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Mr Don Gordon – The Gentleman Who Saved The Green Space Industry
Don was a saviour, and one of the heroes, of the Canadian green space maintenance industry.
For four decades, from 1982 to 2019, Don dedicated a life-time of service to the protection and the improvement of the green space industry, which includes golf course maintenance and professional lawn care.
Mr Don Gordon – The Gentleman Who Saved The Green Space Industry
The Early Years
In 1957, Don was born in Sainte-Dorothée, a district in Laval, Quebec, that was known for forests and farmlands.
Don often observed that his birthplace was no longer what it used to be.
Given the proximity of Sainte-Dorothée to Montreal and major highways, it was only a matter of time that it would be developed with a major rise in residential development, department stores, restaurants, and boutiques.
In 1981, Don earned a Bachelor of Science degree in general biology from Concordia University in Montreal.
While at this university, Don had said that he looked back fondly on the time he shared with his student-brothers in Theta Sigma fraternity and Varsity Rugby.
With his degree, Don built a strong basis in the essentials of science, and then chose a path in the green space industry.
Mr Don Gordon – The Gentleman Who Saved The Green Space Industry
ChemLawn Inc
In 1982, Don was recruited by Mr William H Gathercole, and others, as a professional lawn care specialist at the ChemLawn Inc branch in Saint-Laurent, Quebec.
As a specialist, Don learned quickly about lawn maintenance, as well as customer acquisition, and customer service.
In the 1980s, ChemLawn Inc was the largest professional lawn care company in North America.
By 1984, he was promoted as Assistant Branch Manager ( ABM ) at the ChemLawn Inc location in Mascouche, Quebec.
As ABM, Don became adept at supervising and training employees, as well as maintaining the branch building facilities, including its high-tech waste water recycling system.
In 1986, Mr William H Gathercole left ChemLawn Inc, and Don adeptly assumed his roles as Canada Zone Technical Manager, becoming an expert in the programming of maintenance for tens of thousands of lawns and ornamental landscapes, the purchasing and use of millions of dollars in fertilizers and pesticides, the instruction and training of hundreds of employees, and the representation of industry interests in legislative and public affairs involving environmental issues and pesticide-hating fanatжcism.
By 1993, Don’s closest friends had become aware of his dissatisfaction with ChemLawn Inc.
He would often just shake his head with disbelief while his bosses made critically poor decisions concerning legislative and public affairs.
Consequently, Don was ready to choose another path in the green space industry.
Mr Don Gordon – The Gentleman Who Saved The Green Space Industry
Family & Loyalty
In the 1980s, Don’s wife fell gravely ill.
Most people who worked with Don were unaware of his tribulations until many years later since he kept the matter entirely private.
Don had remarked that, while his wife hovered near death, his closest friends had suggested that he simply abandon her.
Nevertheless, he remained loyal to her throughout her ordeal, and for many years afterwards, although the experience rendered her barren. His plans for raising a family were crushed.
Mr Don Gordon – The Gentleman Who Saved The Green Space Industry
Legislative & Public Affairs
In the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s, Don was a highly-rated leading expert with recognized expertise in matters concerning pest control products and legislative affairs.
He asserted his role as the media-representative for ChemLawn Inc at a time when pesticide-hating fanatжcism had dawned in the town of Hudson, Quebec.
In 1991, Hudson arbitrarily enacted prohibition against the use of pest control products.
Municipal officials had easily capitulated under the pressure of a mere handful of pesticide-hating fanatжcs that included politician Jack Layton, sheep farmer June Irwin, and others.
Some of the officials responsible for prohibition later became investigated for corruption and tax evasion.
Hudson was⁄is a small isolated ghetto-town of a frustrated anglophone minority located near Montreal.
Consequently, Don was thrust into the public spotlight to defend the interests of ChemLawn Inc and its customers in Hudson.
He had concluded that the politicized doctrine of prohibition could not be allowed to spread beyond Hudson, otherwise the lawn care business would be destroyed.
In order to anticipate further problems with prohibitions, he regularly attended large numbers of town council meetings, not only in Hudson, but throughout the Montreal area.
These meetings were always scheduled in the evening during weekdays, and hence, Don’s work-week consisted of an exhausting number of long hours.
When one evening meeting was scheduled in the city of Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Don traveled using a large white pick-up truck emblazoned with several ChemLawn logos, which he parked conspicuously in the city hall parking lot.
By the end of the evening, Don realized his mistake.
He attended the meeting, where howling fanatжcs were demanding that prohibition be immediately imposed by the council.
In response, Don made a presentation to the council, and presented the facts about the safety of pest control products.
The fanatжcs were not impressed, and, after the meeting concluded, when Don emerged from the city hall, he was surprised by fanatжcs who had surrounded his vehicle in angry protest.
Don had remarked that was the last time he attended ANY meeting with a company truck.
Read the following reports …
√ — Jack Layton — Prominent Architect Of Prohibition — Anti-Pesticide Speech — LINK
√ — June Irwin — The Wicked Old Clown Witch — LINK
√ — Hudson’s Anti-Pesticide Mayor, Councillors, & Staff, Were Crooks — LINK
√ — Louise Villandré — Former Hudson Quebec Director General & Pesticide Ban Conspirator Sentenced To 30 Months In Jail — LINK
Mr Don Gordon – The Gentleman Who Saved The Green Space Industry
Town Of Hudson
In 1992, Chemlawn Inc and a companion-company were apprehended for ( accidentally ) spraying herbicide on lawns located in the town of Hudson, in defiance of prohibition against the use of pest control products that had been arbitrarily enacted by the municipality in 1991.
Each company was fined three hundred dollars.
Don was discouraged by these events since the herbicide found in the spray tanks was extremely low and inactive ― its presence was purely accidental.
With the valued benefit of Don’s participation and leadership, the Hudson fine was legally challenged by ChemLawn Inc and the ASHOQ provincial trade association on the basis that the Hudson prohibition was invalid, since it defied existing provincial and federal laws that already allowed the use of the herbicide.
Since 1987, Don had served as board member of Canada’s first professional lawn care association ( which was later named ASHOQ, Association des Services en Horticulture Ornementale du Québec a.k.a. the Quebec Association of Ornamental Horticulture Services ).
He later assumed the important role of President of ASHOQ.
Don, Mr Gathercole, Mr Guy van den Abeele, and others, officially founded ASHOQ in 1992.
They appointed this trade association with the mandate to bring together the green space maintenance companies of Quebec, and to maximize the representation of industry interests in legislative and public affairs involving pesticide-hating fanatжcism.
In 1993, Don was appointed President of ASHOQ.
During his tenure, he made significant decisions regarding the legal challenge against the town of Hudson.
As President, Don refused to back away from the Hudson affront, and committed most of ASHOQ’s vast financial resources towards the destruction of its prohibition by-law.
He unflinchingly intended to defend the lawn care industry at any cost, even to the Supreme Court.
Thanks to Don, strategies were designed and implemented that reined-in pesticide-hating fanatжcism, and that provided peace and prosperity for the entire modern green space industry.
Don protected those industries dedicated to golf course maintenance and professional lawn care for a generation.
And not just in Quebec.
Don’s decisions have reverberated throughout the nation and across North America.
Consequently, tens of thousands of golf facilities and lawn care companies have been able to continue to use safe and effective pest control products.
Thanks to Don’s decisions.
Don’s leadership had saved the green space industry for a generation.
Background Information
The True History Of Quebec
In 2001, the Supreme Court of Canada, which was infested with pesticide-hating judges who later were caught celebrating with activists, up-held the acts of subversion by the Town of Hudson, despite the fact that its by-law clearly contradicted provincial and federal law.
However, in 2011, Dow AgroSciences, the manufacturer of the herbicide 2,4-D, settled a NAFTA challenge case with the Canadian government.
The North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, is an agreement signed by the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, creating a tri-lateral trade block in North America.
As part of the agreement, a victory for Dow AgroSciences, the government of Quebec was humiliated into making a statement saying that ― 2,4-D does not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment.
Quebec was the first province to declare weed control products containing 2,4-D as possibly carcinogenic, which has now been deemed as false.
Nonetheless, many municipalities in Quebec imposed arbitrary prohibitions against the use of 2,4-D on lawns.
And Quebec followed with its own provincial prohibition.
Other jurisdictions outside of Quebec have also conspired to impose the anti-pesticide prohibitions against 2,4-D under the pretext that it was a so-called carcinogen.
In fact, absolutely no regulatory agency in the world classifies 2,4-D as a human carcinogen ― 2,4-D is probably the most studied and best understood of any chemical ― not just pesticide ― in existence.
2,4-D does not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment.
Read the following reports …
√ — The True History Of Prohibition In Quebec & Hudson — LINK
√ — The True History Of Prohibition In Quebec & Hudson — Mr Howard Mains — LINK
√ — Lawns & Roadways Look Like Crжp In Hudson — Mr Brian Lilley — LINK
√ — The True History Of Prohibition In Quebec & Hudson — Vive Le Pissenlit Libre — LINK
√ — Quebec Ban Irrefutably Invalidated — The True History Of Prohibition In Quebec & Hudson — LINK
Mr Don Gordon – The Gentleman Who Saved The Green Space Industry
Golf Industry Exception Status
Under Don’s tenure as President of ASHOQ trade association, Mr William H Gathercole was permitted to create the pesticide ban exception status that allowed the golf industry to avoid being subjected to anti-pesticide prohibitions.
Thanks to Don, this exception status has been copied and used by thousands of municipal jurisdictions throughout North America, thereby allowing tens of thousands of golf facilities to use safe and effective pest control products.
Don’s leadership had saved the golf industry for generations of golf course superintendents and owners.
Mr Don Gordon – The Gentleman Who Saved The Green Space Industry
OJ Company
In 1993, Mr William H Gathercole had just been appointed as Vice-President of OJ Company, one of the largest suppliers of the green space industry in the nation, at the time.
He again recruited Don, this time for the role of Sales Manager for Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec.
By 1995, Don was promoted to Office Manager, and years later, to Vice-President of Operations.
By the mid-2000s, Don’s closest friends had become aware of his disappointment with OJ Company.
He would often be seen shaking his head with incredulity while the new owners made misguided decisions concerning the management of the company.
Fortunately, Don’s affection for his co-workers knew no bounds, and he remained loyal to the company until his departure for reasons of health in 2018.
Mr Don Gordon – The Gentleman Who Saved The Green Space Industry
Four-Footed Friends
Throughout the 1990s, sled dog racing was the sport than Don liked to participate in the most, although professional hockey was his favourite spectator sport.
Don even participated in competitions with his team of dogs that pulled his sled while he acted as the musher.
He really liked dogs, and this sport became a must-do adventure for him.
Don had said that he gained appreciation not only for the sport, but also for the winter scenery, and, of course, for the dogs.
Mr Don Gordon – The Gentleman Who Saved The Green Space Industry
Final Words
Don was well-beloved and highly-appreciated by golf course superintendents and owners, as well as lawn care professionals throughout Quebec and Eastern Ontario.
Don was truly one of the truly great heroes of the green space industry.
His leadership had saved this industry for a generation.
He had also saved the golf industry for generations of superintendents and owners.
In recognition of his services, the Quebec Golf Superintendents Association officially instituted the Don Gordon Suppliers Golf Tournament, to be held every year in July.
Accolades and acknowledgments were topics of conversation in the last exchange of messages with Don.
Here are the excerpts …
William H Gathercole ―
I have learned about the accolades that you have been receiving, including your own golf tournament.
Although these expressions of praise are small comfort in view of your health challenges, I nonetheless congratulate you.
In a sense, you may have even surpassed the praise heaped upon even Otto [ the founder of OJ Company – see link below ].
Don Gordon ―
Thanks for the support.
I do acknowledge that these accolades also are due to both you and Otto and yourself as you both mentored me.
I followed both your footsteps.
This tribute to Don Gordon was written by his friend Mr William H Gathercole ( with Norah G ). May he rest in peace.
Read the following report …
Otto Jangl
The Lion Of The Green Space Industry
Read the following web-page …
The Media Library About More
Heroes Of The Green Space Industry
Mr Don Gordon – The Gentleman Who Saved The Green Space Industry
What People Have Said About Don …
Arthur, Angie ―
Our hearts and thoughts are with you.
Bejcek, Heidi ―
Our sincerest sympathies to everyone. Laura, our hearts are with you. Much love from the Bejceks. Love from Pierre and I.
Berger, Caroline ―
Our deepest condolences to the Gordon family and friends.
Betté, Frank ―
Hi. My sincere condolences to Don’s family. RIP
Bolduc, André ―
My sincere, deepest sympathies to Laura and Don’s family. May he rest in peace.
Briand, Natalie ―
So sorry to hear. As one who just recently lost another member of Theta Sigma, my husband, Kerry Faughnan, 59, last May, my heart and thoughts goes out to you, his family.
Curotte, Mark ―
My deepest Sympathies to Don’s family, friends, and the whole OJ team. He was loved and respected by many.
Daoust, Gerry ―
We will miss you cuz. Our deepest sympathy to Laura, family, and friends. Love, Gerry and Lynn Daoust.
Duckworth, Martin ―
What a terrible loss for you, Laura. I am suffering from losing my wife to Alzheimer’s, but at least we had 46 wonderful years together. I can’t imagine how much more difficult it would have been if she had been with me for many years short of that. You and I are both lucky to have such supportive families.
Florapark ―
Louis Van Cauwenberghe and Jacqueline Hageman ― Our sincerest condolences to the family, friends, and all Don’s favorite four-footed friends. Rest in Peace.
Ford, Laura ―
Don’s love for Otto, Mrs Jangl, Phil, Gaby, and the OJ staff knew no bounds. His respect for customers, who Don thought of as family also, was endless. He worried about ice on greens this spring, who ordered what fertilizer, etc …, etc …, until the very end. Don was OJ until his last breath.
Gertler, Marin ―
Dear Laura. We are very sorry to hear about this terrible loss. Rocio and I wish you strength and want to extend our condolences in this difficult time. Sincerely. Marin and Rocio.
Gordon, Sandra ―
Thank you to the Jangl family for the kindness and beautiful video in memory of Don. Sincerely, his sister Sandra and niece Laura.
Greenshields, Glenn ―
I haven’t seen you in many years, but I’ll always look back fondly on the many happy memories we shared as brothers in Theta Sigma fraternity. Rest in peace, Don.
Hawkins, Margaret and John ―
Our deepest sympathies. Will always remember that wonderful smile. With love, Margaret, John and Family.
Hill, Christopher ―
My deepest sympathies to Laura and Don’s family.
Jacobsen, Erik ―
A very very sad day. Sympathies to all.
LS, Chris ―
My sympathies to his family and to everyone at OJ. Rest In Peace.
Lussier Enderle, Nancy ―
Deepest of sympathies to Don’s family and to his OJ family. He will be greatly missed.
Moncrieff, Randy ―
A wonderful tribute to a great person. He fought hard. RIP.
O’Connor, Colleen ―
Deepest condolences to Laura & family. Don was such a nice man. He will be truly missed.
OJ Company ―
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Don Gordon. On behalf of the entire Jangl family and OJ team, we would like to express our deepest condolences to his wife Laura Ford and the entire Gordon family. We are truly sorry for your loss.
Patton, James ―
Good man, he will be missed.
Peters, Sue ―
I’m so sorry for your loss Laura. oxo
Pink, Richard ―
Sincerest sympathies for your loss.
Rousseau, Pierre ―
Rest in peace, Don. Sympathies to the Gordon family and OJ family.
Ruelland, Mélanie ―
Mes sympathies.
Simonds, Lori ―
My deepest sympathies to you Laura and the family. Don always had a smile on his face. Great man. Hugs.
Sweetin, Bill ―
Don was one of the good guys.
Wayne, Taggart ( Parrsboro, Nova Scotia ) ―
My condolences to Don’s family. My brother, friend, neighbour, co-worker, one heck of a great guy. Sorry it’s been so long since we’ve talked. Lots of great memories for me and the family. RIP Uncle Don.
Zegers, Tony ―
Merci Sly.
Sources : Facebook. Montreal Gazette.
Read the following report …
Mr Don Gordon ( 1957 – 2019 )
Read the following reports …
More Heroes And Legendary Icons
Of The Green Space Industry
Dr Jack L Eggens
Dr James B Beard
Mr Douglas Meyer
Mr Des Rice
We Speak The Whole Truth When We Take A Look At Heroes Like Mr Don Gordon
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space & other industries ( NORAHG ).
NORAHG is a non-profit & independent organization that reports on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, & backgrounds in matters concerning pest control products, & who promote environmental realism & pesticide truths.
A Look At … is destined for the green space industry, nation-wide across Canada, the United States, & overseas, & can be found on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/
A Look At …, Force Of Nature, & their various incarnations, was the brain-child of William H Gathercole ( now retired ) & his colleagues.
Here is a brief summary of Mr Gathercole’s career ―
FIELDS OF UNIVERSITY STUDY ― • Crop, Horticulture, & Turfgrass Sciences • Mathematics & Physics
ALMA MATERS ― • McGill University • University of Guelph • the first person ever to obtain bachelors of science degrees & contribute directly to both the professional lawn care & golf maintenance industries.
EXPERTISE ― • turf & ornamental maintenance & troubleshooting • history of the green space industry • sales & distribution of seeds, chemicals, fertilizers, & equipment • fertilizer manufacturing & distribution • environmental issues & pesticide-hating fanatжcism.
NOTABLE ACTIVITIES ― • worked in virtually all aspects of the green space industry, including golf maintenance, professional lawn care, tree & shrub care, distribution, environmental compliance, government negotiations, public affairs, & workplace safety • the supervisor, consultant, &, programmer for the successful execution of hundreds-of-thousands of management operations in the golf course & urban landscape, as well as millions of pest control applications • the advisor, instructor, & trainer for thousands of turf & ornamental managers & technicians • the pesticide certification instructor for thousands of industry workers • a founder of the modern professional lawn care industry • the prolific writer for industry publications, reports, & blogs • the first to confirm the invasion of European Chafer insects in both the Montreal region & the Vancouver / Fraser Valley region • with Dr Peter Dernoeden, the first to confirm the presence of Take All Patch as a disease of turf in Eastern Canada • with Dr David Shetlar, the first to confirm the presence of Kentucky Bluegrass Scale as an insect pest in south-western Ontario, & later, in the Montreal & Vancouver regions.
SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS ― • the creator of the Pesticide Ban Exception Status that allowed the golf industry to avoid being subjected to anti-pesticide prohibition for a generation • the creator of the signs that are now used for posting after application • the co-founder of annual winter convention for Quebec golf course superintendents • the founder of the first ever Turf Summit with guest Dr Jack L Eggens https://wp.me/p1jq40-7dT • the major influence in the decision by Canadian Cancer Society to stop selling-for-profit fresh pesticide-treated daffodils https://wp.me/P1jq40-1OW • the only true reliable witness of the events of anti-pesticide prohibition in the town of Hudson, Quebec https://wp.me/p1jq40-asu • the founder ( now retired ) of A Look At … & Force Of Nature reports & blogs.
NOTABLE AWARD ― • the first man-of-the-year for contributions leading to the successful founding of the Quebec professional lawn care trade association, which served as a beach-head against anti-pesticide activists in the 1980s & 1990s.
LEGACIES ― Mr Gathercole & his colleagues … • designed & implemented strategies that reined anti-pesticide activists & provided peace & prosperity for the entire modern green space industry for a generation • orchestrated legal action against anti-pesticide activists in the town of Hudson, Quebec • launched the largest founding professional lawn care business in the nation • quadrupled the business revenues of one of the largest suppliers in the nation.
Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as the founder of A Look At … & Force Of Nature reports & blogs.
We dare to defy by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ).
If you wish to receive free reports & blogs on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G
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