December 2nd, 2018
Turf Hacker Blog
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Original Reference –
Reference — Turf Hacker — 2018 12 02 — Worst Disease Ever — The Circle Of Decline — NORAHG RESPONSE
Turf Hacker is employed as a golf course superintendent, when, in fact, he is an « activist-superintendent ».
He chooses to ignore main-stream turf maintenance practices that are overwhelming science-based, time-tested, correct, and disciplined.
Instead, he favours the failed, unproven, incorrect, and undisciplined doctrines that DO NOT WORK.
They merely provide inferior results, and become distractions from the objective of providing paying golf-customers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics.
By his own admissions ( confessions ) in his blog, he repeatedly and profusely admits that the adoption of these doctrines have led to DISMAL FAILURES.
Inevitably, the adoption of these doctrines WILL lead to dead grass and useless playing surfaces.
Turf Hacker has described himself as a « sick bastжrd like me who likes to see the poa die » ― well, he got his wish ― would the golf-customers who pay his salary agree with him ?!?!
His doctrines may be considered as an ATTACK against the Golf Industry.
It comes as no surprise that, in his blog, Turf Hacker describes his putting green issues with statements like …
• « Chronically Sick »
• « Stuck In The Circle Of Decline »
• « Constant Struggle Every Year »
• « Constantly Trying To Die »
• « Disease Absolutely Exploded »
• « Disease More Prevalent »
• « Failures »
• « Highly Susceptible Grass »
• « Keeping Green On Life Support »
• « Problem Green »
• « Suffered Almost Constant Damage »
• « War Zone »
• « Worst Disease Ever »
• « Worst Playing Conditions »
The blog that contained these statements was sanitized ( i.e. deleted ) by Turf Blogger on December 10th, 2018; fortunately, this blog was captured. See link below.
When adopting incorrect maintenance doctrines that DO NOT WORK, observers question any « activist-superintendent’s » ability and competence to provide what paying golf-customers demand … high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics.
They reject correct and disciplined turf maintenance practices.
They allow themselves to become distracted with failed, unproven, incorrect, and undisciplined doctrines that DO NOT WORK, such as … • Go Brown • Fertilizer Reduction • Integrated Pest Management Practices ( IPM ) • Micah’s MLSN Cheat Sheet • Minimal Levels For Nutrition • Organic Maintenance • Pace Turf’s Climate Appraisal • Self-Imposing Prohibitions Against Pesticides • Spot Spraying • Switching To Green Alternatives • Zero Cultivation.
Not surprisingly, they also conspire to impose reckless and arbitrary prohibition against conventional pest control products and fertilizers.
Many observers believe that « activist-superintendents » represent the greatest threats to the Golf Industry today.
For more information, please read the segments below.
Explore the following links …
Activist-Superintendents On The Sunshine Coast
Activist-Superintendents In The District Of Saanich
The Entire Media Library Of Attacks Against The Golf Industry
Explore the following Turf Hacker blogs ―
Reference — Turf Hacker — 2018 12 02 — Worst Disease Ever — The Circle Of Decline — HIGHLIGHTED
The Confessions Of An Activist-Superintendent
Jet-Setting To European Adventures
This is what part of the FIRST GREEN here looked like when I returned from my six day trip to meet with green-keepers in Denmark and the Netherlands.
[ See above for photo. ]
This is what happens when a golf course superintendent could not have been bothered to correctly apply a preventive fungicide application before jet-setting to adventures in Europe.
Unbelievably, the decline of turf occurred while Turf Hacker was overseas bragging about the success of his incorrect doctrines that DO NOT WORK.
In the Netherlands, ( where they are facing a complete pesticide ban in 2020 as part of the [ lunatжc ] Green Deal ), they have a target annual bluegrass [ a.k.a. Poa annua ] percentage of less than 10 per cent as this is what is probably required to provide quality playing surfaces without the use of pesticides. [ ?!?! ]
One of the biggest take home points I learned while in Europe was how they are really focusing on measuring green performance data such as drainage, turf species composition, and organic matter levels.
They know that in order to find success, they need to be aware of, and manage these things to reduce their reliance on pesticides [ ?!?! ], and provide good consistent playing conditions.
Who cares ?!?! What happens in the Netherlands is of NO IMPORTANCE when attempting to provide high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics at Turf Hacker’s golf course.
Turf Hacker’s European adventures were of absolutely NO benefit to anyone.
According to Turf Hacker, his lunatжc pesticide-hating European counter-parts even come to visit HIM for advice ― Niels Dokkuma from the Koninklijke Nederlandse Golf Federatie ― to what end ?!?!
Is Turf Hacker really getting trusted expert advice from a renowned extension specialist, knowledgeable local distributor, and/or highly-educated agronomists ?!?!
Who cares what some stranger from Europe thinks ?!?!
Perhaps Turf Hacker should spend less time jet-setting in Europe, and more time attending seminars on correct maintenance practices ― here in North America.
Turf Hacker has posted false-statements like « lawns can become ‘addicted’ to pesticide and fertilizer » ― seemingly, he is in agreement with his lunatжc pesticide-hating European counter-parts.
Reducing reliance on pesticides is nonsense.
Self-imposing unnecessary prohibitions against pesticides on the golf course is nonsense.
They are useful tools that ensure high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics ― paying golf-customers would agree.
Explore the following Turf Hacker blogs ―
The Confessions Of An Activist-Superintendent
Worst Disease Ever
This is by far the WORST DISEASE that I have seen on my greens in probably ever.
What happened ?!?!
What happened ?!?!
Turf Hacker rejected correct and disciplined turf maintenance practices.
Furthermore, Turf Hacker allowed himself to become distracted with failed, unproven, incorrect, and undisciplined doctrines that DO NOT WORK.
Pretty much everything that has been done to this PROBLEM GREEN is exactly what you do not want to do when it comes to Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ) and the management of Fusarium Patch disease.
Perhaps Turf Hacker should be attending more seminars on turfgrass diseases.
The name Fusarium Patch has now been changed to Microdochium Patch.
What should Turf Hacker have done ?!?!
First off, cease focusing on the ineffective practices of Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ) that DO NOT control pests of established turf.
It is clear what needs to be done here.
The FIRST GREEN has an INFILTRATION RATE of only 13 mm/hr where the course average is about 100 mm/hr.
Success of any kind WILL NOT be possible on the FIRST GREEN until this issue is dealt with.
Until then, I am lucky I still have the tools to KEEP THE FIRST GREEN ON LIFE SUPPORT although even then, they are NOT quite enough.
As restrictions continue to tighten [ against pesticides ], golf courses will be forced to stop treating symptoms and deal with the real issues they face. [ ?!?! ]
I started doing this last year [ by self-imposing restrictions and prohibitions against pest control products ].
[ As an « activist-superintendent » ], I now have a clear plan of what needs to be done.
I can take this data to my membership and make a plan to fix the FIRST GREEN once and for all.
So far, Turf Hacker’s plan is based upon maintenance-doctrines that are failed, unproven, incorrect, and undisciplined.
Here is what Turf Hacker needs to do …
… develop a Master Plan For Correct Turf Maintenance Practices.
Abandon incorrect maintenance-doctrines that DO NOT WORK.
Adopt only correct maintenance practices.
Perform vegetation management.
Only use practices that DO WORK.
Read the following segments for more details.
Explore the links to failed IPM practices …
IPM — Failure Of IPM — #@!!% IPM Nonsense
IPM — Provides No Benefits
IPM — Prohibitions Rely On False-Facts Regarding The Effectiveness Of IPM — British Columbia
IPM — Does Not Excuse The Use Of Illegal Concoctions
The Confessions Of An Activist-Superintendent
Maintenance Doctrines
While I prefer to only share success stories, I can also learn a lot about FAILURES such as this.
[ See above for photo. ]
This is the predictable result of a so-called « activist-superintendent » who has adopted failed, unproven, and incorrect maintenance doctrines that DO NOT WORK.
While the FIRST GREEN is a WAR ZONE, the rest of the greens are essentially disease free despite receiving 1/3 the number of fungicide sprays over the past year.
So the FIRST GREEN is stuck in the CIRCLE OF DECLINE.
It is CONSTANTLY DISEASED which requires more pesticides.
It has the WORST PLAYING CONDITION by far on any of our greens.
It requires more fertilizer to recover from the damage with only makes the annual bluegrass [ a.k.a. Poa annua ] happier and DISEASE MORE PREVALENT.
The cycle starts over.
The FIRST GREEN is essentially stuck in the CIRCLE OF DECLINE.
I have been forced to chase my tail and treat symptoms instead of dealing with the real issues pertaining to the FIRST GREEN which in the short term, are difficult and costly to fix.
Turf Hacker’s CIRCLE OF DECLINE was created by HIS adoption of practices that favour failed, unproven, and incorrect maintenance doctrines that DO NOT WORK.
The FIRST GREEN has been a CONSTANT STRUGGLE this year and pretty much every year.
This is Turf Hacker’s fault because HIS maintenance doctrines FAILED and DO NOT WORK.
ALL « correct and disciplined » main-stream golf course superintendents are professionals who are paid to take care of golf courses by following maintenance protocols and performance standards, which are based upon REAL scientific research.
These protocols and performance standards MUST NOT involve the use of failed, unproven, and incorrect doctrines that DO NOT WORK, such as …
• Go Brown Anti-Cosmetic Golf Maintenance ― FAILURE !
• Fertilizer Nutrient Reduction ― FAILURE !
• Integrated Pest Management Practices ( IPM ) ― FAILURE !
• Micah’s MLSN Cheat Sheet ― FAILURE !
• Minimal Levels For Sustainable Nutrition ― FAILURE !
• Organic Maintenance ― FAILURE !
• Pace Turf’s Climate Appraisal ― FAILURE !
• Self-Imposing Restrictions & Prohibitions Against Pesticides ― FAILURES !
• Spot Spray & Spot Treatment Replacing Blanket Application ― FAILURE !
• Switching To Ineffective Green Alternative Pesticides ― FAILURES !
• Zero Cultivation & Reduced Core Aeration ― FAILURE !
The intensity of disease activity MAY be suppressed, but NOT controlled, with Correct Mowing Practices. [ See later segment. ]
One of the most important golf maintenance practices is Turf Species Transition. [ See later segment. ]
All golf facilities must be expected to transition their putting greens from annual bluegrass [ a.k.a. Poa annua ] to creeping bentgrass.
Improved varieties of creeping bentgrass are more resistant to pests than annual bluegrass, an invasive grass species that is highly susceptible to pests and requires the use of more pest control products.
Annual bluegrass is also more susceptible to abiotic disorders, such as winter injury and summer stress.
Explore the links to correct turf maintenance practices …
Creeping Bentgrass — Properties & Maintenance Standards
Kentucky Bluegrass — Properties & Maintenance Standards
Correct Mowing Practices
Golf Course Maintenance Costs
Trade Associations Versus Golf Course Fertilization
Arbitrary Reduction Of Nutrients
With Prohibitions, Golf Facilities Will Become Like Trona 🙂
According to Science-Based Correct Turf Maintenance Knowledge & Practices ―
When dealing with problem putting greens that are chronically sick, increasing the mowing height and the choice of equipment must be considered.
INCREASING the mowing height will DECREASE TURF SUSCEPTIBILITY to certain diseases.
On putting greens with a history of chronic and lethal disease problems, maintain the mowing height to as high as ¼–inch.
Preferably, the use a small WALK–BEHIND greens mower is recommended.
A SOLID roller must be used instead of a grooved one.
INCREASING the mowing height and other mowing practices will DECREASE TURF SUSCEPTIBILITY to the following diseases …
• Anthracnose Foliar Blight
• Anthracnose Basal Rot
• Leaf Spot and Leaf Blight diseases, such as Bipolaris, Curvularia, and Drechslera
• Damping–Off ( on seedlings )
• Dollar Spot
• Necrotic Ring Spot
• Summer Patch.
The Confessions Of An Activist-Superintendent
Turf Species Transition
While most of my greens have a healthy stand of bentgrass on them, the FIRST GREEN here is 99 per cent annual bluegrass [ a.k.a. Poa annua ].
In that case, Turf Hacker should manage this CONSTANTLY DISEASED green as an annual bluegrass [ a.k.a. Poa annua ] green, and NOT a bentgrass green.
Nonetheless, his Turf Species Transition is a valid program ― whenever possible, putting greens must be transitioned from annual bluegrass to creeping bentgrass.
Improved varieties of creeping bentgrass are more resistant to pests than annual bluegrass.
Annual bluegrass is an invasive grass species that is highly susceptible to pests and requires the use of more pest control products and more fertilizers.
The Confessions Of An Activist-Superintendent
Clipping Yields
One of the most interesting things I have observed over the years was how higher amounts of nitrogen, and more importantly, higher CLIPPING YIELDS result in worse Fusarium Patch on my course.
As expected, the clipping yield was high on the FIRST GREEN as well.
Rather than worry about CLIPPING YIELDS, it is recommended that Turf Hacker show more concern about mowing when conditions are DRY.
According to Science-Based Correct Turf Maintenance Knowledge & Practices ―
Avoiding to mow until leaves are COMPLETELY DRY later in the day will DECREASE the spreading of disease, or STREAKING.
Mowing when conditions are dry will DECREASE turf susceptibility to the following diseases …
• Brown Patch ( minimal decrease )
• Dollar Spot
• Microdochium Patch ( Fusarium Patch )
• Pythium Blight.
The Confessions Of An Activist-Superintendent
Mechanical Interventions
I have no clue why but I speculated earlier this year why it might make things worse.
Not surprisingly, the disease absolutely exploded on the FIRST GREEN !
Again …
According to Science-Based Correct Turf Maintenance Practices ―
• In early spring, on annual bluegrass [ a.k.a. Poa annua ] greens, perform a heavy verti-cutting in order to stimulate new growth from annual bluegrass
• 1 to 2 weeks later, aerate intensively, since annual bluegrass can lose 70 per cent of its roots when seed production occurs
• In early June, once seed production has ended, aerate for a second time.
Mowing, aeration, and other mechanical interventions are known to SPREAD DISEASE.
These interventions should be avoided until leaves are COMPLETELY DRY later in the day ― this will DECREASE the spreading of disease, or STREAKING.
Mowing when conditions are dry will decrease turf susceptibility to the following diseases …
• Microdochium Patch ( Fusarium Patch )
• Brown Patch ( minimal decrease )
• Dollar Spot
• Pythium Blight.
The Confessions Of An Activist-Superintendent
Core Cultivation
Because the FIRST GREEN has such poor drainage, I decided to try core aerifying [ in November ] to see if that would improve things.
This was the first core aeration on greens in over 4 years. [ ?!?! ]
Spoiler alert, it DID NOT make a damn difference. [ ?!?! ]
Many people have noticed that disease is usually made worse by core aerifying. [ ?!?! ]
Sadly, Turf Hacker has incorrectly adopted the doctrine of Zero Cultivation & Reduced Core Aeration.
This incorrect doctrine has already led to disaster on Turf Hacker’s greens !
This incorrect doctrine will continue to lead to disaster !
According to Science-Based Correct Turf Maintenance Practices ―
For most turfgrass conditions that are subject to intensive player traffic, cultivation is necessary in either spring or fall, or both.
More specifically, on golf course putting greens … core cultivation ( i.e. hollow-tine aeration ) needs to be performed once for every 10,000 rounds of play.
Beyond 25,000 rounds, non-core cultivation methods, such as solid-tine, must be used in the overall turf cultivation program throughout the summer months.
Solid-tine cannot replace hollow-tine.
Observers are dismayed that « activist-superintendents » would be allowed to adopt the incorrect and costly doctrine of zero-core cultivation.
By adopting zero-core cultivation, observers question the « activist-superintendents’ » ability to provide what paying golf-customers demand … high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics.
Do they understand that they are not employed to experiment with a doctrine that does not work ?!?!
Why do they chose to ignore the overwhelming advantages of core cultivation ?!?!
What possible benefit can be touted by « activist-superintendents » for unilaterally and arbitrarily stopping core cultivation ?!?!
Especially when the alternative is dead grass and useless putting surfaces.
Those golf courses where the doctrine of zero-core cultivation has been adopted are expected to have dead grass and useless playing surfaces.
Should the adoption of this doctrine become grounds for termination ?!?!
In order to deter their amateur research and incompetence, perhaps the Master Plan For Turf Cultivation should be written into superintendents’ contracts.
For example, on golf course putting greens … core cultivation MUST be performed by the superintendent once for every 10,000 rounds of play.
No excuses.
End of discussion.
Explore the following links …
Aggressive Aeration Programs At Oakmont Country Club
Turf Cultivation ( i.e. Aeration )
Explore the following Turf Hacker blogs ―
Reference — Turf Hacker — 2018 06 26 — Does Aerification Cause Disease
Reference — Turf Hacker — 2018 12 02 — First Core On Greens In Over 4 Years — HIGHLIGHTED
Turk Hacker must adopt vegetation management practices, especially around the FIRST GREEN.
According to Science-Based Correct Turf Maintenance Knowledge & Practices ―
Practically every golf course has at least one or two problem putting greens that are chronically sick due to the dense vegetation surrounding it.
Such vegetation will provide excess shade and will restrict the air circulation, which will lead to a reduction in turfgrass health.
The conditions that promote poor air circulation and shade are caused by mature trees, forests, and other types of dense barriers of vegetation.
Poor air circulation will increase turf susceptibility to the following diseases specifically on golf course turf …
• Anthracnose Basal Rot
• Anthracnose Foliar Blight
• Pythium Blight.
In such cases, disease problems can be considerably reduced when vegetation is NOT allowed, and ultimately removed, WITHIN AT LEAST 30 METRES ( 100 FEET ) from the edge of the putting green surface.
The Confessions Of An Activist-Superintendent
Rolling & Dew Removal
We also DID NOT ROLL it even once in November due to us putting all our efforts into installing our new irrigation system.
No DEW REMOVAL, no disease suppression from the ROLLER.
Regardless, all the greens DID NOT get ROLLED and only one of the greens has bad disease.
The Confessions Of An Activist-Superintendent
Nitrogen Fertilization
So this highly susceptible grass has SUFFERED ALMOST CONSTANT DAMAGE compared to my other greens.
This has resulted in the need to apply more fertilizer to recover from this damage.
As can be seen on the nitrogen use approximation below, the FIRST GREEN required much more nitrogen fertilizer to achieve a constant growth rate with the other greens.
Annual bluegrass [ a.k.a. Poa annua ] really is a fertilizer HOG !
As annual bluegrass seems to be impacted more by low pH and low levels of potassium especially in the winter, the FIRST GREEN has received more of those nutrients through fertilizer than all my other greens combined.
We have all seen the impacts that EXCESS FERTILIZER can have on disease. [ ?!?! ]
Why am I surprised here ?
Sadly, Turf Hacker has incorrectly adopted the doctrine of Minimal Levels For Nutrition ― in fact, he must adopt the practice of Optimal Levels For Nutrition.
½ gram of nitrogen per square meter, or 0.10 lb N per 1000 sq ft, is NOT considered excessive. In fact, this may not even be enough nitrogen for proper growth and development.
He has even admitted that « all the signs I had were suggesting that my greens needed more fertilizer » and « what I should do is fertilize my greens more ».
According to Science-Based Correct Turf Maintenance Practices ―
Annual bluegrass [ a.k.a. Poa annua ] requires up to 5 grams of nitrogen per square meter, or 1.00 lb N per 1000 sq ft per growing month.
Turf Hacker has admitted that are benefit of higher nitrogen fertilization ― « greens with low growth rates had more dollar spot ».
Concerning Microdochium Patch, he has also stated ― « I noticed that those greens that were growing [ with soluble nitrogen ] too quickly had more disease ».
At the end of October I applied ½ gram of nitrogen per square meter on all my greens, except the first green. [ 0.10 lb per 1000 sq ft ]
I had lots of Fusarium [ Microdochium ] scars and I needed to push growth so I applied 1 gram, or double what all the other greens got. [ 0.20 lb per 1000 sq ft ]
Again … in order to more effectively suppress Microdochium Patch …
• Avoid using soluble nitrogen
• Reduce the rate of nitrogen, and avoid an excessive level of nitrogen.
Explore the following Turf Hacker blogs ―
Reference — Turf Hacker — 2018 04 22 — Microdochium Patch & Dollar Spot
Reference — Turf Hacker — 2018 06 11 — What I Should Do Is Fertilize My Greens More — HIGHLIGHTED
The Confessions Of An Activist-Superintendent
Phosphorus Fertilization
Earlier this year I decided to stop applying as much phosphite [ ?!?! ] to try and reduce the ever-increasing phosphorus levels in my soil [ ?!?! ] as a way to maybe [ NOT ! ] combat annual bluegrass [ a.k.a. Poa annua ].
Bad idea.
The Confessions Of An Activist-Superintendent
Microdochium Patch Disease
I haven’t totally figured out why but I think most of the issues pertain to poor drainage. [ Perhaps. ]
I’ve added more bentgrass seed to the FIRST GREEN than any other, but for some reason it just won’t establish !
( Probably due to the poor drainage on this green. )
In this case, adequate soil drainage may be important, but not necessarily paramount.
OTHER practices may demand stronger consideration.
According to Science-Based Correct Turf Maintenance Practices ―
Preventive practices against Microdochium Patch include …
• Perform frequent and regular preventive fungicide applications
• Avoid using soluble nitrogen
• Reduce the rate of nitrogen, and avoid an excessive level of nitrogen
• Use fertilizer with a ratio 3:1:2 in nitrogen:phosphorus:potassium
• Avoid liming if soil pH is more than 7.0
• Avoid mowing when leaves are wet
• Reduce excess soil water by applying wetting agents
Explore the following links …
Microdochium Patch — Locations — Identification — Early Infection
Microdochium Patch — Bayer Microdochium Patch Guide
Failure Of Pesticide Bans — Microdochium Patch On The Bowling Greens
The Confessions Of An Activist-Superintendent
Anthracnose Diseases
This has become extremely obvious over the course of this past year.
From Fusarium [ Microdochium Patch ] in the spring and fall, to Anthracnose in the summer, the FIRST GREEN is CONSTANTLY TRYING TO DIE.
For the preventive control of areas damaged by Anthracnose …
• In early spring, perform a heavy verti-cutting in order to stimulate new growth from annual bluegrass [ a.k.a. Poa annua ]
• 1 to 2 weeks later, aerate intensively, since annual bluegrass can lose 70 per cent of its roots when seed production occurs
• In early June, once seed production has ended, aerate for a second time
• Avoid watering late in the day
• Reduce the effect of high temperatures by syringing turf during the middle of the day
• A fungicide preventive program will be necessary for the entire season
• Nitrogen fertilization should be performed throughout the growing season, with at least 0.5 lb N per growing month
• Reduce nitrogen fertilization when turf is subject to stress, and favour the use of Milorganite-type products.
Explore the following links …
Anthracnose — Cultural Practices That Will Suppress Anthracnose Diseases — Dr Bruce B Clarke
Anthracnose — Basal Rot In Creeping Bentgrass — Kansas State University
Anthracnose — Clarke & Murphy — Rutgers University
Anthracnose — Leaf Blight — Description & Identification
Anthracnose — Leaf Blight — Conditions Favouring Development
Anthracnose — Leaf Blight — Control — Aliette & Banner
Chronically sick. Constant struggle every year. Constantly trying to die. Disease absolutely exploded. Disease more prevalent. Failures. Highly susceptible grass. Keeping green on life support. Problem green. Stuck in the circle of decline. War zone. Worst disease ever. Worst playing conditions.
These are the predictable results on a golf course managed by a so-called « activist-superintendent » who has adopted failed, unproven, and incorrect maintenance doctrines.
Correct and disciplined turf maintenance practices have been rejected, and the result is dead grass and useless playing surfaces.
Universally, « correct and disciplined » main-stream golf course superintendents are professionals who are paid to take care of golf courses ― they manage the budgets, man-power, materials, and schedules needed to correctly maintain high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics for paying golf-customers. Superintendents constantly monitor the health of turfgrasses through careful observation, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases, insects, weeds, and abiotic disorders. Their skilled management of turfgrass pests is accomplished by the correct and necessary use of conventional pest control products.
Unfortunately, some golf facilities are infested with so-called « activist-superintendents ».
They reject correct and disciplined turf maintenance practices.
They allow themselves to become distracted with failed, unproven, incorrect, and undisciplined doctrines that DO NOT WORK, such as …
• Go Brown Anti-Cosmetic Golf Maintenance ― FAILURE !
• Fertilizer Nutrient Reduction ― FAILURE !
• Integrated Pest Management Practices ( IPM ) ― FAILURE !
• Micah’s MLSN Cheat Sheet ― FAILURE !
• Minimal Levels For Sustainable Nutrition ― FAILURE !
• Organic Maintenance ― FAILURE !
• Pace Turf’s Climate Appraisal ― FAILURE !
• Self-Imposing Restrictions & Prohibitions Against Pesticides ― FAILURES !
• Spot Spray & Spot Treatment Replacing Blanket Application ― FAILURE !
• Switching To Ineffective Green Alternative Pesticides ― FAILURES !
• Zero Cultivation & Reduced Core Aeration ― FAILURE !
They are all FAILURES !
Their use may be considered as ATTACKS against the Golf industry.
By adopting these incorrect and undisciplined maintenance doctrines, observers question the « activist-superintendents’ » ability and competence to provide what paying golf-customers demand … high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics.
Do « activist-superintendents » understand that they are not employed to experiment with doctrines that DO NOT WORK ?!?! Why do they chose to ignore the overwhelming science-based, time-tested, correct, and disciplined turf maintenance practices ?!?! What possible benefit can be touted by « activist-superintendents » for unilaterally and arbitrarily adopting incorrect and undisciplined doctrines ?!?! Especially when the alternative is dead grass and useless playing surfaces.
Those golf courses where these incorrect maintenance doctrines have been adopted can expect to have dead grass and useless playing surfaces. Should the adoption of these doctrines become grounds for termination ?!?! In order to deter « activist-superintendents », perhaps a Master Plan For Correct Turf Maintenance Practices should be written into their contracts.
Many observers believe that « activist-superintendents » represent the greatest threats to the Golf Industry today. These activists simply do not deserve to work in the Golf Industry that they betray. They are not paid to be activists ― they are paid to satisfy golf-customers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics. Do golf-customers really want to tolerate the #@!!% nonsense of incorrect and undisciplined maintenance doctrines ?!?!
Explore even more links …
Espousing Politically-Correct Rubbish
Betraying The Golf Industry
The Entire Media Library Of Attacks Against The Golf Industry
The Critical Issues That Must Be Addressed By The Golf Industry
The Entire Media Library Of Attacks Against The Golf Industry
A Look At …
REPORTS ( Web-Page )
SLIDE SHOWS ( Web-Page )
WEED PESTS ( Web-Page )
A Look At …
A Look At …
More Slide Shows
2016 LIBRARY OF PRESENTATIONS — Part 1 Of 3 ( Blog )
2016 LIBRARY OF PRESENTATIONS — Part 2 Of 3 ( Blog )
A Look At …
The Wisdom Of Mr Art C Drysdale
AUTUMN to MISCELLANEOUS ( Web-Page With Audio Recordings )
ORCHIDS to WINTER ( Web-Page With Audio Recordings )
A Look At …
Lunatжc Slide Shows
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space & other industries ( NORAHG ).
NORAHG is a non-profit & independent organization that reports on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, & background in matters concerning pest control products, & who promote environmental realism & pesticide truths.
NORAHG produces A Look At …, a series providing PRACTICAL INFORMATION on issues such as Career Management, Golf Course Maintenance, Green Alternatives, Lawn Care Maintenance, Summer Stress, Tree & Shrub Maintenance, Turfgrass Pests, & Turfgrass Species.
A Look At … is destined for the green space industry, nation-wide across Canada, the United States, & overseas, & can be found on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/
A Look At … is committed to SOUND SCIENCE, as well as ground breaking original reporting that informs, entertains, & creates real change.
All information, excerpts, & pictures contained in A Look At … were retrieved from the Internet, & may be considered in the public domain.
The information presented in A Look At … is for preliminary planning.
Before making a final decision, the turf manager is expected to obtain trusted expert advice from extension specialists, local distributors and/or agronomists.
All decisions must take into account the prevailing growing conditions, the time of year, & the established management practices.
All products mentioned in A Look At … should be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions, & according to provincial, state, or federal law.
For the official advantages, benefits, features, precautions, & restrictions concerning any product, the turf manager must rely only on the information furnished by the manufacturer.
The mention of trade names does not constitute a guarantee or a warranty.
NORAHG also produces Force Of Nature, which dares to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/
A Look At …, Force Of Nature, & their various incarnations, was the brain-child of William H Gathercole ( now retired ) & his colleagues.
Here is a brief summary of Mr Gathercole’s career ―
FIELDS OF STUDY ― Horticulture/Agriculture • Mathematics • Physics.
ALMA MATER ― McGill University • University of Guelph • the first person ever to obtain university degrees & contribute to both the professional lawn care & golf maintenance industries.
EXPERTISE IN ― turf & ornamental maintenance & troubleshooting • history of the green space industry • sales & distribution of seeds, chemicals, fertilizers, & equipment • fertilizer manufacturing & distribution • environmental issues & anti-pesticide terrжrism.
NOTABLE ACTIVITIES ― worked in virtually all aspects of the green space industry, including golf maintenance, professional lawn care, tree & shrub care, distribution, environmental compliance, government negotiations, public affairs, & workplace safety ― • the supervisor, consultant, &, programmer for the successful execution of hundreds-of-thousands of management operations in the golf course & urban landscape, as well as millions of pest control applications • the advisor, instructor, & trainer for thousands of turf & ornamental managers & technicians • the pesticide certification instructor for thousands of industry workers • a founder of the modern professional lawn care industry • the prolific writer for industry publications, reports, & blogs • the first to confirm the invasion of European Chafer insects in both the Montreal region & the Vancouver / Fraser Valley region • with Dr Peter Dernoeden, the first to confirm the presence of Take All Patch as a disease of turf in Eastern Canada • with Dr David Shetlar, the first to confirm the presence of Kentucky Bluegrass Scale as an insect pest in South-Western Ontario, & later, in the Montreal & Vancouver regions.
SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS ― the creator of the Exception Status that allowed the golf industry to avoid being subjected to anti-pesticide prohibition for a generation • the creator of the signs that are now used for posting after application • the co-founder of annual winter convention for Quebec golf course superintendents • the co-founder of the first ever Turf Summit • the major influence in the decision by Canadian Cancer Society to stop selling-for-profit fresh pesticide-treated daffodils • the only true reliable witness of the events of anti-pesticide prohibition in the town of Hudson, Quebec • the founder ( now retired ) of A Look At … & Force Of Nature reports & blogs.
NOTABLE AWARD ― the first man-of-the-year for contributions leading to the successful founding of the Quebec professional lawn care industry, which served as a beach-head against anti-pesticide activists in the 1980s & 1990s.
LEGACY ― Mr Gathercole & his colleagues … designed & implemented strategies that reined anti-pesticide activists & provided peace & prosperity for the entire modern green space industry across Canada for a generation • orchestrated legal action against anti-pesticide activists in the town of Hudson, Quebec • launched the largest founding professional lawn care business in the nation • quadrupled the business revenues of one of the largest suppliers in the nation.
Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as the founder of A Look At … & Force Of Nature reports & blogs.
We dare to defy by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/
If you wish to receive free reports & blogs on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G