January 18, 2025

1 thought on “Bee-ing Smart: Regulators Must Distinguish Activists’ Bad Dreams From Good Evidence – Forbes

  1. RESEARCHERS HAVE NOT IDENTIFIED A SINGLE CAUSE OF OVER-WINTERING HONEY BEE LOSSES.  Moreover, RESEARCHERS HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO IDENTIFY A SINGLE CAUSE OF BEE COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER.  Under normal field use, THE EXPOSURE TO BEES IS AT VERY LOW LEVELS, FAR TOO LOW TO CAUSE HARMFUL EFFECTS.  There is NO EVIDENCE TO SUGGEST A LINK between NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES and long-term honey bee losses.  The weight of the scientific evidence clearly shows that neonicotinoid insecticides DO NOT AFFECT LONG-TERM COLONY HEALTH.  Most experts agree that, in recent years, honey bee decline is the result of a COMBINATION OF FACTORS, including parasitic mites and diseases.  Recent scientific research points toward a combination of PARASITIC MITES ( specifically the Varroa mite ) and PATHOGENS ( such as Nosema and viral diseases ) as MAIN FACTORS.  Although some neonicotinoid insecticides are toxic to bees upon direct contact ( as are many insecticides ), they are used in a way that MINIMIZES ANY DIRECT EXPOSURE TO BEES, such as SEED TREATMENT.  SEED TREATMENT INSECTICIDES have been used for a decade WITH ALMOST NO INCIDENCES OF NEGATIVE IMPACTS ON BEES by MINIMIZING POTENTIAL EXPOSURES of non-target insects such as bees.  Independent, long-term, controlled field tests have repeatedly shown NO EFFECTS on bee mortality, weight gain, worker longevity, brood development, honey yield, and over-winter survival relative to bees in areas where TREATED SEED was not used.  The AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY HAS A VESTED INTEREST IN PROTECTING honey bees and is committed to thoroughly researching and protecting bee health.



    NORAHG has archived information on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site  …













    NORAHG is the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that seek to harm the Green space industry.  NORAHG responds on behalf of the VAST SILENT MAJORITY of the public that DOES NOT WANT PESTICIDE BANS.





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