Glyphosate-Cancer Kangaroo-Trials
The conspiracy against glyphosate is a coordinated and well-funded attack against society, using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, and confrontation.
Jackpot justice lawsuits against glyphosate are the product of rampant collusion, misconduct, and even fraud.
Jurors have awarded outrageous amounts of $80,000,000 or more.
The glyphosate-cancer trials have been textbook cases of kangaroo court justice.
With these glyphosate-cancer kangaroo-trials, the legal system will be irretrievably corrupted by this coordinated, well-funded attack by fanatжcs, using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, and confrontation.
The false-cancer-claims against glyphosate should never be admitted as evidence in ANY trial.
Glyphosate is NOT a carcinogen.
Multiple studies by respected agencies and organizations world-wide have concluded that glyphosate is safe and non-carcinogenic.
National regulatory agencies and organizations that have VINDICATED glyphosate include ― US Environmental Protection Agency, European Food Safety Authority, European Chemicals Agency, Food and Agriculture Organization, Germany’s Institute for Risk Assessment, Health Canada, Australia’s Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, and others.
Four decades and 3,300 studies by respected national regulatory agencies and organizations world-wide have concluded that glyphosate is safe and non-carcinogenic, based on assessments of actual risk.
Overall, the data DO NOT support the false-claims that glyphosate is carcinogenic.
The US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) has evaluated this herbicide, and has reaffirmed that there is NO RISK to public health when used properly.
Additionally, a study conducted by US National Cancer Institute followed the health of 54,000 farmers and commercial pesticide applicators for over two decades, and found NO glyphosate-cancer link.
We must keep fraudulent science out of our courtrooms !
The false-cancer-claims by the glyphosate-hating International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) are secretive, sloppy, bungled ― and perhaps even systematically and deliberately fraudulent.
These IARC claims should NEVER be admitted as evidence in ANY trial.
Any of IARC’s false-cancer-claims against glyphosate are ― • such an outlier • so beneath scientific norms • so tainted by conflicts-of-interest and misconduct • so unrelated to actual chemical risks, and • so deceptive and border-line fraudulent.
Glyphosate has been vindicated and continues to be registered as a successful and safe product.
It may be instructive to look at the glyphosate-cancer trials with a line of questioning that would have put glyphosate in a very different light and might have changed the outcome of these kangaroo-trials.
Here are questions that should be answered by plaintiffs who allege that glyphosate was responsible for their cancer …
• Do any of your life-style choices present a risk of getting cancer ?!?!
• Does your family history include cancer ?!?!
• Do your eating, exercise, and sleeping habits mitigate cancer ?!?!
• Do you avoid high-fat foods ?!?!
• Do you eat healthy foods ?!?!
• How often have you eaten bacon, sausage, or other processed meats, which are known to be carcinogenic ?!?!
• Do you, or have you, ever smoked ?!?!
• How often have you been exposed to second-hand smoke ?!?!
• How often do you eat fruits and vegetables ?!?!
• Did you always use glyphosate in accordance with label directions ?!?!
• The glyphosate you were exposed to was manufactured by which company ?!?!
• Was the glyphosate you were exposed to manufactured as an inferior and dangerous foreign knock-off ?!?!
Glyphosate has been vindicated and continues to be registered as a successful and safe product.
Glyphosate will NOT cause cancer.
August 3rd, 2019
Juris Dr Paul K Driessen
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
California Lawsuits — Fraud & Corruption
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Fraud & Corruption
Jackpot Justice
San Francisco area juries have awarded cancer patients some $80,000,000 each, based on FALSE-CLAIMS that the active ingredient in Roundup [ herbicide ], caused their cancer [ ?!?! ] ― and that Bayer-Monsanto negligently or deliberately failed to advise consumers that the glyphosate it manufactures is ( allegedly ) carcinogenic [ ?!?! ].
Glyphosate is vindicated and continues to be registered as a successful and safe product. The US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) has evaluated the herbicide glyphosate, and has reaffirmed that there is NO RISK to public health when used properly. Glyphosate is NOT a carcinogen.
The false-cancer-claims by the glyphosate-hating International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) are secretive, sloppy, bungled ― and perhaps even systematically and deliberately fraudulent. These IARC claims should never be admitted as evidence in any trial. Any of IARC’s false-cancer-claims against glyphosate are ― • such an outlier • so beneath scientific norms • so tainted by conflicts-of-interest and misconduct • so unrelated to actual chemical risks, and • so deceptive and border-line fraudulent.
[ United States District Court Judges ] reduced the original truly outrageous awards of $289,000,000 and even $1,000,000,000 per plaintiff !
Meanwhile, ubiquitous ads are still trolling for new clients, saying anyone who ever used Roundup and now has Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, or other cancer, could be the next JACKPOT JUSTICE WINNER.
MASS TORT PLAINTIFF LAW FIRMS have lined up 18,500 additional « corporate victims » for glyphosate-cancer trials.
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Fraud & Corruption
Safe & Non-Carcinogenic
Introduced in 1974, glyphosate is licensed in 130 countries.
Millions of farmers, home-owners, and gardeners have made it the world’s most widely used herbicide ― and one of the most intensely studied chemicals in history.
Four decades and 3,300 studies by respected agencies and organizations world-wide have concluded that glyphosate is SAFE AND NON-CARCINOGENIC, based on assessments of ACTUAL RISK.
National regulatory agencies and organizations that have VINDICATED glyphosate include ―
• US Environmental Protection Agency [ US EPA ] • European Food Safety Authority • European Chemicals Agency • UN Food and Agriculture Organization • Germany’s Institute for Risk Assessment • Australia’s Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority • Health Canada.
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Fraud & Corruption
Health Canada
Health Canada noted that « no pesticide regulatory authority in the world considers glyphosate to be a cancer risk to humans at the levels at which humans are currently exposed ». [ See full statement below. ]
Background Information
Glyphosate Vindicated By Health Canada
The Concerns Raised By The Objectors Against
Glyphosate Could Not Be Scientifically Supported
When Considering The Entire Body Of Relevant Data
No Pesticide Regulatory Authority In The World Currently
Considers Glyphosate To Be A Cancer Risk To Humans
At The Levels At Which Humans Are Currently Exposed
Health Canada Statement On Glyphosate
Health Canada’s primary objective in regulating pesticides is to protect Canadians’ health and the environment.
That is why the Department regularly reviews all pesticides to make sure that they continue to meet modern health and safety standards.
Following the release of the Department’s final re-evaluation decision on glyphosate in 2017, Health Canada received eight notices of objection.
There have also been concerns raised publicly about the validity of some of the science around glyphosate in what is being referred to as the Monsanto Papers.
Health Canada scientists reviewed the information provided in these notices, and assessed the validity of any studies in question, to determine whether any of the issues raised would influence the results of the assessment and the associated regulatory decision.
The objections raised DID NOT create doubt or concern regarding the scientific basis for the 2017 re-evaluation decision for glyphosate.
Therefore, the Department’s final decision will stand.
Health Canada follows a transparent and rigorous science-based regulatory process when making decisions about the safety of pesticides.
As part of this process, Health Canada will publish its response to each notice of objection in the Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s Public Registry on January 14.
Our scientists left no stone unturned in conducting this review.
They had access to all relevant data and information from federal and provincial governments, international regulatory agencies, published scientific reports and multiple pesticide manufacturers.
This includes the reviews referred to in the Monsanto Papers.
Health Canada also had access to numerous individual studies and raw scientific data during its assessment of glyphosate, including additional cancer and genotoxicity studies.
To help ensure an unbiased assessment of the information, Health Canada selected a group of 20 of its own scientists who were not involved in the 2017 re-evaluation to evaluate the notices of objection.
We continue to monitor for new information related to glyphosate, including regulatory actions from other governments, and will take appropriate action if risks of concern to human health or the environment are identified.
Explore the following link …
√ — Reference — glyphosate — 2019 01 11 — Health Canada — Statement On Glyphosate — LINK
Reference — glyphosate — 2019 01 11 — Health Canada — Statement On Glyphosate
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Fraud & Corruption
National Cancer Institute
The National Cancer Institute’s ongoing Agricultural Health Study evaluated 54,000 farmers and commercial pesticide applicators for over two decades ― and likewise found NO GLYPHOSATE-CANCER LINK.
Background Information
Glyphosate Vindicated By Research Conducted By The US NCI
The NCI researchers concluded that ― glyphosate was NOT statistically significantly associated with cancer.
This large long-term research was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute ( JNCI ) on November 9th, 2017.
This was the largest research study of agricultural workers in history, a gold standard, over the longest period of time.
It definitively demonstrated in a real-world environment that glyphosate DOES NOT cause cancer.
Explore the following link …
√ — Glyphosate Vindicated By US National Cancer Institute — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Fraud & Corruption
International Agency For Cancer Research – 1
Only the International Agency for Cancer Research ( IARC ) says otherwise ― and it based its conclusions on [ a mere ] 8 studies.
Four decades and 3,300 studies by respected national regulatory agencies and organizations world-wide have concluded that glyphosate is SAFE AND NON-CARCINOGENIC, based on assessments of ACTUAL RISK. Overall, the data DO NOT support the FALSE-CLAIMS that glyphosate is carcinogenic.
Even worse, IARC MANIPULATED, at least some of these studies, to concoct the FALSE-CANCER-CLAIMS it wanted.
Subsequent reviews by …
• Dr Geoffrey Kabat, epidemiologist
• Dr Robert Tarone, statistician at National Cancer Institute
• Ms Kate Kelland, investigative journalist
• Dr David Zaruk, writer at RiskMonger
… and other investigators have demonstrated that the IARC process was TAINTED BEYOND REPAIR.
Background Information
International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) is an anti-glyphosate & environmental-terrжrist organization.
IARC, the ONLY major science body to insist that glyphosate causes cancer [ ?!?! ], has been caught doctoring documents and manipulating evidence to support its conclusion.
IARC conducts bad science.
Occasionally, bad science is promoted by lunatжcs who receive pay-offs and practice scientific fraud.
The motivation seems to be financial.
A key IARC lunatжc-advisor who lobbied against glyphosate has, in essence, received a pay-off of $160,000.
He was bribed by lawyers who stand to profit from potential lawsuits involving glyphosate.
This is a truly gigantic scandal that has ( predictably ) received scant press coverage.
IARC has severely and perhaps irreparably damaged the reputation of its parent, the World Health Organization ( WHO ).
Anti-glyphosate lunatжcs are crooks and lying sacks of crжp !
Explore the following link …
√ — Glyphosate-Gate — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Fraud & Corruption
International Agency For Cancer Research – 2
The IARC’s FALSE-CANCER-CLAIMS should NEVER have been allowed in court.
But the judges in the first three cases let the jackpot-justice plaintiff-lawyers bombard the jury with FALSE-CANCER-CLAIMS by International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) , and went even further.
In the Hardeman case, [ United States District Court ] Judge Vincent Chhabria BLOCKED the introduction of EPA analyses that concluded « glyphosate is not likely to be carcinogenic in humans », based on its careful review of many of the studies just mentioned.
Explore the following link …
√ — EPA Reaffirms No Risk To Public Health — LINK
[ United States District Court Judge Vincent Chhabria ] said he wanted « to avoid wasting time or misleading the jury because the primary inquiry is what the scientific studies show, not what the EPA concluded they show ». [ ?!?! ]
However, IARC didn’t do any original studies either.
[ IARC ] just concluded that glyphosate is « Probably Carcinogenic To Humans – Group 2A », meaning studies it reviewed found LIMITED EVIDENCE OF CARCINOGENICITY in humans, plus sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in lab animals that had been exposed to very high doses or lower doses for prolonged periods of time.
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Fraud & Corruption
Questions Bayer’s Defense Attorneys Should Have Asked Plaintiffs
• Plaintiffs Dewayne Johnson 47 Years Old • Edwin
Hardeman 70 • Alva Pilliod 77 • Alberta Pilliod 75
It is also instructive to look at the three San Francisco area glyphosate-cancer trials from another angle ― an additional line of questioning that would have put glyphosate and Roundup in a very different light and might have changed the outcome of these glyphosate-cancer kangaroo-trials.
The glyphosate-cancer trials have been textbook cases of kangaroo court justice. With these glyphosate-cancer kangaroo-trials, the legal system will be irretrievably corrupted by this coordinated, well-funded attack by fanatжcs, using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, and confrontation. The false-claims that glyphosate is carcinogenic should NEVER be admitted as evidence in ANY trial.
Defense attorneys should have asked about ―
Plaintiffs’ Cancer History & Life-Style Choices
• Can you describe your family cancer history ?
• Your eating, exercise and sleeping habits ?
• How much you eat high-fat foods ?
• How often you eat fruits and vegetables ?
• Your other life-style choices that doctors and other experts now know play significant roles in whether or not people get cancer ?
Defense attorneys should have asked about ―
Plaintiffs’ Exposure To Substances & Activities On The
List Of IARC’s Group 1 – Carcinogenic To Humans
• How many times in your life do you estimate you were exposed to substances classified as Group 1 – Carcinogenic To Humans by International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) ? ―
… including …
• Acetaldehyde in alcoholic beverages ?
• Aflatoxin in peanuts ?
• Asbestos ?
• Cadmium in batteries ?
• Lindane insecticide ?
• Sunlight ?
… or any of the 125 other substances and activities in the list of IARC’s Group 1 – Carcinogenic To Humans ?
• Have you ever smoked ?
• How often have you been exposed to second-hand smoke ?
• How often have you eaten bacon, sausage, or other processed meats ― which are also in the list of IARC’s Group 1 – Carcinogenic To Humans ?
Defense attorneys should have asked about ―
Plaintiffs’ Exposure To Substances & Activities On The
List Of IARC’s Group 2A – Probably Carcinogenic To Humans
• How many times have you been exposed to any any substances classified as Probably Carcinogenic by International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) ― not just glyphosate …
… but also …
• Anabolic steroids ?
• Creosote ?
• Diazinon insecticide ?
• Dieldrin insecticide ?
• Emissions from high-temperature food frying ?
• Malathion insecticide ?
• Shift work ?
… or any of the 75 other substances and activities in the list of IARC’s Group 2A – Probably Carcinogenic To Humans ?
• How often have you consumed beef or very hot beverages ― likewise in the list of IARC’s Group 2A – Probably Carcinogenic To Humans ?
Defense attorneys should have asked about ―
Plaintiffs’ Exposure To Substances & Activities On The
List Of IARC’s Group 2B – Possibly Carcinogenic To Humans
• How many times have you been exposed to any substances classified as Possibly Carcinogenic by International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) ―
… including …
• Apples ?
• Bracken ferns ?
• Broccoli ?
• Caffeic acid in coffee ?
• Chlordane insecticide ?
• Diesel fuel ?
• Fumonisin ?
• Inorganic lead ?
• Kale ?
• Low frequency magnetic fields ?
• Malathion insecticide ?
• Parathion insecticide ?
• Pickled vegetables ?
• Tea ?
• Titanium oxide in white paint ?
… and other fruits and vegetables …
… or any of the 200 other substances and activities in the list of IARC’s Group 2B – Possibly Carcinogenic To Humans ?
Defense attorneys should have asked about ―
Plaintiffs’ Exposure To Pyrethrin Insecticides & Organic Food
• How often have you eaten Organic Food and perhaps been exposed to Pyrethrin Insecticides ?
Pyrethrin Insecticides used by organic farmers are powerful neurotoxins that are very toxic to bees, cats, and fish ― and have been linked by EPA, and other experts, to leukemia and other cancers, and other health problems.
Defense attorneys should have asked about ―
Plaintiffs’ Exposure To Foreign Knock-Offs Of Glyphosate
• How do you know the glyphosate you were exposed to was manufactured by Bayer and not one of [ the foreign knock-offs ] ?
Large quantities of glyphosate have been manufactured for years in China and other countries.
Defense attorneys should have asked about ―
Plaintiffs’ Exposure To Hundreds Of Other Substances &
Activities On IARC’s Lists Of Carcinogenicity To Humans
In view of all these exposures, please explain how you, your doctors, your lawyers, and the experts you consulted, concluded that …
• None of your family history …
• None of your life-style choices …
• None of your exposures to dozens or even hundreds of other substances on the lists of carcinogens by International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) …
… caused or contributed to your cancer …
and that your cancer is due SOLELY to your exposure to glyphosate.
Defense attorneys should have asked about ―
Plaintiffs’ Cancers Caused Solely By Glyphosate ?
Put another way, please explain exactly how you and your experts separated and quantified all these various exposures and life-style decisions ― and concluded that Roundup from Bayer-Monsanto was the SOLE REASON you got cancer ― and all these other factors played NO role whatsoever.
Background Information
International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) has NOT proven that glyphosate causes cancer.
IARC has NOT classified glyphosate as IARC’s Group 1 – Carcinogenic To Humans.
Additionally, IARC arbitrarily classified the glyphosate as Group 1 on the basis of « limited evidence » of cancer.
Unfortunately, glyphosate-hating fanatжcs have implied that IARC’s « limited evidence » has somehow been withheld from EVERY science-based national regulatory agency in the world.
Nonetheless, IARC has NOT classified glyphosate as Group 1 – Carcinogenic To Humans.
In other words, according to IARC, glyphosate WILL NOT cause cancer !
And we repeat, IARC has NOT classified glyphosate as Group 1 – Carcinogenic To Humans.
Glyphosate WILL NOT cause cancer !
The false-cancer-claims by the glyphosate-hating International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) are secretive, sloppy, bungled ― and perhaps even systematically and deliberately fraudulent.
Any of IARC’s false-cancer-claims against glyphosate are ― • such an outlier • so beneath scientific norms • so tainted by conflicts-of-interest and misconduct • so unrelated to actual chemical risks, and • so deceptive and border-line fraudulent.
These claims should never be admitted as evidence in any trial.
According to US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ), German Federal Institute For Risk Assessment, Health Canada, and EVERY other science-based national regulatory agency in the world, the weight of evidence is AGAINST carcinogenicity.
In other words, according to these agencies, glyphosate WILL NOT cause cancer.
The IARC hazard report DID NOT indicate the risk of getting cancer.
On the other hand, national regulatory agencies, like US EPA and Health Canada, DO evaluate risks.
IARC merely looked at what is called hazard, and NOT risk.
IARC DID NOT take into consideration how much of, or how commonly, a risk glyphosate poses in the real world.
IARC failed to provide any new research concerning glyphosate.
If the IARC hazard report against glyphosate was truly valid, then why hasn’t WHO itself demand more government regulation ?!?!
Why should national regulatory agencies listen to IARC when it continues to be ignored by WHO ?!?!
Why ?!?!
Because, glyphosate WILL NOT cause harm and WILL NOT cause cancer !
The World Health Organization ( WHO ) and the Food & Agriculture Organization ( FAO ), both agencies of the United Nations, have stated that glyphosate is UNLIKELY to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans.
On May 16th, 2016, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) and the Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ), both agencies of the United Nations, stated that … « glyphosate is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans ».
The United Nations announced its assessment that glyphosate is UNLIKELY to cause cancer in people and that it is UNLIKELY to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans exposed to it through food !
The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ) and World Health Organization ( WHO ) looked at all pertinent published and un-published studies to assess the health risk to consumers from dietary exposure to glyphosate residues in food.
Glyphosate WILL NOT cause cancer !
Explore the following links …
√ — Glyphosate Herbicide WILL NOT Cause Cancer — Why Do National Government Regulators In America, Germany, & Canada Conclude That It Is Safe While Only World Health Organization ( WHO a.k.a. IARC ) Claims It MAY Cause Cancer — LINK
√ — Precautionary Principle — Pesticides & Cancer — Conflation Of Advocacy With Science — How Activism Distorts The Assessment Of Health Risks — False Positives In Epidemiology — International Agency For Research On Cancer ( IARC ) — Dr Geoffrey C Kabat — LINK
√ — Expert Reaction To Carcinogenicity Classification Of Five Pesticides By The International Agency For Research On Cancer ( IARC ) — LINK
√ — United Nations Has Discredited The IARC Anti-Glyphosate Hazard Report — LINK
√ — Conspiracy Against Glyphosate – Victories Against Anti-Glyphosate Terrжrism — LINK
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Fraud & Corruption
News accounts do not reveal whether Bayer-Monsanto lawyers asked these questions [ see previous segments ] ― or whether they tried to ask them, but the judges DISALLOWED the questions.
In any event, the bottom line is this ―
• It is bad enough that the IARC studies at the center of these JACKPOT JUSTICE LAWSUITS are the product of RAMPANT COLLUSION, MISCONDUCT, and even FRAUD, in the way IARC concluded glyphosate is Probably Carcinogenic.
• It is worse that these glyphosate-cancer trials have been driven by jackpot-justice plaintiff-lawyers’ emotional appeals to jurors’ largely MISPLACED FEARS OF CHEMICALS and MINIMAL KNOWLEDGE of chemicals, chemical risks, medicine, and cancer ― resulting in OUTRAGEOUS AWARDS of $80,000,000 or more.
Worst of all, our Federal District Courts have ―
• Let MISCONDUCT by jackpot-justice plaintiff-lawyers drive these lawsuits
• PREVENTED defense attorneys from effectively countering FALSE-CANCER-CLAIMS by International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) and discussing the agency’s GROSS MISCONDUCT.
• BARRED defense attorneys from presenting the EXTENSIVE EVIDENCE that glyphosate is NOT carcinogenic to humans.
The glyphosate-cancer trials have been textbook cases of KANGOROO COURT JUSTICE.
With these glyphosate-cancer kangaroo-trials, the legal system will be irretrievably corrupted by this coordinated, well-funded attack by fanatжcs, using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, and confrontation. The false-claims that glyphosate is carcinogenic should NEVER be admitted as evidence in ANY trial.
The cases are heading to APPEAL, ultimately to the US Supreme Court.
We can only hope appellate judges will return sanity, fairness, and justice to the nation’s litigation process.
Otherwise, our legal system will be irretrievably corrupted; products, technologies, companies, and industries will likely be driven out of existence; and fraud, emotion, and anarchy will reign.
JACKPOT-JUSTICE LAW FIRMS, and their ANTI-CHEMICAL ACTIVIST ALLIES, are already targeting cereals that have « detectable » levels of glyphosate ― a few parts per billion or trillion [ ppt ], where 1 ppt is equivalent to 1 second in 32,000 years.
Talc and benzene ― foundations for numerous consumer products ― are already under attack.
Advanced technology neonicotinoid pesticides could be next.
It’s all part of a coordinated, well-funded attack on America, free enterprise and technology, using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, and confrontation.
Our legislatures and courts need to rein it in.
February 3rd, 2019
Juris Dr Paul K Driessen
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
California Lawsuits — Keep Fraudulent Science Out of Our Courtrooms
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Fraudulent Science
Cases Against Glyphosate
A California jury recently awarded $289,000,000 in damages ( later reduced to $78,000,000 ) to a former grounds-keeper [ Dewayne Johnson ], who claimed the [ herbicide ] glyphosate caused his non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma [ ?!?! ], and Monsanto deliberately or negligently failed to warn him adequately about the chemical’s cancer risks [ ?!?! ].
The case is on APPEAL, and a second [ kangaroo-trial ] will soon begin before US District Court Judge Vince Chhabria, who himself has 620 more glyphosate cases on his docket.
Overall, more than 9,300 additional cases are in the works against Monsanto and its new owner, Bayer ― and personal injury mass-tort law firms are trolling for more alleged victims.
Their print, radio and television ads proclaim ―
If you were ever exposed to glyphosate and now have cancer, you may be entitled to damages. Call us now.
If the allegations are correct, compensatory, and even punitive, DAMAGE AWARDS would be justified, though what might be « reasonable » damages is very much open to debate.
However, reputable evidence strongly suggests that there is NO connection between glyphosate use and lymphomas or other cancers.
In fact, the two cases, and indeed the entire mega-litigation argument, HINGES ON ONE STUDY ― and [ US District Court ] Judge Chhabria had to decide whether it would be admissible at the upcoming [ kangaroo-trial ].
Unfortunately, [ US District Court ] Judge Chhabria ruled that jackpot-justice plaintiff-lawyers could introduce that study as evidence, despite the multiple DECEPTIONS surrounding it.
Many experts say the study is HIGHLY SUSPECT, bordering on FRAUDULENT, and should have been BARRED.
We must keep FRAUDULENT SCIENCE out of our courtrooms !
Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup [ herbicide ].
Introduced in 1974 and licensed in 130 countries, it is the world’s most widely used herbicide.
Millions of home-owners use it regularly.
Farmers employ it with Roundup-Ready corn, soybeans, and other crops that are engineered to be resistant to it, so as to ―
• Minimize weeding and tilling.
• Preserve soil structure.
• Reduce erosion and water evaporation.
According to Dr Geoffrey C Kabat, cancer epidemiologist ―
[ Farmers favour glyphosate ] because it is ENVIRONMENTALLY-BENIGN and has LOW TOXICITY.
The acute toxicity of glyphosate is LOWER than that of TABLE SALT.
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Fraudulent Science
Most Extensive Cancer Study
Multiple studies by respected agencies and organizations world-wide have concluded that glyphosate is safe and non-carcinogenic.
National regulatory agencies and organizations that have VINDICATED glyphosate include ―
• US Environmental Protection Agency
• European Food Safety Authority
• European Chemicals Agency
• UN Food and Agriculture Organization
• Germany’s Institute for Risk Assessment
• Health Canada
• Australia’s Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
• And others
Four decades and 3,300 studies by respected national regulatory agencies and organizations world-wide have concluded that glyphosate is safe and non-carcinogenic, based on assessments of actual risk. Overall, the data DO NOT support the false-claims that glyphosate is carcinogenic.
The US Agricultural Health Study [ AHS ], conducted by the US National Cancer Institute, followed the health of 54,000 farmers and commercial pesticide applicators for over two decades.
It found NO glyphosate-cancer link.
The AHS is ongoing and is by far the MOST EXTENSIVE such study ever done.
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Fraudulent Science
IARC Studies Are Not Research
Only one agency, the France-based International Agency for Cancer Research ( IARC ), says otherwise.
IARC does NO research of its own.
It simply reviews existing research and classifies chemicals as Carcinogenic, Probably Carcinogenic, or Possibly Carcinogenic ― often at EXTREMELY HIGH DOSES that humans are extremely unlikely to encounter in the real world.
Nor does the agency conduct « risk assessments » to determine exposure levels at which chemicals might actually have adverse effects on people.
In fact, some chemicals may cause cancer at EXTREMELY HIGH DOSES, but be completely HARMLESS at levels encountered in our daily lives.
Other substances are HARMFUL AT HIGH DOSES but beneficial or vital at very low doses ― not having them in our bodies at certain low levels can cause severe health problems.
To date, IARC has studied over 900 substances ― and found ONLY ONE that was Probably Not Carcinogenic.
Its antiquated approach lumps bacon, sausage, sunlight and plutonium together in its Group 1 – Carcinogenic To Humans category.
Its list of Group 2B – Possibly Carcinogens includes ―
• Pickled vegetables.
• Caffeic acid, which is found in coffee.
• Tea.
• Apples.
• Blueberries.
• Broccoli.
• Kale.
• Onions.
• Other fruits and vegetables.
Glyphosate is listed as Group 2A – Probably Carcinogenic, along with ―
• Creosote.
• Inorganic lead compounds.
• Malathion.
• Many big-word chemicals.
• High-temperature frying.
• « Very hot beverages » !
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Fraudulent Science
Plaintiff Dewayne Johnson
Grounds-keeper Dewayne Johnson has said he somehow got « drenched » twice by glyphosate.
But, in each case, Johnson failed to take a shower or wash the chemical off, follow other standard or specific detoxification procedures, or seek immediate medical attention.
Perhaps Johnson’s legal team could make a plausible argument that getting « drenched » twice constituted the extremely high doses that are often cited as carcinogenic International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ).
However, IARC’s SECRETIVE, SLOPPY, BUNGLED ― or even SYSTEMATICALLY AND DELIBERATELY FRAUDULENT ― handling of its glyphosate review makes even that possibility little more than PSEUDO-EVIDENCE that should be barred from [ plaintiff ] Johnson’s case, the pending Edwin Hardeman case, and all other glyphosate [ kangaroo-trials ].
The glyphosate-cancer trials have been textbook cases of kangaroo court justice. With these kangaroo-trials, the legal system will be irretrievably corrupted by this coordinated, well-funded attack by fanatжcs, using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, and confrontation. The false-claims that glyphosate is carcinogenic should NEVER be admitted as evidence in ANY trial. We must keep fraudulent science out of our courtrooms !
The Wisdom Of Juris Dr Paul Driessen – Fraudulent Science
IARC Tainted Beyond Repair
International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) supposedly based its 2015 revelation of « glyphosate-causes-cancer » based upon so-called evidence from rodent studies.
However, subsequent reviews [ by the following investigators ] have confirmed that the IARC process was TAINTED BEYOND REPAIR from the very beginning ―
• Dr Geoffrey Kabat, epidemiologist.
• Dr Robert Tarone, statistician at National Cancer Institute.
• Ms Kate Kelland, investigative journalist.
• Dr David Zaruk, writer at RiskMonger.
• and other investigators.
IARC’s glyphosate review was proposed by US government statistician [ and glyphosate-hating fanatжc ] Christopher Portier, who also helped design the IARC study, and served as special advisor to the IARC « Working Group » that evaluated the chemical.
He did so while also being PAID AS AN ADVISOR to the anti-chemical Environmental Defense Fund.
Then, just days after IARC issued its ruling, Portier signed a contract to receive $160,000 for serving as a litigation consultant for two law firms that were preparing to sue Monsanto on behalf of « glyphosate cancer victims ».
[ Glyphosate-hating fanatжc ] Portier and IARC tried to COVER-UP these BLATANT CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.
Dr Tarone [ statistician at National Cancer Institute ] discovered that, during its deliberations, the IARC panel highlighted certain positive results from rodent studies it relied on ― while IGNORING CONTRADICTORY RESULTS from the same studies.
Overall, the data DO NOT support the IARC’s FALSE-CLAIMS that glyphosate is carcinogenic, he determined.
Ms Kelland [ investigative journalist ] found ten instances where « a negative conclusion about glyphosate leading to tumors was either deleted or replaced with a neutral or positive one » between draft and final versions of the IARC report.
[ Glyphosate-hating fanatжc ] Portier himself admitted the animal studies subgroup report concluding « limited evidence » of carcinogenicity somehow got upgraded to « sufficient evidence » for the final report.
Just as disturbing, the chair of IARC’s glyphosate Working Group was ALSO a senior investigator for the AHS pesticide and herbicide analysis.
The US Agricultural Health Study ( AHS ) was conducted by the US National Cancer Institute.
[ Glyphosate-hating fanatжc ] Portier knew the AHS results clearly EXONERATED glyphosate as a carcinogen.
However, Portier did not inform the IARC’s glyphosate Working Group about those results, on the SPURIOUS GROUNDS that they had not yet been published.
Portier later admitted that the study would likely have altered IARC’s decision.
Dr Geoffrey C Kabat, epidemiologist, says ―
IARC had to CHERRY-PICK the results from two mouse studies in order to make its tortured case that the animal evidence supported a conclusion of carcinogenicity.
International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) also did not have access to the 2017 National Cancer Institute study and apparently IGNORED the 2015 AHS analysis.
The 1993 US Supreme Court decision in Daubert v Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals requires that, in cases like these FALSE-CANCER-CLAIMS against glyphosate, PLAINTIFFS MUST PROVE to the presiding [ United States District Court ] Judge’s satisfaction that the scientific evidence they intend to present is RELEVANT AND RELIABLE.
It must have been tested and/or peer-reviewed against accepted standards, must be accepted in the applicable scientific community, and must meet basic standards of honesty, integrity and credibility.
Any of IARC’s FALSE-CANCER-CLAIMS against glyphosate are ―
• Such an OUTLIER.
• So BENEATH scientific norms.
• So UNRRELATED to actual chemical risks.
• So DECEPTIVE and border-line FRAUDULENT.
We must keep fraudulent science out of our courtrooms ! The false-cancer-claims by the glyphosate-hating International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) are secretive, sloppy, bungled ― and perhaps even systematically and deliberately fraudulent.
IARC’s FALSE-CANCER-CLAIMS against glyphosate should NEVER have been admitted as evidence in ANY trial.
It is bad enough that these [ glyphosate-cancer kangaroo-trials ] are driven by ―
• Emotional appeals to jurors’ largely misplaced fears of chemicals.
• Minimal knowledge of chemicals, chemical risks, medicine and cancer.
It is far worse when our courts let these lawsuits also be driven by the SCIENTIFIC MISCONDUCT of one agency, International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ).
The glyphosate-cancer trials have been textbook cases of kangaroo court justice. With these glyphosate-cancer kangaroo-trials, the legal system will be irretrievably corrupted by this coordinated, well-funded attack by fanatжcs, using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, and confrontation. The false-cancer-claims against glyphosate should never be admitted as evidence in any trial. We must keep fraudulent science out of our courtrooms !
August 5th, 2019
Juris Dr Paul K Driessen
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
California Lawsuits — Cancer Link Co-Ordinated Well-Funded Attack On America
Coordinated & Well-Funded Attack Against Society
Using Glyphosate-Cancer Litigation, As Well
As Social Media, Intimidation, & Confrontation
US District Court Judges Provide Stage For
Kangaroo Court Justice Over Roundup Herbicide
[ United States District Court ] Judges provide stage for KANGAROO COURT JUSTICE over Roundup [ herbicide ] in California.
San Francisco area juries have awarded cancer-patients some $80,000,000 each, based on [ false ] claims that the active ingredient in Roundup [ herbicide ], caused their cancer [ ?!?! ] — and that Bayer-Monsanto negligently or deliberately failed to warn consumers that the glyphosate it manufactures is carcinogenic [ ?!?! ].
Glyphosate is NOT a carcinogen. It has been vindicated and continues to be registered as a successful and safe product. The US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) has evaluated this herbicide, and has reaffirmed that there is NO RISK to public health when used properly.
[ United States District Court ] Judges reduced the original truly OUTRAGEOUS AWARDS of $289,000,000 and even $1,000,000,000 per plaintiff !
Meanwhile, UBIQUITOUS ADS are still TROLLING FOR NEW CLIENTS, saying anyone who ever used Roundup, and now has Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, or other cancer, could be the next JACKPOT JUSTICE WINNER.
Mass tort plaintiff law firms have lined up 18,500 additional « corporate victims » for glyphosate-cancer litigation alone.
Introduced in 1974, glyphosate is licensed in 130 countries.
Millions of farmers, home-owners, and gardeners have made it the world’s most widely used herbicide — and one of the most intensely studied chemicals in history.
Four decades and 3,300 studies by respected agencies and organizations world-wide have concluded that glyphosate is SAFE and NON-CARCINOGENIC, based on assessments of actual risk.
[ Conversely ], only the France-based International Agency for Cancer Research ( IARC ), says otherwise — and it based its conclusions on [ a mere ] 8 studies.
National regulatory agencies and organizations that have VINDICATED glyphosate include ―
US Environmental Protection Agency, European Food Safety Authority, European Chemicals Agency, UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Germany’s Institute for Risk Assessment, and Australia’s Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority.
Another reviewer, Health Canada, noted that ―
NO pesticide regulatory authority in the world considers glyphosate to be a cancer risk to humans at the levels at which humans are currently exposed.
The National Cancer Institute’s ongoing Agricultural Health Study evaluated 54,000 farmers and commercial pesticide applicators for over two decades — and likewise found NO glyphosate-cancer link.
Even worse, International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) MANIPULATED at least some of these studies to CONCOCT the FALSE-CANCER-CLAIMS it wanted.
Subsequent reviews by ― • Dr Geoffrey Kabat, epidemiologist • Dr Robert Tarone, statistician at National Cancer Institute • Ms Kate Kelland, investigative journalist • Dr David Zaruk, writer at RiskMonger, and other investigators, have demonstrated that the IARC process was TAINTED BEYOND REPAIR.
The IARC’s FALSE-CANCER-CLAIMS should NEVER have been allowed in court.
But the [ United States District Court ] Judges in the first three cases let the jackpot-justice plaintiff-lawyers bombard the jury with IARC’s FALSE-CANCER-CLAIMS, and went even further.
The false-cancer-claims by the glyphosate-hating International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) are secretive, sloppy, bungled ― and perhaps even systematically and deliberately fraudulent. These IARC claims should never be admitted as evidence in any trial. Any of IARC’s false-cancer-claims against glyphosate are ― • such an outlier • so beneath scientific norms • so tainted by conflicts-of-interest and misconduct • so unrelated to actual chemical risks, and • so deceptive and border-line fraudulent.
In the Hardeman case, [ United States District Court ] Judge Vincent Chhabria blocked the introduction of EPA analyses that concluded « glyphosate is not likely to be carcinogenic in humans », based on its careful review of many of the studies just mentioned.
Judge Chhabria said he wanted « to avoid wasting time or misleading the jury, because the primary inquiry is what the scientific studies show, not what the EPA concluded they show ».
However, IARC didn’t do ANY original studies either.
IARC just concluded that glyphosate is Probably Carcinogenic, meaning studies it reviewed found LIMITED EVIDENCE [ ?!?! ] of carcinogenicity in humans, plus SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE [ ?!?! ] of carcinogenicity in lab animals that had been exposed to very high doses or lower doses for prolonged periods of time.
In other words, under conditions that NO animal or NO human would ever be exposed to in the real world.
It is also instructive to look at the three San Francisco area glyphosate-cancer trials from another angle ― an additional line of questioning that would have put glyphosate and Roundup in a very different light, and might have changed the outcome of these [ glyphosate-cancer kangaroo-trials ].
Defense attorneys could have asked ―
Can you describe your family cancer history ? … your eating, exercise and sleeping habits ? … how much you eat high-fat foods ? … how often you eat fruits and vegetables ? … and your other life-style choices that doctors and other experts now know play significant roles in whether or not people get cancer ?
How many times in your life [ Johnson is 47 years old; Hardeman 70; Alva Pilliod 77; Alberta Pilliod 75 ] do you estimate you were exposed to substances on IARC’s list of Group 1 – Carcinogenic To Humans ? ― including sunlight, acetaldehyde in alcoholic beverages, aflatoxin in peanuts, asbestos, cadmium in batteries, lindane … or any of the 125 other substances and activities in Group 1 ? Have you ever smoked ? How often have you been exposed to second-hand smoke ? How often have you eaten bacon, sausage, or other processed meats ― which are also in IARC’s Group 1 – Carcinogenic To Humans ?
How many times have you been exposed to any of IARC’s Group 2A – Probably Carcinogenic To Humans — not just glyphosate … but also anabolic steroids, creosote, diazinon, dieldrin, malathion, emissions from high-temperature food frying, shift work … or any of the 75 other substances and activities in Group 2A – Probably Carcinogenic ? How often have you consumed beef or very hot beverages ― likewise in Group 2A – Probably Carcinogenic ?
How many times have you been exposed to any of IARC’s Group 2B – Possibly Carcinogenic To Humans ― including bracken ferns, chlordane, diesel fuel, fumonisin, inorganic lead, low frequency magnetic fields, malathion, parathion, titanium oxide in white paint, pickled vegetables, caffeic acid in coffee, tea, apples, broccoli, kale, and other fruits and vegetables … or any of the 200 other substances and activities in Group 2B – Possible Carcinogens ?
Pyrethrin pesticides used by organic farmers are powerful neurotoxins that are very toxic to bees, cats, and fish ― and have been linked by EPA and other experts to leukemia and other cancers and other health problems. How often have you eaten organic foods and perhaps been exposed to pyrethrins ?
Large quantities of glyphosate have been manufactured for years in China and other countries. How do you know the glyphosate you were exposed to was manufactured by Bayer, and not one of them ?
In view of all these exposures, please explain how you, your doctors, your lawyers and the experts you consulted concluded that none of your family history … none of your lifestyle choices … none of your exposures to dozens or even hundreds of other substances on IARC’s lists of carcinogens … caused or contributed to your cancer ― and that your cancer is due solely to your exposure to glyphosate.
Put another way, please explain exactly how you and your experts separated and quantified all these various exposures and life-style decisions ― and concluded that Roundup from Bayer-Monsanto was the sole reason you got cancer ― and all these other factors played no role whatsoever.
News accounts do not reveal whether Bayer-Monsanto lawyers asked these questions — or whether they tried to ask them, but the [ United States District Court ] Judges disallowed the questions.
In any event, the bottom line is this ―
It is bad enough that the IARC studies at the center of these JACKPOT JUSTICE LAWSUITS are the product of RAMPANT COLLUSION, MISCONDUCT, and even FRAUD, in the way IARC concluded glyphosate is Probably Carcinogenic.
The glyphosate-cancer trials have been textbook cases of kangaroo court justice. With these glyphosate-cancer kangaroo-trials, the legal system will be irretrievably corrupted by this coordinated, well-funded attack by fanatжcs, using using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, and confrontation. The false-claim that glyphosate is carcinogenic should NEVER be admitted as evidence in ANY trial. We must keep fraudulent science out of our courtrooms !
It is worse that these [ glyphosate-cancer kangaroo-trials ] have been driven by plaintiff lawyers’ emotional appeals to jurors’ largely misplaced fears of chemicals and minimal knowledge of chemicals, chemical risks, medicine and cancer — resulting in OUTRAGEOUS AWARDS of $80,000,000 or more.
Worst of all, our Federal District Courts have ―
• Let MISCONDUCT by jackpot-justice plaintiff-lawyers drive these lawsuits.
• PREVENTED defense attorneys from effectively countering IARC’s FALSE-CANCER-CLAIMS against glyphosate and discussing the agency’s GROSS MISCONDUCT.
• BARRED defense attorneys from presenting the extensive evidence that glyphosate is NOT carcinogenic to humans.
The [ glyphosate-cancer trials ] have been textbook cases of KANGAROO COURT JUSTICE.
The cases are heading to APPEAL, ultimately to the US Supreme Court.
We can only hope appellate judges will return SANITY, FAIRNESS, and JUSTICE to the nation’s litigation process.
Otherwise, our legal system will be ―
• Products, technologies, companies and industries will likely be DRIVEN OUT OF EXISTENCE,
• FRAUD, EMOTION, and ANARCHY will reign.
We must keep FRAUDULENT SCIENCE out of our courtrooms !
JACKPOT-JUSTICE LAW FIRMS and their anti-chemical activist allies are already targeting cereals that have « detectable » levels of glyphosate ― a few parts per billion or trillion, where 1 ppt is equivalent to 1 second in 32,000 years.
Talc and benzene ― foundations for numerous consumer products ― are already under attack.
Advanced technology neonicotinoid insecticides could be next.
It’s all part of a coordinated, well-funded ATTACK on America using using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation and confrontation.
Our legislatures and courts need to rein it in.
The Wisdom Of A REAL Expert
Juris Dr Paul K Driessen
Paul K Driessen is among several LEADING EXPERTS who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products.
He is a Juris Doctor, a leading policy expert on pest control products, and accredited in public relations.
Dr Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow ( CFACT ) and Congress Of Racial Equality, and author of many articles on energy and the environment.
He has degrees in sciences and environmental law.
He is the author of the acclaimed book Eco-Imperialism – Green Power – Black Death.
Dr Driessen speaks out against activists and anti-pesticide prohibitions on a regular basis.
Dr Driessen is among several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths. http://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV
Dr Driessen speaks the truth ― and deserves congratulation.
Here are some examples of Dr Driessen’s wisdom …
√ — Bee Conspiracy — Chemophobic Anti-Pesticide Groups — LINKS
√ — Bee Conspiracy — Trouble With Bees Shows How Anti-Pesticide Groups Often Demonize Good Chemicals — LINK
√ — Environmentalist Fraud & Manslaughter — LINK
√ — Greens Lie, Africans Die — LINKS
√ — DDT & Politicized Science In Namibia — LINK
√ — Three Billion Malaria Deaths & Counting — LINK
√ — New York Style Vs The Real Thing With Bedbugs — LINK
√ — The Wisdom Of Paul K Driessen — LINK
√ — The Wisdom Of Paul K Driessen — Announcement — New Web-Page — LINK
√ — The Wisdom Of REAL Experts Who Speak Out Against The Conspiracy To Impose Reckless & Arbitrary Prohibition Against Conventional Pest Control Products — LINK
Background Information
√ FACTS Regarding Glyphosate
A small group of fanatжcal-activists ALARM & ENRAGE the public in order to advance the SUBVERSIVE CONSPIRACY to PROHIBIT against pest control products such as glyphosate herbicide.
Their POLITICIZED-DOCTRINES are also designed to COERCE, INTIMIDATE, & TERRЖRIZE municipal officials into legislating RECKLESS & ARBITRARY PROHIBITION of glyphosate in the urban landscape & in the agriculture industry.
Fanatжcal-activists’ POLITICIZED-DOCTRINES are espoused in media reports, public forums, and on-line web-pages.
They do not know what they are talking about !
According to Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) ―
Health Canada is confident that the pesticides approved for use in Canada, including lawn and garden products, can be used safely when label directions are followed.
[ See link below. ]
Glyphosate, as well as ALL pest control products, has been VINDICATED by Health Canada.
NO ONE should be listening to fanatжcal-activists and their TERRЖR-TALK. [ See links below. ]
√ FACTS regarding glyphosate when used properly …
√ FACT — Glyphosate Is Safe, Effective, Economical, & Low-Risk
√ FACT — Glyphosate Will NOT Harm The Health Of People
√ FACT — Glyphosate Will NOT Harm The Health Of Children
√ FACT — Glyphosate Will NOT Cause Cancer
√ FACT — Glyphosate Will NOT Harm The Environment
√ FACT — Glyphosate Will NOT Harm Bees
√ FACT — Glyphosate DOES Belong In The Urban Environment
√ FACT — Glyphosate DOES Belong On Farms
√ FACT — Glyphosate CANNOT Be Effectively Replaced With Alternatives
√ FACT — Glyphosate CANNOT Be Effectively Replaced With Manual Weed Picking
√ FACT — Glyphosate Has Been Re-Approved In Europe
√ FACT — Comparing Cigarettes To Glyphosate Is Pitifully Ridiculous, As Well As Laughably Stupid
√ FACT — Glyphosate Manufacturer Bayer Has Been Repairing Its Reputation
√ FACT — Glyphosate Prohibition Will Lead To Failure
Explore the following links …
√ — Ontario — Because Of Ontario’s Prohibition, The Province Is Living In Environmental Infamy — LINK
√ — TERRЖR-Talk — Fanatжcal Demands For Municipal Prohibition Against Glyphosate — Chilliwack BC — LINK
√ — TERRЖR-Talk — Weasel Words, Green Talk, & Phrases Used By Enviro-Activists — LINK
√ — Federal Pesticide Regulation — Mr Lindsay Hanson From The Pest Management Regulatory Agency — Slide Show — LINK
Background Information
Does Glyphosate Harm People ?!?!
In California, a plaintiff alleged that his cancer was due to exposure to glyphosate, even though that is BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.
During the kangaroo-trial, the plaintiff’s manipulated the jury’s emotions by using fake-news about glyphosate in order to score a jackpot $289,999,000 verdict. [ See link below. ]
Their legal argument trumped scientific evidence and fooled a jury into believing that glyphosate causes harm with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma ― which is FALSE.
Even the judge acknowledged that there was NO EVIDENCE OF HARM.
The reason that the jackpot-justice defense-lawyers legal arguments can trump scientific evidence is because we live in a thoroughly post-modern world.
Logic and data have been replaced by emotion and virtue signaling.
The glyphosate-cancer trials have been textbook cases of KANGAROO COURT JUSTICE.
With these kangaroo-trials, the legal system will be IRRETRIEVABLY CORRUPTED by this coordinated, well-funded attack by fanatжcs, using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, and confrontation.
The false-claim that glyphosate is carcinogenic should NEVER be admitted as evidence in ANY trial.
We must keep FRAUDULENT SCIENCE out of our courtrooms !
According to the scientific evidence, and because it is an herbicide, glyphosate is ONLY toxic to plants.
There is no known biological mechanism by which glyphosate could cause cancer, therefore its carcinogenicity is NOT EVEN theoretically possible.
America will not remain #1 in the world for scientific research if society allows jackpot-justice plaintiff-lawyers to bleed companies dry over crimes they never committed.
World-wide, national regulatory agencies and leading experts have been siding with the overwhelming scientific evidence demonstrating that glyphosate WILL NOT cause cancer ― there is NO bio-medical and NO epidemiological evidence to support the claim that glyphosate causes cancer.
Do pesticides like glyphosate harm people ?!?!
No !
Pesticides like glyphosate have been VINDICATED. [ See links below. ]
What about pesticide bans ?!?!
Do pesticide bans kill people ?!?!
A man has DIED because of prohibition. [ See next segment. ]
Explore the following links …
√ — Conspiracy Against Glyphosate — $289M Jackpot Verdict That Defies Science — LINK
√ — Vindication — US EPA — Glyphosate Does Not Cause Cancer, Again — LINK
√ — Vindication — US EPA — Panel Finds Glyphosate Will Not Cause Cancer — LINK
√ — Vindication — US National Cancer Institute — Glyphosate Will Not Cause Cancer — LINK
√ — Lying Sacks Of Crжp — The IARC Glyphosate-Gate — LINK
√ — Vindication — Canada — Glyphosate Granted Continued Registration — LINK
√ — Vindication — Canada — Glyphosate Re-Evaluation Decision — LINK
√ — Vindication — Canada — Frequently-Asked Questions On Glyphosate — LINK
√ — Vindication — Canada — Pesticide Incidents, Including Glyphosate — LINK
√ — Vindication — European Union — Glyphosate Wins Approval For 5 Years — LINK
√ — Vindication — European Union — Glyphosate Not Carcinogenic — LINK
√ — Vindication — European Union — Glyphosate License Extended For 18 Months — LINK
√ — Vindication — European Food Safety Authority — Glyphosate Not Likely Carcinogenic — LINK
√ — Vindication — United Nations — Experts Find Glyphosate Unlikely To Cause Cancer — LINK
√ — Vindication — US EPA — No Risk To Public Health With Glyphosate — LINK
Background Information
Man Dies Because Of Prohibition
The government of Ontario has imposed its Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, which is considered as the most extreme ban ever. [ See link below. ]
That the ban is not only hugely unpopular with Ontario home-owners, it has also proven to be FATAL.
An Ontario resident did not realize that hand-weeding a toxic noxious weed on his property would contribute to his DEATH. [ See links below. ]
This Ontario resident was ultimately DOOMED by Ontario’s Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act since the safest and most effective method of controlling toxic noxious weeds was arbitrarily and needlessly prohibited by the province.
Skin contact with this toxic noxious weed resulted in severe burns to his hands and arms, eventually forcing him to be hospitalized ― ultimately, he DIED.
Unfortunately, since the government IMPOSED its Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, THE DEATH WAS ONTARIO’S FAULT !
The hands of the prohibition merchants of death are soaked in blood.
Explore the following links …
√ — Man Dies Because Of Prohibition In Ontario — LINKS
Background Information
The Entire Media History
Explore the following web-pages …
√ — Glyphosate — Victories Against Anti-Glyphosate Terrжrism — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — The Library Of References — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — The Library Of Reports & Blogs — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — The Library Of Blogs — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — Scientifically-Safe According To Real Experts — LINK
Explore even more links …
√ — Glyphosate — Victories Against Anti-Glyphosate Terrжrism — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — The Library Of Glyphosate References — LINK
√ — Glyphosate-Gate — Lunatжc-Liars Blair & Portier — Lies, Scientific Fraud, Pays-Off, Bribery, & Conspiracy — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — Fanatжcal Demands For Municipal Prohibition — Comments By TERRЖR-Talkers — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — $289M Jackpot Verdict That Defies Science — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — Deranged Lies About School Shootings & Glyphosate — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — Vindicated By The European Union — LINK
√ — Glyphosate — Victories Against Anti-Pesticide Terrжrism — LINK
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged glyphosate-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of these safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths. https://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV
Not surprisingly, glyphosate-hating fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the glyphosate-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G