How Rachel Carson
Cost Millions Of
People Their Lives
February 4th, 2017
Paul A Offit
The Daily Beast
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Rachel Carson Is, And Should
Be, A Revered Environmental
Icon ― Really ?!?!
But Carson’s Fanatical Crusade
Against One Pesticide, DDT, Cost
Millions Of People Their Lives
Rachel Carson Was A Lying
Female Jackal, & A Paranoid
Lying Chemophobe Who Killed
More People Than Hitler !
How Rachel Carson Cost Millions Of People Their Lives
Carson Was An American Hero ?!?!
Today, most people under the age of 40 have probably never heard of Rachel Carson.
But, in the early 1960s, almost every American knew her name.
On January 24th, 2017, PBS aired a two-hour special on Rachel Carson, the [ fanatical & destructive ] mother of the environmental movement.
Although the program crossed the line FROM BIOGRAPHY TO HAGIOGRAPHY, in Carson’s case, the unbridled praise [ may have been ] well-deserved ― with one exception.
Unfortunately, the PBS documentary neglected to mention that in her ground-breaking [ ?!?! ] book, Silent Spring, Carson had made one critical mistake ― and it COST MILLIONS OF PEOPLE THEIR LIVES.
Background Information
HAGIOGRAPHY ― A biography created by biased & prejudiced fanatics who idealize the first environmental-terrorist, the queen of junk science, and one of the greatest mass killers in recent history !
NORAHG Response
It would be more accurate to say that the subversive book Silent Spring was one of many signature events in the birth of the modern environmental-terror-movement in the Western World.
Nonetheless, Silent Spring was one of the founding events for the environmental-terrorist movement.
Even to this day, Silent Spring is blindly seen as an important piece of literature by environmental-fanatics.
Undoubtedly, the growing public perception of the adverse environmental effects of the insecticide DDT was galvanized by the popularity of Silent Spring.
Consequently, DDT became the so-called Quran of the growing environmental-terrorist movement.
The adept use of « junk science » and « politicized science » eventually led to the demise of DDT in North America.
√ — Carson — A Lying Female Jackal, & A Paranoid Lying Chemophobe Who Killed More People Than Hitler — BLOG
How Rachel Carson Cost Millions Of People Their Lives
The Prohibition Of DDT Led To The Death Of Millions
Background Information
People are NOT harmed by DDT, but they sicken and die from MALARIA … which is largely controlled by indoor spraying campaigns using DDT.
The mosquito-borne tropical disease kills about 1 million people per year and sickens more than 200 million per year.
There is NO current vaccine.
Before being prohibited, DDT prevented 500 million human deaths, due to MALARIA.
Through the policies of depraved indifference of anti-DDT fanatics, DDT was prohibited in a manner that can only be described as « eco-manslaughter ».
The cold-blooded policies and depraved indifference of anti-DDT fanatics, like Rachel Carson’s followers, killed more people than Hitler.
NO other pest control products were as effective or as safe as DDT.
These anti-DDT fanatics cannot be trusted !
We are living in the 9|11 era of anti-DDT terrorism !
How Rachel Carson Cost Millions Of People Their Lives
Carson’s Book Of Misinformation, Silent Spring
On September 27th, 1962, Rachel Carson [ published her book ], Silent Spring, which she called her « poison book », was an angry, no-holds-barred polemic against [ pest control products ] ― especially DDT.
NORAHG Response
With the passage of time, it has become clear that Silent Spring was severely flawed.
Most of the claims in Silent Spring were ultimately shown to be scientifically inaccurate.
Rachel Carson recklessly wrote her notorious anti-pesticide book while she was stricken and dying with breast cancer, which was diagnosed in spring 1960.
While writing the book, she underwent radical mastectomy in April 1960, as well as radiation treatment.
Given her own terminal state of health, Carson decided to wail endlessly about the supposed risks of chemicals in the environment, specifically DDT insecticide.
In the minds of many observers, there is NO doubt that Carson’s illness tainted her views regarding chemicals.
It is a known fact that while a person is dying due to a disease, the human mind often attempts to link the reason for the disease with a specific event or blunder.
Consequently, Silent Spring was a scientifically inaccurate blunder.
NORAHG Response
The subversive 1962 book called Silent Spring, written by Rachel Carson, issued false-warnings about pest control products, without science-based evidence, and falsely-predicted the massive destruction of the planet’s fragile ecosystems unless more was done to stop what was referred to as the « rain of chemicals ».
The book’s lack of science-based evidence led to the death of millions with the world-wide prohibition of DDT insecticide.
Most of the allegations in Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring were ultimately shown to be scientifically inaccurate and filled with junk science.
Some observers maintain that silent spring was approximately two-thirds incorrect, and hence only one-third correct.
The book is filled with totally false claims about DDT !
It screwed up the world in the same manner as Benjamin Spock with his book Baby & Child Care, as well as Mein Kampf, a book written by Adolf Hitler, the German dictator.
√ — Carson — Wrong — Dr J Gordon Edwards — REPORT
√ — Carson — Silent Spring Is Filled With Totally False Claims About DDT — Mr Alan Caruba — REPORT
√ — Carson — Books That Screwed Up The World — Spock’s Baby & Child Care — REPORT
√ — Carson — Books That Screwed Up The World — Hitler’s Mein Kampf — REPORT
How Rachel Carson Cost Millions Of People Their Lives
Carson’s Misinformed Claim About DDT
In the early 1960s, Carson was the first to warn that an insecticide called DDT could accumulate in the environment, the first to show that it could harm fish, birds, and other wildlife, the first to warn that its overuse would render it ineffective, and the first to predict that more natural means of pest control ― like bacteria that killed mosquito larvae ― should be used instead. [ ?!?! ]
In May 1963, Rachel Carson appeared before the Department of Commerce and asked for a « Pesticide Commission » to regulate the untethered use of DDT.
Ten years later, Carson’s « Pesticide Commission » became the Environmental Protection Agency [ EPA ], which immediately prohibited DDT.
Following America’s lead, support for the international use of DDT quickly dried up.
NORAHG Response
The bibliography of Silent Spring was filled with references from VERY UNSCIENTIFIC SOURCES.
Moreover, each reference was cited separately each time it appeared in the book, thereby producing of voluminous array of references, even though NOT many different sources were actually used.
√ — Carson — Wrong — Dr J Gordon Edwards — REPORT
How Rachel Carson Cost Millions Of People Their Lives
Carson’s Misinformed Claim About Birds
The first chapter of Silent Spring, titled A Fable For Tomorrow, was almost biblical [ ?!?! ] , appealing to our sense that we had sinned against our Creator. [ ?!?! ]
« There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings. Then a strange blight crept over the area and everything began to change … the cattle and sheep sickened and died … streams were lifeless … everywhere there was the shadow of death. » [ ?!?! ]
Birds, especially, had fallen victim to this strange evil.
In a town that had once « throbbed with scores of bird voices there was now no sound, only silence ».
A silent spring. [ ?!?! ]
Birds weren’t alone in their suffering. [ ?!?! ]
NORAHG Response
Silent Spring reported that birds were dying in areas where pest control products like DDT had been sprayed. [ ?!?! ]
This was flatly untrue.
Additionally, the book’s tone, as well as the title, was subversive in its meaning.
Silent Spring provided the image of a spring season in which NO bird songs could be heard, since they had all supposedly been exterminated from exposure to chemicals.
√ — Carson — Wrong — Dr J Gordon Edwards — REPORT
NORAHG Response
The public needs to be reminded that pest control products DO NOT routinely harm birds during the course of their use.
And neither did DDT, which is no longer in use in North America anyhow.
Allegedly, DDT harmed bird reproduction by thinning their egg-shells.
This seemingly led to the decline of the bald eagle and the peregrine falcon.
The effect of DDT on bald eagles is a myth !
During the sixteen-year period ( 1961 – 1977 ) representing much of the end of the « DDT years », a mere two hundred and sixty-six bald eagles were found dead by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service.
As a matter of fact, early in the twentieth century, hundreds of thousands of these birds were destroyed, but NOT because of DDT.
A whopping one hundred and fifteen thousand were calculatedly slaughtered by the state of Alaska between 1917 and 1942.
Government-sponsored exterminations seem to have killed more bald eagles than DDT allegedly did.
Everyone should maintain some perspective on this matter.
The allegations concerning DDT are NOT true !
It is a myth that the populations of predatory birds have recovered remarkably since the US prohibition against DDT in 1972.
It is also a myth that birds like swallows have somehow declined because of pest control products.
Overall urban encroachment is the far more likely cause of bird decline.
√ — Carson — DDT & Our World Of Politicized Science — WEB-PAGE
Background Information
Bird populations were NOT decreasing.
Silent Spring was most famous for what its title evokes — a spring with no birds, as they have all died due to pesticides. [ ?!?! ]
Yet Carson ignored well-known Audubon Society data that indicated increasing, NOT declining, bird populations in some locations she identified.
Could she have been unaware of the data ?!?!
Not likely, since she was a long-time active member of Audubon Society.
How Rachel Carson Cost Millions Of People Their Lives
Carson’s Misinformed Claim About Cancer
Carson made it clear that she was NOT talking about something that might happen ― she was talking about something that had happened. [ ?!?! ]
Our war against nature had become a war against ourselves. [ ?!?! ]
Carson’s [ fanatical ] supporters have argued that, had she lived longer, she would never have promoted prohibition against DDT for the control of MALARIA. [ Wanna Bet ?!?! ]
Indeed, in Silent Spring, Carson wrote, « It is NOT my contention that chemical pesticides never be used ».
But it WAS her contention that DDT caused leukemia, liver disease, birth defects, premature births, and a whole range of chronic illnesses.
An influential author cannot, on the one hand, claim that DDT causes leukemia ( which, in 1962, was a death sentence ) and then, on the other hand, expect that anything less than a total prohibition of the chemical would result.
According to Carson, children suffered sudden death, aplastic anemia, birth defects, liver disease, chromosomal abnormalities, and leukemia ― all caused by DDT. [ ?!?! ]
And women suffered infertility and uterine cancer. [ ?!?! ]
[ On the African continent, wherever DDT was prohibited, more people would die from MALARIA. ]
But [ according to Carson and her fanatical-followers ], if DDT was NOT prohibited, people would suffer and die from a variety of other diseases, NOT the least of which was cancer. [ ?!?! ]
However, studies in Europe, Canada, and the United States have since shown that DDT did NOT cause the human diseases Carson had claimed.
Indeed, the only type of cancer that had increased in the United States during the « DDT years » ( 1961 – 1977 ) was lung cancer, which was caused by cigarette smoking.
DDT was arguably one of the safer insect repellents ever invented ― far safer than many of the [ insecticides ] that have taken its place.
NORAHG Response
One of the Silent Spring’s most misinformed claims was that DDT allegedly caused cancer.
The cancer claim was unsubstantiated, but it is an assertion that is still widely believed by the public.
In fact, a 1997 Harvard Medical Study found NO LINK between DDT exposures and cancers of any type.
√ — Carson — Wrong — Dr J Gordon Edwards — REPORT
√ — Carson — 50 Years Of Terror & Paranoia — REPORT
Background Information
There was NO cancer epidemic.
Carson asserted that one person in four in the United States would die of cancer, and that cancer was becoming epidemic in children, despite public health data to the contrary. [ ?!?! ]
American life expectancy had risen more than 20 years in the 20th century when Carson was writing, but she only discussed impending doom.
It is true that more Americans were dying of cancer when her book was published than had in previous decades, but that was because Americans NO LONGER died of other diseases.
They were lucky enough, as we are now, to have lived long enough to die of cancer and other diseases that mostly afflict the old.
Despite the furor in those days of the impending Surgeon General report on tobacco, Carson ignored the role of smoking in cancer.
She never mentioned the widely-available evidence about tobacco, preferring to blame man-made chemicals for cancer.
How Rachel Carson Cost Millions Of People Their Lives
Carson’s Lethal Legacy About Malaria
[ With Carson and her followers, ] DDT became synonymous with poison. [ ?!?! ]
Background Information
MALARIA, once on the brink of being eliminated, has long since made resurgence since the ban of DDT, although some nations most affected by the disease have received permission to use it.
THAT is Rachel Carson’s true and lethal legacy.
Since the mid-1970s, when DDT was prohibited from global eradication efforts, tens of millions of people have died from MALARIA unnecessarily ― most have been children less than five years old.
While it was reasonable to have prohibited DDT for agricultural use, it was unreasonable to have eliminated it from public health use.
Environmentalists have argued that when it came to DDT, it was pick your poison. [ ?!?! ]
If DDT was prohibited, more people would die from MALARIA.
By 1960, due largely to DDT, MALARIA had been eliminated from eleven countries, including the United States.
As MALARIA rates went down, life expectancies went up; as did crop production, land values, and relative wealth.
Probably NO country benefited from DDT more than Nepal, where spraying began in 1960.
At the time, more than two million Nepalese, mostly children, suffered from MALARIA.
By 1968, the number was reduced to 2,500; and life expectancy increased from 28 to 42 years.
After DDT was prohibited, MALARIA re-emerged across the globe ―
• In India, between 1952 and 1962, DDT caused a decrease in annual MALARIA cases from 100 million to 60,000. By the late 1970s, NO longer able to use DDT, the number of cases increased to 6 million.
• In Sri Lanka, before the use of DDT, 2.8 million people suffered from MALARIA. When the spraying stopped, only 17 people suffered from the disease. Then, NO longer able to use DDT, Sri Lanka suffered a massive MALARIA epidemic ― 1.5 million people were infected by the parasite.
• In South Africa, after DDT became unavailable, the number of MALARIA cases increased from 8,500 to 42,000 and MALARIA deaths from 22 to 320.
In 2006, the World Health Organization reinstated DDT as part of its effort to eradicate MALARIA.
But NOT before millions of people had died needlessly from the disease.
How Rachel Carson Cost Millions Of People Their Lives
Carson’s Books Before Silent Spring
On November 1st, 1941, Rachel Carson published her first book, Under the Sea-Wind.
Although written for adults, the book had a child-like sense of wonder. [ Big Deal ! ]
Under the Sea-Wind told the story of Silverbar, a sanderling that migrated from the Arctic Circle to Argentina; Scomber, a mackerel that traveled from New England to the Continental Shelf; and Anguilla, an American eel that journeyed to the Sargasso Sea to spawn. [ Who Cares ! ]
« There is poetry here, » wrote one reviewer. [ So What ?!?! ]
On July 2, 1951, Carson published her second book, The Sea Around Us.
Two months later, The Sea Around Us was No 1 on the New York Times bestseller list, where it remained for 39 weeks ― a record.
When the dust settled, The Sea Around Us had sold more than 1.3 million copies, been translated into 32 languages, won the National Book Award, and been made into a movie.
Editors of the country’s leading newspapers voted Rachel Carson « Woman of the Year ». [ Undeserved parise for Rachel Carson, whose facts and predictions were ALMOST ALWAYS WRONG ! ]
In October 1955, Carson published her third book, The Edge of the Sea, a tour guide for the casual adventurer.
The New Yorker serialized it, critics praised it and the public loved it ― more than 70,000 copies were sold as it rocketed to No 4 on the New York Times bestseller list.
NORAHG Response
Rachel Carson has made the lie big, made it simple, kept saying it, and eventually the hapless public will believe it.
Pesticide paranoia and terror has resulted in needless deaths, countless preventable illnesses, and threats against the livelihoods of farmers.
Despite the thorough debunking of Silent Spring, Rachel Carson’s subversive terrorism has been endlessly replicated against one useful chemical after another.
√ — Carson — Lying Female Jackal — Loathsome DDT Opponents Raise Their Ugly Heads — BLOG
√ — Carson — 50 Years Of Terror & Paranoia — REPORT
√ — Carson — Books & Influence — REPORT
How Rachel Carson Cost Millions Of People Their Lives
About The Author
Paul A. Offit, MD is a professor of pediatrics and director of the Vaccine Education Center at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the author of the forthcoming book Pandora’s Lab – Seven Stories of Science Gone Wrong ( National Geographic, April 2017 ).
Background Information
Rachel Carson Was A Lying Female Jackal, & A Paranoid Lying Chemophobe Who Killed More People Than Hitler !
Carson was the first environmental-terrorist, the queen of junk science, and one of the greatest mass killers in recent history. Rachel Carson recklessly wrote the notorious anti-pesticide book entitled Silent Spring while she was stricken and dying with breast cancer, which was diagnosed in spring 1960. While writing the book, she underwent radical mastectomy in April 1960, as well as radiation treatment. Given her own terminal state of health, Carson decided to wail endlessly about the supposed risks of chemicals in the environment, specifically DDT insecticide. In the minds of many observers, there is NO doubt that Carson’s illness tainted her views regarding chemicals. It is a known fact that while a person is dying due to a disease, the human mind often attempts to link the reason for the disease with a specific event or blunder. Consequently, Silent Spring was Carson’s scientifically inaccurate blunder. Moreover, Carson had NO competent background, NO training, and NO expertise in matters concerning pest control products. She was NOT competent to discuss pest control products. In fact, Carson can only be described as a mere zoologist, spinster, and cancer victim. With the passage of time, it has become clear that Silent Spring was severely flawed. Most of the allegations in Silent Spring were ultimately shown to be scientifically inaccurate and filled with junk science. Some observers maintain that Silent Spring was approximately two-thirds incorrect, and hence only one-third correct. Despite the thorough debunking of the notorious book Silent Spring, Rachel Carson’s subversive terrorism has been endlessly replicated against useful chemicals like DDT ! Carson has been described as a lying female jackal, and a paranoid, lying chemophobe who paved the way for killing millions of innocents on continents like Africa. Because of the conspiracy to prohibit against DDT insecticide, Carson and her followers have been held accountable for killing more people than Hitler. For the whole truth about Rachel Carson, please explore the following links …
√ — Carson — Lying Female Jackal — Loathsome DDT Opponents Raise Their Ugly Heads — BLOG
√ — Carson — The Queen Of Junk Science — WEB-PAGE
√ — Carson — DDT & Our World Of Politicized Science — WEB-PAGE
√ — Carson — Silent Spring Was Filled With Totally False Claims About DDT — REPORT
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about Truth-Challenged Pesticide-Hating Fanatics who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on their use of conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of Respected and Highly-Rated Experts who promote Environmental Realism and Pesticide Truths. If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … NORAHG is the sworn enemy of lying, pompous, smug, uneducated, and pesticide-hating enviro-fanatics. Overwhelming scientific evidence clearly demonstrates that pest control products are scientifically-safe, and will NOT cause harm to children, adults, animals, or the environment. Enviro-fanatics have shown that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Do you want to trust these fanatics, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?! NORAHG was the brainchild of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We Dare To Defy The Pesticide-Hating Fanatics By Exploring The Whole Truth From An Independent Perspective On The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G