The Great Ideas Summer Conference!
Date: July 21, 2010
Place: Bigelow Nurseries, Charlton, MA
Sponsored by: The Massachusetts Flower Growers Association (MFGA) and Massachusetts Nursery Landscape Association (MNLA) and University of Massachusetts Extension
Join Massachusetts’ largest green industry associations – MFGA and MNLA – for their seventh annual collaborative event, the 2010 Summer Meeting and Trade Show on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 for a full day of education, trade show and a mixed planters competition. Featured speakers are Dr. Kristin Getter, Michigan State University on “Marketing to the Post-Recession and Eco-Consumer”, Tony DiGiovanni, Executive Director, Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association on “Pesticide Bans in Canada – Is the US Next?”, Dr Ted Bilderbeck, North Carolina State University on “Pot in Pot Cultural Methods for Nursery Production”, John Mangus, USDA on Risk Management…and a panel of grower/retailers from Cauley Garden Center, Lakeview Nurseries, Nunan Florist and Greenhouses and Russell’s Garden Center discussing challenges, changes and outlooks for the future. Plus….demonstrations on calibrating pesticide sprayers, pruning trees and shrubs, scouting for pests on trees and shrubs and talks on Asian Longhorn Beetle and Lyme Disease by University of Massachusetts experts.