A single Pesticide Applicaiton of Confront Herbicide has been once again put on the back burner.
Petition Demand that the Park District Use Chemical Free Lawn Care
Turf Management Discussion / Resolution No. 11-05
Park Board Unanimously in favor of Resolution No. 11-05
All Board members will help with hand weeding.
Kaplan and Weiskropf would like to be on Advisory Board.
Waxman hopes the 500 plus signatures on the chemical free petition will be out hand weeding too.
Michelle Kramer, Dean Moucher and Kim Stone will help organize volunteers.
Users of Sports Fields, students, etc…
One resident pointed out that hand weeding is not as easy as it sounds. Regrowth will occur.
Uncle Adolph
We will be watching the outcome of this, residents have November, April and May 2012 to succeed. If the resident fail in their task they have nobody to blame but themselves. This is quite a challenge.