Firstly remember that Quebec has now annouced that 2,4-D the pesticide they claimed caused cancer is now SAFE.
Laws against lawn herbicides containing 2,4-D therefore remain in place, but not because they pose any real health land environmental risk. Under the NAFTA agreement with Dow, “the government of Quebec agrees that products containing 2,4-D do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment, provided that the instructions on their label are followed.” This is consistent with Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory agency and regulators in the U.S. and Europe.
There is no job creation, Environmental Factor will be out of business very shortly. Corn Gluten does not supress weeds. The Neem Oil they sell is used for illegal pesticide control, and it still does not work.
The Liquid Gold (Corn Gluten) is another one of their illegal usage products and this product does not work either.
Listen to Suzanne Elston Senior Environmental Coordiantor for the City of Oshawa tell you how Corn Gluten works better and better after every application and how 85% of Pesticides Used are Cancer Causing. What a joke. Its all LIES.
Lawn Care companies in Eastern Ontario are worth $0 now, thanks to liars like Gideon Forman.
If it were only true that alternatives that work did exist.
Listen to Gideon Forman talking about protecting public health and proving pesticides are safe:
We need to make Gideon Forman and Cathy Vakil OCFP Queens University accountable for their continued misinformation.
Ban is good
By Gideon Forman, Calgary Herald May 28, 2011 2:07 AM
Ontario lawn firms are keeping properties beautiful without toxic chemicals, and they're also making good money. For example, a company called The Environmental Factor had a 400 per cent increase in manufacturing and sales in the six months following implementation of Ontario's pesticide ban.
When pesticide regulations were passed in Eastern Canada, homeowners looked to the professionals for help, which was good for job creation and the economy. A pesticide bylaw in Calgary will do similar good things here.
Gideon Forman, Toronto Gideon Forman is executive director of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.
The Calgary Herald
via Ban is good.