The Library Of Striking Back & Taking Action Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism
The Purpose Of This Web-Page Is To Provide Information That Will Lead To Striking Back Actions That Will Stop The Subversive Conspiracy To Impose Reckless & Arbitrary Prohibition Against Pest Control Products
A bold, vigorous assault has won many a faltering cause.
― Ira Clarence Eaker ( 1896 – 1987 ), General of the United States Army Air Forces during World War II.
You are not beaten until you admit it.
― George S Patton ( 1885 – 1945 ), General who commanded corps and armies in North Africa, Sicily, and the European Theater of Operations during World War II.
We must take action to STRIKE BACK against anti-pesticide and environmental terrжrism !
Striking Back Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism
Prohibition Is NOT Necessary
Any prohibition against pest control products is NOT justified because strict regulations based on scientific research already protect our health and our environment.
ALL prohibitions are 100 per cent politically–based and 0 per cent science–based.
Prohibition is NOT necessary since pest control products are scientifically safe.
NO pest control product can be sold or used until Health Canada’s scientists have evaluated ALL the existing evidence to determine whether the product meets stringent health and safety requirements.
Conventional pest control products are effective, economical, low-risk, and scientifically safe, and NO harm will occur when they are used properly.
The assessment proving that pest control products are scientifically-safe is a process that can take up to ten years and cost hundreds of millions of dollars.
Only those pest control products that pose NO unacceptable risk to human health or the environment become Health-Canada-approved and federally-legal.
Canada has one of the most stringent regulatory approval systems in the world.
Health Canada requires each new pest control product to go through about two-hundred separate tests to examine health and environmental impacts as well as value.
And the cost to manufacturers to get a pest control product from the lab to store shelves is about 250 million dollars.
There is not one known illness or death from the proper use of pest control products used in the urban landscape.
By comparison, there are thousands of deaths per year from known cancer-causing substances such as cigarette smoke and alcohol.
In fact, pest control products used in the urban landscape are …
- Health-Canada-approved
- federally-legal
- safe for children *
- scientifically-safe
- practically-non-toxic
- good for the environment
* except when stored improperly in the home.
Furthermore, pest control products used in the urban landscape …
- cause NO harm
- DO NOT cause cancer
- DO NOT run-off into lakes and streams
- enhance the urban landscape
Prohibition has led to CATASTROPHIC CARNAGE.
In jurisdictions like Ontario, prohibition led to the death of an elderly man who was forced to hand-pull toxic noxious weeds.
In jurisdictions where prohibition has been implemented, the professional lawn care industry has suffered immense losses, in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Moreover, because of prohibition, green spaces are over-run with weeds, infested with insects, and dismally destroyed ― they look like garbage dumps.
Prohibition is NOT necessary because, overall, when pest control products are used properly, there are NO harmful irreversible effects to health and environment.
Overall, when pest control products are used properly, there are NO harmful irreversible effects to health and the environment.
We must STRIKE BACK against anti-pesticide and environmental terrжrism !
Explore the following links …
Myth-Busting — Pesticide Bans — The Myths About Anti-Pesticide Prohibition
Striking Back Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism
Catastrophic Carnage
Prohibitions result in CATASTROPHIC CARNAGE caused by business bankruptcies, business failures, garbage dump green spaces, stunningly exorbitant costs, horrific fines, and even illness and death.
Because of prohibition against pest control products used in the urban landscape, we now have a more dangerous outdoor environment, a black market in pesticides, and a trail of economic destruction with hundreds of small businesses destroyed and thousands of people out of work.
Prohibitions have taken away the ability of people to safeguard themselves against noxious weeds and disease-carrying insects.
There are legitimate concerns about noxious weeds, which in extreme cases can contribute to death, and which force millions to medicate themselves or live with severe allergic effects.
Surely the entirely unproven concerns of a few politically-connected fear-mongering fanatжcs should be balanced against the strictly-tested, lengthy and scientifically-documented use of pesticides applied under controlled conditions to deal with human health problems caused by noxious plants and disease-carrying insects.
Prohibitions have created a trail of economic destruction with thousands of people out of work.
Here is a summary of CATASTROPHIC CARNAGE caused by business bankruptcies and business failures in Ontario ―
- Anti-pesticide prohibitions have DESTROYED thousands of businesses operating in the Professional Lawn Care Industry in Ontario and in several jurisdictions across Canada.
- ONTARIO ― Because of the 2009 provincial prohibition in Ontario, businesses operating in the Professional Lawn Care Industry lost over 500,000,000 dollars, with over 12,500 unemployed.
- ONTARIO ― In the province of Ontario, for several years, one-business-per-week disappeared into total oblivion, and, by 2012, HALF of these businesses closed their doors.
Here is a summary of CATASTROPHIC CARNAGE outside of Ontario ―
- BRITISH COLUMBIA ― Because of the threats of imminent provincial prohibition in British Columbia, all businesses operating in the Professional Lawn Care Industry have STAGNATED, and, because of the reckless imposition of local municipal prohibitions, many businesses have lost OVER 40 PER CENT of their customers.
- QUEBEC ― Because of the 2004-2006 provincial prohibition in Quebec, OVER 60 PER CENT of the businesses operating in the Professional Lawn Care Industry were annihilated ― HUNDREDS of businesses disappeared into total oblivion.
- QUEBEC ― In the province of Quebec, those businesses that survived prohibition six years earlier, by 2012, LOST OVER 70 PER CENT of their customers.
- HALIFAX ― Because of the 2000 municipal prohibition in Halifax Regional Municipality, in the province of Nova Scotia, businesses operating in the Professional Lawn Care Industry LOST OVER 50 PER CENT of their customers.
The devastation of businesses in the Professional Lawn Care Industry was extensive because there were no valid economical alternatives to replace the prohibited products.
Consequently, businesses were incapable of providing adequate weed and insect control, and were unable to keep their customers satisfied.
Prohibitions have destroyed inflicted terrжr, despair, and destitution on thousands of hapless victims throughout the professional lawn care industry.
Prohibitions have destroyed the modern professional lawn care industry.
Prohibition have also destroyed all green spaces, which became weed-infested and insect-destroyed garbage dumps ― a great urban ecological disaster.
Prohibitions are needless, senseless, and malicious.
Prohibitions are NOT necessary since pest control products are Health-Canada-approved, federally-legal, scientifically-safe, practically-non-toxic, and will cause NO harm.
We must STRIKE BACK against anti-pesticide and environmental terrжrism !
Explore the following links …
Carnage Created By Catastrophic Anti-Pesticide Prohibition — Main Web-Page
Carnage Created By Catastrophic Anti-Pesticide Prohibition — Re-Direct Links
British Columbia Pesticide Ban — Conspiracy To Prohibit Pest Control Products In The Urban Landscape
British Columbia Pesticide Ban — Special Committee On Cosmetic Pesticides
Halifax Pesticide Ban — Lawn Care Businesses Destroyed By Bans — Nova Scotia
Quebec Pesticide Ban — Victory Against Terrжrists — Dow Defeats Ban
Striking Back Against Prohibition In Quebec
The Hudson Challenge
Court Challenge Against Municipal Prohibition
Professional Lawn Care Industry Versus Town Of Hudson
Throughout the 1980s, pesticide-hating fanatжcism was dawning in the town of Hudson, a small isolated ghetto-town of a frustrated anglophone minority located near Montreal, in the province of Quebec.
In 1991, Hudson arbitrarily enacted prohibition against the use of pest control products.
Municipal officials had easily capitulated under the pressure of a mere handful of pesticide-hating fanatжcs that included politician Jack Layton, sheep farmer June Irwin, and others.
Some of the officials responsible for prohibition later became investigated for corruption and tax evasion.
In 1992, Chemlawn Inc and a companion-lawn-care-company were apprehended for ( accidentally ) spraying herbicide on lawns located in the town of Hudson, in defiance of prohibition against the use of pest control products that had been arbitrarily enacted by the municipality in 1991.
Each company was fined three hundred dollars.
The fine was legally CHALLENGED by ChemLawn Inc and the ASHOQ provincial trade association on the basis that the Hudson prohibition was invalid, since it defied existing provincial and federal laws that already allowed the use of the herbicide.
ASHOQ, Association des Services en Horticulture Ornementale du Québec a.k.a. the Quebec Association of Ornamental Horticulture Services ) was officially founded in 1992.
ASHOQ’s principal mandate was to deal with pesticide-hating fanatжcism in jurisdictions like Hudson.
In fact, most of ASHOQ’s vast financial resources were dedicated towards the destruction of the Hudson prohibition.
In 2001, the Supreme Court of Canada up-held the acts of subversion by the Town of Hudson, despite the fact that its by-law clearly contradicted provincial and federal law.
The Supreme Court of Canada was clearly infested with pesticide-hating judges who later were caught celebrating with activists in Hudson.
The Hudson Challenge STRUCK BACK against anti-pesticide and environmental terrжrism !
Striking Back Against Prohibition In Quebec
The NAFTA Challenge
Court Challenge Against Provincial Prohibition
Dow AgroSciences Versus Government Of Canada ( NAFTA )
In the period 2004-2006, Quebec became the first province to arbitrarily impose the anti-pesticide prohibition of pest control products like 2,4-D.
The province then faced a challenge from the manufacturers.
With the victory of the NAFTA challenge, pest control products like 2,4-D were shown to be scientifically safe, and prohibitions were irrefutably invalidated.
On May 25th, 2011, Dow AgroSciences, the manufacturer of the pest control product 2,4-D, settled the NAFTA challenge case with the Canadian government.
The North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, was an agreement signed by the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, creating a tri-lateral trade block in North America.
As part of the agreement, a victory for Dow AgroSciences, the government of Quebec was humiliated into making a statement saying that ―
2,4-D does not pose an unacceptable risk
to human health or the environment.
Quebec was the first province to declare weed control products containing 2,4-D as possibly carcinogenic, which was later deemed as false with the victory of the NAFTA challenge.
Because of the 2004-2006 provincial prohibition in Quebec, OVER 60 PER CENT of the businesses operating in the Professional Lawn Care Industry were annihilated ― HUNDREDS of businesses disappeared into total oblivion.
In the province of Quebec, those businesses that survived prohibition six years earlier, by 2012, LOST OVER 70 PER CENT of their customers.
The NAFTA Challenge STRUCK BACK against anti-pesticide and environmental terrжrism !
Explore the following links …
Quebec Pesticide Ban — The True History Of Prohibition In Quebec & Hudson
Quebec Pesticide Ban — The True History Of Prohibition In Quebec & Hudson — Mr Howard Mains
Quebec Pesticide Ban — Lawns & Roadways Look Like Crжp In Hudson — Mr Brian Lilley
Quebec Pesticide Ban — The True History Of Prohibition In Quebec & Hudson — Vive Le Pissenlit Libre
Hudson Pesticide Ban — Jack Layton — Prominent Architect Of Prohibition — Anti-Pesticide Speech
Hudson Pesticide Ban — June Irwin — The Wicked Old Clown Witch
Hudson Pesticide Ban — Hudson’s Anti-Pesticide Mayor, Councillors, & Staff, Were Crooks
Striking Back Against Prohibition In Ontario
The Lowes Challenge
Proposed Court Challenge Against Provincial Prohibition
Mr Jeffrey P Lowes Versus Anti-Pesticide
Fanatжcs & Government Officials
Civil Action To Recover The Horrific Businesses
Losses Caused By Ontario Prohibition
On April 22nd, 2009 ― a date which will live in the period of environmental infamy ― the full force of the Ontario Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act was recklessly imposed by Ontario’s Liberal government.
The Ontario prohibition against pest control products used in the urban landscape has DESTROYED thousands of businesses operating in the Professional Lawn Care Industry.
Because of the 2009 provincial prohibition in Ontario, businesses operating in the Professional Lawn Care Industry lost over 500,000,000 dollars, with over 12,500 unemployed.
For several years, one-business-per-week disappeared into total oblivion, and, by 2012, HALF of these businesses closed their doors.
Moreover, because of its reckless and arbitrary prohibition, Ontario’s public and private greens spaces have become weed-infested and insect-destroyed GARBAGE DUMPS that are DANGEROUS for children to play on.
Ontario’s parks, sports fields, and home lawns, have become wholly INFESTED with dandelions and a variety of other weeds, and there is no practical way to remove them, other than by hand-pulling or by replacing the entire lawn with sod.
Beginning in 2009, Mr Jeffrey P Lowes organized CIVIL ACTION against government officials and activists to recover horrific businesses losses caused by the Ontario provincial prohibition against pest control products used in the urban landscape.
In January 2010, Mr Lowes outlined the LIST OF CHARGES against the government of Ontario and the Ministry of the Environment.
Additionally, individual government officials and activists also faced FRAUD CHARGES under the Canadian Criminal Code.
Here is a summary of alleged offences ―
- 133 charges and 29 culprits.
- Conspiring to prevent the supply of approved pest control products.
- Defrauding access to products.
- Impeding access to approved pest control products.
- Misleading with peer-reviewed assessments, reports, and studies.
- Presenting false and misleading information.
- Undermining the people and companies in the Professional Lawn Care Industry.
By August 2010, M-REP Communications commenced CIVIL ACTION to recover the horrific businesses losses caused by the Ontario provincial prohibition.
Once the Ontario General Election concluded in October 2011, Mr Lowes resumed the CIVIL ACTION.
In 2011, Lowes estimated that Ontario’s reckless-prohibition was costing businesses operating in the Professional Lawn Care Industry 350 MILLION DOLLARS.
Additionally, some of these companies were being TERRЖRIZED WITH FINES dispensed by OVERZEALOUS Ontario government officials.
In one instance, a DEBILITATING FINE WAS IMPOSED FOR TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for a company that was closely associated with Mr Lowes.
According to Mr Lowes, referring to the CONTROVERSIAL golf industry EXCEPTION to prohibition ―
That’s why the lawn care companies are scared because they’ve not only made a law based on FALSE MEDICAL REPORTS, the ministry of the environment has an enforcement branch that is basically walking around in JACK-BOOTS, you know, prosecuting anyone that has a nice lawn.
Unless, of course, you own a GOLF COURSE.
By the end of 2012, observers stated that, because of the Ontario provincial prohibition, businesses had LOST OVER 500,000,000 DOLLARS, with up to 12,500 UNEMPLOYED.
On August 21st, 2011, Mr Lowes stated in the Toronto Sun newspaper that politics, NOT science, was driving the Ontario prohibition.
The government of Ontario was more interested in appeasing lobbyists and environmental groups than developing policy based on facts, Mr Lowes said.
Mr Lowes said he was preparing LEGAL CHALLENGES to the Ontario prohibition on behalf of businesses struggling to do their jobs ― by banning conventional products, they were being forced to use green alternative pesticides that were⁄are largely INEFFECTIVE.
According to Mr Lowes, when customers can’t get the results they want from businesses operating in the Professional Lawn Care Industry, they CANCEL their contracts and buy the banned products themselves [ on-line or out-of-province ].
The Lowes Challenge STRUCK BACK against anti-pesticide and environmental terrжrism !
Striking Back Against Prohibition In Ontario
The Chudleigh Proposal
Parliamentary Challenge Against Provincial Prohibition
MPP Ted Chudleigh Versus Fanatжcal Liberal Government
Amending The Prohibition To Allow Licensed Lawn Care
Professionals To Apply Conventional Pest Control Products
On May 8th, 2012, Halton Member of Provincial Parliament ( MPP ) Ted Chudleigh introduced his Private Members Bill 88, Pesticides Amendment Act ( Licence for Cosmetic Purposes ), 2012, which will AMEND THE [ CURRENT ] LIBERAL BAN ON PESTICIDES.
MPP Ted Chudleigh’s Bill 88 was introduced to AMEND the prohibition against conventional pest control products, and ALLOW LICENSED PROFESSIONALS to apply these products under strict conditions and in concentrations well within established safety limits.
According to MPP Chudleigh ―
There are SERIOUS FLAWS with the Liberal BAN on pesticide use.
Instead of ensuring pesticides are properly applied, the ban risks creating an UNMONITORED BLACK MARKET which is a GREATER THREAT TO OUR ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH because of the unprofessional and improper application of pesticides.
The Pest Management Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) of Health Canada undertakes rigorous testing before approving a pesticide for use in Canada.
The system I am proposing ACCEPTS THE SCIENCE behind these tests, and uses the existing licencing [ sic ] framework under the Pesticides Act to ensure that pesticides are applied properly and are not a threat to our health or environment.
Despite forbidding the use of pesticides for so-called non-essential purposes in the urban landscape, the Ontario prohibition EXEMPTS industries such as golf, agriculture industry, and forestry ― this is inconsistent and unfair.
The existing exemptions would not have been affected by MPP Chudleigh’s Bill 88.
According to MPP Chudleigh ―
The Liberals started with a sound bite and tried to build a policy around it.
A pesticide ban may sound nice and deliver a good photo-op but dictating can have THE OPPOSITE AND MORE HARMFUL EFFECT than one intends.
I’m afraid that this is the case with the Liberal pesticide ban.
My Bill takes THE MORE RESPONSIBLE AND SAFER APPROACH to pesticides approved by Health Canada.
Those who choose not to use pesticides are free to make that choice.
However, those who wish to use pesticides, perhaps for hay fever or other allergies, will now be able to do so in a SAFE AND RESPONSIBLE MANNER that does not negatively affect our environment or health.
MPP Ted Chudleigh’s Bill 88 would have had the added effect of STRENGTHENING the Professional Lawn Care Industry that had been DEVASTATED by Ontario’s arbitrary prohibition ― unfortunately, Bill 88 was defeated.
Surely the entirely unproven concerns of a few politically-connected fear-mongering fanatжcs should be balanced against the strictly-tested, lengthy and scientifically-documented use of pesticides applied under controlled conditions to deal with human health problems caused by noxious plants and disease-carrying insects.
The Ontario prohibition was implemented in defiance of overwhelmingly massive and detailed assessments performed by Health Canada, whose work has been discredited by fund-raisers and health care workers ( a.k.a. fanatжcal-activists ) who decided to set their own agendas for conspiring to interfere with public policy against pest control products.
The Chudleigh Proposal STRUCK BACK against anti-pesticide and environmental terrжrism !
Striking Back Against Prohibition In Ontario
What You Can Do
Show The Government Of Ontario Your Support
For A Policy AGAINST The Prohibition Of Pest
Control Products Used In The Urban Landscape
Everyone in the Green Space Industry ― no matter where they live ― must meet with their Member of Provincial Parliament ( MPP ), regardless of party affiliation.
In order to meet and inform the MPP, you must donate the maximum amount to the party, which is 1,240 dollars in Ontario.
The cost of this donation is insignificant when compared to the catastrophic business losses inflicted by anti-pesticide prohibition.
Any business owner in the Green Space Industry who does not bother to meet with the local MPP is a pitiful fool and an idiot, and does not deserve a career, or a business, or any success.
We must STRIKE BACK against anti-pesticide and environmental terrжrism !
Explore the following links …
Chudleigh Proposal — Amendment To Pesticide Ban
Chudleigh Proposal — Ontario Pesticide Ban — Beginning To Repeal Prohibition
Lowes Challenge — Prohibition Is A Farce — Toronto Sun
Lowes Challenge — Professional Lawn Care Companies Lost $350,000,000 Per Year
Lowes Challenge — Claim For Damages Being Filed
Lowes Challenge — Notice Of Action — The Avengers
Lowes Challenge — Accountability & Transparency With Lowes
Lowes Challenge — Not Gonna Take It Anymore — Lunatжc Meg Sears
Lowes Challenge — Not Gonna Take It Anymore — Companies Worth Less
Lowes Challenge — Not Gonna Take It Anymore — Civil Action
Lowes Challenge — Not Gonna Take It Anymore — CAPE — Trillium
Lowes Challenge — Not Gonna Take It Anymore — Sun-Setting
Lowes Challenge — The Pied Piper — Card
Lowes Challenge — What Can You Do
Lowes Challenge — Statements For The Crown Prosecutor
Lowes Challenge — 29 Individual Charges, 133 Counts, Fraud Charges Moving Forward
Lowes Challenge — Sufficient Evidence To Proceed
Lowes Challenge — The Culprits Of The 9|11 Era — Sniveling Maniacs Cry For Protection
Lowes Challenge — We’re Not Gonna Take It Anymore
Lowes Challenge — The Lone Ranger — Card
Lowes Challenge — Fraud & Corruption — Smith — Maniacs Anonymous
Lowes Challenge — Additional Charges — Party Pals
Lowes Challenge — Federal Charges Filed — Economic Impact Study
Lowes Challenge — Holding Those Responsible
Lowes Challenge — We Intend To Lay Charges Of Fraud
Lowes Challenge — Industry Has Little Choice — CELA — Report Card
Lowes Challenge — Waiting For The Hammer To Drop
Ontario Pesticide Ban — Living In Environmental Infamy
Ontario Pesticide Ban — Poll Regarding Prohibition
Ontario Pesticide Ban — Carnage Inflicted By Horrific Fines
Ontario Pesticide Ban & Elsewhere — Carnage Inflicted By Horrific & Arbitrary Fines, & Lifetime Bans
Striking Back Against Prohibition In British Columbia
Government Policy
Because of the threat of imminent PROVINCIAL prohibition in British Columbia ( BC ), all businesses operating in the Professional Lawn Care Industry have STAGNATED.
And, because of the reckless imposition of local MUNICIPAL prohibitions, many businesses have LOST OVER 40 PER CENT of their customers.
Then, in 2012, the government of British Columbia stated its policy AGAINST the prohibition of pest control products used in the urban landscape.
On May 17th, 2012, British Columbia’s Special Committee On Cosmetic Pesticides STOPPED the trend towards needless, senseless, and malicious prohibition.
The Special Committee announced that it will NOT recommend prohibition against pest control products used in the urban landscape.
In jurisdictions outside of British Columbia, the Special Committee could see that prohibitions were leading to catastrophic carnage in the form of business bankruptcies, business failures, urban ecology disasters, garbage dump green spaces, stunningly exorbitant costs, horrific fines, and even illness and death.
It is known that pest control products are scientifically-safe, and NO harm will occur when they are used according to label directions.
Prohibition is NOT necessary.
Not surprisingly, the BC Special Committee On Cosmetic Pesticides agreed ―
The scientific evidence, at this time, does not warrant an outright pesticide ban.
A 2011 POLL, conducted by Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association ( CCSPA ), CONFIRMED that the VAST MAJORITY of residents in British Columbia were OPPOSED to prohibition ― they actually FAVOURED the continued use of pest control products around their homes and in public green spaces.
The British Columbia Policy STRUCK BACK against anti-pesticide and environmental terrжrism !
Striking Back Against Prohibition In British Columbia
What You Can Do
Show The Government Of British Columbia Your
Support For Its Policy AGAINST The Prohibition Of
Pest Control Products Used In The Urban Landscape
Everyone in the Green Space Industry ― no matter where they live ― must meet with their Member of the Legislative Assembly ( MLA ), preferably not from the pesticide-hating New Democratic Party.
In order to meet and inform the MLA, you must donate the maximum amount to the party, which is 1,100 dollars in British Columbia.
The cost of this donation is insignificant when compared to the catastrophic business losses inflicted by anti-pesticide prohibition.
Any business owner in the Green Space Industry who does not bother to meet with the local MLA is a pitiful fool and an idiot, and does not deserve a career, or a business, or any success.
We must STRIKE BACK against anti-pesticide and environmental terrжrism !
Explore the following links …
British Columbia — Special Committee On Cosmetic Pesticides
British Columbia — Conspiracy To Prohibit Pest Control Products In The Urban Landscape
British Columbia — Special Committee On Cosmetic Pesticides — OFFICIAL DOCUMENT
British Columbia — The Public Rejects Pesticide Bans — Public Rejects Bans — Letter To The Editor
British Columbia — Golf Industry — Pre-Emptive Strike
British Columbia — What Have YOU Done In The War Against Environmental Terrжr ?!?! — IEPMA
Myth-Busting — Pesticide Bans — The Myths About Anti-Pesticide Prohibition
Striking Back Against Prohibition In Manitoba
The Postcard Campaign
Challenging Provincial Anti-Pesticide Prohibition
Professional Lawn Care Industry Versus Fanatжcs
Beginning in 2014, Manitoba’s pesticide-hating government officials were expected to impose arbitrary prohibition against conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape.
If province-wide prohibition were to be imposed, Manitoba green spaces would turn into dangerous and pest-infested garbage dumps.
In June 2013, dandelions had already dominated the pesticide-free homes in Manitoba.
According to Mr David Hinton, owner of Weed Man franchise and President of Landscape Manitoba Trade Association ―
We have a number of concerned members who just don’t want to sit back and let the NDP pass legislation that has NO basis.
We want to make citizens aware of it.
It’s only afterwards that people kind of realize what’s involved and realize that they can’t maintain their properties to the same level anymore. [ i.e. They become garbage dumps. ]
In early June 2013, Landscape Manitoba Trade Association began its Postcard Campaign by sending 150,000 mail-outs to Manitobans in a bid to get them to send in attached postcards to the Manitoba government, telling it the public opposed the proposed anti-pesticide prohibition.
Landscape Manitoba Trade Association represents businesses that operate in the Professional Lawn Care Industry.
The postcards called on home-owners to let anti-pesticide Premier Greg Selinger know that Manitobans opposed prohibition.
In a media release, Mr Hinton ―
Home-owners who oppose a ban need only to sign the card and drop it in the mail.
The Postcard Campaign STRUCK BACK against anti-pesticide and environmental terrжrism !
Striking Back Against Prohibition In Manitoba
On April 19th, 2016, the pesticide-hating fanatжcal New Democratic Party ( NDP ) was DEFEATED by the Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba, led by Brian Pallister, ending the 17-year NDP reign of anti-pesticide terrorism !
Observers expect that the Pallister Government WILL RESCIND the ARBITRARY PROHIBITION against pest control products used in the urban landscape !
Who wants this #@!!% ban nonsense ?!?!
The majority says NO.
The scientific evidence backing up Manitoba’s anti-pesticide prohibition just isn’t there.
The only people who want prohibition are a small minority of pesticide-hating fanatжcs with vested interests in concocting imaginary danger against pest control products.
We KNOW the majority DO NOT want prohibition, as confirmed by viewing the results of legitimate polls.
A Winnipeg Free Press poll showed that 60 per cent were opposed to prohibition.
Yet another newspaper poll reported that a majority of Manitobans do not want prohibition.
Outside of Manitoba, a BC poll conducted by Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association ( CCSPA ) showed that the vast majority of residents are opposed to prohibition, and they actually favour the continued use of these products around their homes and in public green spaces.
Moreover, an Ontario poll showed that the public rejects prohibition, and more than half of Ontario residents believed that the provincial government did not do the right thing by imposing an arbitrary prohibition.
Ontario residents would rather have their provincial prohibition scrapped or modified.
Canadian Association of Agri-Retailers ( CAAR ) says there is questionable public support.
No one wants this #@!!% ban nonsense !
The Manitoba Recindment will STRIKE BACK against anti-pesticide and environmental terrжrism !
Explore the following links …
Manitoba Pesticide Ban — Prohibition Review By New Conservative Pallister Government
Manitoba Pesticide Ban – Prohibition Review By New Conservative Pallister Government
Manitoba Pesticide Ban — Winnipeg Free Press Poll Shows 59 Per Cent Against Pesticide Ban
Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association — The Public Does Not Want Pesticide Bans
Ontario Pesticide Ban — Poll Regarding Prohibition
Striking Back Against Prohibition In Alberta
Government Policy
On August 9th, 2011, the government of Alberta stated its policy AGAINST the prohibition of pest control products used in the urban landscape.
The government of Alberta stated that it would NOT create restrictions or laws that conflict with the federal government, which is relied upon for health and safety assessments.
Consequently, the government of Alberta indicated that had no intent to prohibit the sale of any pest control product.
Alberta monitored pesticide bans over the past few years and the approaches taken by other jurisdictions, and found the basis for action confusing and inconsistent.
The Alberta Policy STRUCK BACK against anti-pesticide and environmental terrжrism !
Explore the following link …
Alberta — Conspiracy To Prohibit Pest Control Products In The Urban Landscape
Striking Back Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism
Pesticide-hating fanatжcs are advised that all names, statements, activities, and affiliations have been archived for eventual criminal charges.
These lying sacks of crжp will be charged with fraud and conspiracy under the criminal code.
When criminal charges for fraud and conspiracy are laid, these pesticide-hating fanatжcs should be advised that they have ALL have been identified on the basis of their statements, activities, affiliations, and whereabouts.
We must STRIKE BACK against these lying fanatжcs !
Explore the following link …
The Media Library Of Lying Sacks Of Crжp
Striking Back Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism
Fanatжcs Will Feel The Terrжr Of The Courts
NORAHG manages the library computer access and retrieval system for ALL anti-pesticide terrжrist acts of subversion, which includes a vast archive of documents, audio clips, and videos on ALL pesticide-hating fanatжcs.
This has been made available to those interested in litigation.
Striking back against these fanatжcs will be easy !
This archive contains names, statements, activities, and affiliations of ALL pesticide-hating fanatжcs, including government officials, as well as ALL anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organizations that do not deserve any charity tax exempt status.
These organizations accumulate nearly unlimited ENVIRO-PROFIT without paying a penny in taxes.
Interested parties need only to send their requests for any information needed in the war against fanatжcal-prohibitions.
We must STRIKE BACK against these lying fanatжcs !
For more information on enviro-profit, explore the following links …
Enviro-PROFIT — Money Squandered On Partisan, Political, & Subversive Activities
For more information about prominent pesticide-hating fanatжcs, explore the following links …
The Architects Of Anti-Pesticide Prohibition
Bell, Warren — Who Is This Diing-Dжng ?!?!
Cancer-Lunatжcs — Canadian Cancer Society
Carson, Rachel — The Queen Of Junk Science
Cavers, Donovan — Green Party Profiteer
Cottam Ghost-Writers — Deceiving The Public Anonymously
Doucet, Paul — Anti-Pesticide Hypochondriac
Feroe, Raquel — Eco-Terrжr-Activist Terrжrizes Edmonton
Forman, Gideon — Lunatжc Ming The Merciless Enviro-Terrжrist
Forman, Gideon — References For Litigation
Forman, Gideon — Paid-For-Profit Slide Show Presentation — Lies & Mis-Information
Hamir, Arzeena — Let Her Roast In Hell Wherever She Goes
Irwin, June — The Wicked Old Clown Witch
Layton, Jack — Prominent Architect Of Lunatжc Terrжrist Prohibition
Manitoba’s Lunatжc Terrжrists Who Imposed Arbitrary Prohibition
May, Elizabeth — Do We Want To Live In A Nation Ruled By Green-Lunatжcs ?!?!
McCumsey, Sheryl — With Her Lunatжc Co-Conspirators In Edmonton
McGuinty, Dalton — Resigns In Disgrace
Moore, Patti — Recipient Of Award For Best Anti-Pesticide Terrжrist-Of-The-Year
O’Leary, Sheilagh — Non-Expert Nude-Artist & Anti-Pesticide Lunatжc-Councillor
Ontario’s Anti-Pesticide Bastжrds
Seely, Kathryn — The Lunatжc Grinning Mistress Of Mis-Information In British Columbia
Suzuki, David — Why Do We Celebrate This Guy ?!?!
Tukey, Paul — America’s Master-Bastжrd Anti-Pesticide Terrжrist
Striking Back Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism
Fighting Anti-Pesticide Fanatжcs
When criminal charges for fraud and conspiracy are laid, legal experts say that there is sufficient information to lead to a successful prosecution.
Many pesticide-hating fanatжcs may be arrested and jailed for fraud.
In court, fanatжcal-defendants will realize that not a single person within their organizations has any recognized expertise, training or background in matters concerning pest control products.
In court, fanatжcal-defendants will be unable to provide any scientific basis for their needless, senseless, and malicious conspiracy to prohibit pest control products.
In court, fanatжcal-defendants will be « left out to dry » by their former co-conspirators.
Other fanatжcs will « rat out » their former co-conspirators.
These fanatжcs will be liable for damages worth millions of dollars.
Pesticide-hating fanatжcs, and their tax-exempt anti-pesticide organizations, deserve no less than …
- Arrests
- Charges of manslaughter
- Charges of fraud
- Charges of conspiracy
- Fines
- Imprisonment
- Rescinding of tax-exempt charity status
We must STRIKE BACK against these lying fanatжcs !
Striking Back Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism
Heroes Who Speak Out
Those Heroes Speaking Out, Striking Back, &
Taking Action Against Anti-Pesticide Terrжrism
Explore the following links …
Heroes — Speaking Out Against Anti-Pesticide Terrжrism
Striking Back Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism
Complaints & Litigation
Here’s How To Take Action, Fight Back,
& Sue The Bastжrds’ Brains’ Out
Explore the following links …
Complaint Channels — Contact Business, Fund-Raising, Government & Taxation Agencies, & Media Outlets
Litigation — Fighting Against Anti-Pesticide Prohibition In Courts Across Canada
Litigation — Here’s How To Sue The Bastжrds’ Brains’ Out — Announcement — Updated & Improved Report
Alberta — Edmonton — Anti-Pesticide Councillor
British Columbia — Golf Industry — Pre-Emptive Strike
British Columbia — What Have YOU Done — IEPMA
British Columbia — IEPMA Voice Of Industry — Updated
British Columbia — IEPMA Pushes For Initiatives — Holland
Canada — Benefits Of Turfgrass — CTRF Poster — BLOG
Canada — Targets Of Finance Minister — Tax-Exempt Status Investigated
Canada — Fighting Pesticide Bans In Court
Canada — Enviro-PROFIT — END of Enviro-Lunatжc Terrжrism
Canada — Enviro-PROFIT — Government Taking Money Away
David Suzuki -- Sheila Gunn Reid -- Video Recording -- 06 Minutes 48 Seconds
David Suzuki -- Make The Case Against David Suzuki A Best-Seller -- Video Recording -- 04 Minutes 53 Seconds
David Suzuki — The Case Against Suzuki — Sheila Gunn Reed
David Suzuki — Trade Association Response To The #@!!% Documentary — Part 2
David Suzuki — Complaint To Canada Revenue Agency
David Suzuki — Must Make Amends — Vivian Krause
Global Warming — Ben Stein Sues
Golf Industry — Rallying For Pre-Emptive Strike — Olson — BC
Golf Industry — BC Allied Golf Association — Lobbying
Golf Industry — NGCOA — Government Lobbying
Manitoba — Pesticide Ban’s Foes Get Louder
Manitoba — From My Cold Dead Hands — Before October 1st
Ontario — Chudleigh — Amendment to Pesticide Ban
Ontario — Chudleigh — Beginning To Repeal Prohibition
Ontario — Hamilton — Watering Down Pesticide Ban
Ontario — Lowes — Accountability & Transparency
Ontario — Lowes — We’re Not Gonna Take It ANYMORE — Meg Sears
Ontario — Lowes — We’re Not Gonna Take It ANYMORE — Companies Worth Less
Ontario — Lowes — We’re Not Gonna Take It ANYMORE — Civil Action
Ontario — Lowes — We’re Not Gonna Take It ANYMORE — CAPE — Trillium
Ontario — Lowes — We’re Not Gonna Take It ANYMORE — Sun-Setting
Ontario — Lowes — The Pied Piper — CARD
Ontario — Lowes — What Can YOU Do
Ontario — Lowes — Statements For The Crown Prosecutor
Ontario — Lowes — Sufficient Evidence To Proceed
Ontario — Lowes — We’re Not Gonna Take It ANYMORE
Ontario — Lowes — The Lone Ranger — CARD
Ontario — Lowes — Fraud & Corruption — Smith — Maniacs Anonymous
Ontario — Lowes — Additional Charges — Party Pals
Ontario — Lowes — Federal Charges Filed — Economic Impact Study
Ontario — Lowes — Holding Those Responsible
Ontario — Lowes — We Intend To Lay Charges Of Fraud
Ontario — Lowes — Industry Has Little Choice — CELA — Report Card
Ontario — Lowes — Waiting For The Hammer To Drop
Posters — Benefits Of Golf — CropLife — Library — BLOG
Squamish, BC — Lunatжcs Muzzling Freedom — Drysdale — BLOG
USA — Golf Courses & Chemical Co Target Env Laws — BLOG
USA — Fighting Lunatжcs With A Mascot For Children
USA — Debug the Myths — West Coast — Tukey
USA — Reduced Regulatory Burdens Act
USA — Increased Lobbying Against Regulations
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged pesticide-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths.
Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G
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