A Response To The Continuing Conspiracy To
Harm The Green Space & Other Industries
With Myths, Deceptions, Fear-Mongering,
Fraudulent Lies, Threats, Misconceptions,
Coercion, Terrжr, & Paranoid Conspiracies
The Politicization Of Health Canada & Its Suspicious
Move To Prohibit Against Neonicotinoid Insecticides
Health Canada has attempted to align with the European Union’s fanatжcal anti-neonicotinoid prohibition decision. Not surprisingly, the majority of European Union nations, like the United Kingdom, have never wanted prohibition. It has been estimated that the European Union’s fanatжcal-prohibition will cost up to 19 billion dollars. The same fate of economical carnage awaits Canadians if Health Canada prohibits neonicotinoid insecticides.
The European Union ( EU ) imposed prohibition after being subjected to years of coercion, intimidation, and-terrжr by bee-conspiracy fanatжcs such as environmental organizations and activist bee-keepers ― mostly mere small incompetent hobby bee-keepers. The EU prohibition was arbitrarily based on flawed theoretical laboratory studies that consistently over-dosed honeybees while ignoring real-world field studies.
Why are only a very limited number of bee-keepers affected ?!?! The alleged losses of bees are, in fact, the fault of the bee-keepers and their mis-management practices. They are responsible, and NOT neonicotinoid insecticides. Some bee-keepers have NO IDEA what they are doing, leading some observers to conclude that bee-keepers may NOT be competent to raise bees.
Has Health Canada politicized neonicotinoids ?!?! Health Canada is clearly adopting anti-neonicotinoid prohibition as part of some political agenda since it has made NO attempt to align with American policies. According to the United States Department of Agriculture ( USDA ), NO scientific cause for bee colony collapse disorder ( BCCD ) has been proven.
Bee-conspiracy fanatжcs have concocted the imaginary danger that neonicotinoid insecticides, the most popular, most modern and most effective insecticide, as the supposed cause of bee colony collapse disorder ( BCCD ). It’s a nice story, but it DOES NOT hold up to the slightest scrutiny. In fact, there are MORE bee colonies today than there were in 1995, which marked the advent of modern neonicotinoid insecticides. In other words, bees are NOT DYING-OFF in the wake of modern insecticides, they are actually GROWING AND THRIVING.
Health Canada has been well aware that the real-world field data on honeybees and wild bees WILL NOT support prohibition. It concluded that neonicotinoids DID NOT pose a threat to bees and pollinators. However, it arbitrarily concluded that was some kind of THREAT against aquatic invertebrates, specifically midges and mayflies. [ ?!?! ] In fact, NO ONE has direct evidence of diminished midge and mayfly populations with neonicotinoids. Health Canada’s conclusion was based upon the radically conservative threshold it arbitrarily chose to set for « acceptable risk » for neonicotinoids.
What is the motivation behind Health Canada’s politicization against neonicotinoids ?!?! Health Canada has become the LAP-DOG of radical left-wing organizations like the Trudeau Liberal Party and the World Wildlife Federation Canada.
After winning the Canadian General Election on October 19th, 2015, the pesticide-hating Trudeau Liberal Government quickly politicized Health Canada, and directed it to impose national prohibitions against pest control products like iprodione, chlorothalonil, and carbaryl. And neonicotinoids are NEXT ! Health Canada is following the official policies of the Liberal Party of Canada.
Since 2000, the official policies of the Trudeau Liberal Party have urged the federal government to introduce immediate national prohibitions against pest control products. According to pesticide-hating Liberal Party, the prohibitions must be imposed until these products have been scientifically proven to be safe. [ ?!?! ] And, in 2014, the Liberal Party demanded that Health Canada immediately prohibit ALL neonicotinoids.
The Liberal politicization of Health Canada will fail as science-based evidence will prevail. Prohibitions DO NOT have to be imposed since all pest control products have been proven to be scientifically-safe. Only those pest control products that pose NO unacceptable risk to health and environment become government-approved and federally-legal. All assessments used for the approval of pest control products must be completed by laboratories sanctioned by Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ), and using only GLP practices. Ultimately, the cost to manufacturers to get a pest control product assessed for safety and brought to market is about 250 million dollars. That is 250 million dollars MORE than any assessment performed by Liberal Party of Canada.
The Trudeau Liberal Government’s national prohibitions will inevitably lead to the national annihilation of golf facilities and professional lawn care businesses. The Trudeau subversive actions defy the fact that pest control products ARE proven to be scientifically-safe, and they WILL NOT cause harm to people, animals, or the environment.
Can Health Canada be trusted despite its politicization against neonicotinoids ?!?! Regardless, Canadians can rest assured that the assessments of ALL pest control products by Health Canada are conducted under the principles of the internationally-accredited Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ) which ensures that pest control products pose NO unacceptable risk to health and environment. Canadians have no need to worry since two-hundred separate assessments are performed by 350 professional experts at Health Canada who ensure that these products federally-legal and scientifically-safe.
October 3rd, 2018
Mr Jon Entine
Genetic Literacy Project
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Health Canada’s Suspicious Move To Prohibit Neonicotinoids To Supposedly « Protect Bees »
Canada’s Anti-Neonicotinoid Prohibition
Health Canada’s PMRA ― its environmental regulatory agency ― rolled out for public comment its tentative decision to PHASE-OUT [ i.e. PROHIBIT ] almost all outdoor uses of neonicotinoid insecticides over the next 3 to 5 years.
Neonicotinoids, or neonics, are crop protection products that have become the world’s most widely used pesticide class thanks to their ability to selectively control pests that destroy crops, while also being human ― and animal-safe.
However, neonicotinoids have become embroiled in a multi-year controversy in Europe and North America over whether they hurt beneficial species, specifically honeybees and wild bees.
For years, advocacy groups [ i.e. anti-pesticide & environmental terrжrist organizations ] critical of conventional agriculture, relying almost entirely on laboratory studies, have argued that the pesticide weakens or kills honeybees. [ ?!?! ]
Myth-BUSTING The Bee Conspiracy ― Real-world field studies contradict the flawed theoretical lab reports, and now even the most ferocious anti-neonicotinoid advocacy groups [ i.e. environmental terrжrist organizations ], such as the Sierra Club, have recently REVERSED COURSE, saying the latest evidence DOES NOT SUPPORT AN IMPENDING « BEE APOCALYPSE ».
[ Sierra Club is a mindless environmental group. See later segment. ]
Some of these groups [ i.e. environmental-terrжrist organizations ] have raised questions about the health of WILD BEES, which are more difficult to monitor, and for which very little data exist.
There are genuine concerns about how healthy bees, which face a range of challenges, from deadly mites and the chemicals used to control them, to climate change, to urbanization.
But NO CLEAR LINK has been made to neonicotinoids.
Explore the following link …
Sierra Club Of Canada
A Mindless Environmental Group
Health Canada’s Suspicious Move To Prohibit Neonicotinoids To Supposedly « Protect Bees »
European Union’s Anti-Neonicotinoid Prohibition
Canada’s move comes about five months after the European Union announced its decision to PROHIBIT all outdoor uses of neonicotinoid insecticides after December, 2018 ― making permanent and expanding what was originally a TWO-YEAR MORATORIUM [ i.e. ANTI-NEONICOTINOID PROHIBITION ] ― imposed five years ago ― on the use of these insecticides on flowering crops.
The European Union ANTI-NEONICOTINOID PROHIBITION ― a years-long objective of anti-pesticide campaigners ― was based on claims that neonicotinoids POSE A THREAT [ ?!?! ] to honeybees, wild bees and other pollinators.
Myth-BUSTING The Bee Conspiracy ― HONEY BEE POPULATIONS HAVE BEEN STEADY OR RISING in Europe and North America during the entirety of the two decades since neonicotinoids were introduced, and have been RISING WORLD-WIDE for over a half-century.
The position also ignores the fact that the 2 per cent of wild bee species responsible for 80 per cent of crop pollination ― putting them into greatest contact with neonicotinoids ― appear to be under NO THREAT OF POPULATION DECLINE.
Background Information
The European Union’s 19 Billion
-Dollar Neonicotinoid Ban Losses
It has been estimated that the European Union’s fanatжcal-prohibition will cost up to 19 BILLION DOLLARS.
Not surprisingly, the MAJORITY of European Union nations, like the United Kingdom, NEVER WANTED PROHIBITION.
The EU’s fanatжcal-prohibition against neonicotinoids is DISINTEGRATING !
For example, in the United Kingdom, the EU’s fanatжcal-prohibition has been SUSPENDED ― growers have been PERMITTED to use two types of neonicotinoid insecticides on their crops.
None of the nations in the European Union can afford this #@!!% ban nonsense !
Explore the following link …
European Union’s Fanatжcal-Prohibition
Costs Up To 19 Billion Dollars In Losses
Background Information
United Kingdom Suspends Fanatжcal
EU Prohibition Against Neonicotinoids
The fanatжcal-prohibition that was arbitrarily imposed by the European Union ( EU ) against neonicotinoid insecticides has been SUSPENDED by the United Kingdom ( UK ).
These insecticides are no longer linked to so-called bee colony collapse disorder.
Myth-BUSTING The Bee Conspiracy ― World-wide bee populations have been steadily INCREASING over the past decade ― considerably higher than when neonicotinoid insecticides first came on the market in the mid-1990s ― bees are NOT dying-off in the wake of modern insecticides, they are actually GROWING AND THRIVING. ( See link in later segment. )
Explore the following link …
United Kingdom Suspends Fanatжcal
EU Prohibition Against Neonicotinoids
Background Information
Honeybee Colonies & Production Are Thriving
Myth-BUSTING The Bee Conspiracy
There is NO bee-pocalypse.
There are NO plummeting of bee numbers.
The managed honeybee shortage just is NOT a real thing, especially since it has become an amateur fad, and that has led to many deaths from BEE-KEEPER MIS-MANAGEMENT.
However, dead bees are great for fund-raising by anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organizations operated by simple-minded bee–conspiracy fanatжcs.
Bee colony collapse disorder ( BCCD ) is an ENVIRONMENTAL HOAX, and is NOT really happening.
Fanatжcs MOCK-REACT to bee losses as if they were the Armenian genocide.
They regularly hold LUNATЖC BEE DIE-INS where they dress up in bee costumes and lie on the ground to be sprayed by mock-insecticide, and give mock-eulogies and held mock-memorials for dead bees.
Bee-conspiracy fanatжcs have concocted the imaginary danger that neonicotinoid insecticides, the most popular, most modern and most effective insecticide as the cause of the supposed bee colony collapse disorder ( BCCD ).
It’s a nice story, but it DOES NOT hold up to the slightest scrutiny.
There are MORE bee colonies today than there were in 1995, which marked the advent of modern neonicotinoid insecticides.
In other words, bees are NOT DYING-OFF in the wake of modern insecticides, they are actually GROWING AND THRIVING. ( See link in next segment. )
According to the United States Department of Agriculture ( USDA ), NO scientific cause for bee colony collapse disorder ( BCCD ) has been proven.
In fact, historically, bee crises are NOTHING NEW since heavy losses have been reported for a long time. ( See link in next segment. )
Varroa Mites are the primary problem associated with bee losses.
But who’s going to write a donation to an activist group for « mite control » ?!?!
Blaming insecticides and « saving bees » that don’t actually need to be saved is NOT be accurate, but it is HIGHLY PROFITABLE.
In fact, bee-keepers know full well that Varroa mites are the PRIMARY PROBLEM associated with bee losses, and NOT neonicotinoid insecticides ― bee-keepers know almost NOTHING about these insecticides.
Moreover, bee-keepers appear to be unable or unwilling to get their major pest problems under control, such as Varroa Mites, leading observers to conclude that bee-keepers may NOT be competent to handle their businesses, and may be wholly unsuited to be raising bees.
The disappearing bees MYTH is a political disease that can only be eradicated with the truth.
In fact, the honeybee industry is actually THRIVING around the world.
Explore the following links …
Bees Are Growing & Thriving
Bee Losses Have Been Reported For A Long Time
Health Canada’s Suspicious Move To Prohibit Neonicotinoids To Supposedly « Protect Bees »
European Union’s Rigged Anti-Neonicotinoid Prohibition
The European Union Arbitrarily Based Its
Evaluation Almost Exclusively On Flawed Theoretical
Laboratory Studies That Consistently Over-Dosed
Honeybees While Ignoring Real-World Field Studies
The European Union reached its decision after years of prodding [ i.e. enviro-terrжrizing ] by activist bee-keepers ― mostly small hobby owners ― and [ fanatжcal ] pesticide opponents.
There have been dozens of mostly laboratory studies and reports, exploring every conceivable mechanism through which neonicotinoids could harm bees.
But full-scale real-world field studies ― the most realistic metrics ― have consistently contradicted the lab research.
Inexplicably, the European Union « Bee Guidance Document » ( BGD ) ― used as the basis by which politicians made the decision to extend the MORATORIUM [ i.e. ANTI-NEONICOTINOID PROHIBITION ] ― EXCLUDED MOST REAL-WORLD FIELD STUDIES, raising accusations that the process was RIGGED.
For instance, it specified that bees used in the real-world field tests could not show a mortality rate greater than 7 per cent when the natural fluctuation of honey bee colony populations is three times higher ― up to 21 per cent ― making it IMPOSSIBLE TO DEMONSTRATE that pesticide-related mortality did not exceed the determined threshold.
Just as impossible was the « Bee Guidance Document’s » ( BGD’s ) spatial separation requirements for test fields, which required an area of 173 square miles ― seven times the size of Manhattan or four times the size of Paris ― for a single full-scale test.
It was generally agreed that such a requirement simply COULD NOT BE MET in the European landscape.
Myth-BUSTING The Bee Conspiracy ― The result was that the European Union DID NOT EVALUATE THE MOST POWERFUL EVIDENCE, which made a persuasive case that real-world hive activity appears to neutralize the impact of the tiny amount of neonicotinoids that bees were exposed to.
Health Canada’s Suspicious Move To Prohibit Neonicotinoids To Supposedly « Protect Bees »
Health Canada’s Stunning Switch
Neonicotinoid-Hating Health
Canada Pulled A Completely New
Rabbit Out Of The Regulatory Hat
In aligning Canada with the European Union’s ANTI-NEONICOTINOID PROHIBITION decision, Health Canada took a stunningly different tack as it was well aware that the real-world field studies on honeybees and wild bees WILL SUPPORT PROHIBITION.
The Health Canada turned to a « special review » of the neonicotinoid insecticides thiamethoxam and clothianidin begun in November 2016 ( coinciding with Health Canada’s decision to phase out the oldest, and arguably most redundant neonicotinoid compound, imidacloprid ).
It concluded that these two neonicotinoids DID NOT POSE A THREAT ― but NOT to bees and pollinators !
However, it arbitrarily concluded that there was some kind of THREAT to AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES, specifically midges and mayflies. [ ?!?! ]
What ?!?!
It’s fair to say this curve ball took almost all observers by surprise.
After all the arguments ― based on roughly a decade of studies, claims and counter-claims ― about the supposed neonicotinoid threat to honeybees and other pollinators, Health Canada took 18 months to PULL A COMPLETELY NEW RABBIT OUT OF THE REGULATORY HAT.
Health Canada’s Suspicious Move To Prohibit Neonicotinoids To Supposedly « Protect Bees »
Health Canada’s Radically Conservative Threshold
No One Has Direct Evidence Of Diminished
Midge & Mayfly Populations With Neonicotinoids
Health Canada’s Conclusion Was Based Upon The
Radically Conservative Threshold It Arbitrarily Chose
To Set For « Acceptable Risk » For Neonicotinoids
Health Canada’s analysis and conclusions were CONSIDERED ODD by expert scientists in the field.
It has alleged potential harm to midges and mayflies across Canada’s 4 million square miles.
But the data was SCANT to say the least.
Beyond a couple of « mesocosm » experiments ( in artificially constructed aquatic micro-environments testing effects on the species placed in them ), NO ONE HAS DIRECT EVIDENCE OF DIMINISHED MIDGE AND MAYFLY POPULATIONS.
Health Canada admitted this in an early September 2018 webinar explaining its proposal.
That’s because no one knows for sure what these populations are, or how they fluctuate, in the first place.
In the absence of evidence of direct harm to midges and mayflies ( or other aquatic invertebrates ), Health Canada fell back on judging whether measured concentrations of these neonicotinoids in water monitoring data exceeded their « thresholds of concern » for aquatic invertebrate safety, as Health Canada explained in its initial August 2018 technical briefing on its assessment and its September 2018 webinar.
But Health Canada concedes that its data on detected concentrations of neonicotinoids in freshwater samples is incomplete and inconsistent ― robust, they claim, for Ontario and Quebec; limited and partial for the western provinces.
The west, however, comprises the bulk of Canada’s land area producing as much as 63 million acres of row crops, and using more neonicotinoid insecticides by volume than elsewhere in Canada.
Reference — PCP & Bees — 2018 08 23 — Health Canada — Neonic Ban Comes Too Early — More Study Needed
Despite information collection limitations, Health Canada says that what water data it has from « out west » reveals neonicotinoid concentrations that regularly exceed their « thresholds of concern » for adverse effects on aquatic invertebrates.
Which brings us to those thresholds of concern ― or of « acceptable risk » ― and how they are established.
It turns out that the key to Health Canada’s regulatory conclusion is the RADICALLY CONSERVATIVE THRESHOLD it chose to set for « acceptable risk » ― Health Canada’s statutory criterion ― to aquatic invertebrates.
Reference — PCP & Bees — 2018 08 30 — Health Canada — Neonic Threshold Called ‘Overly Conservative’
Health Canada chose ―
• 1.5 parts per billion ( ppb ) for acute exposure of aquatic invertebrates to the Bayer Corporation’s neonicotinoid clothianidin
• 1.5 parts per trillion ( ppt ) for chronic ( long-term ) exposure of aquatic invertebrates.
At these concentrations, Health Canada judges that 95 per cent of aquatic invertebrates would be safe from any harmful effects.
Background Information
What Is « Part Per Trillion » ?
A 747 airplane can hold almost 50,000 gallons of fuel.
« One part per billion » ( ppb ) is about four drops of liquid mixed into the fuel.
« One part per trillion » ( ppt ) would be about half a drop of oil in a super tanker carrying 6,000,000 gallons of oil.
Background Information
Explore the following links …
Bee Conspiracy
Re-Direct Links
Bee Conspiracy
The Library Of References 2
2015 To Present
Bee Conspiracy
The Library Of References 1
1995 To 2014
Bee Conspiracy
The Library Of Reports & Blogs
By Force Of Nature
Bee Conspiracy
Honeybee Colonies & Production Are Thriving
Mr Pierre Petelle — CropLife Canada
The Media History Of Victories
Against Anti-Pesticide Terrжrism
The Myths About Anti-Pesticide Prohibition
Background Information
Decisions By Health Canada To Impose
National Pesticide Prohibitions Are Being
Perpetrated By The Pesticide-Hating
Trudeau Liberal Government Of Canada
The NATIONAL PROHIBITIONS against iprodione, chlorothalonil, and carbaryl come as NO SURPRISE since the decisions by Health Canada are being implemented within mere months after the pesticide-hating Trudeau Liberal Party won in the Canadian General Election on October 19th, 2015.
And neonicotinoids are NEXT !
The Liberal Party of Canada is the oldest federal political party in Canada, with Justin Trudeau, son of Pierre Trudeau, as the current Prime Minister of the Liberal Government of Canada.
The party espouses the principles of liberalism, and generally sits at the center of the Canadian political spectrum, although many of its fanatжcal operatives conspire to impose NATIONAL PROHIBITIONS against conventional pest control products.
In essence, the Liberal Party of Canada has despicably operated as the POLITICAL SHIELD for anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organizations, such as the RADICAL World Wildlife Federation Canada ( WWF ).
As expected, after winning the Canadian General Election on October 19th, 2015, the Liberal Government quickly conspired to impose NATIONAL PROHIBITIONS against pest control products.
Do Canadians want to be governed by the Liberal Party which is the LAP-DOG of RADICAL organizations like World Wildlife Federation Canada and others ?!?!
Background Information
Liberal Party Of Canada Repeated
Demands For National Prohibition
As early as March 2000, the Liberal Party of Canada issued its official policy which urged the federal government to introduce an immediate moratorium [ i.e. national prohibition ] against pest control products.
According to pesticide-hating Liberal Party, the moratorium [ i.e. prohibition ] needs to be invoked until these products have been scientifically proven to be safe. [ ?!?! ]
Excerpt from Liberal Party of Canada’s Policy Resolution on Cosmetic Use of Pesticides, March 16-19, 2000 ―
Be it resolved that the Liberal Party of Canada urge the federal government to introduce an immediate moratorium [ i.e. prohibition ] on the cosmetic use of chemical pesticides until such a time as their use has been scientifically proven to be safe [ ?!?! ] and the long–term consequences of their application are known [ ?!?! ].
Excerpt from Liberal Party of Canada’s Policy Resolution on Neonicotinoid Insecticides, 2014 ―
Be it resolved that the Liberal Party of Canada call for the Pest Management Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) to suspend [ i.e. prohibit ] immediately its registration of all neonicotinoid-based compounds, resulting in an immediate moratorium [ i.e. prohibition ] on the sale and use of this class of technology in Canada.
In fact, the public does not need to worry as long as a pest control product is used properly.
Myth-BUSTING The Pesticide Conspiracy ― The Liberal Party’s NATIONAL PROHIBITIONS will inevitably lead to the NATIONAL ANNIHILATION of the modern green space industry, which includes golf facilities and professional lawn care businesses. Pest control products ARE proven to be scientifically-safe, and they will not cause harm to people, animals, or the environment.
See later segments.
Explore the following link …
The Media History Of The National Annihilation
Of The Modern Green Space Industry
Background Information
Full Text Of Liberal Party Of Canada Policy
Resolution On Cosmetic Use Of Pesticides
Full text from Liberal Party of Canada’s Policy Resolution on Cosmetic Use of Pesticides, March 16-19, 2000 ―
Whereas chemical pesticides are inherently toxic [ ?!?! ] products designed to kill [ ?!?! ] various life forms; [ Wrong ! ]
PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ARE COMPLETELY SAFE ! ― Pest control products used in the urban landscape selectively and effectively control disease, insect, and weed pests, but are completely safe for other non-target organisms ― they DO NOT injure turfgrasses, and have NO persistence beyond season of use. These products can be used safely because the amount required to affect human health is significantly higher than any potential level of exposure.
PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ARE SCIENTIFICALLY-SAFE ! ― EPA, Health Canada, and other science-based national regulatory agencies have clearly demonstrated that pest control products used in the Urban Landscape are LESS TOXIC THAN Aspirin, baking soda, caffeine, cannabis, nicotine, table salt, and Tylenol. Additionally, these products are NO MORE TOXIC THAN ethanol ( an edible beverage constituent in beer, wine, and other intoxicating beverages ), mouthwash ( Listerine ), and Vitamin C. These pest control products are scientifically-safe, practically non-toxic, will cause NO harm, will NOT cause cancer, and will NOT cause irreversible damage if consumed orally. The probable lethal dose for a person ingesting the concentrated form of many of these products is ONE LITRE, the volume of an entire milk carton. By comparison, drinking SIX LITRES of water, a fluid that is seemingly harmless, can lead to water poisoning or dilutional hyponatremia, which is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions. In essence, water is only FIVE TIMES SAFER than many of these products.
MYTH-BUSTING THE PESTICIDE CONSPIRACY ― Pest control products are scientifically-safe, and will NOT cause harm to people, animals, or the environment.
Whereas reliable ecological, non-toxic methods [ ?!?! ] of pest control exist; [ Wrong ! ]
GREEN ALTERNATIVES ARE BOGUS & DISMAL FAILURES ! ― There are NO methods or alternatives that work. Prohibition is somehow validated by anti-pesticide activists who merely concoct myths against conventional products. http://wp.me/p1jq40-3jm When it comes to controlling pests, the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products should be a no-brainer. Anti-pesticide prohibition leads to the catastrophic problems of weed invasion and insect infestation. It is impossible for professionals, and even home-owners, to protect their properties by using so-called green alternative pesticides and practices. http://wp.me/p1jq40-24g There are NO viable, NO efficacious, NO economical, and NO low-risk alternatives to replace conventional pest control products. Green alternative pesticides are bogus and dismal failures ― they DO NOT work and they are NOT innovative products. By definition, alternatives are inferior, which is why they DID NOT win the market-place originally. https://wp.me/p1jq40-5R8 Overall, green alternative pesticides are ineffective, inadequate, inferior, high-risk, more toxic, and stunningly expensive ! In many cases, green alternative pesticides are questionably higher in toxicity, and pose higher environmental risks. Green alternative pesticides, and even organic fertilizers, often contain living pathogenic organisms, fermented materials, or metals that may be deemed unsafe for children, adults, and the environment. Conventional pest control products are absolutely necessary.
MYTH-BUSTING THE PESTICIDE CONSPIRACY ― Conventional pest control products are safe, effective, economical, and low-risk.
Whereas reports published in scientific journals [ ?!?! ] point to strong associations between chemical pesticides and serious health consequences [ ?!?! ] including : birth defects, brain cancer, breast cancer, childhood leukemia, stomach cancer, learning disabilities, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; [ Wrong ! ]
PESTICIDES CAUSING CANCER IS A MYTH ! ― Scientific research shows that, as reported through EPA’s and Health Canada’s vast toxicology database, NO harm will occur when pest control products are applied properly. All of these products have been evaluated for their carcinogenic potential. http://wp.me/p1jq40-6yf Even Canadian Cancer Society’s own web-sites state, repeatedly, that scientific research DOES NOT provide a conclusive link between pest control products and cancer. http://wp.me/P1jq40-4qC In fact, scientific research proves that pest control products will cause NO harm and DO NOT cause cancer. PESTICIDES CAUSING CANCER IS A MYTH ! http://wp.me/p1jq40-2nl The safety and effectiveness of pest control products is NOT a debatable issue. Overwhelming scientific research has clearly demonstrated that that have NOT been linked to ANY issues related to health and environment. There are thousands of known deaths per year from known cancer-causing factors such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, excess body weight, alcohol consumption, and over-exposure to the sun. There are NONE related to pest control products, which are scientifically-safe, and will NOT cause harm to people, animals, or the environment.
Whereas the US National Cancer Institute published a report highlighting the role of pesticides in cancer causation; [ Wrong ! ]
EPIDEMIOLOGY STUDIES ARE OFTEN WRONG ! ― According to Dr Richard Doll, the Greatest Epidemiologist of the 20th Century, there is NO scientific basis for pesticide bans. Epidemiological studies that establish so-called links between pest control products and cancer are SO OFTEN WRONG that they are coming close to being WORTHLESS. If a modern « cosmetic » pesticide actually caused cancer, it is fairly certain that this would be ascertained through the extensive testing procedures required before it is registered for use by Health Canada. Dr Stan Young is a Statistician at National Institute of Statistical Sciences in Research, Triangle Park, North Carolina. According to Dr Young ― « … EPIDEMIOLOGY studies are SO OFTEN WRONG that they are coming close to being WORTHLESS. We spend a lot of money and we could make claims just as valid as a random number generator. »
PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS WILL CAUSE NO HARM ! ― There are thousands of known deaths per year from known cancer-causing factors such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, excess body weight, alcohol consumption, and over-exposure to the sun. There are NONE related to pest control products, which are scientifically-safe, and WILL NOT cause harm to people, animals, or the environment.
Whereas approximately 80 percent of all Canadians live and work in ( sub ) urban areas which allow cosmetic use of pesticides; [ So what ? ]
There are almost fifty jurisdictions that have stopped, or rescinded, or limited, or temporarily, or beginning to repeal anti-pesticide prohibitions & restrictions, or granted commercial businesses with an exception status, along with several moral victories. There are more and more tremendous victories against anti-pesticide & science-hating fanatжcism. https://wp.me/P1jq40-cg4 http://wp.me/p1jq40-5ni
• Alberta, Province of • Altona, Town of ( Manitoba ) • Anne Arundel County ( Maryland, USA ) • Ashland, City of ( Oregon, USA ) • Beaumont, Town of ( Alberta ) • Belleville, Town of ( Ontario ) • British Columbia, Province of • Calgary, City of ( Alberta ) • Campbell River, City of ( British Columbia ) • Chicago, City of ( Illinois, USA ) – Park District of Highland Park • Coquitlam, City of ( British Columbia ) • Deer Lake, Town of ( Newfoundland ) • Durango, City of ( Colorado, USA ) • Edmonton, City of ( Alberta ) • European Union ( EU ), Nations of • Everett, City of ( Washington, USA ) • Guelph, City of ( Ontario ) • Guelph-Eramosa, Township of ( Ontario ) • Hudson, Town of ( Quebec ) • Kamloops, City of ( British Columbia ) • Kauaʻi, County of ( Hawaiʻi ) • Kelowna, City of ( British Columbia ) • Maine, State ( USA ) • Manitoba, Province of • Merritt, Town of ( British Columbia ) • New Brunswick, Province of • Newfoundland & Labrador, Province of • Ogunquit, Town of ( Maine, USA ) • Ontario, Province of – Proposed Amendment To Ontario Pesticide Ban • Parksville, City of ( British Columbia ) • Port Alberni, City of ( British Columbia ) • Portage La Prairie, Rural Municipality of ( Manitoba ) • Prince Edward Island, Province of • Quebec, Province of • Regina, City of ( Saskatchewan ) • Revelstoke, City of ( British Columbia ) • Rossland, City of ( British Columbia ) • Saint John’s, City of ( Newfoundland ) • Saint Josephine, County of ( Oregon, USA ) • Salmon Arm, City of ( British Columbia ) • Saskatchewan, Province of • Scarborough, Town of ( Maine, USA ) • Steinbach, City of ( Manitoba ) • Stratford, Town of ( Prince Edward Island ) • Stuartburn, Rural Municipality of ( Manitoba ) • United Kingdom ( UK ) • United States ( USA ) – State Pre-Emption Laws • Vernon, City of ( British Columbia ) • Winkler, City of ( Manitoba )
Whereas homeowners and the chemical lawn care industry use products that have never been adequately tested or monitored [ ?!?! ] for their chronic, synergistic ( in-combination ) and other effects on human and animal health in residential areas where young children, pregnant women, elderly, and other susceptible Canadians [ ?!?! ] are exposed to pesticides; [ Wrong ! ]
CHILDREN ARE NOT AT RISK FROM PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ! ― The issues that affect our health HAVE been successfully resolved ! Canadians have NO NEED TO WORRY ! For every conventional pest control product, manufacturers spend 250 million dollars in order to satisfy federal scientific assessments. Two-hundred separate assessments are performed by 350 professional experts at Health Canada to ensure that these products federally legal, scientifically safe, and will cause NO harm. Consequently, there is NOT ONE KNOWN INCIDENT OF HARM from the proper use of conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape. Pest control products are scientifically-safe, and will NOT cause harm to people, animals, or the environment. Health Canada DOES consider children’s physiology, behaviours, and habits while playing on treated grass, and has concluded that pest control products cause NO harm and are NO threat to children.
MYTH-BUSTING THE PESTICIDE CONSPIRACY ― There are NO valid reports of pest control product problems with children. http://wp.me/P1jq40-2ha
Whereas many of the « safety tests » used to test these products are fundamentally inadequate [ ?!?! ] ; [ Wrong ! ]
Pest control products used in the urban landscape selectively and effectively control disease, insect, and weed pests, but are completely safe for other non-target organisms ― they DO NOT injure turfgrasses, and have NO persistence beyond season of use. These products can be used safely because the amount required to affect human health is significantly higher than any potential level of exposure. There is NOT ONE known incident of harm from the proper use of pest control products used in the urban landscape.
Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ) has been adopted by national regulatory agencies, like US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ), German Federal Institute For Risk Assessment, and Health Canada. GLP ensures that pest control products are scientifically-safe, and will NOT cause harm to people, animals, or the environment. Prior to making a registration decision, Health Canada reviews the science-based test data submitted by manufacturers of pest control products. To prevent data manipulation, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) developed an internationally accepted set of Test Guidelines and Principles of Good Laboratory Practices ( GLP ) to promote the quality and validity of test data. The GLP Practices cover the organizational process and conditions under which non-clinical studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded and reported. Independent trail audits can be conducted under the GLP guidelines at anytime to verify integrity of data. GLP applies to all testing of pest control products to obtain data on their properties and/or safety with respect to human health or the environment, for the purpose of supporting an application for registration or a research permit. Studies covered by GLP include real-world field studies as well as laboratory studies. Canadians can rest assured that the assessments of ALL pest control products by Health Canada are conducted under the principles of the internationally-accredited Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ) which ensures that glyphosate poses NO unacceptable risk to health & environment. Following the data review, Health Canada conducts a health and environmental risk assessment and a value assessment based on these data.
GLP allows national regulatory agencies to be impartial and rigorous. All assessments used for the approval of pest control products must be completed by laboratories sanctioned by GLP, and using only GLP practices. Ultimately, the cost to manufacturers to get a pest control product assessed for safety and brought to market is about 250 million dollars. That is 250 million dollars MORE than any assessment performed by Liberal Party of Canada.
MYTH-BUSTING THE PESTICIDE CONSPIRACY ― Only those pest control products that pose NO unacceptable risk to health and environment become government-approved and federally-legal.
Whereas Canada’s Minister of Health is charged with « the promotion or preservation of the health of the people of Canada »; [ ?!?! ]
HEALTH CANADA ASSESSMENTS ENSURE THE SAFETY OF PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ! ― Pest control products are one of the most stringently regulated products in Canada. Pest control products are Health-Canada-approved, federally-legal, scientifically-safe, practically-non-toxic, and will cause NO harm Health Canada requires thorough scientific reviews and safety assessments to ensure that pest control products meet strict health and environmental standards and are shown to have value. All assessments used for the approval of pest control products must be completed by laboratories sanctioned by Good Laboratory Practice ( GLP ), and using only GLP practices. Health Canada follows the internationally-accredited GLP for assessing the safety of pest control products. Health Canada has THE ESSENTIAL EXPERTISE on pest control products because it adheres to the principles of GLP. Ultimately, the cost to manufacturers to get a pest control product assessed for safety and brought to market is about 250 million dollars. Health Canada employs over 350 doctorate-level experts and leading scientific experts on pest control products.
Whereas the health risks [ ?!?! ] of chemical pesticide use are of growing concern [ ?!?! ] to the Canadian public;
WE KNOW THE MAJORITY DO NO WANT PROHIBITION BECAUSE OF LEGITIMATE POLLS ! ― No one wants this #@!!% ban nonsense. These polls clearly demonstrate that the public does not want this #@!!% ban nonsense. In 2011, a BC poll conducted by Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association ( CCSPA ) showed that the vast majority of residents are opposed to a proposed prohibition against the use conventional pest control products, and they actually favour the continued use of these products around their homes and in public green spaces. http://wp.me/P1jq40-2bo In 2011, an Ontario poll showed that the public rejects pesticide bans, and more than half of Ontario residents believed that the provincial government did not do the right thing by imposing an arbitrary pesticide ban. Ontario residents would rather have the ban scrapped or modified. http://wp.me/P1jq40-3kB In February 2013, Canadian Association Of Agri-Retailers ( CAAR ) said there is questionable public support for prohibition against the use of pest control products. http://wp.me/p1jq40-6tT In February 2013, a poll conducted by Winnipeg Free Press showed that 60 per cent of the public were opposed to prohibition. http://wp.me/p1jq40-6ii In fall 2012, professional lawn care businesses and clients sent to Manitoba government officials the results of a petition with 2,500 post-cards opposing a proposed prohibition, which was overwhelming opposition to anti-pesticide activists who had a mere 1,000 signatures supporting prohibition, with most signatures originating from outside Manitoba. http://wp.me/p1jq40-5fL
CANADIANS ARE PESTICIDE HOSTAGES ! ― There is a SMALL MINORITY of prominent fanatжcs who subversively conspire to prohibit against the use of pest control products … holding the public as PESTICIDE-HOSTAGES. These fanatжcs have vested interests in concocting imaginary danger against these products. They are recklessly and arbitrarily undermining the expert assessments performed by Health Canada.
Be it resolved that the Liberal Party of Canada urge the federal government to introduce an immediate moratorium [ i.e. prohibition ] on the cosmetic use of chemical pesticides until such a time as their use has been scientifically proven to be safe [ ?!?! ] and the long-term consequences of their application are known [ ?!?! ].
PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ARE SCIENTIFICALLY-SAFE & WILL CAUSE NO HARM ! ― The Liberal Party of Canada is fanatжcally alarming the public my flailing away with alarmist statements against pest control products. The Liberal Party of Canada is WRONG ! Overwhelmingly indisputable and conclusive scientific research shows that, as reported through EPA’s and Health Canada’s vast toxicology database, NO harm will occur when pest control products are used appropriately. Allegations by the Liberal Party of Canada about the imaginary danger are TOTALLY FALSE, and are untrue mis-representations designed to alarm and enrage the public for mere electoral votes.
MYTH-BUSTING THE PESTICIDE CONSPIRACY ― Pest control products are scientifically-safe, and will NOT cause harm to people, animals, or the environment.
Background Information
Full Text Of Liberal Party Of Canada Policy
Resolution On Neonicotinoid Insecticides
Full text from Liberal Party of Canada’s Policy Resolution 2. The « Bees and Farming » Resolution : Moratorium on Neonicotinoids in Canada, 2014 ―
Whereas managed hives, wild bees and native pollinators are integral and irreplaceable as pollinators in agriculture and in the natural environment; [ So what ? ]
There is NO bee crisis in Canada. Chemo-phobic anti-pesticide organizations are wrong. http://wp.me/p1jq40-6H8 Bee colony collapse disorder is NOT nearly as bad as it is made out. The vast majority of bee-keepers have NOT experienced excessive losses in recent years. Only a very limited number of bee-keepers report losses, less than 1 per cent. Statistics Canada reports that the number of honey bee colonies are up, NOT down, in the province of Ontario and across Canada.
In France, neonicotinoid insecticides were prohibited in the 1990s, and there was NO marked reduction in bee colony collapse disorder. Should Canada follow the European Union to prevent bee losses ?!?! http://wp.me/p1jq40-7ty
Historically, REAL bee crises are nothing new since heavy losses have been reported for a long time. Wasn’t so-called bee colony collapse disorder first identified in, what, 2006 ?!?! Yes ! But the first evidence for such disappearances goes back centuries. And, isn’t the modern bee-keeping industry actually thriving ?!?! Yes ! Have there been ancient and historical bee crises ?!?! Yes ! So, is there a modern bee crisis ?!?! No ! http://wp.me/p1jq40-9xj
There is NO bee-apocalypse ― we may have some bee-problems, but NOT a bee-apocalypse. Insecticides hurting bees is a myth. http://wp.me/P1jq40-2BA
Bee-keepers know full well that Varroa mites are the primary problem associated with bee losses, and NOT neonicotinoid insecticides. http://wp.me/p1jq40-6WJ Science and statistics DO NOT support demands to prohibit against neonicotinoid insecticides in agriculture. If we had less conventional neonicotinoid use in the environment, we would still have bee colony collapse disorder, because many bee-keepers are not competent to manage their hives. Prohibition WILL NOT save bees. http://tinyurl.com/pxqzh6m
Whereas the economic health of crop and livestock agriculture ― which contributes 8 per cent of Canada’s total GDP [ Gross Domestic Product ] ― ultimately relies upon a healthy population of pollinators; [ ?!?! ]
The bee-keeper industry DOES NOT contribute to 8 per cent of GDP, as IMPLIED by the statement from Liberal Party of Canada. Agriculture continues to play an important role in federal and provincial economies, where it makes a significant contribution to Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) and employment, directly providing one in eight jobs, employing 2.1 million people and accounting for 8.0 per cent of total GDP.
The honeybee industry is actually thriving around the world ― here are some examples.
The Ontario honeybee industry is thriving. http://wp.me/p1jq40-7Dn http://wp.me/p1jq40-8AW
The Canadian honeybee industry is thriving ― Canada’s honey yield is twice the world’s average. http://wp.me/s1jq40-28297
The North American honeybee industry is thriving. http://wp.me/p1jq40-8de
The European honeybee industry is thriving ― neonicotinoid insecticides were still being used in 2013, and yet, 2013 was the lowest European bee loss recorded since 2007. http://wp.me/p1jq40-8hO
Concerns about bee health and neonicotinoid insecticides is NOT warranted.
In fact, bees are NOT dying off in the wake of neonicotinoid insecticide use ― they are actually growing and thriving. https://wp.me/p1jq40-cdd
Whereas neonicotinoid-based insecticides have been subject to moratoriums [ i.e. prohibitions ] in other jurisdictions due to the conclusive links to bee deaths [ ?!?! ] ; [ Wrong ! ]
INSECTICIDES CAUSE NO HARM & DO NOT HARM BEES ! ― There is NO evidence to suggest a link between neonicotinoid insecticides and bee colony collapse disorder. Neonicotinoids DO NOT harm bees. Bee-keepers are harming bees, and NOT neonicotinoids, which are widely used for the control of insect pests in lawns, gardens, ornamental plants, and agriculture. Chemo-phobic anti-pesticide organizations want to prohibit neonicotinoids. http://wp.me/p1jq40-6H8 Since 2006, bee-conspiracy fanatжcs and bee-keepers have falsely alleged that there are so-called links and causes between the neonicotinoids, like imidacloprid, and bee colony collapse disorder. However, researchers have not been able to identify a single cause of bee colony collapse disorder. The weight of the scientific evidence clearly shows that neonicotinoids DO NOT affect bees. Pesticides hurting bees is a myth. http://wp.me/P1jq40-2BA The exposure of bees to neonicotinoids is at very low levels, far too low to cause harmful effects. Neonicotinoids will cause NO harm to bees since treated plant tissues contain only tiny amounts of ingredient, bees are not feeding on the plants, and pollen contains barely detectable levels. If some bee-conspiracy fanatжcs and bee-keepers were not so scientifically illiterate, they would know that scientific research shows that, as reported through EPA’s and Health Canada’s vast toxicology database, NO harm will occur to bees. Bee colony collapse disorder is the fault of bee-keepers and their mismanagement practices. Bee-keepers are responsible, and NOT neonicotinoids. In their usual method of arriving at scientifically illiterate conclusions, the bee-conspiracy fanatжcs and bee-keepers have somehow concocted the imaginary danger that neonicotinoids was the reason for bee colony collapse disorder everywhere. Of course, this is a myth ! They are the least qualified to provide any advice concerning neonicotinoids. When used properly, neonicotinoids cause NO harm, and DO NOT hurt bees. If we had less conventional neonicotinoid use in the environment, we would still have bee colony collapse disorder, because many bee-keepers are NOT competent to manage their hives.
MYTH-BUSTING THE PESTICIDE CONSPIRACY ― Bee-keepers are harming bees, and NOT neonicotinoids ― Varroa mites are the primary problem. http://wp.me/p1jq40-6WJ Prohibition WILL NOT save bees. http://tinyurl.com/pxqzh6m
Whereas the systemic mode of action of neonicotinoids means that conventional risk mitigation measures ― including causing farmers to modify seeding machinery and planting practices ― may impose additional costs on farmers while not protecting pollinators from harm [ ?!?! ] ; [ Wrong ! ]
THE SYSTEMIC MODE OF ACTION OF NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDE ENSURES THAT THERE IS NO HARM TO BEES ! ― There is NO bee crisis because of neonicotinoid insecticides. The Liberal Party of Canada’s reckless and arbitrary conspiracy to prohibit against neonicotinoids WILL NOT resolve so-called bee colony collapse disorder, and WILL NOT help bee-keepers with their pest problems. Clearly, the principal mandate of Liberal Party of Canada has been to attract more votes and more donations by scamming the public with the concoction of fraudulent lies and imaginary danger against neonicotinoids. Bees DO NOT consume plant tissues, and, therefore, are NOT harmed by systemic insecticides that penetrate into the plant tissues. Neonicotinoids will cause NO harm to bees since treated plant tissues contain only tiny amounts of ingredient, since bees are not feeding on the plants, and since pollen contains barely detectable levels. Responsible bee-keepers readily admit that poor hive management ( i.e. starvation, weak colonies, fungal infections, and mite infestations ) and weather are most likely to blame for bee losses. Irresponsible and incompetent bee-keepers falsely blame their bee losses on neonicotinoids.
Be it resolved that the Liberal Party of Canada call for the Pest Management Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) to suspend [ i.e. prohibit ] immediately its registration of all neonicotinoid-based compounds, resulting in an immediate moratorium [ i.e. prohibition ] on the sale and use of this class of technology in Canada.
SOME BEE-KEEPERS ARE DELIBERATELY ALLOWING THEIR OWN BEES TO DIE IN ORDER TO OBTAIN UNJUSTIFIABLE COMPENSATION ! ― The Liberal Party of Canada is absolutely wrong about bee mortalities ! The alleged losses of bees are, in fact, the fault of the bee-keepers and their mis-management practices. They are responsible, and not neonicotinoid insecticides. Some bee-keepers have no idea what they are doing, leading some observers to conclude that bee-keepers may not be competent to raise bees. Why are only a very limited number of bee-keepers affected ?!?! All you have to do is be incompetent at bee-keeping, and the government will shower you with vast sums of liquid money. Bee-keepers seek unjustifiable government compensation ! http://tinyurl.com/l8odbpc http://wp.me/p1jq40-77N http://wp.me/p1jq40-7VI In fact, the Canadian honeybee industry is actually thriving, with the total number of bee-keepers in Canada actually rising dramatically since 2008. http://wp.me/p1jq40-8de Canada’s honey yield is twice the world’s average. http://wp.me/s1jq40-28297 If bee-conspiracy fanatжcs were not so scientifically illiterate, they would know that scientific research shows that, as reported through EPA’s and Health Canada’s vast toxicology database, NO harm will occur to bees. Prohibition WILL NOT save bees. http://tinyurl.com/pxqzh6m
Be it further resolved that pollinator health ― including test methodologies to more accurately assess the impact of systemic insecticides ― become a more prominent criterion of subsequent registration reviews for new agricultural pesticides; [ Wrong ! ]
Observers are beginning to speculate that bee-keepers have deliberately killed their bees in order to lay false blame against Neonicotinoid Insecticides. In essence, bee-keepers tampered with the samples provided to Health Canada. Bee-keepers are harming bees, and NOT neonicotinoids ― bee-keepers are lying sacks of anti-pesticide crжp. http://wp.me/p1jq40-7fX http://wp.me/p1jq40-6WJ
Chemo-phobic anti-pesticide organizations want to prohibit neonicotinoids. http://wp.me/p1jq40-6H8 They base their demands on alleged bee losses.
In 2012 and 2013, when Health Canada visited bee-keepers to evaluate their dead bees, there was NO legitimate chain of custody for the samples of dead bees that were allegedly poisoned by insecticide. Bee-keepers deliberately killed their bees with the malicious intent of coercing and intimidating government officials into prohibiting insecticides. Health Canada must consider this scenario during its investigation. It should further investigate as to why only a very limited number of bee-keepers were affected. Between April and June 2012, Health Canada received only a VERY LIMITED NUMBER of reports of bee losses from across southern Ontario, involving a mere 40 bee-keepers, as well as 1 report from Quebec. There are 2,900 bee-keepers in Ontario, therefore, the affected bee-keepers represent less than 1.0 per cent of all bee-keepers in Ontario. In 2013, Health Canada said it continued to receive a VERY LIMITED NUMBER of reports about bee losses. Why are only a VERY LIMITED NUMBER of bee-keepers affected ?!?! Why are mere unscientific reports from bee-keepers considered as sufficient evidence to support a radical decision from Health Canada ?!?! Why hasn’t Health Canada investigated the tampering of samples by bee-keepers ?!?!
Health Canada must test the bee-keepers’ residences and clothing for residue. Observers point out to how much money the bee-keepers will make once they launch a class-action lawsuit that is supported by the politically-motivated decision of Health Canada. Anti-pesticide fanatical-bee-keepers will say anything and do anything in order to increase the profit of their vested interests. Additionally, bee-keepers will say anything and do anything in order to coerce and intimidate government officials into prohibiting insecticides. Anti-pesticide bee-keepers lie about the losses of their bees.
Even the most prominent bee-keepers, like expert Randy Oliver, disagree with them. http://wp.me/p1jq40-7fX Bee-keepers also lie about the fact that bee losses are actually the fault of their mis-management practices. There is NO bee-apocalypse ― we may have some bee-problems, but NOT a bee-apocalypse. Insecticides hurting bees is a myth. http://wp.me/P1jq40-2BA If we had less conventional neonicotinoid use in the environment, we would still have bee colony collapse disorder, because many bee-keepers are not competent to manage their hives. Prohibition WILL NOT save bees. http://tinyurl.com/pxqzh6m
Be it further resolved that a Liberal Government contribute scientific leadership in securing the future global vitality of pollinators in collaboration with other countries and the UN-Agricultural Development and Food Security Organization to support the research and monitoring that are needed to improve information on the status of pollinators and establish a framework for conservation and restoration of pollinator species [ ?!?! ] within two years.
THE GOVERNMENT MUST RESEARCH & MONITOR THE BEE-KEEPER INSANITY ! ― According to Albert Einstein, the definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. What is the definition of BEE-KEEPER INSANITY ?!?! Buying new bees, losing more than 40 per cent the following spring, and 30 per cent the next year. Bee-keepers are killing their own bees over and over again. Why is this happening ?!?! Observers have concluded that many bee-keepers have NO idea what they are doing, and are NOT competent to raise bees. The alleged losses of bees are, in fact, the fault of these bee-keepers and their mis-management practices. They are responsible since they appear to be unable or unwilling to mitigate issues that harm bees. Why are only a very limited number of bee-keepers affected ?!?! Because they are the incompetent bee-keepers with the INSANE management practices. Bee-keepers kill bees, and NOT neonicotinoid insecticides. Responsible bee-keepers readily admit that poor hive management ( i.e. starvation, weak colonies, fungal infections, and mite infestations ) and weather are most likely to blame for bee losses. Irresponsible & incompetent bee-keepers falsely blame their bee losses on Neonicotinoid Insecticide. When will this BEE-KEEPER INSANITY end ?!?! Why don’t government inspectors and specialists investigate the killing of bees by bee-keepers ?!?!
Explore the following links …
Fanatжcal Trudeau Liberal
Government Is Bat-Shжt Crazy
Decisions By Health Canada
To Impose National Prohibitions
Get Ready For The Pain
From Trudeau Liberals
Imbeciles Planning To Vote For Liberals
Background Information
Myth-BUSTING With Facts Proving
That Pesticides Are Scientifically Safe
NORAHG is the sworn enemy of lying, pompous, smug, uneducated, & pesticide-hating enviro-fanatжcs. Overwhelming scientific evidence clearly demonstrates that pest control products are scientifically-safe, and WILL NOT cause harm to children, adults, animals, or the environment. ( See links below. )
√ FACT — Pesticides Are Less Lethal To Humans Than Caffeine — LINK
√ FACT — Yes, You Are Definitely Ingesting Pesticides, But Here’s Why It’s Not A Problem — LINK
√ FACT — Children Are Not At Risk From Pesticides — Dangerous Playing Surfaces Are Created By #@!!% Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ FACT — Pest Control Products Are Safe For Kids — Slide Show — LINK
√ FACT — Chemicals Are Evaluated For Carcinogenic Potential By Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) — LINKS
√ FACT — Pesticides Are Evaluated As Acceptable For Continued Registration By Health Canada — LINK
√ FACT — Our Children Are Safe When Pesticide Bans Are Stopped — There Are Real Trends AGAINST Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ FACT — Pest Control Products Have Been Tested In More Ways Than Virtually Any Other Set Of Substances — The Industry Task Force II On 2,4-D Research Data — LINKS
√ FACT — Pesticides Are Safe — LINKS
√ FACT — Pesticides Are Health Canada Approved — Listen To Mr Lindsay Hanson From The Pest Management Regulatory Agency — LINKS
√ FACT — There Is No Direct Proof Pesticides Cause Cancer — Canadian Cancer Society — LINKS
√ FACT — REAL Experts Speak Out Against The Conspiracy To Impose Reckless & Arbitrary Prohibition Against Conventional Pest Control Products — LINK
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged neonicotinoid-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths.
Not surprisingly, bee-conspiracy fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the bee-conspiracy fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G