Background Information
Alberta’s Fanatжcal Green Left
New Democratic Party & Its Environmental-Terrжrist
Organizations In The Province Of Alberta & Their
Opposition To The Alberta Oil & Gas Industry
The Oil Sands in Northern Alberta have a proven reserve of 170 billion barrels, the third largest proven reserves of crude oil in the world.
Alberta has become the largest source of oil imported into the United States.
In the past, with significant economic development and investment into the Oil Sands, the Alberta oil and gas industry has enjoyed strong support by both the province’s government and the federal government.
However, the Alberta oil and gas industry has been subject to fanatжcal criticism by environmental-terrжrist organizations that have adopted the inaccurate and derogatory term « Tar Sands ».
The Alberta oil and gas industry has attempted to resolve environmental issues by developing new techniques.
Nonetheless, environmental-terrжrist organizations, such as David Suzuki Foundation and Tides Canada, have demanded that the oil and gas industry, and the Alberta government, shut down the Oil Sands.
These organizations are part of the so-called « Tar Sands Anti-Oil Campaign », a cross-border anti-Canada action to stop construction of oil pipelines for exporting Alberta oil to America.
Suzuki and Tides DO NOT sound like charities ― they sound like non-elected government opponents that illegally interfere in partisan politics and public policy.
According to Canada Revenue Agency ( CRA ) ―
Charities DO NOT have complete freedom to support any cause they like.
SPECIAL LEGAL RULES apply to charities because of their charitable tax status.
On May 5th, 2015, the « Tar Sands Anti-Oil Campaign » became destructively politicized when the New Democratic Party ( NDP ) was elected to a majority government, ousting the incumbent conservatives.
NDP operates as the political shield for environmental-terrжrist organizations.
Since 2015, Alberta has had to endure the New Democratic Party’s far-lunatжc-left government and its fanatжcal environmentalist policies.
The NDP imposed a carbon tax that made life in Alberta more expensive for gasoline and home-heating.
NDP and its environmental-terrжrist organizations have developed the so-called « Tar Sands Anti-Oil Campaign » that aims to …
• shut down the Alberta oil and gas industry
• undermine investor confidence in the Alberta oil and gas industry
• secretly fund and support the demonization of the Alberta oil and gas industry
• represent foreign interests that conspire to land-lock Alberta oil and gas
• weaken the government of Alberta
• embarrass and weaken Canada
NDP’s environmental-terrжrist organizations … what are they for ?!?!
They serve no useful or beneficial purpose to society, wasting tax-exempt money operating as mere opponents to the oil and gas industry, and do not deserve charity tax-exempt statuses.
They exist for one reason and one only … and that is to make ENVIRO-PROFIT.
Environmental-terrжrist organizations always want some more tax-free ENVIRO-PROFIT for illegal interference with partisan political activities and public policy, which is in violation of taxation laws.
We must STRIKE BACK against Suzuki, Tides, and the fanatжcal green left.
Explore the following link …
Enviro-Profit – Money Squandered On
Partisan, Political, & Subversive Activities
Summary & Background Information
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney
Striking Back Against David Suzuki
& The Fanatжcal Green Left
New Democratic Party ( NDP ) and its environmental-terrжrist organizations no longer have political power in the province of Alberta.
As a result of the 2019 Alberta General Election, Mr Jason Kenney and his United Conservative Party won 54.8 per cent of the popular vote and 63 seats.
Former Premier Rachel Notley’s fanatжcal NDP was reduced to Official Opposition with a mere 24 seats.
The United Conservative Party was formed in 2017 from a merger of the Progressive Conservative Party and the Wildrose Party after the NDP’s victory in the 2015 election ended nearly 44 years of Progressive Conservative rule.
As the Premier of Alberta, Mr Jason Kenney will STRIKE BACK for the economic survival of the Alberta oil and gas industry, and will STAND UP against the fanatжcal green left.
After winning the Alberta election with a majority, Jason Kenney’s United Conservatives has issued a warning to David Suzuki and other fanatжcal environmentalists.
He has promised to STRIKE BACK against those fanatжcs who secretly fund and that support the demonization of the Alberta oil and gas industry.
A public inquiry will be launched into their activities.
David Suzuki Foundation and Tides Canada have been singled-out.
Mr Kenney has accused them of being funded by foreign interests that are trying to shut down the Alberta oil and gas industry.
He intends to pass a LAW BANNING FOREIGN MONEY from fanatжcal environmentalists for use in provincial elections.
Mr Jason Kenney vowed to take legal action to STRIKE BACK against opponents of Alberta’s energy sector.
Mr Kenney has threatened that he will go to court to seek to STRIP THE CHARITY TAX-EXEMPT STATUS from David Suzuki Foundation and all the other fanatжcal environmentalists.
Mr Kenney will take action to STRIKE BACK against Suzuki, Tides, and the fanatжcal green left.
Remember, Mr Kenney has been named ―
• « One Of Canada’s Leading Conservative Activists » by The Globe and Mail newspaper
• « One Of 21 Canadians To Watch In The 21st Century » by the Financial Post magazine.
• One of Canada’s « 100 Leaders Of The Future » by Maclean’s magazine
[ Source : Wiki. ]
Compare Mr Kenny’s reputation to David Suzuki’s.
See later segment.
Explore the following link …
The Library Of Striking Back & Taking Action Against
Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism
April 18th, 2019
Ms Sheila Gunn Reid
Province Of Alberta
The Rebel Media
Alberta’s New Democratic Party ( NDP )
From 2015 To 2019, Alberta Had To Endure The NDP’s Far-Left
Government & Its Fanatжcal Environmentalist Policies
The Rebel Media Played A Big Part In Showing The NDP The Door
Ms Sheila Gunn Reid of Rebel Media reports on the DEFEAT of Alberta’s New Democratic Party [ NDP ] in the province’s elections and what she, her colleagues and Alberta had to endure resulting from the New Democratic Party’s FAR [ LUNATЖC- ] LEFT RULE that is grounded in [ fanatжcal ] environmentalist policies.
According to Ms Sheila Gunn Reid ―
It’s been nearly 48 hours since Mr Jason Kenney’s United Conservative Party DEFEATED Rachel Notley’s NDP in Alberta’s general election.
I think our work at the Rebel PLAYED A BIG PART in showing Notley the door.
We brought you stories the main-stream media wouldn’t tell.
We asked questions the main-stream media refused to.
And we stood up for Albertans when their own government was calling them sewer rats and embarrassing cousins.
After nearly four straight years of the NDP attacking me personally, using first an armed sheriff, and then, a weaponized elections bureaucracy to try to censor me, I think I’m allowed to be a little less than a gracious winner.
In today’s video [ see next segment ], I take a victory lap around some of the LESSER-KNOWN DESTROYERS, and I offer a couple of them some advice for the future.
Alberta -- Farewell To The NDP Destroyers -- Sheila Gunn Reid -- Video Recording -- 06 Minutes 48 Seconds
April 16th, 2019
Maclean’s Magazine
Lunatжc Politicized Media Report
Province Of Alberta
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Jason Kenney — Open War For Business
STRIKING BACK Against Suzuki & & The Fanatжcal Green Left
Jason Kenney’s Alberta
Mr Kenney Has Become The Premier Of Alberta
He Will Strike Back & Take Action Against Fanatжcal
Environmentalists, Like David Suzuki, In Courts Of
Law & Public Opinion, With An Energy War Room
Mr Jason Kenney just completed a three-year series of GRUELLING SLUG-FESTS to reach this point. ―
• Mr Kenney SEIZED the crown of the once-mighty Alberta Progressive Conservatives [ APC ]
• Mr Kenney FUSED them with their old Wildrose Party foes
• Mr Kenney KAMIKAZED his way to leadership of the new United Conservative Party
• Mr Kenney REJECTED several would-be APC candidates with bigoted or intolerant views ( but tolerated a few ) [ ?!?! ]
• Mr Kenney DISPATCHED the [ fanatжcal ] New Democratic Party on April 16th, 2019, to claim the Premier’s office for himself and his cherished Sir Thomas More portrait.
After all that, what did Mr Kenney win, with his majority APC government ?
A chance to fulfill his promises for four more years of endless pugilism [ ?!?! ] in the name of Alberta, and of getting more of its residents back to work.
Mr Kenney will FIGHT. ―
• Mr Kenney will FIGHT [ FANATЖCAL ] ENVIRONMENTALISTS in courts of law and public opinion with an ENERGY WAR ROOM.
• Mr Kenney will FIGHT PROVINCES like British Columbia and Quebec, that are unwilling to welcome bitumen pipelines.
• Mr Kenney will FIGHT INTERNATIONAL BANKS who do not want the reputational harm of financing pipelines or oil sands projects.
• Mr Kenney will FIGHT CITY COUNCILS mulling lawsuits against oil companies to recoup the costs of climate change.
• Mr Kenney will FIGHT JUSTIN TRUDEAU and the federal Liberals, who ended Mr Kenney’s cabinet career and set him on his current provincial trajectory.
Are Albertans game for a Premier who BALLS HIS FISTS for the next couple of years ?
You’re damn right they are, after richly rewarding his campaign FUELED ON ANGER, REVENGE, AND EXPECTATION ― all this and some actual government policy will bring back the economic boom times to which Alberta had grown accustomed.
Mr Kenney snidely promised to MAKE VANCOUVER CARBON FREE BY 2020, instead of 2040, by turning off the oil taps that anti-pipeline British Columbia depends upon for its fuel supply.
The THREAT earned LUSTY WHOOPS at Alberta Progressive Conservatives rallies.
And his pledge to HOLD A PROVINCIAL REFERENDUM if there’s NO progress on pipelines to REMOVE EQUALIZATION from the constitution ― a move he claims would force Ottawa to re-negotiate a fairer deal with Alberta ― made zero sense to most folks who understand how federalism and law works.
It just sounded so much like winning, after so many ECONOMIC LOSSES during the four years of [ fanatжcal ] New Democratic Party rule.
April 16th, 2019
National Observer
Lunatжc Politicized Media Report
Province Of Alberta
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Jason Kenney — United Conservatives Issue Warning To Suzuki After Winning Majority
STRIKING BACK Against Suzuki & & The Fanatжcal Green Left
Jason Kenney’s Warning
Mr Kenney’s United Conservatives Has Issued A Warning
To David Suzuki & Other Fanatжcal Environmentalists
A Public Inquiry Will Be Launched Into Their Activities
David Suzuki & Tides Have Been Singled-Out
Mr Kenney Has Accused Them Of Being Funded By Foreign
Interests To Shut Down The Alberta Oil & Gas Industry
Mr Jason Kenney and his United Conservatives channeled the angst of an angry electorate to SOAR TO A MAJORITY GOVERNMENT in Alberta’s election and relegate Rachel Notley’s [ fanatжcal ] New Democratic Party to the history books as a one-and-done government.
The Alberta Progressive Conservatives, formed in 2017 by a merger of the Progressive Conservative and Wildrose parties, held its rural and Calgary seats and took back many of the break-through [ fanatжcal ] New Democratic Party wins in those regions in 2015.
According to Mr Kenney ―
What a great day for the province of Alberta.
Today our great province has sent a message to Canada and the world that ALBERTA IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS.
Early on his speech, the Premier-Designate delivered a WARNING TO ENVIRONMENTALISTS, accusing them of being funded by foreign interests who are trying to shut down the Alberta oil and gas industry.
Mr Kenney pledged to LAUNCH A PUBLIC INQUIRY into their activities, singling out several charitable organizations, including David Suzuki Foundation and Tides Canada, prompting a roar of applause from supporters in Calgary.
April 13th, 2019
CTV Edmonton
Province Of Alberta
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Jason Kenney — Party Leaders Hit Final Days Of Campaigning
STRIKING BACK Against Suzuki & & The Fanatжcal Green Left
Jason Kenney’s Threat
Mr Kenney Has Vowed To Strike Back Against
Opponents Of The Alberta Oil & Gas Industry
Mr Kenney Has Threatened That He Will Go
To Court To Seek To Strip The Charity Tax-
Exempt Status From David Suzuki Foundation
& All The Other Fanatжcal Environmentalists
United Conservative Party leader, Mr Jason Kenney, visited Valleyview where he attended a pro-oil and gas rally.
According to Mr Kenney ―
May 6th, 2018
The Canadian Press
Province Of Alberta
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Jason Kenney — Declares War On Green Left & Takes Aim At Suzuki
STRIKING BACK Against Suzuki & & The Fanatжcal Green Left
Jason Kenney’s Promises
Mr Kenney Will Strike Back For The Economic Survival
Of The Alberta Oil & Gas Industry With A Rapid-Response
War Room & A Law Banning Foreign Money From
Fanatжcal Environmentalists For Use In Provincial Elections
Mr Kenney Has Declared War On The Fanatжcal Green Left,
Promising To Strike Back Against Those Who Secretly Fund &
Support The Demonization Of The Alberta Oil & Gas Industry
United Conservative Leader, Mr Jason Kenney, in a FIERY SPEECH to party members, is PROMISING AN ALL-OUT ATTACK ON THE [ FANATЖCAL ] GREEN LEFT and those who secretly fund and support the demonization of Alberta’s oil.
According to Mr Kenney ―
The SPECIAL INTERESTS have TARGETED Alberta oil and NOT Saudi, Venezuelan, or Russian oil because they saw us as the boy scouts, the soft target.
We will FIGHT BACK for economic survival.
The BATTLE, he said, will be waged on MULTIPLE FRONTS.
We will set up a fully staffed RAPID-RESPONSE WAR ROOM in government to quickly and effectively rebut every LIE told by the [ FANATЖCAL ] GREEN LEFT about our world class energy industry.
We will PASS A LAW BANNING FOREIGN MONEY from being spent by special interests during Alberta elections.
August 29th, 2018
United Conservative Party Of Alberta ( UCP )
E-Mail Newsletter
Province Of Alberta
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Jason Kenney — Stands Up To The Green Left
STRIKING BACK Against Suzuki & & The Fanatжcal Green Left
Jason Kenney Is Not Rattled
[ In mid-August 2018 ], our United Conservative Leader, Mr Jason Kenney, spoke at a rally standing up for our pipelines in Halifax.
They TRIED TO RATTLE Jason and the crowd who were exercising their free speech.
[ … ] it didn’t go so well for the radical protesters …
They fight Canadian oil and turn a blind eye to oil imports into Canada from regimes with horrible human rights records.
Jason was happy to point this out, as he continues to do so throughout our country.
Our province needs a leader that stands up to these activists ― NOT one who appoints RADICALS to important government positions.
( Recall the [ fanatжcal ] New Democratic Party appointing Tzeporah Berman to the Oil Sands Advisory Group ? ).
If you agree, please chip in to the United Conservative election fund today.
Erika Barootes
UCP Party President
April 17th, 2019
National Observer
Lunatжc Politicized Media Report
Province Of Alberta
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Jason Kenney — Suzuki Foundation, Tides & Other Groups Brace For Impact Of Kenney’s New War
STRIKING BACK Against Suzuki & & The Fanatжcal Green Left
Jason Kenney’s Accusations
Prominent Canadian [ fanatжcal ] environmental leaders say they hope to focus on priorities such as fighting [ so-called ] climate change as they brace for the IMPACT OF GOVERNMENT-LED ATTACKS AND INVESTIGATIONS promised on April 16th, 2019, by the incoming Premier of oil-rich Alberta [ Mr Jason Kenney ].
The comments came in response to a BLISTERING VICTORY SPEECH delivered by Alberta United Conservative Party Leader, Mr Jason Kenney, as he reacted to a resounding victory that will soon give him a majority government in the provincial legislature of the Western Canadian province.
Mr Kenney’s party had captured more than 50 per cent of the vote and about two-thirds of the seats by the time he took the stage to DELIVER HIS WARNING TO THE OPPONENTS of one of Canada’s [ oil and gas ] industries.
A crowd of supporters in Calgary roared with approval as Mr Kenney pledged to START A POLITICAL WAR with those opponents who have also been among his own adversaries.
Mr Kenney said his government would LAUNCH INVESTIGATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTALISTS, complaining that they were SPREADING LIES about the impacts of industrial development in a province that sits on the bulk of the world’s third largest reserves of crude oil, following Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.
The former Harper government minister, who has defended his stance questioning the degree to which humans are causing [ so-called ] climate change, wants to bolster the province’s crude oil exports.
Mr Kenney called out Vancouver-based non-profits Leadnow and David Suzuki Foundation, ACCUSING them and other groups of a …
He said this campaign [ of spreading lies ] is ONLY focusing on the Alberta oil and gas industry, without going after oil from other jurisdictions that have poor democratic and human rights standards.
According to Mr Kenney ―
To the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Tides Foundation, Leadnow, the David Suzuki Foundation, and all of the others ―
Today we begin to FIGHT BACK.
[ Mr Kenney vowed to ] LAUNCH A PUBLIC INQUIRY into the foreign source of funds behind the campaign to LAND-LOCK Alberta energy.
« An Attack On Hundreds Of Thousands Of Canadians ? »
The unwanted attention from right-wing politicians is old news for groups like the David Suzuki Foundation and Leadnow.
Leaders from these [ environmental-terrжrist ] groups said Mr Kenney was attacking democracy [ ?!?! ] by singling out legitimate advocacy organizations [ ?!?! ] that push for positive social change [ ?!?! ].
Mr Kenney’s old boss, former Prime Minister Stephen Harper, allocated 8 million dollars in its 2012 budget to PROBE THE POLITICAL ACTIVITY of environmental [ -terrжrist ] organizations, including David Suzuki Foundation.
[ See next segment. ]
In 2018, an Ontario judge ruled that the Canada Revenue Agency’s political audits infringed on the constitutional right to free expression.
[ See next segment. ]
According to Stephen Cornish at David Suzuki Foundation ―
Non-profits and charities have a long and trusted history [ ?!?! ] of working toward positive, meaningful social change in Canada [ ?!?! ] and around the world.
By attempting to revoke our statuses as charities, Mr Kenney is attacking a fundamental pillar of the modern democracy [ ?!?! ] we in Canada value so much.
Cornish said the David Suzuki Foundation passed the Harper-era audit « without any issues » [ ?!?!?!?! ] and that the CRA was satisfied it was fulfilling its charitable status role [ ?!?! ].
[ Cornish is WRONG ! See next segment. ]
Background Information
David Suzuki Has Violated Taxation Laws
David Suzuki Foundation passed the Harper-era audit « without any issues » [ ?!?!?!?! ] and that Canada Revenue Agency ( CRA ) was satisfied it was fulfilling its charitable status role [ ?!?! ]
Really ?!?!
Here is the truth …
In anticipation of Canada Revenue Agency ( CRA ) STRIKING BACK with an unfavourable and imminent audit, David Suzuki himself has been forced to resign from his own foundation for fear that his outspoken political views and interference in partisan politics would compromise the foundation’s charity tax-exempt status.
Although David Suzuki was forced to quietly step down from the Board of Directors of David Suzuki Foundation during summer of 2011, his resignation was NOT officially announced until 2012.
Demands are now being made for David Suzuki to step down as host of television programs produced by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, including The Nature Of Things, which is now being used as a platform against the golf industry.
We need to get rid of the current Suzuki, forever !
If Suzuki can’t be a good example, then Suzuki will have to serve as a horrible warning.
We must take action to STRIKE BACK against Suzuki.
We want a nation where charity organizations, like David Suzuki Foundation, DO NOT pretend to be charities.
We also want a nation where interfering in partisan politics, as does Suzuki, leads to consequences for organizations pretending to be charities.
We need a nation where charity organizations, like Suzuki, DO NOT VIOLATE the taxation laws.
These organizations, like Suzuki, CANNOT be allowed to closely participate with political parties like the fanatжcal New Democratic Party.
We must take action to STRIKE BACK against Suzuki’s partisan politics.
David Suzuki Foundation promotes itself as a registered-charity, tax-exempt environmental organization.
The rules at the Canada Revenue Agency are clear.
A registered charity CANNOT be involved in partisan political activities.
Unless, apparently, if you are David Suzuki and the David Suzuki Foundation.
Here is how Canada Revenue Agency defines what is prohibited to David Suzuki Foundation ― a political activity is considered partisan if it involves direct or indirect support of, or opposition to, a political party or candidate for public office.
Charities can promote the policies of political parties and candidates they agree with, but must NOT directly or indirectly support the political party or candidate for public office.
We must take action to STRIKE BACK against Suzuki’s political interference.
David Suzuki Foundation is a golf-hating, anti-pesticide, & environmental-terrжrist organization that conspires to impose reckless and arbitrary prohibition against pest control products across the nation.
Suzuki and his fanatжcal-operatives have concocted the politicized-doctrine that cancer occurs because pesticides are used on golf courses. [ ?!?! ]
Suzuki is dishonest about cancer caused by golf courses.
Scientific research proves that pest control products will cause NO harm and DO NOT cause cancer.
With this kind of politicized-doctrine perpetuated by Suzuki, golf businesses are being terrжrized and will be destroyed, golf employees will suffer economic hardships and lost jobs, and communities will be weakened.
Can the golf industry’s trade associations STRIKE BACK and destroy Suzuki and his fanatжcal-operatives ?!?!
Suzuki and his operatives are NOT very good at their jobs ― and they mess-up and they are dishonest.
Background Information
David Suzuki
Suzuki Violates Taxation Laws By Illegally
Interfering In Partisan Politics & Public Policy
Explore the following links …
David Suzuki
Public Policy Interference With Golf-Hating Documentary
David Suzuki
Political Interference In Ontario Election
David Suzuki
Partisan Politics With Endorsement Of NDP Leader
David Suzuki
Partisan Politics With Support Of Green Party
Striking Back
Fighting Pesticide Bans In Court
Background Information
Environmental Terrжrist Organizations Always
Want More Profit For Lying & Terrжrizing
Explore the following links …
CRA Revokes Tax-Exempt Statuses – Foreign Funding
– The Oil Sands Anti-Oil Campaign
CRA Witch-Hunt Against Enviro-Terrжrists ?
Finance Minister Flaherty Targets Organizations
CRA Audits Seven Environmental Charities
CRA Loses Court Challenge For Its Audits Of Charities
Money Squandered On Partisan, Political, & Subversive Activities
Background Information
Scientific Research Does Not Provide A Conclusive
Link Between Pest Control Products & Cancer
Explore the following links …
The Myth Of Cancer
No Conclusive Link Between Pesticides & Cancer
Background Information
More Reports & Web-Pages
Explore the following links …
The Avengers
The Neck Of The Anti-Pesticide & Enviro-Lunatжc
Terrжrist-Vermжn Must Be Snapped ( Proverbially )
The Media Library Of Lying Sacks Of Crжp
The History Of Victories Against Anti-Pesticide Terrжrists
Victories Against Glyphosate-Hating Terrжrism
Liberating Society From Anti-Pesticide Occupation
The Trend Against Pesticide Bans Continues Again & Again
Various Statements About Rescinding Prohibitions
Real Trends AGAINST Pesticide Bans ― Posters
The Public Does Not Want Pesticide Bans
Striking Back
Taking Action Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged green left fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths.
Not surprisingly, green left fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the green left fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G