Jocelyn Orb doesn’t get it.
As a Board Member of the Saskatchewan Environmental Society She claims:
The Ontario College of Family Physicians, the Canadian Cancer Society and the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment all advocate for urban pesticide bans.
Health Canada says different regarding the Ontario College of Family Physicians: Questions and Answers Ontario College of Family Physicians
On August 4, 2004 Health Canada (Federal Government) Issued an Information Report regarding the OCFP 2004 Literature Review.
On April 23, 2004, the Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP) released a literature review on epidemiology studies on pesticides. The review linked pesticides to various illnesses, and stated that children are especially vulnerable to pesticides. In light of the public interest in this report, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) prepared this document to help Canadians better understand how human health and the environment are considered by the pesticide regulatory system in Canada. PMRA is the federal regulatory body responsible for the regulation of pesticides in Canada.
Ontario and Quebec have banned the use of pesticides for cosmetic purposes and B.C. is expected to follow suit.
Jocely is looking into her crystal ball here. If the Cancer Society and Gideon Foreman can manipulate the Provincial Government into banning Federally Registered Pesticides without any sound science or real evidence and just a hunch to go on, how will they explain to the Federal Government that their Pest Control Products Act is unfit to protect Canadians. On top of that how will the Cancer Society expect to receive 2 million dollars in Grant Monies each year to lobby against common scientific sense and its respective industries. $2 million Dollar Grant Monies
These measures have been well thought out, are completely supported by science and have been held up by the Supreme Court of Canada.
Dow Agro Science is suing Quebec for $2millon Dollars Dow Sues Quebec
Mrep Communications (Jeffrey Lowes) is laying charges against prominent members of the Ontario Provincial Government
Don’t heed fearmongers
By Jocelyn Orb, The StarPhoenixApril 1, 2010
Lorne Hepworth’s letter, Pesticide ban unwarranted (SP, March 19), is merely another knee jerk reaction from a chemical company group solely interested in self-preservation and profit.
He contends pesticides have a “critical role in contributing to people’s health and well-being by providing an abundant, varied and safe food supply.”
This statement, and his entire letter, really have nothing to do with an urban ban on the cosmetic use of pesticides and does little to “set the record straight” about the misinformation he says exists on this issue.
The Ontario College of Family Physicians, the Canadian Cancer Society and the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment all advocate for urban pesticide bans.
Ontario and Quebec have banned the use of pesticides for cosmetic purposes and B.C. is expected to follow suit.
These measures have been well thought out, are completely supported by science and have been held up by the Supreme Court of Canada.
Is it time for Saskatoon and Regina to follow suit and not to react emotionally to the desperate fearmongering of the pesticide industry?
Jocelyn Orb
Board member
Sask. Environmental Society
Full Article