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… about a lot of things, the environment being one of the most important. The aim of obviously.ca is to provide you with accurate, verifiable, and entertaining information to help you make environmentally-conscious decisions.
Action: Links
By Obviously.ca Staff. Posted on 3:29:00 pm – Thursday, October 11, 2007.
Global Warming/Climate Change
The David Suzuki Foundation – Solving Global Warming
Celebrity scientist and environmentalist David Suzuki’s organization. Includes information on the Kyoto Protocol, ways to curb greenhouse gas emissions, and actions you can take to make a difference.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Climate Change
A wealth of information on climate change, including the past, present, and future of the Earth’s climate, U.S. state policy, the health and environmental effects of a changing climate, and what you can do to help.
Natural Resources and Defense Council
One of the foremost U.S. environmental organizations. Its website focuses on the causes and the consequences of global warming, and suggests some potential solutions to the issues faced. There’s also a cool interactive global warming map (unfortunately though, only of the U.S.).
Pollution Probe’s Primer Series
A Canadian environmental organization which produces a series of publications on, er, pollution. These examine, among other things, climate change, renewable energy, emissions trading, and smog.
Union of Concerned Scientists
A science-based organization working toward a healthier environment. Here you’ll find a variety of science-related information on global warming and related press releases. There are also some useful visual aids that show the predicted temperature shifts; check out the link Migrating State Climates.
Greenpeace International
Since it was founded in 1971, Greenpeace has been campaigning for the planet. A great resource for homework projects, this is the site to check out if you need a graph of predicted temperature increases. It also outlines some agreed-upon facts about global warming and lists more helpful links.
The Pembina Institute
The Pembina Institute promotes sustainable energy production and consumption to lessen the impact of global warming. The Kyoto Protocol and other international negotiations are discussed, as well as the Pembina Institute’s role in all of this.
Air Quality and Smog
Air Quality Ontario gives you the air quality reading for the day as well as information on general air quality questions. You can also join the Smog Alert Network and read reports on the air quality in your specific city.
HealthyOntario.com – Summer Smog
Here you’ll find out what smog is, how it is made, the related health effects and what can be done to minimize it. Healthy Ontario also clears up some smog-related myths, information which may come in handy when that smog assignment deadline is coming up.
Ontario’s Air Quality Index (fact sheet)
This three-page document provides a quick background of the Air Quality Index and explains terms related to air quality such as ozone and particulate matter. The last page has a chart summarizing the pollutants and their associated impacts at different index levels.
David Suzuki Foundation – Air Pollution
Celebrity scientist and environmentalist David Suzuki’s organization. This web page explains the main causes of air pollution and their impacts on the environment and people’s health.
Ontario Ministry of the Environment – Smog and Your Health
Produced by the Ministry of the Environment, this document contains general information about smog, its effects, and what to do to protect your health. You’ll also find links to documents about smog and health, the Air Quality Index, and ways to reduce your contribution to smog.
Natural Resources Defense Council – Particulate Pollution
One of the foremost U.S. environmental organizations. This segment of the website answers all your questions on particulate pollution, such as “What is it?”.
CBC News – The Dirt on Smog
The CBC’s backgrounder on smog and ozone. Includes the illustrated and interactive ”The Story of Smog”.
Electricity Choices – Help Clean Ontario’s Air
This site allows you to find the most cost-efficient and environmentally-conscious ways to operate your home. It also outlines options available for creating your own energy through wind and solar power and other renewable sources.
Waste Reduction & Recycling
Earth 911
A Canadian site with information on the three R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) as well as front page news and a link that explains how you should properly dispose of waste materials. If you’re looking information on composting, this site has that too.
Ontario Ministry of the Environment – Waste Disposal
This site has Ontario-specific information on landfills, incinerators, recycling, and composting. It also explains how the deposit return program works.
Waste Diversion Ontario
You can find information on blue box waste, used tires and oil material, electronic waste, and municipal hazardous waste.
Recycling Council of British Columbia
This site has some great information on Canada’s oldest Recycling Council and British Columbia’s progressive policies and initiatives.
WasteWise (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
WasteWise works with organizations to reduce their waste, and their website provides an overview of waste reduction methods, services provided by WasteWise, their climate campaign, and targeted initiatives.
Recycling Council of Ontario
Whether you’re looking for ways to reduce waste, instructions for composting, the benefits of an organic garden, or are just interested in the three R’s, this is the place to start. It also has projects and reports and a listing of events held by the RCO.
Canadian Polystyrene Recycling Association
There’s only one facility in Canada dedicated to the recycling of post-consumer polystyrene, and this is their site. Find out what the CPRA does, and more.
Water Conservation
Earth 911
A Canadian site with a list of links leading to water-saving tips specific to appliances and activities in your home and around town.
Based in Vancouver, Eartheasy’s goal is to teach people,”the importance of protecting our natural environment as the very source of our well-being”. You can learn more about hybrid solar ovens, eco-friendly outdoor activities, organic clothing and much more.
David Suzuki Foundation – Three R’s of Water Use
Celebrity scientist and environmentalist David Suzuki’s organization. You’ll learn about the three R’s of water use: reduce, repair, and retrofit. There are also statistics about water consumption habits that may be useful to add to a project or assignment.
We Conserve – Ontario’s Conservation Movement
“Ontario’s Conservation Movement”. You’ll find information on their campaigns, which include Doors Closed and Lighten Up.
Government of Canada – Water Conservation Tips
Follow these tips and reduce the amount of water you use. This site has many home water conservation tips and suggestions that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine.
Natural Resources Defense Council – Conserve Water
One of the foremost U.S. environmental organizations. This site lists some suggestions that will help you to conserve water in and around your home, on the road, and at work.
Environment Canada – Water Efficiency/Conservation
Everything you ever wanted to know about information on water usage in Canada, and a whole lot more, including the infrastructure in place for water management, water quality, and ways to sustain our water supply.
Environmental News
Big Picture TV
This is an online collection of short interview clips of scientists, authors, philosophers and activists speaking on a variety of topics including climate change, the environment, renewable energy, and green lifestyles. Available to paying subscribers (US$35 per year).
Here you can find the latest in environmental news, chat on forums, and find new ways that you can take action to protect the environment.
Grist Magazine
Presenting you with “gloom and doom with a sense of humor”, the online magazine Grist includes environmental news, blogs, cartoons, podcasts, and an advice column.
A portal site which you can use to search the World Wide Web for the most up-to-date environmental news. You can also use the site to track updates and links, find commentary, and connect with an environmental social network.
One of the leading organizations in the anti-consumerism movement. Based in Vancouver, Adbusters Media Foundation and magazine work toward improving our physical and mental environments.
Alternatives Journal
An environmental publication dedicated to exploring environmental ideas and solutions from a Canadian perspective. It is an especially good source to cite for schoolwork.
Environmental News Network
A network for environmental news. Really. A great online source for coverage of environmental issues, where you can read about health, science and technology, global warming, concerns about ecosystems, and much more.
Going Carbon Neutral/Offsetting Carbon Emissions
Zero Footprint
Helps people, corporations, and cities reduce their negative effects on the environment. If you are looking to find environmentally friendly companies for a project (or just to do some environmentally responsible shopping), this site has a great list of companies from around the world.
The David Suzuki Foundation – What can you do: Go Carbon Neutral
Celebrity scientist and environmentalist David Suzuki’s organization. This section talks about going carbon neutral by purchasing carbon offsets. It has links to carbon calculators, vendors of offsets, and Renewable Energy Certificates.
Interested in going “carbon neutral”? You can use the site to find out how much it would cost to offset your carbon dioxide emissions, and purchase carbon offsets.
Cool Drive Pass
Wonder exactly how much carbon dioxide your car is releasing each year? You can use this site to find out the amount, and offset it with a donation if you wish.
With general information on climate change, this site has ways to calculate your carbon footprint, and helps you to find ways to reduce it. Provided by the Climate Trust, this site also provides information on offsets and offset projects that are in the works.
Conservation International
You can use this site to calculate your personal carbon dioxide emissions, take a quiz to measure your impact on the Earth, find out what you can do to reduce your impact, and learn about climate change.
A privately held Native American energy company, NativeEnergy provides information to individuals, businesses, and organizations on what they can do to fight global warming.
Clean Fuels
Canadian Renewable Fuels Association
Want to find out more about biodiesel or ethanol fuel? Visit this site to learn how renewable fuels can improve our environment.
Canadian Bioenergy
Find out exactly what biodiesel is, learn how it can significantly reduce emissions, who is using it, and how it works.
Canada Clean Fuels
A supplier of biodiesel. Visit the site for interesting facts about biodiesel, useful definitions, and an explanation of how biodiesel can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Earth Biofuels
Earth Biofuels produces, distributes, and markets biofuels. Their site has information on the company, their work, biofuels, and ways to get involved.
Clean Energy
Bullfrog Power
A provider of 100% clean energy from emission-free sources in Alberta and Ontario. Learn about what these sources are and how they are helping to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
Union of Concerned Scientists – Clean Energy
A science-based organization working toward a healthier environment. Here you’ll find facts, policies, and information on clean energy, as well as news surrounding the topic.
The “gateway to environment, peace and sustainable living in Canada and beyond”. Here you’ll find helpful links to sites, directories, and guides with information on sustainable energy and more.
Canadian Solar Industries Association
Everything you ever wanted to know about solar energy in Canada and more.
Canadian Wind Energy Association
Everything you ever wanted to know about wind energy in Canada. And then some.
Pollution Probe – Green Power
Here you will find Green Power strategies, targets, and policies for all over Canada. The Primer on the Technologies of Renewable Energy is a great source for diagrams and explanations on wind, solar, water, and biomass energy sources.
The Renewable Planet
An independent information guide, this site has “green” news, renewable energy projects from around the world, and information on how to make your life “green”.
An Inconvenient Truth
This documentary on global warming, produced by Al Gore, won an Oscar last year. Read about the making of the film and ways you can take action.
Everything’s Cool
A Hot Documentary About Global Warming. Learn about the film, read news on global warming, and watch clips from Everything’s Cool.
Boiling Frog
A distribution company in Craik, Saskatchewan for independent and activist media. You‘ll find information on upcoming events, podcasts, videos, and more.
The Great Warming
Narrated by Keanu Reeves and Alanis Morissette. Learn more about the movie, view the picture and video galleries, and find ways you can get involved.
Bullfrog Films
Bullfrog Films is the oldest and largest publisher of videos and films about the environment in the United States.
Who Killed the Electric Car?
A documentary that examines the demise of the electric car, and examines alternatives to gasoline powered vehicles. You’ll find the question and answer section particularly helpful if you’re researching the topic.
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