An example of a Non-Profit Charity Making a HUGE PROFIT
Gideon Forman (CAPE) seems to follow the Federal Money rather than follow the cancer.
Was Cape a qualified Donee in 2012?
Looking at Manitoba EcoNetworks 2013 Financial Statement they do not include Schedule 7 which is a requirement.
The Almost $7 Million dollars seems to vanish from the 2012 to 2013 Financial Statements.
A registered charity may pursue political activities only if the activities are non-partisan, related to its charitable purposes, and limited in extent. A political activity is any activity that explicitly communicates to the public that a law, policy or decision of any level of government inside or outside Canada should be retained, opposed, or changed.
(a) Did the charity carry on any political activities during the fiscal period, including making gifts to qualified donees that were intended for political activities?
Charity's Return – Schedule 6: Detailed Financial Information.