, especially when combined with PYRETHRINS, and can enhance the onset of Parkinson’s disease.
[ EVERYONE ] should read reputable scientific studies, rely less on anti-pesticide press releases and apocalyptic news stories, read product labels carefully, wash up afterward, and view with extreme skepticism any claims that the word « ORGANIC » means pesticide-free or a chemical is safe ( or not even a chemical ).
Background Information – The Wisdom Of A REAL Expert
Juris Dr Paul K Driessen
Paul K Driessen is among several LEADING EXPERTS who have recognized expertise, training, & background in matters concerning pest control products.
He is a Juris Doctor, a leading policy expert on pest control products, & accredited in public relations.
Dr Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow ( CFACT ) & Congress Of Racial Equality, & author of many articles on energy & on the environment.
He has degrees in sciences & environmental law.
He is the author of the acclaimed book Eco-Imperialism – Green Power – Black Death.
Dr Driessen speaks out against activists & anti-pesticide prohibitions on a regular basis.
He is among several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, & background in matters concerning pest control products, & who promote environmental realism & pesticide truths. http://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV
Dr Driessen speaks the truth ― & deserves congratulation.
Here are some examples of Dr Driessen’s wisdom …
√ — DRIESSEN — Conspiracy Against Glyphosate — California Lawsuits — Jackpot Kangaroo Court Justice — Fraud & Corruption Bring Big Payoffs — LINK
√ — DRIESSEN — Conspiracy Against Glyphosate — Questions About Glyphosate & Cancer — LINK
√ — DRIESSEN — Bee Conspiracy — Chemophobic Anti-Pesticide Groups — LINKS
√ — DRIESSEN — Bee Conspiracy — Trouble With Bees Shows How Anti-Pesticide Groups Often Demonize Good Chemicals — LINK
√ — DRIESSEN — Environmentalist Fraud & Manslaughter — LINK
√ — DRIESSEN — Greens Lie, Africans Die — LINKS
√ — DRIESSEN — DDT & Politicized Science In Namibia — LINK
√ — DRIESSEN — Three Billion Malaria Deaths & Counting — LINK
√ — DRIESSEN — New York Style Versus The Real Thing With Bedbugs — LINK
√ — DRIESSEN — The Wisdom Of Paul K Driessen — Web-Page — LINK
√ — DRIESSEN — The Wisdom Of Paul K Driessen — Announcement — New Web-Page — LINK
√ — DRIESSEN — The Wisdom Of REAL Experts Who Speak Out Against The Conspiracy To Impose Reckless & Arbitrary Prohibition Against Conventional Pest Control Products — LINK
Background Information
√ FACTS About Bees
Concerns about bee health & neonicotinoid insecticides is NOT WARRANTED.
In fact, bees are NOT dying off in the wake of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoid use ― they are actually GROWING & THRIVING.
There is NO bee crisis !
Why are a few bee-keepers losing their bees ?!?!
The most likely cause of losses are the bee-keepers themselves.
INCOMPETENT bee-keepers are killing their own hives.
Observers have concluded that many bee-keepers have NO IDEA what they are doing, & are simply NOT SKILLED to raise bees.
Bee-keepers are killing their own bees over & over again.
Otherwise, bees are GROWING & THRIVING.
There is NO bee-pocalypse because of the use of neonicotinoids.
There are NO plummeting of bee numbers.
However, SOME bee-keepers are losing their bees over & over again simply because they are INCOMPETENT !
Bees are NOT being lost because of the agricultural use of insecticides.
Only bee conspiracy fanatжcs want to recklessly & arbitrarily PROHIBIT against SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids.
Why ?!?!
BEE CONSPIRACY FANATЖCS who conspire to PROHIBIT against neonicotinoids are known to hate & despise the human race, & seek its demise.
According to these fanatжcs, the best way to speed up the demise of the human race is to attack the one thing that helps sustain & enhance human populations ― our food supply.
According to these fanatжcs, if you PROHIBIT neonicotinoids, the desired result will be lower food crop production since uncontrolled damaging pests will reduce crop yields.
This, in turn, will lead to hunger, starvation, & ultimately death.
PROHIBITING SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids will lead to the demise of the human race !
Observers accuse bee conspiracy fanatжcs of depraved indifference & plotting genocide.
√ FACTS regarding honey bee colonies & production …
√ FACT — Honey Bee Colonies & Production Are Growing & Thriving In Canada, In America, & Around The World
√ FACT — There Is No Bee Crisis With Neonicotinoid Insecticides
√ FACT — Concern About Bee Health & Neonicotinoids Is Not Warranted ― Bees Are Not Being Lost Because Of The Agricultural Use Of Insecticides
√ FACT — There Are No Plummeting Bee Numbers ― Bees Are Not Dying Off ― There Is No Bee-Pocalypse Because Of The Use Of Neonicotinoids ― Bees Are Actually Growing & Thriving
√ FACT — America’s Honey Bee Population Is The Highest Its Been In Twenty Years
√ FACT — Historically, Honey Bee Crises Are Nothing New Since Heavy Losses Have Been Reported For A Very Very Long Time, Decades & Centuries Before The Introduction Of Neonicotinoids
√ FACT — Why Are A Few Bee-Keepers Losing Their Bees ?!?! ― Some Bee-Keepers Are Losing Their Bees Over & Over Again Simply Because They Are Incompetent & Unskilled
√ FACT — Many Bee-Keepers Have No Idea What They Are Doing, & Are Simply Not Skilled To Raise Bees ― Their Bees Are Insanely Mis-Managed Like Agricultural Livestock, Which Adds Formidable Stress
√ FACT — Many Bee-Keepers Appear To Be Unable Or Unwilling To Get Their Major Problems Under Control, Such As Varroa Mites & Starvation ― They May Not Be Competent To Handle Their Businesses, & May Be Wholly Unsuited To Be Raising Bees
√ FACT — Overall, The Major Problems Leading To Honey Bee Losses Are Varroa Mites, Poor Queens, Weak Colonies, Weather Conditions, As Well As Bee-Keeper Incompetency ― Bee-Keepers Know Full Well That These Are The Primary Problems Associated With Bee Losses, & Not Insecticides
√ FACT — Neonicotinoids Cannot Harm Bees Since Agriculture’s Best Management Practices With Neonicotinoid-Treated Seeds, Which Is A Safe & Effective Way To Protect Crops While Also Minimizing Exposure To Bees
√ FACT — When Used Properly In Agriculture, Neonicotinoids Will Selectively & Effectively Control Insect Pests, But Are Completely Safe For Other Non-Target Organisms ― They Do Not Harm Bees, & Have No Persistence Beyond The Season Of Use
√ FACT — Neonicotinoids Cannot Harm Bees Since Agriculture’s Best Management Practices Will Minimize Any Potential Direct Exposure To Bees, Such As Coated-Seed Treatment
√ FACT — According To The Preliminary Pollinator Assessment By Health Canada, Neonicotinoids Like Imidacloprid Are Minimal Risk To Bees
√ FACT — According To Health Canada & The US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ), Foliar & Seed Treatments Of Imidacloprid Should Either Prevent Or Limit The Risks To Honey Bees & Other Pollinators
√ FACT — Because Agriculture’s Neonicotinoid-Coated-Seeds Are Buried In The Soil, These Insecticides Are Rendered Inaccessible To Bees & Other Non-Target Organisms
√ FACT — This Best Management Practice Ensures That The Potential Exposure To Bees Is At Very Low Levels, Far Too Low To Cause Harmful Effects By The Agriculture Industry
√ FACT — Neonicotinoids Cannot Harm Bees Since They Systemically Penetrate Into The Plant Tissues Where They Remain Inaccessible To Bees
√ FACT — Overall, So-Called Links & Causes Between Bee Losses & Neonicotinoids Are Mere Myths
√ FACT — There Is No Neonicotinoid Crisis
√ FACT — The Myth Of Disappearing Bees Is A Political Disease That Can Only Be Eradicated With The Truth
√ FACTS regarding Ontario …
√ FACT — Ontario’s Neonicotinoid Prohibition Proved To Be Unnecessary
√ FACT — The Neonicotinoid-Hating Ontario Liberal Government Cherry-Picked Fake-Science & Ignored The Findings Of Health Canada
√ FACT — Ontario’s Liberals Falsely Alleged That These Insecticides Were The Cause Of So-Called Bee Colony Collapse Disorder ― In Fact, Bee Losses Occur Because Some Bee-Keepers Have Been Wholly Unsuited To Be Raising Bees ― In Fact, Bee-Keepers Harm Bees, & Not Neonicotinoid Insecticides
√ FACT — Before Prohibition, Nearly 100 Per Cent Of Corn Seed & 60 Per Cent Of Soybean Seed Sold In Ontario Was Treated With Neonicotinoids
√ FACT — The Province Of Ontario Will Continue To Be Extremely Biased & Highly Prejudicial ― Playing Fields & Golf Courses Will Continue To Enjoy Pesticide Ban Exception Statuses For Neonicotinoids, But Not Professional Lawn Care & Not Agriculture
Explore the following selected links …
√ — HEALTH CANADA — Extensive Program To Assess Risks To Bees From Pest Control Products — LINK
√ — HEALTH CANADA — Health Canada Will Continue To Allow Neonicotinoids For Use In Certain Sectors Of The Agriculture Industry — LINK
√ — STARVATION — Biggest Single Cause Of Bee Winter Losses — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Bees Are Growing & Thriving — LINK
√ — ONTARIO — Pesticides Act Amendments — Destroyers — LINK
Background Information
√ FACTS About Bees Thriving
Honey Bee Colonies & Production Are THRIVING
In Canada, In America, & Around The World
Explore the following selected links …
√ — THRIVING — Honey Bee Colonies & Production Are Thriving — Mr Pierre Petelle — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Honeybee Colonies & Production Are Thriving In Canada & America — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Fewer Bees Or Just More Bee-S ?!?! — American Council On Science & Health — LINK
√ — THRIVING — America’s Bee Population Is The Highest Its been In Twenty Years — Mr Ezra Levant — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Canada’s Honey Yield Is TWICE The World’s Average — Agriculture Canada — 1 — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Canada’s Honey Yield Is TWICE The World’s Average — Agriculture Canada — 2 — LINK
√ — THRIVING — European Neonics Were Still Being Used In 2013, But 2013 Was Lowest Bee Loss Since 2007 — Official Document — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Bee Hives Thriving — Little Wolf Apiaries — Audio Recordings — LINK
√ — THRIVING — Ontario Bee Business Booming But They’re Suing Manufacturers Anyhow — Video Recordings — LINK
Background Information
√ FACTS About Bee Crisis
There Is NO Bee Crisis
Explore the following selected links …
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — There Is NO Proof That Neonicotinoids Harm Honey Bee Colonies When Used Properly — Dr Keith Ross Solomon — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — There Is NO Bee Crisis — Mr Bjorn Lomborg — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Regulatory Reviews Show That There Is A Slim Risk To Bees From Neonicotinoids — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Neonicotinoids DO NOT Cause Bee Deaths — American Council On Science & Health — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Bee-Keepers Are Harming Their Own Bees & NOT Neonicotinoid Insecticides — ARS Report On Honey Bee Health & Bee Colony Collapse Disorder — United States Department Of Agriculture — American Council On Science & Health — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Slim Risk To Bees With Neonicotinoids — Health Canada — US Environmental Protection Agency — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — There Is NO Evidence That Bumble Bees Are At Risk For Extinction Because Of Insecticides — LINK
√ — THERE IS A BEE CRISIS — Because Of The Carnage Of Truck Accidents & The Toxicity Of Linden Trees — LINK
√ — THERE IS A BEE CRISIS — Only Because Bee-Keepers Are HARMING Their Own Bees, & NOT Because Of Neonicotinoids — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Lawsuit Will Fail Because Bee-Keepers Are Negligent & Incompetent — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Sierra Club’s Fraudulent Use Of Non-Expert IUCN Report — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Field Studies Show That Neonicotinoids Are Low Risk To Bees — European Union — 1 — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Field Studies Show That Neonicotinoids Are Low Risk To Bees — European Union — 2 — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Science & Statistics DO NOT Support Demands To Prohibit Against Pesticides In Agriculture — 1 — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Science & Statistics DO NOT Support Demands To Prohibit Against Pesticides In Agriculture — 2 — LINK
Background Information
√ FACTS About Bee History
Historically, Bee Crises Are NOTHING NEW Since
Heavy Losses Have Been Reported For A Long Time
Explore the following selected links …
√ — THERE IS NOTHING NEW — The First Evidence For Bee Disappearances Goes Back Centuries — LINK
Background Information
√ FACTS About Bee-Keepers
Bee-Keepers Appear To Be Unable Or Unwilling To
Get Their Major Pest Problems Under Control, Such As
Varroa Mites & Starvation, Leading Observers To Conclude
That Bee-Keepers May Not Be Competent To Handle Their
Businesses, & May Be Wholly Unsuited To Be Raising Bees
Explore the following selected links …
√ — BEE-KEEPERS ARE HARMING THEIR OWN BEES — Not Neonicotinoid Insecticides — Varroa Mites Are The Primary Problem — LINK
√ — BEE-KEEPERS ARE HARMING THEIR OWN BEES — Neonicotinoids Are Not Killing Bees — Bee-Keepers Are Lying Sacks Of Anti-Pesticide Crжp — Mr Randy Oliver — LINK
√ — BEE-KEEPERS ARE HARMING THEIR OWN BEES — Not Neonicotinoid Insecticides — ARS Report On Honey Bee Health & Bee Colony Collapse Disorder — United States Department Of Agriculture — American Council On Science & Health — LINK
√ — BEE COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER — Pesticides Hurting Bees Is A Myth — LINK
Background Information
√ FACTS About Bee Risk
Neonicotinoids Will Not Harm Bees
Health Canada & US EPA Protect Bees
Both Health Canada & US EPA have extensive programs in place to assess risks to bees from pest control products i.e. neonicotinoid insecticides.
They determine the level of risk to bees by completing a thorough science-based risk assessment.
There is NO bee crisis because of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids.
Neonicotinoid Insecticides Are Environmentally-Friendly
Overall, so-called links & causes between bee colony collapse disorder & neonicotinoid insecticides are mere myths.
When used properly, neonicotinoids that are used by the agriculture industry will SAFELY & EFFECTIVELY control insect pests, but they remain completely safe for other non-target organisms ― they DO NOT injure bees, & have NO persistence beyond the season of use.
Although some neonicotinoids can be toxic to bees upon direct contact ( as are many so-called green alternative pesticides ), for decades, they have been used in a way that minimizes any potential direct exposure to bees, such as coated-seed treatment.
This best management practice ensures that the potential exposure to bees is at very low levels, far too low to cause harmful effects.
Consequently, neonicotinoids will cause NO harm to bees because coated-seeds are buried in the soil, so neonicotinoid insecticides become inaccessible to bees & other non-target organisms.
Moreover, when sprayed, these insecticides actually systemically penetrate into the plant tissues where they remain inaccessible to bees.
Bees DO NOT consume plant tissues, &, therefore, CANNOT be harmed by SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids.
There IS a bee crisis only because bee-keepers are scientifically illiterate, otherwise, they would know that scientific research shows that, as reported through EPA’s & Health Canada’s vast toxicology database, NO harm will occur to bees.
There is NO bee crisis because of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids.
Bee-Keepers’ Incompetence
SOME bee-keepers are losing their bees over & over again, but NOT because of neonicotinoid insecticides.
Why is this madness happening ?!?!
Observers have concluded that many of these bee-keepers have NO idea what they are doing, & are simply NOT skilled to raise bees.
Bee-keepers are the ones responsible for killing their own bees over & over again, but, rather than admit their incompetence, they prefer to wail endlessly about the imaginary risks of insecticides.
There IS a bee crisis because the alleged losses of bees are, in fact, the fault of these bee-keepers & their mis-management practices.
There is NO bee crisis because of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids.
Reasons For Bee-Keepers’ Incompetence
The bee-keepers themselves are clearly responsible since they appear to be unable or unwilling or NOT skilled enough to mitigate the real issues that harm bees, such as starvation, transportation, weak colonies, fungal infections, & mite infestations.
Starvation is biggest single cause of bee losses.
For example, the factor cited by most Ontario producers for winter loss has been starvation, followed by weak colonies in the fall, & poor queens.
There IS a bee crisis because bee-keepers are harming their own bees.
There is NO bee crisis because of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids.
Bee-Keepers’ Driving Incompetence
Additionally, bee-keepers are killing even more of their bees by truck accidents.
There IS a bee crisis because bee-keepers are not only starving their bees to death, they are also killing them through their driving incompetence.
There is NO bee crisis because of SAFE & EFFECTIVE neonicotinoids.
Bee-Keepers’ Unjustified Compensation
Bee-keepers prefer to remain unproficient at bee-keeping, & expect the government to shower them with vast sums of unjustifiable compensation.
Observers believe bee-keepers lie about the alleged losses of their bees, just as they lie about their competency on raising their bees.
Incompetent bee-keepers falsely blame their bee losses on neonicotinoid insecticide, & believe that they are entitled to unjustifiable government compensation.
They will say anything & do anything in order to obtain free government money.
They will also say anything & do anything in order to coerce & intimidate government officials into prohibiting insecticides.
The imposition of prohibition will guarantee their entitlement to unjustifiable government compensation.
Unfortunately, any prohibition or any restriction will NEVER save bees.
The alleged losses of bees are, in fact, the fault of these bee-keepers & their insane mis-management practices.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — THERE IS A BEE CRISIS — Bee-Keepers Are Harming Their Own Bees — LINK
√ — THERE IS A BEE CRISIS — The Carnage Of Truck Accidents — LINK
√ — RISK — Imidacloprid & Preliminary Pollinator Assessment — LINK
√ — RISK — There Is No Potential Risk To Bees — LINK
√ — RISK — Regulatory Reviews Show Slim Risk To Bees — LINK
√ — STARVATION — Biggest Single Cause Of Winter Losses — LINK
√ — UNJUSTIFIABLE COMPENSATION — Ontario Sunsets Lawn Care Industry But Provides $ Funding $ To Address Bee Loss — LINK
√ — UNJUSTIFIABLE COMPENSATION — Bee-Keepers Are Uneducated & Incompetent – Their False Allegations Against Insecticides Serve As A Mere Ploy To Attract Compensation — LINK
√ — UNJUSTIFIABLE COMPENSATION — Undeserved Money To Incompetent Bee-Keepers — LINK
Background Information
The Entire Media History
About The Bee Conspiracy
Explore the following selected links …
√ — BEE CONSPIRACY — Re-Direct Links — LINK
√ — BEE CONSPIRACY — The Library Of References 2 — 2015 To Present — LINK
√ — BEE CONSPIRACY — The Library Of References 1 — 1995 To 2014 — LINK
√ — BEE CONSPIRACY — The Library Of Reports & Blogs By Force Of Nature — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Honey Bee Colonies & Production Are Thriving — Mr Pierre Petelle — LINK
√ — THERE IS NO BEE CRISIS — Glyphosate Will Not Harm Bees — LINK
√ — PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS — The Media History Of Victories Against Anti-Pesticide Terrжrism — LINK
√ — PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS — Victories Against Anti-Pesticide Terrжrists — Various Statements For Media Release — LINK
We Speak The Whole Truth
About Bee Conspiracies From
An Independent Perspective
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged bee conspiracy fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths. https://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV
Not surprisingly, bee conspiracy fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the bee conspiracy fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com
The whole truth can be found on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site …
√ — Pesticide Bans Are A Farce — LINK
√ — Bee-Keepers Are Killing Bees, & Not Insecticides — LINK
√ — Real Trends Against Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ — Enemies List In The 9|11 Era Of Anti-Pesticide Terrжrism — LINK
√ — Carnage Created By Catastrophic Anti-Pesticide Prohibition — Main Web-Page — LINK
√ — The Exorbitant Cost Of Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ — Attacks Against Golf Facilities — LINK
√ — Myths About Banning Pesticides — Leading Scientific Health & Policy Experts — White Paper — LINK
√ — 2,4-D Herbicide — LINK
√ — Victories Against Anti-Glyphosate Terrжrism — LINK
√ — Complaint Channels — Complain About The Anti-Pesticide Lunatжcs — LINK
√ — Pesticide Links — LINK