CAPE’s Lunatжc-Rant
About Its Support Of
Prohibition In Manitoba
August 2018
Retrieved From CAPE Web-Site
Original Version Written By CAPE-Fanatжc Randall McQuaker
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Source References ―
Non-expert CAPE-fanatжc Randall McQuaker, who has absolutely NO education, NO training, and NO background in matters concerning pest control products.
His opinion is totally valueless and utterly worthless.
McQuaker is NOT competent to give advice about these issues, regardless of his bogus title of pesticides manager at CAPE.
Children WILL NOT be harmed if the current Manitoba ban against cosmetic pesticides is loosened, despite the MOCK-INDIGNATION of CAPE-fanatжcs, like Randall McQuaker.
The ONLY people who want anti-pesticide prohibition in Manitoba are a small group of hired-gun pesticide-hating CAPE-fanatжcs, like McQuaker, with vested interests in deceiving the public about the IMAGINARY DANGER of pest control products.
CAPE-fanatжcs lie and lie and lie and lie ― they NEVER stop.
McQuaker’s organization, CAPE, operates as a mere fund-raising, profit-seeking, and lobbying organization.
It is NOT a science, NOT a research, NOT a health, and NOT a physicians’ organization.
CAPE represents an insignificantly small number of doctors since the vast majority of CAPE members are NOT EVEN physicians.
CAPE represents less than 4 per cent of all doctors in Canada.
CAPE-fanatжcs, like McQuaker, have ILLEGALLY INTERFERED in partisan politics and public policy in Manitoba by strongly supporting fanatжcal-prohibition and by ridiculously implying that their non-expert assessment is somehow being withheld from Health Canada and every other regulatory agency in the world.
CAPE is urging the Manitoba government to maintain the existing provincial ban against non-essential uses of pesticides, which, in this case, is a clear preference to live in a green space environment that looks like a pest-infested garbage dump ― the majority of Manitobans DO NOT want to live in this manner.
It is despicable that CAPE’s McQuaker EXPLOITS CHILDREN as weapons of coercion and ultimate environmental terrжr in order to manipulate the public of the necessity of fanatжcal-prohibition.
Who wants this #@!!% fanatжcal CAPE nonsense ?!?!
CAPE is WRONG ― children WILL NOT be harmed if the current Manitoba ban against cosmetic pesticides is loosened ― in fact, lawns are safer for children when pesticides are used.
CAPE’s Lunatжc-Letter
To Manitoba Government
June 1st, 2018
Honourable Rochelle Squires
Minister Of Sustainable Development
Room 344, Legislative Building, 450 Broadway
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0V8
From CAPE-Fanatжcs ―
John Howard, a mere retired gastroenterologist
Paul Doucet, a mere physician
Randall McQuaker, NO significant profession
Dear Minister Squires : ( see next segments )
Source Reference ―
Reference — CAPE — 2018 06 01 — Manitoba — Lunatжc Letter To Minister
The Entire Lunatжc-Letter To Manitoba Government
CAPE’s Lunatжc-Rant About Its Support
Of Fanatжcal-Prohibition In Manitoba
According to Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) ―
[ Expressing Mock-Worries About The End Of Prohibition ]
We are writing today on behalf of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) to express STRONG SUPPORT for Manitoba’s current ban against cosmetic uses of pesticides.
From a human health perspective, we believe it would be highly UNDESIRABLE [ ?!?! ] for the Government to WEAKEN [ ?!?! ] the pesticide restrictions that were implemented in 2015.
We note that toxic pesticides have [ IMAGINARY DANGER, such as … ] HIDDEN COSTS [ i.e. SECRET EVIDENCE ], which include the cost of doctor visits, tests, medications, hospitalizations and treatment of illnesses and developmental deficits associated with pesticide exposure.
[ Using Worthless & Unreliable Studies ]
EPIDEMIOLOGY [ ?!?! ] is the branch of medicine that investigates the prevalence and distribution of diseases in selected populations.
We provide references to four systematic reviews which, taken together, report on over 500 health studies [ ?!?! ] ― all highlighting the RISKS of pesticide exposure. [ THIS is a proof of risks ?!?! ]
[ Exploiting Children ]
CAPE STRONGLY ADVISES AGAINST changes that would permit LICENSED PESTICIDE APPLICATORS to use currently restricted products. [ ?!?! ]
Such a move would once again make lawns, parks, boulevards and other green spaces into SOURCES OF PESTICIDE EXPOSURE [ ?!?! ], defeating the goal of reducing human exposure to cosmetic pesticides.
If the Government adopts such an approach, CHILDREN IN MANITOBA WILL BE HARMED [ ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ].
We WORRY [ ?!?! ] about what pesticides are doing to our CHILDREN [ ?!?! ].
Children are MOST AT RISK [ ?!?! ] because of their relatively large body surface-area-to-weight ratio, their long life expectancy ( for problems to develop ), and simply the fact that they are much more likely to enjoy rolling around in the grass.
Their DANGERS [ ?!?! ] of exposure include increased risks of low birth weight [ WRONG ] and pre-term births in babies [ WRONG ], deficits in cognitive and motor development [ WRONG ], hormonal ( endocrine ) disruption [ WRONG ], learning disabilities [ WRONG ], and other developmental deficits [ WRONG ], and both adult and childhood cancers [ WRONG ].
In many studies, the harmful effects noted in children were related to the exposure of their mothers during pregnancy or to children’s exposure at a young age [ WRONG ].
When cosmetic pesticides are a source of such exposures, these are preventable harms [ WRONG ].
[ Lying With NO Science ]
The current ban represents SOUND SCIENCE-BASED public policy [ WRONG ].
Independent, peer-reviewed evidence has established that SERIOUS HEALTH RISKS are associated with human exposure to chemical pesticides [ WRONG ].
[ Ranting Against Health Canada ]
It would be comforting if Canadians could depend on federal regulators to ensure that pesticides allowed for sale and use in this country will not harm our health or environment.
Such is NOT the case. [ ?!?! ]
In evaluating pesticides, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) [ of Health Canada ] relies heavily on INDUSTRY-SUPPLIED STUDIES and DOES NOT take sufficient account of the REAL-WORLD EFFECTS of pesticides on human populations. [ WRONG ]
Risks from pesticide exposures through MULTIPLE PATHWAYS AND RISKS from COMBINED EXPOSURES to several chemicals, for example, are NOT well-addressed in the PMRA process. [ WRONG ]
Because of GAPS IN DATA [ ?!?! ], limitations in the applicability of animal testing, the lack of independent peer review of industry studies and other critical deficiencies, the PMRA’s flawed and inadequate evaluation process [ ?!?! ] is NOT RELIABLY HEALTH-PROTECTIVE. [ WRONG ]
[ Lying About Prohibition ]
In affirming our support for Manitoba’s current legislation, we note that hundreds of communities across Canada have SUCCESSFULLY ADAPTED [ ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ] to restrictions on toxic pesticides and are enjoying beautiful lawns and gardens and safe play spaces that don’t endanger the health of residents.
Cities and towns in Ontario, Nova Scotia, Quebec and elsewhere provide PUBLICLY ACCEPTABLE LEVELS OF WEED CONTROL [ WRONG ] at reasonable cost, while protecting the health of people and, in particular, children’s health.
Seven Canadian provinces have enacted bans on cosmetic uses of pesticides.
NO province has subsequently opted to LOOSEN such restrictions. [ WRONG ]
[ Ranting About Health & Environment ]
Commendably, the effect of Manitoba’s existing law has been to REDUCE ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH RISKS [ ?!?! ] by reducing exposure of people, pets, wildlife and pollinating insects to chemical pesticides used for non-essential purposes.
In the interest HUMAN HEALTH AND THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT [ ?!?! ], we strongly urge that the existing law be maintained.
[ Illegally Interfering With Partisan Politics & Public Policy ]
CAPE is pleased to offer assistance to you and your department as you consider the status of the current provincial ban against cosmetic pesticides. [ Clearly, this is interference in partisan politics & public policy ]
In the next segments, see the responses to excerpts from this lunatжc-letter from CAPE-fanatжcs to the Manitoba government
Excerpt From Lunatжc-Letter To Manitoba Government
CAPE’s Lunatжc-Rant About The End
Of Fanatжcal-Prohibition In Manitoba
According to Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) ―
We are writing today on behalf of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) to express STRONG SUPPORT for Manitoba’s current ban against cosmetic uses of pesticides.
From a human health perspective, we believe it would be highly UNDESIRABLE [ ?!?! ] for the Government to WEAKEN [ ?!?! ] the pesticide restrictions that were implemented in 2015.
We note that toxic pesticides have [ IMAGINARY DANGER, such as … ] HIDDEN COSTS [ i.e. SECRET EVIDENCE ], which include the cost of doctor visits, tests, medications, hospitalizations and treatment of illnesses and developmental deficits associated with pesticide exposure.
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE Ridiculously Relies Upon Secret Evidence Against Pesticides ―
Children WILL NOT be harmed if the current Manitoba ban against cosmetic pesticides is loosened, despite the mock-indignation from CAPE, that alleges having undisclosed, non-existent, and unverifiable SECRET EVIDENCE about the safety of pest control products.
CAPE has NEVER provided ANY credible information to Health Canada that justify its mock-indignation against pest control products.
This is because NO ONE at CAPE has ANY recognized expertise, ANY training, or ANY background in matters concerning pest control products.
Furthermore, CAPE has NEVER explained how it can somehow accept other uses of pest control products, such as for the agriculture industry, which uses the VERY SAME ingredients as the professional lawn care industry.
The best way to protect our children and other family members is by NOT listening to CAPE-fanatжcs since they are unqualified to discuss any issue pertaining to pest control products.
According to Dr Leonard Ritter, the nation’s leading toxicologist …
There are lots of UNQUALIFIED people out there trying to undermine the efforts of the PMRA [ Health Canada ].
Unqualified CAPE-fanatжcs lie and lie and lie and lie ― they NEVER stop !
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE’s Fanatжcal-Prohibition Conspiracies Against Pesticides Are Reckless, Arbitrary, Scientifically-Ignorant, & Perhaps Even Fatal ―
CAPE-fanatжcs are DECEIVING the public.
Pest control products used in the urban landscape will cause NO harm because they are government-approved, federally-legal, scientifically-safe, and practically-non-toxic.
CAPE’s fanatжcal-prohibition conspiracies against pesticides are NOT justified because strict regulations based on scientific research that already protect our health and our environment ― thanks to Health Canada, the United States Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ), and other science-based national regulatory agencies.
They have assessed these products as less harmful than Aspirin, baking soda, caffeine, cannabis, nicotine, table salt, and Tylenol.
Moreover, these products are no more harmful than ethanol ( an edible beverage constituent in beer, wine, and other intoxicating beverages ), mouthwash ( Listerine ), and vitamin C.
Scientifically-ignorant pesticide-hating CAPE-fanatжcs, like John Howard, Paul Doucet, and Randall McQuaker, are WRONG !
Conventional pest control products are scientifically-safe, and will NOT cause harm to children.
Allegations about the imaginary danger to children are totally false, and are untrue mis-representations designed to alarm and enrage the public for mere money and profit given to anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organizations like CAPE.
The risk assessment of conventional pest control products indicates that they are scientifically-safe, and, when used properly, WILL NOT cause harm to children, people, animals, or the environment.
Even with the imposition of prohibition, we would still have issues with cancer, because there are MORE significant causes of cancer.
If CAPE were to devote the same level of energy to the primary causes of cancer, that being life-style, rather than mock-indignation, subversion, and fund-raising, LESS PEOPLE WOULD DIE.
Excerpt From Lunatжc-Letter To Manitoba Government
CAPE’s Lunatжc-Rant About Worthless
& Unreliable Epidemiological Studies
According to Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) ―
EPIDEMIOLOGY [ ?!?! ] is the branch of medicine that investigates the prevalence and distribution of diseases in selected populations.
We provide references to four systematic reviews which, taken together, report on over 500 health studies [ ?!?! ] ― all highlighting the RISKS of pesticide exposure. [ THIS is a proof of risks ?!?! ]
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE’s So-Called Proof Of Risks Is A Mere 500 Undisclosed, Non-Existent, & Unverifiable Secret Evidence
How could this anti-pesticide organization obtain studies that have somehow been withheld from the entire world ?!?!
Moreover, pest control products like 2,4-D Herbicide have been the subject of over 40,000 STUDIES.
40,000 !
Furthermore, since 1988, The Industry Task Force II On 2,4-D Research Data has submitted to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over 250 studies concerning mammalian and environmental toxicology, environmental fate, and residues.
2,4-D is probably THE MOST studied and best understood of ANY chemical … not just pesticide … in existence.
The risk assessment of conventional pest control products like 2,4-D indicates that they are scientifically-safe, and, when used properly, WILL NOT cause harm to children, people, animals, or the environment ― there are NO harmful irreversible effects to health and environment.
Explore the following links …
2,4-D Herbicide
The Industry Task Force II On 2,4-D Research Data
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE’s Fanatжcal-Prohibition Conspiracies Are NOT Supported By Any Credible Scientific Information ―
CAPE-fanatжcs have NEVER provided ANY reliable information to Health Canada that justify their mock-indignation against pest control products.
Pest control products are scientifically safe, and there is NO scientific basis for pesticide bans.
CAPE’s so-called epidemiological studies are so often WRONG that they are coming close to being WORTHLESS.
If a conventional pest control product actually caused cancer, it is fairly certain that this would be ascertained through the extensive testing procedures required before it is registered for use.
CAPE’s lunatжc-rant rant that there is, seemingly, an epidemic of human cancer caused by pest control products is NOT supported by either toxicology or so-called real world epidemiology.
Epidemiology is the study of the causes, distribution, and control of health problems in populations.
Epidemiology studies CANNOT be relied upon alone ― as proposed by CAPE-fanatжcs ― and must be backed-up with animal toxicity studies.
The most useful and relevant epidemiology studies are those that properly characterize exposure in the specific context of how the product is used.
Thus, reliance on epidemiology studies in regulatory decision-making is challenging in the absence of a direct-measure-of-exposure.
Epidemiology studies tend to make use of surrogate or indirect measures for pest control product exposure ( e.g., area treated, amount used, amount purchased ), which can lead to UNRELIABLE estimates of the risk ― CAPE’s fanatжcal-prohibition conspiracies are, therefore, INVALIDATED.
Epidemiology studies that identify potential associations must be examined with well-conducted animal toxicity studies that are specifically designed to elicit toxic effects over a series of dose levels.
These animal toxicity studies are assessed to determine if there is any biological basis for the potential associations noted in epidemiology studies.
The examination of animal toxicity studies from internationally-accepted guideline studies using doses well-above those to which humans are typically exposed, combined with exposure data obtained from well-designed studies, is currently a useful methodology available for assessing risks to human health.
Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) undertakes this kind of assessment to supplement information about potential associations that may be established by epidemiology studies.
This approach is consistent with that of other national regulatory agencies that base human health risk assessments on animal toxicity data.
The risk assessment of conventional pest control products indicates that they are scientifically-safe, and, when used properly, WILL NOT cause harm to children, people, animals, or the environment ― there are NO harmful irreversible effects to health and environment.
Health Canada, and NOT CAPE, has the essential expertise and credibility on pest control products.
Explore the following links concerning epidemiology …
Conflation Of Advocacy With Science ― Dr Geoffrey C Kabat
Sir Richard Doll Did Not Support A Ban On Pesticides
The Media Library On Epidemiology
Excerpt From Lunatжc-Letter To Manitoba Government
CAPE’s Lunatжc-Rant That Exploits
Children Somehow Being Harmed
By Pesticide Exposure
According to Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) ―
CAPE STRONGLY ADVISES AGAINST changes that would permit LICENSED PESTICIDE APPLICATORS to use currently restricted products. [ ?!?! ]
Such a move would once again make lawns, parks, boulevards and other green spaces into SOURCES OF PESTICIDE EXPOSURE [ ?!?! ], defeating the goal of reducing human exposure to cosmetic pesticides.
If the Government adopts such an approach, CHILDREN IN MANITOBA WILL BE HARMED [ ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ].
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE-Fanatжcs Are Scientifically-Ignorant & Know Nothing About Pesticides ―
According to CAPE … if the Manitoba government rescinds prohibition against pest control products, children in Manitoba will be harmed. [ ?!?! ]
Really ?!?!
How did CAPE arrive at the conclusion that pest control products somehow « harm our kids » ?!?!
Was this assessment based upon CAPE’s vast scientific knowledge of pest control products ?!?!
NO !
Did CAPE assess these products after spending time and money carefully studying their effects on health and environment ?!?!
NO !
Is CAPE competent to give any advice concerning these issues ?!?!
NO !
Only Health Canada, and NOT CAPE, has the essential expertise and credibility on pest control products.
CAPE’s lunatжc-rants have clearly demonstrated that its fanatжcal-operatives are scientifically-ignorant.
Remember, it is a fact that NO ONE at CAPE possesses ANY training, ANY background, or ANY expertise in matters concerning pest control products.
CAPE-fanatжcs are the least qualified to provide any advice concerning pest control products.
They are NOT credible experts on pest control products.
This problem with lack-of-activist-credibility reflects the overall larger problem with all anti-pesticide activists.
There are NO anti-pesticide activists who are scientists or researchers with credentials in the field of pest control products.
They are NOT competent to talk about pest control products.
CAPE-fanatжcs, like John Howard, Paul Doucet, and Randall McQuaker, know nothing about pest control products.
Should the public trust CAPE ?!?!
NO !
Who wants this #@!!% fanatжcal CAPE nonsense ?!?!
√ FACT — Lawns Are Safer For Children When Pesticides Are Used
Myths About Pesticides
Concerns about the use of pest control products stem from non-expert non-scientific pesticide-hating fanatжcs. Any prohibition against pest control products is NOT justified because strict regulations based on scientific research already protect our children, our health, and our environment. Saying YES to pesticides will make lawns safe for children and will protect the urban environment.
Children Are Safe With Pesticides
Pest control products represent NO threat to children since they are scientifically-safe and will cause NO harm. There is NO need for CAPE’s fanatжcal-prohibition conspiracies.
Leading scientific experts, like Dr Katherine von Stackelberg, say they would NOT hesitate to let their children play on a lawn where lawn care products have been used as long as the products were applied according to label directions.
According to another leading expert, Dr James S Bus, there is NO evidence that common lawn herbicides like 2,4-D cause cancer or any health problems in children. Dr Bus has also stated that there is NO regulatory agency in the world that regards pest control products like 2,4-D as a threat to children’s health.
According to yet another leading expert, Mr William Jordan, Deputy Director, Office of Pesticide Programs, United States Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ), parents DO NOT need to worry as long as a pest control product is used correctly. The US EPA has spent a lot of time looking at products like 2,4-D, and has concluded that it is SAFE FOR KIDS.
Allegations by CAPE-fanatжcs about the imaginary danger to children are totally false, and are untrue mis-representations merely designed to alarm and enrage the public. Saying YES to pesticides will make lawns safe for children and will protect the urban environment.
Children Are In Danger Because Of Prohibition
Children are at risk from dangerous pest-infested playing surfaces which are created by #@!!% pesticide bans ! No one wants this #@!!% dangerous ban nonsense that places children at risk !
Children Are In Danger Without Pesticides
Any form of prohibition actually harms children and represents a danger to children. Because of prohibition, children are forced to play in #@!!% dangerous and pest-infested garbage dumps. In essence, children are at risk from dangerous playing surfaces which are created by #@!!% prohibitions.
For example, in Hamilton, Ontario, children cannot play on the grass because of the proliferation of weeds.
In jurisdictions like Wallingford, Connecticut, there is a fear of litigation with pesticide-free playing surfaces.
Clovers and dandelions have been attracting bees … what if children get stung and what if they are allergic ?!?! Clover attracts bees that can harm children and control people. Clover attracts killer bees. For people who are allergic to bee stings, a sting may trigger a dangerous anaphylactic reaction that is potentially deadly. Additionally, honey bee stings will release pheromones that prompt other nearby bees to attack.
NO ONE wants this #@!!% dangerous prohibition nonsense that places children at risk. Saying YES to pesticides will make lawns safe for children and will protect the urban environment.
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE Fails To Admit That Children Are Safe With Pesticides ―
Pest control products are scientifically-safe, and WILL NOT cause harm to children.
Allegations about the imaginary danger to children are totally false, and are untrue mis-representations designed to alarm and enrage the public for mere money and profit given to anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organizations.
The risk assessment of conventional pest control products indicates that they are scientifically-safe, and, when used properly, WILL NOT cause harm to children, people, animals, or the environment ― there are NO harmful irreversible effects to health and environment.
CAPE-fanatжcs, like John Howard, Paul Doucet, and Randall McQuaker, are DECEIVING the public.
Children cannot possibly be harmed by properly applied pest control products.
Additionally, there is NOT ONE known case of harm from the proper application of diluted pest control products by qualified and licensed professionals.
This is because diluted products are tens of thousands of times less toxic than concentrated products.
For decades, the professional lawn care industry has advocated that using its services is significantly less harmful for children than do-it-yourself lawn care.
Overall, pest control products used in the urban landscape are ONLY harmful when the concentrated form is improperly stored in the home.
It must be recognized that when home-owners retain the services of qualified and licensed professionals, who apply only diluted products, the risk of harming children is greatly reduced.
Conversely, do-it-yourself home-owners who apply these products must store them in the home in a concentrated form.
When these products are stored improperly in the home, children will be harmed.
Scientifically-ignorant CAPE-fanatжcs, like John Howard, Paul Doucet, and Randall McQuaker, are WRONG !
Should the public trust CAPE ?!?!
Or, should the public trust the qualified and licensed lawn care professionals ?!?!
Who wants this #@!!% fanatжcal CAPE nonsense ?!?!
Explore the following links …
Pest Control Products Are Safe For Kids ― Slide Show
Pesticides Are Scientifically-Safe
Children Are Not At Risk
Excerpt From Lunatжc-Letter To Manitoba Government
CAPE’s Lunatжc-Rant That Exploits
Children As Weapons Of Coercion
& Environmental Terrжr
According to Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) ―
We WORRY [ ?!?! ] about what pesticides are doing to our CHILDREN [ ?!?! ].
Children are MOST AT RISK [ ?!?! ] because of their relatively large body surface-area-to-weight ratio, their long life expectancy ( for problems to develop ), and simply the fact that they are much more likely to enjoy rolling around in the grass.
Their DANGERS [ ?!?! ] of exposure include increased risks of low birth weight [ WRONG ] and pre-term births in babies [ WRONG ], deficits in cognitive and motor development [ WRONG ], hormonal ( endocrine ) disruption [ WRONG ], learning disabilities [ WRONG ], and other developmental deficits [ WRONG ], and both adult and childhood cancers [ WRONG ].
In many studies, the harmful effects noted in children were related to the exposure of their mothers during pregnancy or to children’s exposure at a young age [ WRONG ].
When cosmetic pesticides are a source of such exposures, these are preventable harms [ WRONG ].
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE Ignores REAL Science That Proves Children Are Safe Because Of Assessments By Health Canada & The EPA ―
National regulatory agencies, like Health Canada and the US EPA, and NOT CAPE, have the essential expertise and credibility on pest control products.
They have concluded that pest control products cause NO harm and are NO threat to children.
Children across North America, even in those jurisdictions with NO pesticide bans, are all protected since these products are applied at VERY low doses and represent NO threat to children.
The safety assessments of pest control products by Heath Canada and the United States Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) DO take into consideration children’s physiology, behaviours, and habits ― while playing on treated grass.
In fact, there are NO valid reports of pest control product problems with children.
Extra safety factors are applied by Health Canada to protect children, as well as infants and pregnant women.
In fact, medication is the leading cause of poisoning in children.
The risk assessment of conventional pest control products indicates that they are scientifically-safe, and, when used properly, WILL NOT cause harm to children, people, animals, or the environment ― there are NO harmful irreversible effects to health and environment.
CAPE-fanatжcs, like John Howard, Paul Doucet, and Randall McQuaker, are ignoring the REAL science, and are deceiving the public by exploiting children as weapons of coercion and environmental terrжr.
Explore the following link …
CAPE Has Been Exploiting Children As Weapons Of Coercion
― Children Are Not At Risk From Pesticides ― Dangerous
Playing Surfaces Are Created By #@!!% Pesticide Bans
Explore the following link about more CAPE-fanatжcs …
CAPE’s Child Exploitation Advertising
Campaign Against Neonicotinoid Insecticides
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE Ignores REAL Science That Proves Children Are NOT At Risk From Pest Control Products Because Of The Establishment Of Re-Entry Intervals ―
Re-Entry Intervals are designed to ensure that any remaining pest control product residue on a treated surface DOES NOT pose an unacceptable risk to human health.
All pest control products that have been assessed & registered for use in the urban landscape require the following Re-Entry Interval ― « Keep people off treated area until foliage is dry ».
A Re-Entry Interval is defined as the period of time from the application of a pest control product to when entry into a treated area is permitted.
A Re-Entry Interval reflects the amount of time required for a pest control product to dissipate ( either from uptake into the plant, or degraded by natural processes ) to a level that is well below any point of concern.
A Re-Entry Interval is established using a science-based approach to predict the amount of a pest control product that may be deposited onto the skin from contact with any treated surface.
Nonetheless, these products can be used safely because the amount required to affect human health is significantly higher than any potential level of exposure.
The impact of pest control products on human health is extensively assessed by Health Canada, prior to their registration, to ensure that these compounds, like other chemicals, such as prescription drugs and vitamins, are safe when directions for use are properly followed.
A part of this assessment includes specifying the measures required to reduce exposure during product handling and application, as well as for all activities on treated surfaces.
For the registration of every pest control product, manufacturers spend 250 million dollars in order to satisfy federal scientific assessments.
Moreover, two-hundred separate assessments are performed by 350 professional experts at Health Canada to ensure that these products federally legal, scientifically safe, and will cause no harm.
As a result, there is NOT ONE known incident of harm from the proper use of conventional pest control products used in the urban landscape.
Should the public trust CAPE ?!?!
Or, should the public trust the establishment of Re-Entry Intervals ?!?!
Who wants this #@!!% fanatжcal CAPE nonsense ?!?!
Explore the following link …
Re-Entry Intervals For Applications On Turfgrasses
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE Ignores REAL Science That Proves Pest Control Products DO NOT Cause Cancer ―
CAPE’s lunatжc-rant about the « danger of cancer » is a form of COERCION, INTIMIDATION, and TERRЖRISM.
The public need not be alarmed.
There are NO pest control products that are known or probable carcinogens.
Pest control products DO NOT cause cancer since they have been scientifically evaluated for their carcinogenic potential.
CAPE is ridiculously implying that its non-expert assessment is somehow being withheld from Health Canada and every other regulatory agency in the world.
If CAPE-fanatжcs, like John Howard, Paul Doucet, and Randall McQuaker, were not so scientifically illiterate, they would know that scientific research proves that, as reported through Health Canada’s vast toxicology database, NO harm will occur when pest control products are applied properly in the urban landscape.
Scientific research proves that pest control products cause NO harm and DO NOT cause cancer.
Pest control products causing cancer is a MYTH.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) conducted a review of the scientific literature and concluded that there was NO evidence of a link between cancer and pest control products like 2,4-D.
And, also recently, Health Canada stated that 2,4-D DOES NOT cause cancer, indicating that …
… the toxicological database DOES NOT suggest a carcinogenic risk.
According to Dr Leonard Ritter, the nation’s leading expert in the field of toxicology and pesticide safety ―
Pesticides DO NOT cause cancer, and there is NO increase in cancer deaths in Canada when you consider that the population is aging and increasing.
According to Dr Keith R Solomon, the nation’s leading expert in the field of environmental biology, toxicology, and pesticide safety ―
There is NO evidence of any causal link between pesticide use and cancer.
Even Canadian Cancer Society’s own web-sites state repeatedly that scientific research DOES NOT provide a conclusive link between pest control products and cancer.
Pest control products causing cancer is a MYTH.
CAPE-fanatжcs, like John Howard, Paul Doucet, and Randall McQuaker, are ignoring the REAL science, and are deceiving the public about cancer.
Explore the following links …
The Wisdom Of Dr Keith Ross Solomon
Pest Control Products Are Not The Leading Cause Of Cancer
― Prince Edward Island ― Dr Leonard Ritter
No Support For Cancer Epidemic ― Dr Bruce N Ames
Canadian Cancer Society ― No Direct Proof Pesticides Cause Cancer
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE Spreads Falsehoods & Lies About The Myth Of Health Issues & Pesticides ―
It is a MYTH to believe that pest control products somehow cause cancer.
There are NO pest control products that are known or probable carcinogens.
There is NOT ONE known cancer death from the proper use of pest control products used in the urban landscape.
These products are scientifically-safe, will cause NO harm, and are NO threat to children.
There are NO valid reports of pest control product problems with children.
In fact, medication is the leading cause of poisoning in children, and NOT pest control products.
Moreover, children are NOT more vulnerable to pest control products.
The safety assessments of pest control products by Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Health Canada ( PMRA ) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) DO take children into consideration.
These assessments DO consider children’s physiology, behaviours, and habits while playing on treated grass.
It is evident that children are going to spend a life-time being exposed to all sorts of chemicals ― auto exhaust, chlorine, perfume, smoke, soap, soot ― and they will be safe.
However, children WILL NOT be safe on pesticide-free playing surfaces ― in fact, prohibition dooms children.
With prohibition, children are actually at high risk of slipping and tripping, and becoming seriously hurt.
Pest control products PREVENT slipping injuries on sports turf.
Who wants this #@!!% fanatжcal CAPE nonsense ?!?!
Explore the following links …
The Myth Of Cancer
Canadian Cancer Society States There Is
No Direct Proof Pesticides Cause Cancer
Chemicals Evaluated For Carcinogenic Potential
― Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA )
Chemicals Evaluated For Carcinogenic Potential ―
2,4-D No Cancer Risk ― Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA )
Cancer Classification With Descriptors ― Part 1 Of 3 ―
Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) ― 2,4-D To Deltamethrin
Cancer Classification With Descriptors ― Part 2 Of 3 ―
Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) ― Diazinon To Malathion
Cancer Classification With Descriptors ― Part 3 Of 3 ―
Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) ― Mecoprop To Triticonazole
Chemicals Evaluated For Carcinogenic Potential ―
Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) ( Reference )
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — There Are Dozens Of Jurisdictions That Are KEEPING CHILDREN SAFE By Joining The REAL TRENDS Against Pesticide Bans ―
See Cards Below
Excerpt From Lunatжc-Letter To Manitoba Government
CAPE’s Fanatжcal-Prohibition
Conspiracies Based Upon Lies
& Lies & Lies, & NOT Science
According to Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) ―
The current ban represents SOUND SCIENCE-BASED public policy [ WRONG ].
Independent, peer-reviewed evidence has established that SERIOUS HEALTH RISKS are associated with human exposure to chemical pesticides [ WRONG ].
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE Uses A Bogus Literature Review To Validate Its Fanatжcal-Prohibition Conspiracies ―
CAPE has attempted to validate its mock-indignation against pesticides by relying upon a pesticide-hating review concocted by Ontario College of Family Physicians ( OCFP ), a known anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organization.
OCFP and its pesticide-hating literature review has been discredited, debunked, and refuted by Health Canada and by The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution.
The OCFP review has absolutely NO credibility since all of its authors and reviewers have NO recognized expertise, NO training, and NO background in matters concerning pest control products.
The OCFP pesticide-hating review has absolutely NO credibility, and neither do CAPE’s fanatжcal-prohibition conspiracies.
It is a mere trade association.
OCFP is NOT a science, NOT a research, NOT a physician, and NOT a health organization.
OCFP is a discredited radical anti-pesticide organization that is indirectly operated as a partisan public information shield by organizations, like Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment and Canadian Cancer Society.
OCFP DID NOT conduct a serious scientific research … it conducted a mere pesticide-hating literature review, and could only use those reports found in the open public literature.
OCFP was NOT even in « the information loop » on issues regarding pest control products, and DID NOT avail itself to the extensive toxicology database that is available from Health Canada.
OCFP never even bothered to request to look at the toxicology database through a process that Health Canada refers to as « The Reading Room ».
The authors and reviewers of the bogus-OCFP-review were NOT only scientifically ignorant, they were lazy and stupid.
Among the authors and reviewers of the bogus-OCFP-review, there were doctors who were found guilty of professional mis-conduct over sexual activities, doctors whose license was suspended, and doctors who deny having reviewed the document.
There is a « growing body of evidence » that some the authors and reviewers of the bogus-OCFP-review were unethical and unprofessional.
According to one project team member of the bogus-OCFP-review, CAPE-fanatжc Cathy Vakil ―
It is computer-driven. You plug in the key words, and it spews out … Collections of studies in a completely unbiased way. [ ?!?!!?!?!! ]
What did OCFP use as its reference studies ?!?!
What did Vakil mean with the term « computer-driven » ?!?!
Google and Wikipedia.
Big whoop !
In other words, the OCFP pesticide-hating literature review was conducted with a standard that was NO BETTER than a grade school project prepared by a 10-year-old student.
Additionally, the review was clearly biased since it was a cherry-picking of a mere 100 references out of the hundreds of thousands available in the extensive Health Canada toxicology data-base.
In fact, 2,4-D alone has been the subject of over 40,000 studies.
The OCFP pesticide-hating literature review is inarguably discredited.
The United Kingdom’s advisory panel on pesticides, a governmental regulatory body, cited « serious flaws » with the OCFP pesticide-hating literature review.
It cited points such as « failure » to take into account studies with results running contrary to OCFP, and examining exposure to pest control products in agricultural areas ― where they are allowed, and regularly used ― instead of domestic, urban areas.
Additionally, Health Canada stated that the « OCFP report is a review of epidemiology studies selected from the public scientific literature », and that it lacked sufficient scientific data.
Indisputable and conclusive scientific research shows that, as reported through Health Canada’s vast toxicology data-base, NO harm will occur when pest control products are used according to label directions.
The risk assessment of pest control products indicates that they are practically-non-toxic.
There is NOT ONE known illness or death from the proper use of pest control products used in the urban landscape.
Should the public trust CAPE and OCFP ?!?! NO !
CAPE-fanatжcs and OCFP-fanatжcs lie and lie and lie and lie ― they NEVER stop.
Explore the following links …
CAPE Relies Upon The Discredited, Radical, & Scientifically Ignorant
Mad Scientists At Ontario College Of Family Physicians ( OCFP )
CAPE’s Forman Has Violated & Ignored Requests By
Canadian Paediatric Society To Stop Referencing
Meg Sears’ Discredited Article Attacking 2,4-D Herbicide
The Media Library Of Lying Sacks Of Crжp
Excerpt From Lunatжc-Letter To Manitoba Government
CAPE’s Lunatжc-Rant
Against Health Canada
According to Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) ―
It would be comforting if Canadians could depend on federal regulators to ensure that pesticides allowed for sale and use in this country will not harm our health or environment.
Such is NOT the case. [ ?!?! ]
In evaluating pesticides, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) [ of Health Canada ] relies heavily on INDUSTRY-SUPPLIED STUDIES and DOES NOT take sufficient account of the REAL-WORLD EFFECTS of pesticides on human populations. [ WRONG ]
Risks from pesticide exposures through MULTIPLE PATHWAYS AND RISKS from COMBINED EXPOSURES to several chemicals, for example, are NOT well-addressed in the PMRA process. [ WRONG ]
Because of GAPS IN DATA [ ?!?! ], limitations in the applicability of animal testing, the lack of independent peer review of industry studies and other critical deficiencies, the PMRA’s flawed and inadequate evaluation process [ ?!?! ] is NOT RELIABLY HEALTH-PROTECTIVE. [ WRONG ]
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE Is Incapable Of Competently Assessing The Safety Of Pesticides ―
The best way to protect our children and other family members is by NOT listening to CAPE since ALL of its lunatжc-rants are scientifically-ignorant.
It is a fact that NO CAPE-fanatжc possesses ANY training, ANY background, or ANY expertise in matters concerning pest control products.
CAPE is NOT a science and NOT a research organization.
It is NOT EVEN a doctor’s organization.
CAPE merely operates as a fund-raising, profit-accumulating, and lobbying organization.
It is ludicrous to believe that CAPE somehow represents the views of typical health care workers, such as physicians.
CAPE CANNOT operate as a physicians’ organization since the vast majority of CAPE members are NOT EVEN physicians.
In fact, CAPE represents an insignificantly small number of doctors, less than 4 per cent.
CAPE-fanatжcs have self-designating themselves as the critics and the opposition to every science-based national government regulator in the world.
More precisely, they have attempted to become the unofficial opposition to Health Canada and the EPA by ineptly second-guessing decisions regarding the safety of pest control products.
In essence, CAPE-fanatжcs, like John Howard, Paul Doucet, and Randall McQuaker, are INCAPABLE to assess the safety of pest control products.
Should the public trust CAPE ?!?! NO !
Explore the following links about Health Canada …
Listen To Mr Lindsay Hanson From The Pest Management
Regulatory Agency Talk About Health-Canada-Approved Pesticides
Watch The Slide Show by Mr Lindsay Hanson From The
Pest Management Regulatory Agency Talk About Health Canada
Explore the following links about more CAPE-fanatжcs …
CAPE’s Forman Has A Mere University Degree
In Creative Writing, But Is As Dumb As A Rock
CAPE’s Lunatжc Jihadists, Like Forman & Bell,
Have Required Responses With Letters To The Editor
Excerpt From Lunatжc-Letter To Manitoba Government
CAPE’s Lunatжc-Lies About The
Dismal Failures Of Prohibition
According to Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) ―
In affirming our support for Manitoba’s current legislation, we note that hundreds of communities across Canada have SUCCESSFULLY ADAPTED [ ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ] to restrictions on toxic pesticides and are enjoying beautiful lawns and gardens and safe play spaces that don’t endanger the health of residents.
Cities and towns in Ontario, Nova Scotia, Quebec and elsewhere provide PUBLICLY ACCEPTABLE LEVELS OF WEED CONTROL [ WRONG ] at reasonable cost, while protecting the health of people and, in particular, children’s health.
Seven Canadian provinces have enacted bans on cosmetic uses of pesticides.
NO province has subsequently opted to LOOSEN such restrictions. [ WRONG ]
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE’s Fanatжcal-Prohibition Conspiracies Have Created Catastrophic Ecological Carnage Of Uncontrolled, Invasive, & Destructive Pests ―
CAPE has conveniently ignored that hundreds of prohibition-jurisdictions across the nation have been UNABLE to maintain attractive lawns and safe play spaces without using conventional pest control products.
In fact, CAPE-fanatжcs OBSCURE THE REALITIES about the DISMAL FAILURES of prohibition ― they CANNOT be trusted.
Municipal green spaces and residential properties have been turned into PEST-INFESTED & DANGEROUS GARBAGE DUMPS because of anti-pesticide by-laws.
For example …
A MAJOR STUDY of BRITISH COLUMBIA’s anti-pesticide by-laws has concluded that municipal prohibitions are DISMAL FAILURES.
This is because municipal officials are now circumventing their own prohibitions by taking advantage of exception statuses that they have conveniently inserted in their by-laws.
Without conventional pest control products, green spaces and hard-landscapes have become PEST-INFESTED & DANGEROUS GARBAGE DUMPS.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to control invasive weeds and destructive insects by using so-called green alternative pesticides and practices.
Consequently, municipal prohibitions have provided inconsistent & unfair exception statuses for invasive weeds & destructive insects ― for either municipal green spaces or residential properties, or both.
Without conventional pest control products, properties have become PEST-INFESTED & DANGEROUS GARBAGE DUMPS because it is impossible to control invasive weeds & destructive insects by using so-called green alternative pesticides & practices.
Municipal prohibitions have led to catastrophic ecological carnage for tens of thousands of PEST-INFESTED & DANGEROUS GARBAGE DUMPS every single year.
British Columbia’s municipal exception statuses represent the best examples of the failures, the ridiculousness, and the destructiveness of their anti-pesticide prohibitions.
In order to be consistent & fair, there should be NO #@!!% exception statuses whatsoever !
CAPE’s fanatжcal-prohibition conspiracies have led to municipal prohibitions are that are DISMAL FAILURES.
Should the public trust CAPE ?!?! NO !
CAPE-fanatжcs, like John Howard, Paul Doucet, and Randall McQuaker, lie and lie and lie and lie ― they NEVER stop.
Explore the following links …
Carnage Inflicted By Garbage Dump Green Spaces ―
Who Wants To Live In #@!!% Pest-Infested Garbage Dumps ?!?!
Carnage Inflicted By Garbage Dump Green Spaces ― Photo Gallery
The Media Library Of Municipal Prohibition Failures
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE Is Ignores The Tremendous Victories Against Anti-Pesticide Prohibition ―
Every single province in Canada is either opposed to prohibition, or frequently opts to loosen such restrictions against pest control products.
Government officials are NO longer as easily coerced into agreeing with the lunatжc-rants of CAPE since they have been warned in advance !
Consequently, CAPE is NOT taken seriously.
More specifically, government officials are aware that the province of Alberta WILL NOT legislate anti-pesticide prohibition.
There are more and more tremendous victories against anti-pesticide prohibition, and CAPEs fanatжcal-prohibition conspiracies are failing.
Victory Against Prohibition
ALBERTA, Province of
Proposed Pesticide Ban Stopped
Officials stopped a proposed prohibition and stated that the province WILL NOT create prohibition that conflicted with the federal government.
On August 9th, 2011, the government of Alberta stated that it WILL NOT create restrictions or laws that conflict with the federal government, which is relied upon for health and safety assessments.
Consequently, the government of Alberta has indicated that is has NO intent to prohibit the sale of any pest control product.
Alberta has monitored anti-pesticide prohibitions over the past few years and the approaches taken by other jurisdictions, and has found the basis for action confusing and inconsistent.
Explore the following link about Alberta …
Victory Against Prohibition
Proposed Provincial Pesticide Ban Stopped
Prohibition NOT Recommended By
Special Committee On Cosmetic Pesticides
The Special Committee On Cosmetic Pesticides announced that it WOULD NOT recommend a provincial pesticide ban, and the proposal was stopped.
Explore the following link about British Columbia …
Victory Against Prohibition
Proposed Provincial Pesticide Ban Stopped, Again
Professional Lawn Care Granted Exception Status
Officials announced that there will be NO provincial pesticide ban for licensed applicators who will now be granted with an exception status.
Explore the following links about British Columbia …
Victory Against Prohibition
MANITOBA, Province of
Observers Expect That The Pallister
Government Will Loosen & Reverse
The Prohibition In Manitoba
Fortuitously, on April 19th, 2016, the pesticide-hating & fanatжcal New Democratic Party ( NDP ) was defeated by the Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba, led by Mr Brian Pallister. This signaled the end of the 17-year NDP reign of politicized anti-pesticide & environmental terrжrism ! Observers expect that the Pallister Government will imminently rescind prohibition.
Because of Manitoba’s 2013 provincial prohibition against conventional products like Killex, Manitobans have been arbitrarily forced to rely on inferior and more hazardous green alternative pesticides like Fiesta. In 2013, Manitoba’s NDP political leaders, like Gord Mackintosh, attempted to falsely reassure the public that so-called safe and effective green alternative pesticides were/are already available to replace conventional pest control products. [ WRONG ! ] Mackintosh defiantly showcased a bottle of Fiesta during his press conferences. By 2017, Manitobans have been forced to rely on inferior and more hazardous green alternatives like Fiesta ( a.k.a. Weed-B-Gon ), and have lost their green spaces because they DO NOT WORK. In fact, the vast majority of users overwhelmingly condemn products like Fiesta. Fiesta CANNOT be considered safer when compared to Killex. Fiesta requires more personal protection, such as eye-wear, as well as waterproof gloves. By comparison, Killex requires only coveralls over a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, chemical-resistant gloves, socks and shoes, but NO eye-wear. Unfortunately, Manitoba’s 2013 provincial prohibition has created catastrophic ecological carnage of uncontrolled, invasive, and destructive weeds. Without conventional pest control products, green spaces and hard-landscapes will continue to be weed-infested and dangerous garbage dumps because it is impossible to maintain them by using so-called green alternative pesticides like Fiesta.
Explore the following links about Manitoba …
Victory Against Prohibition
NEW BRUNSWICK, Province of
Imposed Limited Provincial Pesticide Ban
Active Ingredients Permitted, Except 2,4-D
Professional Lawn Care Granted Exception Status
A limited provincial pesticide ban was imposed against several over-the-counter pesticide products containing the ingredient 2,4-D, but home-owners could still spot-treat weeds using pre-mixed over-the-counter products, and professional lawn care businesses were granted an exception status if their employees had the proper training in integrated pest management, and if they DO NOT use pesticides over more than fifty per cent of a lawn in one season.
Explore the following links about New Brunswick …
Victory Against Prohibition
Existing Provincial Pesticide Ban Reversed
Road-Side Spraying Resumed
Commercial Applicators Granted Exception Status
An exception status was granted to commercial applicators, despite a 2011 provincial pesticide ban, and resumed road-side spraying throughout the province to control vegetation to improve visibility and reduce moose-vehicle collisions.
Explore the following links about Newfoundland …
Victory Against Prohibition
ONTARIO, Province of
Proposed Amendment To Ontario
Pesticide Ban By Mr Ted Chudleigh
Beginning To Repeal Ontario
Anti-Pesticide Prohibition
Mr Ted Chudleigh’s Private Member’s Bill 88 would have amended the Pesticides Act to allow professional lawn care businesses to apply some currently-banned products to lawns and gardens.
Explore the following links about Ontario …
Victory Against Prohibition
Imposed Limited Provincial Pesticide Ban
Permitted Active Ingredients For Golf Industry
A province-wide pesticide ban removed 240 products from use by consumers; however, businesses operating in the Professional Lawn Care Industry have been provided with an exception status; and 2,4-D herbicide is banned from use by either consumers or businesses on lawns, but it is allowed in the golf industry.
Explore the following links about Prince Edward Island …
Victory Against Prohibition
QUEBEC, Province of
Existing Provincial Pesticide Ban Invalidated
Ban Defeated By Lawsuit
The province’s 2006 pesticide ban was invalidated and defeated when a legal challenge was settled, and government officials were humiliated into admitting that 2,4-D DID NOT pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment.
Explore the following links about Quebec …
Victory Against Prohibition
QUEBEC, Province of
Imposed Limited Provincial Pesticide Ban
Permitted Active Ingredients
A limited pesticide ban was put in force on April 3rd, 2003, and finally implemented on April 3rd, 2006, and although Quebec prohibited products containing 2,4-D, it is a little-known fact that Quebec was never truly pesticide-free since it DID NOT ban all pesticides, and continued to permit several conventional products.
Explore the following link about Quebec …
Victory Against Prohibition
Proposed Provincial Prohibition
Against Neonicotinoids Stopped
Mr Lyle Stewart, Minister of Agriculture stated there will be NO provincial neonic ban. Saskatchewan DOES NOT currently plan to follow Ontario in implementing restrictions against neonicotinoid insecticides. Saskatchewan officials said they were guided by sound science.
Explore the following link about Saskatchewan …
Explore the following link about more victories against prohibition …
Victories Against Anti-Pesticide Terrжrists Demonstrate
The Real Trends AGAINST Pesticide Bans
Excerpt From Lunatжc-Letter To Manitoba Government
CAPE’s Lunatжc-Rant About
Health & The Environment
According to Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) ―
Commendably, the effect of Manitoba’s existing law has been to REDUCE ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH RISKS [ ?!?! ] by reducing exposure of people, pets, wildlife and pollinating insects to chemical pesticides used for non-essential purposes.
In the interest HUMAN HEALTH AND THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT [ ?!?! ], we strongly urge that the existing law be maintained.
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE Could NOT Care Less About Health & The Environment ―
It is pitifully ludicrous to believe that CAPE is somehow concerned about health and the environment.
CAPE COULD NOT CARE LESS about health and the environment.
CAPE operates as a vast fund-raising millionaire multi-million dollar profit-making machine ― it DOES NOT operate as a caring and nurturing group.
Besides, NO ONE needs CAPE since there is NO NEED to worry about health and the environment.
The risk assessment of conventional pest control products indicates that they are scientifically-safe, and, when used properly, WILL NOT cause harm to children, people, animals, or the environment ― there are NO harmful irreversible effects to health and environment.
Excerpt From Lunatжc-Letter To Manitoba Government
CAPE’s Illegal Interference With
Partisan Politics & Public Policy
According to Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) ―
CAPE is pleased to offer assistance to you and your department as you consider the status of the current provincial ban against cosmetic pesticides. [ Clearly, this is interference in partisan politics & public policy ]
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — CAPE Violates Taxation Laws By Interfering With Partisan Politics & Public Policy ―
CAPE is a mere fund-raising, profit-seeking, and lobbying organization.
CAPE is NOT a science, NOT a research, NOT a physician, and NOT a health organization.
Nonetheless, CAPE and other organizations were originally recruited and paid-for-profit by the government of Manitoba to support the conspiracy to prohibit against pest control products.
CAPE and other organizations were paid with tax-free money, without paying a single penny in taxes.
In essence, CAPE is guilty of illegal interference with partisan politics and public policy.
Consequently, CAPE is guilty of violating taxation laws.
The public is directed to complain about CAPE by contacting business, fund-raising, government, and taxation agencies.
CAPE’s non-profit charity status must be investigated and hopefully revoked.
NORAHG Response
√ FACT — We Need To Get Rid Of CAPE, Forever ―
CAPE deserves NO free money because of its charity tax-exempt status.
CAPE DOES NOT deserve any donations or support.
Nor does CAPE deserve ANY tax-exempt status.
CAPE is an anti-pesticide, golf-hating, and environmental-terrжrist organization ― it is gloating, treacherous, and repugnant.
CAPE deserves complaints through business, fund-raising, government, and taxation agencies.
CAPE-fanatжcs … get off our grASS, forever.
Explore the following links …
CAPE Deserves Complaints Through Business,
Fund-Raising, Government, & Taxation Agencies
CAPE Is Listed Among Prominent Anti-Pesticide
& Environmental-Terrжrist Organizations
We Speak The Whole Truth About CAPE From An Independent Perspective
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged pesticide-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths.
The risk assessment of conventional pest control products indicates that they are scientifically-safe, and, when used properly, WILL NOT cause harm to children, people, animals, or the environment ― there are NO harmful irreversible effects to health and environment. Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole, one of the foremost turfgrass experts in the nation, and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G
Explore the following library of links …
With A Scheer Conservative Victory In The 2019
Canadian Federal Election, There Will Be NO
National Prohibition Against Pest Control Products
The Fanatжcal Trudeau Liberal
Government Is Bat-Shжt Crazy
The Trump Administration Ends
The US EPA’s Reigns Of Terrжr
If You Do Not Vote Conservative, Then
You Are A Pitiful Fool & An Imbecile