Background Information & Summary
The Chinese Bio-Weapon
China & The Deaths Of Millions ―
The Chinese-coronavirus is also known as the Wuhan Virus & COVID-19.
It is an ongoing public health emergency of international proportions involving major outbreaks of a deadly infectious disease that has spread globally, resulting in the 2019–2021 pandemic.
President Trump was right about China.
The virus DID come from China.
The Chinese are irredeemable with their breeding of human-animal chimera hybrids with the intent to create the coronavirus as a bio-weapon that would destroy the greatest US economy in modern history.
Is China guilty of the worst acts of mass-murder in modern history ?!?!?!?!
In fact, from 1949 to 1975, in the People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong was already one of THE GREATEST MASS-KILLERS in modern history, with mass-murders & policies leading to famine & UP TO 76 MILLION DEAD.
And now, from 2019 to 2021, China may also have been responsible for the deaths of millions with a coronavirus bio-weapon that caused a world-wide pandemic.
China developed the coronavirus in a bio-warfare laboratory as a bio-weapon of mass destruction.
Did China create a bio-weapon that would end a trade war, destroy the greatest US economy in modern history, & then destroy President Trump ?!?!?!?!
Absolutely, but perhaps by accident.
Even if the bio-weapon got out by accident, China is still responsible for MILLIONS DEAD.
In essence, China may be guilty of THE WORST MASS-KILLINGS along with … • Hitler • Mao Zedong • Stalin & • Rachel Carson.
In order to deflect any responsibility to itself, China has pretended that its coronavirus was natural with animal origin, & NOT a bio-weapon.
Nonetheless, China would never allow a good bio-weapon of MASS-MURDER go to waste.
China may have been responsible for THE GREATEST MASS-KILLINGS with its bio-weapon.
As of 2021, mass-murders in the era of the Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon may have led to 4 MILLION DEAD & RISING WORLD-WIDE.
To make matters worse, President Biden is owned & commanded by the Chinese communist party.
Fauci & The Deaths Of Millions ―
Anthony Fauci ( 1940 – – ) has been described as the wizard behind the curtains on crack. Fauci’s incompetence & mis-management of the Chinese-coronavirus cost OVER 1 MILLION DEAD AMERICANS.
Immunologist Fauci has served as director of US National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases ( NIAD ) & the chief medical advisor to the President of the United States.
Is Fauci guilty of being one of THE GREATEST MASS-KILLERS in modern history ?!?!?!?!
Did Fauci pay the Wuhan bio-warfare laboratory millions-of-dollars for its specialty in gain-of-function research that created the coronavirus bio-weapon ?!?!?!?!
If Fauci were tied to China’s coronavirus research, his hands are bloody.
Was Fauci the CREATOR of the coronavirus bio-weapon ?!?!?!?!
We must protect ourselves from future incompetent « EXPERTS » like Fauci, an intellectual-yet-idiot.
There needs to be a reckoning of Fauci & his reign-of-errors which resulted in MILLIONS OF SICK & DEAD AMERICANS & tipped a presidential election.
Observers claim Fauci lied & people died.
How many deaths did Fauci cause ?!?!
Some observers claim that Fauci mass-killings may have led to OVER 1 MILLION DEAD AMERICANS & OVER 4 MILLION DEAD WORLD-WIDE & RISING.
Carson & The Deaths Of Millions ―
Rachel Carson ( 1907 – 1964 ) is considered to be one of THE GREATEST MASS-KILLERS in modern history.
Carson’s acts of subversion have served as the inspiration for all environmental-extremists ( i.e. her followers ).
Since 1972, Carson’s followers have implemented policies that influenced reckless & arbitrary world-wide prohibitions against the use of DDT, resulting in MILLION & MILLIONS DEAD by malaria.
Carson mass-killings may have led to 30 TO 50 MILLION DEAD on continents like Africa.
Fortunately, in 2006, DDT was reinstated by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) in order to eradicate malaria in Africa, but not before MILLION & MILLIONS DEAD.
June 6th, 2021
Selected & Adapted Excerpts
Edited For Length & Clarity
References –
Time To Call Out The Most Evil Act Of Mass Murder Since Hitler, Stalin, & Mao Zedong
How Rachel Carson Cost Millions Of People Their Lives
Silent Spring Was Filled With Totally False Claims About DDT
UPDATE – Mass-Murders In The Era Of The Chinese-Coronavirus Bio-Weapon
The Chinese Bio-Weapon
China May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts
Of Mass-Murder Along With • Hitler •
Mao Zedong • Stalin & • Rachel Carson
Anthony Fauci Used American Tax-Payer
Money To Fund The Creation Of The
Chinese-Coronavirus Bio-Weapon In A
Bio-Warfare Laboratory In Wuhan
I don’t mean to say, « I TOLD YOU SO ».
But … I told you so.
Check the records.
Check the archives of my national radio show, « WAYNE ALLYN ROOT – RAW & UNFILTERED », on USA Radio Network.
Check my hundreds of newspaper columns and on-line commentaries.
I said from day one, in early March 2020, as we knew a deadly pandemic was headed our way, that this China Flu [ A.K.A. COVID-19, THE CHINESE-CORONAVIRUS BIO-WEAPON ] was man-made in a Chinese BIO-WARFARE LABORATORY in Wuhan.
I also said it seemed likely Anthony Fauci had used American tax-payer money to fund the creation of the Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon.
And I predicted we were experiencing a massive cover-up by China, the Chinese Communist Party, the World Health Organization, Fauci, and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, simply because they would all be on the hook for 10-TRILLION-DOLLARS in damages.
Background Information
CHINA 2019 – 2021 ― The Chinese-coronavirus may have been created by China as a bio-weapon that would destroy the greatest us economy in modern history. Is China one of the greatest mass-killers in modern history ?!?!?!?! ABSOLUTELY. Even if the bio-weapon got out by accident, China is still responsible for the deaths of millions. From 2019 to 2021, China mass-killings by its bio-weapon resulted in 4 MILLION DEAD & RISING WORLD-WIDE. Did China purposely send its coronavirus bio-weapon to America to end a trade war &, as a bonus, destroy its economy, & then-President Trump ?!?!?!?! ABSOLUTELY.
Background Information
CHINA 1949 – 1975 ― In fact, from 1949 to 1975, in the People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong was already one of the greatest mass-killers in modern history, with mass-murders because of policies that may have led to famine & UP TO 76 MILLION DEAD.
Background Information
ANTHONY FAUCI ― The CREATOR of the coronavirus bio-weapon ?!?!?!?! Immunologist Anthony Fauci has served as director of US National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases ( NIAD ) & the chief medical advisor to the president of the United States. Fauci used American tax-payer money to fund the creation of the Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon in a Chinese bio-warfare laboratory in Wuhan ?!?!?!?! PERHAPS. Is Anthony Fauci one of the greatest mass-killers in modern history ?!?!?!?! PERHAPS. As of 2021, Fauci mass-killings may have led to 4 MILLION DEAD & RISING WORLD-WIDE.
UPDATE – Mass-Murders In The Era Of The Chinese-Coronavirus Bio-Weapon
The Chinese Attack
China Developed The Coronavirus
In A Bio-Warfare Laboratory As A
Bio-Weapon Of Mass Destruction
China May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts
Of Mass-Murder Along With • Hitler •
Mao Zedong • Stalin & • Rachel Carson
Suddenly, people are admitting this deadly virus was probably made in a Chinese BIO-WARFARE LABORATORY.
Since my gut has been right on the money for 15 months now, while everyone else has been blind, deaf, and dumb, what else am I right about ?!?!
Could my second prediction be right on the money, too ?!?!
I’ve said all along this was NO mistake, NO coincidence, NO bad fortune.
This was an ATTACK on the United States by China.
In my opinion, there are only two possibilities for why and how this pandemic happened.
Either way, China may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER along with … • Hitler • Mao Zedong • Stalin & • Rachel Carson.
China may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER.
Background Information
ADOLF HITLER & THE THIRD REICH OF NAZI GERMANY ― From 1937 to 1945, Hitler was one of the greatest mass-killers in modern history. His systematic genocide led to millions of deaths. Hitler mass-killings resulted in 9 TO 15 MILLION DEAD.
Background Information
MAO ZEDONG & THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ― From 1949 to 1975, Mao was one of the greatest mass-killers in modern history, with mass-murders & policies leading to famine & millions of deaths. Mao mass-killings reached UP TO 76 MILLION DEAD.
Background Information
JOSEPH STALIN & THE REGIME IN THE SOVIET UNION ― From 1924 to 1953, Stalin was one of the greatest mass-killers in modern history. His state-sanctioned mass-murders led to millions of deaths. Stalin mass-killings resulted in 20 MILLION DEAD.
Background Information
RACHEL CARSON & HER FOLLOWERS ― Among the greatest mass-killers in modern history. Since 1972, Carson’s followers implemented policies that influenced reckless & arbitrary world-wide prohibitions against the use of DDT insecticide, resulting in millions of deaths by malaria. Carson’s acts of subversion have served as the inspiration for all environmental-extremists ( i.e. her followers ). Carson mass-killings may have led to 30 TO 50 MILLION DEAD.
UPDATE – Mass-Murders In The Era Of The Chinese-Coronavirus Bio-Weapon
The Chinese Creation
Never Allow A Good Bio-Weapon
Of Mass Destruction Go To Waste
First, behind door No 1 ―
It’s possible the Chinese-coronavirus
If true, there’s NO WAY that was an accident.
China clearly developed it as a BIO-WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION.
Even if it got out by accident, China is responsible for the DEATHS OF MILLIONS.
It’s possible once the coronavirus was out and Chinese officials knew, they made the deadly decision to let THOUSANDS OF INFECTED CHINESE fly to America and other Western countries to SPREAD this virus world-wide.
They clearly believed in former [ LEFT-WING LUNATЖC ] Chicago Mayor [ & OBAMA-ACCOLYTE ] Rahm Emanuel’s famous saying ―
Nevertheless, the coronavirus bio-weapon was China’s GREATEST DREAM.
China may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER.
UPDATE – Mass-Murders In The Era Of The Chinese-Coronavirus Bio-Weapon
The Chinese Dreams
The Chinese-Coronavirus Was Created As
A Bio-Weapon That Would Destroy The
Greatest US Economy In Modern History
Behind door No 2 is even more evil ―
Did China purposely send this BIO-WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION to America to end the trade war and, as a bonus, destroy us, our economy, and then-President Trump ?!?!
My gut says this was a purposeful ATTACK on America.
Look at the timing.
The Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon changed everything.
This pandemic just happened to WIPE-OUT President Trump’s economy ― the greatest economy in modern US history.
Look at what China DREAMED about doing ―
• BORDERS ― The borders are wide open, and China is making HUNDREDS-OF-BILLIONS OF DOLLARS on human trafficking, sex trafficking, and manufacturing fentanyl and opioids to smuggle across the border.
• BUSINESS CLOSURES ― Millions of small businesses have been closed.
• DEBT ― We have added TRILLIONS-OF-DOLLARS in debt to prop up the economy with stimulus, bail-outs, and welfare.
• DEPRESSION ― Overnight, America went from prosperity to what amounted to a Great Depression.
• ECONOMIC DOMINANCE ― Under President Trump, we had re-established our economic dominance in the world ― now it’s all reversed.
• ELECTION ― The Chinese-coronavirus has allowed Democrats to cheat and steal a presidential election.
• INFLATION ― Hyper-inflation is here.
• INFRA-STRUCTURE ― Many of the structural problems from the pandemic remain.
• LOST JOBS ― Millions of Americans have lost their jobs and a large portion of their life savings.
• MIDDLE CLASS ― The middle class has been decimated.
• MILITARY ― The US military’s No 1 objective is protecting gay and trans-gender rights. [ ?!?! ]
• PHRASES ― President Biden has signed a memorandum condemning the use of phrases like « WUHAN VIRUS ». [ ?!?! ]
• PRICES ― The price of gas, food, homes, and ammo is through the roof.
• RACE ― Black Lives Matter flags are flying at US embassies. [ ?!?! ]
• STOCK MARKET ― The stock market has collapsed.
• SUPPLY CHAINS ― Supply chains are destroyed.
• TRADE WAR ― The trade war is over and forgotten.
• WORK ETHIC ― America’s famous work ethic has been destroyed.
• WORKER SHORTAGE ― We have a massive worker shortage.
This is China’s GREATEST DREAM.
China may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-INTERFERENCE.
UPDATE – Mass-Murders In The Era Of The Chinese-Coronavirus Bio-Weapon
The Chinese’s President
President Biden Is Owned By
The Chinese Communist Party
The Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon changed everything.
Guess who’s back in the driver’s seat.
Suddenly, Biden was president, a man I believe is OWNED lock, stock, and barrel by the Chinese Communist Party.
During his first week as president, Biden showed his cards by signing a memorandum condemning the use of phrases like « WUHAN VIRUS ». [ ?!?! ]
Really ?!?!
Suddenly, the trade war was over and forgotten.
The borders are wide open, and China is making HUNDREDS-OF-BILLIONS OF DOLLARS on human trafficking, sex trafficking, and manufacturing fentanyl and opioids to smuggle across the border.
The US military’s No 1 objective is protecting gay and trans-gender rights. [ ?!?! ]
Black Lives Matter flags are flying at US embassies. [ ?!?! ]
This is China’s GREATEST DREAM.
China may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-INTERFERENCE.
UPDATE – Mass-Murders In The Era Of The Chinese-Coronavirus Bio-Weapon
The Chinese Mass-Murders
China Developed The Coronavirus In
A Bio-Warfare Laboratory As A Bio-
Weapon Of Mass Destruction
China May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts
Of Mass-Murder Along With • Hitler •
Mao Zedong • Stalin & • Rachel Carson
Of course China developed the Chinese-coronavirus in a BIO-WARFARE LABORATORY to be a BIO-WEAPON OF MASS-DESTRUCTION.
The question to investigate now is ―
Did China send it our way purposefully ?!?!
China may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER.
China may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER along with … • Hitler • Mao Zedong • Stalin & • Rachel Carson.
About The Author
Wayne Allyn Root is the author of the new No 1 national best-selling book « TRUMP RULES ». Wayne is a CEO, entrepreneur, and host of the daily nationally syndicated show « WAYNE ALLYN ROOT – RAW & UNFILTERED » on USA Radio Network, and the « WAR RAW » pod-cast.
June 14th, 2021
Canada Free Press
Selected & Adapted Excerpts
Edited For Length & Clarity
Reference –
Doktor Fauci Might Easily Have Killed A Million — Saint Anthony Fauci Murderer
UPDATE – Fauci May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts Of Mass-Murder
The Fauci Deaths
How Many Deaths Did Fauci Cause ?!?!
« Doktor » Fauci Might Easily
Have Killed A Million Americans
We Must Protect Ourselves From
Future Incompetent « Experts »
« DOA » Fauci = Intellectual-Yet-Idiot
As a feisty role player, cock-sure Dr Fauci was perfect ― always ready with a quip or a chuckling dismissal of others, our Napoleonic short-man was always full of himself.
He loved and tracked the bright lights more than a sunflower.
But now it’s obvious, even to blind cave fish, that Dr Anthony « DOA » Fauci is a world-class con-artist, reminiscent of Joseph « YELLOW KID » Weil.
Background Information
DOA ― An abbreviation that stands for « DEAD ON ARRIVAL ». Outside of law enforcement & hospitals, DOA is used figuratively for a hopeless situation or something doomed from the start.
Background Information
JOSEPH « YELLOW KID » WEIL ( 1875 – 1976 ) ― One of the best-known American « CON MEN » of his era. Weil had an uncanny knowledge of human nature. During the course of his career, Weil is reputed to have stolen more than 8-million-dollars.
But concerned Democrats still oppose Wuhan laboratory investigations, while wildly-partisan woke Fauci thinks the Chinese-coronavirus exposed racism. [ ?!?! ]
Despite absurdly claiming criticizing him was attacking science itself, yet it was techno-FRAUD Anthony who failed ― NOT science.
Unfortunately, Fauci likely WILL NOT be punished.
So let’s at least protect ourselves from future incompetent « EXPERTS ».
Nassim Taleb describes these in skin-in-the-game as the INTELLECTUAL-YET-IDIOT ( IYI ) class.
Background Information
NASSIM TALEB ― A Lebanese-American essayist, mathematical statistician, former option trader, risk analyst, & aphorist whose work concerns problems of randomness, probability, & uncertainty. His 2007 book « THE BLACK SWAN » has been described by the Sunday Times as one of the twelve most influential books since World War II.
So ― how many deaths did narcissist Fauci cause ?!?!
Fauci may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER.
Background Information
ANTHONY FAUCI ― Known as the CREATOR of the coronavirus bio-weapon ?!?!?!?! Immunologist Fauci has served as director of US NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES ( NIAD ) & chief medical advisor to the President of the United States. Did Fauci use American tax-payer money to fund the creation of the Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon in a Chinese bio-warfare laboratory in Wuhan ?!?!?!?! PERHAPS. Is Anthony Fauci one of the greatest mass-killers in modern history ?!?!?!?! PERHAPS. As of 2021, Fauci mass-killings may have led to OVER 4 MILLION DEAD & RISING WORLD-WIDE.
UPDATE – Fauci May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts Of Mass-Murder
The Fauci Virus
Fauci Paid The Wuhan Bio-Warfare
Laboratory Millions-Of-Dollars For Its
Specialty In Gain-Of-Function Research
That Created The Coronavirus Bio-Weapon
The most terrible question haunting Dr Anthony « DOA » Fauci ―
Did you create the Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon ?!?!
Background Information
DOA ― An abbreviation that stands for « DEAD ON ARRIVAL ». Outside of law enforcement & hospitals, DOA is used figuratively for a hopeless situation or for something doomed from the start.
First ―
Fauci is a huge fan of GAIN-OF-FUNCTION ( GOF ) experiments creating dangerous viruses, as part of the US government GAIN-OF-FUNCTION cabal.
Second ―
Fauci re-started the US GAIN-OF-FUNCTION without President Trump’s knowledge.
Third ―
Fauci paid the Wuhan bio-warfare laboratory MILLIONS-OF-DOLLARS despite their specialty in GAIN-OF-FUNCTION.
Background Information
GAIN OF FUNCTION ― Medical research that alters an organism or disease in a way that increases pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range. This research is intended to reveal targets to better predict emerging infectious diseases & to develop vaccines & therapeutics.
Specifically, Fauci knew such experiments were ridiculously dangerous.
Fauci admitted such lab-work should be done in China to protect Americans.
Fauci even predicted Trump would have a coronavirus-outbreak.
Yet, Fauci claimed an outbreak would be worth the cost.
But except for Fauci’s support, would the Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon have even been developed to then escape ?!?!
Fauci may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER.
UPDATE – Fauci May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts Of Mass-Murder
The Fauci Pretense
Fauci Is Like A Wizard Behind
The Curtains On Crack
When the news broke, Fauci panicked, PRETENDING it was a wild virus, even after e-mailed expert warnings it looked « MAN-MADE ».
Over a year spent pretending China could NOT have spawned the disease as elfin-Fauci did his pro-Wuhan song-n’-dance, changing stances repeatedly, giving mis-leading, contradictory, and smart-public remarks while CITIZENS DIED.
Background Information
WIZARD BEHIND THE CURTAINS ― It is a metaphor that comes from the popular 1939 American film « THE WIZARD OF OZ ». It means in concealment or in secret. It refers to the secret people who really control situations, the people from the shadows who are in charge.
But Howie Carr stated ―
Consider Dr Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm’s physician brother, the « DR DEATH » of the Obama administration.
After Fauci’s multiple the-sky-is-falling appearances on state-run television, « DR DEATH » e-mailed him in February 2020 that he had a « HARD TIME SEEING THIS AS SERIOUS AS EVERYONE ELSE ».
Background Information
HOWIE CARR ― The author of two New York Times best-sellers, a member of the National Radio Hall of Fame, & winner a National Magazine Award. He hosts a syndicated daily four-hour radio show, two hours of which are simulcast on Newsmax TV.
Consider Dr Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm’s physician-brother, the « DR DEATH » of the Obama administration.
After Fauci’s multiple the-sky-is-falling appearances on state-run television, Dr Death [ A.K.A. DR EZEKIEL EMANUEL ] e-mailed him in February 2020 that he had a « HARD TIME SEEING THIS AS SERIOUS AS EVERYONE ELSE ».
According to Dr Ezekiel Emanuel ―
Am I blind ?
Yes very transmissible but low mortality like flu in many ways ― the elderly, those with co-morbidities, and total impact is likely to be less than flu.
Good thing that wasn’t made public last year, or « DR DEATH » might have been banned from all social media from promoting such a conspiracy theory.
Fauci may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER.
UPDATE – Fauci May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts Of Mass-Murder
The Fauci Fraud
The Coronavirus DID Come From China
Shut-down warriors were wrong, and their rules failed.
New York has the second worst death rate.
But now experts claim there’s a « 99.8 PER CENT » chance the coronavirus came from Wuhan.
And now we have photos of Wuhan keeping bats in the bio-warfare laboratory.
But was Fauci DEFRAUDING all along ?!?!
Remembering Robert F Kennedy Jr claimed Fauci was a FRAUD for generations.
According to the National Review ―
But Dr Fauci is much worse than a FRAUD; he is a technocrat.
He doesn’t see himself as simply someone to explain « THE SCIENCE » of the virus but appointed himself a COVID czar.
He leveraged the corporate press’ personality cult and used it to manipulate the public to behave the way he wanted them to behave.
Fauci may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER.
UPDATE – Fauci May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts Of Mass-Murder
The Fauci Lies
Fauci Lied & People Died
If Fauci Were Tied To China’s Coronavirus
Experiments, His Hands Are Bloody
With 3.79 Million Deaths World-Wide
Fauci’s fear-mongering and false mask warnings sparked shut-down madness.
Fauci and the media’s FALSE-ATTACK on hydroxychloroquine was a lie and perhaps 100,000 LIVES could have been saved.
So, Fauci LIED and people DIED.
If not nervous about helping create the Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon, would Fauci’s decisions have improved ?!?!
Would he have stood up to China ?!?!
About 615,000 AMERICANS HAVE OFFICIALLY DIED from the Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon.
If Fauci were tied to Wuhan’s bat GAIN-OF-FUNCTION experiments, his hands are bloody ― with WORLD-WIDE 3.79 MILLION DEAD.
Background Information
GAIN OF FUNCTION ― Medical research that alters an organism or disease in a way that increases pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range. This research is intended to reveal targets to better predict emerging infectious diseases & to develop vaccines & therapeutics.
How many more DIED of untreated illness, accidental drug overdoses, or suicides ?!?!
Meanwhile, Fauci knew that masks were generally useless, but even advocated double-masks before being outed as a FRAUD ― thanks to Senator [ Dr ] Rand Paul, calling vaccinated masks « THEATER ».
Background Information
Dr RAND PAUL ― An American physician & politician serving as the junior United States Senator from Kentucky since 2011.
Fauci may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER.
UPDATE – Fauci May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts Of Mass-Murder
The Atlas Truths
The Mis-Management Of The
Chinese-Coronavirus Cost At Least
One-Million Americans Their Lives
Dr Scott Atlas says more Americans DIED from coronavirus-isolation and despair than the Chinese-coronavirus, and added « FAUCI IS A POLITICAL ANIMAL », and virus lock-downs « KILL PEOPLE ».
Taking Dr Atlas’ numbers seriously would mean Fauci’s mis-management led to at least 1-MILLION-DEATHS [ IN AMERICA ].
According to Dr Atlas ―
The lost economic output in the US alone is estimated to be 5 per cent of GDP, or 1.1-TRILLION-DOLLARS FOR EVERY MONTH OF THE ECONOMIC SHUT-DOWN.
This lost income results in lost lives as the stresses of unemployment and providing basic needs increase the incidence of suicide, alcohol or drug abuse, and stress-induced illnesses.
These effects are particularly severe on the lower-income populace, as they are more likely to lose their jobs, and mortality rates are much higher for lower-income individuals.
Statistically, every 10-MILLION-DOLLARS TO 24-MILLION-DOLLARS LOST in US incomes results in ONE ADDITIONAL DEATH.
One portion of this effect is through UNEMPLOYMENT, which leads to an average increase in MORTALITY OF AT LEAST 60 PER CENT.
That translates into 7,200 LIVES LOST PER MONTH among the 36 million newly unemployed Americans, over 40 per cent of whom are not expected to regain their jobs.
In addition, many small business owners are near financial collapse, creating lost wealth that results in MORTALITY INCREASES OF 50 PER CENT.
With an average estimate of ONE ADDITIONAL LOST LIFE PER 17-MILLION-DOLLARS INCOME LOSS, that would translate to 65,000 LIVES LOST IN THE US FOR EACH MONTH because of the ECONOMIC SHUT-DOWN.
Background Information
Dr SCOTT ATLAS ― An American radiologist, political commentator, & health care policy expert. He is a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank. From 1998 to 2012 he was professor & chief of neuro-radiology at the Stanford University Medical Center. Dr Atlas was selected by President Donald Trump in August 2020 to serve as an advisor on the White House Coronavirus Task Force. In that role, Dr Atlas provided useful information, including reports that face masks & social distancing were not effective in slowing the spread of the coronavirus.
If the above is correct, mis-management of the Chinese-coronavirus COST AT LEAST 1-MILLION AMERICANS THEIR LIVES.
China may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER.
UPDATE – Fauci May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts Of Mass-Murder
The Fauci Profits
Dr Fauci, Governor Cuomo, and even coronavirus-amateur Bill Gates, all seek to make their 30-pieces of silver from the Chinese-coronavirus.
Fauci’s 80-page coronavirus-book has now been shelved.
Cuomo was PAID OVER 5-MILLION-DOLLARS for a coronavirus-memoir that fails to detail KILLING 20,000 SENIORS to keep them out of Trump hospitals, probably « THE LARGEST SUM OF MONEY FROM A SIDE GIG EVER EARNED BY A GOVERNOR ».
Cuomo may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER.
Background Information
ANDREW CUOMO ― An American lawyer, author, & politician serving as the 56th governor of New York State from 2011 to 2021. A member of the Democratic Party, he was elected to the same position his father, Mario Cuomo, held for three terms. On March 25th, 2020, Cuomo & the New York State Department of Health issued an advisory requiring the admission of patients to nursing homes who tested positive for the coronavirus & barred testing prospective nursing home patients. This order was revoked on May 10th after wide-spread criticism from medical experts. By then, as many as 4,500 COVID-19-infected patients had been sent to nursing homes in New York State. Over 6,000 NEW YORK STATE NURSING HOME RESIDENTS HAD DIED OF COVID AS OF JUNE 2020. In January 2021, the attorney general of New York, Letitia James, released a report finding that Cuomo had understated the toll of COVID-19-related deaths in state nursing homes by as much as 50 per cent. The scandal was made public on February 11th, 2021, when the New York Post reported that Melissa Derosa, a secretary & aide to Cuomo, privately apologized to law-makers for the administration with-holding the nursing-home death toll in fear that then-President Donald Trump would « TURN THIS INTO A GIANT POLITICAL FOOTBALL ».
UPDATE – Fauci May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts Of Mass-Murder
The Fauci Shattered Election
President Trump Was Right
About China & Hydroxychloroquine
Had ultra-partisan Fauci admitted President Trump might be right about Wuhan and hydroxychloroquine, he probably would have been re-elected.
Background Information
HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE ― Chloroquine & hydroxychloroquine are anti-malarial medications also used against some auto-immune diseases. Chloroquine, along with hydroxychloroquine, have been successful treatments for COVID-19.
Yet, the bureaucrat Fauci hated Trump’s maverick style, and knew he’d be much safer under Biden’s demented wings.
So even if he is completely discredited, the left will always appreciate Fauci mis-playing his role to tank President Trump.
But he’s a precious leftist, alright ― opposed anyone being in any sized crowd, but refused to comment on George Floyd protests / riots and their connection to the Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon.
Meanwhile, Dr Atlas said in 2020 ―
The data is in ― stop the panic and end the total isolation.
UPDATE – Fauci May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts Of Mass-Murder
The Fauci Reign-Of-Errors
The Chinese Are Irredeemable With
Their Breeding Of Human-Animal
Chimera Hybrids As Bio-Weapons
There Needs To Be A Reckoning
Of Anthony Fauci & His Reign-
Of-Errors Which Killed Americans
& Tipped A Presidential Election
Instead of helping the world fight their coronavirus bio-weapon, the Chinese have pretended they had nothing to do with it.
And now, the Chinese have moved onto breeding human-animal chimera hybrids.
For the US, there needs to be an immediate reckoning of Anthony Fauci and his spectacular REIGN-OF-ERRORS which helped KILL so many Americans and tipped an election.
As Nassim Taleb wrote ―
He long ago traded his HIPPOCRATIC OATH of « DO NO HARM », for the bright lights of DC and advanced leftism.
Yes, Fauci chose politics over the lives of innocent Americans, just to ruin Trump and gain favor with the ruling democrat junta.
Background Information
NASSIM TALEB ― A Lebanese-American essayist, mathematical statistician, former option trader, risk analyst, & aphorist whose work concerns problems of randomness, probability, & uncertainty. His 2007 book « THE BLACK SWAN » has been described by the Sunday Times as one of the twelve most influential books since World War II.
Background Information
HIPPOCRATIC OATH ― An oath of ethics historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely-known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards. The oath is the earliest expression of medical ethics in the western world, establishing several principles of medical ethics which remain of paramount significance today. These include the principles of medical confidentiality & non-maleficence. As the seminal articulation of certain principles that continue to guide & inform medical practice, the ancient text is of more than historic & symbolic value. Swearing a modified form of the oath remains a rite of passage for medical graduates in many countries, & is a requirement enshrined in legal statutes of various jurisdictions, such that violations of the oath may carry criminal or other liability beyond the oath’s symbolic nature.
Dr Atlas argued ―
The COVID-19 shut-down will cost Americans millions of years of life.
Background Information
Dr SCOTT ATLAS ― An American radiologist, political commentator, & health care policy advisor. He is a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank. From 1998 to 2012 he was a professor & chief of neuro-radiology at the Stanford University Medical Center. Dr Atlas was selected by President Donald Trump in August 2020 to serve as an advisor on the White House Coronavirus Task Force. In that role, Dr Atlas provided useful information, including reports that face masks & social distancing were not effective in slowing the spread of the coronavirus.
There needs to be an accounting, and Fauci needs to be confronted with his sins.
Fauci may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER.
UPDATE – Fauci May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts Of Mass-Murder
The Fauci Investigation
But as usual, the adults, a.k.a. GOP [ I.E. REPUBLICANS ], will have to get back into power before any REAL INVESTIGATION occurs.
Till then, dear friends ― speak the truth to all who will listen.
Fauci may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER.
UPDATE – Fauci May Be Guilty Of The Worst Acts Of Mass-Murder
Kelly O’Connell – Bio & Archives
Kelly O’Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a Juris Doctorate and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.
June 22nd, 2021
Canada Free Press
Selected & Adapted Excerpts
Edited For Length & Clarity
Reference –
Doctors Of Death — One Democrat — One Nazi
UPDATE – Fauci’s Experimentations Are All Done For « Science »
Experimentation With Body Parts
If You’re Criticizing Dr Fauci,
Then You’re Criticizing « Science » ?
Dr Fauci Is An Undeniable Asset ?
Warning – Not For The Squeamish
The gruesome details of Anthony Fauci EXPERIMENTATION WITH HUMAN BODY PARTS are legendary.
But it was, of course, all done for « SCIENCE ».
With each passing week, we learn a bit more about Anthony Fauci, the self-proclaimed human incarnation of « SCIENCE ».
If you criticize Fauci, then you’re criticizing « SCIENCE ».
Smart people don’t do that.
Besides being the leading national spokes-person for dealing with the Chinese-coronavirus, …
White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday called Fauci « AN UNDENIABLE ASSET » and said President Biden has full confidence in his health adviser.
Well, that should validate once-and-for-all Fauci’s scientific imminence.
Joe has confidence in Fauci.
Nevertheless, Fauci may be guilty of the worst acts of MASS-MURDER.
UPDATE – Fauci’s Experimentations Are All Done For « Science »
Only Fools Dare Challenge Fauci
Fauci Granted More Than Half Of
National Institutes Of Health’s ( NIH’s )
Funding Of Aborted Fetal Research
Attaching The Scalps Of Aborted Fetuses
Onto The Backs Of Lab Rats & Mice
While his dealings with the Chinese-coronavirus continue to emerge, in part through leaked e-mails, many GOP [ I.E. REPUBLICAN ] politicians have remained silent, with the exception of a few, including Senator [ Dr ] Rand Paul.
Background Information
Dr RAND PAUL ― An American physician & politician serving as the junior United States senator from Kentucky since 2011.
But it’s hardly a ground swell of GOP [ I.E. REPUBLICAN ] criticism.
It’s risky to criticize « SCIENCE ».
And, because Fauci is « Mr SCIENCE », only fools dare challenge his assertion that …
… Americans shouldn’t be accusatory or be pointing fingers at the Chinese Communist Party.
The current POTUS [ I.E. PRESIDENT BIDEN ], and his son, share that belief.
While the coronavirus-debate continues to grow, we’ve learned more about the agenda of Fauci.
On June 20th, 2021, the Townhall headline read ―
Fauci Granted More Than Half Of National Institute of Allergy &
Infectious Diseases’ ( NIAD ) Funding Of Aborted Fetal Research ―
David Daleiden, project lead and founder of The Center for Medical Progress, told Townhall that, in 2019 alone, Fauci’s office AWARDED the University of Pittsburgh 61 MILLION-DOLLARS of the 109-MILLION-DOLLARS that they received from the NIH [ NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH ] for research that included ATTACHING THE SCALPS OF ABORTED FETUSES onto the backs of lab rats and mice, an experiment that would not be feasible without the violation of state laws.
Background Information
NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH ― The National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) is the primary agency of the United States government responsible for bio-medical & public health research. The NIH comprises 27 separate institutes & centers of different bio-medical disciplines & is responsible for many scientific accomplishments. The National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases ( NIAD ) maintains its laboratories in Montana.
UPDATE – Fauci’s Experimentations Are All Done For « Science »
Trafficking In Fetal Body Parts
Unfortunately, No Government
Entity Cares To Enforce THE CARES
ACT In Any Meaningful Way
David Daleiden, project lead and founder of The Center for Medical Progress, added that ―
In order to get the INTACT FETAL SCALPS in the recent Pittsburgh study FUNDED BY FAUCI’s NIAD [ NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES ], the Planned Parenthood abortion doctors supplying the Pitt tissue bank would have needed to use ILLEGAL PARTIAL-BIRTH ABORTIONS to EXTRACT THE FETAL HEADS whole enough to yield usable scalps.
Unless the consent forms told the pregnant patients their babies would be SCALPED TO STICH ONTO LAB RATS, the consents are almost certainly invalid through fraudulent omissions.
Background Information
DAVID DALEIDEN ― An American anti-abortion activist who worked for live action before founding the Irvine, California-based center for medical progress in 2013. In 2015, Daleiden released videos showing planned parenthood officials discussing fees for HUMAN FETAL TISSUE & ORGANS.
In August 2020, Louisiana US Senator Bill Cassidy …
… joined a coalition of 27 senators in sending a letter calling on the Department of Justice ( DOJ ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) to provide an update on their investigation into Planned Parenthood’s ILLEGAL TRAFFICKING AND SALE OF FETAL TISSUE as well as wrongfully receiving loans from the PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROGRAM ( PPP ) despite knowing they were ineligible to apply.
Background Information
PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROGRAM ( PPP ) ― A 953-billion-dollar business loan program established by the united states federal government in 2020 through the CORONAVIRUS AID, RELIEF, & ECONOMIC SECURITY ACT ( THE CARES ACT ) to help certain businesses, self-employed workers, sole proprietors, certain non-profit organizations, & tribal businesses continue paying their workers.
Perhaps you missed the photo where the 27-member coalition of senators gathered in front of the White House to demand an accounting of the ILLEGAL TRAFFICKING IN FETAL BODY PARTS.
But that’s only because it didn’t happen.
Senators don’t protest.
They issue press releases.
If past, DOJ / FBI « INVESTIGATIONS » are any indication of future results, the 27-member coalition knowingly engaged in an exercise of virtue-signing with no-results guaranteed.
A.K.A. ― Eye wash.
Senator Cassidy’s press release states that ―
Cassidy sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr in May 2021 urging DOJ to investigate Planned Parenthood’s illegal acquisition of millions of dollars in PPP loans despite being prohibited under THE CARES ACT.
Senator Cassidy sent a letter to attorney general William Barr.
Unfortunately, no government entity cares to enforce THE CARES ACT in any meaningful way.
Background Information
THE CARES ACT A.K.A. THE CORONAVIRUS AID, RELIEF, & ECONOMIC SECURITY ACT ― The Cares Act is a 2.2-trillion-dollar economic stimulus bill passed by the 116th US Congress & signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 27th, 2020, in response to the economic fall-out of the pandemic caused by the Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon in the United States.
UPDATE – Fauci’s Experimentations Are All Done For « Science »
The Infamous Josef Mengele
The Man Most Compared To
« Dr Science » Anthony Fauci Was
The Infamous Josef Mengele
A Deeper Look Into The Marketing
Of Aborted Baby Body Parts
A deeper look by into the marketing of aborted human body parts revealed that ―
Beatrice Chen is both the vice chair of the university Institutional Review Board, which supervises research involving ABORTED BABY BODY PARTS, and the Planned Parenthood medical director in charge of the abortions in Pittsburgh.
What a surprising coincidence !
The man [ MOST COMPARED ] to « DR SCIENCE » [ FAUCI ] was the infamous Josef Mengele.
Mengele was the standout among Nazi physicians who conducted experiments ― to further science, of course ― on living, dying, and dead concentration camp prisoners.
He mysteriously disappeared at the end of World War II [ 1939 – 1945 ].
The gruesome details of his experimentation with human body parts are legendary.
But it was, of course, all done for science.
Background Information
JOSEPH MENGELE ― During World War II ( 1939 – 1945 ), Mengele was mainly remembered for his actions at the Auschwitz concentration camp, where he performed deadly experiments on prisoners. He was a member of the team of doctors who selected victims to be killed in the gas chambers & was one of the doctors who administered the gas. With Red Army troops sweeping through Poland, Mengele was transferred 280 kilometres from Auschwitz to the Gross-Rosen concentration camp on January 17th, 1945, ten days before the arrival of the Soviet forces at Auschwitz.
Background Information
Rachel Carson
The Deaths Of Millions Because Of Carson ―
Rachel Carson & her followers are considered the greatest mass-killers in modern history.
Since 1972, Carson’s followers implemented policies that influenced reckless & arbitrary world-wide prohibitions against the use of DDT, resulting in 30 TO 50 MILLION DEATHS BY MALARIA on continents like Africa.
The public must recognize that Carson & her followers represent the BEST example of incompetent, truth-challenged, fanatжcal, & deadly enviro-abuse.
Observers agree that Carson was the first environmental-terrжrist & the queen of junk science.
Rachel Carson recklessly wrote the subversive anti-pesticide book entitled « SILENT SPRING » while she was stricken & dying with breast cancer, which was diagnosed in spring 1960.
While writing the book, she underwent radical mastectomy in April 1960, as well as radiation treatment.
Given her own terminal state of health, Carson decided to wail endlessly about the supposed risks of chemicals in the environment, specifically DDT insecticide.
In the minds of many observers, there is NO DOUBT that Carson’s illness tainted her views regarding chemicals.
It is a known fact that while a person is dying due to a disease, the human mind often attempts to link the reason for the disease with a specific event or blunder.
Consequently, « SILENT SPRING » was Carson’s scientifically inaccurate blunder.
With the passage of time, it has become clear that « SILENT SPRING » was subversively flawed & horribly truth-challenged.
Most of the allegations in « SILENT SPRING » were ultimately shown to be scientifically inaccurate & filled with anti-pesticide hate-speech & junk–science.
Some observers maintain that « SILENT SPRING » was approximately two-thirds incorrect, & hence only one-third correct.
The failure of « SILENT SPRING » is NOT surprising since Carson had NO competent background, NO training, & NO expertise in matters concerning pest control products.
She was NEVER competent to discuss pest control products.
In fact, Carson can only be described as a mere zoologist, spinster, cancer victim, & subverter of the truth.
Her acts of subversion have served as the inspiration for all environmental-extremists.
Consequently, observers have concluded that Carson may be a lying fanatжcal female jackal & a paranoid chemophobe who paved the way for 30 TO 50 MILLION DEATHS BY MALARIA on continents like Africa.
Explore the following selected links …
√ — CARSON — A Lying Female Jackal & Served As The Inspiration Of Loathsome DDT Opponents — LINK
√ — CARSON — The Queen Of Junk Science & Killed More People Than Hitler — LINK
√ — CARSON — Cost Millions Of People Their Lives — Killed More People Than Hitler — LINK
√ — CARSON — Filled Our World With Politicized Science — LINK
√ — CARSON — Silent Spring Contained Totally False Claims About DDT — LINK
Background Information
The Green Space Industry
The Professional Lawn Care Maintenance ―
The Chinese-coronavirus pandemic bio-weapon has NOT deterred the professional lawn care business.
Lawn care businesses WILL continue to provide home-owners with what they want … greener, thicker, pest free conditions, while keeping everyone safe from the spread of the Chinese-coronavirus.
Home-owners need the services of professional lawn care businesses.
In the era of the Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon, home-owners will remain safe because of protocols adopted by lawn care businesses.
For example, physical distancing is built into the lawn care business since home-owners do not need to interact with technicians.
Another example, paper invoices are no longer used since everything is done electronically.
Well-maintained lawns, with sunlight, heat, & humidity act as sanitizers, & will result in an environment that is safe from the Chinese-coronavirus.
Home-owners should NOT be afraid to allow their families to play on well-maintained lawns.
It will be safe to play on these lawns, although physical distancing may continue to be necessary.
The Best Practices Of The Golf Industry ―
The pandemic caused by the Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon has changed the game of golf.
Nonetheless, golfers are safe since sunlight is a great sanitizer found in abundance on golf courses.
The Chinese-coronavirus will weaken more quickly when exposed to sunlight, heat, & humidity.
It also means that golf courses will be the safest places to be in the era of the pandemic.
And, because sunlight is such a great sanitizer, golfers should not be too afraid to touch flagpoles & sand-trap rakes.
Golfers are safe on the golf course, although physical distancing & vaccinations may continue to be necessary.
In order to keep golfers safe from the spread of the Chinese-coronavirus bio-weapon, trade associations, like Allied Golf Associations, has published the British Columbia ( BC ) version of « COVID-19 PROTECTION – BEST PRACTICES FOR RESPONSIBLE OPERATION OF BC GOLF COURSES », which contains dozens & dozens of SAFETY PROTOCOLS that are mandated by the Provincial Health Office ( PHO ) & regional health authorities.
Golf courses are a great morale booster for the nation.
Golf course facilities have been creating POSITIVE WAVES for our society by introducing preventive measures to reduce the chances of infection from the coronavirus.
And, as usual, golf courses will continue to provide high-quality playing conditions & aesthetics.
The Golf Industry Trade Associations ―
The Chinese-coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we look at the game of golf.
Matters have been made much worse by INTERFERING TRADE ASSOCIATIONS that have attempted to rob golfers of the freedom to safely practice the game of golf.
Let us curse many of the golf industry’s #@!!% trade associations for SUPPORTING THE CLOSING OF GOLF COURSES because of the Chinese-coronavirus.
Early in the pandemic, INTERFERING TRADE ASSOCIATIONS have lobbied to rob golfers the freedom to safely practice the game of golf, such as ― • Golf Canada • Canadian Golf Superintendents Association ( CGSA ) • National Golf Course Owners Association ( NGCOA ) • Professional Golf Association of BC ( PGA BC ) • & others.
These trade associations have justified their INTERFERENCE by using perverted logic, such as ― older golfers are considered more vulnerable to the pandemic, & therefore, golf courses must be closed to the vast majority of younger players.
These associations have also defied the overwhelming number of superintendents who have supported the opening of golf courses during the era of the Chinese-coronavirus pandemic.
These associations have BETRAYED the golf industry. And, their INTERFERENCE has served no useful purpose.
In some jurisdictions like British Columbia, golf courses have REMAINED OPEN against the wishes of the trade associations ― & NO golfer has ever become stricken with coronavirus.
These INTERFERING ASSOCIATIONS are operated by incompetent leaders who fail to make any correct decisions.
They must be stopped & held accountable. Historically, these leaders have also INTERFERED in other matters that are beyond their purview, such as ― • supporting anti-pesticide prohibition • validating those lunatжcs who seek to harm the turf maintenance profession • peddling bogus green alternative pesticides • & more.
Observers have repeatedly warned association leaders to STOP INTERFERING in these matters.
And, of course, association leaders are now being asked to STOP SUPPORTING the closing of golf courses because of the coronavirus.
Perhaps we should not ascribe malice to association leaders for their failures, which can adequately be explained by incompetence.
And, there are other associations that deserve credit for doing the right thing. Thankfully, associations like Western Canada Turfgrass Association ( WCTA ) have NOT been supporting the closures.
According to WCTA, whether or not a golf facility has been mandated to close or has the option to remain open, they must still be expected to follow practices that ensure the health & safety of all golfers as well as employees.
Otherwise, the end may be near for golf superintendents & their facilities.
Explore the following links …
√ — POSITIVE WAVES — Library Of Positive Waves For Society — LINK
√ — POSITIVE WAVES — Benefits Of Turfgrasses — LINK
√ — COVID-19 — PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE MAINTENANCE — Saskatchewan — Lawn Care Maintenance In The Era Of The Chinese Coronavirus — Mr Simon E Taylor — LINK
√ — COVID-19 — GOLF INDUSTRY — To Golf Or Not To Golf — British Columbia, Saskatchewan, New York, & Michigan — Trade Association Betrayals — Sunshine Makes Golf Safe — LINK
√ — COVID-19 — GOLF INDUSTRY — Golf Facility Maintenance In The Era Of The Chinese Coronavirus — AGA-BC’s COVID-19 Protection — Best Practices For Responsible Operation Of BC Golf Courses — Improved & Modified Version — LINK
Background Information
The Entire Media Library Of
Explore the following links …
√ — UPDATES & WARNINGS — The Media Library — LINK
√ — UPDATE — NEONICOTINOIDS — Kangaroo-Trial-Lawyer Jailed For Extortion — LINK
√ — UPDATE — NEONICOTINOIDS — Canadian Cancellations & New Restrictions — LINK
√ — UPDATE — GLYPHOSATE — EPA Reaffirms No Risk To Public Health — LINK
√ — UPDATE — HEALTH CANADA — Re-Evaluation Summary Table — Acceptable For Continued Registration — LINK
√ — UPDATE — HEALTH CANADA — Re-Evaluation Summary Table — Products Removed — LINK
√ — UPDATE — HEALTH CANADA — Re-Entry Intervals — Label Directions For Applications On Turfgrasses — LINK
√ — UPDATE — THE ROAD SO FAR — David Suzuki — Attacks Against Golf In 2008 — Part 6 Of 7 — LINK
√ — UPDATE — THE ROAD SO FAR — Golf Industry — Trade Association Response To Chlorothalonil — LINK
√ — UPDATE — THE ROAD SO FAR — Greenpeace — Tax-Free Profit & Charity Status Revocation — LINK
√ — UPDATE — THE ROAD SO FAR — Ontario Bee-Keepers’ Association — #@!!% Bee-Keeper-Lunatжcs — LINK
√ — UPDATE — THE ROAD SO FAR — Nursery Industry — Headed For Its #@!!% Doom — LINK
√ — STRIKING BACK — The Library Of Striking Back & Taking Action Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism — LINK
√ — STRIKING BACK — Glyphosate — Bayer Cools Prospect Of Imminent Roundup Settlement — LINK
√ — THE AVENGERS — The Neck Of The Anti-Pesticide & Enviro-Lunatжc Terrжrist-Vermin Must Be Snapped ( Proverbially ) — LINKS
√ — TERRЖR NEVER ENDS — Pesticide-Hating Doctrine & Science-Hating Fanatжcism — LINK
√ — BRITISH COLUMBIA — The Library Of Prohibition By-Laws British Columbia — LINK
√ — BRITISH COLUMBIA — The Media Library Of Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia — LINK
UPDATES & WARNINGS is a series destined for the green space industry, across Canada, the United States, & overseas, & can be found on THE PESTICIDE TRUTHS WEB-SITE …
UPDATES & WARNINGS is a series committed to SOUND SCIENCE, as well as ground breaking original KNOWLEDGE that informs, entertains, & creates real change.
All KNOWLEDGE, excerpts, & pictures contained in UPDATES & WARNINGS were retrieved from the Internet, & may be considered in the public domain.
The KNOWLEDGE presented in UPDATES & WARNINGS is for preliminary planning.
Before making a final decision, the turf manager is expected to obtain trusted expert KNOWLEDGE from extension specialists, local distributors and/or agronomists.
All decisions must take into account the prevailing growing conditions, the time of year, & the established management practices.
All products mentioned in UPDATES & WARNINGS should be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions, & according to provincial, state, & federal law.
For the official advantages, benefits, features, precautions, & restrictions concerning any product, the turf manager must rely only on the information furnished by the manufacturer.
The mention of trade names does not constitute a guarantee or a warranty.
NORAHG also produces FORCE OF NATURE, which dares to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on THE PESTICIDE TRUTHS WEB-SITE …
Here Is A Brief Summary Of Mr Gathercole’s Career
UPDATES & WARNINGS, FORCE OF NATURE, & their various incarnations, was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole ( now retired ) & his colleagues.
Here is a brief summary of Mr Gathercole’s career ―
FIELDS OF UNIVERSITY STUDY ― • Crop, Horticulture, & Turfgrass Sciences • Mathematics & Physics.
ALMA MATERS ― • McGill University • University of Guelph • the first person ever to obtain bachelors of science degrees & contribute directly to both the professional lawn care & golf maintenance industries.
EXPERTISE ― • turf & ornamental maintenance & troubleshooting • history of the green space industry • sales & distribution of seeds, chemicals, fertilizers, & equipment • fertilizer manufacturing & distribution • environmental issues & pesticide-hating fanatжcism.
NOTABLE ACTIVITIES ― • worked in virtually all aspects of the green space industry, including golf maintenance, professional lawn care, tree & shrub care, distribution, environmental compliance, government negotiations, public affairs, & workplace safety • the supervisor, consultant, &, programmer for the successful execution of hundreds-of-thousands of management operations in the golf course & urban landscape, as well as millions of pest control applications • the advisor, instructor, & trainer for thousands of turf & ornamental managers & technicians • the pesticide certification instructor for thousands of industry workers • a founder of the modern professional lawn care industry • the prolific writer for industry publications, reports, & blogs • the first to confirm the invasion of European Chafer insects in both the Montreal region & the Vancouver / Fraser Valley region • with Dr Peter Dernoeden, the first to confirm the presence of Take All Patch as a disease of turf in Eastern Canada • with Dr David Shetlar, the first to confirm the presence of Kentucky Bluegrass Scale as an insect pest in south-western Ontario, & later, in the Montreal & Vancouver regions.
SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS ― • the creator of the PESTICIDE BAN EXCEPTION STATUS that allowed the golf industry to avoid being subjected to anti-pesticide prohibition for a generation • the creator of the signs that are now used for posting after application • the co-founder of annual winter convention for Quebec golf course superintendents • the founder of the first ever Turf Summit with guest Dr Jack L Eggens • the major influence in the decision by Canadian Cancer Society to stop selling-for-profit fresh pesticide-treated daffodils • the only true reliable witness of the events of anti-pesticide prohibition in the town of Hudson, Quebec • the founder ( now retired ) of the FORCE OF NATURE series of reports & blogs.
NOTABLE AWARD ― • the first man-of-the-year for contributions leading to the successful founding of the Quebec professional lawn care trade association, which served as a beach-head against anti-pesticide activists in the 1980s & 1990s.
LEGACIES ― Mr Gathercole & his colleagues … • designed & implemented strategies that reined anti-pesticide activists & provided peace & prosperity for the entire modern green space industry for a generation • orchestrated legal action against anti-pesticide activists in the town of Hudson, Quebec • launched the largest founding professional lawn care business in the nation • quadrupled the business revenues of one of the largest suppliers in the nation.
Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as the founder of UPDATES & WARNINGS & FORCE OF NATURE series of reports & blogs.
We Speak The Whole Truth From An Independent Perspective
We dare to defy by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on THE PESTICIDE TRUTHS WEB-SITE …
We are the NATIONAL ORGANIZATION RESPONDING AGAINST HUJE that conspire to destroy the GREEN space & other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit & independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged subversive-fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe & effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, & background in matters concerning pest control products, & who promote environmental realism & pesticide truths.
NORAHG produces UPDATES & WARNINGS, a series of reports & blogs providing UP-TO-DATE KNOWLEDGE on issues such as ― • 2,4-D Herbicide • A Look At … Slide Shows • Canadian Cancer Society • Energy Sector – Wind Turbines • Fiesta Herbicide • Glyphosate Herbicide ( Roundup ) • Golf Industry Heroes • Health Canada • Health Issues • Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ) • Iprodione Fungicide ( Rovral ) • Landscape Plants • Letters To The Editor • Manufacturers • Neonicotinoid Insecticides • Ontario Bee-Keepers’ Association • Ontario College Of Family Physicians • Organic Pesticide-Free Maintenance • Organizations • Prohibitions • Quintozene Fungicide ( PCNB ) • Re-Entry Intervals • Seeds Of Turfgrasses • The Road So Far • The Wisdom Of Hepworth • Victories • Water Quality.
If you wish to receive free reports & blogs on issues that concern you, please contact us at … WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G
Background Information
The Whole Truth Can Be Found On
The Pesticide Truths Web-Site
Explore The Following Selected Links …
√ — BEE CONSPIRACIES — Bee-Keepers Are Killing Bees, & Not Insecticides — LINK
√ — CATASTROPHIC CARNAGE — Carnage Created By Catastrophic Anti-Pesticide Prohibition — Main Web-Page — LINK
√ — COMPLAINT CHANNELS — Complain About The Anti-Pesticide Lunatжcs — LINK
√ — ENEMIES LISTS — In The 9|11 Era Of Anti-Pesticide Terrжrism — LINK
√ — FINANCIAL CARNAGE — The Exorbitant Cost Of Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ — GOLF INDUSTRY — Attacks Against Golf Facilities — LINK
√ — MYTHS ABOUT BANNING PESTICIDES — Leading Scientific Health & Policy Experts — White Paper — LINK
√ — PESTICIDE BANS ARE A FARCE — Killex For Sale To Everyone — LINK
√ — REAL TRENDS AGAINST PESTICIDE BANS — Victories Against Prohibitions — LINK
√ — STRIKING BACK — The Library Of Striking Back & Taking Action Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism — LINK
√ — THE MYTH OF CANCER — Glyphosate Does Not Cause Cancer — Europe Says Glyphosate Is Safe — LINK
√ — UPDATES & WARNINGS — The Media Library — LINK
√ — USA — The Complete Media History Of US Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism — Victories & Failures — State Pre-Emptions — LINK
√ — VICTORIES — Real Trends Against Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ — VICTORIES — Real Trends Against Anti-Glyphosate Terrжrism — LINK
√ — 2,4-D HERBICIDE — Evaluations & Assessments — LINK