February 14, 2025

2 thoughts on “NEW – OCFP 2012 Literature Review – 112 pages – 1 reference to 2,4-D Lawn Pesticide – Costa Rican Coffee Farmer | #EDO – Erroneous Doctors of Ontario

  1. The Anti-Pesticide Literature Reviews have absolutely NO CREDIBILITY since none of their PAID-FOR-PROFIT authors and reviewers had ANY recognized expertise, training or background in matters concerning pest control products.  Moreover, among the authors and reviewers of a previous Anti-Pesticide Literature Review, there were    ●   doctors who WERE FOUND GUILTY OF PROFESSIONAL MIS-CONDUCT OVER SEXUAL ACTIVITIES ( i.e. raping patients )   ●   doctors whose LICENSE WAS SUSPENDED   ●   doctors who DENY HAVING REVIEWED THE DOCUMENT.  There is a GROWING BODY OF EVIDENCE that the authors and reviewers of the BOGUS-OCFP-Review were not only SCIENTIFICALLY IGNORANT, LAZY and OBTUSE, but also UNETHICAL, UNPROFESSIONAL, and even CRIMINAL.  WILLIAM H. GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G     http://wp.me/P1jq40-37C 


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