Summary – Background Information
Glyphosate No Risk
Glyphosate Is Vindicated & Continues To
Be Registered As A Successful & Safe Product
The US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) has evaluated the herbicide glyphosate, and has reaffirmed that there is NO RISK to public health when used properly.
According to scientific up-to-date knowledge, there is NO RISK to human health from current uses of glyphosate.
There is NO RISK to children or adults from currently registered uses.
There is NO indication that children are more sensitive to glyphosate.
Furthermore, glyphosate is NOT a carcinogen.
The US EPA and other national regulatory agencies world-wide have vindicated glyphosate ― these agencies include those within the European Union, the United Nations, and Canada.
These agencies has found that glyphosate is NO RISK of concern to human health or the environment when used according to label directions.
Not surprisingly, glyphosate-hating fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing the overwhelming scientific evidence proving that glyphosate is NO RISK.
These fanatжcs conspire to mindlessly destroy businesses, such as those in agriculture, that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products like glyphosate.
Up-to-date knowledge about glyphosate illuminates the world, and invalidates glyphosate-hating fanatжcs.
The industry must defend glyphosate, whatever the cost may be.
Explore the following link …
April 30th, 2019
US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA )
Official Media Release
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
US EPA Takes Next Step In Review Process For Herbicide Glyphosate, Reaffirms No Risk To Public Health
Glyphosate Poses No Risk To Public Health
Glyphosate Does Not Cause Cancer
The US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) has taken an important step in the agency’s review of glyphosate.
As part of this action, EPA continues to find that …
• Glyphosate poses NO risks to public health when used in accordance with its current label.
• Glyphosate is NOT a carcinogen.
The US EPA’s scientific findings on human health risk have been consistent with the conclusions of science reviews by many other countries and other federal agencies.
While the agency did not identify public health risks in the 2017 human health risk assessment, the 2017 ecological assessment did identify ecological risks.
To address these risks, US EPA has proposed management measures to help farmers target pesticide sprays on the intended pest, protect pollinators, and reduce the problem of weeds becoming resistant to glyphosate.
According to Mr Andrew Wheeler, US EPA Administrator ―
EPA has found NO risks to public health from the current registered uses of glyphosate.
Today’s proposed action includes new management measures that will help farmers use glyphosate in the most effective and efficient way possible, including pollinator protections.
We look forward to input from farmers and other stakeholders to ensure that the draft management measures are workable, realistic, and effective.
According to Mr Sonny Perdue, US EPA Secretary of Agriculture ―
If we are going to feed 10 billion people by 2050, we are going to need all the tools at our disposal, which includes the use the glyphosate.
USDA applauds EPA’s proposed registration decision as it is science-based and consistent with the findings of other regulatory authorities that glyphosate DOES NOT pose a carcinogenic hazard to humans.
Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in US agriculture and has been studied for decades.
Glyphosate is used on more than 100 food crops, including glyphosate-resistant corn, soybean, cotton, canola, and sugar beet.
Non-agricultural uses include residential areas, aquatic areas, forests, rights-of-way, ornamentals and turf.
Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA )
Official Media Release
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
US EPA — Glyphosate — Official Document
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
Human Health, Children, & Cancer
US EPA scientists performed an independent evaluation of available data for glyphosate and found ―
Human Health – No Risk From Current Uses Of Glyphosate
Children – No Indication That They Are More Sensitive To Glyphosate
Cancer – No Evidence That Glyphosate Causes Cancer
Endocrine Disruptor – No Indication That Glyphosate Is A Disruptor
[ See next segments. ]
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
Human Health
There Is No Risk To Human Health
From Current Uses Of Glyphosate
Glyphosate products can be safely used by following label directions.
There are NO risks to children or adults from currently registered uses.
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
There Is No Indication That Children
Are More Sensitive To Glyphosate
After evaluating numerous studies from a variety of sources, the Agency found NO indication that children are more sensitive to glyphosate from in utero or post-natal exposure.
As part of the human health risk assessment, the Agency evaluated all populations, including infants, children and women of child-bearing age, and found NO risks of concern from ingesting food with glyphosate residues.
US EPA also found NO risks of concern for children entering or playing on residential areas treated with glyphosate.
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
There Is No Evidence That
Glyphosate Causes Cancer
The Agency concluded that glyphosate is NOT likely to be carcinogenic to humans.
US EPA considered a significantly more extensive and relevant data-set than the International Agency on the Research for Cancer ( IARC ).
[ See below for Background Information on The IARC Glyphosate-Gate. ]
US EPA’s data-base includes studies submitted to support registration of glyphosate and studies US EPA identified in the open literature.
US EPA’s CANCER CLASSIFICATION is consistent with other international expert panels and regulatory authorities, including ―
• Australian Pesticide & Veterinary Medicines Authority
• European Chemicals Agency
• European Food Safety Authority
• Food Safety Commission Of Japan
• German Federal Institute For Occupational Safety & Health
• Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency
• New Zealand Environmental Protection Authority
Explore the following links …
US EPA — Cancer — FIFRA SAP — EPA’s Response To The Final Report Of FIFRA SAP — Memorandum
US EPA — Cancer — FIFRA SAP — Meeting Materials & Final Report Of The 2016 Glyphosate FIFRA SAP
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
Endocrine Disruption
There Is No Indication That
Glyphosate Is An Endocrine Disruptor
Glyphosate has undergone Tier I screening under US EPA’s Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program.
Based on all available information, US EPA concluded, using a weight-of-evidence approach, that the existing data DO NOT indicate that glyphosate has the potential to interact with the estrogen, androgen or thyroid signaling pathways.
The screening program DID NOT indicate the need for additional testing for glyphosate.
Background Information
The IARC Glyphosate-Gate
International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) is an anti-glyphosate & environmental-terrжrist organization.
IARC, the ONLY major science body to insist that glyphosate causes cancer [ ?!?! ], has been caught doctoring documents and manipulating evidence to support its conclusion.
IARC conducts bad science.
Occasionally, bad science is promoted by lunatжcs who receive pay-offs and practice scientific fraud.
The motivation seems to be financial.
A key IARC lunatжc-advisor who lobbied against glyphosate has, in essence, received a pay-off of 160,000 dollars.
He was bribed by lawyers who stand to profit from potential lawsuits involving glyphosate.
This is a truly gigantic scandal that has ( predictably ) received scant press coverage.
IARC has severely and perhaps irreparably damaged the reputation of its parent, the World Health Organization ( WHO ).
Anti-glyphosate lunatжcs are crooks and lying sacks of crжp !
For more information, explore the following link …
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
Food Safety
Residues of glyphosate on any food or feed item are safe for consumers if they comply with the established tolerances.
Before allowing the use of a pesticide on food crops, US EPA sets a tolerance or limit on how much pesticide residue can legally remain on food and feed products, or commodities.
If residues are found above the established tolerance level, the commodity will be subject to seizure by the government.
The presence of a detectable pesticide residue DOES NOT mean the residue is at an unsafe level.
Due to its widespread use, trace amounts of glyphosate residues may be found in various fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, and other food and beverage commodities.
However, these trace amounts are NOT of concern for the consumer.
US EPA conducted a highly conservative dietary risk assessment for glyphosate that evaluated all populations, including infants, children, and women of child-bearing age.
US EPA assumed that 100 per cent of all registered crops were treated with glyphosate, that residues were at the tolerance level for each crop, and that residues in drinking water were from direct application of glyphosate to water.
These assumptions would lead to much higher estimated levels of exposure than would be expected to occur with actual use.
The resulting conservative estimates of dietary exposure were NOT of concern.
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
Ecological Risk
• Potential risks to plants ( aquatic and terrestrial );
• Potential risks to birds from acute or short-term exposure and to mammals from chronic or long-term exposure;
• Glyphosate is NOT expected to adversely impact aquatic animals but does have an effect on aquatic plants; and
• Glyphosate is of low toxicity to honeybees.
The potential risks to birds, mammals, and non-target terrestrial and aquatic plants are from exposure to spray drift.
Based on its re-evaluation of glyphosate, US EPA is proposing to require spray drift management labeling to reduce off-target spray drift and protect non-target plants and wildlife.
Explore the following links …
US EPA — Responses To Comments On The Human Health Draft Risk Assessment For Glyphosate — Memorandum
US EPA — Responses To Comments On The Usage & Benefits Of Glyphosate — Memorandum
US EPA — Proposed Interim Registration Review Decision For Glyphosate — Official Document
US EPA — Responses To Comments On The Ecological Draft Risk Assessment For Glyphosate — Memorandum
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
Pollinators – Monarch Butterfly
US EPA is committed to protecting POLLINATORS, including the MONARCH BUTTERFLY, from pesticide exposure.
As with all other herbicides, US EPA has updated the label language for these pesticides to raise awareness of their potential effects to POLLINATORS habitat and direct users to instructions on minimizing spray drift.
US EPA’s strategy to protect the MONARCH BUTTERFLY also includes collaborating with federal, state, and other stake-holders on conservation efforts and promoting best management and integrated pest management practices to reduce spray drift and help preserve POLLINATOR habitat.
Read more about what US EPA is doing to protect the MONARCH BUTTERFLY.
[ See link below. ]
Monarch Butterfly
Explore the following link …
US EPA — Protecting Monarch Butterflies From Pesticides
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide that controls broadleaf weeds and grasses.
It has been registered as a pesticide in the US since 1974.
Since glyphosate’s first registration, US EPA has reviewed and reassessed its safety and uses, including undergoing registration review, a program that re-evaluates each registered pesticide on a 15-year cycle.
In April 2019, US EPA released the Glyphosate Proposed Interim Decision for public comment.
As part of this action, US EPA continues to find that there are NO risks to public health when glyphosate is used in accordance with its current label and that glyphosate is NOT a carcinogen.
US EPA is proposing management measures to help farmers target pesticide sprays on intended pests, protect pollinators, and reduce the problem of weeds becoming resistant to glyphosate.
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
Basic Information On Uses
Glyphosate targets a broad range of weeds and is important in the production of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and glyphosate-resistant field crops such as corn and soybean.
It is effective at managing invasive and noxious weeds.
In addition, glyphosate breaks down in the environment, can be used for no-till and low-till farming which can reduce soil erosion, and is useful for integrated pest management.
Products containing glyphosate are sold in various formulations, including as liquid concentrate, solid, and ready-to-use liquid.
Glyphosate is used in products such as Roundup to control weeds in both agricultural and non-agricultural settings.
Glyphosate can be applied in agricultural, residential and commercial settings using a wide range of application methods, including aerial sprays, ground broadcast sprayers of various types, shielded and hooded sprayers, wiper applicators, sponge bars, injection systems, and controlled droplet applicators.
Agricultural uses include corn, cotton, canola, soybean, sugar beet, alfalfa, berry crops, brassica vegetables, bulb vegetables, fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables, legume vegetables, cucurbit vegetables, root tuber vegetables, cereal grains, grain sorghum, citrus crops, fallow, herbs and spices, orchards, tropical and subtropical fruits, stone fruits, pome fruits, nuts, vine crops, oil-seed crops, and sugarcane.
Non-agricultural uses include conservation land, pastures, rangeland, aquatic areas, forests, turfgrass, residential areas, non-food tree crops ( e.g., pine, poplar, Christmas trees ), rights-of-way, commercial areas, paved areas, spot treatments, ornamentals, parks, and wildlife management areas.
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Actions & Regulatory History
Glyphosate was first registered in 1974.
US EPA initiated registration review for glyphosate in 2009.
In 2010, the Agency required the pesticide registrants to conduct additional studies to support updated human health and ecological risk assessments.
US EPA collaborated with Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency to share information for risk assessment.
US EPA required a substantial amount of data to be collected and submitted for pesticide registration and registration review, including studies that address product chemistry, product performance, hazard to humans and domestic animals, hazard to non-target plants and wildlife, post-application exposure, applicator exposure, pesticide spray drifts, environmental fate, and residue chemistry.
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
Guidelines & Open Literature
The studies submitted by pesticide producers were required to follow rigorous GUIDELINES. [ See link below. ]
EPA also reviewed numerous glyphosate studies published in the OPEN LITERATURE. [ See link below. ]
Guidelines & Open Literature
Explore the following links …
US EPA — OCSPP Harmonized Test Guidelines — Master List — Official Document
US EPA — Systematic Review Of The Open Literature — Memorandum
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
Carcinogenic Potential
In 2015, US EPA re-examined the CARCINOGENIC POTENTIAL of glyphosate.
The US EPA performed an in-depth review of the glyphosate CANCER data-base, including data from epidemiological, animal carcinogenicity, and geno-toxicity studies.
In December 2016, as part of registration review, US EPA consulted the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act ( FIFRA ) Scientific Advisory Panel ( SAP ).
[ See links below. ]
Carcinogenic Potential
Explore the following links …
US EPA — Cancer — FIFRA SAP — EPA’s Response To The Final Report Of FIFRA SAP — Memorandum
US EPA — Cancer — FIFRA SAP — Meeting Materials & Final Report Of The 2016 Glyphosate FIFRA SAP
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
Health & Ecology
In December 2017, US EPA published the draft glyphosate HUMAN HEALTH AND ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENTS for public comment.
[ See links below. ]
Health & Ecology
Explore the following links …
US EPA — Systematic Review Of The Open Literature — Memorandum
US EPA — Draft Human Health Risk Assessment For Registration Review — Memorandum
US EPA — Dietary Exposure Analysis In Support Of Registration Review — Official Document
US EPA — Dietary Exposure Analysis In Support Of Registration Review — Memorandum
US EPA — Drinking Water Assessment For The Registration Review Of Glyphosate — Memorandum
US EPA — Glyphosate Tier II Incident Report — Memorandum
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
Proposed Interim Decision
In April 2019, after reviewing the public comments on the risk assessments, US EPA released the Glyphosate PROPOSED INTERIM REGISTRATION REVIEW DECISION for public comment. [ See link below. ]
In this decision, US EPA is proposing management measures on pesticide release height, wind speed, and droplet size to address pesticide spray drift.
US EPA is also proposing measures to prevent or reduce weed-resistance, which includes giving farmers better information on mode of action, the need for scouting, and how to report potential weed resistance issues, to maintain glyphosate as a tool for growers.
After reviewing public comments, US EPA will release a DECISION in late 2019 with enforceable restrictions.
After US EPA completes an endangered species assessment for glyphosate by 2020, EPA will release a FINAL REGISTRATION REVIEW DECISION.
Proposed Interim Decision
Explore the following link …
US EPA — Proposed Interim Registration Review Decision For Glyphosate — Official Document
UPDATE – Environmental Protection Agency
Draft Risk Assessments
The glyphosate DRAFT RISK ASSESSMENTS and supporting documents can be found [ in the links below ].
Draft Risk Assessments
Explore the following links …
US EPA — EPA Releases Draft Risk Assessments For Glyphosate — Official Document
March 2019
National Pesticide Information Center
Oregon State University
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
General Fact Sheet — National Pesticide Information Center — Oregon State University
UPDATE – Oregon State University
What Are Some Signs & Symptoms From A Brief Exposure To Glyphosate ?
Pure glyphosate is low in toxicity, but products usually contain other ingredients that help the glyphosate get into the plants.
The other ingredients in the product can make the product more toxic. Products containing glyphosate may cause eye or skin irritation.
People who breathed in spray mist from products containing glyphosate felt irritation in their nose and throat.
Swallowing products with glyphosate can cause increased saliva, burns in the mouth and throat, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Fatalities have been reported in cases of intentional ingestion.
Pets may be at risk if they touch or eat plants that are still wet with spray from products containing glyphosate.
Animals exposed to products with glyphosate may drool, vomit, have diarrhea, lose their appetite, or seem sleepy.
UPDATE – Oregon State University
What Happens To Glyphosate When It Enters The Body ?
In humans, glyphosate DOES NOT easily pass through the skin.
Glyphosate that is absorbed or ingested will pass through the body relatively quickly.
The vast majority of glyphosate leaves the body in urine and feces without being changed into another chemical.
UPDATE – Oregon State University
Is Glyphosate Likely To Contribute To The Development Of Cancer ?
Animal and human studies were evaluated by regulatory agencies in the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, and the European Union, as well as the Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues of the United Nations and World Health Organization ( WHO ).
These agencies looked at cancer rates in humans and studies where laboratory animals were fed high doses of glyphosate.
Based on these studies, they determined that glyphosate is NOT likely to be carcinogenic.
However, a committee of scientists working for the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the WHO evaluated fewer studies and reported that glyphosate is probably carcinogenic.
UPDATE – Oregon State University
Has Anyone Studied Non-Cancer Effects From Long-Term Exposure To Glyphosate ?
Long-term feeding studies in animals were assessed by the US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) and other regulatory authorities.
Based on these evaluations, they found there is NO evidence glyphosate is toxic to the nervous or immune systems.
They also found it is NOT a developmental or reproductive toxin.
UPDATE – Oregon State University
Are Children More Sensitive To Glyphosate Than Adults ?
As required by the Food Quality Protection Act, the US EPA has determined that children are NOT more sensitive to glyphosate as compared to the general population.
UPDATE – Oregon State University
What Happens To Glyphosate In The Environment ?
Glyphosate binds tightly to soil.
It can persist in soil for up to 6 months depending on the climate and the type of soil it is in.
Glyphosate is broken down by bacteria in the soil.
Glyphosate is NOT likely to get into ground-water because it binds tightly to soil.
In one study, half the glyphosate in dead leaves broke down in 8 or 9 days.
Another study found that some glyphosate was taken up by carrots and lettuce after the soil was treated with it.
UPDATE – Oregon State University
Can Glyphosate Affect Birds, Fish, Or Other Wildlife ?
Pure glyphosate is low in toxicity to fish and wildlife, but some products containing glyphosate may be toxic because of the other ingredients in them.
Glyphosate may affect fish and wildlife indirectly because killing the plants alters the animals’ habitat.
UPDATE – Oregon State University
How Might I Be Exposed To Glyphosate ?
You can be exposed to glyphosate if you get it on your skin, in your eyes, or breathe it in when you are using it.
You might swallow some glyphosate if you eat or smoke after applying it without washing your hands first.
You may also be exposed if you touch plants that are still wet with spray.
Glyphosate is NOT likely to vaporize after it is sprayed.
UPDATE – Oregon State University
How Does Glyphosate Work ?
Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide, meaning it will kill most plants.
It prevents the plants from making certain proteins that are needed for plant growth.
Glyphosate stops a specific enzyme pathway, the shikimic acid pathway.
The shikimic acid pathway is necessary for plants and some micro-organisms.
UPDATE – Oregon State University
What Is Glyphosate ?
Glyphosate is an herbicide.
It is applied to the leaves of plants to kill both broadleaf plants and grasses.
The sodium salt form of glyphosate is used to regulate plant growth and ripen specific crops.
Glyphosate was first registered for use in the US in 1974.
Glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States.
People apply it in agriculture and forestry, on lawns and gardens, and for weeds in industrial areas.
Some products containing glyphosate control aquatic plants.
UPDATE – Oregon State University
What Are Some Products That Contain Glyphosate ?
Glyphosate comes in many forms, including an acid and several salts.
These can be either solids or an amber-colored liquid.
There are over 750 products containing glyphosate for sale in the United States.
Background Information
Glyphosate Has Been Vindicated
National regulatory agencies world-wide have vindicated glyphosate ― these agencies include those within the European Union, the United States, the United Nations, and Canada.
These agencies has found that glyphosate DOES NOT present risks of concern to human health or the environment when used according to label directions.
Explore the following links …
Vindication — US EPA
Glyphosate Does Not Cause Cancer, Again
Vindication — US EPA
Panel Finds Glyphosate Will Not Cause Cancer
Vindication — US National Cancer Institute
Glyphosate Will Not Cause Cancer
Vindication — Canada
Glyphosate Granted Continued Registration
Vindication — Canada
Glyphosate Re-Evaluation Decision
Vindication — Canada
Frequently Asked Questions On Glyphosate
Vindication — European Union
Glyphosate Wins Approval For 5 Years
Vindication — European Union
Glyphosate Not Carcinogenic
Vindication — European Union
Glyphosate License Extended For 18 Months
Vindication — European Food Safety Authority
Glyphosate Not Likely Carcinogenic
Vindication — United Nations
Experts Find Glyphosate Unlikely To Cause Cancer
Explore the following selected links …
The Complete Library Of Victories
Against Anti-Glyphosate Terrжrism
Conspiracy Against Glyphosate –
Victories Against Anti-Glyphosate Terrжrism
Glyphosate Will Not Cause Cancer –
Glyphosate Vindicated Around The World
$289M Hit Job Against Glyphosate In Jackpot Verdict
Glyphosate Will Not Harm Bees –
There Is NO Bee Crisis
Glyphosate Is Scientifically-Safe
According To Real Experts
The Entire Media History Of Glyphosate –
The Library Of Reports & Blogs By Force Of Nature
The Entire Media History Of Glyphosate –
The Library Of Reports In Pesticide Truths
The Entire Media History Of Glyphosate –
The Complete Library Of References
Explore the following link …
Background Information
We Speak The Whole Truth About Glyphosate
From An Independent Perspective
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged pesticide-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products like glyphosate. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths.
Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence proving that glyphosate is NO RISK. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the glyphosate-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G