Fertilizer TERROR – Fanatical Attacks Against The Golf Industry
Activist-Superintendents & Their Adoption Of Ridiculous & Arbitrary Doctrines Against Fertilizers
Golf course superintendents ( and turf managers ) are being duped into believing that reducing the use of conventional fertilizer nutrients will somehow benefit their golf courses.
Some have been so terribly duped that they have been indoctrinated as fertilizer-hating activists.
These activist-superintendents pretend to have seen impacts such as fewer pest problems. [ ?!?! ]
They are falsely-alleging that their reduced fertilizer programs have unverifiably benefited their golf courses. [ ?!?! ]
Moreover, they have gone so far as to overtly LIE, claiming that there are NO negative impacts from reduced fertilizer programs. [ ?!?! ]
In essence, these activist-superintendents can be more precisely described as left-wing fertilizer-hating fanatics who conspire to arbitrarily reduce the use of conventional fertilizer nutrient use in the golf industry.
Observers are dismayed that these activist-superintendents would be allowed to adopt and spread their radical and costly doctrines and superstitions in order to dupe even more superintendents.
They are undeniably attacking the golf industry.
They are betraying the golf industry in the most insidious ways possible.
Furthermore, these activist-superintendents seem to have forgotten that they are employed by golf facilities to provide high-quality playing conditions, and they are NOT employed to adopt of ridiculous and arbitrary doctrines against fertilizers.
These activist-superintendents have somehow forgotten that it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to keep golf facilities playable and attractive by using so-called alternative products & practices that, in some cases, are based upon ridiculous and arbitrary doctrines that are being concocted by left-wing, fertilizer-hating, fanatical, and incompetent trade associations. ( See next segment. )
These activist-superintendents have conveniently forgotten that they are NOT employed to experiment with alternative products and practices that DO NOT WORK. [ ?!?! ]
Thankfully, the vast majority of golf course superintendents ( and turf managers ) are NOT activists.
They must reclaim the golf industry, discredit the fertilizer-hating fanatics, and STOP the conspiracy to arbitrarily reduce the use of conventional fertilizer nutrients.
Fertilizer TERROR ― Fanatical Attacks Against The Golf Industry
The Activist-Superintendents
Observers are dismayed that activist-superintendents who are employed by golf facilities would be allowed to adopt and spread radical and costly doctrines that are anti-golf-industry.
These activist-superintendents DO NOT understand that they are NOT employed to experiment with alternative products and practices that DO NOT WORK, and may even be illegal to use.
In fact, some observers question their ability to provide what playing customers demand … high-quality playing conditions.
Their adoption of ridiculous and arbitrary doctrines, such as reducing the use of conventional fertilizer nutrients, may be seen as betraying the golf industry in the most insidious ways possible.
Observers are also dismayed that activist-superintendents coerce, intimidate, and terrorize other golf superintendents with their ridiculous and arbitrary doctrines.
These fanatics must be discredited.
Fertilizer TERROR ― Fanatical Attacks Against The Golf Industry
Trade Associations & Their Arbitrary, Left-Wing, Fertilizer-Hating, Fanatical, & Incompetent Doctrines
The golf industry’s superintendents are being duped by fanatical trade associations, such as ―
• Golf Course Superintendents Association of America ( GCSAA )
• National Golf Foundation ( NGF )
• PACE Turf Information Service
• United States Golf Association ( USGA )
In essence, these trade associations are infested by left-wing fertilizer-hating fanatics who conspire to arbitrarily reduce the use of conventional fertilizer nutrient use in the golf industry.
With their ridiculous and arbitrary doctrines, these associations may, perhaps unwittingly, obliterate all golf facilities.
Some of these fanatical associations have also attempted to impose another ridiculous and arbitrary doctrine, brown is the new green, based on the false assumption that brown turf requires fewer inputs, saves money, is better for the environment, and plays better. [ ?!?! ] ( See link below. )
Why have these fanatical trade associations self-designated themselves as critics against golf superintendents and their management practices ?!?!
These fanatical trade associations, and their ridiculous and arbitrary doctrines, will quickly doom the golf industry’s superintendents, who will become unable to manage their facilities without essential, YES ESSENTIAL, fertilizer nutrients.
Throughout North America, the vast majority of golf facilities that adopt these types of ridiculous and arbitrary doctrines become victims of receivership and bankruptcy, and / or become unplayable garbage dumps.
The golf industry’s superintendents must strongly oppose these fanatical trade associations that are NOT competent to assess fertilizers !
The fanatical trade associations have absolutely NO expertise regarding soil science and ⁄ or fertilizer management.
NO one within these associations has the expertise, training, or background on issues concerning the assessment of essential fertilizer nutrients.
Moreover, these fanatical trade associations are spreading false and misleading doctrines against the use of essential fertilizer nutrients, contradicting over twenty-five years of research, and proving that they have absolutely NO expertise regarding soil science and ⁄ or essential nutrient management ! ( See later segment. )
Fertilizers used by the golf industry are safe for the environment !
Golf course superintendents ( and turf managers ) most STOP the conspiracy to arbitrarily reduce the use of conventional fertilizers.
Explore the links below ―
√ — U.S. Fertilizer-Hating Trade Associations Conspire To Reduce Essential Nutrients — BLOG
√ — Go Brown Anti-Cosmetic Golf Maintenance — REPORT
Fertilizer TERROR ― Fanatical Attacks Against The Golf Industry
The Trade Associations’ So-Called Experts May Not Be Competent To Assess Fertilizers
The golf industry’s superintendents are being duped by so-called experts and their fanatical trade associations, such as ―
• Evans, Rhett – Golf Course Superintendents Association of America ( GCSAA )
• Gelernter, Wendy – PACE Turf Information Service
• Getherall, Ed – National Golf Foundation ( NGF )
• Singer, Richard B – National Golf Foundation ( NGF )
• Stowell, Larry – PACE Turf Information Service
These so-called experts and their associations are strongly advocating for reduced fertilizer programs.
They cannot be trusted !
For example, at PACE Turf, its so-called experts have NO expertise, NO training, and NO background on issues concerning the assessment of essential fertilizer nutrients.
The PACE assessments of fertilizers are bogus !
PACE owner Larry Stowell is a plant pathologist and NOT a soil scientist.
PACE owner Wendy Gelernter is an entomologist and NOT a soil scientist.
At National Golf Foundation ( NGF ), director of consulting services Richard B Singer has expertise in finance, insurance, and marketing, and NOT soil science.
Director of consulting services at NGF, Ed Getherall, has expertise in business administration and finance, and NOT soil science.
The NGF assessments of fertilizers are bogus !
At Golf Course Superintendents Association of America ( GCSAA ), Rhett Evans has expertise in parks and recreation, and NOT soil science.
The GCSAA assessments of fertilizers are bogus !
The fanatical trade associations have absolutely NO expertise regarding fertilizers and their fate in the environment !
Fertilizers used by the golf industry are safe for the environment !
The golf industry must DEVELOP and publish golf maintenance protocols for fertilizers, based upon REAL scientific studies.
Golf course superintendents ( and turf managers ) most STOP the conspiracy by these so-called experts and their fanatical trade associations to arbitrarily reduce the use of conventional fertilizers.
Background Information
Nitrogen Fertilization
Ridiculous and arbitrary anti-fertilizer doctrines will quickly doom the golf industry’s superintendents, who will become unable to manage their facilities without essential, YES ESSENTIAL, fertilizer nutrients, such a nitrogen.
Nitrogen is the most essential nutrient in turfgrass fertilization programs.
Although other nutrients are essential for thick, green, and healthy turf, nitrogen is most definitely used in larger quantities.
Consequently, nitrogen deficiency is very often a limiting factor in turfgrass growth and appearance. ( See later segment. )
The natural background levels of nitrogen normally present in the soil are insufficient to meet the expectations of turf managers.
For this reason, nitrogen is supplemented through a fertilization program to improve poor quality turfgrass, or to simply maintain it.
The goal of nitrogen fertilization is to augment this nutrient in the soil so that colour, density, and growth are improved.
To achieve this goal, an « adequate » amount of nitrogen must be provided.
The term « adequate » will be fully defined throughout this segment.
Nitrogen is used directly by the plant in either the nitrate and ammonium form.
Each of these forms is soluble in water.
They enter the plant through the roots in solution with water.
Once in the plant, nitrogen is highly « mobile », which means it will tend to move toward the younger turfgrass leaves.
Consequently, the older leaves are the first to show nitrogen deficiency symptoms, such as premature leaf death, reduced growth, and yellow colour.
The vast majority of nitrogen applied to turf is absorbed by the root system.
This is true even of most nitrogen applications in a liquid form.
From the roots, nitrogen moves through the plant vascular system to various sites of metabolic activity.
The activity of nitrogen in the soil can be complex.
It is affected by ― aeration, microbes, moisture, organic matter, pH, temperature, and many other factors.
Although nitrogen influences several metabolic processes in the plant, the most visible effects of nitrogen on turf are shoot and root growth, density, and, of course, green colour.
There are other beneficial effects, such as accelerating recovery from injury, improving resistance to disease and weed invasion, and improving resistance to heat, cold, and drought.
Conversely, nitrogen may have an adverse effect on turf growth if it is applied in surplus quantities.
Adverse effects may include ― excessive unwanted growth, poor hardiness to environmental extremes, and increased susceptibility to certain fungal diseases such as brown patch.
Evidently, applying the correct amount and type of nitrogen is sometimes more of an art form than a science.
Sometimes, high levels of nitrogen will need to be used.
Maintenance practices that will necessitate more nitrogen include ― clippings removal, high irrigation, and short mowing height.
Golf courses and sports fields are high nitrogen users.
Turf growing in sandy soils and turf worn by high traffic will need more nitrogen.
For every growing month, a certain amount of nitrogen will be required in order to maintain proper health, colour, density, and vigour.
For most turfgrass situations, the yardstick for a maintenance level of nitrogen fertilization is 1.0 pound of available nitrogen per 1000 square feet per growing month ( 0.50 kilogram of available nitrogen per 100 square metres ).
The required quantity of nitrogen for golf course putting greens may be higher, in a range of 1.0 to 1.4 pounds per 1000 square feet per growing month ( 0.50 to 0.70 kilogram per 100 square metres ).
Obviously, the entire quantity is not to be applied all at once.
Overall, there are NO effective IPM-style cultural-practices that will economically lower the requirements for nitrogen.
If a golf facility is willing to incur the expenses of renovation, there are selections of turfgrass varieties that can tolerate more moderate levels of nitrogen fertilization. ( See links below. )
Overall, the golf industry must DEVELOP and publish golf maintenance protocols for fertilizers, based upon REAL scientific studies.
See the accompanying tables entitled « Classification Of Turfgrasses According To Their Preferred Level Of Maintenance Nitrogen ( N ) » and « Estimate Of The Preferred ANNUAL Level Of Maintenance Nitrogen ( N ) Fertilization For Various Types Of Turf ».
Explore the links below ―
√ — A Look At … Creeping Bentgrass — Properties & Maintenance Standards — REPORT
√ — A Look At … How Much Nitrogen Do Golf Grasses Need ?!?! — REPORT
√ — A Look At … Kentucky Bluegrass — Properties & Maintenance Standards — REPORT
Background Information
Nitrogen Deficiency
Golf course superintendents ( and turf managers ) are being duped into believing that reducing the use of conventional fertilizer nutrients, such as nitrogen, will somehow benefit their golf courses.
Has everyone forgotten the term « nutrient deficiency » or « nitrogen deficiency » ?!?!
How do turf managers know when their nitrogen maintenance program is insufficient ?!?!
Are there signs that can be readily identified ?!?!
The visual characteristics of a nitrogen deficiency will include the following classic symptoms ―
• SHOOT GROWTH IS REDUCED SIGNIFICANTLY ― This means that leaves and stems are produced at a rate that is lower than anticipated. Reduced shoot growth means that turf will grow more slowly. Consequently, the mowing frequency is reduced to abnormally low levels. Additionally, the number and size of leaf clippings is significantly reduced after each mowing.
• TURF LEAVES DEVELOP A PALE GREEN OR YELLOWISH-GREEN COLOUR ― Poor colour is a sure sign of nitrogen deficiency. However, environmental stress and pests may also provoke such a change in colour. When nitrogen is deficient, the lower leaves may first show symptoms.
• SLOW OR NON-EXISTENT RECUPERATION FROM INJURY WILL BE NOTED OVER A PERIOD OF SEVERAL WEEKS ― With insufficient nitrogen, turf density will tend to decrease over time. This is usually seen in high-use locations such as golf course putting greens and sports fields. When shoot growth is reduced due to inadequate nitrogen, turf may not be able to repair itself quickly enough. It may be unable to maintain proper health, colour, density, and vigour.
• ROOT DEVELOPMENT MAY BE REDUCED ― When nitrogen levels are insufficient to provide adequate leaf growth, roots will not receive the carbohydrates necessary for continued development.
• THE INCIDENCE OF CERTAIN DISEASE PESTS MAY BE HIGHER ― Dollar spot and red thread are two fungal diseases that are more damaging under low or deficient nitrogen conditions.
• BROAD-LEAVED AND GRASS-TYPE WEEDS MAY BE MORE INVASIVE ― Thin, weak turf is more easily invaded by weeds such as crabgrass, knotweed, and dandelion.
• FINE-LEAVED FESCUES WILL PREDOMINATE OVER KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS IN A LAWN ― In older turf located in sunny locations, the predominance of fine fescues is indicative of low nitrogen fertilization or none at all.
Nitrogen deficiencies will occur mostly because of the following reasons ―
• INADEQUATE NITROGEN FERTILIZATION ― A reliable diagnosis of a nitrogen deficiency symptom can be performed by visual inspection. A deficiency can also be diagnosed by examining the quantities of nitrogen being used per growing month. Some people may find it easier to look at nitrogen use on an annual basis. See the accompanying tables entitled « Estimate Of The Preferred ANNUAL Level Of Maintenance Nitrogen ( N ) Fertilization For Various Types Of Turf ».
• POOR SOIL CONDITIONS FOR NITRIFICATION ― The process of nitrification will convert synthetic fertilizers into a form that is readily available to the plant. Examples include ― poor soil conditions include excess water, cold temperatures, sandy soils, and insufficient drainage.
• EXCESS IRRIGATION OR RAINFALL ― Excess water will not only inhibit nitrification, it will also lead to nitrogen losses by a process called leaching. Leaching occurs because nitrogen is mobile in the soil. In other words, it moves freely with the movement of water in the soil. Studies conducted by various researchers demonstrate that, in the worst case events, fertilizer transport is limited to less than 5 per cent. Exceptionally, with excess irrigation or rainfall, combined with the use of soluble sources of nitrogen, almost half of the nitrogen can be lost through leaching, especially in the fall months.
Inadequate nitrogen fertilization can be determined by examining how much nitrogen is being used on an annual basis.
See the accompanying tables entitled « Estimate Of The Preferred ANNUAL Level Of Maintenance Nitrogen ( N ) Fertilization For Various Types Of Turf ».
The rates in this table are based upon the information displayed earlier in this report.
The amount of nitrogen recommended per growing month multiplied by 5 growing months per year.
In the case of golf course fairways and sports fields, rates will vary significantly, depending upon prevailing conditions and management practices.
Arbitrarily reducing the use of nitrogen will lead to problems with nitrogen deficiency in the golf industry.
Golf course superintendents ( and turf managers ) most STOP the conspiracy to arbitrarily reduce the use of conventional fertilizers, or else face the overwhelming problems of « nutrient deficiencies », and especially « nitrogen deficiencies ».
Background Information
Contradicting Twenty-Five Years of Research
Fertilizers used by the golf industry are safe for the environment !
Non-expert left-wing fertilizer-hating fanatics allege that the reduction of fertilizers in the urban landscape somehow leads to lower concentrations of nutrients in stream water.
This is wrong !
This allegation is false, misleading, and contradicts over twenty-five years of research on the issue of water quality and the use of fertilizers for turfgrass maintenance.
It is common knowledge within the legitimate scientific community that fertilizers used for the maintenance of turfgrass areas are not considered as serious contaminants for the environment.
Moreover, researchers have shown that a healthy, dense, and properly-maintained turfgrass cover will help retain fertilizers, acting like a giant sponge.
The leaves, the thatch, and the roots, as well as the soil medium, all interact to intercept most fertilizer inputs.
Turfgrass is a great system for intercepting fertilizers.
The overall fate of fertilizers used in the turfgrass environment has been estimated in dozens of research reports examining run-off and leaching.
Here are some examples of the scientific conclusions from these reports ―
• A healthy, dense, and properly-maintained turf cover significantly reduces the potential for run-off losses of fertilizers
• Losses to surface run-off of fertilizers applied to turfgrass DO NOT appear to pose a significant hazard
• Natural precipitation events DO NOT produce detectable run-off
• Fertilizers DO NOT move in water, either off-site with run-off or down through the soil profile
• Even under highly-exaggerated storm conditions, NO MORE THAN 5 per cent of the water ever runs-off from the turfgrass environment
• When turf is mature, healthy, dense, and properly-maintained, the surface movement of water and fertilizers is very limited, regardless of concentration
• In the worst case events, transport is limited to LESS THAN 5 per cent of fertilizers
• Healthy, dense, and properly-maintained turf cover prevents less than 1 per cent of the nitrogen fertilizer applied to leach to a root-zone depth of four feet
Finally, it must considered that the mere ability to measure or detect the presence of a fertilizer nutrient in the environment is NOT an indication that it poses any risk to people or environment, especially at the TRACE LEVELS at which we can now detect them, which is in PARTS PER TRILLION.
Golf course superintendents ( and turf managers ) most STOP the conspiracy to arbitrarily reduce the use of conventional fertilizers since this doctrine WILL NOT somehow protect the environment.
Explore the links below ―
√ — Misconceptions About Run-Off & Leaching — REPORT
√ — Water Quality — Bans Do Not Improve Water Quality — WEB-PAGE
Background Information
TO LOOK AT The Whole Truth, Please Explore The Following Links …
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about Truth-Challenged Pesticide-Hating Fanatics who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on their use of conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of Respected and Highly-Rated Experts who promote Environmental Realism and Pesticide Truths. http://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV
NORAHG is the sworn enemy of lying, pompous, smug, uneducated, & pesticide-hating enviro-fanatics. Overwhelming scientific evidence clearly demonstrates that pest control products are scientifically-safe, and will not cause harm to children, adults, animals, or the environment. http://wp.me/p1jq40-7HR http://wp.me/P1jq40-2ha http://wp.me/p1jq40-6Q6 http://wp.me/p1jq40-5ni
Enviro-fanatics have shown that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Do you want to trust these fanatics, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brainchild of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We Dare To Defy The Pesticide-Hating Fanatics By Exploring The Whole Truth From An Independent Perspective On The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/
If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com