Things have been pretty quiet lately, but we do have a brief update on what we have been working on:
Application Records:
The Oregon Health Authority has received the requested application records from ODA and ODF, and is in the process of reviewing them and extracting information that will be useful in the exposure investigation.
Community Gathered Data:
· The investigation team received the Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS) data collected by members of the community. A POCIS sampling device collects a sample of water from a specific location over a period of time. POCIS devices can capture various contaminants that flow through an area, and because they are in place for a long period of time they can detect trace level contaminants. The results tell us if there are any contaminants in the water, but are not appropriate to be used as a measure of exposure.
· We expect to receive air monitoring data results from the community soon.
· OHA is working with Dr. Dana Barr to gain access to her data and to develop an understanding of the process by which the samples were collected and analyzed.
Public Health Assessment:
OHA is in the process of preparing the public health assessment report. We are making decisions on the scope of the report, which has been expanded to include additional data sources. This in turn has extended the time-frame for release. By mid-summer we will have a better estimate on when the report will be released.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me:
Karen Bishop
Karen Bishop, MPH | Environmental Public Health Educator
Environmental Health Assessment Program www.healthoregon.org/ehap
971.673.1219 | karen.bishop@state.or.us