Background Information
Manitoba’s Pesticide Ban
Manitoba’s Prohibition Is Politically-Correct Rubbish
Provincial Prohibition Is Doomed-To-Fail
No One Wants This #@!!% Ban Nonsense
Government Will Inevitably Rescind Prohibition
Fiesta Herbicide Corruption In Manitoba Governments ?
Manitoba is a prairie province in Canada, with a population almost 1,4000,000 people.
On April 22nd, 2014, Manitoba’s pesticide-hating New-Democrat government announced its intent to legislate reckless, arbitrary, & doomed-to-fail prohibition against conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape.
This announcement came as no surprise since, on June 28th, 2013, Manitoba’s pesticide-hating New-Democrat government had already announced that it sought to impose prohibition.
This announcement also came as no surprise since the New-Democrat government operated as the political shield for anti-pesticide and environmental-terrжrist organizations that validate politicized doctrines, like prohibition, that are politically-correct rubbish.
New Democratic Party of Canada ( NDP ) is a subversive, dangerous, destructive, creepy, golf-hating, and anti-pesticide political party. It operates as the political shield for Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ), and other environmental-terrжrist organizations. NDP-operatives, known as New-Democrats, conspire to impose provincial & national prohibitions ― this left-wing lunatжc-doctrine will inflict catastrophic job-killing business and financial carnage nation-wide. New Democrats have been held accountable for destroying more lawn care businesses and killing more lawn care jobs than most other people on the planet ! A vote for NDP is a vote for further destruction of the lawn care industry. A vote for NDP is a vote for the destruction of the agriculture industry and the golf industry. Both federally and provincially, New Democratic Party conspires to provincially & nationally prohibit against conventional pest control products.
On April 24th, 2014 ― a date which will live in infamy ― Manitoba’s Environment Amendment Act ( For Reducing Pesticide Exposure ) was legislated with the express purpose of prohibiting conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape ( i.e. residential home properties ). It came into force on May 1st, 2015.
On December 17th, 2014, Manitoba’s pesticide-hating New-Democrat government registered the Non-Essential Pesticide Use Regulation under the Environment Act which further restricted the sale and use of conventional pest control products. It also came into force on May 1st, 2015.
Manitoba’s 2015 provincial prohibition was doomed-to-fail since it has created catastrophic ecological carnage of uncontrolled, invasive, and destructive weeds. Without conventional pest control products, green spaces and hard-landscapes became weed-infested and dangerous garbage dumps because it is impossible to maintain them by relying upon so-called alternatives. Because of reckless, arbitrary, & doomed-to-fail prohibition against conventional products like Killex and Par III herbicides, Manitobans are being arbitrarily forced to rely on inferior & more hazardous green alternative pesticides like Fiesta Herbicide.
No One Wants #@!!% Inferior Alternatives ― Because Manitobans were forced to rely on green alternatives like Fiesta ( a.k.a. Weed-B-Gon ), their urban green spaces were destroyed with uncontrolled, invasive, and destructive weeds. Fiesta is inferior and almost-totally-ineffective. The vast majority of users overwhelmingly condemn Fiesta.
Corrupt Shilling Of Fiesta Herbicide By Government Officials ― In order to validate Manitoba’s prohibition, government officials have been perpetuating the fake-news that Fiesta Herbicide, an inferior green alternative pesticide, can successfully replace the single-application of conventional products such as Killex and Par III. This is wrong ! In fact, Fiesta cannot be used to validate any prohibition. Fiesta is inferior ! In addition, these government officials have gone so far as to operate as salesmen for Fiesta Herbicide with unauthorized covert & insincere promotion. Are they corrupt shills for Fiesta ?!?!
Is There Fiesta Herbicide Corruption In Manitoba Governments ? ― In the province of Manitoba, government officials may be endorsing Fiesta Herbicide in public forums under the pretense of sincerity, when in fact they may be simply paid as salesmen. Who has authorized these government officials to be corrupt shills for Fiesta Herbicide ?!?! Examples of Fiesta shilling have been found at both the provincial and the municipal levels of government. Why are provincial and municipal officials providing unauthorized free promotion for this commercial product ?!?! Why have these officials misappropriated tax-payer’s money promoting Fiesta ?!?! Who is paying government officials to covertly operate as shills for Fiesta ?!?! It is common knowledge that Fiesta is supported by wealthy and prominent environmental-terrжrist organizations. Is there corruption of government officials by these organizations ?!?! Do we want to live in a society where we are exposed to unauthorized, covert, corrupt, & insincere shilling by government officials.
Pesticide-hating New-Democrat government-leaders attempted to falsely-reassure the public that so-called safe and effective green alternatives were already available to replace conventional pest control products. [ WRONG ! ]
They even showcased a bottle of Fiesta during a press conference.
By 2017, two years after the imposition of reckless, arbitrary, & doomed-to-fail prohibition, Manitobans were forced to rely on inferior alternatives like Fiesta ( a.k.a. Weed-B-Gon ), and had lost their green spaces because it is almost-totally-ineffective.
Fiesta Corruption In The Government Of Manitoba ?!?! ― Mackintosh was an elected official and Manitoba cabinet minister with New Democratic Party ( NDP ). He conspired to prohibit against pest control products that are federally legal, scientifically safe, practically non-toxic, and will cause no harm. Sadly, he also operated as a mere sales representative for Fiesta Herbicide. Mackintosh attempted to falsely reassure the public that so-called safe and effective green alternative pesticides like Fiesta were already available to replace conventional pest control products. Mackintosh covertly advertised a bottle of Fiesta on the table in front of him during a press conference announcing the imposition of Manitoba’s 2015 provincial prohibition. How much money was donated to NDP for the unauthorized covert & insincere shilling of Fiesta ?!?! Is this an example of corruption with a government official being supposedly remunerated by the manufacturer of Fiesta ?!?!
Manitoba’s 2015 provincial prohibition has been a dismal failure since it has provided inconsistent & unfair exception statuses for certain uses against invasive & destructive weeds & insects ― • for forestry activities • for golf course operations • for high-risk noxious weeds & poisonous or invasive species [ on government-owned properties only ? ] • for lawn bowling, tennis, or cricket • for pest or nuisance insects • for professional or internationally used sports fields • for sod farms • for vegetable, fruit, or ornamental garden beds • but NOT for lawn care businesses ― in order to be consistent & fair, there should be no #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever in Manitoba.
Municipalities Do Not Want This #@!!% Ban Nonsense ! ― Manitoba’s 2015 provincial prohibition was arbitrarily imposed in defiance of municipalities that publicly opposed prohibition, such as ― • Altona • Portage La Prairie • Steinbach [ See later segments. ] • Stuartburn • Winkler.
This #@!!% Ban Nonsense Defies Science ! ― Manitoba’s prohibition was also imposed in defiance of Health Canadas science-based assessments that have demonstrated that pest control products are scientifically-safe and will cause no harm.
The Majority Does Not Want This #@!!% Ban Nonsense ! ― The majority of Manitobans say no. The scientific evidence backing up Manitoba’s doomed-to-fail prohibition just isn’t there. The only people who want prohibition are a small minority of pesticide-hating fanatжcs with vested interests in concocting imaginary danger against pest control products. We know the majority of Manitobans do not want prohibition, as confirmed by viewing the results of legitimate polls.
The Public Everywhere Does Not Want This #@!!% Ban Nonsense ! ― A Winnipeg Free Press poll showed that 60 per cent were opposed to prohibition. Yet another newspaper poll reported that a majority of Manitobans do not want prohibition. The majority rejection is not just confined to Manitoba. A BC poll conducted by Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association ( CCSPA ) showed that the vast majority of residents are opposed to prohibition, and they actually favour the continued use of these products around their homes and in public green spaces. Moreover, an Ontario poll showed that the public rejects prohibition, and more than half of Ontario residents believes that the provincial government did not do the right thing by imposing an arbitrary prohibition in 2009. Ontario residents would rather have their provincial prohibition scrapped or modified. Finally, Canadian Association of Agri-Retailers ( CAAR ) says there is questionable public support.
Fortuitously, on April 19th, 2016, the Manitoba’s pesticide-hating New-Democrat government was defeated by the Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba, led by Mr Brian Pallister. This signaled the end of the 17-year New-Democrat reign of politicized anti-pesticide & environmental terrжrism ! Observers expect that the Pallister Government will inevitably rescind Manitoba’s 2015 provincial prohibition.
Explore the following links …
√ — Manitoba — Existing Provincial Prohibition Is Being Reversed – Pallister Government To Loosen Cosmetic Pesticide Ban — LINK
√ — Manitoba — Prohibition Review By New Conservative Pallister Government — 1 — LINK
√ — Manitoba — Prohibition Review By New Conservative Pallister Government — 2 — LINK
√ — Manitoba — The Majority Of Manitobans Do Not Want Prohibition — Businesses Fighting Against Ban With Postcard Campaign — LINK
√ — Manitoba — Environmental Amendment Act — Reference — LINK
Reference — Manitoba — 2014 04 24 — PROHIBITION — Environmental Amendment Act
√ — Manitoba — Province To Introduce Legislation — News Release — Reference — LINK
Reference — Manitoba — 2014 04 22 — News Release — Province To Introduce Legislation
√ — Manitoba — Manitoba Weeds Out Cosmetic Pesticides In New Legislation — Reference — LINK
√ — Manitoba — Manitoba Weeds Out Cosmetic Pesticides In New Legislation — Reference — LINK
Reference — Manitoba — 2014 06 12 — The Environment Amendment Act ( Reducing Pesticide Exposure )
√ — Manitoba — Non-Essential Pesticide Use Regulations Across The Nation, Including Manitoba — Reference — LINK
√ — Manitoba — Government Infested With Subversive Anti-Pesticide Lunatжcs — LINK
√ — Manitoba — Mission Accomplished By Gloating Bastжrds — Elected Official Mackintosh Even Showcased A Bottle Of Fiesta During His Press Conferences — LINK
√ — Morden, Manitoba — Corruption — Government Officials Operating As Salesmen — LINK
√ — Morden, Manitoba — The Media History Of Morden — LINK
√ — Fiesta Herbicide — Dismal Failure — LINK
√ — Fiesta Herbicide — The Vast Majority Of Users Overwhelmingly Condemn Products Like Fiesta — Weed Man Results With Fiesta — LINK
Background Information
Steinbach’s Opposition
First Call To End Provincial Prohibition
#@!!% Ban Nonsense Opposed Since 2012
Steinbach is a city located in the province of Manitoba, near Winnipeg, with a population of almost 16,000.
Since 2012, Steinbach’s city council joined other municipal councils to publicly urge the government of Manitoba to drop its plans for a provincial prohibition against pest control products used in the urban landscape.
These city councils believe that people should have the right to choose for themselves how they best take care of their own residential properties, and the city should be able to choose how it takes care of its own city-owned properties.
Explore the following link …
√ — Steinbach, Manitoba — Opposes Pesticide Ban — LINK
November 21st, 2019
Re : Manitoba’s 2015 Provincial Prohibition
City Of Steinbach, Province Of Manitoba
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Steinbach Renews Call To End Pesticide Ban
End The Ban
Steinbach’s Resolution
Demands An End Provincial Prohibition
#@!!% Ban Nonsense Does Not Make Sense
[ The city of Steinbach, located in the province of Manitoba, ] has struggled to control weeds like dandelions under the pesticide ban [ a.k.a. Manitoba’s 2015 provincial prohibition ] .
Steinbach city council has UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED A RESOLUTION that renews its call on the Manitoba government to END THE BAN against pesticides for cosmetic use.
Deputy Mayor Michael Zwaagstra introduced the RESOLUTION saying it is important for the city to reiterate this message ahead of the annual meeting of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities [ in late November 2019 ].
He explains why the city WANTS THE RIGHT TO USE PESTICIDES as it did before the ban was introduced four year ago.
According to Mr Michael Zwaagstra, Deputy Mayor of Steinbach, Manitoba ―
We see the effects of the pesticide ban, which has been in place since 2015.
[ Steinbach’s Catastrophic Ecological Carnage ― ]
The reality is, is that THERE ARE A LOT MORE WEEDS in city parks and sports fields than before, and that’s because the replacement products are NOT AS EFFECTIVE as traditional products such as Par III.
As a city, we believe that municipalities should be able to DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES what type of weed control to use.
[ Steinbach’s Catastrophic Financial Carnage ― ]
The COSTS of the alternatives that we’ve had to use are more than DOUBLE, so we’re paying more than DOUBLE for LESS EFFECTIVE weed control, and that’s just simply NOT ACCEPTABLE.
[ Manitoba’s #@!!% Pesticide Ban Nonsense Has Inflicted Stunningly Exorbitant Costs On Steinbach. There Are No Viable Alternatives To Pesticides. ]
We need to have the best weed control possible, and that requires a CHANGE TO THE CURRENT BAN that’s in place.
Mr Zwaagstra adds, effective herbicides like Par III [ a combination of 2,4-D, mecoprop, dicamba ] have been approved by Health Canada as being SAFE, so the BAN DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.
According to Mr Zwaagstra ―
They are SAFE for use when they are applied properly.
So, as long as the instructions are followed, Health Canada says these products can be USED SAFELY by people.
Background Information
Steinbach’s Catastrophic
Financial Carnage
The Stunningly Exorbitant Costs Of
The #@!!% Pesticide Ban Nonsense
Prohibition Cost Increase From $16,000 To $200,000
Annually To Maintain Pesticide-Free Green Space
Prohibition Expected To Inflict At Least A Ten-Fold Cost Increase
The city of Steinbach, located in the province of Manitoba, has faced a huge increase in the cost of weed control due to the province’s reckless, arbitrary, & doomed-to-fail prohibition against conventional pest control products, which took effect in 2015.
Prior to 2016, Steinbach had spent approximately $16,000 per year on weed control throughout the city.
In order to follow Manitoba’s 2015 provincial prohibition, and using green alternative pesticides ( i.e. Fiesta, an inferior green alternative herbicide ) foolishly recommended by the province, Steinbach will be spending upwards of $200,000 per year.
That’s well over ten times the cost of what was done with safe and effective conventional products.
Who can afford this #@!!% ban nonsense ?!?!
Steinbach’s government officials think this is unacceptable.
They are frustrated with Manitoba’s 2015 provincial prohibition because it is not based on science.
Nevertheless, as of 2019, Steinbach has given public notice that it intends to conduct pesticide control programs by using conventional products on road allowances, boulevards, in parks, green spaces, and cemeteries.
The conventional herbicides used included Par 3 and Roundup.
The conventional insecticides used included Deltagard, Malathion, Pyrate, or Pyrinex.
No one can afford this #@!!% ban nonsense ?!?!
Explore the following links …
√ — Steinbach, Manitoba — Steinbach Renews Call To End Pesticide Ban — Reference — LINK
Reference — Manitoba — Steinbach — 2019 11 21 — Steinbach Renews Call To End Pesticide Ban
√ — Steinbach, Manitoba — Do You Think Pesticide Ban In Manitoba Should Be Lifted ? — Reference — LINK
√ — Steinbach, Manitoba — City Announces 2019 Proposed Pesticide Program — Reference — LINK
Reference — Manitoba — Steinbach — 2019 03 13 — City Announces 2019 Proposed Pesticide Program
√ — Steinbach, Manitoba — City Posts 2018 Weed & Pesticide Notices — Reference — LINK
Reference — Manitoba — Steinbach — 2018 03 06 — City Posts 2018 Weed & Pesticide Notices
√ — Steinbach, Manitoba — Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Failure — Steinbach Weed Control Costs To Rise Ten-Fold — Increase From $16,000 To $200,000 Annually — Manitoba Government’s Decision To Ban Pesticides Is Not Based On Science — LINK
√ — Steinbach, Manitoba — Weed Control Has Risen From $15,000 to $237,000 — LINK
√ — Steinbach, Manitoba — Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Failure — Weed Control Costs To Rise Ten-Fold — Increase From $16,000 To $200,000 Annually — LINK
√ — Steinbach, Manitoba — Ban Costs — Increase From $16,000 To $200,000 Annually — Reference — LINK
√ — Steinbach, Manitoba — Opposes Pesticide Ban — LINK
Background Information
Financial Carnage
Inflicted By Prohibition
The Stunningly Exorbitant Costs Of
The #@!!% Pesticide Ban Nonsense
Pesticide-free maintenance practices ( a.k.a. organic ) are stunningly expensive and are not economically viable.
Reckless, arbitrary, & doomed-to-fail prohibitions have created catastrophic pest problems that have invaded city-owned & residential properties, have inflicted garbage dump green spaces, and have cost stunningly exorbitant amounts of money !
These problems have come as no surprise to observers who have repeatedly warned that it is impossible to keep pesticide-free green spaces from becoming pest-infested & dangerous urban garbage dumps unless conventional pest control products are allowed.
The stunningly exorbitant costs of pesticide-free ( a.k.a. organic ) maintenance practices are due to factors such as green alternative pesticides, manual labour for weed-picking, and re-construction once the properties have degraded into total garbage dumps.
No one living in prohibition-jurisdictions wants to live in #@!!% weed-infested, insect-damaged, and expensive garbage dumps !
Consequently, prohibitions have been doomed-to-fail for jurisdictions throughout North America !
Who can afford this #@!!% ban nonsense ?!?!
Here are the facts …
Pesticide-free ( a.k.a. organic ) maintenance practices are dismal failures because safe and effective conventional pest control products cannot be used ― they are recklessly and arbitrarily prohibited by some local governments.
Prohibitions inflict the catastrophic financial carnage with the stunningly exorbitant costs of pesticide-free maintenance.
In all jurisdictions, prohibitions have inflicted hardship and unbelievable burdens to the tax-payers, with hundreds of millions of dollars in needless costs throughout North America.
No one, except pesticide-hating fanatжcal-activists, want the hardship and the cost of this #@!!% nonsense.
Prohibitions have cost municipalities tens-of-thousands, and even millions-of-dollars per year, in order to maintain green spaces and hard landscapes with pesticide-free practices.
A Major Study of British Columbia’s municipal by-laws has concluded that municipal prohibitions inflict the catastrophic financial carnage. [ See link below. ]
The stunningly exorbitant costs when maintaining pesticide-free city-owned properties, or when relying on the futile practices of Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ) ―
• For municipalities with 400,000 residents or more ― $1,000,000 or more per year.
• For municipalities with 250,000 residents or more ― $250,000 or more per year.
• For municipalities with 100,000 residents or more ― $100,000 or more per year.
• In the cases of small municipalities, with less than 50,000 residents, maintenance costs increase by $30,000 or more per year.
• In the cases involving the maintenance a small number of pesticide-free sport fields has led to cost increases of $30,000, or more, per year when relying on inferior Fiesta green alternative herbicide ― a product that is almost-totally-ineffective unless multiple applications are used.
• In the case of Delta, British Columbia, a municipal lawn bowling club spent a stunningly exorbitant $400,000 for the installation of artificial grass, because of prohibition.
• In the case of Kamloops, British Columbia, maintaining pesticide-free hard-surfaces and infra-structures, requiring a two-man crew for manual weed picking, has cost at least $60,000 per year, because of prohibition.
• In the case of Steinbach, Manitoba, with a population of 15,000, prohibition costs increased from $16,000 to $200,000 annually in order to maintain pesticide-free green space. That’s well over 10 times the cost of what was done with safe and effective conventional products, because of prohibition.
Municipalities are not able to afford the high cost of labour needed to manually remove millions of pests.
The catastrophic financial carnage is high ― in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Municipalities cannot afford this #@!!% ban nonsense ?!?!
Explore the following links …
√ — Major Study — Prohibitions Inflict Catastrophic Financial Carnage Of Stunningly Exorbitant Costs — British Columbia — LINK
√ — Delta, British Columbia — Artificial/Synthetic Grass — Exorbitantly Expensive & Dangerous — LINKS
√ — Kamloops, British Columbia — Anti-Pesticide Prohibition Inflicts Stunningly Exorbitant Costs — LINK
√ — Steinbach, Manitoba — Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Failure — Steinbach Weed Control Costs To Rise Ten-Fold — Increase From $16,000 To $200,000 Annually — Manitoba Government’s Decision To Ban Pesticides Is Not Based On Science — LINK
√ — Prohibitions — Stunningly Exorbitant Costs Of Maintenance For Municipalities — LINK
√ — Prohibitions — Hardship & Costs — LINK
√ — Prohibitions — Carnage Inflicted — 2016 – 2017 Update — LINK
√ — Green Alternatives — Bogus & Dismal Failures — LINK
√ — Manual Weed Picking — Cotton-Picking Work — LINK
√ — Manual Weed Picking — Because Of Prohibition, Residents Spend As Many As Four Hours A Day Digging Dandelions Out Of Their Yards — LINK
√ — IPM — Failure Of IPM — #@!!% IPM Nonsense — LINK
√ — IPM — Provides No Benefits — LINKS
√ — IPM — Prohibitions Rely On False-Facts Regarding The Effectiveness Of IPM — British Columbia — LINK
Background Information
Green Alternatives
There Are No Viable Alternatives To Pesticides
There Are Only Inferior Alternatives
That Are Almost-Totally-Ineffective
According to Mr Paul Visentin ―
I wouldn’t be as concerned about [ pesticide bans ] if there were any alternatives available for us to use commercially—or for the home-owner to use for that matter.
These are alternatives that Health Canada has to approve, not the alternatives ⁑ that [ … ] are cooked up in the kitchen and thrown out on the yard.
[ ⁑ a.k.a. illegal home-made concoctions – see later segment for more details. ]
These are alternatives that Health Canada actually does testing on to ensure that they’re safe for people and the environment.
There just aren’t any alternatives out there that work.
They’re ineffective.
They’re costly.
You have to use them in two, three, four times the amounts that they say to get any results out of them.
When we go in a yard to do some treatments on a commercial basis, we just don’t use alternative processes — other than some cultural issues in the pesticide ban areas.
[ See later Note regarding Mr Visentin. ]
Prohibitions are reckless, arbitrary, & doomed-to-fail because they have created self-inflicted catastrophic ecological carnage caused by uncontrolled, invasive, and destructive pests.
Alternatives are almost-totally-ineffective to adequately control these pests.
Green alternative pesticides are bogus, inferior, & dismal failures.
Because of municipal prohibitions, city-owned green spaces and residential properties have been severely damaged & destroyed, and have been turned into pest-infested & dangerous garbage dumps.
Without conventional pest control products, city-owned green spaces and residential properties have become pest-infested & dangerous garbage dumps because it is impossible to control invasive weeds and destructive insects by using pesticide-free ( a.k.a. organic ) maintenance practices that include green alternatives.
Municipal prohibitions have led to catastrophic pest carnage for tens of thousands of destroyed and ravaged properties every single year.
This is because there are no viable, no efficacious, no economical, and no low-risk alternatives to replace conventional pest control products.
Because of municipal prohibitions, inferior green alternatives are incorporated into pesticide-free ( a.k.a. organic ) maintenance practices ― not because they work ― but because of legislation that overwhelmingly & unfairly favours these alternatives.
Professionals, and even home-owners, are being prevented from using conventional products that are truly effective as well as scientifically safe.
By definition, alternatives are inferior, which is why they did not win the market-place originally.
Overall, green alternative pesticides are almost-totally-ineffective, inadequate, inferior, high-risk, more toxic, & stunningly expensive.
Pesticide-free ( a.k.a. organic ) maintenance practices ― that are ― have created self-inflicted catastrophic financial carnage because green alternatives that have cost stunningly exorbitant amounts of money ― tens and tens of millions of dollars.
European chafer insects, Japanese knotweed, and Japanese beetle insects, and others, have become uncontrolled, invasive, and destructive pests ― because of prohibition.
It is impossible for professionals, and even home-owners, to protect their properties by using so-called green alternative pesticides.
Hence, municipal prohibitions have been created with so-called exception statuses.
In order to be consistent & fair, there should be no #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever in Manitoba.
A Major Study of British Columbia’s municipal by-laws has concluded that municipal prohibitions are doomed-to-fail. [ See link below. ]
This is because municipal officials are known to circumvent their own prohibitions by allowing thousands and thousands of inconsistent and unfair exception statuses that they have been conveniently inserted in their by-laws to avoid the use of green alternatives.
In many cases, these alternatives are questionably higher in toxicity, and pose higher environmental risks.
Note. Mr Paul Visentin has been Director of Integrated Environmental Plant Management Association of Western Canada ( IEPMA ), and Owner of a Professional Lawn Care business in Cranbrook, East Kootenays, British Columbia.
Explore the following links …
√ — Green Alternatives — Bogus & Dismal Failures — LINK
√ — Green Alternatives — Failures — Salmon Arm, BC — LINK
√ — Green Alternatives — Inferior — LINKS
√ — Major Study — The Media Library Of Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia — LINK
Background Information
Fiesta Green Alternative
Fiesta Herbicide Is A Fake-News Myth
Fiesta Corruption In Manitoba Governments ?
Unauthorized, Covert, Corrupt, & Insincere Shilling
Of Fiesta Herbicide By Government Officials
Fiesta Herbicide ( a.k.a. Scotts EcoSense and Weed-B-Gon ) is a primary reason for the repeated failures of provincial & municipal prohibitions imposed against conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape.
With the adoption of these reckless, arbitrary, & doomed-to-fail prohibitions, professionals and residents are being forced to rely on this inferior green alternative herbicide.
In fact, Fiesta is almost-totally-ineffective as a single-application weed control product.
The vast majority of Fiesta users overwhelmingly condemn it.
In order to validate anti-pesticide prohibition, government officials have been perpetuating the fake-news myth that a single application of Fiesta Herbicide, an inferior green alternative pesticide, can successfully replace conventional products such as Killex and Par III.
This is wrong !
In fact, Fiesta cannot be used to validate any prohibition.
Fiesta is inferior !
In addition, these government officials have gone so far as to operate as salesmen for Fiesta Herbicide with unauthorized covert & insincere shilling.
Are they corrupt shills ?!?!
Are they salesmen shilling for the manufacturer of Fiesta ?!?!
Are they being remunerated by the manufacturer of Fiesta ?!?!
Is there Fiesta corruption in Manitoba governments ?
Do they realize that Fiesta Herbicide is inferior and a dismal failure ?!?!
Sadly, Fiesta is almost-totally-ineffective when compared to single-applications of conventional products like Killex, Par III, and other so-called three-way herbicides.
In fact, quite often, it would be better to do nothing rather than use Fiesta Herbicide.
Unfortunately, government officials have failed to admit that Fiesta is almost-totally-ineffective, higher-risk, inadequate, more toxic, overwhelmingly condemned, and stunningly expensive.
Instead of admitting that #@!!% Fiesta sucks, they prefer living in the world of fake-news.
Government officials who operate as corrupt shills may be attempting to spread buzz by personally endorsing Fiesta Herbicide in public forums under the pretense of sincerity, when in fact they are being paid as salesmen.
Who has authorized government officials to be shills for Fiesta Herbicide ?!?!
Examples of corrupt Fiesta shilling have been found at both the provincial and municipal levels of government.
Why are provincial and municipal officials providing unauthorized free shilling for this commercial product ?!?!
Why are they misappropriating tax-payer’s money promoting this product ?!?!
Who is paying government officials to covertly operate as unauthorized shills for Fiesta Herbicide ?!?!
Fiesta Herbicide is supported by wealthy and prominent environmental-terrжrist organizations.
Is there Fiesta Herbicide corruption in Manitoba governments initiated by these organizations ?!?!
Do we want to live in a society where we are exposed to a conspiracy of unauthorized covert & insincere promotions by government officials who operate as shills ?!?!
Background Information
Municipal Prohibition Failures
Major Study Shows Expect Dismal Failures
Manitoba’s prohibition laws are politically-correct rubbish.
Manitobans need to know more about municipal prohibition failures.
A Major Study of British Columbia’s municipal by-laws has concluded that municipal prohibitions against pest control products are DISMAL FAILURES.
This is because municipal officials are now circumventing their own doomed-to-fail prohibitions by taking advantage of exception statuses that they have conveniently inserted in their by-laws.
Municipal prohibitions have provided inconsistent & unfair exception statuses for invasive weeds & destructive insects ― for municipal properties ― but not for lawn care businesses and even residential homes.
In order to be consistent & fair, there should be no #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever, either in British Columbia or in Manitoba.
Consequently, municipal prohibitions have annihilated legitimate & tax-paying businesses that operate in the professional lawn care industry.
These businesses cannot afford the hardship & the cost of this #@!!% prohibition nonsense !
Once any prohibition is adopted, local lawn care businesses are expected to disappear into oblivion within 2 or 3 years, and vast numbers of professional workers are expected to become unemployed.
Additionally, for those residents with the same pest problems on their home properties, they may be shжt-outta-luck relying on any exception.
Without conventional pest control products, home properties have become pest-infested & dangerous garbage dumps because it is impossible to control invasive weeds & destructive insects by using pesticide-free ( a.k.a. organic ) maintenance practices that include green alternatives.
Municipal prohibitions have led to catastrophic ecological carnage for tens of thousands of destroyed & ravaged properties every single year.
British Columbia’s municipal exception statuses represent the best examples of the failures, the ridiculousness, and the destructiveness of their anti-pesticide prohibitions.
Municipal prohibitions have been disgustingly arbitrary in their flagrant discrimination against professional lawn care businesses and home properties !
In order to be consistent & fair, there should be no #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever !
Explore the following link …
√ — Major Study — The Media Library Of Municipal Prohibition Failures In British Columbia — LINK
Background Information
Illegal Home-Made Concoctions
Violators Must Be Ratted-Out
Illegal home-made concoctions are almost-totally-ineffective, and all are potentially harmful and possibly fatal.
Their use, as well as recommendations for their use, represent a danger to our children, a danger to adults, and a danger to the environment.
It is abhorrent that a violator even recommends ( and perhaps sells ) these concoctions for mere publicity and profit.
These concoctions may cause harm and may cause death !
These concoctions fail to be government-approved, fail to be federally-legal, fail to be scientifically-safe, and fail to be anything other than potentially harmful and fatal.
Why would a violator be even remotely interested in recommending and selling harmful and fatal concoctions ?!?!
Why would a violator ridiculously imply that he⁄she somehow has any expertise on pest control products ?!?!
Only the EPA, and its counterpart Health Canada, has the essential expertise on pest control products, and certainly not any violator.
Why bother with national regulatory agencies since all of their decisions are being reversed by a violator ?!?!
His⁄her activities are intolerable and dangerous !
If a violator can’t be a good example, then he⁄she will just have to serve as a horrible warning.
A violator deserves the spotlight of scrutiny and the terrжr of the courts.
Explore the following links …
√ — Health Canada Says Home-Made Pest Control Concoctions May Pose Risks To Health & The Environment — LINK
√ — Canadians Not Only Go On-Line & Cross-Border To Skirt Prohibitions, They Also Create Concoctions As A Result Of Prohibitions — LINK
√ — Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ( CBC ) — Recommends Illegal Concoctions — LINKS
√ — Canadian Cancer Society — Recommends Illegal Concoctions — LINK
√ — Nanaimo, British Columbia — Recommends Illegal Concoctions — LINK
√ — Qualicum Beach, British Columbia — Recommends Illegal Concoctions — LINK
√ — Saskatchewan Environmental Society ( SES ) — Recommends Illegal Concoctions — LINK
√ — Toronto Master Gardeners — Recommend Illegal Concoctions — LINK
Background Information
The REAL Trends
There Are REAL Trends Against Reckless,
Arbitrary, & Doomed-To-Fail Prohibitions
Government officials are no longer readily jumping in favour of reckless, arbitrary, & doomed-to-fail prohibitions.
It is clear that pesticide-hating fanatжcs conspire to impose prohibition in order to destroy our green space environments.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to keep green space environments well-maintained, safe, and attractive without conventional pest control products.
Playing surfaces become thin and yellow, and over-run with weeds and infested with insects, resulting in the dismal destruction of turf playing surfaces.
Children are at high risk of slipping and tripping and becoming seriously hurt.
In essence, pest control products prevent injuries and keep children safe.
There are over sixty jurisdictions that have stopped or rescinded or limited or have begun to repeal doomed-to-fail prohibitions, or have granted commercial businesses with an exception status.
The following jurisdictions have joined the REAL trends against reckless, arbitrary, & doomed-to-fail prohibitions …
• Alberta ( Province ) • Altona ( Manitoba ) • Anne Arundel County ( Maryland ) • Ashland ( Oregon ) • Beaumont ( Alberta ) • Belleville ( Ontario ) • Brazil ( see notes below ) • British Columbia ( BC, Province ) • Burnaby ( BC ) • Calgary ( Alberta ) • California ( State – see notes below ) • Campbell River ( BC ) • Charlottetown ( Prince Edward Island ) • Chicago ( Illinois ) • Coquitlam ( BC ) • Deer Lake ( Newfoundland ) • Delta ( BC ) • Durango ( Colorado ) • Edmonton ( Alberta ) • European Union ( EU, nations of – see notes below ) • Everett ( Washington ) • Gibsons ( BC ) • Golden ( BC ) • Guelph ( Ontario ) • Guelph-Eramosa ( Ontario ) • Hudson ( Quebec – see notes below ) • Kamloops ( BC ) • Kauaʻi County ( Hawaiʻi ) • Kelowna ( BC ) • Lawrence ( Kansas ) • Lincoln City ( Oregon ) • Maine ( State ) • Manitoba ( Province – see notes below ) • Merritt ( BC ) • New Brunswick ( Province ) • Newfoundland ( Province ) • Ontario ( Province – see notes below ) • Parksville ( BC ) • Port Alberni ( BC ) • Portage La Prairie ( Manitoba ) • Prince Edward Island ( Province ) • Qualicum Beach ( BC ) • Quebec ( Province – see notes below ) • Regina ( Saskatchewan ) • Revelstoke ( BC ) • Rossland ( BC ) • Saanich ( District of, BC ) • Saint John’s ( Newfoundland ) • Saint Josephine ( Oregon ) • Salmon Arm ( BC ) • Saskatchewan ( Province ) • Scarborough ( Maine ) • Steinbach ( Manitoba ) • Stratford ( Prince Edward Island ) • Stuartburn ( Manitoba ) • Summerside ( Prince Edward Island ) • United Kingdom ( UK – see notes below ) • USA ( see notes below ) • Vancouver ( BC ) • Vernon ( BC ) • Winkler ( Manitoba )
Read the following notes …
• Brazil ― Brazil’s Anvisa Health Agency Says That Glyphosate Does Not Pose A Hazard To The Average Person
• California ― Golf Course Saved After A Federal Judge Dismissed A Legal Challenge
• European Union ― Glyphosate Re-Approved For Several Years
• Hudson ( Quebec ) ― Existing Prohibition Morally Invalidated Since Several Government Officials Who Were Responsible For Prohibition Are Now Facing Charges Of Fraud, Corruption, & Tax-Evasion
• Manitoba ― Observers Expect That the Pallister Government Will Rescind Provincial Prohibition
• Ontario ― Proposed Amendment To Provincial Pesticide Ban Has Begun The Process To Repeal Provincial Prohibition
• Quebec ― Provincial Prohibition Has Been Limited With Permitted Active Ingredients, & Also Invalidated Because Ban Has Been Defeated By Lawsuit
• United Kingdom ― Suspended European Union Prohibition Against Neonicotinoid Insecticides
• USA ― A Vast Majority Of States Have Legislated Pre-Emption Laws, Virtually All Proposed Prohibitions Stopped
Explore the following links …
√ — There Are Real Trends Against Pesticide Bans — Victories Against Prohibitions — LINK
√ — Society Must Be Liberated From Anti-Pesticide Occupation — LINK
√ — The Public Does Not Want Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ — Our Children Are Safe When Pesticide Bans Are Stopped — There Are Real Trends AGAINST Pesticide Bans — LINK
√ — Madison, Wisconsin, Violated Its Own Pesticide Policies — The Combined Libraries Of Victories & Failures In America — LINK
√ — Communities Are Rescinding Prohibitions — Various Statements For Media Release — LINK
We Speak The Whole Truth About
Doomed-To-Fail Prohibitions
From An Independent Perspective
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged pesticide-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths. https://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV
Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G