Put away the Teddy Bear and Please Provide Some Factual Proof of Your Claims! We Beg you!
2,4-D , Glyphosate – These ingredients are known to pose health risks for people (especially the young) and animals.
Banned pesticides (cosmetic use)
By law, you can’t use certain pesticides called Class 9 pesticides to kill weeds and insects on:
- lawns
- vegetable and ornamental gardens
- patios
- driveways
- parks
- schoolyards
Class 9 pesticides
Class 9 pesticide ingredients include:
- 2,4-D
- Diazinon
- glyphosate
These ingredients are known to pose health risks for people (especially the young) and animals.
Full list of Class 9 pesticides
Source law
- Pesticides Act
- Ontario Regulation 63/09 as amended
Glen Murray
Minister of the Environment and Climate Change
“Fighting climate change and working to keep our air, land, and water clean will ensure Ontario’s prosperity and quality of life for today and for future generations.”
via Pesticides home lawns and gardens | Ontario.ca.