If you are concerned about Organophosphates in your food and feel that you are being poisoned, contact the Federal Government, Health Canada and make them aware of your findings. You will find out they have read these position papers too.
Do you think that Health Canada will ignore valid scientific information dealing with our health or the environment to pesticide dangers of Registered Products on the market and then continue to allow them to be sold / used within the general public?
Listen to Lindsay Hanson from the Pest Management Regulatory Agency talk about Health Canada Approved Pesticides
2011 : https://pesticidetruths.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/dirtybit//LHansonPMRAottawaPesticideSafety.mp3
FYI: A Co-Author of the mentioned IQ study is Dana Boyd Barr. She is a member of Beyond Pesticides.
Another Co-Author is Brenda Eskenazi :
The Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health, led by Brenda Eskenazi, professor of maternal and child health and of epidemiology. It will receive $7.5 million. The foundation of this interdisciplinary research program, oneof the original eight centers funded in 1998, is a longitudinal study of primarily low-income, Mexican immigrant women and their children living in the agricultural community of California’s Salinas Valley. The researchers are studying the healthimpact of exposures
Prenatal Exposure to Organophosphate Pesticides and IQ in 7-Year Old Children
Gilbert Ross:
A fusillade of recent items by the New York Times, US News, CNN, and others purports to show how certain common pesticides lead to reduced IQs among children of women exposed to these chemicals while pregnant.
Dismayed, I carefully went over the paper that lies at the ground zero of the media frenzy. It is a study of the organophosphate (OP) class of pesticides by a group of researchers based at the University of California at Berkeley and led by Brenda Eskenazi.
2005 Health Canada :
Re-evaluation of Organophosphate, Carbamate and Lawn Care Pesticides
Organophosphates (OPs) are a group of closely related pesticides used extensively in agricultural and non-agricultural sites that have potential to affect functioning of the nervous system. As a result of the common mechanism, a cumulative risk assessment of these pesticides is being conducted. Several of these pesticides have been voluntarily discontinued or have had their residential uses severely restricted. Completion of the re-evaluation of these pesticides and their uses is a priority of the PMRA.
Here is a Forestry Report with Adrian's name on it.
Use of pesticides
There are occasions when you might need to intervene directly by using a pesticide.
All pesticides must be used in a manner that meets federal and provincial
regulations, especially the BC Pesticide Control Act and its regulations (available
at: http://www.qp.gov.bc.ca/statreg/reg/P/319_81.htm#section%2028).
All pesticides must be used only as indicated on the label of the pesticide container,
both by method of application as well as only for listed approved target organisms. If
your target FHF is not listed on the label then that product cannot be used. People
planning to use a pesticide on public lands need to have a Pesticide Use Permit or
have an approved Pest Management Plan. Pesticide Use Permits are issued by the
Ministry of Water, Lands, Air and Parks. The person carrying out the application
needs to have a Pesticide Applicator’s Certificate.
Science shows pesticide dangers
By Adrian Behennah, Times Colonist
Re: "Science, not fear, should guide pesticide debate," April 26.
The article incorrectly asserts that "no one claims to know" the health risks of pesticides. In fact, there is a large body of medical evidence demonstrating pesticide-associated health risks, affecting everyone from the fetus to seniors.
Last month, the Times Colonist reported that researchers from Berkeley's School of Public Health found lower IQ scores in kids at age seven may be associated with prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides (such as diazinon).
Recent studies led by the U.S. National Institute of Health, U.S. National Cancer Agency, Berkeley School of Public Health, Washington University School of Medicine and Iowa College of Public Health demonstrated increases to the risk of developing Parkinson's disease, diabetes and melanoma after pesticide exposure.
Parkinson's disease risk was increased 75 per cent in agricultural workers exposed to maneb and paraquat, especially when exposure occurred at younger ages, and 2.5 times after rotenone and paraquat use. Diabetes risk increased 250 per cent after only10 exposures to trichlorofon, used on golf courses (potentially a worse risk factor than obesity).
Aldrin, chlordane, heptachlor, dichlorvos, alachlor and cynazine also increased diabetes risk. Melanoma risk was increased in appliers of carbaryl (available in garden shops, now banned locally) and maneb/mancozeb.
By comparison, there are no weeds or insects that increase the risk of fetal neurological damage, Parkinson's, diabetes or melanoma.
Potential health risks of cosmetic pesticides outweigh any benefits, and municipalities have demonstrated wisdom in enacting cosmetic pesticide bans that protect our health.
Adrian Behennah
Read more: http://www.timescolonist.com/health/Science+shows+pesticide+dangers/4716517/story.html#ixzz1LIvivS95