The CCS does not seem to be requesting monies from the Canadian Government to possibly and indirectly fight the BC Ban on Pesticides like they may have for the Ontario Ban.
2010 Monies Received in last Financial Year: $600,000 (No mention of Chemical Management Lobbying except for tobacco and asbestos)
2009 Monies Received: $1.7 Million Dollars (Chemical Management Lobbying included)
Canadian Cancer Society Code of Conduct
1.3 Fraud
The Society will not tolerate any fraud or
other actions that would endanger the
charitable status of the Canadian Cancer
Society and expects every employee,
volunteer, student, contractor and
consultant working at the Society to share
its commitment and belief in the law,
honesty and ethical behaviour.
You must report any concerns relating to
fraud as set out in section 11.0 below.
If you have questions, require clarification
or need to report any concerns regarding
conduct that may contravene this Code,
contact one of the following: your
supervisor, Human Resources, the CEO,
Chair of the Board, Chair of the Audit
Committee or contact the Society’s ethics
hotline at or