Re: HRM Council, need to revise decision on Weed Control
HALIFAX, June 6, 2011 /CNW/ – In 2003, HRM council made a decision to ban the use of cosmetic pesticides from use in the HRM. Although they have been unsuccessful at preventing the sale of products from store shelves, the general law abiding citizen has had to seek alternative, back breaking methods to care for their lawn.
Over the past years, alternative products have been in creation to fill the demand for a natural weed control that will effectively manage weed without chemicals, while suiting pesticide bi-laws and regulations in municipalities such as HRM. Lucky for HRM residents, we now have this alternative available to us in the form of FeHEDTA, known to the professionals as Fiesta, and the retail market as Weed-B-Gon. Fiesta (FeHEDTA) was approved by Nova Scotia government in December 2010 as part of Permitted Products List under new pesticide regulations in NS.
HRM council however, voted against the use of this natural, iron based product in a confusing turn of events last month. Good enough for the province, but not for HRM? Approved in Ontario more than a year ago and yet to be turned down in any regulated jurisdictions, HRM council has gone way too far and needs to hear from you today before they sit down to re-visit the issue Tuesday.
Please visit , get the facts, and voice your concern to council. You have the right to control weeds on your lawn with a safe, effective product. Let council know that preventing these kinds of products is going too far. Call your councilor and let them know that this is unnecessary legislation.
via LANDSCAPE NOVA SCOTIA | Re: HRM Council, need to revise decision on Weed Control.