Company Fined $ 36,000 For Failing To Comply With A Ministry Approval
Belleville – A company was fined $36,000 for failing to comply with a ministry approval for a sewage works.
“Polluters should be aware that the ministry’s Investigations and Enforcement Branch will vigorously pursue charges when our environmental laws are broken,” said Environment Minister Jim Bradley.
The Canadian National Railway Company operates a rail yard located in Belleville. The company operates under a ministry approval for an industrial sewage works for the storm water from the railway yard. A ministry inspection revealed that the effluent samples had not been obtained, contrary to a ministry approval.
The company was fined a total of $36,000 plus victim fine surcharges of $9,000 and given 90 days to pay the fine.
For further information:
Members of the media:
Kate Jordan
Communications Branch
(416) 314-6666
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416-325-4000 or 1-800-565-4923