Can we be the first on PesticideTruths.Com to say "WE TOLD YOU SO".
If you don't want to stand up for Health Canada Approved Pesticides while you watch other Industry Members FAIL from the results of the Ontario Pesticide Ban, then you truly deserve what is coming to you. Sod Farmers better wake up too… The MOE is on their own side, protecting their paycheques not the Green Industry or the Environment.
A first step is to shut down the Canadian Cancer Society and Gideon Forman. Take them to court, the costs to the rest of the Industry will be alot cheaper in the long run if you act NOW!. We all know the Canadian Cancer Society, Cape, Ontario College of Family Physicians claims are baseless, yet they have not be challenged in a court of law. All the information you will need to successfully litigate has been archived on this site, including Audio and Video clips of Key Enviromentalist Lies and Deceits.
Do the right thing this time and FIGHT BACK against Enviro-Terror.
Canadian Nursery Landscape Association
7856 Fifth Line South | Milton, ON L9T 2X8
Tel. 1-888-446-3499 |
Pollinators play a critical role in the health of plants and our ecosystem. In the past couple of
years, the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA) has become aware of issues
around pollinator health in Canada. High profile bee deaths have been reported in 2012 and
2013 from Ontario and Quebec and some have implicated the use of neonicotinoid insecticides
as a key factor in these deaths. Internationally, bees have been subject to decline by many
factors. It is very hard to pinpoint the exact cause of bee decline as it is a very complex issue.
Pesticides are only one component of this very complex issue.
There is a wealth of information available on-line for those requiring more detailed information on
this complex topic. Please follow this link for a few recommended articles which provide scientific
and balanced information.
A host of industries within the agricultural sector, including wholesale nursery and greenhouse
floriculture, have been implicated as contributors to the declining bee population through their use
of neonicotinoids. As this is currently an important issue, owners of retail garden centres,
wholesale nursery growers and landscape construction and maintenance companies can expect
to receive questions from the general public and even the press. The following represents the
position of the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association.
1. The CNLA recognizes the importance of pollinators in our ecosystem and its members take a
cautious approach to all pest management practices to mitigate any effect on bees.
2. The issue of bee decline is a very complex problem. The use of insecticides in greenhouses
and nurseries are not a significant cause of the problems that beekeepers have had in recent
years. Varroa mite and Colony Collapse Disorder are also considered to be important
contributing issues.
3. All pesticides are applied according to integrated pest management principles and used as a
last resort. Only pesticides approved by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (Health
Canada) are used in accordance with label instructions and by certified applicators.
4. The plants grown in nurseries and greenhouses are safe for people to buy and plant in their
yards. By the time homeowners put the plants in their garden any pesticide residues would be
virtually undetectable or not existent altogether.
5. Homeowners are encouraged to not to spray flowers with an insecticide after they are planted
and to avoid spraying flowering trees, shrubs and perennials until after they are done blooming.
6. The disappearance of natural habitats is seen as a contributing factor to the decline of various
forms of wildlife, including bees and butterflies. The nursery and landscape sectors encourage
and participate in the rejuvenation of natural corridors, thereby making this "green industry" a part
of the solution.
7. Neonicotinoids have been scientifically proven to be far more effective and less harmful than
formerly used products. The use of these products by industry is very low and well-controlled. It
is important to recognize that these new products play a vital role in the control of other pests
such as hemlock woolly adelgid and Asian longhorned beetle. CNLA members do not endorse
widespread use of any chemical but believe that many factors must be taken into account in
protecting the environment.