Summary – Background Information
Roundup Terrжr-Attacks
Bayer Will Not Propose Any Imminent Out-Of-Court
Settlements Against Roundup-Cancer Litigations
The conspiracy against Roundup ( i.e. glyphosate ) is a coordinated & well-funded attack against the manufacturer Bayer, which acquired Monsanto in a 63,000,000,000-dollar-US take-over, using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, & confrontation. Jackpot-justice lawsuits against Roundup are the product of rampant collusion, misconduct, and even fraud & corruption. Gullible & ignorant jurors have awarded outrageous amounts of $80,000,000 or more. The Roundup-cancer litigations have been textbook cases of kangaroo-trials, all without good or valid evidence against Roundup. Out-of-court settlements are NOT imminent. Roundup-terrжr MUST end !
Terrжr NEVER ends with kangaroo-trials in California that attack the Roundup manufacturer Bayer. With these trials, the legal system has been irretrievably-corrupted. The false-claim that Roundup is carcinogenic should NEVER be admitted as evidence in any trial. Logic & data have been replaced by emotion & virtue signaling. Roundup is NOT a carcinogen. We must keep fraudulent science out of our courtrooms since Roundup has been VINDICATED again and again by national regulatory agencies & organizations. Roundup-terrжr MUST end !
FIRST THREE CASES ― Bayer plans to STRIKE BACK against glyphosate-hating fanatжcs ! Bayer has said that it was appealing the jury-verdicts since it was confident that glyphosate WILL NOT cause cancer when used appropriately. Bayer believes that the verdicts in the first three cases [ see next paragraphs ] that went to trial are NOT supported by the evidence at trial and the law and, therefore, Bayer is PURSUING THE APPEALS VIGOROUSLY. According to Bayer ― « The US government just recently expressed its EXPLICIT SUPPORT for key elements of our reasoning, », referring to the official court filing to this effect issued in December 2019. « We will pursue the three APPEALS through all judicial instances if necessary. »
CASE 1. JOHNSON V BAYER ― • $289.2 million ( reduced to $78.5 million ) jackpot verdict against Bayer, August 2018 • Dewayne “Lee” Johnson V Bayer • Plaintiff alleges suffering from Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma ( NHL ) after years of exposure to Roundup [ ?!?! ] • Plaintiff’s team of jackpot-justice attorneys was Virginia-based Miller Firm, which included Timothy Litzeburg, who has been charged by federal prosecutors with extortion • kangaroo-trial judge Vince Girdhari Chhabria, State Court, San Francisco, California • The verdict is under appeal by Bayer • Link ― https://wp.me/p1jq40-cmg Roundup will be vindicated.
CASE 2. PILLIOD V BAYER ― • $2.055 billion ( reduced to $87 million ) jackpot verdict against Bayer, May 13th, 2019 • Alva & Alberta Pilliod ( 2 plaintiffs ) V Bayer • Plaintiffs allege suffering from Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma ( NHL ) after years of exposure to Roundup [ ?!?! ] • Kangaroo-trial judge Winifred Smith ( Judge Ioana Petrou replaced ), Judicial Council of California Proceedings • The verdict is under appeal by Bayer. Roundup will be vindicated.
CASE 3. HARDEMAN V BAYER ― • $80 million jackpot verdict against Bayer, December 19th, 2019 • Edwin Hardeman V Bayer • Plaintiff alleges suffering from Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma ( NHL ) after years of exposure to Roundup [ ?!?! ] • Kangaroo-trial judge Vince Girdhari Chhabria, Federal Court, California • The verdict is under appeal by Bayer. Roundup will be vindicated.
MORE GLYPHOSATE LAWSUITS ― As of February 6th, 2020, lawsuits from approximately 48,600 plaintiffs had been served in the United States in connection with Roundup ( i.e. glyphosate ). Meanwhile, Bayer continues to constructively engage in the confidential COURT-ORDERED MEDIATION proceedings to explore whether a SETTLEMENT can be reached on reasonable terms that is structured in a way that will bring this entire series of litigations to a reasonable conclusion.
Do all of these kangaroo-trials indicate that Roundup ( i.e. glyphosate ) actually harms people ?!?! NO ! Roundup represents NO risk to public health. Roundup will NOT cause cancer. It is biologically impossible ! And yet, there are hundreds more kangaroo-trials that are pending nation-wide against Bayer in US courts, all without good or valid evidence. These trials are attacks against Roundup that are fueled by … • agendas against scientific innovation • lunatжc doctrines against pesticides • cherry-picked studies • fake news • false-cancer-claims • fraudulent science • frivolous litigation • imaginary danger • motivations to impose socialism. Roundup will cause NO harm. According to science-based evidence, glyphosate is ONLY toxic to plants because it is an herbicide. There is NO known biological mechanism by which glyphosate could cause cancer, therefore its carcinogenicity is NOT EVEN theoretically possible. Roundup has been VINDICATED.
The Roundup ( i.e. glyphosate ) kangaroo-trials are designed to impose socialism. The conspiracy against Roundup is not only an attack against scientific innovation, it is also a means of imposing socialism. In western countries, the slide towards socialism ( a.k.a. wealth re-distribution ) is taking root not only at the ballot box, but also from the jury box. In essence, the Roundup kangaroo-trials are campaigns to re-distribute wealth from innovative companies, like Bayer, to sympathetic plaintiffs who allege suffering from cancer because of their exposure to Roundup ― all while jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys are taking a healthy cut for themselves. Polls indicate that 51 per cent of Americans think socialism would be a bad thing for the country. Roundup-socialism terrжr MUST end !
World-wide, science-based national regulatory agencies and leading experts, with 4 decades & 3300 studies, have concluded that Roundup ( i.e. glyphosate ) will NOT cause cancer ― there is NO bio-medical and NO epidemiological evidence to support the false-claim that glyphosate causes cancer, based on assessments of actual risk. National regulatory agencies & organizations have VINDICATED Roundup with their safety findings, which include ― • US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) • Health Canada • European Food Safety Authority • European Chemicals Agency • UN Food & Agriculture Organization • Germany’s Institute for Risk Assessment • Australia’s Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority, & others. Furthermore, the US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) has evaluated glyphosate, and has re-affirmed that there is NO risk to public health when used properly. Additionally, a study conducted by US National Cancer Institute followed the health of 54,000 farmers & commercial pesticide applicators for over two decades, and found NO glyphosate-cancer link. They have all concluded that Roundup DOES NOT cause cancer. Roundup has been VINDICATED.
International Agency For Research On Cancer ( IARC ) is a corrupt, fraudulent, & politicized anti-glyphosate & environmental-terrжrist organization. It is the only major science body that attacks against Roundup ( i.e. glyphosate ) and its imaginary cancer danger [ ?!?! ]. In order to support its false-cancer-claims against Roundup, IARC has been caught … • cherry-picking low-value studies • doctoring documents • excluding relevant safety data • manipulating evidence • undermining the safety findings of every respected national regulatory agency & organization world-wide. IARC conducts bad & fraudulent science, which is, on occasion, promoted by its fanatжcal-officials who receive pay-offs to undermine Roundup. Jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys use the IARC’s false-cancer-claims to make bank with gullible juries in kangaroo-trials against Roundup. Only one [ ?!?! ] chemical has ever been evaluated by IARC as non-carcinogenic ― this has proved that IARC is a corrupt, fraudulent, & politicized organization with ridiculously flawed evaluations. We must keep IARC’s fraudulent science out of our courtrooms ! These IARC claims should NEVER be admitted as evidence in any trial, especially in kangaroo-trials against Roundup. IARC-terrжr MUST end !
Can Bayer ever APPEASE Roundup-hating fanatжcs & jackpot-justice plaintiff-attorneys ?!?! NO ! These fanatжcs, and attorneys, will NEVER be appeased and their environmental-terrжr against Bayer will NEVER end ! Bayer faces hostile Roundup-hating lunatжc-doctrines that are fanatжcal in character, ruthless in purpose, and subversive in method. In the 9|11 era of environmental-terrжr … fanatжcal enviro-terrжrist conspiracies have now spread against the hated agriculture industry & its use of Roundup ( i.e. glyphosate ). Because of Roundup-cancer litigations & kangaroo-trials, Bayer’s share price has dropped significantly. Investors are concerned about the liability in the thousands of other upcoming cases of frivolous litigation. Nonetheless, Roundup will be vindicated.
Bayer will STRIKE BACK by seeking to REPAIR ITS REPUTATION, and to somehow appease glyphosate-hating fanatжcs, by announcing that it would invest 5,600,000,000-dollars-US in R&D research. With this R&D investment, Bayer will aim at better understanding of how pesticide resistance develops, discovering new pesticides, and devising more precise application methods. Observers have commented that Bayer is diverting R&D research from solving more pressing problems, such as, developing cures for cancer or controlling disease-carrying vermin in the tropics. The cost to society for this attempted-appeasement will likely be more suffering in the world than there would otherwise have been. Roundup-terrжr MUST end !
Explore the following links …
√ — Glyphosate Kangaroo-Trials In California — Sliding Towards Socialism — LINK
√ — California Lawsuits Against Glyphosate — LINK
√ — Glyphosate-Cancer Kangaroo-Trials — LINK
√ — Glyphosate Herbicide WILL NOT Cause Cancer — LINK
√ — Bayer Invests 5,600,000,000 Dollars US To Repair Its Reputation — LINK
√ — Distorting The Assessment Of Health Risks — LINK
√ — United Nations Has Discredited IARC — LINK
√ — Glyphosate-Gate & IARC’S Scientific Fraud — LINK
√ — Pesticide-Hating Doctrine & Science-Hating Fanatжcism — LINK
√ — Victories Against Anti-Glyphosate Terrжrism — LINK
√ — Terrжr NEVER Ends — Pesticide-Hating Doctrine & Science-Hating Fanatжcism — LINK
√ — The Library Of Striking Back & Taking Action Against Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism — LINK
No Out-Of-Court Settlements :
Bayer Cools Prospect Of Imminent Glyphosate Settlement
February 27th, 2020
Media Release
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Lawsuits — Bayer Cools Prospect Of Imminent Glyphosate Settlement
On February 27th, 2020, German drugs and pesticides company Bayer was at pains to quell expectations it was nearing an out-of-court settlement laying to rest claims its glyphosate-based herbicides
[ i.e. Roundup ] cause cancer.
Glyphosate is vindicated and continues to be registered as a successful and safe product. The US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) has evaluated the herbicide glyphosate, and has reaffirmed that there is NO RISK to public health when used properly. Glyphosate is NOT a carcinogen.
Explore the following links …
√ — EPA Reaffirms No Risk To Public Health — LINK
Bayer said, after publishing its earnings outlook for 2020, it was in NO RUSH TO REACH TERMS with plaintiffs’ lawyers, and was LESS INCLINED TO SET ASIDE FUNDS FOR ANY DEALS following recent U.S. decisions in its favor.
The conspiracy against glyphosate is a coordinated & well-funded attack against society, using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, and confrontation. Jackpot justice lawsuits against glyphosate are the product of rampant collusion, misconduct, and even fraud.
Jurors have awarded outrageous amounts of $80,000,000 or more. The glyphosate-cancer trials have been textbook cases of kangaroo court justice. With these glyphosate-cancer kangaroo-trials, the legal system will be irretrievably corrupted by this coordinated, well-funded attack by fanatжcs, using glyphosate-cancer litigation, as well as social media, intimidation, & confrontation. The false-cancer-claims against glyphosate should never be admitted as evidence in ANY trial. Glyphosate is NOT a carcinogen.
Explore the following links …
√ — Questions About Glyphosate & Cancer — LINK
Shares in Bayer have SHED A QUARTER OF THEIR VALUE since mid-2018 when the company lost the first US lawsuit claiming that glyphosate-based Roundup ― acquired via Bayer’s 63.00-billion-dollar-US take-over of Monsanto that year ― CAUSES CANCER. [ ?!?! ]
According to Chief Executive Werner Baumann when asked if a settlement before Bayer’s annual investor meeting on April 28 was on the cards ―
If we were to submit to the imperative of a deadline we would very likely not achieve the best outcome for our company and our share-holders.
While media reports have recently raised the prospect of a settlement, Bayer Chief Financial Officer Wolfgang Nickl said recent endorsements underscored its decision NOT TO MAKE FINANCIAL PROVISIONS FOR A DEAL beyond legal fees.
In December 2019, the US Justice Department said in a so-called amicus brief that a federal appeals court should reverse a lower court verdict finding Bayer liable in a Californian Roundup case.
The DECISION by US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA ) also reaffirmed this year that GLYPHOSATE WAS SAFE.
See later segment.
According to Bayer Chief Financial Officer Wolfgang Nickl ―
A significant likelihood and a measurability ( of future payouts ) has to be given and we, and also our auditors, have concluded this is not the case.
The AMICUS BRIEF and the EPA DECISION played a role here.
Legal documents filed in appellate court cases by non-litigants with a strong interest in the subject matter. The briefs advise the court of relevant, additional information or arguments that the court might wish to consider. More information below.
On February 27th, 2020, Bayer also said it was targeting growth in adjusted core profit of 7.0 per cent to 9.6 per cent this year, driven by sales of agriculture products and pharmaceuticals.
That disappointed some who had been hoping for a more ambitious goal and Bayer’s shares under-performed the broader German market on February 27th, 2020.
Bayer has DENIED CLAIMS that Roundup ― or its active ingredient glyphosate ― CAUSE CANCER, saying DECADES OF INDEPENDENT STUDIES HAVE SHOWN IT IS SAFE FOR HUMAN USE.
Major regulators, including those overseeing European and US pesticide markets, have DEEMED IT [ GLYPHOSATE ] SAFE but the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) concluded in 2015 that GLYPHOSATE PROBABLY CAUSES CANCER. [ ?!?! ]
We must keep IARC’s fraudulent science out of our courtrooms ! The false-cancer-claims by the glyphosate-hating International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) are secretive, sloppy, bungled ― and perhaps even systematically & deliberately fraudulent. These IARC claims should NEVER be admitted as evidence in ANY trial. Any of IARC’s false-cancer-claims against glyphosate are ― • such an outlier • so beneath scientific norms • so tainted by conflicts-of-interest & misconduct • so unrelated to actual chemical risks, and • so deceptive & border-line fraudulent.
International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) is an anti-glyphosate & environmental-terrжrist organization. IARC, the ONLY major science body to insist that glyphosate causes cancer [ ?!?! ], has been caught doctoring documents and manipulating evidence to support its conclusion. IARC conducts bad science. Occasionally, bad science is promoted by lunatжcs who receive pay-offs and practice scientific fraud. The motivation seems to be financial. A key IARC lunatжc-advisor who lobbied against glyphosate has, in essence, received a pay-off of $160,000. He was bribed by lawyers who stand to profit from potential lawsuits involving glyphosate. This is a truly gigantic scandal that has ( predictably ) received scant press coverage. IARC has severely and perhaps irreparably damaged the reputation of its parent, the World Health Organization ( WHO ). Anti-glyphosate lunatжcs are crooks and lying sacks of crжp !
Explore the following links …
√ — Glyphosate Herbicide Will Not Cause Cancer — LINK
√ — California Lawsuits — Questions Bayer’s Defense Attorneys — LINK
√ — Fanatжcal Demands For Municipal Prohibition Against Glyphosate In Chilliwack BC — LINK
√ — Coffee & Meat Are Carcinogenic — Dr Kabat — LINK
√ — Victories Against Anti-Glyphosate Terrжrism — LINK
Although Bayer would not be drawn on the size of any likely settlement, Nickl said it had plenty of flexibility to fund any deal from future cash flow, 9.30-billion-euros [ over 10.00-billion-dollars-US ] in gross proceeds from asset sales and, if necessary, bridge loans.
Nickl also said that based on average analyst predictions of a settlement worth about 10.00-billion-dollars-US, Bayer would not have to write down the value of the 63.00-billion-dollars-US Monsanto acquisition.
Bayer said the increase in the number of plaintiffs blaming its glyphosate-based herbicides for their [ supposed ] cancer had slowed somewhat, reaching 48,600 as of February 6th, 2020.
The total more than doubled within three months to reach 42,700 by October 2019.
Shares in Bayer were 3.9 per cent lower at 67.15-euros by 1420 GMT, under-performing the broader German market which was down 3.3 per cent along with other bourses on continued CONCERNS about the fallout from the CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK.
Analysts at brokerage Bryan, Garnier & Co said Bayer’s outlook was not as upbeat as some market participants had hoped, even more so because it had not yet taken into account any impact from CORONAVIRUS.
An ongoing public health emergency of international concern involving major outbreaks of coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID-19 ) that have spread along with sporadic cases across the world.
Bayer said it was targeting earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization ( EBITDA ) adjusted for special items and currency swings of 12.3-billion to 12.6-billion-euros, up from 11.5-billion-euros ( 12.50-billion-dollars-US ) in 2019.
Analysts had been expecting a target of 12.60-billion-euros, based on a consensus posted on the company’s website, or about 12.5-billion according to Refinitiv data.
The company’s fourth-quarter adjusted EBITDA rose 26.4 per cent to 2.48-billion-euros, as expected by analysts.
Appeals & Fiscal 2019 :
Bayer Strategically & Operationally Successful
February 27th, 2020
Bayer News
Media Release
Re : Financial News
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Bayer — Strategically & Operationally Successful
Appealing The Verdicts
Bayer Believes That The Verdicts In The First Three Cases Of
Roundup-Cancer Litigations Without Good Or Valid Evidence
Bayer Is Pursuing Appeals Vigorously
As of February 6th, 2020, lawsuits from approximately 48,600 plaintiffs had been served in the United States in connection with the crop protection product glyphosate.
Bayer believes that the verdicts in the first three cases that went to trial are not supported by the evidence at trial and the law and therefore is pursuing the appeals vigorously.
« The US government just recently expressed its explicit support for key elements of our reasoning, » Baumann said, referring to the official court filing to this effect issued in December 2019.
« We will pursue the three appeals through all judicial instances if necessary. »
Meanwhile, Bayer continues to constructively engage in the confidential court-ordered mediation proceedings to explore whether a settlement can be reached on reasonable terms that is structured in a way that will bring this entire series of litigations to a reasonable conclusion.
Bayer Fiscal 2019
Group sales advance by 3.5 per cent ( Fx & portfolio adj. ) to 43.545-billion-euros / EBITDA before special items increases by 28.3 per cent to 11.503-billion-euros / Core earnings per share up by 14.3 per cent to 6.40 euros / Net income rises 141.4 per cent to 4.091-billion-euros ― gain of 1.637-billion-euros on sale of Currenta stake / Free cash flow of 4.214-billion-euros above expectations / Proposed dividend of 2.80 euros per share / Crop Science shows solid performance in challenging environment, substantial increase in earnings due to acquired business / Pharmaceuticals shows encouraging business development / Sales growth at Consumer Health, earnings at prior-year level despite divestments / Ongoing portfolio, structural and efficiency measures implemented successfully / GLYPHOSATE’S POSITIVE SAFETY PROFILE CONFIRMED ― APPEAL AND MEDIATION PROCEEDINGS MOVING FORWARD / Outlook for 2020: increase in sales, earnings and free cash flow / Ambitious sustainability targets set
Bayer was strategically and operationally successful last year. « We delivered in 2019 and kept our promises in all areas, » Werner Baumann, Chairman of the Board of Management, said on February 27th, 2020, at the Financial News Conference in Leverkusen. « We achieved our financial targets despite coming up against a challenging market environment in the agriculture sector in particular, » Baumann said. Bayer is also optimistic for the current year, with the company targeting an increase in sales, earnings and free cash flow.
« We’ve also delivered in terms of the portfolio, efficiency and structural measures announced in late 2018, » Baumann continued. In 2019, Bayer agreed the divestment of its Animal Health business to Elanco for 7.60-billion-US-Dollars, completed the sale of its stake in site services provider Currenta and also divested the Dr Scholl’s™ and Coppertone™ brands. Including the synergies from the acquired agriculture business, the efficiency and structural measures last year already delivered around 30 per cent of the 2.60-billion-euros in annual contributions targeted by 2022.
The company also significantly stepped up its sustainability efforts in 2019 and set itself ambitious targets. « We have made sustainability an integral part of our strategy, reflecting our responsibility as a company and society’s increased expectations, » Baumann said. « We are pursuing our sustainability targets with the same vigor as our financial targets. In line with this, we will submit a proposal to the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting in April [ 2020 ] that the sustainability targets be integrated into the compensation system for the Board of Management. »
Group sales increased by 3.5 per cent on a currency- and portfolio-adjusted basis ( Fx & portfolio adj. ) to 43.545-billion-euros last year. On a reported basis, sales were up by 18.5 per cent. EBITDA before special items rose by 28.3 per cent to 11.503-billion-uros. It was diminished by negative currency effects of 43 million euros.
EBIT increased by 21.3 per cent to 4.189-billion-euros after net special charges of 2.818-billion-euros. The special charges were primarily related to the ongoing restructuring program, the acquisition and integration of Monsanto, impairments in connection with the dicamba production facility at Crop Science and the divestment of Dr Scholl’s™ at Consumer Health, and legal fees. Net income advanced by 141.4 per cent to 4.091-billion-euros and included the gain from the sale of Bayer’s stake in the Currenta Group ( 1.637-billion-euros ). Core earnings per share from continuing operations rose by 14.3 per cent to 6.40-euros.
The Board of Management and Supervisory Board of Bayer AG will propose to the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting on April 28, 2020, a dividend payment for fiscal 2019 of 2.80 euros ( fiscal 2018 : 2.80-euros ) per share entitled to the dividend. With 982.42-million ( 2018 : 932.55-million ) shares entitled to the dividend, the total dividend payment would amount to 2.751-billion-euros ( fiscal 2018: 2.611-billion-euros ).
In 2019, free cash flow declined by 9.4 per cent to 4.214-billion-euros, « but was still well above the 3.00 to 4.00-billion-euros we originally anticipated and we’re therefore very satisfied, » said Chief Financial Officer Wolfgang Nickl. Bayer reduced its net financial debt by 4.5 per cent year on year to 34.068-billion-euros.
In the agricultural business ( Crop Science ), Bayer increased sales by 1.4 per cent ( Fx & portfolio adj. ) to 19.832-billion-euros. This development was largely due to growth in Latin America, while business in North America was at the prior-year level despite flooding and heavy rains in the Midwestern United States in the first half of the year.
On a pro-forma basis ― presented as if both the acquisition of Monsanto and the associated divestments had already taken place as of January 1st, 2018 ― Crop Science saw sales decline by 1.4 per cent after adjusting for currency effects ( Fx adj. ). On this basis, sales were up at Insecticides, Fungicides and Corn Seed & Traits, for instance. Declines were primarily recorded at Soybean Seed & Traits, particularly in North America, where business was held back by a decrease in acreages, strong competition, the weather conditions and ongoing uncertainties due to trade conflicts.
EBITDA before special items at Crop Science advanced by 80.9 per cent to 4.796-billion-euros. The increase was primarily attributable to the earnings contribution from the newly acquired business and the realization of synergies as its integration progressed.
Sales of prescription medicines ( Pharmaceuticals ) increased by 5.6 per cent ( Fx & portfolio adj. ) to 17.962-billion-euros. Growth in China remained strong, while the oral anticoagulant Xarelto™ and the eye medicine Eylea™ again delivered substantial sales gains, with both products up 12.6 per cent ( Fx & portfolio adj. ). Xarelto™ primarily benefited from expanded volumes in China, Russia and Europe, whereas Eylea™ showed particularly strong development in the Europe/Middle East/Africa region, especially the United Kingdom and Germany, and in Japan. The radiology business also delivered encouraging performance.
Bayer also posted substantial sales gains for its cancer drug Stivarga™ ( Fx & portfolio adj.: 27.3 per cent ) and the pulmonary hypertension treatment Adempas™ ( Fx & portfolio adj.: 14.4 per cent ). While sales of Adempas™ were driven by positive development in the United States, Stivarga™ primarily benefited from expanded volumes in China. Sales of the multiple sclerosis treatment Betaferon™/Betaseron™ continued to decline substantially ( Fx & portfolio adj.: minus 18.0 per cent ), mainly as a result of strong competition in the United States.
EBITDA before special items at Pharmaceuticals advanced by 6.7 per cent to 5.975-billion-euros. The growth in earnings was driven by higher volumes and a decrease in the cost of goods sold. By contrast, earnings were diminished by an increase in selling expenses for product launches and new indications. In addition, earnings in the prior year included a positive one-time effect of around 190-million-euros in connection with income from a development collaboration.
Bayer increased sales of self-care products ( Consumer Health ) by 2.6 per cent ( Fx & portfolio adj. ) to 5.462-billion-euros. After adjusting for currency and portfolio effects, the division grew sales in all categories and in three of the four regions. Sales growth was strongest in the Allergy & Cold ( Fx & portfolio adj.: 5.0 per cent ) and Dermatology ( Fx & portfolio adj.: 3.8 per cent ) categories.
EBITDA before special items at Consumer Health came in at 1.09-billion-euros, matching the level of the prior year ( minus 0.5 per cent ). Positive contributions to earnings came primarily from the growth of the business as well as the ongoing efficiency program, which led to a significant decrease in selling expenses. Earnings were primarily held back by the absence of the contribution from the divested prescription dermatology business.
For 2020, Bayer expects currency-adjusted sales from continuing operations to amount to around 44 billion to 45-billion-euros. This corresponds to an increase of about 3.0 to 4.0 per cent on a currency- and portfolio-adjusted basis. Bayer aims to raise the Group’s EBITDA margin before special items to around 28 per cent after adjusting for currency effects. EBITDA before special items is seen rising to between 12.30 billion and 12.60-billion-euros on a currency-adjusted basis. Core earnings per share are expected to increase to between 7.00- and 7.20-euros on a currency-adjusted basis, while free cash flow is planned to amount to around 5.00-billion-euros after adjusting for currency effects. The forecast does not yet include an estimate of the potential impact of the CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK. In addition, the outlook is based on the assumption that the Animal Health business will transfer to the acquirer effective July 1st, 2020, and that the purchase price will be received on that date in cash and Elanco shares as agreed.
Following the divestments last year, Bayer changed the way the costs of the enabling functions are allocated to the divisions, which has an impact on the EBITDA margin before special items. At Crop Science, the margin for 2019 amounted to 24.2 per cent as reported or 23.8 per cent when adjusted to reflect this change. On this basis, Bayer expects an increase to around 26 per cent after adjusting for currency effects. At Pharmaceuticals, the margin came in at 33.3 per cent as reported or 32.6 per cent when adjusted, and is expected to reach around 33 per cent this year on a currency-adjusted basis. At Consumer Health, the margin in 2019 amounted to 20.0 per cent or 20.9 per cent when adjusted, and is anticipated to increase to a currency-adjusted 22.0 to 23.0 per cent in 2020.
Background Information
Lawsuits & Amicus Briefs :
Trials Should Be Settled By « Scientific Evidence, Not Speculation & Emotion »
October 16th, 2019
Genetic Literacy Project ( GLP )
Author : Tim Barker
Re : San Francisco Lawsuit With Plaintiff Dewayne Johnson
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
California Lawsuits — Trials Should Be Settled By Scientific Evidence, Not Speculation & Emotion
Amicus Brief Of Support
In Unusual Twist, California Health Care Trade
Associations Joined The Appeal Of The Jury Verdict
Finding That Monsanto’s Roundup Causes Cancer
State Health Care Trade Associations ( California
Medical Assn, California Dental Assn, & California
Hospital Assn ) Filed An Amicus Brief Supporting
Bayer’s Appeal Of A Jury’s Verdict In A Civil Suit
That Found The Glyphosate To Have Been A Factor In
Causing A Plaintiff’s Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma ( NHL )
Doctors and medical professionals in California have stepped into the ongoing COURTROOM FIGHT between Bayer/Monsanto and a former grounds-keeper who blames the popular Roundup herbicide for his TERMINAL CANCER.
In September 2019, three state HEALTH CARE TRADE ASSOCIATIONS [ California Medical Assn, California Dental Assn, & California Hospital Assn ] filed an AMICUS BRIEF supporting Bayer’s APPEAL of a JURY’S VERDICT in a CIVIL SUIT that found [ glyphosate ] to have been a factor in causing [ plaintiff ] Dewayne Johnson’s Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma [ NHL ]. [ ?!?! ]
Legal documents filed in appellate court cases by non-litigants with a strong interest in the subject matter. The briefs advise the court of relevant, additional information or arguments that the court might wish to consider. More information below.
Initially, the San Francisco Superior Court jury AWARDED $289,000,000 to [ plaintiff ] Johnson, but that figure was later REDUCED TO $78,000,000 by a judge.
The VERDICT is under APPEAL by Bayer, which acquired Monsanto in mid-2018, and is facing an AVALANCHE of similar LAWSUITS across the country.
Now it finds itself with several new allies, following the move by the following HEALTH CARE TRADE ASSOCIATIONS ―
• California Medical Association,
• California Dental Association, and
• California Hospital Association.
Why Did Trade Associations
Issue The Amicus Brief ?!?!
The Cause Of The Plaintiff’s Cancer Has Been Unknown
Lawsuits That Have Alleged Negligence Were Emotionally-Tinged
Cases Should Be Based On Accepted Scientific Evidence &
Rigorous Scientific Reasoning, Not Speculation & Emotion
There Has Been Failures By Plaintiffs To Provide
Scientific Evidence Supporting The False-Claim That
Cancer Has Been Caused By Exposure To Glyphosate
It is NOT all that unusual for interested parties to file AMICUS BRIEFS in high profile cases such as this.
Legal documents filed in appellate court cases by non-litigants with a strong interest in the subject matter. The briefs advise the court of relevant, additional information or arguments that the court might wish to consider. More information below.
But what is unusual is seeing medical doctors take a step that could be seen as supportive of the SAFETY OF GLYPHOSATE.
Of course, there is also the fact that doctors, dentists and hospitals are often the target of EMOTIONALLY-TINGED LAWSUITS ALLEGING NEGLIGENCE.
In their AMICUS BRIEF, the HEALTH CARE TRADE ASSOCIATIONS [ California Medical Assn, California Dental Assn, & California Hospital Assn ] made clear that they are NOT taking a side on the glyphosate/cancer issue.
Instead, they expressed concern about how cases such as this ― where physician testimony is critical ― are handled ―
AMICI’s point is that the answer to complex scientific questions such as that which the jury was required to resolve in this CASE SHOULD BE BASED ON ACCEPTED SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE AND RIGOROUS SCIENTIFIC REASONING, NOT SPECULATION AND EMOTION.
[ California Medical Assn, California Dental Assn, & California Hospital Assn ] challenged the basis for the verdict, arguing that jurors may have been influenced by trial lawyers, employing strategies that « demonize » defendants in such cases ―
Plaintiffs do so not only to achieve LARGE DAMAGE AWARDS, but also to persuade juries to decide issues of [ ALLEGED ] NEGLIGENCE and causation based on EMOTION, rather than reason.
They further suggested that the APPEALS COURT may come to a different conclusion, after reviewing the scientific evidence in the case ―
Overall, the point is that this case is SUSPICIOUS because of TWO PROBLEMS in tort litigation that health care providers have seen in professional liability litigation.
FIRST PROBLEM, in those cases where causation turns on complex questions of science, the decision-making sometimes is based on SPECULATION.
SECOND PROBLEM, the decision-making sometimes is based on EMOTION.
The groups also took issue with what they say was a FAILURE BY THE PLAINTIFFS to provide scientific evidence supporting the claim that Johnson’s cancer was caused by exposure to [ glyphosate ].
They note that [ plaintiff ] Johnson’s own treating physicians ― including experts on Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma [ NHL ] at Stanford University ― agreed that THE CAUSE OF THE CANCER WAS UNKNOWN.
But Chadi Nabhan, the [ glyphosate-hating ] doctor testifying in support the [ false ] cancer claim, pointed to the fact that Johnson is considerably younger than the typical patient with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma [ NHL ].
There is a PROBLEM with that line of thought, the HEALTH CARE TRADE ASSOCIATIONS [ California Medical Assn, California Dental Assn, & California Hospital Assn ] said ―
The obvious implication is that all unknown causes are AGE RELATED.
[ ?!?! ]
The PROBLEM with that testimony is that there is NO EVIDENCE to support that assumption.
Rather, that was a SPECULATIVE LEAP that Chadi Nabhan ⁑ made.
⁑ glyphosate-hating fanatжc.
What Does Mainstream
Research Conclude About
The Dangers Of Glyphosate ?!?!
Doctors Acknowledged In The Trial Were Unable
To Identify The Factors Causing Non-Hodgkin’s
Lymphoma ( NHL ) In The Majority Of Patients
Trial Jurors Were Not Allowed To Hear Evidence That
The US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA )
& Other National Regulatory Agencies Have Deemed
That Glyphosate Is Not Likely To Cause Cancer
80 To 90 Per Cent ― The Unknown Factors
That Cause So-Called Roundup Cancer
Furthering their criticism of [ glyphosate-hating fanatжc ] Chadi Nabhan, the HEALTH CARE TRADE ASSOCIATIONS [ California Medical Assn, California Dental Assn, & California Hospital Assn ] note that …
• Nabhan acknowledged during the trial that 80 TO 90 PER CENT of such cancers are caused by UNKNOWN FACTORS, and
Heavily Disputed IARC Assessment
NOT surprisingly, the trial also included references to the controversial 2015 action by the [ corrupt, fraudulent, & politicized ] International Agency For Research On Cancer [ IARC ], which classified Roundup’s active ingredient glyphosate as « probably carcinogenic » [ ?!?! ].
The IARC’s monograph ― a « hazard evaluation », dealing with long-term exposure ― has been HEAVILY DISPUTED by industry, health organizations and regulatory bodies.
Much of the CRITICISM has focused on the facts that …
• IARC considered only a few dozen studies.
• IARC did NO original research.
• IARC DID NOT consider hundreds of independent studies.
• IARC eliminated all studies in which a researcher had professional associations with industry.
• IARC eliminated all studies with financial links to industry.
A corrupt & fraudulent anti-glyphosate & environmental-terrжrist organization.
See link below entitled IARC’S Scientific Fraud — Glyphosate-Gate — Lies, Scientific Fraud, Pays-Off, Bribery, & Conspiracy.
It remains to be seen whether these organizations’ arguments will have any bearing on the APPEALS PROCESS.
Appellate Court & Amici Briefs
Bayer has asked the court to TOSS-OUT the verdict.
Failing that, Bayer is asking for a NEW TRIAL, arguing that jurors were NOT allowed to hear evidence that the US Environmental Protection Agency [ US EPA ] and foreign regulators had deemed glyphosate NOT LIKELY CARCINOGENIC to humans.
According to Dr Drew Kershen, Professor Emeritus at University of Oklahoma College of Law, and a Genetic Literacy Project [ GLP ] board member ―
As for impact, it is completely IMPOSSIBLE TO PREDICT.
Yes, AMICI BRIEFS do have impact and significant impact in some particular cases.
Courts are routinely persuaded by the arguments in AMICI BRIEFS.
But, at the same time, most AMICI BRIEFS have zero impact on the APPELLATE COURT in which AMICI filed the BRIEF.
Legal documents filed in APPELLATE COURT cases by non-litigants with a strong interest in the subject matter. The briefs advise the court of relevant, additional information or arguments that the court might wish to consider. More information below.
Part of the judicial system that is responsible for hearing and reviewing appeals from legal cases that have already been heard in a trial-level or other lower court.
Regardless of the outcome, there remains intense debate on-line and in the media about whether the herbicide [ glyphosate ] poses a health threat to agricultural workers or the general public as a result of residues in food.
Regulatory & Research Agencies
World-Wide, Regulatory & Research Agencies Have
Concluded That, When Used As Directed, Glyphosate
Does Not Increase The Risk Of Certain Cancers
According To US National Cancer Institute, No
Association Was Apparent Between Glyphosate &
Any Solid Tumors Or Lymphoid Malignancies Overall,
Including Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma ( NHL )
At least 15 Regulatory & Research Agencies [ see card below ] have conducted extensive long-term studies, reviews, and⁄or assessments to assess on glyphosate.
[ They have concluded that ], when used as directed, glyphosate DOES NOT increase the risk of certain cancers.
NOT ONE organization, including three at the World Health Organization, including WHO itself, concurred that glyphosate cause NO harm to workers.
In the time since the IARC report was released, a ground-breaking, longitudinal epidemiological study ― Glyphosate Use And Cancer Incidence In The Agricultural Health Study ( 2017 ) ― was published in the Journal Of The National Cancer Institute based on data collected by the Agricultural Health Study [ AHS ] since 1993.
A corrupt & fraudulent anti-glyphosate & environmental-terrжrist organization.
See link below entitled IARC’S Scientific Fraud — Glyphosate-Gate — Lies, Scientific Fraud, Pays-Off, Bribery, & Conspiracy.
The AHS evaluated 54,251 pesticide applicators, including 44,932 who had handled glyphosate, concluding ―
In this large, prospective cohort study, NO association was apparent between glyphosate and any solid tumors or lymphoid malignancies overall, including Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma [ NHL ] and its sub-types.
There was some evidence of increased risk of AML [ Acute Myeloid Leukemia ] among the highest exposed group that requires confirmation.
See links below entitled Glyphosate Use & Cancer Incidence In Agriculture & Vindication By US National Cancer Institute.
Do Trace Residues Of Glyphosate
In Food Pose Cancer Dangers ?!?!
All of the agencies, including IARC, are UNANIMOUS in one finding ―
There is no evidence that glyphosate poses any harm to
consumers worried about trace residues in their food.
Despite many blogs by anti-biotechnology advocacy groups touting the studies’ ( usually NOT very scientific, such as here, most recently ) …
• Glyphosate has been found in [ MINUSCULE TRACE AMOUNTS ] in beer or cereal at the parts per billion or parts per trillion level.
• Glyphosate has been found in [ MINISCULE ] TRACES in blood or urine.
• There has been NO scientific study that suggests those MINUSCULE TRACE RESIDUES pose ANY threat to humans.
In January 2019, in the wake of the first two trial verdicts, Health Canada REVIEWED THE EVIDENCE for a third time, and issued this EXTRAORDINARILY STRONG SUMMARY STATEMENT ―
After a thorough scientific review, we have concluded that the concerns raised by the objectors COULD NOT BE SCIENTIFICALLY SUPPORTED WHEN CONSIDERING THE ENTIRE BODY OF RELEVANT DATA.
The objections raised DID NOT create doubt or concern regarding the scientific basis for the 2017 re-evaluation decision for glyphosate.
Therefore, the Department’s [ i.e. Health Canada’s ] FINAL DECISION will stand.
Glyphosate will continue to be registered in Canada. See links below for more details.
NO pesticide regulatory authority in the world currently considers glyphosate to be a cancer risk to humans at the levels at which humans are currently exposed.
Explore the following links …
√ — Health Canada — Statement On Glyphosate — Reference — HIGHLIGHTED — LINK
√ — Health Canada — Granting The Continued Registration Of Glyphosate — LINK
√ — Glyphosate-Gate — IARC’S Scientific Fraud — Glyphosate-Gate — Lies, Scientific Fraud, Pays-Off, Bribery, & Conspiracy — LINK
15 Regulatory & Research Agencies ( Card )
Background Information
US EPA & Amicus Briefs :
Bayer Welcomes US Environmental Protection Agency’s Reaffirmation That Glyphosate Is Safe To Use, Not Carcinogenic
January 31st, 2020
Media Release
Re : US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA )
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
References –
US EPA — Reaffirmation That Glyphosate Is Safe To Use, Not Carcinogenic
US EPA — Interim Registration Review Decision
Health Canada — Statement From Health Canada On Glyphosate
Appealing The Verdicts
As of February 6th, 2020, lawsuits from approximately 48,600 plaintiffs had been served in the United States in connection with the crop protection product glyphosate.
Bayer believes that the verdicts in the first three cases that went to trial are not supported by the evidence at trial and the law and therefore is pursuing the appeals vigorously.
« The US government just recently expressed its explicit support for key elements of our reasoning, » Baumann said, referring to the official court filing to this effect issued in December 2019.
« We will pursue the three appeals through all judicial instances if necessary. »
Meanwhile, Bayer continues to constructively engage in the confidential court-ordered mediation proceedings to explore whether a settlement can be reached on reasonable terms that is structured in a way that will bring this entire series of litigations to a reasonable conclusion.
US EPA’s Amicus Brief Of Support
« Decision of EPA corresponds to the long-standing assessments of leading international health authorities », says Liam Condon, Bayer Board Member / The AMICUS BRIEF of the US Department of Justice in the Hardeman case also support Glyphosate’s safety
Legal documents filed in appellate court cases by non-litigants with a strong interest in the subject matter. The briefs advise the court of relevant, additional information or arguments that the court might wish to consider.
The EPA had already confirmed its position on glyphosate earlier this year. Together with the US Department of Justice, on behalf of the US government, EPA filed an AMICUS BRIEF in the Roundup Litigation in the Hardeman appeal. In this brief both authorities are supportive of the company’s arguments. In August 2019, the EPA sent a letter to glyphosate registrants, which stated respectively that a cancer warning on products containing this active ingredient would be « inconsistent with the agency’s scientific assessment of the carcinogenic potential of the product » and would be a « false and misleading statement ».
Legal documents filed in appellate court cases by non-litigants with a strong interest in the subject matter. The briefs advise the court of relevant, additional information or arguments that the court might wish to consider.
Bayer said today that the US Environmental Protection Agency’s [ US EPA ] favorable conclusion about the safety of glyphosate in its Interim Registration Review Decision, based on the agency’s expert review over a 10-year period, reaffirms that the extensive body of science continues to support the safety of herbicides containing glyphosate and that this active ingredient is NOT carcinogenic.
In its Interim Registration Review Decision, EPA concluded that it « DID NOT identify any human health risks from exposure to glyphosate ».
« EPA’s latest decision on glyphosate-based herbicides adds to the long-term evaluation of leading international health authorities that these products can be used safely, and that glyphosate is NOT carcinogenic, » said Liam Condon, member of the Board of Management of Bayer AG and President Crop Science Division. « Glyphosate-based herbicides are one of the most thoroughly studied products of their kind, which is a major reason why farmers around the world continue to rely on these products NOT only for effective weed control, but also to minimize tillage farming practices, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, preserve more land for native habitats, and provide enough food to meet the needs of a growing population world-wide. EPA’s science-based, in-depth assessment by its expert team reflects a gold standard for scientific rigor that is respected by regulators and scientists across the globe. »
The EPA also said in its Interim Registration Review Decision that « it used the most current science policies and risk assessment methodologies to prepare a risk assessment in support of the registration review of glyphosate. The EPA thoroughly assessed risks to humans from exposure to glyphosate from all registered uses and all routes of exposure and DID NOT identify any risks of concern ». EPA also reiterated its conclusion that « glyphosate is NOT likely to be carcinogenic to humans », its most favorable rating.
Glyphosate-based products are the most widely used herbicides in the world, and today’s EPA announcement is just the latest instance of a regulatory agency reaffirming that glyphosate is NOT carcinogenic. Since IARC’s assessment in 2015, regulatory and scientific bodies that have reaffirmed their conclusions about the safety of glyphosate-based products and that glyphosate is NOT carcinogenic include ― • European Food Safety Authority ( EFSA ) • European Chemicals Agency ( ECHA ) • German BfR • Australian, Canadian, Korean, New Zealand, and Japanese regulatory authorities • Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues ( JMPR ).
In January 2019, Health Canada concluded ― « After a thorough scientific review, » concerns about glyphosate safety « could NOT be scientifically supported when considering the entire body of relevant data ». Health Canada also noted that the 20 scientists who conducted the review, who had NOT been involved in its 2017 re-evaluation of glyphosate, « left NO stone unturned » and « had access to all relevant data and information from federal and provincial governments, international regulatory agencies, published scientific reports and multiple pesticide manufacturers ».
As part of Bayer’s Transparency Initiative, the company has committed to enabling access to all of the in-depth glyphosate safety and other crop protection studies submitted to the European Food Safety Authority ( EFSA ) that Bayer has permission to disclose on its transparency platform. Bayer remains committed to offering more choices for growers and announced last year an investment of approximately 5.00-billion-euros to develop additional methods to combat weeds over the next decade.
Glyphosate is a versatile herbicide that has been used for more than 40 years by farmers, land managers, gardeners, and others to simply, safely, and effectively control problematic weeds. Since the introduction in 1974, glyphosate-based products have become the most commonly used herbicides in the world because of the ability to control a broad spectrum of weeds, the extensive economic and environmental benefits, and the strong safety profile. In the 1990’s, combining glyphosate with crops that could withstand applications of this herbicide transformed agriculture in many parts of the world and modern agriculture biotechnology began. Our portfolio of glyphosate-based products will continue to be a very important part of our integrated weed management ( IWM ) offerings.
Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the life science fields of health care and nutrition. Its products and services are designed to benefit people by supporting efforts to overcome the major challenges presented by a growing and aging global population. At the same time, the Group aims to increase its earning power and create value through innovation and growth. Bayer is committed to the principles of sustainable development, and the Bayer brand stands for trust, reliability and quality throughout the world. In fiscal 2018, the Group employed around 117,000 people and had sales of 39.60-billion-euros. Capital expenditures amounted to 2.60-billion-euros, R&D expenses to 5.20-billion-euros. For more information, go to www.bayer.com
This release may contain forward-looking statements based on current assumptions and forecasts made by Bayer management. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the actual future results, financial situation, development or performance of the company and the estimates given here. These factors include those discussed in Bayer’s public reports which are available on the Bayer website at www.bayer.com The company assumes NO liability whatsoever to update these forward-looking statements or to conform them to future events or developments.
Explore the following links …
Active Substance : glyphosate
√ — European Union — Active Substance — Ecotoxicological Studies — Reference — LINK
Reference — glyphosate — 2012 05 00 — European Union — Active Substance — Ecotoxicological Studies
√ — European Union — Active Substance — Fate & Behavior In The Environment — Reference — LINK
√ — European Union — Active Substance — Metabolism & Residue Studies — Reference — LINK
√ — European Union — Active Substance — Toxicological & Toxicokinetic Studies — Reference — LINK
Reference — glyphosate — 2012 05 00 — European Union — Active Substance — Toxicological & Toxicokinetic Studies
Formulation : 360 g/L glyphosate acid
√ — European Union — Formulation — Ecotoxicological Studies — Reference — LINK
Reference — glyphosate — 2012 05 00 — European Union — Formulation — Ecotoxicological Studies
√ — European Union — Formulation — Fate & Behavior In The Environment — Reference — LINK
√ — European Union — Formulation — Metabolism & Residue Studies — Reference — LINK
Reference — glyphosate — 2012 05 00 — European Union — Formulation — Metabolism & Residue Studies
√ — European Union — Formulation — Toxicological & Toxicokinetic Studies — Reference — LINK
Glyphosate Active Substance & Formulation : Access To Full Bayer-Owned Study Reports
√ — European Union — Reference List Of Glyphosate Safety Studies — EFSA
EPA’s Proposed Interim Registration Review Decision
√ — US EPA — Interim Registration Review Decision
Reference — glyphosate — 2020 01 22 — US EPA — Interim Registration Review Decision
Health Canada
√ — Health Canada — Statement On Glyphosate — Reference — HIGHLIGHTED — LINK
√ — Health Canada — Granting The Continued Registration Of Glyphosate — LINK
Background Information
US EPA & California Cancer Labels :
The EPA Grows A Pair & Takes A Stand On Glyphosate In California
August 13th, 2019
American Council On Science And Health ( ACSH )
Dr Josh Bloom
Re : California Cancer Labels
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
US EPA — The EPA Grows A Pair & Takes A Stand On Glyphosate
Roundup Terrжr NEVER Ends
State Of California Is Wrong
The State Of California Intended To Impose An Incorrect
Glyphosate Label, Based Upon The Phony Findings Of
The Corrupt, Fraudulent, & Politicized IARC
US EPA Will Not Permit The State Of California To Put An
Immensely-Stupid Cancer-Label On Glyphosate Products
US EPA Will Not Allow The State Of California’s
Flawed Program To Dictate Federal Policy
The So-Called Evidence Supporting The
Carcinogenicity Of Glyphosate Is Not Only Flimsy
― It Is A Product Of Fraudulent Research By IARC
You might as well get pissed off in advance, because if you do NOT much care for scientific evidence, you’re not going to enjoy this a whole lot.
Sorry, but facts are facts, and in this case, the US EPA has them while State of California has them WRONG.
By any measure, California’s Proposition 65 is an EXERCISE IN MADNESS.
The law, which is officially titled « The Safe Drinking Water And Toxic Enforcement Act Of 1986 », was well-intended at the time it was written ― to stop pollutants from being discharged into water.
Now, it has nothing to do with water.
It is merely an excuse for PREDATORY TRIAL LAWYERS, to file LAWSUITS against companies, small and large, with the laughable goal of « protecting the public » by SUING companies that fail to « warn the public » about HARMLESS PRODUCTS, like purses, shoes, Tiffany lamps, and bird feeders, as well as hotel rooms, and amusement parks.
How, did these evil companies ― many being small family businesses ― fail to adequately warn us ?!?!
By not putting an IMMENSELY STUPID LABEL on things that cannot possibly hurt you.
So, it should NOT be surprising that California wants a Prop 65 label put on the controversial herbicide glyphosate.
Except, the US Environmental Protection Agency [ US EPA ] DOES NOT see it that way when it comes to glyphosate (1).
The US EPA recently announced that it would NOT permit California to put a cancer label on the chemical.
And rightly so.
Some will write off the US EPA’s recent decision to reject a cancer warning label for glyphosate as partisan politics or big money influencing a government agency.
It is neither.
Instead, we are seeing a RARE CASE OF HONESTY that is based on scientific evidence, NOT nonsense.
The US EPA’s decision is SCIENTIFICALLY SOUND on every level.
According to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler ―
We will NOT allow California’s FLAWED PROGRAM to dictate federal policy.
Good for him.
Wheeler is dead-on.
The « evidence » supporting the carcinogenicity of glyphosate is not only FLIMSY; it is a product of FRAUDULENT RESEARCH by the International Agency For Research On Cancer ( IARC ).
Here is an excerpt from my colleague Dr Alex Berezow’s complete annihilation of IARC and its findings ―
We now have an answer …
The Times reports that Christopher Portier, a [ corrupt glyphosate-hating ] key IARC advisor who lobbied to have glyphosate listed as a carcinogen, accepted $160,000 from trial lawyers representing cancer patients who stood to profit handsomely by SUING glyphosate manufacturers.
Mr Portier’s failure to disclose such an obvious CONFLICT-OF-INTEREST has exploded into a textbook case of SCIENTIFIC FRAUD.
Dr Alex Berezow, Glyphosate-Gate – IARC’s Scientific Fraud, October 2017. See link below for more information.
• [ The corrupt, fraudulent, & politicized ] IARC’s « evidence », such as it is, was the LONE CULPRIT in designating glyphosate as a carcinogen.
• Epidemiological studies have found NO CONNECTION between cancer industrial workers who routinely handle the stuff.
• Biochemical assays that are suggestive of DNA damage or mutation all come up NEGATIVE.
• Aside from IARC’s MADE-UP BALONEY, there are NO VALID ANIMAL STUDIES that show that it causes cancer.
• Regulatory agencies from the US, Canada, the EU, France, Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand, Brazil, Japan, Australia, and Korea all state that glyphosate DOES NOT POSE A RISK OF TOXICITY OR CARCINOGENICITY.
See link below entitled IARC’S Scientific Fraud — Glyphosate-Gate — Lies, Scientific Fraud, Pays-Off, Bribery, & Conspiracy.
Yet, California, based on IARC’s PHONY FINDINGS wanted to slap an INCORRECT LABEL on it based on the findings of a CORRUPT GROUP.
A corrupt & fraudulent anti-glyphosate & environmental-terrжrist organization.
See link below entitled IARC’S Scientific Fraud — Glyphosate-Gate — Lies, Scientific Fraud, Pays-Off, Bribery, & Conspiracy.
A rare win for science and a loss for faulty-activism.
How refreshing.
(1) This week’s announcement was NOT the first time that EPA has objected to the cancer label. In 2017 the agency released the Glyphosate Human Health Risk Assessment, which was a basis for the 2019 decision.
Explore the following links …
√ — Glyphosate-Gate — IARC’S Scientific Fraud — Lies, Scientific Fraud, Pays-Off, Bribery, & Conspiracy — LINK
√ — EPA — Reaffirms No Risk To Public Health — LINK
√ — EPA — States That Glyphosate Does Not Cause Cancer – Again — LINK
√ — EPA — Panel Finds Glyphosate Will Not Cause Cancer — LINK
Explore the following links …
The Library Of Striking Back & Taking Action Against
Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism
Striking Back Against Fanatжcs – Bayer Invests
5,600,000,000 Dollars US To Repair Its Reputation
We Speak The Whole Truth About Roundup
From An Independent Perspective
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged Roundup-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths. https://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV
Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the Roundup-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G