Fighting Back Do NOT attend their "focus group" regardless of how much bribe money they offer. Do NOT donate to this now corrupt organization as they will use this money against you. The Canadian Cancer Society no longer lives up to it's mandate, bought with lucrative advertising money from Big Pharma to promote fraud!! Also beware of any organization claiming to be "protecting the children ©" They are now using "social engineering" (eugenics)in "denormalization" (segregation and hate) and out right fraud to create a "healthy society". DON'T be fooled!! Keep your wallet shut!! Beware folks!! The Canadian Cancer Society is promoting segregation and hate for profit.Fighting Back
Do NOT attend their "focus group" regardless of how much bribe money they offer. Do NOT donate to this now corrupt organization as they will use this money against you. The Canadian Cancer Society no longer lives up to it's mandate, bought with lucrative advertising money from Big Pharma to promote fraud!! Also beware of any organization claiming to be "protecting the children ©" They are now using "social engineering" (eugenics)in "denormalization" (segregation and hate) and out right fraud to create a "healthy society". DON'T be fooled!! Keep your wallet shut!!