List Attached Below
List of Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential
Thank you for your interest in EPA's Pesticide Program. The document "Office of Pesticide Programs List of Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential" is currently available via email or mail. If you would like a copy of this document, please call or write to:
Communication Services Branch (7506P)
Office of Pesticide Programs
US Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460
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via List of Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential | Pesticides | US EPA.
An EPA Group D example below:
Group D‐‐Not Classifiable as to Human Carcinogenicity
Oxytetracycline: A group of products that are used on Fruit Trees and on Young Childrens Faces for Acne:
If you're using a drug or a medicated cream to treat your acne, you're not alone: the American Academy of Dermatology estimates that Americans spend about $1.2 billion a year to treat acne. Most people use over-the-counter treatments, such as those that include benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. But if your acne looks particularly inflammed and infected, your dermatologist might recommend you take an oral antibiotic, such as oxytetracycline, to fight the infection.
Group D–Not Classifiable as to Human Carcinogenicity
Deet: DEET is the active chemical ingredient in most insect repellents available in the United States.
Here is the List Enjoy: