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The Media Library Of Municipal
Prohibition Failures In British Columbia
√ FACTS Concerning The Multiple
Failures Of Prohibition In District
Of Saanich, British Columbia ( BC )
√ FACT — Saanich’s Municipal Prohibition Against Conventional Pest Control Products Has Become A Dismal Failure
√ FACT — Saanich’s By-Law Includes Notions About What Is Good & Bad In Managing Plants & Their Pests ― & Much Of It Is Politically-Correct Rubbish
√ FACT — Its Failed Prohibition By-Law Has Been Extremely Biased & Highly Prejudicial
√ FACT — Saanich’s Prohibition Is A Dismal Failure Because It Is Based Upon False-Pretexts
√ FACT — Saanich Has Imposed Its Failed Prohibition By Prominently Adopting A Precautionary Principle That Has Been Discredited By True Experts
√ FACT — Saanich Has Imposed Its Failed Prohibition By Prominently Adopting The False-Pretext That Residents & The Natural Environment Are Somehow Being Protected
√ FACT — Saanich Has Imposed Its Failed Prohibition By Prominently Adopting The False-Assumption That Inferior Green Alternatives Can Somehow Replace Conventional Pest Control Products
√ FACT — Saanich Has Imposed Its Failed Prohibition By Recommending Home-Made Pest Control Concoctions That Health Canada Says Are Illegal & May Pose Risks To Health & To The Environment
√ FACT — Saanich Has Imposed Its Failed Prohibition By Disseminating Propaganda Disguised As Info Sheets
√ FACT — Saanich Has Imposed Its Failed Prohibition By Prominently Validating The Futile Practices Of Integrated Pest Management ( IPM )
√ FACT — The Audacity & Hypocrisy Of Saanich’s Municipal Officials Is Clearly Evident When They Circumvent Their Own Prohibition By Taking Advantage Of Exceptions That They Wrote Into Their By-Law
√ FACT — Saanich’s Prohibition Allows Thousands & Thousands Of Inconsistent & Unfair Exception Statuses
√ FACT — Saanich’s Prohibition Has Allowed The Issue Of Dozens & Dozens Of Arbitrary & Unfair Exception Status Permits
√ FACT — Saanich’s Prohibition Has Allowed Inconsistent & Unfair Exception Statuses Based Upon Definitions Written Into The Prohibition By-Law
√ FACT — Saanich’s Prohibition Has Allowed Inconsistent & Unfair Exception Statuses For District-Owned Properties & Landscapes
√ FACT — There Should Be NO #@!!% Exception Statuses Whatsoever
√ FACT — Prohibition Has Not Been Imposed Against Local Golf Facilities ― & Grateful Golf Course Officials Espouse The Same Politically-Correct Rubbish As District Officials
√ FACT — Golf Course Officials Appear To Be Too Grateful That Anti-Pesticide Prohibition Has Not Been Arbitrarily Imposed Against Their Facilities
√ FACT — Pest Control Products Are Health-Canada-Approved, Scientifically-Safe & Will Cause No Harm
Explore the following link …
Saanich’s Failed Prohibition By-Law 9054
To Regulate The Use Of Pesticides On
Residential & Municipal Properties
Also explore the following link …
The Library Of Prohibition
By-Laws In British Columbia
Politically-Correct Rubbish
In The District Of Saanich
According to Tom Fletcher …
Chances are your community has a [ prohibition ] by-law that restricts the use of [ so-called ] « chemical pesticides » on public and private lands, including your lawn and garden.
I’ll use the District of Saanich’s [ prohibition ] by-law as an example of what British Columbia’s environmentally conscious municipal governments impose on their citizens.
Passed in 2010, this 10-page [ prohibition ] by-law includes most of the modern notions about what is good and bad in managing plants and their pests.
The district’s web page [ & by-law ] lists a sprinkling of PERMITTED PESTICIDES, including vinegar, corn gluten meal, insecticidal or herbicidal soaps, and mineral oils.
It includes advice on making your lawn smaller because « no mowing means no lawn mowers ».
It gives a hit list of RESTRICTED PESTICIDES, led of course by glyphosate ( Roundup ) and 2,4-D ( Weed ‘n’ Feed or Killex are common brands ).
The [ prohibition ] by-law defines RESTRICTED PESTICIDES in general as « traditional products containing synthetic chemicals ».
The text of the by-law invokes the « precautionary principle », which means actual evidence of harm isn’t necessary for restrictions to be imposed. [ ?!?! ]
It includes strict descriptions of signs to be posted for any allowable application, and fines up to 10,000 dollars for violating the detailed terms.
The [ prohibition ] by-law warns of the allegedly urgent need to reduce the « cumulative chemical load » in the natural environment. [ ?!?! ]
Setting aside the obvious point that all matter in the known universe is made of chemicals, one of the KEY FEATURES of products like Roundup is that they BREAK DOWN QUICKLY.
This is why glyphosate was re-licensed in November [ 2017 ] for continued use in the European Union, where cultural battles over « chemicals » make British Columbia’s precious protests seem calm and reasonable.
This issue resonates with folks who buy homeopathic remedies containing zero active ingredient, or believe they need an occasional « cleanse » to aid their kidney and liver function.
The idea that « synthetic chemicals » are by definition the problem is one of the most DAMAGING MYTHS.
Do you recall the most recent contaminated food scare ?!?!
Romaine lettuce from California was pulled off store shelves after dozens of people became ill and two died after eating it in December [ 2017 ].
The culprit in this case was E coli, which Health Canada defines as bacteria that « live naturally in the intestines of cattle, poultry, and other animals ».
Leafy greens can be contaminated by soil, inadequately composted manure, or improper handling and storing after harvest.
The last time I wrote on this topic, a reader demanded to know whether I have read « Silent Spring »,
Rachel Carson’s iconic anti-DDT book that is credited with sparking the modern environmental movement.
I’ll come clean.
No, I haven’t read this 55-year-old book, which was quietly but thoroughly DEBUNKED after decades of uncritical public and media belief.
That religious faith changed with a 2012 critique by 11 scientific authors, called « Silent Spring at 50 : The False Crises of Rachel Carson ».
Please read the following related links about Rachel Carson …
It destroys many of her key conclusions, particularly the title’s claim that DDT was behind a collapse of American bird populations.
According to the authors of « Silent Spring at 50 : The False Crises of Rachel Carson » ―
Far from being on the verge of collapse, American bird populations were, by and large, INCREASING at the time of Silent Spring’s publication.
Although Carson was active in the Audubon Society, she IGNORED Audubon’s annual bird count, which had long been the best single source on bird population.
Carson also IGNORED the millions of human lives saved from malaria death by DDT, MIS-REPRESENTED rising cancer deaths that were mainly due to smoking and people living longer, and OVER-STATED the safety and effectiveness of « natural » pest control using predator insects.
Source : « Polluted Logic Plagues Pesticide By-Laws » by Tom Fletcher, a British Columbia legislature reporter and columnist for Black Press.
Background Information
Municipal Prohibitions In British
Columbia Are Dismal Failures
A MAJOR STUDY of British Columbia’s anti-pesticide by-laws has concluded that municipal prohibitions are DISMAL FAILURES.
This is because municipal officials are now circumventing their own prohibitions by taking advantage of exception statuses that they have conveniently inserted in their by-laws.
Municipal prohibitions have provided inconsistent & unfair exception statuses for invasive weeds & destructive insects ― for municipal properties and even residential homes ― but NOT for lawn care businesses.
Consequently, municipal prohibitions have annihilated legitimate & tax-paying businesses that operate in the professional lawn care industry.
These businesses CANNOT afford the hardship & the cost of this #@!!% prohibition nonsense !
Once any prohibition is adopted, local lawn care businesses are expected to disappear into oblivion within 2 or 3 years, and vast numbers of workers are expected to become unemployed.
Additionally, for those residents with the same pest problems on their home properties, they may be shжt-outta-luck relying on ANY exception.
Without conventional pest control products, home properties have become pest-infested & dangerous garbage dumps because it is impossible to control invasive weeds & destructive insects by using so-called green alternative pesticides & practices.
Municipal prohibitions have led to catastrophic pest carnage for tens of thousands of destroyed & ravaged properties every single year.
British Columbia’s municipal exception statuses represent the best examples of the failures, the ridiculousness, and the destructiveness of their anti-pesticide prohibitions.
Municipal prohibitions have been disgustingly arbitrary in their flagrant discrimination against professional lawn care businesses & home properties !
In order to be consistent & fair, there should be NO #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever !
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Legislation & Imposition
Of Prohibition By-Law
Saanich’s Failed Prohibition By-Law Has
Been Extremely Biased & Highly Prejudicial
On January 25th, 2010, district of Saanich legislated its extremely biased & highly prejudicial prohibition against conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape.
Three months later, on May 1st, 2010, this fanatжcal & unnecessary life-style choice was officially imposed against both residential properties & district-owned green spaces.
Saanich is a district municipality on Vancouver Island, in British Columbia, within the Greater Victoria area, with a population over 110,000.
It is the most populous municipality on Vancouver Island.
Saanich is divided into twelve Local Area, including Cordova Bay, a seaside community in the northern region.
Although not specifically legislated in its prohibition by-law, Saanich has provided exception statuses for local golf facilities, such as Cordova Bay Golf Course & Cedar Hill Golf Course. [ See later segments. ]
While imposing their arbitrary by-law — prohibiting uses on residential properties & district-owned green spaces but NOT on golf facilities — municipalities CANNOT stop the public from realizing that hundreds of exception statuses have been provided to Cordova Bay & Cedar Hill despite the fact that up to 6 per cent of ALL conventional pest control products are used by the golf industry.
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Pretexts For Prohibition
Saanich’s Prohibition Is A Dismal Failure
Because It Is Based Upon False-Pretexts
Saanich legislated & imposed its failed prohibition under the FALSE-PRETEXTS that are stated in its by-law …
• [ Some ] residents were concerned about the NON-ESSENTIAL USE OF PESTICIDES and the RISK that pesticides may pose to the NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. [ ?!?! ]
• The application of pesticides contributes to the cumulative chemical load absorbed by the NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. [ ?!?! ]
• ALTERNATIVES to the application of pesticides exist. [ ?!?! ]
• the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE supports local governments [ like Saanich ] anticipating and preventing [ falsely-alleged ] threats of harm to the environment, even if some cause-and-effect relationships are not fully established scientifically. [ ?!?! ]
Saanich also legislated & imposed its failed prohibition under several more FALSE-PRETEXTS, such as …
• Home-Made Concoctions
• IPM Practices
• Propaganda Fact Sheets
Saanich’s #@!!% ban nonsense is politically-correct rubbish !
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Pretext For Prohibition
Precautionary Principle
Saanich Has Imposed Its Failed Prohibition
By Prominently Adopting A Principle That
Has Been Discredited By True Experts
According to Saanich’s failed prohibition by-law ―
• the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE supports local governments [ like Saanich ] anticipating and preventing [ falsely-alleged ] threats of harm to the environment, even if some cause-and-effect relationships are not fully established scientifically. [ ?!?! ]
The PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE is absolutist, misused, vacuous, and is simply another malicious weapon of coercion and ultimate terrжr concocted by pesticide-hating fanatжcs.
According to Dr Keith Ross Solomon on the subject of the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE ―
Landscape and garden use of pest control products DOES NOT qualify for consideration under the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE.
They are NOT serious, they are selective to pests, have low toxicity to non-target organisms, and are well understood.
The effects of these pest control products are NOT irreversible.
There is rapid recovery through re-invasion and weed seeds and most need to be used at least once per season.
Dr Solomon is a …
• Doctorate-Level Expert & World Leading Scientific Expert in the Field of Environmental Biology, Toxicology, & Pesticide Safety
• Professor in the Department of Environmental Biology at the University of Guelph in Ontario
• Director of the Centre for Toxicology
Saanich’s reliance on the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE to validate its prohibition represents one of the best examples of the failure, the ridiculousness, and the destructiveness of its by-law.
Saanich’s #@!!% ban nonsense is politically-correct rubbish !
Also explore the following link …
The Media Library Of Solomon
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Pretext For Prohibition
Natural Environment
Saanich Has Imposed Its Failed Prohibition By
Prominently Adopting The False-Pretext That Residents
& The Environment Are Somehow Being Protected
According to Saanich’s failed prohibition by-law ―
• [ Some ] residents were concerned about the non-essential use of pesticides and the risk that pesticides may pose to the NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. [ ?!?! ]
• The application of pesticides contributes to the cumulative chemical load absorbed by the NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. [ ?!?! ]
Officials in Saanich FALSELY-ALLEGE that there are negative environmental effects [ ?!?! ] because of pest control products.
Where is the evidence of negative environmental effects ?!?!
Observers demand that Saanich provide proof !
More specifically, proof that studies are being somehow with-held from the entire world.
Make the proof available for public review.
Saanich will NOT be able to provide any proof because pest control products are NOT the cause of negative environmental effects.
The use of pest control products to maintain residential properties & district-owned green spaces is GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT.
Well-maintained landscapes contribute extensively to the preservation of our environment by keeping lawns and trees thicker, greener, and pest-free.
Here are the ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS of well-maintained & pest-free landscapes ―
• Prevent soil erosion & surface run-off.
• Reduce noise pollution
• Cool & clean the air we breathe
• Please the eye aesthetically
These environmental benefits prove that pesticides are good for the environment.
Saanich’s reliance on FALSE PRETEXTS to validate its extremely biased & highly prejudicial prohibition represents one of the best examples of the failure, the ridiculousness, and the destructiveness of its by-law.
Saanich’s #@!!% ban nonsense is politically-correct rubbish !
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Pretext For Prohibition
Green Alternatives
Saanich Has Imposed Its Failed Prohibition By
Prominently Adopting The False-Assumption That
Inferior Green Alternatives Can Somehow
Replace Conventional Pest Control Products
According to Saanich’s failed prohibition by-law ―
• ALTERNATIVES to the application of pesticides exist. [ ?!?! ]
There are NO economical, NO viable, NO efficacious, and NO low-risk alternatives to replace conventional pest control products.
Green alternative pesticides are bogus & dismal failures ― they DO NOT WORK.
By definition, alternatives are INFERIOR, which is why they did not win the market-place originally.
Without conventional pest control products, residential properties & district-owned green spaces have become pest-infested & dangerous garbage dumps because it is IMPOSSIBLE to control invasive weeds & destructive insects by using INFERIOR green alternative pesticides.
Saanich’s reliance on INFERIOR ALTERNATIVES to validate its prohibition represents one of the best examples of the failure, the ridiculousness, and the destructiveness of its by-law.
Saanich’s #@!!% ban nonsense is politically-correct rubbish !
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Pretext For Prohibition
Home-Made Concoctions
Saanich Has Imposed Its Failed Prohibition By Recommending
Home-Made Pest Control Concoctions That Health Canada Says
Are Illegal & May Pose Risks To Health & To The Environment
Saanich officially recommends ILLEGAL fungicide concoctions for ― • black spot on roses • blight on tomatoes, and • mildew & rusts on other plants.
Saanich’s ILLEGAL fungicide concoctions are …
• Bogus & Illegal Baking Soda & Oil Concoction
Combine 1 table-spoon each of baking soda & horticultural oil.
Dilute in 4 litres of water.
Spray on leaves.
• Bogus & Illegal Milk Concoction For Mildew
Mix a 50/50 solution of milk & water.
Thoroughly spray plants at first sign of mildew.
Repeat every 3 to 4 days.
You can also use this weekly as a preventative measure.
Saanich recommends the use of home-made pest control concoctions, which is VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW.
Overall, these concoctions are BOGUS.
In fact, there are NO valid, NO effective, NO legal, NO economical, and NO safer alternatives to registered-conventional pest control products.
These concoctions are NOT subject to stringent, science-based assessments, and are NOT supported by scientific research and documentation.
Recommendations for using home-made pest control concoctions are most frequently written by anonymous or non-expert authors who do not want to be held accountable for VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW.
Saanich’s reliance on BOGUS & ILLEGAL CONCOCTIONS to validate its prohibition represents one of the best examples of the failure, the ridiculousness, and the destructiveness of its by-law.
Saanich’s #@!!% ban nonsense is politically-correct rubbish !
• Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ( CBC )
• Canadian Cancer Society *
• City of Nanaimo, British Columbia *
• City of Qualicum Beach, British Columbia
• Saskatchewan Environmental Society ( SES ) *
• Toronto Master Gardeners *, and others.
* charity tax-exempt organization
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Pretext For Prohibition
Propaganda Info Sheets
Saanich Has Imposed Its Failed Prohibition By
Disseminating Propaganda Disguised As Info Sheets
Saanich officially disseminates PESTICIDE-HATING PROPAGANDA in the form of BOGUS INFO SHEETS with recommendations that DO NOT WORK, regarding pests such as ― • aphids • black spot of rose • broadleaf weeds in lawns • codling moth • cutworms • leaf-eating caterpillars • root weevils • slugs • spider mites • yellowjackets.
Saanich CANNOT stop the public from realizing that a large quantity of deliberate mis-information & PESTICIDE-HATING PROPAGANDA is being spread about the imaginary danger of conventional pest control products.
Saanich must stop using PESTICIDE-HATING PROPAGANDA that is simply designed to alarm and enrage the public, and designed to validate its extremely biased & highly prejudicial prohibition.
Saanich’s reliance on PESTICIDE-HATING PROPAGANDA to validate its failed prohibition represents one of the best examples of the failure, the ridiculousness, and the destructiveness of its by-law.
Saanich’s #@!!% ban nonsense is politically-correct rubbish !
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Pretext For Prohibition
IPM Practices
Saanich Has Imposed Its Failed Prohibition
By Prominently Validating The Futile Practices
Of Integrated Pest Management ( IPM )
Saanich has adopted futile IPM in its by-law ―
INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT, as defined in the Integrated Pest Management Act ( SBC 2003 ), means a process for managing pest populations that includes the following elements :
( a ) planning and managing ecosystems to prevent organisms from becoming pests;
( b ) identifying pest problems and potential pest problems;
( c ) monitoring populations of pests and beneficial organisms, damage caused by pests and environmental conditions;
( d ) using injury thresholds in making treatment decisions;
( e ) suppressing pest populations to acceptable levels using strategies based on considerations of biological, physical, cultural, mechanical, behavioural, and chemical controls in appropriate combinations, and environmental and human health protection;
( f ) chemical pesticides will be used only when other options are not available, feasible, or effective. The least toxic pesticide that effectively controls the pest will be used;
[ This is clearly contradicted by Saanich’s pesticide-free version of IPM posted on its web-site. See below. ]
( g ) evaluating the effectiveness of pest management treatments.
Saanich has adopted the pesticide-free version of IPM on its web-site, which contradicts its version in the by-law ―
The INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT ( IPM ) approach is designed to ELIMINATE [ ?!?! ] the non-essential use of pesticides.
An IPM policy is an important component in environmental stewardship. [ ?!?! ]
It is not a single pest control method, but, rather, is a series of pest management evaluations, decisions and controls.
Wherever pesticide-free IPM is entirely relied upon for the maintenance of turf and ornamentals, damaging pests may only be slightly suppressed, at the expense of plant growth, safe playing conditions, and appearance.
To compensate for the futility of IPM, municipal officials have often embarked on a ludicrous effort to reduce the expectations for the condition of city-owned green spaces.
The pesticide-free version of IPM on Saanich’s web-site, which demands the ELIMINATION of the use of conventional pest control products, will inevitably fail to manage pest populations at an acceptable level.
Unfortunately, pesticide-free IPM has been designed to be applicable to agricultural crops, and NOT to urban green spaces.
Saanich’s reliance on futile IPM to validate its prohibition represents one of the best examples of the failure, the ridiculousness, and the destructiveness of its by-law.
Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ) is FUTILE, and DOES NOT control pests in turf !
Saanich’s #@!!% ban nonsense is politically-correct rubbish !
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Exception Statuses
Saanich’s Prohibition Allows Thousands & Thousands
Of Inconsistent & Unfair Exception Statuses
Officials in Saanich are now circumventing their own prohibition by taking advantage of EXCEPTION STATUSES that they have conveniently inserted in their by-laws.
In other words, Saanich has been allowing pest control applications WHEN IT ARBITRARILY SUITS THEM.
Exception statuses have represented the best examples of the failures & the ridiculousness of anti-pesticide prohibition.
Despite imposing prohibition, Saanich has been allowing thousands & thousands of inconsistent & unfair exception statuses, including …
• exception statuses allowed by permits
• exception statuses allowed by definitions
• exception statuses for public land & hard landscapes
In fact, there should be NO #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever !
Otherwise, Saanich’s prohibition will continue to be dismal failures.
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Exception Statuses
Allowed By Permits
Saanich’s Prohibition Has Allowed The
Issue Of Dozens & Dozens Of Arbitrary
& Unfair Exception Status Permits
In Saanich, an EXCEPTION STATUS has been written into the prohibition’s by-law, allowing the district to issue a ( NO-PAY ) PERMIT for …
A person may apply to the Manager of Environmental Services for a PERMIT for the use of pesticides not exempt under Section 5 for : pest infestations that threaten the integrity of sensitive ecosystems or pose a serious economic loss to an owner or occupier of land; or to control the spread of invasive species or noxious weeds …
[ on district-owned properties only ?!?! ]
Saanich can now CIRCUMVENT its own prohibition by taking advantage of EXCEPTION STATUS PERMITS that they have conveniently inserted in their by-law.
While imposing its arbitrary by-law — prohibiting some uses but NOT others through EXCEPTION STATUS PERMITS — Saanich CANNOT stop the public from realizing that a large quantity of DELIBERATE MIS-INFORMATION & PESTICIDE-HATING PROPAGANDA is being spread about the imaginary danger of conventional pest control products.
This by-law demonstrates Saanich’s audacity & hypocrisy in providing EXCEPTION STATUS PERMITS.
In order to be consistent & fair, there should be NO #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever !
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Exception Statuses
Allowed By Definitions
Saanich’s Prohibition Has Allowed Inconsistent &
Unfair Exception Statuses Based Upon Definitions
Written Into The Prohibition By-Law
In Saanich’s by-law, the term « INFESTATION » is VAGUELY-DEFINED as …
INFESTATION means the presence of pests in numbers or under conditions that involve an immediate or potential risk of substantial loss or damage.
[ … on district-owned properties only ?!?! ]
This has been inserted into the by-law by elected officials as another CONVENIENT ESCAPE from their own prohibition.
In order to be consistent & fair, there should be NO #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever !
This VAGUE DEFINITION has allowed the district to issue a PERMIT for …
A person may apply to the Manager of Environmental Services for a PERMIT for the use of pesticides not exempt under Section 5 for : PEST INFESTATIONS that threaten the integrity of sensitive eco-systems or pose a serious economic loss to an owner or occupier of land; or to control the spread of INVASIVE SPECIES or NOXIOUS WEEDS …
[ … on district-owned properties only ?!?! ]
In order to be consistent & fair, there should be NO #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever !
In Saanich’s by-law …
NOXIOUS WEEDS means plant species that are capable of inflicting agricultural loss or ill health on people; or are subject to the Noxious Weeds By-Law, 2000, No. 8080, or any successor by-law.
Examples of NOXIOUS WEEDS include ―
• bindweed • blessed milk thistle • Canada thistle • garlic mustard • giant hogweed • knotweeds • ox-eye daisy • poison hemlock • purple loosestrife • quackgrass • wild carrot • wild mustard.
In Saanich’s by-law …
INVASIVE SPECIES means an alien species whose introduction does or is LIKELY TO CAUSE ENVIRONMENTAL OR ECONOMIC HARM, or harm to human health.
One major example of INVASIVE SPECIES includes GYPSY MOTH INSECTS.
See next section.
In Saanich’s by-law, the term « INVASIVE SPECIES » has allowed an EXCEPTION STATUS to allow the use of conventional insecticides on district-owned green spaces that are INFESTED with HIGHLY-DAMAGING GYPSY MOTH INSECTS, which must be controlled annually.
Any GYPSY MOTH EXCEPTION STATUS implies that … if it is safe for children and adults to walk and play in pesticide-treated areas, then it should also be safe for them to walk and play on pesticide-treated lawns.
In order to be consistent and fair, Saanich must provide NO GYPSY MOTH EXCEPTION STATUS.
Gypsy Moth Insects are uncontrolled insect pests that require EXCEPTION STATUSES for municipal properties.
Without these EXCEPTIONS, the district will be inflicted with catastrophic ecological insect carnage.
Nonetheless, in order to be consistent & fair, there should be NO #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever !
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Exception Statuses
For Public Land &
Saanich’s Prohibition Has Allowed Inconsistent & Unfair
Exception Statuses For District-Owned Properties & Landscapes
SELF-APPOINTED EXCEPTION STATUSES have been conveniently incorporated into Saanich’s by-law for several reasons ―
• to allow district staff to CIRCUMVENT PROHIBITION,
• to arbitrarily suit the needs of elected officials, and
• to falsely maintain alignment of these officials with their political precepts & doctrines.
Saanich’s SELF-APPOINTED EXCEPTION STATUSES have inconsistently & unfairly allowed the use of conventional pest control products on district-owned properties & landscapes, like PUBLIC LAND & HARD LANDSCAPES, that are infested with invasive weeds & destructive insects, which must be controlled annually in order for playing & transportation surfaces to remain safe & attractive.
Saanich’s by-law DOES NOT APPLY to the use of pest control products …
… by the District, on PUBLIC LAND owned or held by the District of Saanich …
[ i.e. district-owned properties & landscapes. ]
Examples of PUBLIC LAND include ―
• baseball/softball/fastball fields • football fields • horseshoe pitches • informal parking lots • lacrosse fields • lawn bowling green • meadows • municipal golf facility • natural areas • neighbourhood parks • open green spaces • picnic areas • playgrounds • pocket parks • soccer fields • tennis courts • tree areas • urban forests • walking trails • wetlands • wooded parks.
In order to be consistent & fair, there should be NO #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever !
Moreover, Saanich’s by-law DOES NOT APPLY to the use of pest control products …
… on land used for … TRANSPORTATION …
[ i.e. hard-landscapes. ]
Examples of these HARD-LANDSCAPES include ―
• asphalt • brick pavers • concrete • gravel • public utility corridors • rocks • transportation corridors.
In order to be consistent & fair, there should be NO #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever !
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Golf Facility
Cordova Bay
Cordova Bay Golf Course is a semi-private 18-hole championship golf course and a 9-hole par 3 golf course, located in district of Saanich, British Columbia.
On January 25th, 2010, district of Saanich legislated its extremely biased & highly prejudicial prohibition against conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape.
However, golf facilities like Cordova Bay were provided with an unofficial pesticide ban exception status.
Cordova Bay’s officials claim that golf courses often face criticism for using pesticides and other HARMFUL PRACTICES for the environment. [ ?!?! ]
A golf course official has [ ridiculously ] stated how Cordova Bay’s Audubon Certification status demonstrates its concern for the environment. [ ?!?! ]
The golf course has had problems with thatch, which officials falsely-allege arises from grass clippings, which have to be removed, adding to the workload of the grounds crews. [ Wrong ! ]
It has also been stated …
Cordova Bay is certified as a bird sanctuary by Audubon International. [ Big deal ! ]
An assortment of nesting boxes [ have been ] placed around the property, as well as feeders to help birds survive the winter …
And every spring, the larger ponds are stocked with rainbow trout to attract birds of prey.
All this work has meant that more than 70 bird species are routinely seen at the course.
… their populations thrive because they are not exposed to pesticide. [ WRONG ! ]
And best of all, the presence of so many birds has eliminated the need to use insecticides. [ WRONG ! ]
The birds are insect-eating machines.
We have not lost any turf from insect damage in years. [ WRONG ! ]
We have not sprayed an insecticide or aquatic herbicide on either golf course property since 1996. [ So what ?!?! ]
Selected excerpts from : « Wet Winters Make For Lush Cordova Bay Golf Course » in Victoria News, and other sources.
What was the cost, in time, energy, and products, that was wasted for Audubon Certification ?!?!
All for the sake of proving that Cordova Bay’s officials somehow care about the environment ?!?!
The proper use of pest control products by trained & government-certified professional applicators is a much clearer, and more cost-effective, demonstration of care for the environment.
Cordova Bay’s officials are simply not being truthful or accurate about pest control products.
Birds are NOT endangered by the proper use of insecticides on ANY golf course.
The public needs to be reminded that pest control products DO NOT ROUTINELY HARM BIRDS during the course of their use.
Cordova Bay’s officials espouse politically-correct environmental-rubbish !
Some of Cordova Bay’s officials are short-sighted twits who are MIS-LEADING the public about the effectiveness of their green alternative practices.
The golf course has not yet experienced insect problems because it is located and isolated on an island.
Within the next decade, damaging insects from the mainland WILL have made their way to the golf course.
NONE of Cordova Bay’s 70 bird species will exert ANY control over these damaging insects.
It is just NOT POSSIBLE !
Insects like European Chafer White Grubs CANNOT be controlled by installing nesting boxes and stocking rainbow trout in ponds.
Cordova Bay’s officials are merely providing false-hope that green alternative practices MAY be effective, when, in fact, they DO NOT WORK.
Green alternatives are INEFFECTIVE, and CANNOT BE RELIED UPON to properly maintain golf facilities.
Cordova Bay’s officials espouse politically-correct environmental-rubbish !
Cordova Bay’s officials embrace the same POLITICALLY-CORRECT RUBBISH that is being espoused by Saanich’s district officials.
They spread PESTICIDE-HATING PROPAGANDA that is simply designed to alarm and enrage the public, and designed to validate the District of Saanich’s extremely biased & highly prejudicial prohibition against conventional pest control products.
Despicably, Cordova Bay’s officials claim that the use of pest control products is somehow a HARMFUL PRACTICE for the environment.
Really ?!?!
Observers are DISMAYED that Cordova Bay’s officials, who are employed by a golf facility, would be allowed to adopt and spread radical and costly doctrines and superstitions that are anti-golf-industry.
These left-wing activist-officials are BETRAYING the golf industry in the most insidious ways possible.
Where is the evidence of HARMFUL PRACTICE for the environment ?!?!
Observers demand that Cordova Bay provide proof !
Golf officials will NOT be able to provide any proof because the use of pest control products is a NOT HARMFUL PRACTICE.
The use of pest control products to maintain the golf course is actually GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT.
Cordova Bay’s officials espouse politically-correct environmental-rubbish !
Playing customers demand high-quality playing conditions, first & foremost.
Cordova Bay’s officials appear to be at odds with operating a bird sanctuary versus maintaining a golf facility that is playable & beautiful.
Observers question their ability to provide what playing customers demand … high-quality playing conditions.
Do these officials understand that they are NOT employed to experiment with green alternatives that DO NOT WORK ?!?!
Furthermore, they have NO training and NO background in these matters.
They also fail to realize that, overall, the risk assessment of conventional pest control products indicates that they are scientifically-safe, and, when used properly, will NOT cause harm to the environment.
Cordova Bay’s officials espouse politically-correct environmental-rubbish !
In order to be consistent & fair, perhaps there should be NO pesticide ban EXCEPTION STATUS for Cordova Bay !
Saanich’s Prohibition Failure
Golf Facility
Cedar Hill
Cedar Hill Golf Course is an 18 hole municipal golf course, located in the district of Saanich, British Columbia.
On January 25th, 2010, district of Saanich legislated its extremely biased & highly prejudicial prohibition against conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape.
However, golf facilities like Cedar Hill were provided with an unofficial pesticide ban exception status.
Cedar Hill Golf Course’s officials claim that many golf courses are taking a « greener » approach to maintenance. [ ?!?! ]
It is a misconception that golf courses don’t care.
Superintendents of all the major golf courses have adopted some sort of ORGANIC PRACTICES. [ ?!?! ]
The local golf courses are right on base with this. [ ?!?! ]
It has also been stated …
Instead of granular chemical fertilizers, superintendents now feed their fairways with organic granular recycled sewage. [ ?!?! ]
Organic fertilizer [ sewage sludge ] has dropped fungicide use by almost one third. [ Impossible ! ]
The transition from CHEMICALLY DEPENDENT [ ?!?! ] to mostly ORGANIC will take some time.
It’s a slow transition, like taking somebody off medication. [ ?!?! ?!?! ]
Selected excerpts from : « Turfing Out Old Standards For Treating Lawns » in Saanich News.
Organic sources of nitrogen fertilizer are the equivalent of homeopathic plant food.
When compared to synthetic products, organics are often deemed a SUPERIOR source of nitrogen.
This is FALSE !
Overall, the turfgrass plant could not care less about its source of nutrient nitrogen.
Organic nitrogen sources are derived from animal, bird, human, marine, and plant by-products.
Organic nitrogen release will depend on microbial activity.
Environmental factors, such as warm soil temperatures, will optimize the release of an organic product.
Soil temperatures in spring are generally cool, and most organic sources may take an exceedingly long time to release in spring.
In other words, the effective use of organic nitrogen is LIMITED to warm temperatures, unlike conventional fertilizer products.
Examples of organic nitrogen include ― canola meal, forest by-products, sewage sludge, and turkey waste ( Sustane ® ).
Sewage sludge, which is advocated by officials at Cedar Hill, is a 100 per cent source of organic fertilizer derived from human by-products.
It is also called activated or processed sewage sludge.
Sewage sludge products are made from sewage freed from grit and coarse solids, and aerated after being inoculated with micro-organisms.
This sewage is then filtered, dried, ground, and screened into a granular form.
Furthermore, Cedar Hill officials should also be aware that, even though sewage sludge may be highly recommended for the home and garden market, its widespread use may remain cost prohibitive when considered for golf course application.
Nonetheless, it is Cedar Hill’s officials to decide when and where, if at all, to make use of organic nitrogen fertilizers, despite their STUNNING COSTS.
Sewage sludge fertilizer has dropped fungicide use by almost one third, according to Cedar Hill officials.
This is FALSE !
They spread FERTILIZER-HATING PROPAGANDA that is simply designed to alarm and enrage the public, and designed to validate the MYTH that conventional fertilizers are somehow HARMFUL to the environment.
Observers are DISMAYED that officials at Cedar Hill spread fertilizer MYTHS that are anti-golf-industry.
Cedar Hill’s officials espouse politically-correct environmental-rubbish !
In view of its attitude, perhaps there should be NO pesticide ban exception status for Cedar Hill !
The most well-known form of processed sewage sludge is a product called Milorganite ®.
In 1987, a series of newspaper articles alleged that applications of Milorganite MIGHT have caused Lou Gehrig’s disease ( amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, A.L.S. ).
It was believed that athletes playing on sports fields fertilized with this organic fertilizer were at greater risk of contracting this disease.
A neurologist claimed that high rates of Lou Gehrig’s disease were observed around the city of Milwaukee.
Apparently, this city was the largest user of Milorganite.
A review of the data by a large group of federal, state, and local specialists DISPELLED any link between Milorganite sewage sludge and Lou Gehrig’s disease.
Cedar Hill officials should be aware of the David Suzuki documentary, « Dad and the Dandelions », which first aired in 2017.
This documentary represented a highly dishonest campaign against the golf industry by falsely and strongly implying that GOLF COURSES CAUSE CANCER AND KILL PEOPLE.
This is FALSE !
Nonetheless, given the climate of fear perpetuated by Suzuki, perhaps Cedar Hill should ABANDON the use of sewage sludge fertilizer in order to avoid any additional controversy.
The golf industry must STRONGLY ADOPT THE POSITION that conventional pest control products are scientifically-safe and will cause NO harm to players, worker, and the environment.
The golf industry’s trade associations must CEASE publicly supporting the PROHIBITION against conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape.
The golf industry must also ADOPT the position that its use of any fertilizers DOES NOT harm the environment.
The golf industry must ESTABLISH policies for expelling « activist-superintendents » from its trade associations who falsely-allege that the use of pest control products harms the environment.
Providing players with high-quality conditions CANNOT be successful with inferior green alternative pesticides and ineffective sustainable « organic » practices.
Additionally, the golf industry must VIGOROUSLY EMBARK on a massive public relations campaign to discredit « organic » pesticide-free maintenance practices, declaring them as DISMAL PESTICIDE-FREE FAILURES.
These and other critical issues MUST be addressed by Cordova Bay, Cedar Hill, and the entire golf industry.
Explore the following link …
The Media History Of Saanich & Its
Conspiracy To Impose Reckless & Arbitrary
Prohibition Against Pest Control Products
√ FACT — Overwhelming Scientific Evidence Clearly Demonstrates That Pest Control Products Are Scientifically-Safe, & Will Not Cause Harm To Children, Adults, Animals, Or The Environment
√ FACT — Pesticides Are Less Lethal To Humans Than Caffeine — LINK
√ FACT — Yes, You Are Definitely Ingesting Pesticides, But Here’s Why It’s Not A Problem — LINK
√ FACT — Children Are Not At Risk From Pesticides — Dangerous Playing Surfaces Are Created By #@!!% Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ FACT — Pest Control Products Are Safe For Kids — Slide Show — LINK
√ FACT — Chemicals Are Evaluated For Carcinogenic Potential By Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) — LINKS
√ FACT — Pesticides Are Evaluated As Acceptable For Continued Registration By Health Canada — LINK
√ FACT — Our Children Are Safe When Pesticide Bans Are Stopped — There Are Real Trends AGAINST Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ FACT — Pest Control Products Have Been Tested In More Ways Than Virtually Any Other Set Of Substances — The Industry Task Force II On 2,4-D Research Data — LINKS
√ FACT — Pesticides Are Safe — LINKS
√ FACT — Pesticides Are Health Canada Approved — Listen To Mr Lindsay Hanson From The Pest Management Regulatory Agency — LINK
√ FACT — There Is No Direct Proof Pesticides Cause Cancer — Canadian Cancer Society — LINK
√ FACT — REAL Experts Speak Out Against The Conspiracy To Impose Reckless & Arbitrary Prohibition Against Conventional Pest Control Products — LINK
We Speak The Whole Truth About Prohibition Failures From An Independent Perspective
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged pesticide-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ), like those found in Saanich, who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths.
Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs, like those found in Saanich, by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G
Please read the following facts & explore the following links …
√ FACT — If You Do Not Vote Conservative,
Then You Are A Pitiful Fool & An Imbecile
√ FACT — With A Scheer Conservative Victory In The 2019 Canadian Federal Election, There Will Be NO National Prohibition Against Pest Control Products — LINK
√ FACT — The Fanatжcal Trudeau Liberal Government Is Bat-Shжt Crazy — LINK
√ FACT — The Trump Administration Ends The US EPA’s Reigns Of Terrжr — LINK