Background Information – Summary
The Wisdom Of REAL Expert-Scientists
At Health Canada Who Speak-Out
Against Pesticide-Hating Fanatжcism
Health Canada helps protect the Canadian public by researching, assessing and collaborating in the management of the health risks and safety hazards associated with the many consumer products that Canadians use every day.
Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) regulates pest control products in Canada.
PMRA requires thorough scientific reviews and safety assessments to ensure that pest control products meet strict health and environmental standards and are shown to have value.
Pest control products are one of the most stringently regulated products in Canada.
It employs over 350 doctorate-level experts and leading scientific experts on pest control products.
Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency has the ESSENTIAL expertise on pest control products.
Health Canada’s REAL expert-scientists speak-out against pesticide-hating fanatжcism.
Health Canada has created a Health-Related Video Gallery that contains the following fact-statements ―
√ FACT — Pest control products WILL NOT HARM the environment when they are used properly.
√ FACT — Pest control products are NOT HARMING you or your family.
√ FACT — Health Canada scientists are working to make sure that all pest control products made and sold in Canada CAN BE USED SAFELY.
√ FACT — Health Canada scientists need to be convinced that NO HARM is going to result from the proper use of a product before it is approved its use.
√ FACT — A pest control product may only be used after Health Canada’s scientists have confirmed that it WILL NOT HARM the environment.
√ FACT — Health Canada scientists evaluate hundreds of different scientific studies so that they can be sure that pest control products CAN BE USED SAFELY, and that human health and the environment WILL BE PROTECTED.
√ FACT — Health Canada scientists evaluate hundreds of studies on the potential human health effects and the ways people can be exposed to a pest control product.
√ FACT — Special attention is paid by Health Canada’s scientists to possible effects on more sensitive groups of people, like pregnant women, infants, children, and the elderly.
√ FACT — The instruction and safety precautions that appear on the product label are there to protect you and the environment.
√ FACT — Thanks to Health Canada’s scientists, pest control products approved for use CAN BE USED SAFELY.
See the next segments for more details.
August 15th, 2019
Health Canada’s Health-Related Video Gallery
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Health Canada — Pesticides, Is There A Risk To The Environment ? — Transcript Of Video
The Wisdom Of Health Canada
Speaking-Out Against Pesticide-Hating Fanatжcism About Risks To The Environment
Pesticides Will Not Harm The Environment
When They Are Used Properly
A Pesticide May Only Be Used After
Health Canada’s Scientists Have Confirmed
That It Will Not Harm The Environment
The Instruction & Safety Precautions That
Appear On The Pesticide Product Label Are
There To Protect You & The Environment
Narrator ―
Canada’s environment is filled with many wonders.
From our vast forests and lakes of clean fresh water, to the fertile land where we grow food for much of the world.
Canada has its share of native pests.
However, changes in climate and movement of people and goods can bring in new, invasive pests. [ See next segment. ]
Both types of pests can threaten our natural resources, crops and gardens.
Pest control products play an important role in managing pests.
So how can we be sure that pest control products are not damaging the environment they are designed to protect ?
Scientists at Health Canada care about this too …
They work to make sure pest control products won’t harm the environment when they are used properly.
Before a pest control product is approved for use, Health Canada scientists complete a thorough, science-based risk assessment to determine if these products can be used safely.
This includes evaluating hundreds of studies to understand potential effects on birds, fish, mammals, plants and insects.
As part of the risk assessment, Health Canada scientists look at EXPOSURE to pest control products in the environment.
Which includes when, where, and how much pest control product could come into contact with plants and wildlife.
They also examine the potential effects a pest control product may have on plants and animals.
Scientists look at many laboratory and field studies on a wide variety of species.
Once the scientists have studied the product’s exposure and effects, they determine the potential level of the risk to the environment.
They then figure out the best way to manage these risks.
Managing risk can include restricting how and where a pest control product can be used.
A pest control product may only be used in Canada after Health Canada’s scientists have confirmed that it won’t harm the environment.
The instruction and safety precautions that appear on the product label are there to protect you and the environment.
So, the next time you need to use a pest control product, look for the registration number to make sure the product is authorized for use by Health Canada.
And remember to follow the directions on the label.
All of these steps are taken to protect you, your family, and the environment.
For more information, go to Canada.ca/pesticides
A message from the government of Canada.
Background Information
Up-To-Date Information About
Invasive Pests Protects Our
Forest & Urban Environments
Throughout the month of August, residents and professionals must check their properties for signs of pests of concern that can harm and kill plants, can cause serious damage to our economy, and can destroy the urban environment with catastrophic ecological carnage.
Pests of concern include ― • Asian Long-Horned Beetle • Box Tree Moth • Emerald Ash Borer • Hemlock Woolly Adelgid • Japanese Beetle • Oak Wilt • Spotted Lantern-Fly.
European Chafer must also be considered a pest of concern. Anti-pesticide prohibitions against insect-control-products have led to the self-inflicted catastrophic ecological carnage of the European Chafer in the urban landscape. There is no hope for controlling infestations of European Chafer unless prohibitions are rescinded. To protect the urban environment, the federal government must designate the European Chafer insect as a pest of concern, and end all prohibitions against safe & effective insect-control-products.
Despite Japanese Beetle being officially designated as a pest of concern, it will have completely infested British Columbia’s Lower Mainland because of inept-incompetency and political-cowardice by municipal government officials who have recklessly & arbitrarily prohibited safe & effective conventional insect-control-products have become the object of reckless and arbitrary prohibitions. Residents and professionals have had to get used to destroyed and ravaged lawns in their urban environment since they are prohibited from using these safe and effective products.
Even though Emerald Ash Borer has been designated as a pest of concern, by the time plant symptoms are noticeable, it is already too late to do anything to save the infested trees. There is currently NO cure for an Emerald Ash Borer infestation, but if pro-active steps are taken, conventional insect-control treatments that are, in fact, scientifically-safe, WILL effectively control this damaging insect. So-called green alternatives, like TreeAzin injections, provide marginal control at best. If TreeAzin is the only option, then it would be better that municipalities DO NOTHING rather than use TreeAzin. Residents and professionals may simply have to get used to the sound of chain saws in our urban environment !
Explore the following links about our urban environment …
√ — Invasive Pests In Canada — LINK
√ — Killer Plants In The Landscape — Taxus — LINK
Health Canada -- Pesticides, Is There A Risk To The Environment -- Video Recording -- LONG VERSION -- 05 Minutes 31 Seconds
Health Canada -- Pesticides, Is There A Risk To The Environment -- Video Recording -- SHORT VERSION -- 02 Minutes 13 Seconds
August 15th, 2019
Health Canada’s Health-Related Video Gallery
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Health Canada — Pesticides, Is There A Risk To Health ? — Transcript Of Video
Reference — Health Canada — 2019 08 15 — Pesticides, Is There A Risk To Health — Transcript Of Video
The Wisdom Of Health Canada
Speaking-Out Against Pesticide-Hating Fanatжcism About Risks To Health
Thanks To Health Canada’s Scientists,
Pesticides Approved For Use Can Be Used Safely
Special Attention Is Paid By Health Canada’s Scientists
To Possible Effects On More Sensitive Groups Of People,
Like Pregnant Women, Infants, Children, & The Elderly
Health Canada Scientists Evaluate Hundreds Of
Studies On The Potential Human Health Effects &
The Ways People Can Be Exposed To A Pesticide
Pesticides Are NOT Harming You Or Your Family
Narrator ―
No matter where we are, pest control products touch many aspects of our everyday lives…
… from growing healthy food and protecting us from tick and mosquito borne diseases …
… to making sure our homes are free from unwanted pests.
So how can you be sure that pest control products are NOT harming you or your family ?
Thanks to Health Canada’s scientists, pest control products approved for use in Canada can be used safely.
Before a pest control product can be sold or used in Canada, a thorough science-based risk assessment is done.
Like many things in our lives, pest control products can pose some risks, but it all depends on the potential effects of the product and how we are exposed to it.
Health Canada scientists evaluate hundreds of studies on the potential human health effects and the ways people can be exposed to a pest control product.
People may come into contact with pest control products through the skin, diet, or by breathing them in.
In conducting a risk assessment, they look at people who apply pest control products, and anyone else that could be exposed following its use.
Special attention is paid to possible effects on more sensitive groups of people, like pregnant women, infants, children, and the elderly.
All of these things are considered as part of Health Canada’s risk assessment.
Once these scientists have fully studied the exposure and effects, they are able to determine the potential level of risk posed by the product.
Managing risks can include restricting how, where, and when a pest control product can be used to minimize exposure to people applying it and anyone around them.
Directions for use and warnings on approved product labels can include ― wearing gloves, only using the product in well-ventilated areas, and keeping pest control products out of reach of children and pets.
So, the next time you need to use a pest control product, look for the registration number to make sure the product is authorized for use by Health Canada …
And remember to follow the directions on the label.
All of these steps are taken to protect you, your family and the environment.
For more information, go to: Canada.ca/pesticides
A message from the government of Canada.
Health Canada -- Pesticides, Is There A Risk To Health -- Video Recording -- 02 Minutes 11 Seconds
April 12th, 2019
Health Canada’s Health-Related Video Gallery
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Health Canada — What Do Health Canada Scientists Do ? — Transcript Of Video
Reference — Health Canada — 2019 04 12 — What Do Health Canada Scientists Do — Transcript Of Video
The Wisdom Of Health Canada
Speaking-Out Against Pesticide-Hating Fanatжcism About REAL Expert-Scientists
Health Canada Scientists Need To Be Convinced
That NO Harm Is Going To Result From The Proper
Use Of A Product Before It Is Approved Its Use
Health Canada Scientists Evaluate Hundreds Of
Different Scientific Studies So That They Can Be
Sure That Pesticides Can Be Used Safely, & That
Human Health & The Environment Will Be Protected
Health Canada Scientists Are Working To Make Sure That
All Pesticides Made & Sold In Canada Can Be Used Safely
Narrator ― Pest control products and other pest control products touch many aspects of your everyday life ― from growing healthy food, to making sure your home is clean and safe, to keeping pesky rodents away.
Described Video ― A mother and her son are in the kitchen. The son grabs an apple and leaves the scene as various bubbles with images such as a farmer, a man painting a wall, a hand cleaning the counter with ants in the background, a mouse and someone spraying insect repellent onto their arm appear on screen.
Now, you may be wondering « should I be worried about this ? »
You shouldn’t.
Health Canada scientists are working to make sure that all pest control products made and sold in Canada can be used safely.
But how ?
Described Video ― The mother in the kitchen transitions to her job as a scientist standing in an office within a laboratory. She walks over to a beaker filled with liquid and picks it up.
Narrator ― Before a pest control product can be put on the store shelf, Health Canada scientists evaluate hundreds of different scientific studies so that they can be sure it can be used safely, and that human health and the environment will be protected.
Described Video ― A man and his dog are sitting on a backyard deck. The screen zooms into two bubbles that show the man’s hand painting the fence and putting a flea collar on the dog. The man throws a ball into the house and the dog chases it. The scene transitions to his job as a scientist and is standing in an office with a laboratory and looking at his lap-top.
These scientists need to be convinced that NO harm is going to result from the proper use of a product before Health Canada will approve its use.
Described Video ― The male scientist picks up a file folder and starts reading it. A thought bubble appears with farm crops within it and a green check mark is placed over top.
Narrator ― Science is constantly improving and we continue to learn more and more about how the world around us works.
Described Video ― Another male scientist is in an office within a laboratory thinking back to his daughters playing in the pool while he barbeques. A dotted line appears from the pool to a bubble with a hand placing a jug of pool cleaner on a table and a green check mark appears over the kids playing in the pool.
So how can you be sure that an older product that was once considered to be safe is still safe today ?
Health Canada scientists use the latest scientific knowledge and procedures to re-evaluate authorized pest control products on an ongoing basis. If they’re no longer safe, they will have to be changed or taken off the market all together.
Described Video ― The male scientist is reading through a file folder and places it in a file box marked with a green check mark. He starts reading another file and places it into another box marked with a red X.
Narrator ― Only authorized pest control products can be sold or used in Canada, and they must be used as directed.
Described Video ― Four scientists are talking.
Health Canada compliance inspectors conduct regular inspections of workplaces and retailers. They make sure that only authorized products are being sold in Canada and that they are being used correctly. This can include examining documents, labels and facilities, and gather samples to be tested.
Described Video ― A female scientist is on a farm talking with a farmer and collecting samples.
Narrator ― So, the next time you need to purchase a pest control product, read the label and look for the registration number to make sure the product is authorized for use by Health Canada.
Described Video ― A female character and a toddler are in a store looking at insect repellent. A close-up of the insect repellent bottle shows the registration number on it.
Remember, all of these steps are taken to protect you, your family and the environment.
Described Video ― All four of the scientists are standing on a farm.
For more information visit canada.ca/pesticides
Described Video ― For more information visit canada.ca/pesticides appears on screen.
Health Canada -- What Do Health Canada Scientists Do ? -- Video Recording -- 02 Minutes 11 Seconds
Background Information
More Wisdom From Health Canada
Explore the following links …
Health Canada & Pest Control Products
√ — Products Evaluated As Acceptable For Continued Registration — LINK
√ — Products Removed Or Proposed For Removal — LINK
√ — Re-Entry Intervals — Label Directions For Applications On Turfgrasses — LINK
√ — Pesticides Are Health-Canada-Approved — Listen To Mr Lindsay Hanson — LINK
√ — Importing Unregistered Products For Personal Use — LINK
√ — Scientific Studies Using Dogs — The Yeary Dog Study — LINK
√ — Management Actions On The Safety Of Pest Control Products — Response To The 2015 Audit — LINK
√ — Uncoupling ( i.e. Prohibiting ) Of Fertilizer-Pesticide Combination Products For Turf Uses — LINK
√ — The Library Of References — LINK
√ — The Library Of Incident Reports — Blog — LINK
√ — The Library Of Incident Reports — Web-Page — LINK
√ — The Library Of Approved Product Labels — LINK
√ — Spray Drift In Residential Areas — LINK
√ — The Wisdom Of REAL Experts Who Speak Out — LINK
Health Canada & 2,4-D Herbicide
√ — Re-Evaluation Decision — One Of The Most Comprehensive Science Reviews In Canadian History — The Lawn Is Safe — LINK
√ — Re-Evaluation Decision — Reference — LINK
Health Canada & Glyphosate Herbicide
√ — Continued Registration Has Been Granted — LINK
√ — Re-Evaluation Plan — LINK
Health Canada & Neonicotinoid Insecticides
√ — Imidacloprid & Preliminary Pollinator Assessment, With Overall Conclusions — Slide Presentation — LINK
√ — Ontario’s Regulations Put Farmers At A Competitive Disadvantage — PMRA & EPA Say There Is No Potential Risk To Bees As A Result Of On-Label Use Of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments — LINK
√ — Regulatory Reviews Show Slim Risk To Bees — LINK
Health Canada & Ontario
√ — Ontario’s Regulations Put Farmers At A Competitive Disadvantage — PMRA & EPA Say There Is No Potential Risk To Bees As A Result Of On-Label Use Of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments — LINK
√ — Standing Committee On Social Policy — Mr Lindsay Hanson — Slide Show — LINK
Health Canada & British Columbia
√ — Province Doesn’t Need Pesticide Ban — Experts Are Toxicologists, Doctors & Scientist Whose Expertise Is In The Field Of Pesticides — Health Canada Would Be A Good Start — Ms Jacquie Doherty — LINK
Health Canada & Pesticide-Hating Fanatжcs
√ — Ontario College Of Family Physicians — LINK
√ — Neil Arya — LINK
√ — J K Cottam — LINK
√ — Allan Taylor — LINK
Health Canada Link To Web-Site
√ — Pesticides & Pest Management — LINK
We Speak The Whole Truth With
The Wisdom Of REAL Experts
Like Health Canada
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space & other industries ( NORAHG ). NORAHG is a non-profit & independent organization that reports on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, & background in matters concerning pest control products, & who promote environmental realism & pesticide truths. NORAHG produces THE WISDOM OF REAL EXPERTS, a series of reports & blogs providing SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION from several highly-rated leading experts, like the scientists at Health Canada, who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths. THE WISDOM OF REAL EXPERTS ― Any prohibition against pest control products is not supported by any of North America’s respected and highly rated experts health and policy experts. These real experts speak-out against the conspiracy to impose legislation that recklessly and arbitrarily prohibit conventional pest control products. They have recognized expertise, training and background in matters concerning pest control products. And none have ever consulted by anti-pesticide & environmental-terrжrist organizations. They promote environmental realism and pesticide truths. These experts have publicly stated, in one form or another, that pest control products are scientifically-safe. http://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV THE WISDOM OF REAL EXPERTS is destined for the green space industry, nation-wide across Canada, the United States, & overseas, & can be found on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ All information, excerpts, & pictures contained in THE WISDOM OF REAL EXPERTS were retrieved from the Internet, & may be considered in the public domain. The information presented in THE WISDOM OF REAL EXPERTS is for preliminary planning. Before making a final decision, the turf manager is expected to obtain trusted expert advice from extension specialists, local distributors and/or agronomists. All products mentioned in THE WISDOM OF REAL EXPERTS should be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions, & according to provincial, state, or federal law. For the official advantages, benefits, features, precautions, & restrictions concerning any product, the turf manager must rely only on the information furnished by the manufacturer. The mention of trade names does not constitute a guarantee or a warranty. We dare to defy by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports & blogs on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G