Health Canada’s Granting Of Continued
Registration Has Vindicated Glyphosate
After concluding a 7 year evaluation of risks, Health Canada has granted the CONTINUED REGISTRATION of glyphosate with minor risk mitigation strategies.
Health Canada has found that glyphosate DOES NOT present risks of concern to human health or the environment when used according to label directions.
As of 2017, Health Canada has granted continued registration of products containing glyphosate for sale and use in Canada.
The evidence in favour of glyphosate is overwhelming.
Products containing glyphosate are UNLIKELY to affect your health.
Dietary risks from food & water are NOT of concern.
Non-occupational risks are NOT of concern.
Non-occupational risks from by-stander dermal exposure are NOT of concern.
Glyphosate products are NOT expected to pose risks of concern to the environment.
Overall, there have been NO environmental incident reports involving glyphosate in Canada.
Health Canada, as well as all other national regulatory agencies world-wide, have vindicated glyphosate !
These agencies include those within the European Union, the United States, & the United Nations.
Explore the following links …
√ — Glyphosate Herbicide Vindicated By Health Canada Re-Evaluation Decision — LINK
√ — Glyphosate Herbicide Vindicated By Health Canada — Frequently Asked Questions On The Re-Evaluation Of Glyphosate — LINK
Explore the following link …
Conspiracy Against Glyphosate —
Victories Against Glyphosate-Hating Terrжrism
January 11th, 2019
Media Release By Health Canada
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Reference — glyphosate — 2019 01 11 — Health Canada — Statement From Health Canada On Glyphosate
Victory Against Terrжrism ― Statement From Health Canada On Glyphosate
Glyphosate Vindicated By Health Canada Decision
Experts At Health Canada Have Concluded That Concerns
Raised By Enviro-Fanatжcal Objectors Could Not Be Scientifically
Supported When Considering The Entire Body Of Relevant Data
NO Pesticide Regulatory Authority In The World
Has Assessed Glyphosate To Be A Cancer Risk
According to Health Canada …
Health Canada’s primary objective in regulating pest control products is to protect Canadians’ health and the environment.
That is why [ Health Canada ] regularly reviews all pest control products to make sure that they continue to meet modern health and safety standards.
Following the announcement of GRANTING OF CONTINUED REGISTRATION OF GLYPHOSATE in 2017, Health Canada received eight [ non-expert enviro-fanatжcal ] Notices of Objection [ from glyphosate-hating & environmental-terrжrist organizations ] .
There have also been concerns raised publicly [ by enviro-fanatжcs ] about the validity of some of the science around glyphosate in what is being referred to as the « Monsanto Papers ».
Health Canada scientists reviewed the information provided in these Notices of Objection, and assessed the validity of any studies in question, to determine whether any of the issues raised would influence the results of the assessment and the associated regulatory decision.
After a thorough science-based review, we have concluded that the concerns raised by the objectors could NOT be scientifically supported when considering the entire body of relevant data.
The objections raised DID NOT create doubt or concern regarding the scientific basis for the 2017 re-evaluation decision for glyphosate.
Therefore, the [ Health Canada ] final decision will stand.
Health Canada follows a transparent and rigorous science-based regulatory process when making decisions about the safety of pest control products.
As part of this process, Health Canada will publish its response to each [ non-expert enviro-fanatжcal ] Notice of Objection in the Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s Public Registry.
Victory Against Terrжrism ― Statement From Health Canada On Glyphosate
Notices of Objection
According to Health Canada …
[ Health Canada’s ] scientists left NO stone unturned in conducting this review.
They had access to all relevant data and information from federal and provincial governments, international regulatory agencies, published science-based reports and multiple manufacturers of pest control products.
This includes the reviews referred to in the « Monsanto Papers ».
Health Canada also had access to numerous individual studies and raw science-based data during its assessment of glyphosate, including additional cancer and genotoxicity studies.
To help ensure an unbiased assessment of the information, Health Canada selected a group of 20 of its own scientists who were NOT involved in the 2017 re-evaluation to evaluate the [ non-expert enviro-fanatжcal ] Notices of Objection.
NO national regulatory authority in the world currently considers glyphosate to be a cancer risk to humans at the levels at which humans are currently exposed.
[ Health Canada ] continues to monitor for new information related to glyphosate, including regulatory actions from other governments, and will take appropriate action if risks of concern to human health or the environment are identified.
Explore the following link …
Glyphosate Herbicide Vindicated By
Health Canada Re-Evaluation Decision
Health Canada Web-Site
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Retrieved January 2019
References –
The Science-Based Assessment Of Glyphosate
Principles Of Good Laboratory Practices ( GLP )
According to Health Canada …
Prior to making a registration decision, Health Canada reviews the science-based test data submitted by manufacturers of pest control products.
To prevent DATA MANIPULATION, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) developed an internationally accepted set of Test Guidelines and Principles of Good Laboratory Practices ( GLP ) to promote the quality and validity of test data.
The Good Laboratory Practices cover the organizational process and conditions under which non-clinical studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded and reported.
Independent trail audits can be conducted under the GLP guidelines at anytime to verify integrity of data.
GLP applies to all testing of pest control products to obtain data on their properties and/or safety with respect to human health or the environment, for the purpose of supporting an application for registration or a research permit.
Studies covered by GLP include field studies as well as laboratory studies.
Canadians can rest assured that the assessments of ALL pest control products by Health Canada are conducted under the principles of the internationally-accredited Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ) which ensures that glyphosate poses NO unacceptable risk to health & environment.
Following the data review, Health Canada conducts a health and environmental risk assessment and a value assessment based on these data.
The Science-Based Assessment Of Glyphosate
The Reading Room & Confidential Test Data
According to Health Canada …
Through The Reading Room, the public now has the opportunity to inspect the Confidential Test Data supporting the decision to register a new active ingredient, or a major amendment, re-evaluation or special review of a registered pest control product.
Inspection of Confidential Test Data is a new opportunity provided by the Pest Control Products Act ( PCPA ) to facilitate transparency and public participation in the registration decision-making process.
The data is available for inspection upon request in The Reading Room, located at the Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency Headquarters in Ottawa.
You are encouraged to review the consultation and decision documents, which summarizes the information that was evaluated and the reasons for the decision.
If you would like to inspect the Confidential Test Data, please follow the process outlined in the Guidance Document Inspection of Confidential Test Data Supporting Pesticide Registration Decisions.
The Science-Based Assessment Of Glyphosate
Notice Of Objection
According to Health Canada …
Under the Pest Control Products Act ( PCPA ), you have the opportunity to file a Notice of Objection after a decision statement of a major registration decision is made public.
The Notice of Objection form can be accessed via our new Public Engagement Portal.
Re-consideration of decisions can only be requested on major registration decisions such as ―
• Granting or denying applications to register a new active ingredient
• Registering or amending major new uses, and
• Amending or cancelling registrations following a re-evaluation or special review.
Decision statements that qualify for a re-consideration of decision will be identified.
Decisions on which Health Canada has consulted the public, under subsection 28(1) of the PCPA, qualify for requests for re-consideration.
If, after reviewing the decision statement and the evaluation reports in the Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s Public Registry and/or the data in The Reading Room, you believe there is a science-based basis for reconsidering a regulatory decision, you may file a Notice of Objection.
You have 60 days from the decision date to submit a Notice of Objection along with the science-based rationale for it.
Health Canada will then review the request and will consider establishing a review panel to examine the regulatory decision in question.
Objections must have a valid rationale and be science-based.
Background Information
Glyphosate-hating fanatжcs have NEVER conducted a serious science-based study of glyphosate … they have conducted a mere literature review, & could only use those reports found in the open public literature such as the Internet.
These fanatжcs are SCIENTIFICALLY-IGNORANT since they have NOT even been in « the information loop » on issues regarding ANY pest control products.
In order to be in « the information loop », they would have to study the Confidential Test Data supporting the decision to register ANY pest control products.
This test data summarizes the information that was evaluated & the reasons for the decision to register these products.
Glyphosate-hating fanatжcs NEVER even bothered to request to look at Health Canada’s Confidential Test Data because they are lazy & obtuse.
The test data can be studied through a process that Health Canada refers to as The Reading Room.
After reviewing the data at The Reading Room, as well as the decision statement & the evaluation reports in the Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s Public Registry, fanatжcs will reconsider their motivation with anti-science philosophies, politicized-doctrines, & twisted life-style choices against our society.
Glyphosate-hating fanatжcs are ridiculously implying that their non-expert assessment is somehow being withheld from Health Canada & every other regulatory agency in the world.
Health Canada, & NOT fanatжcs, has the essential expertise on the subject of pest control products.
These fanatжcs are ridiculously implying that their non-expert assessment is somehow being withheld from Health Canada & every other regulatory agency in the world.
Have glyphosate-hating fanatжcs ever spent any of their millions on pesticide research ?!?! NO !
Ultimately, the cost to manufacturers to get a pest control product assessed for safety & brought to market has been about 250 million dollars.
THAT is 250 million dollars MORE than any assessment performed by fanatжcs.
Glyphosate-hating fanatжcs are NOT competent to make ANY assessments about pest control products.
Indisputable & conclusive science-based research shows that, as reported through Health Canada’s Confidential Test Data, NO harm will occur when pest control products are used according to label directions.
The risk assessment of pest control products indicates that they are practically-non-toxic.
There is NOT ONE known cancer death from the proper use of pest control products used in the urban landscape.
However, there are thousands of known deaths per year from known cancer-causing substances such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, excess body weight, alcohol consumption, & over-exposure to the sun.
Pest control products are scientifically safe, will cause NO harm, & will NOT cause cancer.
Glyphosate-hating fanatжcs have NEVER conducted ANY serious science-based study … they have conducted a mere literature review, & could only use those references found in the open public literature.
What do glyphosate-hating fanatжcs use as its reference sources ?
Google & Wikipedia.
In other words, the glyphosate-hating fanatжcs have conducted their so-called research with a standard that is NO better than a grade school project prepared by a 10-year-old student.
Explore the following link …
The Complete Library Of Victories
Against Glyphosate-Hating Terrжrism
January 11th, 2019
Media Release By Glyphosate-Hating Fanatжcs
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
January 11th 2019
National Observer
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Fanatжcal Attacks With False-Information
In the 9|11 era of anti-pesticide terrжrism, glyphosate-hating fanatжcs state lies like they are truth, and in a way that make people listen to them.
They are truth-challenged.
They lie and lie and lie and lie.
They never stop !
These fanatжcal-liars conspire against pest control products, or any other product they arbitrarily deem as unwanted.
Why are these fanatжcs motivated against glyphosate ?!?!
Many of these fanatжcs actually hate & despise the human race.
This seems to be the case particularly with fanatжcal-leader David Suzuki. See next segment.
The best way to speed up the DEMISE of the human race is to attack the one thing that helps sustain and enhance human populations ― our food supply.
If you rid the planet of glyphosate, the desired result will be lower food crop production since uncontrolled damaging pests will reduce crop yields.
This, in turn, will lead to hunger, starvation, and ultimately death.
Inevitably, prohibition against glyphosate will lead to the DEMISE of the human race !
Glyphosate-hating fanatжcs repeatedly lie, and they are repeatedly wrong.
They states lunatжc-lies & imaginary-dangers like they are truth, and in a way that make people listen to their hateful rhetoric.
Not anymore.
• Glyphosate-hating fanatжcs have LIED about HEALTH IMPACT.
• Glyphosate-hating fanatжcs have LIED about INDEPENDENT EXPERT REVIEW.
• Glyphosate-hating fanatжcs have LIED about MANIPULATED DATA.
• Glyphosate-hating fanatжcs have LIED about CARCINOGENICITY.
• Glyphosate-hating fanatжcs have LIED about EUROPEAN UNION.
They lie and lie and lie and lie.
See later segments.
Fanatжcal Attack With False-Information
Health Impact
Fanatжcs Have Lied About The Health Impact Of Glyphosate
According to truth-challenged Elaine MacDonald at Wretched-Ecojustice ―
Our review, which we shared with Health Canada [ and which was refuted by Health Canada ] , showed that the PMRA relied on science that has been implicated in ALLEGED MISCONDUCT by Monsanto. [ ?!?! ]
Ecojustice is a glyphosate-hating & environmental-terrжrist organization that is very closely allied with its puppet-master, David Suzuki Foundation. See later segment.
The public can be REASSURED that Health Canada is NOT relying on any TAINTED SCIENCE. Wretched-Ecojustice is UNABLE to provide bodies, bodies, bodies. Bodies of REAL evidence. Bodies of REAL evidence, and NOT junk science reports that have been domestically and internationally refuted ? discredited. Where are the science-based assessment-records ?!?! Make them available for public review. We say to Ecojustice … SHOW US THE BODIES. The only REAL evidence that exists is that Ecojustice is SCIENTIFICALLY ILLITERATE.
Wretched-Ecojustice is a mere multi-million dollar millionaire fund-raising, profit-seeking, lobbying, & litigation organization, & it is NOT a science-based, NOT a research, & NOT a health organization. Has Wretched-Ecojustice ever spent any of its millions on pesticide research ?!?! NO ! Ultimately, the cost to manufacturers to get a pest control product assessed for safety & brought to market has been about 250 million dollars. THAT is 250 million dollars MORE than any assessment performed by Wretched-Ecojustice. The fanatжcs who operate Wretched-Ecojustice are NOT COMPETENT to make ANY assessments about pest control products.
Canadians can rest assured that the assessments of ALL pest control products by Health Canada are conducted under the principles of the internationally-accredited Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ) which ensures that glyphosate poses NO unacceptable risk to health & environment.
Fanatжcal Attack With False-Information
Independent Expert Review – Part 1
Fanatжcs Have Lied About The
Independent Expert Review Of Glyphosate
According to truth-challenged fanatжcs …
[ Glyphosate-hating & environmental-terrжrist organizations ] objected to granting of CONTINUED REGISTRATION of glyphosate.
They have alleged that Health Canada DISMISSED or DID NOT consider [ their non-expert mock-fanatжcal ] evidence of risks to health and the environment. [ ?!?! ]
These organizations have requested that the Minister of Health establish an INDEPENDENT EXPERT REVIEW of the decision as is allowed under the legislation.
Health Canada has already taken the additional step to have its 2017 re-evaluation decision on glyphosate reviewed by an additional team of 20 INDEPENDENT SCIENTISTS.
Fanatжcal Attack With False-Information
Independent Expert Review – Part 2
Fanatжcs Have Lied About The
Independent Expert Review Of Glyphosate
According to truth-challenged Elaine MacDonald at Wretched-Ecojustice ―
The ONLY WAY that Canadians can rest assured that they are protected from the risks of pesticides [ ?!?! ] such as glyphosate is to see evidence that their government is making decisions based on complete, credible, INDEPENDENT science.
Health Canada’s cancer risk assessment gave weight to studies that were EDITED OR CHANGED by Monsanto [ ?!?! ] , a company that has a VESTED INTEREST [ ?!?! ] in keeping glyphosate on the market.
This should constitute one of the strongest reasons for an INDEPENDENT review. [ ?!?! ]
Karen Ross, another non-expert glyphosate-hating fanatжc, at Equiterre, has stated that the situation at Health Canada didn’t make for a sufficiently INDEPENDENT review, and called for an arm’s length panel. [ ?!?! ]
Again, Health Canada has already taken the additional step to have its 2017 re-evaluation decision on glyphosate reviewed by an additional team of 20 INDEPENDENT SCIENTISTS. Officials at Health Canada have stated that they believed this team was SUFFICIENTLY INDEPENDENT, because the scientists that had been picked were NOT involved in the 2017 re-evaluation decision themselves.
Fanatжcal Attack With False-Information
Manipulated Data
Fanatжcs Have Lied About Manipulated Data Concerning Glyphosate
According to truth-challenged fanatжcs …
In 2018, Wretched-Ecojustice legal counsel and [ mock ] SCIENTISTS conducted a REVIEW of the materials contained in what’s known as the so-called « Monsanto Papers », internal documents that show Monsanto knowingly MANIPULATED [ ?!?! ] scientific papers without disclosing their involvement.
Wretched-Ecojustice is NOT a science, NOT a research, and NOT a health organization. The fanatжcs who operate Ecojustice are NOT COMPETENT to make ANY assessments about pest control products. In other words, Ecojustice-fanatжcs KNOW NOTHING ABOUT PESTICIDES. Nevertheless, these fanatжcs conspire to impose prohibition against glyphosate.
Health Canada announced that it WILL NOT take further steps to address MAJOR CONCERNS by fanatжcs [ ?!?! ] about the scientific credibility of its decision to grant the CONTINUED REGISTRATION of glyphosate for another 15 years.
Environmental and health groups [ a.k.a. anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organizations ] are disappointed by Health Canada’s decision NOT to strike an INDEPENDENT REVIEW of its evaluation of this herbicide, despite concerning evidence [ ?!?! ] that industry-manipulated science [ ?!?! ] features in the assessment.
Health Canada has already taken the additional step to have its 2017 re-evaluation decision reviewed by an additional team of 20 INDEPENDENT scientists.
According to glyphosate-hating fanatжc Annie Berube at Equiterre ―
We maintain that the SCIENTIFIC PROCESS AT HEALTH CANADA appears to have been compromised by MANIPULATED DATA [ ?!?! ] and FLAWED ANALYSES [ ?!?! ] .
Today’s decision continues to entrench glyphosate-based agriculture in Canada AT THE EXPENSE OF OUR HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT. [ ?!?! ]
Meanwhile, other countries like FRANCE are implementing plans to phase out glyphosate and encouraging healthier, more sustainable food production. [ ?!?! ]
Equiterre is a glyphosate-hating & environmental-terrжrist organization that is very closely allied with its puppet-master, David Suzuki Foundation. See later segment.
In France, farmers have been alarmed about the national-prohibition against glyphosate. Though glyphosate-hating fanatжcs, whose only farming tool is a computer keyboard, have insisted that pelargonic acid, used in France since 1863, would work just fine as a natural alternative, experts have stated that this cannot be true. Moreover, its cost is 100X that of glyphosate.
Background Information
Science-Based Assessment
At Health Canada
The assessments of ALL pest control products must be conducted under the principles of the internationally-accredited Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ).
GLP has been applied to the testing of ALL pest control products to obtain data on their properties &/or safety with respect to human health or the environment, for the purpose of supporting an application for registration or a research permit.
GLP is an internationally accepted set of Test Guidelines & Principles developed by Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development ( OECD ).
GLP has been designed to promote the quality & validity of test data, & to prevent data manipulation.
Independent trail audits can be conducted under the GLP guidelines at any time to verify integrity of data.
GLP has allowed national regulatory agencies to be impartial & rigorous.
GLP has been adopted by the national regulatory agencies of 30 OECD member countries, including Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, & Japan have adopted Good Laboratory Practice.
GLP has ensured that ALL pest control products are scientifically-safe, & WILL NOT cause harm to people, animals, or the environment.
All assessments used for the approval of pest control products must be completed by laboratories sanctioned by GLP, & using only GLP practices.
Ultimately, the cost to manufacturers to get a pest control product assessed for safety & brought to market has been about 250 million dollars.
That is 250 million dollars MORE than any assessment performed by pesticide-hating fanatжcs.
Under Good Laboratory Practice Test Guidelines & Principles, only those pest control products that pose NO unacceptable risk to health & environment have become government-approved & federally-legal.
Fanatжcal Attack With False-Information
Carcinogenicity – Part 1
Fanatжcs Have Lied About The Carcinogenicity Of Glyphosate
According to truth-challenged fanatжcs …
Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in Canada and world-wide.
It is sprayed on major staple food crops including corn, soy, canola, wheat, oats and barley.
Glyphosate is found in our waterways, drinking water, and about one third of our food products. [ ?!?! ]
In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) classified glyphosate as a « probable human carcinogen ». [ ?!?! ]
See the next segment.
Background Information
IARC’s Glyphosate-Gate
IARC has been caught doctoring documents & manipulating evidence to support its bogus conclusion against glyphosate.
The false-accusations of cancer by International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) have been scientifically proven as WRONG !
The unfounded chemophobic assault against science has been neutralized !
IARC is a glyphosate-hating & environmental-terrжrist organization.
IARC has been the ONLY major science body to insist that glyphosate causes cancer ― IARC conducts bad science.
Occasionally, bad science has been promoted by IARC-fanatжcs who receive pay-offs & practice scientific fraud ― their motivation has appeared to me simply financial.
For example, a key IARC fanatжcal-advisor who lobbied against glyphosate was, in essence, bribed with a pay-off of 160,000 dollars.
He was bribed by lawyers who stand to profit from potential lawsuits involving glyphosate.
This is a truly gigantic scandal that has ( predictably ) received scant press coverage.
Unfortunately, IARC has severely & perhaps irreparably damaged the reputation of its parent, the World Health Organization ( WHO ).
Interestingly, the WHO, as well as the Food & Agriculture Organization ( FAO ), both agencies of the United Nations, have stated that glyphosate is UNLIKELY to pose a carcinogenic risk to people.
These glyphosate-hating IARC-fanatжcs are paid-off crooks & lying sacks of crжp.
The lies & the false allegations by IARC-fanatжcs masquerading as health experts have been refuted !
The IARC-fanatжcs have been DISCREDITED !
Explore the following link …
√ — Glyphosate-Gate — IARC’s Scientific Fraud — LINK
Background Information
Glyphosate Vindicated By The US
National Cancer Institute ( NCI )
The NCI researchers concluded that ― glyphosate was NOT statistically significantly associated with cancer.
This large long-term research was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute ( JNCI ) on November 9th, 2017.
This was the largest research study of agricultural workers in history, a gold standard, over the longest period of time.
It definitively demonstrated in a real-world environment that glyphosate DOES NOT cause cancer.
Explore the following link …
√ — Glyphosate Vindicated By US National Cancer Institute — LINK
Fanatжcal Attack With False-Information
Carcinogenicity – Part 2
Fanatжcs Have Lied About The Carcinogenicity Of Glyphosate
According to truth-challenged fanatжcs …
In 2018, a California court found that Monsanto’s ( now Bayer’s ) glyphosate-based herbicides contributed to an American citizen’s cancer [ ?!?! ] , and that Monsanto knowingly covered up the risks [ ?!?! ] .
During the trial, the plaintiff’s enviro-fanatжcal lawyers manipulated the jury’s emotions by using fake-news about glyphosate in order to score a jackpot verdict of $289,999,000. See next segment.
This decision continues to be appealed by Monsanto [ and is expected to be over-turned since glyphosate is ONLY toxic to plants ] .
Over nine thousand court cases have been brought forward by cancer patients in the US. [ ?!?! ]
In November 2018, Health Canada was notified of 68 « serious incidents » from April to October 2016 involving glyphosate, where complainants ALLEGED they had developed cancer due to exposure. [ ?!?! ]
Health Canada said it couldn’t follow up on these cases because it didn’t have enough information, and couldn’t obtain more details because it didn’t possess the specifics of the people involved.
There is NO known biological mechanism by which glyphosate could cause cancer, therefore its carcinogenicity is NOT EVEN theoretically possible.
Background Information
Jackpot Verdict Defied Science
In California, a plaintiff alleged that his cancer was due to exposure to glyphosate, even though that is BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.
During the trial, the plaintiff’s enviro-fanatжcal lawyers manipulated the jury’s emotions by using fake-news about glyphosate in order to score a jackpot $289,999,000 verdict.
Their legal argument trumped scientific evidence & fooled a jury into believing that glyphosate causes harm with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma ― which is FALSE.
Even the judge acknowledged that there was NO EVIDENCE OF HARM.
The reason that the lawyers’ pseudo-legal arguments can trump scientific evidence is because we live in a thoroughly post-modern world.
Logic & data have been replaced by emotion & virtue signaling.
According to the scientific evidence, & because it is an herbicide, glyphosate is ONLY toxic to plants.
There is NO known biological mechanism by which glyphosate could cause cancer, therefore its carcinogenicity is NOT EVEN theoretically possible.
America WILL NOT remain #1 in the world for scientific research if society allows trial lawyers to bleed companies dry over crimes they never committed.
World-wide, national regulatory agencies & leading experts have been siding with the overwhelming scientific evidence demonstrating that glyphosate WILL NOT cause cancer ― there is NO bio-medical & NO epidemiological evidence to support the claim that glyphosate causes cancer.
Do pesticides harm people ?!?!
NO !
What about pesticide bans ?!?!
Do pesticide bans kill people ?!?!
See next segment.
Explore the following link …
√ — Conspiracy Against Glyphosate — $289M Jackpot Verdict That Defies Science — LINK
Background Information
Man Dies Because Of Prohibition
The government of Ontario has imposed its Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, which is considered as the most extreme ban ever.
That the ban is not only hugely unpopular with Ontario home-owners, it has also proven to be FATAL.
An Ontario resident did not realize that hand-weeding a toxic noxious weed on his property would contribute to his DEATH.
This Ontario resident was ultimately DOOMED by Ontario’s Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act since the safest & most effective method of controlling toxic noxious weeds was arbitrarily & needlessly prohibited by the province.
Skin contact with this toxic noxious weed resulted in severe burns to his hands & arms, eventually forcing him to be hospitalized ― ultimately, he DIED.
Unfortunately, since the government IMPOSED its Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act, the DEATH was Ontario’s FAULT.
Explore the following links …
√ — Death Caused By Prohibition — Ontario Pesticide Ban Deadly Failure — LINKS
Fanatжcal Attack With False-Information
European Union
Fanatжcs Have Lied About The European Union & Glyphosate
According to truth-challenged fanatжcs …
A smaller period for approval was NOT considered by Health Canada.
Health Canada DID NOT consider the possibility of re-approving glyphosate for a SHORTER TIME PERIOD than the 15-year span that Canada had approved it for.
The European Union opted to do just that, when it re-approved glyphosate in 2017.
Responding to public concerns, the European Union approved glyphosate for a 5-year period instead of 15 years, describing it as « NO routine case ».
Health Canada said it continues to monitor for new information related to glyphosate, « including regulatory actions from other governments », and is ready to take « appropriate action » if key risks are identified.
Background Information
Glyphosate Has Been Vindicated
By The European Union
Europeans have rejected Greenpeace’s fear-mongering, & have indicated that the jig is up.
The political tide, boosted by evidence, has turned in favor of glyphosate.
The European Chemicals Agency ( ECHA ), considered the « last word » on whether glyphosate causes cancer, has reviewed the research & concluded that the herbicide is NOT CARCINOGENIC.
ECHA stated ― « The available scientific evidence DID NOT meet the criteria to classify glyphosate as a carcinogen, as a mutagen or as toxic for reproduction. The decision is in accord with findings from the European Food Safety Authority [ EFSA ], US Environmental Protection Agency [ US EPA ], German Risk Association, Health Canada, & every known regulatory body that has reviewed the data. »
Explore the following link …
√ — Glyphosate Found Not Carcinogenic — Key European Safety Agency Joins Consensus — LINK
Illegal Interference
The following anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organizations are CONSPIRING TO ILLEGALLY INTERFERE with the Health Canada’s decision to grant the continued registration of glyphosate ―
• David Suzuki Foundation
The leader & puppet-master of most environmental-terrжrist organizations
• Canadian Association Of Physicians For The Environment
• Ecojustice
• Environmental Defence
• Equiterre
• Prevent Cancer Now
See later segments.
Background Information
David Suzuki Foundation ( DSF )
Dangerous, Destructive, Hypocritical, Insatiable,
Golf-Hating, & Anti-Pesticide Organization
The Leader Of Most Environmental-Terrжrist Organizations
Fanatжcally-Motivated Against Glyphosate
We need a better David Suzuki, & NOT the type of Suzuki, with his fanatжcal-operatives, who are NOT competent to give advice ― they are merely part of Canada’s pseudo-academic freak show.
DSF promotes itself as a registered-charity, tax-exempt environmental organization.
The rules at the Canada Revenue Agency are clear ― a registered charity CANNOT be involved in partisan political activities ― unless, apparently, you are David Suzuki & the David Suzuki Foundation.
Here is how Canada Revenue Agency defines what is prohibited to DSF ― a political activity is considered partisan if it involves direct or indirect support of, or opposition to, a political party or candidate for public office.
Charities can promote the policies of political parties & candidates they agree with, but MUST NOT directly or indirectly support the political party or candidate for public office.
In anticipation of an unfavourable & imminent audit by Canada Revenue Agency, David Suzuki himself has already been forced to resign from his own foundation for fear that his outspoken political views & interference in partisan politics would compromise the foundation’s charity tax exempt status.
Although David Suzuki was forced to quietly step down from the board of directors of DSF during summer of 2011, his resignation was not officially announced until 2012.
Demands are now being made for David Suzuki to also step down as host of television programs produced by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, including The Nature Of Things, which is now being used as a weapon against the golf industry.
According to Suzuki, golf course cause cancer & kill golfers. [ ?!?! ]
DSF is a mere multi-million dollar millionaire fund-raising, profit-seeking, & lobbying organization, & it is NOT a science-based, NOT a research, & NOT a health organization.
Has DSF ever spent any of its millions on pesticide research ?!?! NO !
Ultimately, the cost to manufacturers to get a pest control product assessed for safety & brought to market has been about 250 million dollars.
THAT is 250 million dollars MORE than any assessment performed by DSF.
Suzuki & DSF-fanatжcs are NOT competent to make ANY assessments about pest control products.
We need to get rid of the current Suzuki, forever.
Any non-expert Notice of Objection by Suzuki & DSF against glyphosate is fanatжcally-motivated with anti-science philosophies, politicized-doctrines, & twisted life-style choices against our society.
Canadians can rest assured that the assessments of ALL pest control products by Health Canada are conducted under the principles of the internationally-accredited Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ) which ensures that glyphosate poses NO unacceptable risk to health & environment.
For media inquiries, contact the following Suzuki-fanatжc … Brendan Grauser.
Explore the following links …
√ — David Suzuki — Why Do We Celebrate This Guy ?!?! — LINK
√ — The Media History Of David Suzuki — Reports & Blogs — LINK
Background Information
Why Does Suzuki Hate The Human Race ?
David Suzuki Foundation is a dangerous, destructive, hypocritical, insatiable, golf-hating, & anti-pesticide organization.
It is the leader of most of the environmental-terrжrist organizations that conspire to prohibit glyphosate.
Suzuki and his fanatжcal-operatives conspire to rid the planet of pest control products, like glyphosate, to attack the one thing that helps sustain and enhance human populations ― our food supply.
Suzuki’s prohibition conspiracies will lead to the demise of the human race.
Consequently, observers have suggested that David Suzuki hates people.
Is this true ?!?!
Suzuki appears to hate those people who are opposed to his views.
Seemingly, Suzuki also hates everyone in the lawn care industry, and has destroyed it by ruining businesses and putting people out of work.
Suzuki also hates golfers and despises the game of golf.
Indeed, Suzuki hates MOST of the human race, except, perhaps, his attractive female body-guards.
He is, quite simply, a HATEFUL BASTЖRD.
Explore the following links …
√ — The Media Library Of Lying Sacks Of Crжp — LINK
√ — Suzuki Hates People ? — Likes Pretty Female Bodyguards — LINK
√ — When David Suzuki Told Me To FЖCK OFF — The Price Of Greatness Is Responsibility — LINK
√ — David Suzuki’s Academic Freak Show Conspiracy — Undeserved Honorary Degree Awarded Despite Hatefulness, Incompetency, Obstruction, Hypocrisy — LINK
Background Information
Canadian Association Of Physicians
For The Environment ( CAPE )
Gloating, Treacherous, & Repugnant
Member Of The Suzuki Enviro-Terrжrist-Alliance
a.k.a. Canadian Health & Environment
Education & Research Foundation ( CHEER )
Fanatжcally-Motivated Against Glyphosate
CAPE is a glyphosate-hating & environmental-terrжrist organization that is very closely allied with its puppet-master, David Suzuki Foundation.
CAPE has been a principal architect in the conspiracy to prohibit against pest control products used in the urban landscape.
Its anti-pesticide acts of subversion have extensively damaged the professional lawn care industry.
CAPE is a mere multi-million dollar millionaire fund-raising, profit-seeking, & lobbying organization, & it is NOT a science-based, NOT a research, & NOT a health organization.
Has CAPE ever spent any of its millions on pesticide research ?!?! NO !
Ultimately, the cost to manufacturers to get a pest control product assessed for safety & brought to market has been about 250 million dollars.
THAT is 250 million dollars MORE than any assessment performed by CAPE.
The fanatжcs who operate CAPE are NOT competent to make ANY assessments about pest control products.
The vast majority of CAPE members are NOT even physicians.
In fact, CAPE represents an insignificantly small number of doctors.
CAPE merely represents less than 4 per cent of all doctors in Canada.
CAPE DOES NOT operate as a physicians’ organization ― it is operated by a handful of non-expert fund-raisers who are paid-for-profit as subversive & illegal lobbyists.
CAPE also acts as a public affairs shield for Green Party of Canada, Canadian Cancer Society, & other environmental-terrжrist organizations.
Any non-expert Notice of Objection by CAPE against glyphosate is fanatжcally-motivated with anti-science philosophies, politicized-doctrines, & twisted life-style choices against our society.
Canadians can rest assured that the assessments of ALL pest control products by Health Canada are conducted under the principles of the internationally-accredited Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ) which ensures that glyphosate poses NO unacceptable risk to health & environment.
For media inquiries, contact the following CAPE-fanatжc … Randall McQuaker.
Explore the following links …
√ — CAPE Gloating, Treacherous, & Repugnant Anti-Pesticide & Environmental-Terrжrist Organization — LINK
√ — The Complete Media History Of Canadian Association Of Physicians For The Environment ( CAPE ) — Reports, Blogs, & Letters — LINK
Background Information
Ecojustice ( EJ )
Wretched, Destructive, Golf-Hating,
& Anti-Pesticide Organization
Legal Shield For David Suzuki Foundation
Member Of The Suzuki Enviro-Terrжrist-Alliance
Formerly Sierra Legal Defence Fund
Fanatжcally-Motivated Against Glyphosate
Wretched-EJ is a glyphosate-hating & environmental-terrжrist organization that is very closely allied with its puppet-master, David Suzuki Foundation.
David Suzuki himself has been honorary board member at EJ.
EJ has been a principal architect in the conspiracy to prohibit against pest control products used in the urban landscape.
Its anti-pesticide terrжrist acts of subversion have extensively damaged & destroyed businesses operating in the professional lawn care industry in provinces like Ontario.
EJ-fanatжcs have destroyed the professional lawn care industry.
Wretched-EJ is a mere multi-million dollar millionaire fund-raising, profit-seeking, lobbying, & litigation organization, & EJ is NOT a science-based, NOT a research, & NOT a health organization.
Has EJ ever spent any of its millions on pesticide research ?!?! NO !
Ultimately, the cost to manufacturers to get a pest control product assessed for safety & brought to market has been about 250 million dollars.
THAT is 250 million dollars MORE than any assessment performed by EJ.
The fanatжcs who operate EJ are NOT competent to make ANY assessments about pest control products.
In other words, EJ-fanatжcs know nothing about pesticides.
Any non-expert Notice of Objection by Wretched-EJ against glyphosate is fanatжcally-motivated with anti-science philosophies, politicized-doctrines, & twisted life-style choices against our society.
Canadians can rest assured that the assessments of ALL pest control products by Health Canada are conducted under the principles of the internationally-accredited Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ) which ensures that glyphosate poses NO unacceptable risk to health & environment.
For media inquiries, contact the following Ecojustice-fanatжc … Catharine Tunnacliffe.
Explore the following link …
√ — Ecojustice Wretched Environmental-Terrжrist Organization — LINK
Background Information
Environmental Defence ( ED )
Fanatжcal Mad–Hatter Organization
Legal Shield For David Suzuki Foundation
Member Of The Suzuki Enviro-Terrжrist-Alliance
Fanatжcally-Motivated Against Glyphosate
Mad–Hatter-ED is a glyphosate-hating & environmental-terrжrist organization that is very closely allied with its puppet-master, David Suzuki Foundation.
David Suzuki himself has been an ED honorary board member.
ED is a mad-hatter, non-expert, tax-exempt, for-profit, anti-pesticide, & environmental-terrжrist organization that conspires to impose reckless & arbitrary prohibition against pest control products.
ED is a vast tax-exempt fund-raising millionaire multi-million dollar profit-making machine operated by a handful of non-expert fanatжcal mad hatter activists who are paid-for-profit as subversive lobbyists.
Has ED ever spent any of its millions on pesticide research ?!?! NO !
Ultimately, the cost to manufacturers to get a pest control product assessed for safety & brought to market has been about 250 million dollars.
THAT is 250 million dollars MORE than any assessment performed by ED.
ED-fanatжcs are NOT competent to make ANY assessments about pest control products.
This organization has developed expertise in providing funding assistance, legal, planning & engineering referrals, & organizational support to citizens & groups.
It tends to pursue nationally-significant cases involving politicized science & junk science.
This fanatжcal mad hatter organization depends on junk science to concoct fear-mongering, fraudulent lies, misconceptions, coercion, threats, deceptions, terrжr, & paranoid conspiracies.
Mad–Hatter-ED is a mere fund-raising, profit-seeking, lobbying, & litigation organization, & EJ is NOT a science-based, NOT a research, & NOT a health organization.
The fanatжcs who operate ED are NOT competent to make ANY assessments about pest control products.
Any non-expert Notice of Objection by Mad–Hatter-ED against glyphosate is fanatжcally-motivated with anti-science philosophies, politicized-doctrines, & twisted life-style choices against our society.
Canadians can rest assured that the assessments of ALL pest control products by Health Canada are conducted under the principles of the internationally-accredited Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ) which ensures that glyphosate poses NO unacceptable risk to health & environment.
For media inquiries, contact the following ED-fanatжc … Sarah Jamal.
Explore the following link …
√ — Environmental Defence Environmental-Terrжrist-Organizations & Purveyors Of Junk Science — LINK
Background Information
a.k.a. David Suzuki Foundation
Quebec Ambassador For David Suzuki Foundation
Member Of The Suzuki Enviro-Terrжrist-Alliance
Fanatжcally-Motivated Against Glyphosate
Equiterre is an anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organization that is very closely allied with its puppet-master, David Suzuki Foundation.
It actively supports the Suzuki-fanatжcal-doctrine against conventional pest control products.
Suzuki & Equiterre are basically one-in-the-same group that even operate out of the same location in Montreal, Quebec.
When it suits Suzuki, Equiterre has also been used as a shield outside of Quebec, providing the appearance of an independent organization that supports Suzuki’s fanatжcal–doctrines.
Equiterre was established as an ambassador & public policy shield organization for David Suzuki Foundation in the province of Quebec.
Equiterre is a member of the Suzuki enviro-terrжrist-alliance which operates nation-wide.
Equiterre has conspired to destroy businesses operating in the professional lawn care industry in the province of Quebec.
It falsely-complains that Quebec has somehow fallen behind other provinces ― therefore, Quebec must further extend its prohibition. [ ?!?! ]
Equiterre has also conspired to destroy the golf industry by demanding the unnecessary revocation of Quebec’s golf industry pesticide ban exception status.
Equiterre has also demanded that ALL Canadian provinces must extend their bans to include golf courses.
Equiterre is a mere fund-raising, profit-seeking, & lobbying organization, & it is NOT a science-based, NOT a research, & NOT a health organization.
The fanatжcs who operate Equiterre are NOT competent to make ANY assessments about pest control products.
Any non-expert Notice of Objection by Equiterre against glyphosate is fanatжcally-motivated with anti-science philosophies, politicized-doctrines, & twisted life-style choices against our society.
Canadians can rest assured that the assessments of ALL pest control products by Health Canada are conducted under the principles of the internationally-accredited Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ) which ensures that glyphosate poses NO unacceptable risk to health & environment.
For media inquiries, contact the following Equiterre-fanatжc … Christophe Aura.
Explore the following links …
√ — The #@!!% Suzuki-Bastжrds Are Still Interfering In Partisan Politics — LINK
√ — The Complete Media History Of Equiterre — LINK
Background Information
Prevent Cancer Now ( PCN )
a.k.a. Canadian Cancer Society
The Merchant Of Death For Personal Revenge
Member Of The Suzuki Enviro-Terrжrist-Alliance
Fanatжcally-Motivated Against Glyphosate
PCN is an anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organization that is very closely allied with its puppet-master, David Suzuki Foundation.
PCN is comprised of a mere dozen or so anti-pesticide & golf-hating fanatжcs who have mostly operated as promoters & distributors of enviro-fanatжc books & medical services, & so-called organic lawn care.
PCN is a mere fund-raising, profit-seeking, & lobbying organization, & it is NOT a science-based, NOT a research, & NOT a health organization.
PCN is one of several organizations operating as shields for Canadian Cancer Society, along with David Suzuki Foundation, Green Party, Kootenay Citizens for Alternatives to Pesticides, Pesticide Free BC, Toxic Free Canada, Wildsight, & other environmental-terrжrist organizations.
Green Party fanatжcal-leader Elizabeth May herself has been honorary board member of PCN.
Meg Sears is the fanatжcal-leader of PCN, & a paid David Suzuki-operative.
She has destroyed more businesses than practically anyone else on the planet, under the distorted pretext the pesticide-using industries are accountable for the death of her son. [ ?!?! ]
Consequently, Sears has become a merchant of death with her personal revenge-obsessed anti-pesticide terrжr-campaigns.
Since the mid-2000s, her campaigns have extensively damaged & destroyed hundreds of businesses that, at one time, operated successfully in the professional lawn care industry.
PCN & the fanatжcal Sears are NOT competent to make ANY assessments about pest control products.
Nonetheless, Sears has stated ―
Parliamentarians need to understand that young Canadians are getting sicker [ ?!?! ] , with chronic diseases earlier in life [ ?!?! ] . Beside cancers, glyphosate effects on gut microbes can contribute to bowel, immune, metabolic and neurological conditions that cost society dearly, and the healthcare system billions of dollars [ ?!?! ] .
Any non-expert Notice of Objection by Sears & PCN against glyphosate is fanatжcally-motivated with anti-science philosophies, politicized-doctrines, & twisted life-style choices against our society.
Canadians can rest assured that the assessments of ALL pest control products by Health Canada are conducted under the principles of the internationally-accredited Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ) which ensures that glyphosate poses NO unacceptable risk to health & environment.
For media inquiries about PCN, contact … lunatжc Meg Sears.
Explore the following links …
√ — Golf Industry Attack By Prevent Cancer Now ( a.k.a. Canadian Cancer Society ) — LINK
√ — Messages Ordering The Hacking-Attack Against The Golf Industry By Prevent Cancer Now ( a.k.a. Canadian Cancer Society ) — LINK
Explore the following link …
Lack Of Credible Scientific Evidence &
Exaggerated Claims Against Glyphosate
January 14th, 2019
Agriculture News MB
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Reference — glyphosate — 2019 01 14 — Bayer — Commends Health Canada On Glyphosate Review
In early January 2019, Health Canada backed up its 2017 decision that glyphosate DOES NOT pose a risk to human health or the environment when used as directed.
According to [ expert ] Trish Jordan, Public and Industry Affairs Director at Bayer Crop Science ―
We’re very pleased with the announcement and fully supportive of Health Canada taking the additional step to take a look at their re-evaluation.
I think it sends a really, really strong message on the safety of glyphosate.
Health Canada said that NO further action would be taken, despite a number of [ non-expert enviro-fanatжcal ] objections to the 2017 re-evaluation decision.
Below is the full statement from Bayer Crop Science ―
Bayer commends Health Canada for its THOROUGH REVIEW of glyphosate and its commitment to following science-based regulatory processes when assessing the safety of pesticides in Canada.
We have an unwavering commitment to sound science, transparency and to producing valuable tools that will help farmers continue to feed a growing population in a sustainable manner.
We are fully supportive of Health Canada taking the additional step to have its 2017 re-evaluation decision reviewed by an additional team of 20 INDEPENDENT scientists.
As has been the conclusion of hundreds of regulatory and scientific authorities around the globe, this additional review reaffirmed that glyphosate-based herbicides are safe when used as directed and that glyphosate is NOT carcinogenic.
Glyphosate-based products have been used safely and successfully for over four decades world-wide and are a valuable tool to help farmers deliver crops to markets and practice sustainable farming by reducing soil tillage, soil erosion and carbon emissions.
As Health Canada re-affirmed in its statement ―
NO pesticide regulatory authority in the world currently considers glyphosate to be a cancer risk to humans at the levels at which humans are currently exposed.
In completing its re-evaluation of glyphosate in 2017, Health Canada worked collaboratively with the US EPA to examine a wide range of environmental and health-related data and information, including hundreds of peer-reviewed, published scientific studies.
The exhaustive review, which looked at any potential health effects from exposure, among other factors, took seven years to complete and reached the same conclusion as INDEPENDENT regulatory authorities in more than 160 countries, which have approved glyphosate-based herbicides as safe for use.
Explore the following link …
The Entire Media History Of Glyphosate
Explore the following link …
The Entire Media History Of Glyphosate
Reports & Blogs By Force Of Nature
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged glyphosate-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths.
Not surprisingly, glyphosate-hating fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
We dare to defy the glyphosate-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G