In the 9|11 Era of Anti-Pesticide TERRORISM, Enviro-Lunatics rely upon lies, fear-mongering, misconceptions, coercion, threats, deceptions, terror, and paranoid conspiracies.
These Depraved-Lunatics concoct fraudulent, non-existent, and alarmist issues, such as the so-called problems with DDT as well as the imaginary threat of pest control products !
DDT prevented 500 million human deaths, due to MALARIA.
The COLD-BLOODED policies and DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE of Anti-DDT Lunatics killed more people than Hitler.
No other pest control products were as effective or as safe as DDT.
These Anti-Pesticide Basterds cannot be trusted !
We are living in the 9|11 Era of Anti-DDT TERRORISM !
Let’s Pause …
and Look At Some Alarming Statistics
It has been predicted that so-called GLOBAL WARMING will affect the Arctic, as well as the African and Asian countries, North America, and Europe.
Consequently, it is expected that dozens of millions of refugees will be created, and that famine will affect 80 to 200 million people.
We should all be reminded that many experts view GLOBAL WARMING as purely SPECULATIVE.
We are also advised to get a grasp on factual existing problems that plague our entire planet.
As we speak, we have real problems, with poverty, AIDS, polluted drinking water, and Malaria, which are afflicting and killing many times more people than global warming ever will.
Hunger is the most extreme form of poverty.
Presently, 854 million people across the world are hungry.
Every day, almost 16,000 children DIE from hunger-related causes ― almost 6 MILLION CHILDREN DIE ANNUALLY due to hunger.
The latest statistics on the world epidemic of AIDS and HIV indicate that 39½ million people are living with it.
AIDS deaths for 2006 were 2.9 million, despite recent improvements to access to anti-retroviral treatment.
Equally serious is the fact that a world-wide shortage of fresh drinking water affects forty per cent of the planet’s population.
Each year, 11 MILLION PEOPLE DIE of diseases related to water that is not clean enough for consumption.
Finally, some observers believe that Malaria acutely afflicts MORE THAN 515 MILLION PEOPLE PER YEAR.
515 MILLION PEOPLE is MORE PEOPLE than live in Canada, the United States, and Mexico, combined.
Two-thirds of all Malaria cases occur in Africa.
Additionally, Malaria causes more than 1 MILLION DEATHS PER YEAR, principally among children under the age of five years and pregnant women.
At least eighty-six per cent of these deaths are in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Globally, an estimated 3,000 women, children, and infants DIE from Malaria every day.
Twelve billion dollars per year is lost to Malaria.
In some countries, more people die of Malaria than HIV/AIDS ― and recently, a new study showed that people who contract Malaria become more likely to spread HIV.
For over one-half century, DDT has been used as part of the solution to one of the world’s great problems.
Through the policies of depraved indifference of Environmental Terror Organizations, DDT has been prohibited in a manner that can only be described as « Eco-Manslaughter ».
Eradicating Malaria with DDT
Malaria has wrought an enormous economic toll, by incapacitating otherwise productive people.
The burden of Malaria costs Sub-Saharan Africa an estimated twelve billion dollars per year.
Thousands survive the disease with brain damage, thus keeping millions at home to care for them.
It is the principal reason why people in Africa are living in abject poverty.
Both North America and Europe have not harboured Malarial mosquitoes since the 1940s.
This was accomplished through the use of a range of public health measures, as well as generally increasing health and living standards.
In fact, the beginning of the decline of Malaria was due principally to the drainage of swamp-land and the removal of mill-ponds.
It had been known since 1914 that Malaria could be controlled by fluctuating water levels.
Nonetheless, DDT contributed to the final eradication of Malaria in the developed world.
In 1955, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) began a program to eradicate Malaria throughout the ENTIRE world.
The program RELIED GREATLY upon the application of DDT to control mosquitoes, with a practice called DDT Residual House Spraying.
As a result of this program, by 1967, Malaria was eradicated from all developed countries where Malaria was endemic.
Large areas of tropical Asia and Latin America were freed from the risk of infection.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, the campaign was only launched in three countries since it was not considered feasible in the others.
Swaziland and Mozambique are examples of countries that have very successfully REDUCED Malaria infestations with DDT.
Throughout the years, spectacular DECREASES in Malaria infections and deaths were seen after implementing an extensive anti-mosquito program with DDT.
Here are five examples ―
Almost 1 million Malaria deaths reported
Only a few thousand cases were reported
817,000 Malaria deaths reported
Only 800 cases were reported
Skri Lanka ( Ceylon )
28 million cases of Malaria
Only 110 cases were reported
DDT program was halted, and Malaria rebounded with 2½ million cases
South Africa ( Province of KwaZulu-Natal )
DDT was stopped and the number of MALARIAL DEATHS rose from 8,000 to 42,000
There was a 400 per cent increase in MALARIAL DEATHS
Modern day
After the return of DDT, combined with the introduction of new therapies to treat Malaria patients, MALARIAL DEATHS have been reduced to less than 50 per year
Republic of China ( Taiwan )
1 million cases of MALARIA. DDT was soon adopted
Only 9 cases were reported, and shortly thereafter, Malaria was eradicated from the island
National Academy of Sciences
In 1970, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences summed up the situation with the following excerpt from their book Life Sciences. ―
To only a few chemicals does man owe as great a debt as to DDT. [ … ] In little more than two decades.
DDT has prevented 500 million human deaths, due to MALARIA, that otherwise would be inevitable.
The situation concerning Malaria eradication can be summarized with the three following points ―
● DDT contributed to the final eradication of Malaria in the developed world
● Spectacular decreases in Malaria infections and deaths were seen after implementing anti-mosquito program using DDT
● Our modern day world of politicized science refuses to admit that DDT has prevented hundreds of millions of deaths with its life-saving eradication of human diseases
For over one-half century, DDT has been used as part of the solution to one of the world’s great problems.
Through the policies of depraved indifference of Environmental-Terrorist-Organizations, DDT was prohibited in a manner that can only be described as « Eco-Manslaughter ».
Additionally, these Enviro-Terrorist-Organizations prefer seeing money wasted on investigating myths like so-called GLOBAL WARMING rather that solving some REAL world problems, such as with POVERTY, AIDS, POLLUTED DRINKING WATER, and MALARIA, which are afflicting and killing many times more people than GLOBAL WARMING ever will.
DDT and Our World Politicized Science
The NORAHG Library of Force Of Nature Reports
Force Of Nature — DDT and Politicized Science — 2011 01 15 — LIBRARY OF REPORTS — pdf — 300 dpi
Force Of Nature — DDT and Politicized Science — 2011 01 01 — LIBRARY OF REPORTS — pdf — 300 dpi
Force Of Nature — DDT and Politicized Science — 2010 12 09 — Malawi Wants DDT — pdf — 300 dpi
Force Of Nature — DDT and Politicized Science — 2010 05 24 — Introduction — pdf — 300 dpi
Force Of Nature — DDT and Politicized Science — 2009 07 06 — Introduction — ORIGINAL — pdf — 150 dpi