Overview From An Independent Perspective
Critical Issues For The Golf Industry
The Go Brown Anti-Cosmetic Golf Course Doctrine has been adopted by so-called « activist-superintendents » who have arbitrarily decided to reduce their use of conventional pest control products and fertilizers to well below maintenance protocols and the performance standards that have been scientifically established for generations.
Consequently, Go Brown golf courses LOOK DEAD !
Go Brown is a ridiculous and failed doctrine that is based upon the false-pretext that golf courses are somehow inherently un-sustainable. [ ?!?! ]
The Go Brown Doctrine is seen as golf-hating anti-pesticide and anti-fertilizer terrжrism that must be stopped from spreading throughout the golf industry !
The golf industry must OPPOSE the Go Brown Anti-Cosmetic Golf Course Doctrine.
The Go Brown Doctrine can be opposed by developing and publishing golf maintenance protocols and the performance standards expected by playing customers.
These protocols and standards MUST include the regular use of conventional pest control products and fertilizers, based upon REAL scientific studies, and NOT incompetent trade associations like PACE Turf Information Service.
Go Brown golf courses LOOK DEAD !
Who wants to play golf on #@!!% golf courses that look dead ?!?!
Those golf courses that follow protocols and standards are thick, green, and attractive surfaces with high-quality playing conditions.
Paying golfers DO NOT want to play on brown depressing low-quality courses.
Golf-hating fanatжcs, including so-called « activist-superintendents », want Go Brown junk golf courses with the ridiculous notion that this is somehow environmentally sustainable. [ ?!?! ]
The Go Brown Anti-Cosmetic Golf Course Doctrine has been embraced by so-called « activist-superintendents » who betray the industry by adopting Anti-Pesticide Policies and Anti-Fertilizer Policies.
In fact, brown is indicative of unhealthy, unplayable, and undesirable turf that is being mis-managed.
Explore the following link …
The Critical Issues That Must Be Addressed By The Golf Industry – Why Are CGSA Leaders Allowing The Golf Industry’s Greatest Train Wreck Crisis ?!?!
Overview From An Independent Perspective
Brown Is The New Green
Will Destroy The Golf Industry
The golf industry is also on a collision course with BROWN IS THE NEW GREEN which is being promoted by United States Golf Association ( USGA ).
This trade association is clearly infested with radical left-wing pesticide-hating fanatжcs.
The Go Brown Anti-Cosmetic Golf Course Doctrine has been proposed under the ridiculous pretext that garbage dump golf courses are better for the environment, require fewer inputs, save money, and play better. [ ?!?! ]
The Go Brown Doctrine is seen as golf-hating anti-pesticide terrжrism that must be stopped from spreading throughout the golf industry !
Moreover, brown is indicative of unhealthy, unplayable, and undesirable turf that is being mis-managed.
In June 2010, USGA provided the world with an example of its failed Go Brown Doctrine by converting Pebble Beach Golf Links into a Go Brown golf course during the U.S. Open Golf Championship.
USGA presented the prestigious, iconic, and otherwise beautiful Pebble Beach golf course in a plain brown paper bag.
The USGA falsely-proclaimed that Go Brown golf courses are better for the environment, require fewer inputs, save money, and play better. [ ?!?! ]
Observers have concluded that the USGA is loathsome and wrong !
The Go Brown junk conditions at Pebble Beach were unacceptable to both superintendents and golfers, including Tiger Woods.
Pebble Beach’s Go Brown greens were awful, brown, bumpy, discolored, khaki, mottled, splotchy, and looked like leopard skin.
Pebble Beach’s Go Brown fairways and approaches had large brown areas.
Tiger Woods condemned the Go Brown golf course at Pebble Beach ― « It was so bouncy out there. The greens are just awful. It is what it is. »
The golf industry is on a collision course with malapropistic vocabulary that may make no sense, and is concocted ludicrous misuses of words like ― « brown is the new green », « corrective watering », « fast », « firm », « go brown », « green is not important », and « sustainable ».
The Go Brown Doctrine is a form of golf-hating, anti-pesticide, and anti-fertilizer terrжrism that is spreading throughout the golf industry.
The Go Brown Anti-Cosmetic Golf Course Doctrine will destroy the golf industry !
Go Brown must be stopped, forever !
Explore the following links …
The Go Brown Anti-Cosmetic
Golf Course Doctrine ( Reports )
July 8th, 2017
Associated Press
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Explore the following link …
Go Brown Anti-Cosmetic
Golf Doctrine ( Web-Page )
The Go Brown Look Of Death At Chambers Bay
Ensuring The Return Of The U.S. Open
Putting Greens Getting Face-Lift By The
Deliberate Contamination Of Fine Fescue
Surfaces With Inferior Annual Bluegrass
Chambers Bay is a public 18-hole golf course in the U.S. Pacific North-West that hosted the U.S. Open in 2015.
The U.S. Open is the annual open national championship of golf in the United States.
The return of major championship golf to the Pacific Northwest may depend on the fate of the putting greens at Chambers Bay public golf course in Washington State.
The MALIGNED PUTTING SURFACES on the links-style layout became as much a story at the 2015 U.S. Open as Jordan Speith’s victory.
Now the putting greens are getting a FACE-LIFT.
According to Matt Allen, general manager at Chambers Bay ―
We know the greens are an area of concern not just for future championships but for our customers and that’s why we’re working so hard to make the progress that we are.
The DELIBERATE CONTAMINATION of the putting greens from Fine Fescue to [ inferior ] Annual Bluegrass is a dramatic adjustment from the original design by Robert Trent Jones Jr and his team.
The process will take several years.
When complete, officials believe they will have SOLVED THE BIGGEST PROBLEM to emerge from the U.S. Open.
And that will not only help the daily public use of Chambers Bay but make the first course to host the U.S. Open in the Pacific Northwest more appealing for future events.
The Go Brown Look Of Death At Chambers Bay
Complaints About Dead-Looking Greens
Chambers Bay’s Go Brown Putting Greens
Looked Like They Were Dead & Provided
Low-Quality Playing Conditions & Aesthetics
What happened ?!?!
While the final day of the 2015 U.S. Open at Chambers Bay provided enough drama to supersede problems with the course, most of the week was a broken record of COMPLAINTS ABOUT THE PUTTING GREENS AND THEIR LOW-QUALITY PLAYING CONDITIONS AND AESTHETICS.
When Dustin Johnson three-putted on the 18th green to lose the tournament, questions followed about whether the SHAKY PUTTING GREENS of Chambers Bay were the reason.
Officials at the course had spent months trying to hold off the Annual Bluegrass ― an invasive grass that thrives in the Pacific Northwest ― from overtaking the putting greens.
But above average temperatures leading to the tournament forced the grounds crew to water more than intended.
That intensified the growth of Annual Bluegrass, even as workers hand-picked the invasive grass from the putting greens.
Rather than a SMOOTH, BROWNISH PUTTING SURFACE, many of the putting greens APPEARED [ GO BROWN ] DEAD, and the BUMPY Annual Bluegrass stood out as an EYE-SORE.
According to Matt Allen, general manager at Chambers Bay ―
If we had normal weather in May and June and we would have irrigated a whole heck of a lot less and probably reduced the mowing height to the point where you probably would have taken the bumpiness out.
[ In essence, Chambers Bay should have considered hiring more competent agronomic staff. ]
The Go Brown Look Of Death At Chambers Bay
Contamination Of Greens With Inferior Grass
The Goal To Contaminate Putting Greens With
Inferior Annual Bluegrass Is Expected To Provide
High-Quality Playing Conditions & Aesthetics
Why the change ?!?!
The COMPLAINTS from the U.S. Open were HARSH BUT VALID.
The future for Chambers Bay as a championship course rested on finding a permanent solution.
Annual Bluegrass loves temperate, moist climates.
It’s why most courses in the Pacific Northwest use [ inferior ] Annual Bluegrass as their primary grass for putting greens.
Chambers Bay wanted to be unique with its Fine Fescue putting greens.
The realities of the Pacific Northwest climate required change.
According to Matt Allen, general manager at Chambers Bay ―
If [ inferior ] Annual Bluegrass is an INEVITABILITY, then why go backward in any way ?!?!
Just see how we can move forward and try and encourage that natural progression, evolution [ i.e. DELIBERATE CONTAMINATION WITH AN INFERIOR GRASS SPECIES ].
With the blessing of the United States Golf Association [ USGA ], [ inferior ] Annual Bluegrass is being allowed to take over.
The Fine Fescue that’s matured for the decade the course has been open is being used as a base, but eventually the small, dotted patches of [ inferior ] Annual Bluegrass that are currently on the CONTAMINATED greens will spread as wide swathes.
The goal is to ALLOW THE COMPLETE CONTAMINATION of the putting greens with [ inferior ] Annual Bluegrass that is expected to be firm and fast under tournament conditions.
According to Eric Johnson, director of agronomy at Chambers Bay ―
Probably the best way to put it is we want to keep the surface playing like a links surface so we’re not going to do a typical irrigation like most courses do where typically [ inferior ] Annual Bluegrass comes in.
The Go Brown Look Of Death At Chambers Bay
Another Chance For The U.S. Open ?!?!
Once Chambers Bay Is No Longer A
Go Brown Failure, It Will Provide Golfers With
High-Quality Playing Conditions & Aesthetics
The future ?!?!
Local officials expect Chambers Bay to be in the rotation for major championship golf.
The course will host the U.S. Amateur Four-Ball championship in 2019 and there is talk of Chambers Bay as a possible future site for a U.S. Women’s Open, which is currently scheduled out through 2021 at the Olympic Club in San Francisco.
But hosting another U.S. Open ?!?!
That gets a little more complicated.
The championship is scheduled through 2026 and doesn’t include mainstays like Olympic, Merion, and Congressional.
It could be 2030 before the rotation of courses gives Chambers Bay another opportunity, but the CONTAMINATION CHANGES made to the putting greens ― as long as they work ― should give it another chance.
According to Matt Allen, general manager at Chambers Bay ―
I think we’ll be able to deliver on people’s expectations.
[ The expectations of paying golfers are high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics. ]
Background Information
& The Go Brown Failure
The Go Brown Anti-Cosmetic Golf Course Doctrine has been embraced by so-called « activist-superintendents » who adopt Anti-Pesticide Policies and Anti-Fertilizer Policies.
They have arbitrarily decided to adopt these policies in defiance of maintenance protocols and performance standards that have been scientifically established for generations.
Consequently, Go Brown golf courses LOOK DEAD !
After decades of benefiting from the golf industry’s pesticide ban exception status, « activist-superintendents » have ridiculously decided to self-impose their own pesticide bans.
They have also decided to adopt the Arbitrary Reduction of Nutrients.
This is NOT what they are paid to do.
Observers are aghast that « activist-superintendents » are invalidating the pesticide ban exception status that allowed the golf industry to avoid being subjected to anti-pesticide prohibition for a generation, thanks to the unbelievable lobbying by Mr William H Gathercole in the 1990s.
Furthermore, « activist-superintendents » needlessly alarm and enrage the public by spreading inaccurate propaganda concerning their Anti-Pesticide Policies and Anti-Fertilizer Policies.
They LIE and LIE and LIE and LIE ― they never stop.
In fact, « activist-superintendents » know nothing about pesticides and fertilizers, and they can only resort to fraudulent lies, myths, and mis-information.
And, they will say ANYTHING in order to get fame and attention.
They revel in espousing politically-correct environmental-rubbish.
They betray REAL golf course superintendents, and their acts of subversion will inevitably DESTROY the golf industry.
These activists simply DO NOT deserve to work in the golf industry that they betray.
They are NOT paid to be activists ― they are paid to satisfy paying golfers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics.
Universally, TRUE golf course superintendent are professionals who are paid to take care of golf courses ― they manage the budgets, man-power, materials, and schedules needed to properly maintain high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics for paying golfers.
TRUE superintendents constantly monitor the health of turfgrasses through careful observation, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases, insects, weeds, and abiotic disorders.
Their skilled management of turfgrass pests is accomplished by the proper use of conventional pest control products.
TRUE golf course superintendents are NOT interested in the Go Brown Anti-Cosmetic Golf Course Doctrine.
Rightly, they are more concerned with providing paying golfers with high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics.
Explore the following links …
Background Information
Go Brown Doctrine &
Anti-Fertilizer Policies
The Go Brown Anti-Cosmetic Golf Course Doctrine has been embraced by so-called « activist-superintendents » who adopt Anti-Fertilizer Policies.
They have arbitrarily decided to adopt the Arbitrary Reduction of Nutrients to well below maintenance protocols and performance standards that have been scientifically established for generations.
Consequently, Go Brown golf courses LOOK DEAD !
And, these Anti-Fertilizer Policies are legitimized by idiotic trade associations.
The golf industry is on a collision course with trade associations that are wasting their time meddling with harmful Anti-Fertilizer Policies they know nothing about !
These include ― Golf Course Superintendents Association of America ( GCSAA ), National Golf Foundation ( NGF ), Pace Turf Information Service, and United States Golf Association ( USGA ).
Their harmful Anti-Fertilizer Policies, which are doomed to failure, have been naively concocted to make golf industry’s superintendents supposedly more environmentally responsible. [ ?!?! ]
These associations cannot be trusted !
Observers are dismayed that « activist-superintendents », who are employed by golf facilities, would be allowed to adopt and spread failed, radical, and costly doctrines and policies that are anti-golf-industry.
In fact, some observers question their ability to provide what paying golfers demand … high-quality playing conditions and aesthetics.
Their adoption of Go Brown Doctrine and Anti-Fertilizer Policies may be seen as betraying the golf industry in the most insidious ways possible.
Observers are also dismayed that « activist-superintendents » coerce, intimidate, and terrжrize other golf superintendents with their ridiculous and arbitrary doctrines.
These fanatжcal-activists must be discredited.
These types of activists represent the GREATEST THREATS to the golf industry today.
Explore the following link …
Arbitrary Reduction Of Nutrients
Explore the following link …
Trade Associations Versus
Golf Course Fertilization
Explore the following link …
The Media Library Of Attacks
Against The Golf Industry
We Speak The Whole Truth About Go Brown From An Independent Perspective
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged pesticide-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths.
Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs, like « activist-superintendents », have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs, like « activist-superintendents », by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G
Explore the following links …
√ FACT — If You Do Not Vote Conservative,
Then You Are A Pitiful Fool & An Imbecile
√ FACT — With A Scheer Conservative Victory In The 2019 Canadian Federal Election, There Will Be NO National Prohibition Against Pest Control Products — LINK
√ FACT — The Fanatжcal Trudeau Liberal Government Is Bat-Shжt Crazy — LINK
√ FACT — The Trump Administration Ends The US EPA’s Reigns Of Terrжr — LINK