Prohibition Failure
BURNABY, City of ( British Columbia )
Reasons For Prohibition Failure In Burnaby
Burnaby’s municipal prohibition against conventional pest control products has become dismal failure.
Its prohibition by-law has been extremely biased & highly prejudicial.
Has allowed hundreds of inconsistent & unfair exception statuses.
Has allowed inconsistent & unfair exception statuses for pest infestations ( on city-owned properties only ?!?! ).
Has allowed inconsistent & unfair exception statuses based upon the vaguely-defined term « pest infestations ».
Has allowed inconsistent & unfair exception statuses for hard-landscapes on city-owned properties.
There should be NO #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever !
Burnaby’s prohibition has led to catastrophic ecological carnage in the urban landscape ― there are reports of severe, uncontrolled, & destructive European Chafer Insects.
Who wants to live in #@!!% pesticide-free, weed-infested, & dangerous, garbage dumps ?!?!
Burnaby desperately needs effective conventional pest control products, and NOT failed IPM practices !
Burnaby’s pesticide-hating elected officials are managing a failed prohibition because it is extremely biased, highly prejudicial, inconsistent, unfair, subversive, & destructive !
Explore The Links Below
More Reasons For Municipal Prohibition Failures
√ — Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia – Part 2 Of 12
√ — Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia – Part 3 Of 12
Why Is Prohibition Failing In Burnaby ?!?!
Burnaby’s Prohibition Has Created European Chafer Problems That Have Torn Lawns Apart & Has Inflicted Garbage Dump Green Spaces
On June 16th, 2008, city of Burnaby legislated its reckless & arbitrary prohibition against conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape.
Beginning April 1st, 2009, this fanatical & unnecessary life-style choice was imposed against both residential properties & city-owned green spaces.
The result has been catastrophic carnage !
Burnaby’s home-owners have been trying to fend-off the feasting raccoons, skunks, and crows that have torn apart their home lawns while looking for European Chafer Insects.
These below-ground insects are now implanted in the community, FOREVER, and will destroy lawns year after year, FOREVER !
Why Is Prohibition Failing In Burnaby ?!?!
Burnaby’s Prohibition Has Allowed An Inconsistent & Unfair Exception Status For Vaguely-Defined Infestations
Is there hope in Burnaby for controlling the INFESTATIONS of European Chafer Insects ?!?!
An EXCEPTION STATUS has been written into the prohibition’s by-law, which states …
… this by-law shall NOT APPLY in respect of the use of a pesticide to control [ A VAGUELY-DEFINED ] « INFESTATION ».
The term « INFESTATION » has been VAGUELY-DEFINED by the by-law as …
… the presence of pests in numbers or under conditions that involves an immediate risk of structural damage to property or significant financial loss in respect of the use of property.
Clearly, this EXCEPTION STATUS has been designed to allow the use of conventional insecticides on town-owned green spaces, like sports fields that are INFESTED with invasive weeds & destructive insects, which must be controlled annually.
Furthermore, any pest INFESTATION on private property would be arbitrarily & politically defined in the harshest manner possible by Burnaby’s officials.
Residents are shжt-outta-luck with protecting their private property, because Burnaby’s pesticide-hating city councillors will NEVER agree to allow the required annual application of conventional pest control products for the control damaging INFESTATIONS of pests like European Chafer Insects !
No resident in Burnaby wants to live in #@!!% pest-infested garbage dumps !
Why Is Prohibition Failing In Burnaby ?!?!
Burnaby’s Prohibition Has Allowed An Inconsistent & Unfair Exception Status For Hard-Landscapes
In Burnaby, an EXCEPTION STATUS has also been allowed …
… to prevent the deterioration of HARD-LANDSCAPES, such as asphalt, brick pavers, concrete, gravel, rocks, and treated wood.
This is inconsistent & unfair !
City councillors have been allowing pest control applications WHEN IT ARBITRARILY SUITS THEM !
If it is safe for children and adults to walk and play on or near herbicide-treated HARD-LANDSCAPES, then why is it not safe for them to walk and play on herbicide-treated lawns ?!?!
In order to be consistent & fair, Burnaby must provide NO EXCEPTIONS WHATSOEVER.
Burnaby’s provision for this EXCEPTION STATUS represents the best example of the failure & the ridiculousness of anti-pesticide prohibition.
Explore The Links Below
Why Is Prohibition Failing In Burnaby ?!?!
√ — Burnaby, BC — European Chafer Problem — BLOG
√ — Burnaby, BC — Tens Of Thousands Of Destroyed Lawns Because Of Prohibition — BLOG
√ — Burnaby, BC — Chafer Beetle Problem Resurfaces — NORAHG RESPONSE — REFERENCE
√ — Burnaby, BC — By-Law 12465 To Regulate The Use Of Pesticides For Cosmetic Purposes — OFFICIAL DOCUMENT
Prohibition Failure
CAMPBELL RIVER, City of ( British Columbia )
Reasons For Prohibition Failure In Campbell River
Campbell River’s municipal prohibition against conventional pest control products has become dismal failure.
Its prohibition by-law has been prominently validated by elected officials with the failed practices of Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ).
IPM is #@!!% nonsense that DOES NOT WORK !
Campbell River’s prohibition has encumbered tax-payers with stunningly exorbitant costs !
Campbell River’s failed IPM program has cost $107,000.
Who can afford this #@!!% ban nonsense ?!?!
Campbell River’s pesticide-hating elected officials are managing a failed prohibition because its stunning cost and its adoption of failed practices.
Explore The Links Below
More Reasons For Municipal Prohibition Failures
√ — Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia – Part 2 Of 12
√ — Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia – Part 3 Of 12
Why Is Prohibition Failing In Campbell River ?!?!
Campbell River’s Prohibition Has Necessitated A Stunningly Exorbitant Cost Of $107,000 For Failed IPM Practices
Campbell River’s municipal officials have confirmed that the city has an Integrated Pest Management Plan ( IPM ) which requires an annual budget of $107,000 which it cannot afford to fully implement.
And besides, the practices of Integrated Pest Management are #@!!% nonsense and DO NOT WORK ! ( See next segment. )
Additionally, on June 1st, 2016, a news release from Campbell River stated …
… the city expects to apply herbicide twice this year in problem areas, and aims to reduce frequency of the herbicide application in future years.
Campbell River still required the use of conventional weed control products in order to make IPM Plan appear to be successful.
In 2012, Campbell River’s city council unanimously voted down a proposed prohibition against the use of pest control used in the urban landscape.
One councillor stated that a city that DOES NOT follow its own prohibition policy shouldn’t be trying to impose restrictions on the public that the city cannot enforce.
Anti-pesticide staff had recommended, without success, that fanatical-prohibition could come into effect at the start of 2013 in order to …
… to allow sufficient time to notify the public and local retailers.
Who can afford this #@!!% ban nonsense ?!?!
Explore The Links Below
Why Is Prohibition Failing In Campbell River ?!?!
√ — Campbell River, BC — Did You Know ? — Weed Control — News Release — REFERENCE
√ — Campbell River, BC — Carnage Leading To Stunningly Exorbitant Costs Because Of Anti-Pesticide Prohibition — Part 1 — BLOG
√ — Campbell River, BC — Council Hesitant To Enact Pesticide Ban — REPORT
√ — Campbell River, BC — Proposed Pesticide Ban Extinguished — REPORTS
Background Information
Campbell River Desperately Needs Conventional Pesticides & NOT Failed IPM Practices
Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ) is #@!!% nonsense and DOES NOT WORK !
IPM is promoted by municipal officials who falsely allege success, and who are most likely concocting lies, misconceptions, and deceptions for their own nefarious political interests.
It is impossible for municipal employees to keep city-owned green spaces playable and/or beautiful by using IPM.
The anti-pesticide-version of IPM demands the elimination of the use of conventional pest control products, while at the same time attempting ( and failing ) to manage pest populations at an acceptable level.
Unfortunately, pesticide-free IPM has been designed to be applicable to agricultural crops, and NOT the maintenance of urban green spaces.
Overall, pesticide-free IPM is a dismal failure, and a waste of time & money for municipalities.
Pesticide-free IPM does NOT control pests of established turf and ornamentals.
Pesticide-free IPM will NEVER achieve the level of total reduction or elimination of destructive pests attained by using conventional pest control products.
Wherever pesticide-free IPM is entirely relied upon for the maintenance of turf and ornamentals, damaging pests may only be slightly suppressed, at the expense of plant growth, safe playing conditions, and appearance.
To compensate for the failure of IPM, municipal officials have often embarked on a ludicrous effort to reduce the expectations for the condition of city-owned green spaces.
These officials resort to promoting low-end playing conditions and to accept dangerous garbage dump green spaces.
Municipal officials would be better-off validating the risk assessment of conventional pest control products, which indicates that they are scientifically-safe, and, when used properly, will NOT cause harm to people, animals, or the environment.
Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ) is a dismal failure, and does NOT control pests in turf !
Explore The Links Below
Integrated Pest Management
√ — Background Information — Integrated Pest Management, Failure Of ( IPM ) — #@!!% IPM Nonsense — WEB-PAGE
√ — Background Information — Integrated Pest Management, Failure Of ( IPM ) — Least Toxic Pesticides Applied As A Last Resort — BLOG
Prohibition Failure
COLDSTREAM, District of ( British Columbia )
Reasons For Prohibition Failure In Coldstream
Coldstream’s municipal prohibition against conventional pest control products has become dismal failure.
Its prohibition by-law has led to catastrophic ecological weed carnage in the urban landscape ― there are reports of severe, uncontrolled, & invasive weeds.
Who wants to live in #@!!% pesticide-free, weed-infested, & dangerous, garbage dumps ?!?!
Coldstream’s self-imposed prohibition has forced municipal employees to resort to the back-breaking, agonizing, and humiliating job of manual weed picking.
Coldstream desperately needs effective conventional pest control products !
Moreover, prohibition has cost $3,000 for resurfacing & new shale, costs $6,000 per week for baseball diamond, and dragging $5,809 per week.
Who can afford this #@!!% ban nonsense ?!?!
Coldstream’s pesticide-hating elected officials are managing a failed prohibition because its stunning cost and its humiliation of employees.
Explore The Links Below
More Reasons For Municipal Prohibition Failures
√ — Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia – Part 2 Of 12
√ — Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia – Part 3 Of 12
Why Is Prohibition Failing In Coldstream ?!?!
Coldstream’s Self-Imposed Prohibition Created Invasive Weed Problems That Have Over-Run Parks & A Sport Field, Inflicting Garbage Dump Green Spaces, & Costing Stunningly Exorbitant Amounts Of Money
In 2009, district of Coldstream self-imposed a reckless & arbitrary prohibition against conventional pest control products used on city-owned green spaces.
The result has been catastrophic carnage ― garbage dump green spaces & stunningly exorbitant costs !
Because of prohibition, Coldstream’s parks have become over-run by weeds, and have eventually required to be totally renovated !
Without these safe & effective pest control products, municipal employees have had to resort to the back-breaking & agonizing job of manual weed picking !
Consequently, these employees have been devalorized into a group of mere cotton-pickers.
It became evident that NO municipal employee wanted to continue with this form of intensive labour.
Coldstream’s weed problems came as NO surprise to observers who had repeatedly warned that it is IMPOSSIBLE for municipal employees to keep city-owned green spaces from becoming garbage dumps unless conventional pest control products are used.
Because of Coldstream’s self-imposed prohibition, children are at high risk of tripping and becoming seriously hurt because of the weed problems.
Sadly, Coldstream’s baseball diamond had degraded into an unusable condition for playing safely.
It had to be completely renovated with re-surfacing and new shale.
A stunning cost of $3,000 dollars was required in a single year to bring the baseball diamond up to safety standards.
Coldstream is part of Greater Vernon.
On June 26th, 2010, the city of Vernon had scrapped & stopped a proposed prohibition as officials had refused to endorse the idea of telling home-owners that they could not spray on their own private land to keep it immaculate.
No one in Coldstream & Vernon wants to live in #@!!% pesticide-free, weed-infested, & dangerous, garbage dumps !
In 2011, organic pesticide-free lawn care businesses that operated in Vernon, like Turf Logic, had become dismal failures and had to be sold.
These types of businesses had been disintegrating under the weight of their own treachery since lying, cheating, & fraud have been the only ways to make pesticide-free maintenance appear to work effectively.
Explore The Link Below
Why Is Prohibition Failing In Coldstream ?!?!
√ — Coldstream, BC — Failure Of Organic Pesticide-Free Parks Maintenance — Officials Considering Reverting Back To Roundup Herbicide — REPORT
Explore The Links Below
Vernon Victory Against Prohibition & Other
√ — Vernon, BC — Victory Against Prohibition — REPORTS
√ — Vernon, BC — Organic Pesticide-Free Business Failures — REPORTS
Explore The Link Below
Manual Weed Picking
√ — Background Information — Manual Weed Picking Is Cotton-Picking Work — WEB-PAGE
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For More Truths About Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia, Please Explore The Following Links …
Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia – Part 1 Of 12 – Overview – 2017 01 19
Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia – Part 2 Of 12 – Reasons For Failures – Thousands Of Exception Statuses – False-Facts – 2017 01 31
Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia – Part 3 Of 12 – Reasons For Failures – Catastrophic Carnage – False-Facts – 2017 02 09
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about Truth-Challenged Pesticide-Hating Fanatics who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on their use of conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of Respected and Highly-Rated Experts who promote Environmental Realism and Pesticide Truths. http://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV
NORAHG is the sworn enemy of lying, pompous, smug, uneducated, and pesticide-hating enviro-fanatics. Overwhelming scientific evidence clearly demonstrates that pest control products are scientifically-safe, and will not cause harm to children, adults, animals, or the environment. http://wp.me/p1jq40-7HR http://wp.me/P1jq40-2ha http://wp.me/p1jq40-6Q6 http://wp.me/p1jq40-5ni
Enviro-fanatics have shown that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Do you want to trust these fanatics, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brainchild of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We Dare To Defy The Pesticide-Hating Fanatics By Exploring The Whole Truth From An Independent Perspective On The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/
Read about the PROHIBITION FAILURES concerning the following municipalities – Burnaby, Campbell River, Coldstream, Coquitlam, Delta, Fernie, Gibsons, Golden, Kamloops, Kelowna, Langley, Maple Ridge, Nanaimo, Nelson, North Vancouver, Oak Bay, Parksville, Port Alberni, Port Moody, Revelstoke, Richmond, Saanich, Salmon Arm, Sechelt, Surrey, Vancouver, and Victoria.
If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com