Once again Federal Tax Payer Money hard at work. Stop donating to GreenPeace and Sierra Club Canada and the Lunatic Ontario BeeKeepers Association.
Guaranteed you will see GreenPeace and Sierra Club wanting Intervenor Status. They are the ones who help support the (800 studies) Task Force Bee Review that the statement of claim references.
In 2009 Ontario Banned Imidacloprid for Cosmetic Purposes. Dalton McGuinty and John Gerretsen took credit for that, claiming it would save childrens lives, bees, butterflies and the Environment.
The Ontario Cosmetic Pesticide Ban seems to have failed the Bees
According to the Ontario BeeKeepers Association and the Sierra Club statement of claim, Imidacloprid in Ontario is one of the causes of their bee deaths.
Doesn't that sound strange? Bees foraging in Urban areas of Ontario where there is no farms and there is no pesticides used because of a Cosmetic Pesticide Ban and Ontario Bee Keepers are claiming Hundreds of Millions of bees are still dying.
Lunatic Activst Group EcoJustice, David Suzuki, Saxe Law Firm, and many others support The Ontario Pesticide Ban with the flawed Arron Todds Urban Stream Water Study. (flawed because is supports the fact that neonicotinoids in urban water has been practically non detectable before and after the Ontario Pesticide Ban. Yet Activists claim the bees are dying from poisoned water supplies. Not what the activsts want to hear)
Myth No. 10: Cosmetic pesticide bans do not improve environmental quality.
Water quality data shows that pesticide levels decrease in urban rivers and streams following cosmetic pesticide bans. One year after the cosmetic pesticides ban came into force in Ontario, concentrations in urban stream water of many pesticides associated with serious health and environmental risks, including 2, 4-D, dicamba, MCPP, total phenoxy herbicides and total insecticides, were significantly lower than they were before the ban.26
Bodies of water and the species that depend on them in provinces such as Manitoba and B.C. would similarly stand to benefit from cosmetic pesticide bans.
Restricting Cosmetic Pesticides in other provinces will not provide any benefits to children or the environment including bees.
Today we fight back!
September 3, 2014
I have historic news. Today, we start to fight back.
This morning the Ontario Beekeepers launched a lawsuit against Bayer and Syngenta – the manufacturers of bee killing neonicotinoid pesticides.
These companies have raked in billions selling these pesticides in full knowledge of how lethal they are to bees.
So far we have looked to government and the Pest Management Regulatory Agency to enforce the law, but once I sat down with the head of the Agency and key staff in June it became clear to me that the PMRA is infused with inertia and has no sense of urgency.
So I introduced the beekeepers to Siskinds LLP, an Ontario law firm that specializes in class action law suits. It was time to get serious and go after the real villains — the companies profiting from the ecological mayhem.
The suit starting with two of the biggest beekeepers in Ontario was filed in Superior Court and will turn into a class action over the next few months as hundreds of beekeepers who have lost bees, hives and honey are expected to join the suit.
If you are or know a beekeeper who has suffered losses to neonicotinoid pesticides urge him or her to contact the Ontario Beekeepers Association and join the action. For More information CLICK HERE.
Please spread the word and consider donating to our #SaveTheBees campaign so we can continue to fuel this fire for ecological justice.
John Bennett, National Program Director
Sierra Club Canada Foundation
1510-1 Nicholas Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B7
Area Honey Producers File Lawsuit Against Multi-Billion Dollar Chemical Companies | CFPL AM AM 980.