Josette Wier – Environmental Activist
Petions Office of the Auditor General on Pesticide MSMA in 2003 and was representing Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE).
This woman is very busy. She has been trying to push her beliefs on people for a very long time.
Some of her Activism is included below.
Office of the Auditor General of Canada
Toxicity of the arsenic-based pesticide MonosodiumMethane Arsenate (MSMA)
Petition: No. 97
Issue(s): Human health/environmental health, pesticides, and toxic substances
Petitioner(s): Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE)
Date Received: 5 November 2003
Status: Completed
Summary: In this petition, the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) expresses concernabout the arsenic-based pesticide MSMA, which is used by the forestry industry to control bark beetle. The petitionerasserts that there are new scientific findings on the toxicity of arsenic that need to be considered by the PestManagement Regulatory Agency of Health Canada. Several questions are posed in this petition about MSMA,including questions on re-registration, environmental effects, and human exposure.
Attention: Petitions
Aug 25, 2003
We are submitting a petition under the Auditor General Act, to the Hon. Anne McLellan, Minister of Health, as follows.
From: The Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE)
Since July 13, 2001, Dr. Josette Wier, a pediatrician originally trained in France and a member of the CanadianAssociation of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE), has repeatedly brought to the attention of the PesticideManagement Regulatory Agency (PMRA) her concerns about an application for a permit to use the arsenical pesticideMSMA (Monosodium Methane Arsenate). The BC Ministry of Forests (Morice Forest District) was the applicant forthe use of 3,300 kg of arsenic (active ingredient, in the form of MSMA) over a three-year period to "control" barkbeetle. Dr. Wier has specifically pointed out that research from the last 3-5 years shows that the assumptions uponwhich the safety of the product was established no longer hold. This is based on general research and especially onextensive communications from Dr. W.R. Cullen, professor of chemistry at UBC and a world authority on arsenictoxicity. She has repeatedly encouraged the PMRA to get in touch with Dr. Cullen and has forwarded to the PMRAcopies of relevant documentation and research materials.
Health Canada has reviewed Environmental Petition no. 97 and developed detailed responses to the 17 questions posed in the petition. The questions and their associated responses are provided below. [See link for full letter]
Question 1: |
At what point does a persistent inquiry from a concerned and well-informed citizen on an issue with significant health implications generate a substantive response from the Minister's office? |
Response 1:
In striving to improve the health of all of Canada's people, while respecting individual choices and circumstances, the Minister of Health has always maintained and will continue to maintain an open and transparent office for Canadians to voice their concerns. Accordingly, all inquires, whether to the Minister or the Department, are taken seriously and are responded to in as substantive a manner as possible.
Question 2: |
Does the Minister routinely, and without independent analysis, endorse the PMRA's position that new scientific findings do not challenge the safety of a currently registered pesticide? If not, how is an independent analysis triggered? |
Response 2:
The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has been mandated by the Minister of Health to administer the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA) and to exercise sound scientific judgment. The officials who are employed to carry out that mandate have the scientific expertise to exercise such judgment and provide the Minister with sound advice on which he can and does rely.
Email from :
Josette Weir to the Environmental Assessment Office submitting her concerns and comments regarding the Tulsequah Mining Project.
Tulsequah Chief's capital requirement is estimated at Can$ 201.5 M., with a probable reserve of 5.4 M tonnes.
IPS Stumps across B.C.
Last January in the heart of winter three directors, of Islands Protection Society (IPS) Jack Miller, Josette Weir and Tom Schneider toured the interior of B.C. with a slide-show presentation on South Moresby.
Hosted by different environment groups and naturalist clubs they presented 15 shows. The slides included some of the best pictures from the soon to be published book, Islands at the Edge, taken from the pool of 10,000 donated for use in the book.
People of all social and political backgrounds pledged their support for the preservation of South Moresby. The tour was totally funded by generous donations from people along the way, the IPS directors donated their time. "It put us in touch with a very strong desire from the people of B.C. towards preserving places with special features like South Moresby. It made us personally aware, as we crossed the Rockies through Banff National Park, that South Moresby is just as important", said Josette Weir. She also wanted to thank all the concerned friends and members who have helped so much and remind them that "the battle is never over till its won" and urge people to keep writing letters to government.
1984 Legislative Session: 1st Session, 33rd Parliament
The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.
Afternoon Sitting
[ Page 3189 ]
Routine Proceedings
Oral Questions
PCB shipment through B.C. waters. Mrs. Wallace –– 3189
Sale of Pacific Coach Lines Ltd. Mr. Passarell –– 3189
Motor vehicle safety. Mr. Passarell –– 3189
Mr. Cocke
Habitat conservation fund. Hon. Mr. Brummet replies –– 3190
Foreclosures in Vancouver. Mr. Blencoe –– 3190
Psychological experiments. Mr. Howard –– 3190
Mr. Cocke
Taxes on banks. Mr. Lea –– 3190
Tabling Documents –– 3191
Committee of Supply: Ministry of Education estimates. (Hon. Mr. Heinrich)
On vote 21: minister's office –– 3191
Mr. Rose
Ms. Sanford
Mr. Passarell
Mr. Blencoe
Mr. Howard
Committee of Supply: Premier's office estimates. (Hon. Mr. Bennett)
On vote 4: premier's office –– 3205
Hon. Mr. Bennett
Mr. Howard
Committee of Supply: Ombudsman estimates.
On vote 3: office of the Ombudsman –– 3208
Mr. Reid
Mrs. Dailly
Committee of Supply: Legislation estimates.
On vote 1: legislation –– 3208
Mr. Cocke
Supply Act (No 4), 1983 (Bill 39). Hon. Mr. Curtis 3209
Royal assent
Prorogation –– 3210
Appendix –– 3211
The House met at 2 p.m.
MR. LEA: Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask the members of the Legislature to join me in welcoming some visitors to the gallery today and to the precincts. They are all directors of the Islands Protection Society from the Queen Charlotte Islands. They are here to educate us all on good reasons to look at the southern part of Moresby Island and to look at saving that for future generations. I'd like to introduce those directors to you. Sitting in the gallery today are Jack Miller, Josette Weir and Tom Snider. I don't see John Broadhead up there, but he is in the precinct somewhere. I'd ask you to join with me in welcoming them.
Health Canada
Information Note: Request for a Special Review of Glyphosate Herbicides Containing Polyethoxylated Tallowamine
On 25 May 2009, a member of the public [ We now know this was Josette Weir a member of Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) ] requested that a special review be initiated,under Section 17 of the
Pest Control Product Act, for glyphosate herbicides containing the formulant polyethoxylated tallowamine (POEA) on the grounds that they represent unacceptable risks to human health and the environment. Twelve documents were provided as justification for the request.
Northwood Magazine
Activist causes industry to reconsider pinebeetle strategy
A one-woman campaign gives colour to the green cause
Josette Wier, 57, runs an elegant B&B in the rural Smithers home she shares with her husbandPeter, a retired pilot. When not working, canoeing or skiing, she’s often in her home office—whereher one-woman campaign has made her the worst nightmare of government and industry forestmanagers who wish she, and others concerned about an arsenic-based pesticide used against themountain pine beetle, would just go away.
West Coast Environmental Law
WCEL Comments on Pest ManagementRegulatory Agency ReEvaluation Program
Andrew Gage
Acting Executive Director
28 January 2011
Pest Management Regulatory Agency
2720 Riverside Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9
Dear Sirs/Mesdames:
Re: Re-Evaluation Note on the Re-Evaluation Program (REV2010-18)
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the PMRA‟s Re-Evaluation Note (REV2010-18, the “Note”), dated December 1, 2010, on the Re-Evaluation Program (the “Program”).
Complaint about the process
However, as we understand it, the last evaluation of Glyphosate by the PMRA occurred prior to most of the evidence concerning the toxicity of POEA. Since inactive ingredients such as POEA are not generally tested for by the PMRA, we believe that the PMRA has never actually done an evaluation which examines the toxicity of that ingredient in the context of a Glyphosate-based pesticide.
The Pest Control Products Act contemplates a precautionary approach, and we do not believe that the onus should be on a member of the public to prove that an ingredient that the PMRA has never evaluated for safety poses an unacceptable risk. Rather, in the absence of such an evaluation, the onus is on the registrant to prove that the pesticide as a whole, including the inactive ingredients, is safe.
We are concerned, also, about the idea of merely incorporating special reviews into previously scheduled Re-evaluations. In Josette Wier‟s case the PMRA proposed doing so, and in fact argued that her legal challenge to the failure to conduct the review was moot as a result, despite the fact that the agency also conceded that a focussed review of POEA could be conducted more quickly than a full re-evaluation. While some level of integration only makes sense, the existence of a full re-evaluation should not slow a special review, possibly resulting in an interim order in the context of the full re-evaluation.
Outdoor Recreation Council of BC
Meeting of Executive Board of Directors
5 pm Monday, November 3, 2008
47 West Broadway, Vancouver
Oct. 8 – From Minister of State for Mining Gordon Hogg – in response to ORC letter of September 11 complaining about the Ministry's regional staff in Smithers failing to respond to Josette Weir's query re the dangers of mining equipment adjacent to a Provincial Park. Mr Hogg reiterated that the information was ultimately provided.
British Columbia : Environmental Appeal Board
2001-PES-003(b) Josette Wier v. Deputy Administrator, Pesticide Control Act, (Minister of Forests, Morice Forest District)
Decision Date: November 8, 2004
Panel: Alan Andison
Keywords: Pesticide Control Act – ss. 1, 6(3)(a)(ii); adverse effect; cost-benefit analysis; reconsideration of appeal; MSMA
Josette Wier (the “Appellant”) appealed a pesticide use permit issued by the Deputy Administrator, Pesticide Control Act (the “Deputy Administrator”) for the application of monosodium methane arsenate (“MSMA”) to control beetle attacks on forests in the Morice Forest District and Tweedsmuir Provincial Park between May 14, 2001 and October 31, 2003.
On July 23, 2002, the Board issued a decision that confirmed the permit, subject to certain amendments. In its decision, the Board applied a two-part test asking: 1) whether the use of MSMA would cause an adverse effect; and, 2) if so, according to a risk-benefit analysis, is the adverse effect unreasonable? Finding that, subject to certain amendments, the permit would not cause “an unreasonable adverse effect,” the Board found it unnecessary to review the second part of the test. The Appellant applied to the B.C. Supreme Court for a judicial review. The Court concluded that the Board had erred in failing to apply the second part of the test, and sent the matter back to the Board with directions to “consider the viable alternatives disclosed by the evidence when applying the second step of the legal test.”
The Board considered the evidence of all parties on the risks and benefits of using MSMA and alternative methods to control beetles in the affected areas. The Board found that the risks associated with MSMA use under the terms of the permit were mitigated to a reasonable level when the permit was amended as originally directed by the Board. The Board found that costs and risks associated with alternative treatment methods made those alternatives unreasonable. Accordingly, the Board confirmed the decision of the Deputy Administrator to issue the permit, subject to the changes ordered by the Board.
The appeal was dismissed.
Her Bed and Breakfast in Smithers BC:
NORAHG has compiled more information about GLYPHOSATE on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site …
● LACK OF CREDIBLE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE from West Coast Environmental Law and Josette Weir
● Don Huber Discredited by His Own University and his Claims REFUTED by REAL Experts
● Health Canada Consumer Product Safety Re-Evaluation Note REV2010-02 Glyphosate
Please go to the following link …
NORAHG is the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that seek to harm the Green space industry.
NORAHG is a NATIONAL NON PROFIT NON PARTISAN organization that does not accept money from corporations or governments or trade associations, and represents NO VESTED INTERESTS WHATSOEVER.