September 19th, 2018
National Observer
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Original Reference –
Background Information
2018 Quebec General Election
The 2018 Quebec General Election was held on October 1st, 2018, to elect members to the National Assembly of Quebec.
The Coalition Avenir Quebec ( CAQ ) won a majority and unseated the incumbent Quebec Liberal Party.
The Quebec Election Act contains the rules for the conduct for such elections.
The Chief Electoral Officer of Quebec ( a.k.a. Directeur Général des Élections du Quebec ( DGEQ ) ) is Quebec’s ELECTIONS WATCH-DOG.
According to the Chief Electoral Officer of Quebec, Equiterre, an organization that illegally interferes in partisan politics and public policy, has VIOLATED the Quebec Election Act.
Even charity tax-exempt organizations, like Equiterre, are subject to the rule of election laws.
Equiterre Accused Of Violating The Quebec Election Act
The Enviro-Lunatжc Report Card
Equiterre Illegally Interferes In Partisan
Politics & Public Policy With Its Attempt
To Manipulate The Quebec Electorate
On September 17th, 2018, Equiterre RECEIVED A NOTICE from the Chief Electoral Officer of Quebec demanding that it pull its Report Card by mid-day September 19th, 2018, or face a FINE up to 50,000 dollars.
The Report Card in question was published in early September 2018.
An alliance of twelve environmental-terrжrist organizations attacked, coerced, and intimidated the four political parties in Quebec for their positions on twenty-three fanatжcal-doctrines, from pesticides to agriculture to bio-diversity, and compiled the responses into one grid.
The Enviro-Lunatжc Report Card was uploaded as a PDF to Equiterre’s web-site, and was shared broadly with media by environmental-terrжrist organizations, such as ―
• David Suzuki Foundation
• Equiterre
Quebec ambassador and shield for David Suzuki Foundation.
• Greenpeace Canada
• National Group of Regional Environmental Councils
a.k.a. Regroupement National Des Conseils Régionaux De L’Environnment
• World Wildlife Fund Canada
Shield for Liberal government
• Nature Quebec
• Society for Nature and Parks Canada
a.k.a. Société Pour La Nature et Les Parcs du Canada
• Trajectoire
• Velo Quebec
• Vigilance of Hydrocarbons Quebec
a.k.a. Regroupement Vigilance Hydrocarbures Quebec
• Vivre en Ville
The NOTICE from the Chief Electoral Officer of Quebec says that the Report Card of parties’ environmental positions qualifies as an ELECTORAL EXPENSE.
Equiterre will face a FINE of between 10,000 and 50,000 dollars if it does not remove the Report Card from its web-site by deadline.
According to the NOTICE from the Chief Electoral Officer of Quebec ―
If Equiterre incurs costs during the electoral period to publicize, comment upon, compare or otherwise highlight, favourably or not, a political program or the actions, acts or measures taken [ … ] by a political candidate or political party, Equiterre is acting against the Election Act.
Election Quebec spokes-person Julie St-Arnaud has stated that she could not comment on the particulars of the case, but that the Election Act was in place to ensure …
… that all political candidates and parties have an equal chance, on financial grounds, to get elected.
They are all held to the same electoral expenses limit.
Julie St-Arnaud explained that any money spent on graphic design, the maintenance of a web-site, or the printing of promotional documents, counts as an expense, and VIOLATES the Quebec Election Act.
Background Information
Description Of Equiterre
Equiterre Does Not Deserve Any Donations
Equiterre was established as an ambassador and public policy shield organization for David Suzuki Foundation in the province of Quebec.
Equiterre operates as an anti-pesticide and environmental-terrжrist organization.
Equiterre illegally interferes in partisan politics and public policy, and violates taxation laws and election laws.
Suzuki and Equiterre are basically one-in-the-same group that even operate out of the same location in Montreal.
Equiterre is a member of the Suzuki enviro-terrжrist-alliance which operates nation-wide.
When it suits Suzuki, Equiterre has also been used as a shield outside of Quebec, providing the appearance of an independent organization that supports the Suzuki-fanatжcal-doctrines.
As commanded by Suzuki, Equiterre conspires to impose reckless and arbitrary prohibition against conventional pest control products in the province of Quebec.
Equiterre’s main objective is the accumulation of profit through donations, by scamming the public with the concoction of fraudulent lunatжic-lies, imaginary-dangers, and politicized-doctrines about pest control products and other environmental issues.
More lies means more profit for Equiterre.
Everybody must stop making donations to Equiterre !
Explore the following links …
The Complete Media History Of Equiterre
Equiterre — Destroyer Of Businesses
Equiterre Accused Of Violating The Quebec Election Act
Interference In Partisan Politics
Poor Li’l Enviro-Terrжrist
Charity Feels Muzzled ?!?!
Equiterre has accused the Chief Electoral Officer of Quebec of trying to « muzzle environmental groups », and is defying the NOTICE to REMOVE an Enviro-Lunatжc Report Card from its web-site.
Equiterre said it will contest the NOTICE in court if necessary.
Ten other environmental groups who co-conspired on the Report Card are supporting that decision.
Equiterre Deserves The Spotlight
Of Scrutiny By Election Quebec
Sidney Ribaux, lunatжc co-founder of Equiterre, said the move sets a « dangerous precedent » for future elections. [ ?!?! ]
According to Ribaux ―
If our [ enviro-terrжr ] groups are not able to express themselves during an electoral period, how then are citizens supposed to get the information, or make a [ political ] choice if the environment is one of their priorities ?!?!
Surprisingly, Ribaux asked that the four parties that were attacked in the Report Card ― Quebec Solidaire, Parti Quebecois, Coalition Avenir Quebec, and Liberal Party ― to join him in denouncing the …
… abusive interpretation of the law and allow Equiterre and [ other environmental-terrжrist organizations ] to express themselves in a non-partisan way [ ?!?! ] ahead of the elections.
Equiterre Accused Of Violating The Quebec Election Act
Non-Partisan Report Card ?!?!
The #@!!% Equiterre-Bastжrds
Continuously Interfere In Partisan Politics
Lunatжc Sidney Ribaux said the objective of the law …
… is not to prevent organizations from talking about various positions and parties, but to prevent someone from buying publicity to promote one party or another. [ ?!?! ]
Ribaux added that the Report Card is non-partisan [ ?!?! ] and that similar exercises have been done for « at least 20 years » during provincial and federal election campaigns.
While the Chief Electoral Officer’s NOTICE was specifically addressed to Equiterre, the ten environmental-terrжrist organizations that co-conspired on the Report Card have said they will support Equiterre’s decision to keep the Report Card on the web-site until after the election, and take the matter to court if needed.
Ribaux has been supported by representatives of two of the co-conspiring organizations ― Patrick Bonin from Greenpeace Canada, and Karel Mayrand at David Suzuki Foundation in Quebec. [ See next segments. ]
Interestingly, Greenpeace has LOST ITS CHARITY STATUS in several jurisdictions, including Canada, and has been told to STAY OUT OF JURISDICTIONS, like Quebec and India.
Government officials in Quebec have demanded that Greenpeace STAY OUT OF THE PROVINCE, accusing its fanatжcal-activists of being « a bunch of job killers ».
Equiterre Accused Of Violating The Quebec Election Act
David Suzuki Foundation
Suzuki Is Paid To Perpetuate
Lunatжc-Lies & Fanatжcal–Doctrines
Suzuki-fanatжc Mayrand pointed out the exercise, which involved cutting and pasting difference responses into one document, was done at a small cost.
Mayrand alleged that environmental-terrжrist organizations have an important role to provide the public with information « that doesn’t make the 10-second clips on the evening news ».
According to Suzuki-fanatжc Mayrand ―
If [ environmental-terrжrist organizations ] can’t take the initiative or provide that information and make it available in a public space, we will have to wait for either a politician or the media to actually take the initiative, and we will wait a long time.
And with the environment, we don’t have time. [ ?!?! ]
Background Information
David Suzuki Illegally Interferes By Operating With Enviro-Terrжrist-Alliances
Equiterre & Suzuki Illegally Interfere
In Public Policy & Partisan Politics
Suzuki conspires allies with most environmental-terrжrist organizations to illegally interfere in partisan politics and public policy, and violate taxation laws and election laws.
These #@!!% alliances include Suzuki’s Quebec ambassador, Equiterre, that conspires to destroy more and more professional lawn care businesses.
They also conspire to destroy the golf industry with the support of « useful idiots », like IPM Council of Canada and Landscape Ontario.
For example, the #@!!%-Suzuki-Documentary, « Dad and the Dandelions », has represented the most dishonest Suzuki-fanatжcal-doctrines against the golf industry by falsely and strongly implying that golf courses cause cancer and kill people. http://wp.me/p1jq40-a82
The Suzuki-fanatжcal-doctrines are spread by enviro-terrжrist-alliances that include …
• Equiterre
Member of the Suzuki-enviro-terrжrist-alliances. Quebec ambassador and shield for David Suzuki Foundation. Suzuki and Equiterre are basically one-in-the-same group that even operate out of the same enviro-terrжrist-headquarters location in Montreal. Under investigation by taxation and election officials.
• Alliance pour l’Interdiction des Pesticides Systémiques
Quebec-based shield-organization for Friends of the Earth ( FOE ).
• Avaaz
International group with foreign anti-Canadian interests.
• Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE )
Member of the Suzuki-enviro-terrжrist-alliances. CAPE operates as a public affairs shield for David Suzuki Foundation as well as Canadian Cancer Society, Green Party of Canada, and other environmental-terrжrist organizations.
• Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ( CBC )
Conspires with David Suzuki Foundation as well as Prevent Cancer Now against the golf industry.
• Canadian Environmental Law Association ( CELA )
Conspires with most environmental-terrжrist organizations.
• Ecojustice Canada
Legal shield for David Suzuki Foundation. Suzuki himself has been honorary board member.
• Environmental Defence Canada ( ED )
Member of the Suzuki-enviro-terrжrist-alliances. After being investigated by taxation officials, ED has lost its charity tax-exempt status in Canada. ED operates as a public affairs shield for David Suzuki Foundation with Suzuki himself as honorary board member.
• Friends of the Earth ( FOE )
Member of the Suzuki-enviro-terrжrist-alliances. Under investigation by taxation officials. Under investigation by taxation officials.
• Green Party of Canada & its provincial parties
Political shield for David Suzuki Foundation, as well as Sierra Club, Canadian Cancer Society, and other environmental-terrжrist organizations.
• IPM Council of Canada
Conspires as a « useful idiot » with David Suzuki Foundation, as well as Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canadian Cancer Society, Landscape Ontario, and Prevent Cancer Now against the golf industry.
• Prevent Cancer Now ( PCN )
Member of the Suzuki-enviro-terrжrist-alliances. PCN operates as a public affairs shield for David Suzuki Foundation, as well as Canadian Cancer Society, Green Party, and other environmental-terrжrist organizations. Green Party lunatжc-leader Elizabeth May herself has been honorary board member. Under investigation by taxation officials.
• Sierra Club of Canada
Member of the Suzuki-enviro-terrжrist-alliances. Sierra controls bee-keeper trade associations like Ontario Bee-Keepers’ Association. Under investigation by taxation officials.
• SumOfUs
International group with foreign anti-Canadian interests.
• Tides Canada
Conspires with public affairs shields like David Suzuki Foundation, and others. Conversely, Tides itself conspires as a financial shield for environmental-terrжrist organizations.
These environmental-terrжrist and bee-conspiracy organizations are presently under investigation because …
• they violate taxation laws and ⁄ or election laws.
• they deserve to be investigated.
• they have illegally interfered for decades.
They deserve the spotlight of government investigations, as well as the scrutiny of taxation agencies.
These organizations must be UNMASKED ! http://wp.me/P1jq40-27n
Suzuki itself has been under investigation for illegally interfering in partisan politics and public policy.
In anticipation of an unfavourable and imminent audit by Canada Revenue Agency in 2011, David Suzuki himself was forced to resign from his own foundation for fear that his outspoken political views and interference in partisan politics would compromise his foundation’s charity tax exempt status.
It’s time to find a new and better David Suzuki.
Suzuki must be stopped !
Explore the following links …
The Media History Of David Suzuki With Reports & Blogs
David Suzuki’s Honorary Degree
Lies Concocted By The Suzuki-Documentary
David Suzuki’s Biography
David Suzuki’s Bodyguards
The Price Of Greatness For David Suzuki
David Suzuki’s Millions
Why Do We Celebrate This Guy ?!?!
Suzuki Hates People ?!?!
How To Destroy David Suzuki
The Media History Of David Suzuki – Re-Direct Links To References
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged pesticide-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths.
Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G