NOT a Good Example
Anti-Pesticide Activists often use the story of a company called The Environmental Factor.
ALLEGEDLY, this company enjoyed a 400-per-cent increase in sales and manufacturing during the first six months of PROHIBITION in Ontario.
Anti-Pesticide Activists are WRONG !
The story of Environmental Factor is NOT a good example of BUSINESS GROWTH under the PROHIBITION of pest control products.
However, the story is a GOOD EXAMPLE of PROFIT from Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION.
● demand PLUMMETED for its Corn Gluten Meal Herbicide
● several of its lawn care franchises FELL INTO BANKRUPTCY
Moreover, Environmental Factor VERY ACTIVELY SUPPORTED the PROHIBITION of pest control products in the Urban Landscape.
Ontario Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION
On April 22nd, 2009, the Government of Ontario ARBITRARILY PROHIBITED pest control products that are, in fact, FEDERALLY-APPROVED and SCIENTIFICALLY-SAFE.
This NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS PROHIBITION led to the DESTRUCTION of the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry.
An Exception Status was provided to industries like golf, sports fields, specialty turf, forestry, and agriculture.
These industries employed THE VERY SAME pest control products otherwise PROHIBITED for the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry.
The legislation was implemented despite the fact that the PROHIBITED pest control products were still HEALTH-CANADA-APPROVED, FEDERALLY-LEGAL, SCIENTIFICALLY-SAFE and PRACTICALLY-NON-TOXIC.
Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION ignored the federal regulatory system and dictated aesthetics to the public.
The DEVASTATION of the Ontario Professional Lawn Care Industry was EXTENSIVE because there were NO valid economical alternatives to replace the prohibited products.
So-called Green Alternative Pesticides, such as Corn Gluten Meal, Fiesta, Flame-Throwers, Nematodes, and Sarritor, were DISMAL FAILURES.
Consequently, Professional Lawn Care Companies were UNABLE to provide adequate weed and insect control, and were UNABLE to keep their customers satisfied.
Because of Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION, the owners, employees, and families dependent on Professional Lawn Care businesses faced TERROR, DESPAIR, and DESTITUTION.
Because of PROHIBITION, Professional Lawn Care businesses, which at one time provided a good living and some equity for eventual sale for retirement, became WORTHLESS !
Because of the Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION, Professional Lawn Care businesses were forced to TERMINATE many or most of their employees.
PROHIBITION inflicted TERROR, DESPAIR, and DESTITUTION on THOUSANDS of hapless victims throughout the Professional Lawn Care Industry.
Many multi-vehicle Professional Lawn Care businesses were FORCED TO DOWN-SIZE THEIR OPERATIONS to a single truck.
There was a GLUT OF USED-EQUIPMENT-FOR-SALE because of the DOWN-SIZING AND EXODUS of Professional Lawn Care businesses.
Professional Lawn Care businesses were simply ABANDONED ― no one was able to buy or sell a Professional Lawn Care business.
In the Province of Ontario, the Professional Lawn Care Industry LOST OVER 500,000,000 DOLLARS.
By 2009, OVER 5,000 HAPLESS VICTIMS were UNEMPLOYED ( full time employees and summer students ).
Because of the LUNATIC-TERRORIST-PROHIBITION, Professional Lawn Care businesses were forced to TERMINATE many or most of their employees.
By 2011, over 12,500 were UNEMPLOYED.
In Ontario, Professional Lawn Care applicators are licenced by the Ministry of the Environment ( MOE ) as « Landscape Exterminators ».
Licensed MOE Landscape Exterminators in 2000 = 2000 plus
Licensed MOE Landscape Exterminators in 2011 = just over 900
Observers are expecting 780 BUSINESS FAILURES OR BANKRUPTCIES.
The Environmental Factor
The Environmental Factor was/is a SUPPLIER of Green Alternative Pesticides to conventional pest control products, such as Corn Gluten Meal Herbicide.
It also operates a handful of lawn care company FRANCHISES.
Despite views to the contrary, The Environmental Factor NEVER had a SUSTAINED 400 per cent increase in sales.
Unfortunately, Environmental Factor’s BUSINESS GROWTH SEVERELY DETERIORATED because demand PLUMMETED for Corn Gluten Meal since it does NOT control ANY weeds under ANY circumstances.
Unfortunately, Environmental Factor’s BUSINESS GROWTH SEVERELY DETERIORATED because demand PLUMMETED for Corn Gluten Meal ― this product does NOT control ANY weeds under ANY circumstances.
Ontario Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION was NOT positive for ANYONE, except when they received FREE MONEY from the government.
TREACHERY of The Environmental Factor
The Environmental Factor was among several organizations that CONSPIRED TO IMPOSE PROHIBITION of conventional pest control products in the Province of Ontario, and the government showed its gratitude through the Agricultural Adaptation Council.
The Environmental Factor is an example of a supply company CONSPIRING TO IMPOSE PROHIBITION of conventional pest control products, and then, ATTEMPTING to move in with its own line of INEFFECTIVE, INADEQUATE, HIGH-RISK, MORE TOXIC, and STUNNINGLY EXPENSIVE Green Alternative Pesticides.
The owner of The Environmental Factor, Lorelei Hepburn, even went out of her way to PLAY A STARRING ROLE in an Anti-Pesticide PROPAGANDA VIDEO.
Lorelei Hepburn BETRAYED Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry in order to later PROFIT from the sale of Green Alternative Pesticides.
For the Hepburn Anti-Pesticide PROPAGANDA VIDEO, go to the following link …
Agricultural Adaptation Council
Not surprisingly, PROHIBITION brought with it an urgent need to develop so-called Green Alternative Pesticides ( a.k.a. « new approaches » ) to somehow replace conventional pest control products.
In 2010, the Government of Ontario, through the Ministry of Environment, provided an initial 480-THOUSAND-DOLLARS to the NON-EXPERT Agricultural Adaptation Council ( AAC ) to establish the Cosmetic Use Pesticide Research and Innovation ( CUPRI ) funding to investigate so-called « new approaches » to pest control.
The Environmental Factor BENEFITED from this FREE TAX-PAYER MONEY !
Squandering Grant Money on a DISMAL FAILURE
The Government of Ontario SQUANDERED and WASTED 30-THOUSAND-DOLLARS.
The Environmental Factor is NOT a research organization.
The PRETEXT FOR THE GOVERNMENT GRANT PAY-OFF was « research » into the efficacy of Hydrolyzed Liquid Corn Gluten in controlling weeds, compared to the granular formulation.
In essence, the Government of Ontario GAINED A VESTED FINANCIAL INTEREST in Hydrolyzed Liquid Corn Gluten.
The Government of Ontario was in SEVERE CONFLICT-OF-INTEREST with Green Alternative Pesticides …
… just as much as the CONFLICT-OF-INTEREST with The Environmental Factor’s VERY ACTIVE SUPPORT of Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION.
Corn Gluten Meal Herbicide … DISMAL FAILURE
University research has already concluded that CORN GLUTEN MEAL IS A DISMAL FAILURE as a weed control product.
Corn Gluten Meal DOES NOT CONTROL ANY WEEDS, in ANY trials, under ANY circumstances.
For more information about Corn Gluten Meal Herbicide, go to the following link …
City of Oshawa
The Environmental Factor also BENEFITED FROM FREE TAX-PAYER MONEY from the City of Oshawa, Ontario.
Since 2009, The Environmental Factor has been on the Oshawa payroll for AT LEAST TWENTY-FIVE-THOUSAND-DOLLARS.
The pretext for the Oshawa GRANT PAY-OFFS ― « research » into the Green Alternative control of Chinch Bug insects with Neem Oil.
Incidentally, Neem Oil is NOT Health-Canada-Approved and it is FEDERALLY-ILLEGAL to use in Canada.
Here are some examples of the OSHAWA GRANT PAY-OFFS ―
● June 2009, $ 12,678.75
● August 2009, $ 973.50
● June 2010, $ 5,581.50
● September 2010, $ 6,191.27
Again, The Environmental Factor is NOT a research organization.
The Environmental Factor is NOT a good example of BUSINESS GROWTH under PROHIBITION.
The Environmental Factor BETRAYED-FOR-PROFIT the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry.
The Environmental Factor should Get OFF Our grASS and Roast In Hell.
Pesticide Truths Reports
The Environmental Factor
2004 00 00 ― THE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR ( Prohibition-Terrorist-Organization ) ― Lorelei Hepburn ― Ontario Conspiracy To Prohibit Pest Control Products ― Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( CAPE ) ― Lunatic-Terrorist Propaganda to Prohibit Pest Control Products
Summary ―
Alleged 400 per cent increase in sales, despite the fact the VERY SAME claim was made in a 2009 news release.
Is this an example of a supply company seeking the PROHIBITION of conventional pest control products, and then, whose Enviro-Vermin-Salesmen move in with their own line of STUNNINGLY EXPENSIVE and HIGHLY PROFITABLE, but BOGUS, INEFFECTIVE, and often HIGH-RISK Green Alternative Products ?!?!
VIDEO ( 10-Minutes ) ― Lorelei Hepburn ― CAPE-Lunatic Propaganda ―
2009 03 18 ― THE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR ( Prohibition-Terrorist-Organization ) ― Ontario Conspiracy To Prohibit Pest Control Products ― Professor Keith Solomon ― 2,4-D Weed Control ― Gideon Forman ( Non-Expert CAPE-Lunatic Fund-Raiser and Paid-For-Profit-ILLEGAL-Lobbyist ) ― Environmental Factor, Turf Logic, and Organic Landscape Alliance ( Prohibition-Terrorist-Organizations )
Summary ―
Turf Logic and Environmental Factor ― both fall under the same umbrella organization, which is called Organic Landscape Alliance.
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment and Organic Landscape Alliance ― pretty much the same voice in matters concerning the environment ― both also appear to act as MERE SALES REPRESENTATIVES for THEIR own brands of products and professional lawn care services.
FON Report ―
2009 10 19 ― THE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR ( Prohibition-Terrorist-Organization ) ― Lorelei Hepburn ― Enviro-PROFIT ― Nematode Insecticides ― Ontario Conspiracy To Prohibit Pest Control Products
Summary ―
We can make tons of money because NEMATODES are NOT FEDERALLY REGISTERED.
Is this an example of a supply company seeking the PROHIBITION of conventional pest control products, and then, whose Enviro-Vermin-Salesmen move in with their own line of STUNNINGLY EXPENSIVE and HIGHLY PROFITABLE, but BOGUS, INEFFECTIVE, and often HIGH-RISK Green Alternative Products ?!?!
FON Report in Pesticide Truths ―
FON Report ―
2011 01 05 ― THE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR ( Prohibition-Terrorist-Organization ) ― BOGUS Ontario Pest Control Products ― Neem Oil Insecticide Sold on the Pretext to Shine Your Lawns Leaf Blades ― Liquid Corn Gluten Herbicide Sold on the Pretext of Being a Bio-Stimulant ― NemaGlobe Grub Buster Nematode Insecticide That Supposedly Kills ALL Kinds of Grubs
Summary ―
VIDEO ( 3-Minutes ) ― Environmental Factor Lawn Care Service ― Promotion of BOGUS Organic Service on GARBAGE DUMP Lawn ― Applicator Unable to Properly Use a ChemLawn Gun.
VIDEO ( 2-Minutes ) ― How to Use Nematode Insecticide Featuring NemaGlobe Grub Busters ― Lorelei Hepburn.
Pesticide Truths Reports ―
2011 03 00 ― ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR ( Prohibition-Terrorist-Organization ) ― BOGUS Ontario Pest Control Products ― Neem Oil Insecticide Sold on the Pretext to Shine Your Lawns Leaf Blades ― Enviro-PROFIT ― VIOLATING Federal Law ― Neem Oil Insecticide ― City of Oshawa, Ontario ― On Payroll for TWENTY-FIVE-THOUSAND-DOLLARS
Summary ―
For an alternative control of chinch bugs try neem oil. It is a plant extract that is a natural insecticide ― The City of Oshawa is paying out large amounts of money to The Environmental Factor on a regular basis …
June 2009 ― $ 12,678.75
August 2009 ― $ 973.50
June 2010 ― $ 5,581.50
September 2010 ― $ 6,191.27
Pesticide Truths Report ―
Pesticide Truths Report ― Official Document ― City of Oshawa ― Neem Oil Recommendation ―
Pesticide Truths Report ― Official Document ― City of Oshawa ― Neem Oil Recommendation ― 2011 03 00 ―
Pesticide Truths Report ― Official Document ― City of Oshawa ― Pledging Support for Prohibition ― 2008 05 08 ―
Pesticide Truths Report ― Official Documents ― City of Oshawa ― Payments to the Environmental Factor ―
Pesticide Truths Report ― The Environmental Factor ― BOGUS Pest Control Products ― Text and Videos ―
2011 04 01 ― ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR ( Prohibition-Terrorist-Organization ) ― FAILURE of Organic Lawn Maintenance ― The DISMAL FAILURE of BOGUS Organo-Lunatic-Maintenance by The Environmental Factor ― Don't be fooled by BOGUS Organo-Lunatic-Maintenance ― The Environmental Factor Results Are BOGUS ! ― 2010 VIDEO ADVERTISEMENT with Lorelei Hepburn ― UNVERIFIABLE Claims Concerning Pesticide-Free ― COMPLAINT CHANNELS
Summary ―
The Environmental Factor maintains the DUBIOUS claim that it somehow has the PRETENTIOUS mandate of Protecting The Earth One Lawn At A Time with BOGUS Organo-Lunatic-Maintenance.
These Enviro-VERMIN must be RATTED-OUT through the appropriate COMPLAINT CHANNELS.
FON Report ―
Pesticide Truths Reports
The Environmental Factor Franchises
2011 08 25 — THE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR ( Prohibition-Terrorist-Organization ) ― FAILURE of ORGANIC Lawn Care ― Ontario Pesticide Ban Reality ― The Environmental Factor Inc. DISMAL Company Failure ― Equipment Fire Sale
Summary ―
ONE-COMPANY-PER-WEEK DISAPPEARS INTO TOTAL OBLIVION, thanks to Anti-Pesticide Activists and the PROHIBITION conspiracy.
Not even the so-called Anti-Pesticide lawn care franchises are spared.
The Anti-Pesticide lawn care franchises that BETRAYED the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry are now DISINTEGRATING UNDER THE WEIGHT OF THEIR TREACHERY AND BETRAYAL.
The Environmental Factor, the lawn care franchise company that VERY ACTIVELY CONSPIRED to have pest control products PROHIBITED in Ontario, has also become a VICTIM of BUSINESS FAILURE and BANKRUPTCY.
In 2004, this DESPICABLE company ACTIVELY PARTICIPATED with Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.
Good Riddance … more DISMAL FAILURES of Lunatic Anti-Pesticide Companies that BETRAYED the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry.
The Environmental Factor should Get OFF Our grASS and Roast In Hell.
Pesticide Truths Reports ―
Pesticide Truths Reports
Lorelei Hepburn ( Owner )
2004 00 00 ― LORELEI HEPBURN ( Lunatic-Enviro-Culprit ) ― The Environmental Factor and Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment ( Prohibition-Terrorist-Organizations ) ― Lunatic-Terrorist Propaganda to Prohibit Pest Control Products ― CAPE-Lunatic Propaganda 10-Minute Video
Summary ―
Alleged 400 per cent increase in sales, despite the fact the VERY SAME claim was made in a 2009 news release.
Is this an example of a supply company seeking the PROHIBITION of conventional pest control products, and then, whose Enviro-Vermin-Salesmen move in with their own line of STUNNINGLY EXPENSIVE and HIGHLY PROFITABLE, but BOGUS, INEFFECTIVE, and often HIGH-RISK Green Alternative Products ?!?!
VIDEO ( 10-Minutes ) ―
2009 10 19 ― LORELEI HEPBURN ( Lunatic-Enviro-Culprit ) ― Enviro-PROFIT ― Nematode Insecticides ― The Environmental Factor ( Prohibition-Terrorist-Organization ) ― We can make tons of money because NEMATODES are NOT FEDERALLY REGISTERED ― Is this an example of a supply company seeking the PROHIBITION of conventional pest control products, and then, whose Enviro-Vermin-Salesmen move in with their own line of STUNNINGLY EXPENSIVE and HIGHLY PROFITABLE, but BOGUS, INEFFECTIVE, and often HIGH-RISK Green Alternative Products ?!?!
FON Report in Pesticide Truths ―
FON Report ―
The Environmental Factor – PROFITING from PROHIBITION
The NORAHG Library of Force Of Nature Reports & Letters
Force Of Nature — The Environmental Factor — 2009 10 19 — Enviro-PROFIT — Nematodes — pdf — 150 dpi
The Pesticide Truths Web-Page
COMPLAIN ABOUT The Environmental Factor
Includes the SHORT and LONG List of Complaint Channels ( link ) …