May 31st, 2019
Mr Lorne Gunter
The London Free Press
City Of London, Province Of Ontario
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
References –
Reference — Ontario — London — 2008 09 29 — Municipal By-Law — Official Document
Reference — Ontario — 2008 06 18 — Ontario Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act — Official Document
Background Information
London’s & Ontario’s Fanatжcal-Prohibitions
London is a city in south-western Ontario, with a population of almost 385,000.
On September 29th, 2008, London’s fanatжcal elected officials imposed reckless and arbitrary prohibition by-law against conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape.
Additionally, on April 22nd, 2009 ― a date which will live in the period of environmental infamy ― the full force of the regulations of the Ontario Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act was imposed by the province of Ontario’s fanatжcal Liberal government, which led to the destruction of businesses operating in the professional lawn care industry.
Ontario’s prohibition has also created catastrophic ecological pest carnage, with urban landscapes that now look like dangerous and pest-infested garbage dumps !
Residents cannot afford the dismal failures of these #@!!% pesticide bans.
Both London’s by-law and Ontario’s regulations are politically-correct rubbish.
Prohibition Failure
London’s #@!!% Ban Nonsense Is A Dismal Failure
The city of London is PRETENDING TO CONTROL DANDELIONS ― faking it ― paying lip service to the annual spring invasion of the flowering weeds ― is nothing new.
For more than a decade now, London’s [ fanatжcal ] administration has done all it can to do AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE to halt the Yellow Dandelion Peril.
In 2015, London’s [ fanatжcal ] bureaucrats went as far as to STRIKE DANDELIONS FROM THEIR LIST OF NUISANCE WEEDS. [ ?!?! ]
Presto-chango !
It’s partly a [ fanatжcal ] BUDGET THING. [ ?!?! ]
It costs money for enough herbicide to spray every soccer field, public park, roadside, and traffic island.
But, above all, it’s a [ fanatжcal ] GREEN THING. [ ?!?! ]
Like a lot of eco-sensitive policy-makers, London’s [ fanatжcal ] bureaucrats think that spraying dandelions ( and mosquitos, for that matter ) is ANTI-ENVIRONMENTAL. [ ?!?! ]
[ In London, ash trees face extinction by emerald ash borer insects unless conventional insecticides are allowed. London, the former « forest city », has needed to kill 96 per cent of its ash trees because of its fanatжcal–prohibition against pest control products, imposed under the pretext of protecting health and environment. Consequently, London is now a pesticide-free city with dead trees, along with a huge disposal problem. This is in addition to London’s catastrophic weed problems that have invaded city-owned and residential properties. See later segment. ]
To their [ fanatжcal ] way of thinking, DANDELIONS ARE NATURAL [ ?!?! ] ― well-manicured, green lawns are NOT.
In 2015, the then-head of London’s [ fanatжcal ] neighbourhood maintenance branch even insisted DANDELIONS HAVE A RIGHT TO BE. [ ?!?! ]
One of the reasons London spends so much time and energy each year [ fanatжcally ] PUSHING NATURAL YARDS is London’s administration’s and council’s belief that GRASS IS EVIL. [ ?!?! ]
Among other reasons [ in their fanatжcal minds ], home-owners add CLIMATE-CHANGING EMISSIONS whenever they cut with gas-powered mowers. [ ?!?! ]
Much better for the planet to cover your yard with bark chips, native shrubs and tall, tufted grass. [ ?!?! ]
Then there is the [ fanatжcal ] HYSTERIA ― not just among London’s bureaucrats and politicians, but some over-wrought residents, too.
[ London’s prohibition by-law is politically-correct rubbish. See later segments. ]
They [ falsely-allege ] that herbicides present a significant long-term health risk [ ?!?! ], even though most modern herbicides have been made so safe as to be almost useless in the fight against weeds.
[ When properly used in the urban landscape, conventional herbicides like 2,4-D and glyphosate will cause NO harm. See later segment. ]
Even skinny houses get in the mix.
I’m not saying the city of London favours the lot-consuming monstrosities because its goal is to do away with lawns.
However, the over-tall, sun-blocking houses ( that look like boxes real homes come in ) coincidentally make private green space all but impossible.
Skinny houses are another part of the WE-HATE-YOUR-YARD MENTALITY that prevails down at London’s city hall, part of the effort to [ fanatжcally ] RE-ENGINEER OUR CITY OUT OF ITS LOVE OF LAWNS.
All of this DANDELIONS-HAVE-RIGHTS-TOO posturing within the city is having consequences for the rest of us, though.
Not only are city fields and green spaces becoming INCREASINGLY CHOCKED WITH TUFTS OF DANDELION LEAVES where there used to be grass.
But because London WILL NOT spray the weeds with potent-enough herbicides, and because London CANNOT keep up with the frequent mowing schedule required to keep the weeds trimmed, too many dandelions go to seed.
The seeds are then carried by the wind to private yards.
A lawn care company owner I talked with ( who asked not to be named because he fears losing his contracts with the city ) said his workers have noticed A SIGNIFICANT INCREASE IN DANDELIONS AND OTHER WEEDS in private lawns because the London’s [ fanatжcal ] GREEN STRATEGY is leading to a SPREAD OF NUISANCE PLANTS CITY-WIDE.
( And I’m guessing the same [ fanatжcal ] GREEN THINKING regarding pesticides is why we’re getting eaten alive by mosquitoes in the evenings. )
Prohibition Failure
London’s #@!!% Ban Nonsense Is A Dismal Failure ( continued )
So here’s a novel suggestion ―
The chelated iron herbicide [ a.k.a. Fiesta Herbicide ] the city is using now is of VERY LIMITED BENEFIT, largely because it is a plant nutrient first and a weed killer a very distant second.
[ Londoners need to know the true facts about the failed Fiesta green alternative herbicide. Fiesta is almost totally ineffective as a weed control product, requiring highly-costly repeat applications ― it does NOT work ! See later segment. ]
Also, stop suggesting it would be better if I used a WEED-PULLING TOOL than a spray.
[ Londoners become cotton-pickers because of manual weed picking. See later segment. ]
Not going to happen.
I’m not going to waste my spare time that way.
And stop trying to convince me I need a fake dry river-bed running through my front yard, rather than nicely trimmed fescue.
Most natural yards are no less artificial than my lawn.
[ Londoners need to know about municipal prohibition failures. In British Columbia municipalities are apologizing that their prohibitions are dismal failures because there is NO hope for controlling damaging pests. London must join the REAL
trends against pesticide bans. See later segments. ]
The Wisdom Of A REAL Expert
Mr Lorne Gunter’s Biography
Mr Lorne Gunter is a leading policy expert on the subject of municipal affairs and pest control products.
He is a prolific columnist at Edmonton Sun, in the province of Alberta.
Mr Gunter was a Canadian columnist and editorial board member with the National Post newspaper.
He later left the National Post to work for Sun Media.
He was also a managing editor of the Alberta Report, and a reporter with the Edmonton Journal.
Mr Gunter is among several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths. http://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV
He has written on a variety of topics, from Alberta’s oil sands, climate issues, David Suzuki, green industries, oil pipelines, and pest control products.
Mr Gunter speaks the truth ― and deserves congratulation.
Background Information
London Has Been Destroying Its
Urban Green Spaces For A Long Time
Can London afford the hardship and cost of its #@!!% prohibition nonsense ?!?!
London, the former « forest city », has needed to kill 96 per cent of its ash trees because of its fanatжcal–prohibition against pest control products, imposed under the pretext of protecting health and environment.
The province soon followed with its own anti-pesticide by-law.
Consequently, London is now a pesticide-free city with dead trees, along with a huge disposal problem.
The banned products could have been used in the early stages of the emerald ash borer invasion.
Because of prohibition, emerald ash borer CANNOT be controlled, leading to dying or dead urban forests in London !
Londoners had better get used to the sound of chain saws !
If London truly wanted to save its urban forests, then it should have all prohibitions rescinded.
Otherwise, Londoners will have to get used to the sound of chain saws and spending millions of dollars on disposal !
London’s prohibition by-law is politically-correct rubbish.
Explore the following links …
√ — London — Pesticide-Free City With Dead Trees — LINK
√ — London — Borer Uncontrollable Because Of Pesticide Ban — LINK
√ — London — Costs Of 640,000 Dollars To Fight Emerald Ash Borer Infestation — LINK
√ — London — 300,000 Dollars Loss In Property Value Because Of Dead Ash Trees — LINK
√ — London — Residents Won’t Be Allowed To Kill Their Dandelions … Or Any Other Weeds, & Ban Will Cost 1,000,000 Dollars Over Three Years — LINK
Background Information
In London, Ash Trees Face Extinction
By Emerald Ash Borer Insects Unless
Conventional Insecticides Are Allowed
Five of the six most prominent ash tree species in North America are critically endangered ― only one step from going extinct ― with the sixth species merely endangered.
Ash trees comprise billion of trees in forest lands, yet once emerald ash borer has arrived in an area, it can kill all the mature ash trees in a matter of three to four years.
Emerald ash borer larvae cause a deterioration that leads to the trees’ inevitable death.
Unless conventional insecticides are used, Londoners had better get used to the sound of chain saws.
Once emerald ash borer infestations had been detected within 10 to 15 miles from London, it would have been suggested to start pro-active conventional insecticide applications immediately.
By the time symptoms are noticeable, it is already too late to do anything to save the infested trees.
There is currently NO cure for an emerald ash borer infestation, but if pro-active steps are taken, conventional insecticide applications have proven effective in protecting ash trees.
So-called green alternatives, like TreeAzin injections, provide marginal control at best.
If TreeAzin is the only option, then it would be better that London DO NOTHING rather than use TreeAzin.
Conventional insecticides that are, in fact, scientifically-safe, will effectively control emerald ash borer.
Any prohibitions against these insecticides will lead to emerald ash borer damage and tree death.
In London, either begin a program of conventional insecticide treatments, or remove and replace the threatened ash trees.
If prohibition of conventional insecticides has been self-imposed in London, municipal employees should simply be equipped with chain saws.
Londoners may simply have to get used to the sound of chain saws !
Explore the following links …
√ — Ash Trees That Are Not Treated With Conventional Insecticides Face Extinction — LINK
√ — Emerald Ash Borer & The Road So Far — LINK
√ — Emerald Ash Borer & Wisconsin Municipalities Prefer Insecticide Treatments, Or Chain Saws — LINK
Background Information
Londoners Need To Know The
True Facts About The Failed Fiesta
Green Alternative Herbicide
Fiesta DOES NOT WORK when compared to conventional weed-control products like Killex.
London cannot afford the #@!!% dismal failures of Fiesta Herbicide.
Fiesta is almost totally ineffective as a weed control product, requiring highly-costly repeat applications ― it DOES NOT WORK !
Fiesta is not only INEFFECTIVE, it is also higher-risk, inadequate, more toxic, overwhelmingly condemned, and stunningly expensive.
Fiesta Herbicide ( a.k.a. Scotts Ecosense and Weed-B-Gon ) is a primary reason for the repeated failures of London’s prohibition against conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape.
With the adoption of fanatжcal-prohibition, London’s municipal employees and residents are being forced to rely on bogus green alternative pesticides like Fiesta.
London’s government officials and enviro-activists, as well as the manufacturer of Fiesta, have been perpetuating the LIE that fanatжcal-prohibition, like the one in London, can be a success because Fiesta Herbicide can successfully replace conventional products such as Killex.
This is FALSE !
Fiesta Herbicide is inferior and a dismal failure, and must not even be remotely used in order to mock-validate London’s fanatжcal-prohibition against conventional pest control products.
Quite often, it would be better to do nothing rather than use Fiesta Herbicide.
Instead of admitting that #@!!% Fiesta is a dismal failure, London’s government officials and enviro-activists prefer living in the world of false-facts and junk science.
In essence, Fiesta itself is responsible for the creation of London’s catastrophic weed problems that have invaded city-owned and residential properties.
Fiesta has inflicted garbage dump conditions upon London’s urban green spaces.
London’s catastrophic weed problems have come as no surprise to expert-observers such as the owners and specialists who operate professional lawn care businesses.
London’s government officials had been repeatedly warned that it is IMPOSSIBLE to successfully maintain green spaces with Fiesta.
London’s city-owned and residential properties have become pest-infested and dangerous garbage dumps ― because of Fiesta.
London’s urban green spaces can ONLY be successfully maintained WITH conventional pest control products.
These conventional products MUST be allowed, otherwise, Londoners had better get used to garbage dump green spaces, forever.
London cannot afford the dismal failures of its #@!!% ban nonsense !
London’s prohibition by-law is politically-correct rubbish.
Explore the following links …
√ — Fiesta — Dismal Failure ! — Web-Page — LINK
√ — Fiesta — Lawn Care Industry Has Some Bad Boys That Violate Federal Law — LINK
√ — Fiesta — Fiesta — Reasons For Prohibition Failures — Prohibitions Rely On False-Facts Regarding The Effectiveness Of Fiesta Herbicide — British Columbia — LINK
√ — Fiesta — Cannot Be Used To Validate Anti-Pesticide Prohibition — LINK
√ — Fiesta — Charbonneau — Betrayer Of The Professional Lawn Care Industry — LINK
√ — Fiesta — The Pesticide Truths Reports — LINKS
√ — Fiesta — Weed Man Results — Selected Excerpts From Home Stars Web-Site & Internet Forum — Province Of Ontario — LINK
√ — Fiesta — Overwhelmingly Condemned — Comments From Internet Forums — Province Of Ontario — LINK
√ — Fiesta — Violating Federal Law By Landscape Ontario Members — LINK
√ — Fiesta — Activities By Manufacturer Neudorff Canada — Betrayed The Professional Lawn Care Industry In Order To Profit From Anti-Pesticide Prohibition — LINKS
√ — Fiesta — A Report On The Dismal Failures Of Fiesta Green Alternative Herbicide — LINK
√ — Fiesta — Charbonneau — Prohibition Propaganda — University Of Guelph — LINK
√ — Fiesta — Does Not Work Effectively — LINK
√ — Fiesta — Highlights From The Pesticide Truths Web-Site — Re-Direct Links — LINK
Background Information
Londoners Become Cotton-Pickers
Because Of Manual Weed Picking
If someone arbitrarily dislikes conventional pest control products, that is THEIR choice.
We have NO objection to THEIR choice of life-style, which, in this case, is a clear preference for the back-breaking practice of Manual Weed Picking.
But, no one, except for THEM, wants this #@!!% nonsense of Manual Weed Picking, even though this practice DOES NOT WORK !
Moreover, we DO object to the imposition of THEIR choice on the majority of the community that DOES NOT want to perform lawn maintenance like COTTON-PICKERS.
If a small minority of highly-motivated fanatics want to spend 40 to 50 hours plus per week pulling weeds from their properties, that’s their prerogative.
IMPOSING that life-style on everyone else for NO good reason IS UNFAIR.
Besides, Manual Weed Picking is TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE.
There is NO DOUBT that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for home-owners or maintenance professionals to keep their properties weed-free, safe, and beautiful by using practices like weed-pulling, raised mowing height, and soil aeration.
Without conventional pest control products, playing surfaces become thin and yellow, and over-run with weeds and infested with insects, resulting in the dismal destruction of safe turf playing surfaces and turning them into garbage dumps.
Who wants to live in #@!!% pest-infested garbage dumps just because a small group of fanatжcs seek to impose needless pesticide bans ?!?!
Forget about Manual Weed Picking and forget about being a COTTON-PICKER !
London’s prohibition by-law is politically-correct rubbish.
Explore the following links …
√ — A Report On The Dismal Failures Of Manual Weed Picking — LINK
√ — Carnage Leading To Garbage Dump Green Spaces — Anti-Pesticide Prohibition Destroyed Public & Residential Green Spaces By Turning Them Into Garbage Dumps — LINK
√ — Carnage Inflicted By Garbage Dump Green Spaces — Pesticide Bans Have Never Made Our Green Spaces Look So #@!!% Ugly — Photo Gallery — LINK
Background Information
Manual Weed Picking Kills People
The government of Ontario has imposed its Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, which is considered as the most extreme ban ever.
That the ban is not only hugely unpopular with Ontario home-owners, it has also proven to be FATAL.
An Ontario resident did not realize that hand-weeding a toxic noxious weed on his property would contribute to his DEATH.
This Ontario resident was ultimately DOOMED by Ontario’s Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act since the safest and most effective method of controlling toxic noxious weeds was arbitrarily and needlessly prohibited by the province.
Skin contact with this toxic noxious weed resulted in severe burns to his hands and arms, eventually forcing him to be hospitalized ― ultimately, he DIED.
Unfortunately, since the government IMPOSED its Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, THE DEATH WAS ONTARIO’S FAULT !
Explore the following link …
√ — The Hands Of The Prohibition Merchants Of Death Are Now Soaked In Blood — LINKS
Background Information
2,4-D & Glyphosate Will Cause No Harm
2,4-D and glyphosate are ingredients widely-used as conventional herbicides in the urban landscape.
They are government-approved, federally-legal, scientifically-safe, and practically-non-toxic … these products DID NOT need to be prohibited by city of London.
Green alternatives are NOT necessary !
There are NO pest control products that are known or probable carcinogens.
It is a MYTH to believe that pest control products somehow cause cancer.
There are THOUSANDS OF DEATHS per year from KNOWN CANCER-CAUSING SUBSTANCES such as cigarette smoke and alcohol.
There is NOT ONE KNOWN CANCER DEATH from the proper use of pest control products used in the Urban Landscape.
Even Canadian Cancer Society’s own web-sites state, repeatedly, that scientific research does NOT provide a conclusive link between pest control products and cancer.
EPA, Health Canada, and other science-based national regulatory agencies have clearly demonstrated that 2,4-D and glyphosate are LESS TOXIC THAN Aspirin, baking soda, caffeine, cannabis, nicotine, table salt, and Tylenol.
2,4-D and glyphosate are NO MORE TOXIC THAN ethanol ( an edible beverage constituent in beer, wine, and other intoxicating beverages ), mouthwash ( Listerine ), and Vitamin C.
The probable lethal dose for a person ingesting the concentrated form of 2,4-D or glyphosate is ONE LITRE, the volume of an entire milk carton.
By comparison, drinking SIX LITRES of water, a fluid that is seemingly harmless, can lead to water poisoning or dilutional hyponatremia, which is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions.
2,4-D and glyphosate are scientifically-safe, practically non-toxic, will cause NO harm, will NOT cause cancer, and will NOT cause irreversible damage if consumed orally.
Explore the following links …
√ — Pesticides Are Less Lethal To Humans Than Caffeine — LINK
√ — Yes, You Are Definitely Ingesting Pesticides, But Here’s Why It’s Not A Problem — LINK
√ — Children Are Not At Risk From Pesticides — Dangerous Playing Surfaces Are Created By #@!!% Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ — Pest Control Products Are Safe For Kids — Slide Show — LINK
√ — Chemicals Are Evaluated For Carcinogenic Potential By Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) — LINKS
√ — Pesticides Are Evaluated As Acceptable For Continued Registration By Health Canada — LINK
√ — Our Children Are Safe When Pesticide Bans Are Stopped — There Are Real Trends AGAINST Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ — Pest Control Products Have Been Tested In More Ways Than Virtually Any Other Set Of Substances — The Industry Task Force II On 2,4-D Research Data — LINKS
√ — Pesticides Are Safe — LINKS
√ — Pesticides Are Health Canada Approved — Listen To Mr Lindsay Hanson From The Pest Management Regulatory Agency — LINK
√ — There Is No Direct Proof Pesticides Cause Cancer — Canadian Cancer Society — LINK
√ — REAL Experts Speak Out Against The Conspiracy To Impose Reckless & Arbitrary Prohibition Against Conventional Pest Control Products — LINK
Background Information
Londoners Need To Know About
Municipal Prohibition Failures
In British Columbia
Elsewhere in the nation, British Columbia municipalities are apologizing that their prohibitions are dismal failures because there is NO hope for controlling damaging pests.
In British Columbia, a MAJOR STUDY of anti-pesticide by-laws has concluded that municipal prohibitions are DISMAL FAILURES.
Without conventional pest control products, home properties have become pest-infested and dangerous garbage dumps because it is impossible to control invasive weeds and destructive insects by using so-called green alternative pesticides and practices.
Municipal prohibitions have led to catastrophic ecological carnage for tens of thousands of destroyed and ravaged properties every single year.
Municipalities CANNOT afford the hardship and cost of this #@!!% prohibition nonsense ?!?!
British Columbia’s and London’s prohibition by-laws are politically-correct rubbish.
Explore the following links proving prohibitions are dismal failures …
√ — Overview — LINK
√ — Reasons For Failures — LINK
√ — More Reasons For Failures — LINK
√ — Burnaby — Hard-Landscapes & Vaguely-Defined Pest Infestations Granted Exception Statuses — LINK
√ — Campbell River — Hard-Landscapes & Vaguely-Defined Pest Infestations Granted Exception Statuses — LINK
√ — Coldstream — Municipal Employees Forced To Resort To The Back-Breaking, Agonizing, & Humiliating Job Of Manual Weed Picking — LINK
√ — Coquitlam — Rose Garden Granted Exception Status — LINK
√ — Delta — Hard-Landscapes & Pest Infestations Granted Exception Statuses — LINK
√ — Fernie — Prohibition Based Upon False-Pretext & False-Principles — LINK
√ — Gibsons — Hundreds & Hundreds Of Exception Statuses Granted — LINK
√ — Golden — Urban Forests & Public Infra-Structure Granted Exception Statuses — LINK
√ — Kamloops — Greenhouses, Fruit Gardens, & Fruit Trees Granted Exception Statuses — LINK
√ — Qualicum Beach — Hundreds & Hundreds Of Exception Statuses Granted — Golf Granted Exception Status — LINK
√ — Revelstoke — Exception Statuses Granted For The Self-Inflicted Catastrophic Ecological Carnage Of Japanese Knotweed That Became Rampant As A Result Of Prohibition — Golf Granted Exception Status — LINK
√ — Saanich, District Of — Thousands & Thousands Of Exception Statuses Granted — Golf Granted Exception Status — LINK
√ — Vancouver — Exception Statuses Granted For The Self-Inflicted Catastrophic Ecological Carnage Of Pests That Became Rampant As A Result Of Prohibition Golf Granted Exception Status — LINK
√ — The Media Library Of Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia — LINK
√ — Municipal Prohibition Failures — Catastrophic Business, Ecological, & Financial Carnage — False-Facts & Lunatжc-Doctrines — LINK
Background Information
London Must Join The REAL
Trends Against Pesticide Bans
Government officials are no longer readily jumping in favour of fanatжcal-prohibition.
It is clear that pesticide-hating fanatжcs conspire to impose prohibition in order to destroy our green space environments.
At this time, there are over sixty jurisdictions that have aggressively-challenged, and even repealed, fanatжcal-prohibitions, or have granted commercial businesses with an exception status.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to keep green space environments well-maintained, safe, and attractive without conventional pest control products.
Playing surfaces become thin and yellow, and over-run with weeds and infested with insects, resulting in the dismal destruction of turf playing surfaces.
Children are at high risk of slipping and tripping and becoming seriously hurt.
In essence, pest control products prevent injuries and keep children safe.
There are over sixty jurisdictions that have stopped or rescinded or limited or have begun to repeal fanatжcal-prohibitions, or have granted commercial businesses with an exception status.
The following jurisdictions have joined the REAL trends against pesticide bans …
• Alberta ( Province ) • Altona ( Manitoba ) • Anne Arundel County ( Maryland ) • Ashland ( Oregon ) • Beaumont ( Alberta ) • Belleville ( Ontario ) • Brazil ( see notes below ) • British Columbia ( BC, Province ) • Burnaby ( BC ) • Calgary ( Alberta ) • California ( State – see notes below ) • Campbell River ( BC ) • Charlottetown ( Prince Edward Island ) • Chicago ( Illinois ) • Coquitlam ( BC ) • Deer Lake ( Newfoundland ) • Delta ( BC ) • Durango ( Colorado ) • Edmonton ( Alberta ) • European Union ( EU, nations of – see notes below ) • Everett ( Washington ) • Gibsons ( BC ) • Golden ( BC ) • Guelph ( Ontario ) • Guelph-Eramosa ( Ontario ) • Hudson ( Quebec – see notes below ) • Kamloops ( BC ) • Kauaʻi County ( Hawaiʻi ) • Kelowna ( BC ) • Lawrence ( Kansas ) • Lincoln City ( Oregon ) • Maine ( State ) • Manitoba ( Province – see notes below ) • Merritt ( BC ) • New Brunswick ( Province ) • Newfoundland ( Province ) • Ontario ( Province – see notes below ) • Parksville ( BC ) • Port Alberni ( BC ) • Portage La Prairie ( Manitoba ) • Prince Edward Island ( Province ) • Qualicum Beach ( BC ) • Quebec ( Province – see notes below ) • Regina ( Saskatchewan ) • Revelstoke ( BC ) • Rossland ( BC ) • Saanich ( District of, BC ) • Saint John’s ( Newfoundland ) • Saint Josephine ( Oregon ) • Salmon Arm ( BC ) • Saskatchewan ( Province ) • Scarborough ( Maine ) • Steinbach ( Manitoba ) • Stratford ( Prince Edward Island ) • Stuartburn ( Manitoba ) • Summerside ( Prince Edward Island ) • United Kingdom ( UK – see notes below ) • USA ( see notes below ) • Vancouver ( BC ) • Vernon ( BC ) • Winkler ( Manitoba )
Read the following notes …
• Brazil ― Brazil’s Anvisa Health Agency Says That Glyphosate Does Not Pose A Hazard To The Average Person
• California ― Golf Course Saved After A Federal Judge Dismissed A Legal Challenge
• European Union ― Glyphosate Re-Approved For Several Years
• Hudson ( Quebec ) ― Existing Prohibition Morally Invalidated Since Several Government Officials Who Were Responsible For Prohibition Are Now Facing Charges Of Fraud, Corruption, & Tax-Evasion
• Manitoba ― Observers Expect That the Pallister Government Will Rescind Provincial Prohibition
• Ontario ― Proposed Amendment To Provincial Pesticide Ban Has Begun The Process To Repeal Provincial Prohibition
• Quebec ― Provincial Prohibition Has Been Limited With Permitted Active Ingredients, & Also Invalidated Because Ban Has Been Defeated By Lawsuit
• United Kingdom ― Suspended European Union Prohibition Against Neonicotinoid Insecticides
• USA ― A Vast Majority Of States Have Legislated Pre-Emption Laws, Virtually All Proposed Prohibitions Stopped
Explore the following link …
√ — There Are Real Trends Against Pesticide Bans — Victories Against Prohibitions — LINK
Explore even more links …
√ — Communities Are Rescinding Prohibitions — Various Statements For Media Release — LINK
√ — The Public Does Not Want Pesticide Ban — LINK
√ — Society Must Be Liberated From Anti-Pesticide Occupation — LINK
√ — Madison, Wisconsin, Violated Its Own Pesticide Policies — The Combined Libraries Of Victories & Failures In America — LINK
We Speak The Whole Truth About London’s
Prohibition Failure From An Independent Perspective
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged pesticide-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths.
Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole, one of the foremost turfgrass experts in the nation, and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G
Explore the following links …
With A Scheer Conservative Victory In The 2019
Canadian Federal Election, There Will Be NO
National Prohibition Against Pest Control Products
The Fanatжcal Trudeau Liberal
Government Is Bat-Shжt Crazy
The Trump Administration Ends
The US EPA’s Reigns Of Terrжr
If You Do Not Vote Conservative, Then
You Are A Pitiful Fool & An Imbecile