January 15, 2025

U.S. Environmental Terrorism – HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS


In the summer of 2011, Park District of Highland Park, in the State of Illinois, had planned to apply a weed control product on public green spaces.

COERCION and INTIMIDATION from Anti-Pesticide Activists resulted in a temporary postponement.

Anti-Pesticide Activists FALSELY ALLEGED to Highland Park Officials pest control products are somehow associated with certain health issues.

They also CONCOCTED THE STORY that pest control products somehow enter lakes and rivers through surface runoff and storm sewers.

They also ERRONEOUSLY ALLEGED that Pesticide-Free maintenance is successful for adequate turf conditions  ―  when in fact, Pesticide-Free is a DISMAL FAILURE.

Highland Park

Highland Park is one of several municipalities located on the North Shore of the Chicago Metropolitan Area.

Highland Park is a relatively affluent suburb of Chicago, located 40 kilometres north of Chicago on the shore of Lake Michigan, in the State of Illinois.

The population is over 33,000.

Highland Park is considered a Democratic stronghold, which explains the small CONSPIRACY within this community to PROHIBIT pest control products used in the Urban Landscape.

Local Anti-Pesticide Activists ALLEGED that the community was somehow shown overwhelming support for organic lawn care.

This was FALSE !

LESS THAN TWO-DOZEN Non-Expert Anti-Pesticide Lunatic-Residents COERCED, INTIMIDATED, and TERRORIZED Park Commissioners to PROHIBIT pest control products from the community’s athletic fields, under the PRETEXT that children and ground-water were at risk.

The Highland Non-Expert Anti-Pesticide Lunatics were WRONG.

COTTON-PICKING in Highland Park

Without the use of conventional pest control products, Highland Park had to resort to the BACK-BREAKING JOB OF WEED-PULLING BY HAND.

This ultimately led to DISMAL FAILURE, as it has in other jurisdictions.

Without effective weed control products, municipal employees and volunteer residents were required to CRAWL ON THEIR HANDS AND KNEES on lawns  ―  pulling weeds manually.

Highland Park’s Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION converted an educated professional labour force and middle-class home-owners into a group of mere COTTON-PICKERS !

Highland Park soon discovered that it COULD NOT afford the high cost of manual labour required for WEED-PICKING.

It also discovered that VOLUNTEERS were TOTALLY UNRELIABLE.

NO ONE wanted to be a COTTON-PICKER !

In desperation, other COTTON-PICKING MUNICIPALITIES have often been forced to enlist the help of UNRELIABLE resident VOLUNTEERS, most of whom are women, elderly, and unemployed.

Ultimately, municipalities and home-owners have been UNABLE to take care of their green spaces, and they end up LOOKING LIKE GARBAGE DUMPS.



Highland Non-Expert Anti-Pesticide Activists have attempted to compare pest control products with cigarettes.

Any comparison of CIGARETTES to pest control products is PITIFULLY RIDICULOUS, as well as LAUGHABLY STUPID !

Cigarettes have NOTHING IN COMMON with conventional pest control products.

Anti-Pesticide Activists use this NONSENSICAL COMPARISON purely as a means of COERCING and INFLUENCING the public into believing that it is necessary to PROHIBIT pest control products, despite the fact that they are GOVERNMENT-APPROVED, FEDERALLY-REGULATED, SCIENTIFICALLY-SAFE, and PRACTICALLY-NON-TOXIC.

There is NO FEDERAL REGISTRATION of tobacco products.

By comparison, there IS a FEDERAL REGISTRATION of pest control products.

There is NO agency that regulates tobacco, except perhaps for restricting access to young people.

By comparison, there IS an agency that REGULATES pest control products  ―  United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Moreover, cigarettes are ABOVE THE LAW because our governments have chosen to shield them from the regulatory process.

This is NOT the case with pest control products.

Our governments have chosen to HEAVILY REGULATE pest control products.

In America, pest control products are STRINGENTLY TESTED and REGULATED in order to ensure that they are SCIENTIFICALLY SAFE and CAUSE NO HARM.

Scientifically Safe

Pest control products used for turfgrass maintenance SELECTIVELY AND EFFECTIVELY CONTROL pests, but are COMPLETELY SAFE for other non-target organisms  ―  they DO NOT INJURE TURFGRASSES, and have NO persistence beyond season of use.

These products can be USED SAFELY because the amount required to affect human health is SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER than any potential level of exposure.

We are exposed daily to numerous examples of man-made and natural substances that may impact human health, but harmless in small doses ( example, low levels of naturally-occurring cyanide in almonds ), and conversely, ordinarily harmless substances that can be deadly if over-consumed ( example, water ).

The impact of pest control products on human health is EXTENSIVELY EVALUATED by the Environmental Protection Agency to ensure that these compounds, like other chemicals, such as prescription drugs and vitamins, are SAFE when directions for use are properly followed.

Highland Park Residents HAD NO REASON to be worried about the infiltration of pest control products into the local watershed.

Pest control products used in the Urban Landscape DO NOT enter lakes and rivers through surface runoff and storm sewers.

Moreover, it is a MYTH to believe that ANY PROHIBITION protects the environment.

Pest control products are ACCEPTABLE FOR CONTINUED USE IN AMERICA because  …

●   Pest control products are APPROVED for use by the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ).

●   EPA-Approved pest control products MEET STRICT HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDARDS.

●   Pest control products are SCIENTIFICALLY SAFE.

●   EPA-Approved pest control products provide a reasonable certainty that NO HARM will occur from their use.

●   Overall, when they are used properly, there are NO harmful irreversible effects to health and the environment.

Beyond Pesticides

Beyond Pesticides is a Non-Expert Anti-Pesticide Fund-Raising Organization that has been CONSPIRING to PROHIBIT pest control products in Highland Park.

This organization has expertise in FUND-RAISING, but has NO EXPERTISE in science or research.


Beyond Pesticides PAID two of its PARTISAN-DIRECTORS to operate as ANTI-PESTICIDE LOBBYISTS in the CONSPIRACY to PROHIBIT pest control products in the Highland Park.

One Beyond Pesticides DIRECTOR was a mere zoology professor, Warren Porter, and the other, Chip Osborne, was an organic lawn care operator with a failing business.

Neither one of these NON-EXPERT PARTISAN-DIRECTORS has ANY recognized background, training, or expertise in matters concerning pest control products.


Beyond Pesticides is operated by a CLOWNISH group who are clearly NOT COMPETENT to express ANY opinion concerning pest control products.

The Board of Directors of Beyond Pesticides is comprised of Non-Expert Activists  …

●   a duck farm operator

●   a native Indian movement organizer

●   a zoology professor

●   an indigent goat herder

●   an organic lawn care operator with a failing business

●   an organic produce distributor

In other words, the LUNATIC-CLOWNS who operate Beyond Pesticides know NOTHING about conventional pest control products !

NO ONE at Beyond Pesticides is COMPETENT TO GIVE ADVICE !


By early 2012  …

●   Park District of Highland Park CONCLUDED that Organic and Pesticide-Free Maintenance of its playing fields was a DISMAL FAILURE.


●   Highland Park’s Anti-Pesticide PROHIBITION converted an educated professional labour force and middle-class home-owners into a group of mere COTTON-PICKERS !

●   In order to rid the sports fields of weeds by using manual weeding, Highland Park observed that you would NEED AN ARMY and concluded that « we don’t think that’s a solution ».

●   Highland Park needed to RESCUE THE WEED-REDDEN SPORTS FIELDS from Organic and Pesticide-Free Maintenance FAILURES.

●   Three major sports fields were OVER-RUN with MORE THAN 60 PER CENT WEED INVASION.

●   The Non-Expert Anti-Pesticide Activists, like the LUNATIC-CLOWNS from Beyond Pesticides, who recommended Organic and Pesticide-Free Maintenance, KNEW NOTHING and were UTTERLY INCOMPETENT.

●   Pest control products used in the Urban Landscape are GOVERNMENT-APPROVED, FEDERALLY-LEGAL, SCIENTIFICALLY-SAFE, and PRACTICALLY-NON-TOXIC  …  these products DID NOT need to be PROHIBITED.

More Information

For additional information concerning CHILDREN, go to the following web-page  …


For more information about FAILURE OF ORGANIC PESTICIDE-FREE MAINTENANCE, go to the following web-page


For information concerning GREEN ALTERNATIVE PESTICIDES, go to the following web-page  …


For more information about U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL TERRORISM, go to the following web-page  …


For more information concerning WATER, go to the following web-page  …


Highland Park Conspiracy to Prohibit Pest Control Products

The NORAHG Library of Force Of Nature Reports

NORAHG has archived reports on HIGHLAND PARK on The Pesticide Truths Web-Page entitled U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL TERRORISM  …



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