October 11, 2024



Concocted Ludicrous Misuses Of Words

The golf industry is on a collision course with malapropistic vocabulary that may make no sense, and is concocted ludicrous misuses of words like ― « brown is the new green », « corrective watering », « fast », « firm », « go brown », « green is not important », and « sustainable ».


Bogus Terms Based Upon False Assumptions

BROWN IS THE NEW GREEN is a term that is imprecise and particularly susceptible to misunderstanding.

Just when the world is appreciating the concept of green, the golf industry seems to want to adopt the Go Brown Doctrine.

When it comes to golf, the newly coined phrase BROWN IS BEAUTIFUL is of serious concern.

The Go Brown Doctrine is being sold based on the false assumption that brown turf requires fewer inputs, saves money, is better for the environment, and plays better. [ ?!?! ]

Go Brown is a form of golf-hating anti-pesticide and anti-fertilizer terrжrism.


Golf-Hating Lunatжcs Want Go Brown

The Go Brown Doctrine is spreading throughout the golf industry.

Golf-hating lunatжcs want Go Brown.

Golf-hating lunatжcs want Go Brown garbage dump golf courses.

Go Brown leads to garbage dump golf facilities.

Go Brown is a form of golf-hating terrжrism.

Lying Sacks Of USGA Crжp

The Go Brown Doctrine is promoted by United States Golf Association ( USGA ), which is clearly infested with lunatжcs.

USGA-lunatжcs support Go Brown under the ridiculous pretext that garbage dump golf courses are environmentally sustainable. [ ?!?! ]

USGA-enviro-lunatжics claim that Go Brown garbage dump golf courses are better for the environment, require fewer inputs, save money, and play better. [ ?!?! ]

Observers have concluded that USGA-enviro-lunatжcs are mere loathsome lying sacks of crжp.

Brown Is NOT Better Than Green

According to Mr Ronald G Dodson ―

I think a SUSTAINABLE GOLF ISSUE that a lot of people misunderstand is the fact that …

… some people gravitate towards believing that BROWN IS BETTER THAN GREEN.

And … I think they are missing the boat on that … just a tad.

That is an icon.

That is an image that sort of people might gravitate to.

But, it is not whether grass is brown, or whether it is green, that actually makes a golf course more sustainable.

It is EFFICIENT golf course management.

So I think a lot think that if you have brown golf …

… you have backed off the water

… and therefore the grass has turned brown

… and therefore, we are more sustainable.

But, there are a lot of positive benefits to properly managed turfgrass which, in fact, may be a shade more green than brown …

… as it relates to the respiration of turfgrass

… of the ability of healthy, thick, vigorous turf to actually sequester carbon

… or to hold run–off, and so forth.

So, the SUSTAINABLE topic is NOT to believe that you are a MORE SUSTAINABLE golf course if you are brown, other than green.


… putting the right amount of water in the right locations, at the right times, is MORE important than just focusing on turning your water off.

So …

… efficiency




… that is what we ought to be focused on.




Who Is Mr Ronald G Dodson ?!?!

Mr Dodson is Founder and President of Audubon International, and President of International Sustainability Council.

In 1987, the U.S. National Audubon Society was experiencing financial problems ― the organization had a 3½-million-dollar budget short-fall.

Consequently, budgets were cut, and employees were terminated.

One of the terminated employees was Mr Ronald G Dodson, who had been Regional Vice-President since 1982.

Mr Dodson went on to revive the Audubon Society of the State of New York State, and launched a registration program where the owners of backyards, corporate properties, golf courses, and school grounds, paid him to become recognized in the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary System.

According to Mr Dodson ―

I decided that the approach we had been taking for the last twenty-five years was a bit old, and it was time for at least one environmental group to take a new partnership approach to working with people, as opposed to yelling and screaming at them all the time.

Prior to Audubon, Mr Dodson graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Wildlife Biology from Oakland City University, and a Masters Degree in Natural Resource Management from Indiana State University.

Mr Dodson actually attended Indiana State University on a golf scholarship.

Mr Dodson was ( and continues to be ) an avid golf player.

According to Mr Dodson ―

To me, golf is a game that is played in nature  —  not over the top of it. It’s the only sport that you are supposed to be playing in nature  —  not in a sanitized stadium. You get a bad bounce, get a bad roll, you hit a rock, etc …  —  that’s part of the game. If we sanitize these courses to become what I call television studios, where the pros play on TV [ … ] that’s not the game. That’s some caricature of the game.

In 1991, Mr Dodson concluded an agreement with United States Golf Association ( USGA ).

A special program was to help golf clubs manage and build with a new approach. Mr Dodson also pocketed a healthy contribution from USGA, and created Audubon International.

Within one year, one-hundred-and-fifty Golf Facilities had enrolled in the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Courses.

Club certification under this program was ( and still is ) a multi-step process, which includes ― pest management through cultural practices, water conservation, and wildlife habitats.

According to Mr Dodson ―

Our goal is to educate golf course superintendents  —  not regulate them. Many states don’t require golf course developers to file environmental impact statements. So, just to meet our requirements for certification, many courses are doing more than what local, state, or federal agencies need.

Mr Dodson is a well-regarded advocate for sustainable development in golf.

Observers admit that Mr Dodson has been impressive.

He has been astoundingly honest and consistent.

Mr Ronald G Dodson represents virtually the only bright spot in the environmental movement.

Sustainable Playing Conditions

BROWN means unhealthy, unplayable, and undesirable turf.

In fact, Go Brown turf is NOT sustainable.

Sustainability is another buzz word used a lot today.

In fact, turf that continues to grow and function properly will deliver sustainable playing conditions.

Stressed Go Brown turf WILL NOT be capable of tolerating wear from play over time.

The stand of turf will thin, allowing the surface to turn into barren soil.

The supposed short-term savings of Go Brown are offset when additional resources are required to bring these areas back to healthy, playable turf.

Healthy, actively growing turf, which is defined by the plants’ ability to photosynthesize, and characterized by green color, offers FAR MORE environmental benefits than Go Brown turf.

The plants ability to cool the surface, filter the water and air, and anchor the soil, is greatest when the turf is healthy and active.


Failure At Pebble Beach

From the point-of-view of the golf industry, Pebble Beach Golf Links, is …

… the most revered golf course on the professional golf association tour.

From the point-of-view of golf-hating anti-pesticide enviro-lunatжcs, Pebble Beach, as well as any golf course, is …

… as unnaturally pumped-up as a steroid-addled east-German shot-putter.

Enviro-lunatжcs want Go Brown.

Go-Brown-lunatжcs hate and despise Pebble Beach and the golf industry.

Does United States Golf Association also hate and despise the golf industry ?!?!

Does USGA hate Pebble Beach ?!?!

Observers say YES.

In June 2010, United States Golf Association ( USGA ) provided the world with an example of its failed Go Brown policies by converting Pebble Beach Golf Links into a garbage dump golf course during the U.S. Open golf championship in June 2010.

USGA presented the prestigious, iconic, and otherwise beautiful golf course in a plain brown paper bag.

Moreover, the Go Brown garbage dump conditions at Pebble Beach were unacceptable to both superintendents and golfers, including Tiger Woods.

The Go Brown garbage dump greens were awful, brown, bumpy, discolored, khaki, mottled, splotchy, and looked like leopard skin.  [ See image below. ]

The Go Brown garbage dumps fairways and approaches had large brown areas.

Who wants to play golf on #@!!% Go Brown garbage dumps ?!?!

Tiger Woods condemned the Go Brown garbage dump golf course at Pebble Beach ―

It was so bouncy out there. The greens are just awful. It is what it is.



Go Brown Is A Form Of Golf-Hating Terrжrism

The Go Brown Doctrine is a form of environmental-terrжrism that is spreading throughout the golf industry.

Go-Brown-lunatжcs are destroying the golf industry.

Who wants to play golf on #@!!% Go Brown garbage dumps ?!?!

Golf cannot afford this #@!!% Go Brown nonsense

Go-Brown-bastжrds should get off our grASS.

Go Brown anti-cosmetic golf course maintenance will destroy the golf industry.

Go Brown means turf is unhealthy, unplayable, and undesirable.

Go Brown is a form of golf-hating anti-pesticide and anti-fertilizer terrжrism.

The Library Of Reports By Force Of Nature

Force Of Nature — Go Brown — 2012 12 13 — Who Wants To Play Golf On Brown Garbage Dumps – Ron Dodson — USGA — BLOG

Force Of Nature — Go Brown — 2010 09 14 — Chambers Bay Links GC — Low-End Playing Conditions

Force Of Nature — Go Brown — 2010 08 01 — Malapropistic Misuses Of Words — Industry Capitulation To Brown Terrжr

Force Of Nature — Go Brown — 2010 07 28 — Wisdom of Dodson — Anti-Cosmetic Maintenance — Brown NOT Sustainable

Force Of Nature — Go Brown — 2010 07 08 — Anti-Cosmetic Maintenance — Pebble Beach — Awful Greens

Force Of Nature — Go Brown — 2010 04 00 — Anti-Cosmetic Maintenance — A Poor Message

The Library Of References


The Library Of Reports By Force Of Nature
Early Versions

Force Of Nature — Golf — 2010 04 00 — Collision Course — GO BROWN Anti-Cosmetic Maintenance — A Poor Message — pdf

Force Of Nature — Golf — 2010 07 08 — Collision Course — GO BROWN Anti-Cosmetic Maintenance — Pebble Beach — Awful Greens — pdf

Force Of Nature — Golf — 2010 07 28 — Wisdom of Dodson — GO BROWN Anti-Cosmetic Maintenance — Brown NOT Sustainable — pdf

Force Of Nature — Golf — 2010 08 01 — Collision Course — GO BROWN Anti-Cosmetic Maintenance — Malapropistic Misuses of Words — pdf


