Organophosphate, Cancer Causing Pesticide Dylox used on City Property : Go Green Landscaping Dave Melevsky – NOFA Accredited ORGANIC contractor gets away with MURDER. Long term effects will never be known. Scarborough Council and Maine Pesticide Board stays Silent.
Chip Osborne
Paul Tukey
Tom Kelly
Are we really protecting our children and the environment or are we upselling an Organic fantasy to make BIG CASH.
Dylox was used as a last measure after Go Green Landscaping, under the direction of Chip Osborne and Paul Tukey, failed to control Grubs in Scarborough Sports Fields with an UNREGISTERED ORGANIC Pesticide Cedar Oil (Insect Repellent)
What a bunch of morons. And a whole municipality plays SHEEP. WAKE UP SCARBOROUGH!!!!!! Time to FIRE TOM HALL.
The town policy states that "all pesticides are toxic to some degree and (their) widespread use {C}{C}is both a major environmental problem and a public health issue. Federal regulation of pesticides is no guarantee of safety."
The debate over the policy may be occurring in part because Scarborough is "a little ahead of the curve" on using organic methods of pest control, Hall said. "This issue is sweeping the country," and many people are not sure yet where they stand, he said.
That indecision is another impetus for the forum, which will include a presentation by a national pesticide activist about how organic methods can best be used under a variety of conditions.
In 2011 Scarborough adopted a policy that largely prohibits the use of chemical pesticides to control insects and weeds at schools and on playing fields.
"There are people who are very, very passionate on both sides," said Town Manager Tom Hall. "And, we've had one year's experience, so there hasn't been enough time to assess success."
Dylox Highly Poisonus Pesticide:
Organophosphates and Neurological Development in Children
Research shows a range of neurodevelopmental problems associated with prenatal and early childhood exposure:
- Impaired short term memory and mental development
- Increased reaction time & abnormal reflexes
- Mental & emotional problems (adolescent exposure)
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