UPDATE: Scarborough Maine Realizes that Cedar Oil is not a Registered Pesticide after NOFA Accredited Lawn Care Company Sprays for Grubs. Town plans to use Acelypryn MANUFACTURED IS MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO (HOW IRONIC This Synthetic Pesticide is banned in ONTARIO)
Cedar Oil Registration: It was brought to the committee’s attention that the product cedar oil, which was used to treat grubs, is not registered with Maine Board of Pesticides Control. It has been requested that Go Green Landscaping make sure all products used in the future are registered with the Maine Board of Pesticides Control.
GO GREEN LANDSCAPING SHOULD BE CHARGED AND FINED BY THE MAINE PESTICIDE BOARD FOR THEIR MISTAKE, JUST LIKE PAUL TUKEY WAS FINED FOR NOT HAVE A PESTICIDE LICENSE.https://pesticidetruths.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Audio-Environment-Tukey-2010-03-05-Sprayed-Unabatedly-Radio-Interview-1-00.mp3
Scarborough Maine using NOFA accredited company to apply bogus organic products including CEDAR OIL (insect repellent) then follows up with Synthetic Pesticide DYLOX for grub infestations. Pest control company comes in at lowest bid and same price as using only Synthetic Pesticide. [Hard to believe costs when they have to follow up their initial treatments with dylox]
Several Key Players have once again conspired to waste tax payer dollars and claim the dangers of Synthetic Pesticides is why people have to put up with failed organic lawn care techniques at 10 times the price over the long term.
Scarborough Maine even uses these individuals as references to their educational campaigns.
Why would Scarborough Maine Not Use University Turf Extension Scientific Literature as educational material.
Extreme Activist Community with no concept of what Federal Regulations and precautionary principle really means and 3 individuals praying on their beliefs for financial gain.
All of these fields have a lot of clover, typically considered a "friend" of organics because it brings nitrogen back into the ground but there are many people who do not care for it.
Terri recently housed 12 GreenCorp students who went door to door to get signatures for mainly state legislation but also brought up the use of organics in Scarborough. They did get Scarborough residents to sign a pledge for using organics.
Chip Osborne Osborne Organics (we have all kinds of youtube footage of this guy in action)
Tom Kelly Firebelly Organics
Paul Tukey Safelawns (we also have all kinds of youtube footage of this guy in action)
YOUTUBE PAGE LINK: http://www.youtube.com/user/Uncleadolphs
June 2012 – Scarborough Maine Town Meeting Minutes – Where the trickery begins
Scarborough Maine Turf Maintenance Schedule 2012
May – October 2012 Field Scouting Scarborough Maine Park (Wiley) : Dave Melevsky : Chip Osborne : Tom Kelly
Dylox Granular Insecticide MSDS
Tom Kelly Firebelly Organics
Acelepryn Pesticide MSDS – Manufactured and Banned in ONTARIO CANADA
3 thoughts on “Another Organic Lawn Failure – Dylox for Grubs – Paul Tukey, Chip Osborne, Tom Kelly – Scarborough, Maine”
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