Snowflakes Melt Under The Scrutiny
Of Science, Reason, And Sanity
Snowflake Nonsense
Turf Hacker [ a.k.a. Jason Haines ] is employed as a golf course superintendent, when, in fact, he operates as a « snowflake-superintendent ».
Specific snowflake statements by Turf Hacker can be reviewed in later segments.
ALL snowflakes easily melt under the scrutiny of science, reason, and sanity.
They preach nonsense doctrines under various guises, such as anti-turfgrass-science deviants, social justice warriors, and environmental activist-fanatжcs.
In general, « snowflake-superintendents » may be described by the following statements ―
• Choose to deviate from, and conveniently ignore, main-stream turf maintenance practices that are overwhelmingly science-based, time-tested, correct, and disciplined.
• Favour maintenance doctrines that are failed, unproven, incorrect, undisciplined, and do not work. [ See list of doctrines below. ]
• Adopt failed maintenance doctrines that include ―
• environmental impact quotient ( EIQ ) • go brown anti-cosmetic golf maintenance • fertilizer nutrient reduction • integrated pest management practices ( IPM ) • minimum level for sustainable nutrition guidelines ( MLSN ) • organic maintenance • pace turf information service • pollinator best management practices • self-imposing restrictions & prohibitions against pesticides • spot spray & spot treatment replacing blanket application • switching to ineffective green alternative pesticides • zero cultivation & reduced core aeration.
• Confess that their failed maintenance doctrines have led to dead grass and useless golf playing surfaces.
• Fail to provide paying golf-customers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics.
• Demand that golf facility owners and paying-golfers shut up and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions.
• Campaign to reduce the expectations of paying-golfers by promoting low-quality playing condition and garbage dump aesthetics.
• Force all other superintendents to admit that their main-stream turf maintenance practices are failures just like their failed [ snowflake ] doctrines.
• Allow themselves to succumb to critical incident stress ― they struggle with mental health and feel a lot of [ snowflake ] stress.
• Blame their mental health issues on grass and golfers.
• State that their worsening mental health issues will render them unable to provide high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics.
• Blame their failures with excuses about uncontrollable Mother Nature [ i.e. environmental extremes ].
• Expect to be rewarded even when their golf courses consist of dead grass and useless golf playing surfaces.
• Seek to be immunized from job termination even if they are incompetent and golf course conditions are unacceptable.
• Further immunize themselves by making everyone else look like failures.
• Demand that treatments for their mental health issues be paid for by golf facility owners and golfers.
• Do not like being seen as incompetent.
• Exploit the threat of suicide as the ultimate [ snowflake ] weapon of terrжr which is being used as an excuse by those who shirk their responsibilities as golf superintendents.
Snowflake Statements
Here are some adapted statements from an interview conducted with Turf Hacker on October 24th, 2017, as well as from a Turf Hacker video blog released on September 1st, 2018 ―
• I have been told to my face that I am a failure.
• … it gets difficult for me … seeing everyone else’s perfect conditions which can leave me feeling like a failure.
• You guys want to see some [ of my ] dead grass ?
• I resent the work that is stressing me out …
• I have [ snowflake ] critical incident stress from growing grass.
• Perfection [ i.e. high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics ] in turfgrass is the source of stress for most green-keepers …
• There is nothing you can do when greens die.
• It doesn’t matter how skilled you are, or how much resources you have, you simply will not win [ … and you will fail to provide high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics ].
• I feel like quitting my job on multiple occasions.
• I don’t want to see your good grass ― show me your dead grass because I want to feel better about mine.
• When things fail [ with dead grass and useless playing conditions ], there is the threat of losing our livelihood.
• My biggest fear is that my work-related stress will impact my family – and it has.
• When my greens have died, I was confronted by someone who said that my golf course was being managed by some kind of idiot.
• When you work so hard for so long to nurture a living thing, and it dies, even if only temporarily, it’s hard [ … and you need to be rewarded even when we fail ].
• I think it’s essential to help manage [ i.e. lower ] the golfers’ expectations.
• We need to make the golfers understand that more resources and more skill isn’t going to always mean better playing conditions
• We all heard of the people who have committed suicide, and we had no clue that they were suffering.
• Augusta [ National Golf Club ] doesn’t look much better than my course does in the summertime. [ Really ?!?! ]
The transcript with specific snowflake statements by Turf Hacker on his video blog can be reviewed in later segments.
Reference — Turf Hacker — 2018 09 01 — Let’s Talk About Mental Health In Greenkeeping — TRANSCRIPT
Reference — Turf Hacker — 2017 10 24 — The Turf Industry Talks Mental Health
Snowflake Demands
By extrapolating from the video-blog statements made by « snowflake-superintendents » like Turf Hacker ― golf facility owners and their paying golf-customers are being told to shut up and put up.
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions … and forget about terminating your incompetent superintendent, since ALL superintendents are failures. Really ?!?!
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass … because ALL other golf courses have dead grass. Really ?!?!
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions … since golf superintendents have NO idea how to compensate for environmental extremes ( i.e. mother nature ). Really ?!?!
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions … or else you will be responsible for worsening the snowflake stress of an otherwise competent superintendent. Really ?!?!
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions, or else you will be responsible for worsening the mental health of incompetent superintendents. Really ?!?!
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions … since golf superintendents have to deal with mental health issues. And by the way, golf facilities should be responsible for paying for the treatment of « snowflake critical incident stress ». Really ?!?!
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions … or else you will be responsible for murdering incompetent superintendents who may or may not be suicidal. Really ?!?!
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions … because renowned experts like Dr James B Beard said it’s OK. Really ?!?!
Snowflake Unwanted
Paying golf-customers do not want their expectations reduced by an unwanted campaign initiated by « snowflake-superintendents », like Turf Hacker.
This campaign will drive-away golfers.
Unfortunately, it is not the role of these snowflakes to dictate expectations to golf facility owners and their paying golf-customers.
This is a rule in any service industry.
ALL superintendents must meet the expectations of paying golf-customers by following published golf maintenance protocols and performance standards.
The prime golf maintenance protocol must be ― provide paying-golfers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics, at a minimum, on all putting greens.
Snowflake Solution
« Snowflake-superintendents » are, seemingly, mentally-challenged and incompetent.
They cannot be trusted, and do not represent main-stream golf course superintendents ― they represent no useful purpose to the golf industry.
Moreover, these snowflakes, with their failed maintenance doctrines, may be viewed as attacks against the golf industry.
They are bad for the golf industry, and bad for golf business.
The golf industry must establish policies for expelling « snowflake-superintendents » from its trade associations.
They must be expelled, forever.
Explore the following link …
The Confessions By Activist-Superintendent Turf Hacker
September 1st, 2018
Turf Hacker ( a.k.a. Jason Haines )
Transcript Retrieved From YouTube Site
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Reference — Turf Hacker — 2018 09 01 — Let’s Talk About Mental Health In Greenkeeping — TRANSCRIPT
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Superintendents Work Hard For Nothing ?!?!
Hi everyone.
So this week, I had a Tweet that went somewhat viral, or about as viral as you can expect any Tweet in the turfgrass industry to go.
The Tweet received less than 6000 views.
[ In the Tweet, ] I’ve voiced my frustration with the ― maybe the perception ― that the quality of a golf course [ i.e. high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics ] is a reflection of how much work you put in.
When [ golf course ] conditions suffer [ i.e. dead grass and useless playing conditions ], it means that you’re not working that hard, when in fact I think that’s the total opposite.
Main-stream golf course superintendents who work hard DO provide paying-golfers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics.
As I went on to say ― that, you know ― when the conditions are the worst, the green-keepers are usually working the hardest, and when the conditions are the best, often, it comes quite easily in ― and it’s not too much work.
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Suffering From Mental Illness ?!?!
Shut Up, & Put Up With Dead Grass & Useless Playing
Conditions, Or Else You Will Be Responsible For Worsening
The Mental Health Of Incompetent Superintendents Who
Cannot Provide High-Quality Playing Conditions & Aesthetics
But, you know, this kind of ― this [ snowflake ] frustration of mine ― it kind of touches on a deeper [ snowflake ] mental health issue that I think affects a lot of people in the industry. [ ?!?! ]
And they say that we should talk about our [ snowflake ] mental health, so let’s talk.
Turf Hacker is trying to convince the rest of the industry’s superintendents that they must suffer from « snowflake critical incident stress », just as he does. Really ?!?!
Mental health immunizes incompetent snowflakes from being terminated.
In other words, owners and golfers are being told to shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions, or else you will be responsible for worsening the mental health of incompetent superintendents who do not deserve any employment in the golf industry.
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Rewarding With Gratification ?!?!
Snowflake-Superintendents Want
To Also Be Rewarded For Dead Grass
& Useless Golf Playing Surfaces
I Feel Like Quitting My Job
So I mean, I love my job.
You don’t write 200 blog posts about growing grass for a job that you don’t like.
Turf Hacker MAY have written 200 blog posts while shirking his responsibilities as a golf superintendent. Perhaps ?!?!
Now, even though I’m passionate about my job, it doesn’t mean that sometimes I don’t struggle mentally, or feel a lot of [ snowflake ] stress.
And sometimes, like, this year especially, feel like quitting my job on multiple occasions.
This year was, maybe, one of the hardest years yet.
With another you know extended drought and an irrigation system that was designed to run 21 days NOT 121 days. [ ?!?! ]
A season [ where ] my [ snowflake ] stress levels have been high.
Eventually, you know, the challenging weather outstrips the ability for the crew and the resources that you’re given to produce acceptable [ playing ] conditions.
So, we work a little bit harder, but still the conditions on the course suffer.
And this is this is one of the most frustrating things to me.
You know, you work the hardest, and you’re not rewarded with good conditions, and that’s kind of what inspired that semi viral Tweet.
« Snowflake-superintendents », like Turf Hacker, believe that the quality of a golf course MUST NOT be reflection of how much work you put in.
Apparently, success is more dependent on Mother Nature, and it does not matter how skilled you are or how many resources you have.
In fact, you must be REWARDED with good playing conditions.
Really ?!?!
« Snowflake-superintendents » want to also be REWARDED for dead grass and useless golf playing surfaces.
Really ?!?!
For « snowflake-superintendents », this is their immunization from their failed maintenance doctrines, as well as seemingly unfair and unrewarding growing conditions.
Maybe it is time to tell these snowflakes that life in not fair, and rewards are not always forthcoming ― they are no longer children, and they need to grow up.
Perhaps the issue is NOT the intensity of work, or even rewards, but rather, competency.
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Too Many Responsibilities ?!?!
Right In The Middle Of The Stressful Golf
Season, We Had Two Back-To-Back Search
& Rescue Calls That Were Pretty Stressful
So, I’ve been in search & rescue for 10 years now, and one of the, you know, one of our number one priority is safety.
Search & rescue ( SAR ) is the search for and provision of aid to people who are in distress or imminent danger. The required of a SAR volunteer varies by region and the number and type of calls the groups responds to. The busiest groups in British Columbia have over 50 calls a year, or about one a week on average, but most have far less. Many groups require training every week for about 2 hours, and some additional time for specialized training several times a year, in addition to time spent on searches. Over and above training commitments, there is equipment management, and possibly fund-raising, community events, and managing the group.
Observers question whether a « snowflake-superintendent », like Turf Hacker, with clear issues of feeling bad, frustration, mental health, and stress, should have ever taken on the ADDED RESPONSIBILITIES of search & rescue.
And it’s not just what you’d think, like physical safety, like falling off a cliff or drowning, it’s mental health ― the safety of our brains.
And, in particular, critical incident [ snowflake ] stress.
So, after a stressful call-out, we enact our « critical incident stress management » procedures to help members deal with that stress that they might be experiencing, and hopefully prevent further mental health issues down the line.
This year, this summer, right in the middle of the stressful golf season, we had two back-to-back [ search & rescue ] calls [ that ] were pretty stressful, but nothing out of the ordinary.
I mean if somebody asked me to do those calls right now, I probably wouldn’t have any anxiety about them because they were textbook.
We were successful, but following these two calls, I started feeling pretty bad.
Search & rescue was not STRESSFUL at the time, but it was STRESSFUL afterwards ?!?!
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions, or else you will be responsible for worsening the stress of an otherwise competent superintendent who saves lives in his spare time. Really ?!?!
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Sense Of Loss ?!?!
When You Work So Hard For So Long To
Nurture A Living Thing, & It Dies, Even
If Only Temporarily, It’s Hard [ ?!?! ]
I Have [ Snowflake ] Critical Incident
Stress From Growing Grass [ ?!?! ]
And, you know, you go down the critical incident stress management checklist for signs and symptoms that you might be suffering.
And I had them all. [ See commentary below. ]
You know ― lack of sleep, anxiety, depression ― a feeling, of like, doom and lack of self-confidence and self-sabotage.
And, you know talking with a lot of the search & rescue members, and my friends, and my family, and other superintendents ― you know, trying to figure out what would what would cause it.
And in particular …
My wife ― she said to me, she’s like, you feel like this every summer.
She’s like, I don’t think this is search & rescue related, and she was right. [ ?!?! ]
I mean, it was job-related, it was grass-related.
You know, I have [ snowflake ] critical incident stress from growing grass.
You might think that it’s silly to be so stressed-out about grass.
I’m not really here to defend my [ snowflake ] emotions or the way I feel.
I don’t really care what anybody else thinks.
According to Turf Hacker, he read the checklist of « critical incident stress management », looking for signs and symptoms that he might be suffering from ― and, HE HAD THEM ALL ―
• Anger • Anti-social behaviour • Anxiety • Behavioral reactions • Blaming attitude • Change in activity level • Change in eating habits ( increase or decrease in food consumption ) • Change in sex drive • Chest pains • Cognitive reactions • Confusion • Decreased awareness • Denial • Depression • Difficulty breathing • Difficulty relaxing • Distortion of time / place / person • Disturbed sleep • Increase in smoking • Dry mouth • Easily distracted • Easily startled / hyper-vigilance • Elevated blood pressure • Emotional outbursts • Emotional reactions • Exacerbation of allergy problems • Exhaustion • Fainting / dizziness • Fear of loss of control • Feeling isolated • Feeling overwhelmed • Fidgety / restless • Flashbacks • Frustration • Guilt / feeling strongly for victims • Headaches • Increase in smoking • Increased use of alcohol and other drugs • Irritability / agitation • Loss of emotional control • Nausea / vomiting • Negative self-talk / loss of confidence • Nightmares • Poor concentration / loss of confidence • Rapid heart rate • Reduced attention span • Sense of loss • Short-term memory disturbance • Strong need for recognition of what they experienced • Symptoms of shock • Thirsty • Troubled thoughts • Weakness • Withdrawal.
When you work so hard for so long to nurture a living thing, and it dies, even if only temporarily, it’s hard.
Turf Hacker stress symptom – snowflake sense of loss ?!?!
I just want to understand why I feel this way, and maybe figure out a better way to deal with it in the future.
Some observers would be inclined to suggest to Turf Hacker …
• Stop being a snowflake.
• Stop volunteering for search & rescue.
• Consider leaving the golf industry.
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Failing No Matter What ?!?!
It Doesn’t Matter How Skilled You Are,
Or How Much Resources You Have,
You Simply Will Not Win [ ?!?! ]
So the quality of a golf course depends on a few things.
Obviously, the skill of the green-keeper ― it’s part of it ― as is the amount of resources available, how much money you have, and how much staff, and [ … ] the property that you’re working with
If [ the golf course ] wasn’t built right, there’s not much you can do.
But, I think the most important thing that a lot of people overlook is weather [ a.k.a. Mother Nature or Environmental Extremes ].
If the weather doesn’t cooperate, it doesn’t matter how skilled you are or how much resources you have, you simply will not win.
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions since golf superintendents have NO idea how to compensate for environmental extremes. Really ?!?!
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Distorting The Facts ?!?!
Augusta Doesn’t Look Much Better Than
My Course Does In The Summertime [ ?!?! ]
So in order to understand things, I like to take extreme cases.
So, let’s take Augusta for example.
Augusta National Golf Club, located in Augusta, Georgia, is one of the most famous golf facilities in the world. Since 1934, Augusta hosted the Masters Tournament, one of the four major championships in professional golf, and the only one played at the same course annually.
Explore the following links …
They have some of the best green-keeping staff in the world.
They have what is seen as unlimited resources.
But even then, they still do not choose to fight Mother Nature. [ ?!?! ]
They hold the Masters Tournament at a time of year when Mother Nature is most likely to cooperate.
So, they’ve had all winter [ … ] for that cool season grass to mature.
It’s still cool enough for that grass that they have.
You know, it’s optimally timed so they have chosen not to fight.
Sometimes though, they still lose.
I mean, if you, if it’s a warm winter time, and the azaleas bloom early, I mean, all that work from, you know, they’re huge horticultural staff, I mean, it’s essentially wasted for the tournament.
Nobody gets to enjoy the fruits of their labor and, I mean, we’ve all seen pictures of Augusta National now, we have with the internet pictures of Augusta nationally.
In the summertime, I mean, it [ Augusta ] does not look good.
The greens are on life-support.
All of their ryegrass on the fairways [ are ] dead.
It’s patchy ― the fairways are patchy.
I mean, it [ Augusta ] doesn’t look much better than my course does in the summertime. [ ?!?! ]
Another Turf Hacker stress symptom – snowflake distortion of the facts ?!?!
Even on its BEST day ever, Turf Hacker’s golf course will NEVER look like Augusta on its WORST day.
Maybe that’s the biggest difference between Augusta National and everybody else.
It’s that everybody else tries to fight mother nature.
We try to produce pristine conditions all year round.
And, as a superintendent, you know, when the going gets tough, we think maybe if we work a little bit harder, the conditions will improve, and our [ snowflake ] stress will go down.
Here’s why I think that’s total bullshжt. [ See next segment. ]
• Dead • Does not look good • On life-support • Patchy.
These terms are similar to the ones employed by Turf Hacker when he has described his own golf course putting greens.
These are the predictable results on a golf course managed by a so-called « snowflake-superintendent » who has adopted failed, unproven, and incorrect maintenance doctrines.
In his blog, Turf Hacker describes his own putting green issues with statements like …
• Chronically sick • Constant struggle every year • Constantly trying to die • Disease absolutely exploded • Disease more prevalent • Failures • Highly susceptible grass • Keeping green on life support • Problem green • Stuck in the circle of decline • War zone • Worst disease ever • Worst playing conditions.
Explore the following link …
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Suffering From Stress ?!?!
Perfection In Turfgrass Is The Source Of
Stress For Most Green-Keepers [ ?!?! ]
And, it reminds me of one of my favorite turfgrass quotes of all time from the late [ Dr ] James B Beard.
Dr Beard was a legendary icon, hero of the green space industry, and tireless researcher and author dedicated to the advancement of turfgrass science.
Explore the following link …
He [ said ] professional turfgrass culture is one of the few areas of applied plant science where the ultimate goal is perfection [ i.e. high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics ], which is seldom achieved ― when reached, it is fleeting, and therein lies the ultimate challenge.
This is why most green-keepers [ … ] love our job so much ― there’s always room for improvement, and NO two days are the same.
[ Dr ] Beard goes on to say ― upon approaching perfection in turfgrass, the more evident their imperfections become, the more difficult and costly they are to correct ― and therein lies the intrigue.
Or I’ll add, [ perfection in turfgrass is ] the source of [ snowflake ] stress for most green-keepers. [ ?!?! ]
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions because Dr Beard says it’s OK. Really ?!?!
In fact, Dr Beard’s correct and disciplined turf maintenance recommendations have been rejected by the anti-turfgrass-science Turf Hacker, and the results have been, not surprisingly, dead grass and useless playing surfaces.
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Immunization From Failure ?!?!
So, even though increasing resources like budgets, equipment, and staff might improve conditions on the golf course, and it might make your [ paying ] golfers happier, it won’t help your [ snowflake ] sanity.
As conditions improve, your [ snowflake ] stress will be more about the smaller things.
One of the things that I joke about with some of my friends is how horrible [ it ] would be to work at a golf course where you had NO excuses ― where everything that you needed to produce perfect conditions was given to you.
« Snowflake-superintendents », like Turf Hacker, should NOT be immunized from their failed maintenance doctrines. There are NO excuses for the failure of providing paying-golfers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics. Otherwise, what is the purpose of hiring a superintendent ?
You know, being from a small golf course [ 9 holes ], with a low budget and minimal staff, I mean, I have got lots of excuses [ for low-quality playing surfaces and aesthetics ].
Actually, for a small low-budget 9-hole golf course, there is NO excuse for failing to provide paying-golfers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics ON PUTTING GREENS. Otherwise, what is the purpose of hiring a superintendent, even for a small facility ?
And, you know, that just kind of helps that idea helps, kind of, me find a lot of happiness where I work, because I know that the grass is NOT greener on the other side ― that working at a course with more resources available isn’t going to reduce my [ snowflake ] stress necessarily.
Even knowing this, I still struggle [ as a snowflake ].
For « snowflake-superintendents », this is their immunization from their failed maintenance doctrines, as well as seemingly unfair and unrewarding growing conditions. Again, there is NO excuse for failing to provide paying-golfers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics, at a minimum, ON PUTTING GREENS.
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Making Everyone A Failure ?!?!
I mean, when you look at social media ― when I share in social media ― you only want to share the things that that work, the successes.
And, when you see nothing but success, and you’re not necessarily experiencing nothing but success, it’s hard.
I mean, it’s hard, it’s really hard to tune into Twitter and see all of everybody’s perfect grass all the time.
And that’s one of the reasons why, I mean, I really appreciated the « tweet-the-ugly-hashtag » this summer, which was just superintendents to sharing some of their, like, less than ideal conditions [ … making EVERYONE look like failures ].
Don’t take this the wrong way.
I mean that semi-viral Tweet [ less than 6000 views ] that I made might seem like I’m blaming [ paying ] golfers for the source of my [ snowflake ] stress.
But, I mean, the reality is that I have some of the most supportive golfers probably in the industry at my course [ who no doubt believe that ALL other superintendents are equal failures ], and they fully understand, you know, the situation that our course is in, and what to expect [ which means that there is no point terminating their superintendent since ALL superintendents are failures ].
[ This ] means, sometimes, we have fantastic conditions and sometimes they suffer a little bit due to the weather.
I think, maybe, 10 per cent of my [ snowflake ] stress is golfer-related and 90 per cent of it is internal.
You know, everybody knows.
I mean, I just explained how, you know, a lot of the success we have depended on ― is dependent ― on Mother Nature, but a lot of it is skill, and I think a lot of us think that, you know, when the conditions suffer, we take a disproportionate amount of the blame for the or the, you know, the excuses or whatever it is [ … for the failure in providing paying-golfers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics, at a minimum, on putting greens ].
Being failures MUST be stressful.
And, if they are to be seen as failures, « snowflake superintendents » want everyone else to be seen as failures as well.
These snowflakes feign frustration and stress by employing the self-fulfilled prophecy that they will fail no matter what, because so-called Mother Nature will make them fail.
But the snowflakes like Turf Hacker have a solution that immunizes incompetent superintendents from termination.
Make everyone a failure !
Force all superintendents to admit they are failures !
In a sea of failures, with a sea of dead grass and useless playing conditions, « snowflake-superintendents » will not stand out, and they will become immunized from job termination.
Golf facility owners and their paying golf-customers are being told to shut up and put up by « snowflake-superintendents » like Turf Hacker.
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions … and forget about terminating your incompetent superintendent, since ALL superintendents are failures. Really ?!?!
There is no point terminating a failed and incompetent superintendent if ALL superintendents are perceived as failures.
Golf facility owners and their paying golf-customers will be forced to assume that ALL superintendents are failures, so, there is no point in considering the replacement of a superintendent who cannot provide high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics.
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions.
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Snowflakes Need Love ?!?!
I think a disproportionate amount of that blame as a reflection of a lack of skill and knowing that it’s the weather [ a.k.a. Mother Nature or environmental extremes ].
I mean, we think we need to work harder to convince ourselves, mostly, not just the [ paying ] golfers, but convince ourselves that maybe it’s not because we’re not useful or we’re not good at what we do.
Superintendents are asked to provide high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics, at a minimum, on putting greens. Are « snowflake-superintendents » like Turf Hacker incapable of providing the bare minimum ?!?!
Pressure that I put on myself ― I think a lot of other green-keepers ― put it on ourselves.
We see the [ golf ] course as a reflection of who we are and our value as professionals and as individuals.
I think coming to this realization is one of the reasons why I have so much job satisfaction, and why I love working at my course, and why I love working here for so long, and why I probably will continue love working here for so long.
You know the tough days are a small percentage of what I experience, and, for the most part, it’s fantastic.
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Promoting Low-Quality Playing Conditions ?!?!
I Think It’s Essential To Help Manage [ i.e.
Lower ] The Golfers’ Expectations [ ?!?! ]
We Need To Help [ i.e. Make ] The Golfers Understand
That More Resources & More Skill Isn’t Going To
Always Mean Better Playing Conditions [ ?!?! ]
So, while very little of my [ snowflake ] stress is directly related to [ paying ] golfers, I think it still doesn’t hurt to focus some energy on helping [ paying ] golfers to understand why the conditions on the course are the way they are.
Paying-golfers, who are told that they do not understand, are expected to accept dead grass and useless playing conditions ?!?!
I mean, this all goes back to planning and budgeting.
Green-keepers aren’t stupid.
We’re not the idiot [ Carl Spackler ] that’s portrayed in movies like « Caddyshack ».
« Caddyshack » is the great 1980 American comedy film directed by Harold Ramis, and starring Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, and Bill Murray, who plays green-keeper Carl Spackler. For many superintendents, the antics of Spackler are true-to-life, and only slightly exaggerated.
We’re serious [ snowflake ] professionals [ with no sense of humour 🙂 ].
We know what it takes to produce those conditions. [ Seemingly, you do not. ]
Hopefully, we can even easily communicate that to our golfers, but we also need to communicate that if conditions aren’t ideal, weather conditions aren’t ideal, this is what happens [ i.e. dead grass and useless playing conditions ?!?! ].
And I mean, leave the decision-making up to the golfers.
If they want to have great, you know, or the perfect playing conditions, [ or high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics ], or a certain set of conditions, or when the weather [ a.k.a. Mother Nature ] is extreme, it’s easy for us to let the golfers know what resources we need to make that happen, and if we can’t, if they can’t give us the resources, then this is what they can expect.
In other words, paying-golfers should take it or leave it ?!?!
Shut up and put up with the snowflake nonsense ?!?!
It’s tough, I mean, I don’t like making excuses [ like the Mother Nature excuse ].
I mean, and but I think it’s essential to help manage [ i.e. lower ] the [ paying ] golfers’ expectations [ ?!?! ] before we try to manage our own internal expectations.
Paying golf-customers DO NOT want their expectations reduced. « Snowflake-superintendents », like Turf Hacker, have embarked on an unwanted and a ludicrous campaign to reduce the expectations of their paying-golfers by promoting low-end playing conditions and garbage dump aesthetics. This campaign will drive-away golfers. Unfortunately, it is NOT the role of these snowflakes to dictate expectations to golf facility owners and their paying golf-customers. This is a RULE in ANY service industry.
ALL superintendents must MEET the expectations of the paying golf-customers by following published golf maintenance protocols and performance standards. So far, the golf industry has been ridiculously in-consistent in defining « high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics ». If it does not do so, outsiders will step in and design these standards and protocols for the industry.
The PRIME golf maintenance protocols must be ― provide paying-golfers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics, at a minimum, on all putting greens.
The following are failed, unproven, incorrect, and undisciplined doctrines that DO NOT WORK, and WILL NOT provide high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics ―
• environmental impact quotient ( EIQ ) • go brown anti-cosmetic golf maintenance • fertilizer nutrient reduction • integrated pest management practices ( IPM ) • minimum level for sustainable nutrition guidelines ( MLSN ) • organic maintenance • pace turf information service • pollinator best management practices • self-imposing restrictions & prohibitions against pesticides • spot spray & spot treatment replacing blanket application • switching to ineffective green alternative pesticides • zero cultivation & reduced core aeration.
Explore the following link …
I saw this great interview last week on a new you tube channel by T-Jay Creamer [ a mere assistant superintendent ] where he interviews [ his boss ] Paul Robertson [ at high-end membership Victoria Golf Club ].
Who cares ?!?!
He asked Paul Robertson how has he survived [ ?!?! ] 20 years at a premier golf club.
Paul replies, you know ― It’s about communication, and it’s about, you know, under-prophesizing and over-delivering.
I think we need to do the same thing with our personal expectations.
But it’s also, you know, equally is important to do that with the golfers.
We need to help [ i.e. make ] the golfer understand that more resources and more skill isn’t going to always mean better [ playing ] conditions. [ ?!?! ]
What is the purpose of hiring a superintendent if not for their management skills ?
Superintendents are NOT paid to reduce the expectations of paying-golfers.
Superintendents are NOT paid to immunize themselves from their incompetent choices of maintenance doctrines.
However, superintendents ARE paid to provide paying-golfers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics, at a minimum, on all putting greens.
« Snowflake-superintendents », like Turf Hacker, should get on with the task at hand, rather than devote considerable effort and time on why they are unable to satisfy paying-golfers.
[ Paying-golfers ] sometimes use the Augusta example.
Sometimes there’s nothing you can do but limit the damage and, you know, keep the damage to a minimum, and wait for better weather.
One of those things that, kind of, helped me keep my [ snowflake ] sanity a little bit …
I mean, I could keep 20 staff busy on my course, except I have [ only ] 3, including myself.
So, knowing that, it kind of helps me understand that, you know, after I work [ an ] honest hard day of work, I mean, I can keep 20 more people busy.
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
More Than Just Talk ?!?!
Even Though Conditions Have Improved
On My Course Since I Started Here, I Have
More [ Snowflake ] Stress Than Ever [ ?!?! ]
Me staying extra [ i.e. working extra time ] ― is it really going to help ?!?!
And, I ask myself ― is this really going to make a difference to the work that I’m doing, the [ snowflake ] stress that I’m putting [ on myself ], like , physical [ snowflake ] stress that I’m putting on myself ― and can I, you know, is there a point for me staying late ? ― and often there isn’t, I mean, unless there’s like a big irrigation break, water gushing into the ground.
I mean, I go home after 8 hours.
A lot of what I talk about is working smarter not harder.
I mean, that’s kind of one of the main themes of my [ Turf Hacker ] blog, maybe, but even then, even though conditions have improved on my course since I started here, I have more [ snowflake ] stress than ever. [ ?!?! ]
And, this is why I think it’s important for us, you know, maybe, I need to take my [ snowflake ] mental health a little more seriously.
I think we all should, probably, take our mental health more seriously.
And, I think the first step, obviously, is to talk about it, let’s talk about it, but, I think, we also, I think, we need to go do more than just talk.
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Demanding Treatment ?!?!
I think we should take more mental health more seriously.
And, you know, we can deal with it personally talking with friends, e-mails, private messages.
I mean, I do all of that a lot, and it really helps, but I think that, you know, just like the British Columbia Search & Rescue Association, we deal with mental health on the association level, and we have resources available to help the members understand what critical incident stress is, what just job-related stress is.
What are the symptoms, the signs, why might you be feeling it.
Here are some tools to help you cope, and here are some resources that if you aren’t coping that we can give you to you know help prevent the bad things that can happen with [ snowflake ] mental health.
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions since golf superintendents have to deal with mental health issues. And by the way, golf facilities should be responsible for paying for the treatment of « snowflake critical incident stress ». Really ?!?!
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Ranting With Platitudes About Dead Grass ?!?!
You Guys Want To See Some Dead Grass ?!?!
I Don’t Want To See Your Good Grass
― Show Me Your Dead Grass Because I
Want To Feel Better About Mine [ ?!?! ]
I find one of the most useful things, though, is going to see another superintendent, and when I go there, I, all I want to see is ― show me your dead grass.
I don’t want to see your good grass ― show me your dead grass because I want to feel better about mine. [ ?!?! ]
You guys want to see some dead grass ?!?! [ See above card. ]
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass … because all other golf courses have dead grass. Really ?!?!
Here are more Turf Hacker anti-turf-science-platitudes that will ensure low-quality turf and dead grass ―
• Controlling disease on tees & approaches without pesticides
• Core aeration, a thing of the past
Absolute & Total Nonsense !
• I punch the greens with 3-inch long x 3⁄8-inch solid tines
This Can Never Replace Core Aeration !
• First core on greens in over 4 years
Who Made This Decision ?
• How rolling can help fight climate change
Who Cares ? Who Made This Decision ?
• I changed over to the [ unproven & unscientific ] MLSN fertility guidelines
• Lawns can become ‘addicted’ to pesticide & fertilizer
Absolute & Total Nonsense !
• Managed disease without the need for traditional fungicides
Why Has This Decision Been Made ?
• Preventative fungicide applications would have robbed me the opportunity to observe disease
Absolute & Total Nonsense !
• Since 2014, I have basically ignored moss everywhere on my course
And There Is Moss Everywhere !
• Shade makes it hard to grow healthy dense turf that can compete with moss
Perhaps It Is Time To Start Removing More Trees ?
• The continual use of fungicides doesn’t give the plant’s natural defence systems a chance to fight back
Absolute & Total Nonsense !
• We haven’t used a herbicide on our fairways in 10 years
And Clover Is Evident Everywhere !
• Withholding pesticides & powering through the damage
Who Made This Decision ?
Explore the following link …
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Troubled Thoughts Of Suicide ?!?!
We All Heard Of The People Who Have
Committed Suicide, & We Had No Clue
That They Were Suffering [ ?!?! ]
This is the ultimate snowflake weapon of terrжr that is being used to excuse those who shirk their responsibilities as golf superintendents ― the threat of SUICIDE.
In other words, shut up, and put up with dead grass and useless playing conditions, or else you will be responsible for murdering mentally-challenged and incompetent superintendents who do not deserve any employment in the golf industry. Really ?!?!
Well, I think it’s important that, you know, first step to a lot of us take is just talk, with talk it out with others, and share how we’re feeling with others.
I think that’s an irresponsible approach to, or an irresponsible to think, that’s the only thing that we should do.
I think that that’s similar to saying ― oh you got a broken leg well figure it out for yourself.
When you’re dealing with mental stress or mental issues, often you don’t realize that, you’re sure, you’re, that you need help, and you need help from the outside.
And, I mean, we all heard of the people who have, you know, commit suicide, and we had no clue that they were suffering.
And, so, this is why I think that we need to have more of an organized approach to ensure that our peers and, you know, people that are members of a same profession, that we’re looked after.
So, according to « snowflake-superintendents », like Turf Hacker, if you have « critical incident stress » from growing grass, there needs to be an « organized approach ». [ ?!?! ]
Who will pay to treat snowflake mental health issues ?!?!
Who ?!?!
The failed Canadian Golf Superintendents Trade Association ( CGSA ) ?!?!
The head-stuck-its-bжtt Western Canada Turfgrass Trade Association ( WCTA ) ?!?!
The owners and paying-golfers at all golf facilities in the nation ?!?!
Who ?!?!
Observers are willing to bet that, eventually, a « snowflake-superintendent » will take a golf facility to court, and sue for intolerable cruelty leading to critical incident stress and mental illness.
Explore the following links concerning trade associations …
Snowflake Statements – Turf Hacker Transcript From Video Blog
Snowflake Psychiatry ?!?!
So, thanks to everyone who’s, you know, reached out to me this summer.
Phone calls, e-mails, texts, private messages, not private messages.
It really means a lot, and, you know, some of my favorite times this summer was I was talking to other superintendents on the phone.
When I’m stressed-out, like I was this summer, I mean, I try really hard to not be an asshжle, especially to my friends and family. [ … which means he was an asshжe. ]
And, I mean, you know, being negative to them isn’t going to make them feel any better, and it’s not gonna help anything.
It’s just gonna make everything worse so, you know, if I was a bit of a jerk to you this summer, sorry about that.
Thanks for watching.
I really hope that, you know, by breaking down the issues that I have, in this way, will help me prevent, you know, suffering FOR ME in the future.
And maybe next year, I’ll be, like, oh a little bit better. [ … No, you will not. ]
I also hope that maybe it helps you deal with some of the [ snowflake ] stress that you deal with that your job, and so, if you are, and if you are, feeling this kind of [ snowflake ] stress, job-related [ snowflake ] stress, feel free to, you know, send me give me a call.
So, I mean, e-mail, send me a private message [ … ] and if you think this might help somebody else, please share. [ … so we can waste time talking for hours and hours on the phone while neglecting our professional duties. ]
So, main-stream golf superintendents are being coerced into spending hours LOOKING AFTER their snowflake counterparts, to help them deal with critical incident stress and mental illness, and perhaps even suicide ?!?! Really ?!?!
Talking for hours and hours on the phone while neglecting their professional duties.
The situation with Turf Hacker could not have been so bad, since he was still able to produce massive blogs filled with graphics and pictures, SEVERAL TIMES PER WEEK.
And, he has been able to fulfill his responsibilities as a husband and father to a young family.
He has been able to devote time and energy for search & rescue operations.
Every year, he has jet-setted throughout Europe and America.
And, he has refused to work more than 8 hours per day on the golf course.
This snowflake has NO mental health issues.
Observers suppose that « snowflake-superintendents » like Turf Hacker will, nonetheless, want to feel REWARDED for shirking their golf course responsibilities by adopting incorrect maintenance doctrines lead to dead grass & useless golf playing surfaces. Really ?!?!
Maybe it is time to tell these snowflakes that life in not fair, that they not good at what they do, and that rewards are not always forthcoming ― they should LEAVE the golf industry, and they should SEEK PSYCHIATRIC HELP.
Time For Turf Hacker To Go
According to Turf Hacker ― « And sometimes, like, this year especially, FEEL LIKE QUITTING MY JOB on multiple occasions ».
Some observers would be inclined to suggest that Turf Hacker consider leaving the golf industry.
Clearly, it is time, perhaps, for him to examine new career management, permanently depart from his job, leave the golf industry, and seek employment interviews.
Moreover, snowflakes and their doctrines may be viewed as attacks against the golf industry.
Not surprisingly, « snowflake-superintendents », as well as « activist-superintendents », and their failed doctrines, are BAD for the golf industry, and BAD for golf business.
The golf industry must ESTABLISH policies for EXPELLING snowflakes, as well as activists, from its trade associations, and STOP those who falsely-allege that « critical incident stress » occurs from growing grass or from working in the golf industry.
They must be EXPELLED, forever.
In particular, the evidence available for EXPELLING Turf Hacker is OVERWHELMING.
Explore the following link …
Explore the following video blog …
Reference -- Turf Hacker -- 2018 09 01 -- Let's Talk About Mental Health In Greenkeeping -- Part 1 -- Video Blog -- 06 Minutes 02 Seconds
Explore the following video blog …
Reference -- Turf Hacker -- 2018 09 01 -- Let's Talk About Mental Health In Greenkeeping -- Part 2 -- Video Blog -- 05 Minutes 59 Seconds
Explore the following video blog …
Reference -- Turf Hacker -- 2018 09 01 -- Let's Talk About Mental Health In Greenkeeping -- Part 3 -- Video Blog -- 05 Minutes 32 Seconds
Explore the following links …
Environmental Activist-Fanatжcs In The Golf Industry
The Confessions Of An Activist-Superintendent Turf Hacker
The Complete Library Of Media References Regarding Turf Hacker
Activist-Superintendents On The Sunshine Coast
Activist-Superintendents In The District Of Saanich
The Entire Media Library Of Attacks Against The Golf Industry
The Critical Issues That Must Be Addressed By The Golf Industry
Pollinator Best Management Practices In The Golf Industry
Explore the following links …
Golf Maintenance Protocols & Performance Standards
Creeping Bentgrass — Properties & Maintenance Standards
Kentucky Bluegrass — Properties & Maintenance Standards
Correct Mowing Practices
Golf Course Maintenance Costs
Trade Associations Versus Golf Course Fertilization
Arbitrary Reduction Of Nutrients
Tournament Preparations — Firm Playing Conditions
Winter Injury — Fall Preparation
Aggressive Aeration Programs
Turf Cultivation ( i.e. Aeration )
Cultural Practices That Will Suppress Anthracnose Diseases
How Much Nitrogen Do Golf Grasses Need ?!?!
Wispy Fine-Leaved Fescue Rough
Factors Contributing To Faster Germination In Creeping Bentgrass
The Complete Library Of Jacklin Seed
Research Newsletters, Videos, & Varieties
The Complete Library Of References
With Prohibitions, Golf Facilities Will Become Like Trona 🙂
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space & other industries ( NORAHG ).
NORAHG is a non-profit & independent organization that reports on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, & background in matters concerning pest control products, & who promote environmental realism & pesticide truths.
NORAHG is committed to SOUND SCIENCE, as well as ground breaking original reporting that informs, entertains, & creates real change.
We dare to defy snowflakes by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/
If you wish to receive free reports & blogs on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com