The Era Of Trump
Chemical Scare-Mongering
It’s Time To Dismantle
The Alarmism Industry
Mr Steven J Milloy
June 19th, 2017
Washington Times
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
The Era Of Trump
Summary – Report By Mr Steven J Milloy
With President Trump, anti-pesticide and enviro terrжrism is coming to an end !
President Trump is good news not only for the golf industry, but also for oil and gas, manufacturing, and agriculture industries.
President Trump will save thousands of businesses and millions of jobs in the oil and gas, manufacturing, golf, and agriculture industries.
The Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) has been picking political goals first, and gathering data later. http://wp.me/p1jq40-a2t
With his budget cuts, President Trump will end the EPA’s, and its anti-chemical scare-mongering followers’, reign of terrжr with fake news about cancer-causing chemicals, cancer clusters, endocrine disruptors, and toxic dioxins !
The EPAs National Institute of Environmental Health Science ( NIEHS ) and National Toxicology Program ( NTP ), enviro-lunatжc government scientists went about concocting laboratory animal experiments worthy of « Saturday Night Live ».
Because exposing lab animals to typical levels of chemicals in the environment DID NOT increase cancer rates, these lunatжc scientists tested the highest possible doses ― just short of outright poisoning ― on animals specially bred to develop cancer spontaneously.
The results proved to be USELESS.
The reality is that there are NO epidemic of chemical-caused cancer that has ever been observed in the real world.
Cancer, it seems, is largely a matter of aging and genetics.
With the failure of the cancer claims, a new alarm was concocted, with chemicals being accused of disrupting hormonal or endocrine systems.
The scare was later DEBUNKED by a special panel of the National Academy of Sciences.
A study reported that a single scoop of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream contained about 2,000 times the level of dioxin that EPA believed could be safely consumed.
The chemical alarmism industry [ comprised of environmental-terrжrist organizations ] is going to keep at it as long as charity tax-exempt money flows its way.
So it’s up to the Trump administration to say thanks, cut the funding, and move on to REAL problems.
With President Trump, the EPA’s anti-chemical scare-mongering reign of terrжr with fake news is coming to an end !
The Era Of Trump ― Dismantling The Alarmism Industry
The End Of U.S. Agencies’ Reigns Of Terror ?!?!
It’s great news the Trump administration is starting to dismantle the junk science life-support system for government over-regulation.
Budget cuts at the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ), and reforms of science advisory panels at the Department of Interior and EPA, stir hope the agencies’ long-standing REIGNS OF TERROR via « science » may come to an end.
But let’s not stop at EPA and Interior.
The Era Of Trump ― Dismantling The Alarmism Industry
Silent Spring ― National Institute of Environmental Health Science ( NIEHS )
Office of Management and Budget Chief Mick Mulvaney could save tax-payers $690 million per year by eliminating the National Institute of Environmental Health Science ( NIEHS ), which is at least 20 years past its expiration date.
At the very least, its Obama-appointed director, Linda Birnbaum, should be removed immediately. [ See later segment. ]
NIEHS was formed in 1965 in the wake of Rachel Carson’s book « Silent Spring ».
Carson ALLEGED chemicals in the environment caused CANCER and other health effects.
Though « Silent Spring » was INNUENDO-LADEN and EVIDENCE-FREE, in the absence of any serious existing scientific study of the controversy, arguably legitimate questions were raised.
These concerns led not only to but also BETTER-SAFE-THAN-SORRY-THEMED LAWS AND REGULATIONS.
NORAHG Response
Carson was the first environmental-terrжrist, the queen of junk science, and one of the greatest mass killers in recent history. Rachel Carson recklessly wrote the notorious anti-pesticide book entitled Silent Spring while she was stricken and dying with breast cancer, which was diagnosed in spring 1960. While writing the book, she underwent radical mastectomy in April 1960, as well as radiation treatment. Given her own terminal state of health, Carson decided to wail endlessly about the supposed risks of chemicals in the environment, specifically DDT insecticide. In the minds of many observers, there is NO doubt that Carson’s illness tainted her views regarding chemicals. It is a known fact that while a person is dying due to a disease, the human mind often attempts to link the reason for the disease with a specific event or blunder. Consequently, Silent Spring was Carson’s scientifically inaccurate blunder. Moreover, Carson had NO competent background, NO training, and NO expertise in matters concerning pest control products. She was NOT competent to discuss pest control products. In fact, Carson can only be described as a mere zoologist, spinster, and cancer victim. With the passage of time, it has become clear that Silent Spring was severely flawed. Most of the allegations in Silent Spring were ultimately shown to be scientifically inaccurate and filled with junk science. Some observers maintain that Silent Spring was approximately two-thirds incorrect, and hence only one-third correct. Despite the thorough debunking of the notorious book Silent Spring, Rachel Carson’s subversive terrжrism has been endlessly replicated against useful chemicals like DDT ! Carson has been described as a lying female jackal, and a paranoid, lying chemophobe who paved the way for killing millions of innocents on continents like Africa. Because of the conspiracy to prohibit against DDT insecticide, Carson and her followers have been held accountable for killing more people than Hitler. For the whole truth about Rachel Carson, please explore the following links …
√ — Carson — Lying Female Jackal — Loathsome DDT Opponents Raise Their Ugly Heads — BLOG
√ — Carson — The Queen Of Junk Science — WEB-PAGE
√ — Carson — DDT & Our World Of Politicized Science — WEB-PAGE
√ — Carson — Silent Spring Was Filled With Totally False Claims About DDT — REPORT
The Era Of Trump ― Dismantling The Alarmism Industry
National Toxicology Program ( NTP )
By 1978, the Carter administration organized the National Toxicology Program ( NTP ) within NIEHS with the mission of evaluating chemicals and other agents of concern to public health.
The NIEHS-NTP’s initial focus was whether chemicals and other agents in the environment caused CANCER.
Without any existing scientific evidence to back up this notion, [ enviro-lunatжc ] government scientists went about trying to INVENT some laboratory animal experiments worthy of « Saturday Night Live ».
The Era Of Trump ― Dismantling The Alarmism Industry
Cancer-Causing Chemicals ?!?!
Because exposing lab animals to typical levels of chemicals in the environment didn’t increase CANCER rates, scientists tested the highest possible doses ― just short of outright POISONING ― on animals SPECIALLY BRED TO DEVELOP CANCER SPONTANEOUSLY.
So an increased rate of CANCER could be induced in special lab mice with the controversial apple tree pesticide Alar, for example, by dosing them with an amount equivalent to the Alar exposure from a hypothetical person drinking 19,000 quarts of apple juice per day.
Such absurdity aside, the results of the laboratory animal tests proved to be USELESS.
By the late 1990s, a review reported that 85 per cent of the chemicals tested by NIEHS were reported to have either had a CANCER-CAUSING or even an ANTI-CANCER-CAUSING EFFECT on some tissue in some species of lab animal.
The authors of the review concluded, « This suggests that most chemicals given at high enough doses will cause some perturbation in tumor rates ».
Most importantly, however, and completely ignored by NIEHS-NTP is the reality that NO epidemic of chemical-caused cancer has ever been observed in the real world.
None of the various and so-called « cancer clusters » that have been reported over the decades have ever been confirmed as related to chemicals.
Cancer, it seems, is largely a matter of aging and genetics.
We know that very high exposures to radiation, smoking, and some asbestos fibers are associated with increased cancer risk.
But chemicals in the environment ?!?!
NO evidence supports that notion.
NORAHG Response
Overwhelming scientific evidence clearly demonstrates that pest control products are scientifically-safe, and will NOT cause harm to children, adults, animals, or the environment. Pesticide-hating enviro-fanatжcs have shown that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?! For more information, please explore the links below.
√ — Pesticides Are Scientifically Safe — Less Lethal To Humans Than Caffeine — LINK
√ — Pesticides Are Scientifically Safe — Children Are Not At Risk From Pesticides — Dangerous Playing Surfaces Are Created By #@!!% Pesticide Bans ! — Exploiting Children As Weapons Of Coercion — LINK
√ — Pesticides Are Scientifically Safe — A Look At … Safety & Environment Facts — Pest Control Products Are Safe For Kids — Slide Show — LINK
√ — Pesticides Are Scientifically Safe — Chemicals Evaluated For Carcinogenic Potential — Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) — LINKS
√ — Pesticides Are Scientifically Safe — Pesticides Are Evaluated As Acceptable For Continued Registration By Health Canada — LINK
√ — Pesticides Are Scientifically Safe — Real Trends AGAINST Pesticide Bans — Victories Against Terrorists — Our Children Are Safe When Pesticide Bans Are Stopped — LINK
The Era Of Trump ― Dismantling The Alarmism Industry
Endocrine Disrupters ?!?!
Worried about the failure of its chief claims, the anti-chemical industry embraced a new alarm in the 1990s ― even the lowest levels of environmental exposures to chemicals disrupt hormonal or endocrine systems.
The so-called « endocrine disrupter » scare kicked off in 1996 with ( again ) a book entitled « Our Stolen Future : Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence and Survival ? ».
Unfortunately for the scare-mongers, the highly touted scientific study, published in Science magazine to coincide with the book’s release, had to be retracted because its federally funded authors, the government determined, had committed scientific misconduct by FALSIFYING RESULTS.
This didn’t stop the NIEHS-NTP from hopping aboard the endocrine disrupter railroad even after the scare was later DEBUNKED by a special panel of the National Academy of Sciences and the failure of any ensuing studies to hold up to ordinary scientific standards and scrutiny.
NORAHG Response
Endocrine disrupting chemicals ( EDCs ) are merely coward’s false-pretext for recklessly and arbitrarily banning pest control products that are otherwise safe and effective. Lunatжc campaigns are trying to get certain chemicals banned for having trace elements of falsely-alleged endocrine disrupting properties. Meanwhile, the anti-chemical lunatжcs, often vegans, drink coffee ( a suspected EDC ) and feed their infants soy milk ( another suspected having the toxic equivalence of five birth control pills a day ). Stupid lunatжcs rear their ugly heads on a daily basis since they suffer from the naturalist bias.
The Era Of Trump ― Dismantling The Alarmism Industry
Lunatжc Linda Birnbaum – Part 1
And what role does Linda Birnbaum play in this ?!?!
She has spent her career in the CHEMICALS-CAUSE-HEALTH-PROBLEMS INDUSTRY, mostly at NIEHS-NTP and EPA.
She takes pride, for example, in having spent 35 years studying DIOXIN, a ubiquitous family of chemicals once fantasized to be the most toxic substance known to man. [ See next segment. ]
The Era Of Trump ― Dismantling The Alarmism Industry
Dioxin Toxicity ?!?!
During 1999 and 2000, Mr Steven J Milloy helped end the EPA’s panic about DIOXINS with an inexpensive study reporting that a single scoop of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream contained about 2,000 times the level of DIOXIN that EPA believed could be safely consumed.
Since NO one thought of Ben & Jerry’s as a poison, that was basically the end of the scare.
The Era Of Trump ― Dismantling The Alarmism Industry
Lunatжc Linda Birnbaum – Part 2
Ironically, it was her own research that Mrs Birnbaum is most proud of that made the Ben & Jerry’s study possible.
According to a knowledgeable source, Mrs Birnbaum was appointed to lead NIEHS-NTP in 2009 ― largely because she was willing to expand the agency’s mission to include the health effects of [ so-called ] climate change while the other candidate for her job was not.
She is now caught in controversy over her NIEHS-NTP awarding $92 million in research contracts to a controversial research group with which she is presently affiliated, the Bologna Italy-based Ramazzinni Institute.
Researchers there have been trying for decades to link chemicals in the environment with CANCER and other health effects.
Two congressional committees are investigating.
On one hand, Mrs Birnbaum and fellow anti-chemical activist-researchers should be thanked for their valuable services.
Despite their best efforts to validate Rachel Carson, they failed ― and not from lack of trying or funding.
We now know low levels of chemicals in the environment are nothing to panic about.
Unfortunately for the 70-year-old Mrs Birnbaum and her ilk, that is not the outcome they wanted, expected or can accept from a careers’ worth of work.
The Era Of Trump ― Dismantling The Alarmism Industry
The chemical alarmism industry [ comprised of environmental-terrжrist organizations ] is going to keep at it as long as the money flows its way.
So it’s up to the new Trump administration to say thanks, cut the funding, and move on to REAL problems.
Background Information
Mr Steven J Milloy’s Biography
Mr Milloy is among several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths. http://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV
Mr Milloy is a Juris Doctor and a leading policy expert on the subject of regulatory affairs and pest control products.
He is also the founder and publisher of the web-site called JunkScience.com, the senior legal fellow at the Energy & Environment Legal Institute, and the author of Scare Pollution : Why and How to Fix the EPA.
He has also been the president of Citizens for the Integrity of Science, a long-time columnist for FoxNews.com, and the co-founder & portfolio manager of the Free Enterprise Action Fund, the first conservative/libertarian mutual fund.
Mr Milloy earned a B.A. in Natural Sciences from the Johns Hopkins University, a Master of Health Sciences in Biostatistics from the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, a Juris Doctorate from the University of Baltimore, and a Master of Laws from the Georgetown University Law Center.
As one of the most effective and consistent spokesmen on the subject of public policy and pest control products, Juris Dr Milloy has effectively and consistently spoken out against activists and their anti-pesticide prohibitions on a very frequent basis.
For more information about Mr Milloy, please explore the following links …
√ — Milloy — Rachel Carson Was A Lying Female Jackal — Loathsome DDT Opponents Raise Their Ugly Heads — LINK
√ — Milloy — Diabetes, Cancer & Infant Deaths — LINK
√ — Milloy — Mercury Not Toxic To Anyone — LINK
√ — Milloy — The Wisdom Of Real Experts — Experts Who Speak Out Against Prohibition — LINK
The Era Of Trump
I Support The EPA
That’s Why I Support
Reforming The EPA
June 15th, 2017
Mr Hank Campbell
American Council On Science And Health ( ACSH )
Selected And Adapted Excerpts
If you are a progressive in science journalism, these are boom times again.
A Republican is in the White House and you have the kind of salad days for partisan scorn not available since January of 2009. ( 1 )
But the public has lost a lot of trust in science media because of such partisan framing and they’ve stopped reading mainstream journalism, and so journalists have lost a lot of jobs.
The Audience Has Stopped
Trusting Science In Newspapers
We can blame mean old capitalism, but companies are responding to the audience ― and the audience has stopped trusting science in newspapers. ( 2 )
They still want science, the audience for information about new advances is 65 million Americans and our web-site traffic is up 800 per cent in the last two years, they just don’t want it from sources that seem more political than evidence-based.
There is one way for science journalists to gain back some trust among both sides of the political aisle, and that is to use the same critical thinking they claim to have about science when it comes to changes at the Environmental Protection Agency.
Even if the candidate they didn’t vote for won.
Now, I have been supportive of EPA on too many occasions to count.
I have never advocated shutting the Ronald Reagan Building down, I have written articles where I discussed one of the finest toxicology white papers I’ve ever read, written by EPA.
Pre-Arranged Settlements
Of Lawsuits With Enviro-
Lunatжcs, Statements From
The President Written By
Enviro-Lunatжcs, & Legislative
Fiat With Regulatory Policies
But during the last [ Obama ] administration things got out of control.
It’s too much detail to go into every instance …
• where they pre-arranged settlements of lawsuits with environmentalists,
• where they let environmentalists write statements from the President and from EPA, or
• where they engaged in legislative fiat with their regulatory policies,
But we know it happened.
They know it happened.
Everyone knows it happened.
And it’s time it stopped.
In The Last Few Years,
Congressional Authority
Has Been Delegated
And Abused By EPA
Support Separation Of Government
We recognize separation of Church and State as important, but we also need to maintain separation of State and State.
Whether your party has control of Congress or not, you should resist any case where a regulatory agency can go around Congress to support the agenda of the Executive branch.
The President has not abdicated his authority to agencies, nor has the Supreme Court.
Yet Congress was forced to hand over some authority to unelected officials due to the 1984 case Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837, where the Supreme Court decided government agencies could create their own statutes and then interpret them as they saw fit. ( 3 )
That essentially stated there was NO LIMIT on how much Congressional authority can be delegated to a government agency, but it has been really abused by EPA in the last few years.
In 2012, the EPA had to be told by a federal court to stop blaming natural gas extraction ― fracking ― for earthquakes and banning it without doing any studies.
Their argument was Chevron deference.
They created a new Waters of the United States rule that was going to punish farmers and ranchers by declaring any body of water on their land under EPA jurisdiction, also invoking Chevron deference.
And any costs to « fix » a problem EPA decided they had was going to be borne by private citizens.
They have stated tiny particulate matter needs to be cut more to save lives even though there has not been a single acute death due to PM2.5 in the entire history of the EPA and America has some of the cleanest air on earth.
NORAHG Response
It has been speculated that PM2.5 particles produce respiratory and cardiovascular illness. Short for Particulate Matter, 2.5 micrometers or less, PM2.5 particles are considered as air pollutants with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less, small enough to invade even the smallest airways.
Scott Pruitt Is A Great Choice
To Lead The EPA, Which Needs
To Be Fixed Because Of Its
Over-Reach Using Science
Because EPA Director Scott Pruitt had successfully challenged EPA overreach using science, he is obviously a great choice to fix it.
As the saying goes, he now gets to light a candle rather than curse their darkness.
And that means journalists do too, if they want to be trusted by the public again.
Yes, it also means some of the 12,000 employees who got EPA jobs to advance an ideological agenda rather than serve America should be nervous.
The upside, if it happens, is that Americans can rest easier knowing that EPA will be once again looking for real health threats, rather than inventing health scares.
( 1 ) It was hard to be critical of federal decision-making about science when it was the party you campaigned for, even if they did a lot of anti-science things. And they did.
( 2 ) Even the New York Times has caved to populism and started promoting woo about acupuncture under its « science » brand.
( 3 ) This was a huge win for NRDC, they wouldn’t fall from grace until a few years later, when they were busted for conspiring with environmental PR agency Fenton Communications to manufacture the « alar on apples » pesticide scare. Who busted them and revealed they were frauds on « 60 Minutes », the same program that gave them faux legitimacy ?!?! Us. You’re welcome, America.
Background Information
Mr Hank Campbell’s Biography
The American Council On Science And Health ( ACSH ) is a non-profit organization, co-founded in 1978 by Dr Elizabeth M Whelan, that produces peer-reviewed reports on issues related to food, nutrition, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, life-style, the environment, and health.
In June 2015, Mr Hank Campbell became the second President of the American Council on Science and Health, succeeding co-founder Dr Elizabeth M Whelan.
Mr Campbell is among several highly-rated leading experts who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning pest control products, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths. http://wp.me/p1jq40-8DV
Mr Campbell is a leading policy expert on the subject of regulatory affairs and pest control products.
Prior to joining ACSH, Mr Campbell founded the Science 2.0 Web-Site, which brought science to tens of millions of people since its inception in 2006.
His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Wired, and many more.
His early career was spent in business and executive positions at various physics software companies, one of which resulted in an initial public offering ( IPO ).
Mr Campbell attended Duquesne University, and was commissioned as a U.S. Army officer in 1987.
For more information about American Council On Science And Health, please explore the following links …
√ — ACSH — Evaluating President Trump’s Choices — Mr Hank Campbell — LINK
√ — ACSH — The Wisdom Of Real Experts — LINK
√ — ACSH — The Wisdom Of Real Experts Who Speak Out Against The Conspiracy To Impose Reckless & Arbitrary Prohibition Against Conventional Pest Control Products — LINK
Background Information
For The Truth About THE ERA OF TRUMP, Please Explore The Following Links …
√ — The Era Of Trump — Evaluating President Trump’s Choices — ACSH — LINK
√ — The Era Of Trump — 2016’s Man Of The Year Is Now President Of The United States — LINK
√ — The Era Of Trump — The Worst President In Modern History — LINK
√ — The Era Of Trump — Trump’s Top Environmental Adviser Says Pesticides Aren’t Bad For You — Mr Myron Ebell — LINK
√ — The Era Of Trump — With The Trump Victory, Agriculture & Golf Industries No Longer Fear Prohibitions — Video Recordings — LINK
√ — The Era Of Trump — How To Get Rid Of Pesticide-Hating Fanatжcs — Senator Ted Cruz — LINK
We are the National Organization Responding Against HUJE that conspire to destroy the Green space and other industries ( NORAHG ). As a non-profit and independent organization, we are environmentalists who are dedicated to reporting about truth-challenged pesticide-hating fanatжcs ( HUJE ) who conspire to destroy businesses that are dependent on the use of safe and effective conventional pest control products. We also report on the work of several highly-rated leading experts, like Juris Dr Steven J Milloy and Mr Hank Campbell, who have recognized expertise, training, and background in matters concerning public policy, and who promote environmental realism and pesticide truths.
NORAHG is the sworn enemy of lying, pompous, smug, uneducated, & pesticide-hating enviro-fanatжcs. Overwhelming scientific evidence clearly demonstrates that pest control products are scientifically-safe, and will not cause harm to children, adults, animals, or the environment.
Not surprisingly, enviro-fanatжcs have demonstrated that they are incapable of processing overwhelming scientific evidence. Should we trust these fanatжcs, who conveniently ignore scientific evidence, and attempt to impose their politicized-doctrines and twisted life-style choices against our society ?!?!
NORAHG was the brainchild of Mr William H Gathercole and his colleagues in 1991. Mr Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as founder. We dare to defy the pesticide-hating fanatжcs by exploring the whole truth from an independent perspective on The Pesticide Truths Web-Site … https://pesticidetruths.com/
With a Conservative victory in the 2019 Canadian Federal Election, there will be NO NATIONAL PROHIBITION against pest control products.
√ – Vote For Scheer’s Conservatives http://wp.me/p1jq40-ahq
If you wish to receive free reports on issues that concern you, please contact us at … force.of.de.nature@gmail.com
√ — Less Lethal To Humans Than Caffeine — LINK
√ — Children Are Not At Risk From Pesticides — Dangerous Playing Surfaces Are Created By #@!!% Pesticide Bans ! — Exploiting Children As Weapons Of Coercion — LINK
√ — Pest Control Products Are Safe For Kids — Slide Show — LINK
√ — Chemicals Evaluated For Carcinogenic Potential — Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) — LINKS
√ — Pesticides Are Evaluated As Acceptable For Continued Registration By Health Canada — LINK
√ — Our Children Are Safe When Pesticide Bans Are Stopped — Real Trends AGAINST Pesticide Bans — Victories Against Terrжrists — LINK
√ — The Wisdom Of REAL Experts Who Speak Out Against The Conspiracy To Impose Reckless & Arbitrary Prohibition Against Conventional Pest Control Products — LINK