Ocasio-Cortez Will Inevitably Demand
Arbitrary Nation-Wide Pesticide Bans
US fanatжcal socialist politician and activist Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez has proposed the lunatжc resolution called Green New Deal which advocates for the United States to ― • end the use of fossil fuels within 10 years [ ?!?! ] • retro-fit, upgrade, or replace every building in America with state-of-the-art energy efficiency [ ?!?! ] • totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, create affordable public transit available to all, with the goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle [ ?!?! ] • work with farmers and ranchers to create a SUSTAINABLE [ i.e. arbitrarily pesticide-free ], pollution- and greenhouse-gas-free, food system that ensures universal access to healthy food and expands independent family farming. [ ?!?! ] Inevitably, Ocasio-Cortez will demand nation-wide pesticide bans !
The lunatжc Green New Deal, estimated to cost roughly 2.5 trillion dollars per year, would be financed in part by higher taxes on the wealthy. Numerous Republicans have touted a 93-trillion-dollar price tag for the resolution. President Donald Trump has rounded that up to 100 trillion dollars. The President has encouraged her to keep BLATHERING INSANITY. 🙂
Dr Patrick Moore, the co-founder of Greenpeace, has SLAMMED fanatжcal socialist politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for being a hypocrite over living a life-style that does not align with her extremist views on climate change. Dr Moore, who has a PhD in ecology, CALLED OUT Ocasio-Cortez after she mocked a New York Post article that highlighted her numerous flights and car travel ― which are things she attacked in her lunatжc Green New Deal.
Dr Moore has called Ocasio-Cortez a POMPOUS LITTLE TWIT whose doctrines will bring about MASS DEATHS. Millions of Americans would die if the policies outlined in her lunatжc Green New Deal were implemented. If fossil fuels were banned, EVERY TREE IN THE WORLD WOULD BE CUT DOWN for fuel for cooking and heating. Dr Moore has further explained that Ocasio-Cortez is just a GARDEN-VARIETY HYPOCRITE with ZERO EXPERTISE at any of the things she pretends to know. She is TOO BIG FOR HER BRITCHES. And she WILL demand nation-wide pesticide bans ! America must STOP environmental-terrжrists like Ocasio-Cortez !
The 2019 US Lunatжc Green New Deal
Nation-Wide Pesticide
Ban Proposals Will Be Next
On February 2nd, 2019, US fanatжcal socialist politician and activist Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez submitted to the US House of Representatives the lunatжc resolution called Green New Deal, a set of proposed economic stimulus programs that aim to address so-called global warming and economic inequality.
Through coercion, intimidation, and fanatжcal-terrжr, Ocasio-Cortez has attempted to recruit other environmental hard-liners in the US Congress under the pretext that so-called global warming is, somehow, a security threat that will lead to the world ending in twelve years. [ ?!?! ]
Predictably, Ocasio-Cortez has advocated for the United States to …
• build high-speed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary. [ ?!?! ]
• decommission every nuclear plant within 10 years. [ ?!?! ]
• eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from every sector of the economy. [ ?!?! ]
• end the use of fossil fuels within 10 years. [ ?!?! ]
• guarantee a job with family-sustaining wages. [ ?!?! ]
• massively expand clean manufacturing ( ex: solar panel factories, wind turbine factories, battery and storage manufacturing, energy efficient manufacturing components ). [ ?!?! ]
• provide economic environment free of monopolies. [ ?!?! ]
• provide economic security [ i.e. free wages ] for all who are unable or unwilling to work. [ ?!?! ]
• ramp up renewable manufacturing and power production. [ ?!?! ]
• remove pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing. [ ?!?! ]
• retro-fit, upgrade, or replace every building in America with state-of-the-art energy efficiency. [ ?!?! ]
• totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, create affordable public transit available to all, with the goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle. [ ?!?! ]
• transition off of nuclear and all fossil fuels as soon as possible. [ ?!?! ]
• transition to an electrical grid running on 100 per cent renewable energy. [ ?!?! ]
• work with farmers and ranchers to create a sustainable [ i.e. arbitrarily pesticide-free ], pollution- and greenhouse-gas-free, food system that ensures universal access to healthy food and expands independent family farming. [ ?!?! ]
[ Nation-wide pesticide ban proposals will be next ! ]
The lunatжc Green New Deal, estimated to cost roughly 2.5 trillion dollars per year, would be financed in part by higher taxes on the wealthy.
Numerous Republicans have touted a 93-trillion-dollar price tag for the resolution.
President Donald Trump has rounded that up to 100 trillion dollars.
Please explore the following links …
Explore the following link …
Global Warming
The Scam Of Our Lifetime
March 3rd, 2019
The Daily Wire
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Dr Patrick Moore, the co-founder of Greenpeace, has slammed [ fanatжcal ] Socialist Politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ( Democrat – New York ) for being a hypocrite over living a life-style that does not align with her extremist views on climate change [ as indicated in her lunatжc resolution called Green New Deal ].
Dr Moore, who has a PhD in ecology, called out Ocasio-Cortez after she mocked a New York Post article that highlighted her numerous flights and car travel ― which are things she attacked in her [ lunatжc ] Green New Deal.
Pompous Little Twit Ocasio-Cortez
We’re In Charge
According to [ fanatжcal socialist politician ] Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez on February 22nd, 2019 ―
If you don’t like the [ lunatжc ] #GreenNewDeal, then come up with your own ambitious, on-scale proposal to address the GLOBAL CLIMATE CRISIS. [ ?!?! ]
Until then, WE’RE IN CHARGE ― and you’re just shouting from the cheap seats.
[ Ocasio-Cortez has advocated for the United States to end the use of fossil fuels within 10 years. ?!?! ]
The Wisdom of Dr Patrick Moore ― response on February 23rd, 2019 ―
You don’t have a plan to grow food for 8 billion people without fossil fuels, or get the food into the cities.
Horses ?
If fossil fuels were banned EVERY TREE IN THE WORLD WOULD BE CUT DOWN for fuel for cooking and heating.
You would bring about MASS DEATH.
Pompous Little Twit Ocasio-Cortez
Eradicating All Life on Earth
Dr Moore criticizing [ fanatжcal socialist politician ] Ocasio-Cortez on February 19th, 2019 ―
@AOC ‘s [ lunatжc ] Green New Deal calls for : (J) removing green–house gases from the atmosphere. [ ?!?! ]
Technically ( scientifically ) this would mean removing all H2O vapour and all CO2 which would mean the ERADICATION of all life on Earth.
[ Ocasio-Cortez has advocated for the United States to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from every sector of the economy. ?!?! ]
Pompous Little Twit Ocasio-Cortez
Hypocrite & Zero Expertise
According to [ fanatжcal socialist politician ] Ocasio-Cortez on twitter on March 2nd, 2019 ―
I also fly and use A/C.
Living in the WORLD AS IT IS isn’t an argument against working towards a better future.
The [ lunatжc ] Green New Deal is about putting a LOT of people to work in developing new technologies, building new infra–structure, and getting us to 100 per cent renewable energy.
[ Ocasio-Cortez has advocated for the United States to massively expand clean manufacturing ( ex: solar panel factories, wind turbine factories, battery and storage manufacturing, energy efficient manufacturing components ). ?!?! ]
The Wisdom of Dr Patrick Moore ― firing back on March 3rd, 2019 ―
The « world as it is » has the option of taking the subway rather than a taxi.
Option of Amtrak rather than plane, option of opening windows rather than A/C.
You’re just a GARDEN-VARIETY HYPOCRITE like the others.
And you have ZERO EXPERTISE at any of the things you pretend to know.
This was hardly Dr Moore’s first time going after Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter.
Pompous Little Twit Ocasio-Cortez
Blathering Insanity
The Wisdom of Dr Patrick Moore on March 3rd, 2019 ―
It seems many people agree that @AOC is a bit TOO BIG FOR HER BRITCHES.
I’m in good company here.
@POTUS is right to encourage her to keep BLATHERING INSANITY.
There can’t be 5 per cent who support giving up planes, hamburgers, gasoline, and reliable electricity.
Pompous Little Twit Ocasio-Cortez
Out To Lunch
The Wisdom of Dr Patrick Moore about [ fanatжcal socialist politician ] Ocasio-Cortez’s notion that the world is going to end in 12 years on January 23rd, 2019 ―
Do you think AOC really believes the world will end in 12 years ?
Or does she think Democrats are STUPID enough to believe her ?
Either way she is way OUT TO LUNCH.
Pompous Little Twit Ocasio-Cortez
The Boss
At an event at the New York Hall of Science on February 22nd, 2019, [ fanatжcal socialist politician ] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez described why it was important for her to have introduced her [ lunatжc ] Green New Deal, saying « I am the boss » ―
I am at least trying and they’re not.
So, the power is in the person who’s trying, regardless of the success.
If you’re trying, you’ve got all the power.
You’re driving the agenda.
You’re doing all this stuff.
I just introduced Green New Deal two weeks ago and it is creating all of this conversation.
Why ?
Because no one else has even tried.
Because no one else has even tried.
So people are like :
Oh, it’s unrealistic.
Oh, it’s vague.
Oh, it doesn’t address this little minute thing.
And I am like :
You try !
You do it !
Cause you’re not !
Cause you’re not !
So until you do it, I AM THE BOSS.
How about that !
The Wisdom of Dr Patrick Moore in response to [ fanatжcal socialist politician ] Ocasio-Cortez’s recent claim that « I am the boss » on March 3rd, 2019 ―
Good photo of @AOC after being told she’s not really in charge, or The Boss.
[ See card below. ]
February 11th, 2019
Green Jihad
Video Recording
The Wisdom Of Dr Patrick Moore
In this interview with The New American, Greenpeace co-founder Dr Patrick Moore warns that the [ lunatжc ] Green New Deal proposed by congressional Democrats is a recipe for MASS SUICIDE.
Dr Moore, who left Greenpeace for reasons he outlines in the interview, says millions of Americans would die if the policies outlined in the [ lunatжc ] Green New Deal were implemented.
Patrick Moore -- 2019 02 11 -- Green New Deal A Recipe for Mass Suicide -- Video Recording -- 06 Minutes 07 Seconds
Explore the following link …
Dr Patrick Moore
The Media Library Of References
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
Reference –
Reference — Culprit — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — 2019 00 00 — Hit Piece – A.O.C. – S.O.S. — VIVISXN
[ Fanatжcal socialist politician ] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ( AOC ) is a cжnt-face collectivist striving to make America impoverished and impotent.
We hope she falls off a cliff !
Cжnt-face Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez signifies the new political-economic savageness in America.
Her doofy agenda demonstrates the rampant financial illiteracy amongst her gen.
It will be a cжm-dripping orgy of collectivism, led by a gender-fluid mob of commissars in an effort to fashion « Potemkin America » in the most glistening, queer-eyed, beer-goggled form-factor possible.
Enter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ( AOC ), the Madam mutant congress-woman, Bronx District hood-winker, and ex-barmaid succubus, who promises to sap the nation’s wealthiest ( « greediest » ) swash-bucklers and nationalize everything that’s not batten down with industrial-grade rivets.
Healthcare will be « universal », of course, and tuition debtors will be totally let off the hook.
Oh, and a 70 per cent marginal income tax will be levied along with free condos for all, complete with a 100 per cent squeaky-clean climate.
« Totes cool. »
ICE will be long gone, too.
Whoohoo !
None of that will make the USA a better nation-state.
And then imagine how perturbed Russia, China, France and Venezuela will be when the bug-eyed-zombie Medusa takes up her policy of exporting the New Bolshevism from the Bronx/Queens to other lands ― « because, OMG, like socialism is sooo next-level ».
Been there, done that, they’ll argue.
And maybe they’ll have to smack the Dems down in order to drive the point home, hmmm.
Perhaps the philosopher-poet Bono will remind us again that capitalism is … um, « fundamentally amoral ».
But we digress.
Cжnt-face Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ( D-NY ) made juicy headlines a few months back when she confessed that she wouldn’t be able to afford the exorbitant Washington, DC, rent until her government comp kicks in.
The lack of affordable housing in the capital is no laughing matter, but the predicament also speaks to the hare-brained lawmaker’s financial/economic literacy — or lack thereof.
The 29-year-old didn’t think to consider something as rudimentary as the relocation expenses of a new gig and other personal economic outlays in the future.
If she didn’t know how much a flat would cost, how much confidence should struggling tax-payers and « Millennial serfs » have in her ability to effectively deliver trillions of dollars in campaign promises ?
Does she realize that Uncle Sam’s liabilities, on a net present value ( NPV ) basis, is the present value of cash in-flows less the present value of cash outflows ?
Her tax proposal ( parameterized using public debt, interest rates, inflation, and government revs versus expenses ), represents a crushing step function in the wrong direction ― soaring deficits and future liabilities that will catapult post-Millennials into a sea of insolvency.
AOC has proposed free « Medicare for All », free college tuition, guaranteed federal employment at $15 bucks an hour and free houses for the nation’s most poverty-stricken.
These ideas have been conservatively priced at 42 trillion dollars ― twice as much cheddar currently recorded on the nation’s ledgers and nearly 2x the country’s GDP.
It’s the kind of numb-skull proposal you’d expect to hear from someone who has never made a budget, never been responsible for a business and payroll, and never had taxes deducted from a hard-earned paycheck.
It’s the kind of proposition you’ve heard from Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, France’s full-retard Presidents François Mitterrand and Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron, Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe, and Mao Zedong.
While an undergraduate student at Boston University [ BU ], AOC’s course-work in econ and international relations ( she has a BA in the blended subject ― go BU ! ) apparently didn’t register all that much.
She’s definitely not the sharpest econo-metric tool in the shed ( poor thang ), but Boston University’s economics curriculum obviously emphasizes neo-Keynesian, neo-Marxist, and other bunk doctrines on homo economicus and globalization ― schools of thought that purport to show that unbridled capitalism leads to ever-increasing income asymmetry and to the erosion of liberal values, and that the only solution is for central planners/bureaucrats/freshmen congresswomen to engage in far more aggressive efforts to forcibly seize the wealth of people who have « too much ».
Think Thomas Piketty, Paul Krugman, Joseph Stiglitz, Lawrence Summers, and other egg-heads with anti-capitalist tilts.
The problem with her cornucopia of financial « freebies » is ―
1. It’s unbelievably naïve and economically irresponsible ( she’s a hyper-sonic debt bomb, ya’ll ! ), and
2. It’s empirically falsifiable to think the federal government is more cost-efficient than free markets and « laissez faire » dynamics.
The first rule of « economic law » is that « there’s no such thing as a free lunch ».
Choices have costs; trade-offs abound and rational economics requires the recognition of individual rights and the banishment of physical force from human relationships.
That includes coercive punitive taxes and wacky wealth-redistribution policies.
Economics helps us understand that it is entrepreneurs, inventors, investors, traders, « worker bees » and new ideas ― propelled by ordinary/enterprising people left to their own individual initiatives and devices ― that power an economy.
AOC should have learned that at Boston University.
Instead, she absorbed the tissue of lies that distills bogus egalitarian economics taught to most American undergrads ― Marx, Mao, post-modernism and procrustean Utopian-Fascist « freak-anomics ».
If you want to witness young, successful people who are making a positive mark on society, look at risk-takers who started their own businesses, got their foot in the door at a productive firm or planned long-range for a personal goal that they achieved on their own accord, by their own merit.
Most people don’t want to be stuck in a 15-dollars-an-hour, guaranteed government job because it stunts long-term opportunities and stifles personal growth.
The private sector incentivizes hard work and inculcates a risk-reward mentality, and it pays better than any government gig or statist sinecure.
Unfortunately, the world-view espoused by AOC, [ and other socialist lunatжcs ] Bernie Sanders, anti-Israeli [ Jew-hating Muslim ] congress-woman Ilhan Omar ( D-Minn ), and Elizabeth Warren, canvases the economy as a zero-sum equation unless the government directs people’s choices and allocates the « people’s resources ».
Their proposals call for cascading benefits on select groups and paying for it by taking money from the wealthy and re-allocating it to the beggarly.
If millionaires and corporations are losing, then surely welfare recipients will be winning, their logic holds.
That’s not how the global economy works.
The free market is the world’s most kick-ass poverty alleviation program and optimal asset allocator in human history.
Market investment and entrepreneurship far out-perform government investment on a risk-adjusted basis, and the resulting boom in economic activity benefits everyone, particularly the poor and the « dregs of society ».
There’s also the tragic, non-linear consequence of today’s trendy Democratic Socialist logic.
If you actually added $42 trillion to the U.S. national debt, as AOC has retardedly suggested ―
• It would be hard up young people and future generations who have to bear the astronomical burden of paying down the principle and making timely interest expenses;
• America’s sovereign balance sheet would balloon FUBAR-style;
• Interest rates could spontaneously spike many orders of magnitude higher; and
• Next gen cohorts would suffer a precipitous decline in living standards and a weaker currency.
America would essentially become « Europeanized » or worse.
It’s the kind of profligacy that puts civilizations on the « edge of chaos » characterized by sharp imbalances between revenues, expenditures and idiotic left-wing populism.
The proliferation of these ill-conceived economic ideas over the past few years speaks to the lack of economic literacy intrinsic to the Millennial mind ( yeah, you, AOC ! ) and Gen Z.
It also showcases the silly, irrational, and ideologically bankrupt chalk talk in our college classrooms.
Graduates of Boston University’s economics program are supposed to be able to « grasp economic theory … and be able to apply these models to evaluate policies and real-world events », according to the university’s web-site.
AOC would do well to understand that the path to prosperity is not built on government handouts and boon-doggles, but on free individuals unleashing their human creativity to advance the greater good.
An honest to goodness economics debate between AOC’s « black hole abracadabra economics » versus the rational sort ( we like Thomas Sowell, Richard Salsman, Kevin Hassett, James Rickards, etc … ) is overdue.
By exposing the flimsy, filthy arguments of naive central planners like AOC, it will help young people understand economics better than any college course ever could « à la brute » realism and « baptism by fire ».
AOC is a political-economic savage who stands for 100 per cent self-sacrifice, which means: self-immolation, self-abnegation, self-denial, self-destruction ― which means ― the self as a standard of evil, the selfless as a standard of the good.
That is a perverse inversion of objective economics and human nature, and we hope Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez falls off a cliff ASAP.
Fжck her !
July 31st, 2018
Interview on PBS’ Firing Line
Video Recording
Captain Kirk Mocks Ocasio-Cortez’s Empty-Headed Melt-Down
Margaret Hoover’s calling out of Ocasio-Cortez’s factually challenged position on Israel is embarrassing, and makes one wonder « How can someone know so little about a topic and yet be so passionate about it ? »
Kirk and the crew could only handle so much before breaking out the phasers on this space-alien member of the planet of the Democratic Socialists !
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- 2018 07 16 -- Captain Kirk Mocks AOC’s Melt-Down -- Video Recording -- 02 Minutes 30 Seconds
February 26th, 2019
Dr Alex Berezow
American Council On Science And Health
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
References –
I’d like to propose a plan to put Americans on Jupiter by 2030.
It goes like this ―
Rocket fuel is too heavy and polluting, so we will build special spacecraft that harness the energy of the stars, fusion power.
Because Jupiter is really far away ― as in 600 days away ― we will travel at light speed.
That cuts the trip to something like 33 minutes.
( Perfect ! That’s just enough time to watch an episode of The Big Bang Theory. )
Once we land on the planet, we will proudly plant a gigantic flag of the United Nations on its soil to celebrate this triumph of humanity.
Naysayers and other people who hate science inevitably will point out some flaws in this plan.
Fusion power isn’t yet feasible, they’ll say.
They’ll whine about how the laws of physics don’t permit travel at light speed.
And they’ll complain that Jupiter doesn’t have a surface to land on.
These losers just don’t have any vision.
A Realistic Alternative To Ocasio-Cortez’s [ Lunatжc ] Green New Deal
Does all that sound ridiculously arrogant and scientifically illiterate ?
Of course it does.
Yet, that’s basically how new Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ( AOC ) has responded to the critics of her [ lunatжc ] Green New Deal.
We’re all idiots.
She’s a visionary.
[ Fanatжcal socialist politician ] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s remark to « come up with your own ambitious, on-scale proposal » is precisely the sort of uneducated statement a person who knows literally nothing about a topic says.
It’s reminiscent of the anti-vaxxers who say, « if vaccines are so safe, show me the evidence ! »
There are entire research papers and books dedicated to energy policy.
AOC just hasn’t bothered to read any of them.
As it turns out, the solution to climate change isn’t all that complicated.
It won’t be accomplished in 12 years ― we couldn’t even re-build the World Trade Center in 12 years.
But it can be done.
I wrote a brief, 550-word article that gives a general outline.
If even that’s too long, here’s the abbreviated version ―
[ See next segments. ]
Here’s An Alternative To The Lunatжc Green New Deal
1. Nuclear Power
Start building generation iv nuclear power plants right now.
Not next year.
Not tomorrow.
Right now.
They are melt-down-proof and the best source of carbon-free energy on the planet.
Research suggests that the entire world could be on nuclear power within 25 years.
Here’s An Alternative To The Lunatжc Green New Deal
2. Natural Gas
In the meantime, phase out coal while embracing natural gas.
Natural gas burns cleaner than coal.
If you object to this, then do #1 faster.
Here’s An Alternative To The Lunatжc Green New Deal
3. Energy Infra-Structure
Upgrade our energy infra-structure with a smart grid, smart meters, better capacitors, and better transmission lines.
All of this is necessary if we want to rely at least in part on solar and wind.
( But solar and wind aren’t really necessary; see #1. )
Here’s An Alternative To The Lunatжc Green New Deal
4. Solar And Fusion Power
Invest in solar and fusion power research.
Current solar technology is too inefficient.
The break-through we’ve been seeking in solar hasn’t happened yet, but it could.
Similarly, fusion is theoretically the best source of energy ( even better than nuclear ), but scientists haven’t figured this one out yet.
It turns out that recreating the sun on earth is kind of hard.
Here’s An Alternative To The Lunatжc Green New Deal
5. Electric Car Technology
As our energy infrastructure improves, electric car technology will improve along with it, making fossil fuels largely obsolete.
( Airplanes might always need fossil fuels, though, much to AOC’s chagrin. )
That’s it.
It’s not a sexy plan, but it’s a realistic one.
We could actually accomplish this, but so far, there has been no political will whatsoever to do it.
Oddly, the biggest opponents are environmentalists, people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Explore the following links …
National Prohibition
The Complete Media History Of
U.S. Anti-Pesticide & Environmental Terrжrism
Victories & Failures ――― State Pre-Emptions
National Prohibition
The Media History Of The National Annihilation
Of The Modern Green Space Industry
National Prohibition
Conspiracy To Annihilate The Green Space Industry
National Prohibition
Ontario Provincial Prohibition
National Prohibition
Anti-Pesticide & Environmental-Terrжrist Organizations
Explore the following links …
The Era Of Trump
Epidemiology Standards
The Era Of Trump
An 11-Year-Old Boy & A Dream At The White House
The Era Of Trump
Evaluating President Trump’s Choices
The Era Of Trump
2016’s Man Of The Year Is Now President Of The United States
The Era Of Trump
Replacing The Worst President In Modern History
The Era Of Trump
Top Adviser Says Pesticides Aren’t Bad For You
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The Era Of Trump
How To Get Rid Of Pesticide-Hating Fanatжcs
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged pesticide-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths.
Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs, like Ocasio-Cortez, have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brain-child of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/ If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com WILLIAM H GATHERCOLE AND NORAH G